Into Unscientific

Chapter 413 The most important achievement of high energy physics after the founding of the People&#

Chapter 413 The most important achievement of high energy physics after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Birth! (Down)

According to Xu Yun's previous ideas.

The entire experimental program has the following modules to complete:

1. A short-term breaching field.

2. Liquid xenon, water-based liquid, and electron beam.

3. Two sets of photoelectric effect tubes and the corresponding optical path difference scattering angle Θ.

4. J/psi particle correction module.

5. Solitary particle generation link.

6. Flash liquid weight, isotope, size setting of additional electric field, etc.

Among them, 2 and 6 are relatively simple, and they belong to the category of "materials".

So these two links were handed over to Ji Xiangdong.

Because this process involves offline debugging of many devices, only those who are most familiar with the devices can complete it.

The generation of lone particles

It deservedly fell on Academician Pan and Zhao Zhengguo.

After all, they were so familiar with lonely point particles that they both dreamed about them in their sleep for a while.

Well, why does the above sentence feel a little weird?

As for the other projects, they were subdivided into several groups, each led by five to eight academicians for adaptation.

Zhou Shaoping was in charge of the pre-setting of the breach field, which was also a very complicated job.

This breaking field is to couple the field of fermions with the electromagnetic field, and design a matrix whose eigenvalue is the mass of the participating particles.

At the same time.

Also list the column vectors that participate in the composition of the particle wave function.

Considering that some few students can only understand every Chinese character, here is a simpler example to explain:

Mentioned earlier.

The so-called double-electron capture is to allow electrons to rush into the nucleus and hit the proton, causing it to undergo β+ decay.

The order in which these two electrons enter the nucleus is not [successively], but [simultaneously].

This is a very low-probability event for microscopic energy, and it is absolutely impossible to happen without a certain specific environment.

Therefore, the angle, velocity, Lagrangian quantity, and four-potential structure of the electron must be strictly set.

At the same time, since the lone particle is a real "solitary case", there was no trace of it before.

Therefore, the entire setting process can only be adapted based on experience or the feelings of academicians.

There were four people in Zhou Shaoping's group, including Xu Yun, who were assigned to a nearby small single room.

The small single room is about 20 square meters in size, with two desks in the center and four laptops on the desks.

The previous discussions with many academicians had exhausted Zhou Shaoping's energy, and he seemed a little sluggish.

However, he still refused the assistant's support, walked to the table alone, put his hands on the edge of the table and said:

"Okay, everyone, we have limited time, so we won't talk nonsense."

"Xiao Ma, Xiao Qian, hurry up and formulate a Proca equation, and expand the BCH formula into a series."

"As for the generator of solitary point particles. Let me see."

After he finished speaking, he leaned over and swiped the mouse a few times slowly but not jerky:

"Oh, the unlocking permission has been sent to you, you go to the system to have a look."

I heard this.

There were small characters in the two titles, and the men who were actually in their forties all agreed yes.

Then Zhou Shaoping glanced at Xu Yun again, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Xiao Xu, let's do the Pauli matrix first, and if it goes well, introduce additional mediocre components and try again."

Xu Yun knew that Zhou Shaoping didn't fully trust himself, so he entrusted him with the relatively side task of Pauli matrix.

This task is more trivial, even if Xu Yun can't do it, Zhou Shaoping can quickly complete the remedy.

It is normal for Zhou Shaoping to have this mentality.

If you don't want to directly let yourself be responsible for the core links, then there is a problem.

So Xu Yun didn't explain too much, and came to the computer obediently, and started to do his own work.

The Pauli matrix is ​​just the Pauli matrix, and the Pauli of the Pauli exclusion principle is the same person.

The Pauli matrix is ​​one of the generators of the Lie group, which can be used as the space of the basis of a 2×2 complex matrix, and the basis is the orthogonal basis vector of the matrix space.

so what.

The Pauli matrix can be regarded as one of the components of the wide-area field, but it is a bit more 'rigid'.

If the wide-area field that Zhou Shaoping and the others want to build is compared to a building, what Zhou Shaoping and other academicians are doing is to calculate the height and thickness of the load-bearing columns, foundations, and door beams.

The Pauli matrix is ​​a set of screws, which need only be inserted into the well-drilled holes to be screwed.

Of course.

Rigidity here is also relative.

If you want to get it done completely and smoothly, you need at least a deputy high-level relevant reserve.

So after explaining the task.

Zhou Shaoping temporarily put Xu Yun aside, and made other settings by himself.

A few minutes passed before and after the result.

Xu Yun's weak voice sounded beside his ears:

"That. Academician Zhou, I have finished the Pauli matrix."

"What? Finished?"

Zhou Shaoping raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, and looked at Xu Yun beside him, with a vague expression on his face.

At this time, seven or eight minutes have passed since he finished explaining the matter. Didn't Xu Yun complete the task so quickly?

Then he thought about it and said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, where is the result, show me."

Xu Yun quickly pushed the notebook in front of Zhou Shaoping.


"S1=2σ1=2(0110), S2=2σ2=2(0ii0), S3=2σ3=2(1001)"

Zhou Shaoping read it line by line.

As a result, after looking at it, after locking a certain area, his tone suddenly raised a bit:

"Xiao Xu, you even introduced mediocre weight?"

Xu Yun scratched his head shyly, with a simple and honest look on his face:


Zhou Shaoping looked at Xu Yun with a more solemn gaze.

He was really surprised.

Then Zhou Shaoping moved Xu Yun's notebook in front of him, and entered a certain eigenvalue that he was familiar with.

After a while.


Looking at the separation coupling constant fed back, Zhou Shaoping couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

This eigenvalue is a common line element number in high-energy physics, and it is very representative for the target separation coupling constant.

This value is similar to Avogadro's constant of 6.02214076×10, which is a concept that must be remembered in the industry.

That is to say

There is no problem with Xu Yun's Pauli matrix framework after introducing mediocre components.

Although the Pauli matrix is ​​not a particularly difficult link, it is definitely not easy.

Xu Yun can solve this problem in such a short time at this age, could it be that

He already has the strength of a high level?

No wonder Xiao Pan took him by his side

Think here.

Zhou Shaoping pondered for a moment, then said to Xu Yun:

"Very good, Xiao Xu, then you can help me deduce the Lagrange quantity of the wide field itself."

Hear this.

Xu Yun was overjoyed immediately.

Different from the Pauli matrix, the wide field Lagrange quantity belongs to the real core link.

In other words, I finally got in touch with the main body of the project.

Finally, I didn't waste my thinking copper card

That's right.

Thinking Bronze Card.

The actions of many academicians before made Xu Yun feel very heavy, but at present he really does not have the ability to change the overall scope.

Therefore, he can only use his own way to reduce some design burdens for the old academicians as much as possible.

For example.

Hang up.

At that time, the 1850 dungeon rewarded a series of thinking cards, which were divided into four levels: gold, silver, bronze, and special.

Among them, the gold card is the peak Gaussian thinking experience card X1, and the activation time is 30 minutes.

The silver card is the peak wheat and the 50% peak state oily Gryman, often 60 and 50 minutes respectively.

There are three bronze cards, namely:

Peak Jacobi Thinking Experience Card, the activation time is 60 minutes.

Peak Dirichlet Thinking Experience Card, the activation time is 80 minutes.

Peak Dedekin Thinking Experience Card, the activation time is 90 minutes.

The special cards are Peak Abel and Peak Eisenstein, and the activation time is 40 and 90 minutes.

Among them, the card of wheat has been consumed during the verification process of Mersenne prime number and cannot be used again.

So this time Xu Yun invited

Julius William Richard Dedekind.

Dedekin is a good friend of Riemann. He is less famous than Wheat and Gauss, but he has made great achievements in algebraic theory.

Although in terms of mathematical contribution and status.

Dedekin is inferior to Dirichlet and Jacobi, who are also bronze cards, but his possession time is the longest, one football game before and after.

In addition, Xu Yun is mainly playing support this time, and the real output is those academicians, so De Dejin's thinking card should be enough.

More critically.

Now 85 years old, Zhou Shaoping, the algebraic theory he learned at the beginning happened to be the Brunswick faction represented by Dedekind.

In terms of communication, this should be the most suitable choice.

Anyway, keep it safe, if it doesn't work, just ask God again.

Then Xu Yun moved his position to Zhou Shaoping's side, and the two began to overcome the problem of Lagrangian volume in the wide area field together.

Of course.

As the leader of the group, Zhou Shaoping is also the most critical leader.

So for a start.

The flow is basically this:

"Xiao Xu, you make a product of Yizi."

"Okay, Academician Zhou, I sent it to you."

"Xiao Xu, there is only one coefficient in the second layer of space, try to see if you can write it in matrix form."

"Okay, Academician Zhou, I sent it to you."

"Xiao Xu, give me the data that can be carried outside the ∧ hyperon nucleus."

"Okay, Academician Zhou, I sent it to you."

As a result, I was doing it.

Academician Zhou suddenly discovered a very strange place:

That is, almost every time he asks for some data, Xu Yun can quickly give him the content he needs.

The two are like a pair of doctors with a tacit understanding.

One person is in charge of the operation, and the other person can take the initiative to hand over XX equipment to the former without reminding him.

This is a very delicate state, although it is not so mysterious as the connection of minds, but it makes people feel

Very comfortable.

under the influence of this state.

Unknowingly, Zhou Shaoping gradually began to communicate with Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, what do you think is the appropriate value for the derivative operator of the wave function?"

"Academician Zhou, I think 1.14514 is very good."

"Strange, how can the three-dimensional unimodular matrix not hold?"

"Academician Zhou, is it related to the existence of the parameter θ/2? It can only be restored by rotating 720° in the complex plane, while U(1) group can be restored by rotating 360°"

"Hey, it's true, Xiao Xu, you are a fucking genius!"

"Academician Zhou, I don't quite understand this part. How is the completeness of eiω(n→σ→)=12×2cosω+i(n→σ→)sinω established?"

"Well, you'll know when you think about reflexivity and Hermitianity."

"Oh, I get it"

during the exchange.

From time to time, Xu Yun would come up with some very delicate ideas, which would bring inspiration to Academician Zhou.

And when Xu Yun encountered some incomprehensible problems.

Academician Zhou was able to explain Xu Yun's doubts.

In the current field of Chinese scientific research.

Academicians over a hundred years old can basically be classified as "founders of the XX field", such as Wang Lao.

That is, the so-called first generation.

And a boss like Zhou Shaoping, who is heading towards the age of 90, can belong to the second generation of "Pathbreakers".

Today, most of China's high-energy physics system is developed by Zhou Shaoping, and many textbooks are even compiled by him.

Therefore, he can basically answer the questions that Xu Yun encounters with ease.

At the same time, with the blessing of Dedekin's thinking card, Xu Yun also temporarily has the qualification to "discuss the Tao" with Zhou Shaoping.

Put it in the fairy tale novel.

This is completely equivalent to the legend and the auction.

Talk about chance.

After more than an hour.

After Zhou Shaoping finished filling in the last σ3, he turned around and looked at Xu Yun.

There was a smile on the faces of the old and the young at the same time.

There was a hint of relief in Zhou Shaoping's smile, because he saw the hope of the future and saw a towering tree growing.

Xu Yun's smile was full of emotion.

I made a lot of money this time.

Although he has used the thinking cards of Mavericks and Wheat before, he has invited some of the most powerful gods in human history.

However, no one else was present when the two cards were activated, and Xu Yun was alone.

He flew into the sky and saw many high places.

But most of the time, the vision is covered by clouds and fog.

But today is different.

Although Xu Yun's 'flying' was not as high as before, there was a Taoist friend Zhou Shaoping around him.

While the two were traveling in the clouds, Zhou Shaoping told Xu Yun the origin of that mountain and the history of that river.

This kind of broad vision even exceeds that of walking alone in the past.

Xu Yun's original purpose was to relieve Zhou Shaoping's pressure, but he didn't expect that in the end, he himself became the biggest beneficiary.


This is also the so-called national luck?

after awhile.

Zhou Shaoping took a sip of tea from the cup on the table, and asked Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, I heard that you have started your own company now?"

Xu Yun closed the notebook and said with a smile:

"Well, it's called Huadun Biotech, and it's mainly engaged in insecticides at present, but its business scope should expand a lot in the future."

Zhou Shaoping thought for a moment, then nodded slightly:



Seeing Zhou Shaoping who had nothing to say, a question mark appeared on Xu Yun's face.


Follow normal conditions.

At this time, shouldn't Zhou Shaoping shake his head and say something like [It's a pity for a talent like you to go into business], or [Would you like to come to my place for postgraduate study] or something like that?

Facing the puzzled Xu Yun, Zhou Shaoping seemed to see through his inner thoughts and asked:

"Why, Xiao Xu, do you think I will persuade you not to do business?"

Before Xu Yun could answer, he smiled and waved his hands:

"If I had said those words 20 years ago, but now the times are different. There is actually no conflict between doing business and doing scientific research."

"There are many advanced technology companies in China, and there are even more examples abroad. Some countries' sophisticated technologies are in the hands of some companies."

"Not to mention that your company has a good prospect, and persuading you to come back to do scientific research is no different from persuading you to throw money away—although you will probably say politely and think about it, but you must have blocked me in your heart. "

Xu Yun:


Do you know how to pull black?

Then Zhou Shaoping remained silent for a moment, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote down a series of numbers.

Then put it on the table, pushed it in front of Xu Yun with the index finger and middle finger, and said:

"This is my mobile phone number and my WeChat ID. If you need help with anything, you can contact me."

"Or if you have time to go to Yanjing in the future, you can come to my house for a sit-down. I have a granddaughter who is about the same age as you."

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he quickly and solemnly took the piece of paper over.

Different from ordinary academicians.

In my country, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering who are over 80 years old have a more special title than ordinary academicians:

That is the senior academician.

Each of the senior academicians is a precious treasure of the country, so the country protects them in an all-round way.

Such as medical treatment.

For example, housing and transportation.

Another example is socializing.

Ordinary academicians have no restrictions on social networking, basically you can add whoever you want.

However, senior academicians rarely exchange private numbers with the outside world.

Because they are generally very old, the country must avoid some meaningless harassment affecting their lives.

In general.

All kinds of affairs of senior academicians will be transferred by assistants or relatives, and there is also a special academician center responsible for coordination and scheduling.

This has nothing to do with the so-called surveillance, but actually considers these seniors—to put it bluntly, if the country really wants to monitor someone, there is no need to restrict it on the surface.

And Xu Yun was able to get Zhou Shaoping's contact information.

In other words.

Zhou Shaoping was making certain invisible guarantees for Xu Yun.

This love deserves it

Xu Yunzhen took the piece of paper seriously, and at the same time bowed slightly to Zhou Shaoping:

"Thank you, Academician Zhou."

Zhou Shaoping waved his hands indifferently, then glanced at the notebook on the table, and said to Xu Yun:

"Okay, now that our mission has been completed, let's meet up with everyone."

Xu Yun had no objection.

Then Zhou Shaoping took Xu Yun and two students back to the equipment room.

than an hour ago.

The equipment room looks much empty at this time, and many academicians have not finished their tasks.

However, the vicinity of the main console is still very lively, and many bigwigs are gathering there, chatting, or watching the debugging of related solutions.

After Zhou Shaoping finished writing the last σ3, he had already submitted the data through the backend. In addition, the two-hour plan design also consumed a lot of energy for him.

So he randomly found a recliner, leaned on it and took a nap.

Xu Yun glanced around and found that Academician Pan, Zhao Zhengguo and others hadn't returned yet, so he chose a seat nearby and sat down.

While recovering his physical strength, he can also take care of Zhou Shaoping.

that's all.

As time passed by every minute and every second.

The equipment room, which was originally quiet, gradually became bustling again.

Academician Pan.

Zhao Zhengguo.

Chapter official.

More and more academicians have completed their tasks and returned here one after another.

after an hour.

All academicians are back.

Although several hours of plan setting and calculation made most of the old academicians feel a little sluggish, and their spirits were generally not very good.

But by this time, no one was willing to leave the scene and go back to the guest house to sleep.

Even Wang Lao, who was over a hundred years old, cheered up at this time.

Another twenty minutes passed.

The final argument is over.

Hou Xingyuan and Ji Xiangdong came to the main console together and entered a certain high-privilege key.

Then he and Ji Xiangdong looked at each other, picked up the communicator on the table, and said:

"Please pay attention to all departments, please pay attention to all departments, now please adjust the experimental equipment and report according to the requirements conveyed by the internal letter of the laboratory!"

The voice just fell.

On the main console in front of Hou Xingyuan, twelve coin-sized indicator lights glowing red also lit up.

After about half a minute.

The leftmost indicator suddenly turned green.

at the same time.

A slightly noisy male voice came from the opposite side of the communicator:

"Report to the headquarters, the water-based liquid scintillator has been prepared, the planned volume is 4396 tons, and the approved injection volume is 4396 tons!"

Ten seconds later.

Another voice sounded as the indicator light turned green:

"Report to the headquarters, the electron beam tube is ready, the additional electric field is 10,000 volts per square centimeter, and the deflection angle is 32.7°!"

followed by the third

fourth way.

seventh way.


"Report to the headquarters, the construction of the Peccei-Quinn metric CLU wide-area field has been completed, please instruct!"

Seeing this, Hou Xingyuan took a deep breath, picked up the communicator, and said in a serious tone:

"This is the headquarters. I'm Hou Xingyuan. I'm announcing now. The experiment has begun!"


After Hou Xingyuan finished speaking.

The big screen behind them was instantly replaced with a simulated energy trend graph.

This trend graph is somewhat similar to a thermal image, but instead of the regional temperature, it shows the progress of each link.

On the other end that the public cannot see.

In the huge hemispherical device under the B1 laboratory.


Thousands of tons of water-based liquid scintillators began to vibrate at a certain frequency.

On the gas-liquid contact surface, an energy conversion of the order of ten minus six powers appears.

Immediately afterwards.

inside the hemisphere.

The target material of the detector began to rotate rapidly at a frequency of 200 cycles per second, and a yield curve with a value of 225.2KEV appeared.

at the same time.

A special field in the order of 1/2 * e^2/h cuts in at a strange angle of 52.342°, and divides two interfaces of different sizes.

0.0005 seconds later.

A group of Ξ particles appeared - this thing is not three, but Ξ.

The Ξ particle is also called the sequential particle, because its main decay mode is to first decay into the Λ hyperon, and then the Λ hyperon decays into protons and mesons.

So a few seconds passed.

A large group of Λ hyperons was born.

And this group of Λ hyperons includes 4685Λ hyperons.

Just different than usual.

Because of the intervention of the special field, the 4685Λ hyperon has a large number of chiral particles, that is, the left-handed and right-handed particles.

The ratio of chiral 4685Λ hyperon and conventional 4685Λ hyperon is 1:1, and they all interact with isolated point particles at the same time.


A Fermi-shaped excitation area similar to the heart shape appeared.

under this framework.

A stream of electrons was shot out quickly and hit the liquid xenon prepared in advance.


Although the electromagnetic interaction cannot occur with the lone particle, the 4685Λ hyperon cannot be avoided.


within a few nanoseconds.

The Fermi-shaped excitation area burst open at the bottom in an instant - students who don't understand can use their left and right hands to compare their hearts on their chests, and then spread the index fingers at the bottom, the gap between the index fingers is the opening.

Also for the sake of symmetry.

Every once in a while, a 4685Λ super particle flew out of the opening on the left and right.

And every 4685Λ hyperon is against an isolated point particle.

The 4685Λ hyperon rapidly decays into a proton, and releases a meson at the same time, and this energy level is quickly captured.

the other side.

The protons in the liquid xenon also accommodated two electrons at the same time, correspondingly released two electron neutrinos, and this decay signal was also instantly locked.

Fifteen seconds later.

A report that deducted the background effects of conventional radioactivity appeared on the big screen.

This moment.

You can see it through the comparison bar.

The various data after deducting the radioactive background are strikingly consistent with the dark matter field under the framework of the Peccei-Quinn metric

exactly the same!

After a few seconds.

Xu Yun suddenly felt his shoulders tighten.

He looked up, and what caught his eyes was Zhou Shaoping's face full of tears:

"Xiao Xu, dark matter, it's really dark matter!!! We verified it successfully!!!"

"After 73 years, our country finally has the right to speak in the field of elementary particles!!!!"

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