Into Unscientific

Chapter 414 The truth behind it

Equipment room.

Watch the results on the big screen.

Zhou Shaoping was far from the only old academician who was agitated and even lost his composure due to violent mood swings.

For example, Zhang Gongding was five or six meters away from Xu Yun.

This hot-tempered topological physicist is holding his arms tightly with his arms crossed, his head held high, and his face is full of excitement.

Although there were no tears shed, there were sparkles in his eyes.

He was like a devout believer who saw a god, but what he saw at this time was not a nihilistic god, but a miracle that belonged to China.

There is also the old academician with a strong Sichuan accent.

At this time, he was like an athlete who scored a goal on the court, his right hand was tightly clenched into a fist, and he kept waving in the air.

There is still a series of Sichuan and Shu languages ​​spoken in the mouth that will be marked as asterisks.

A few young people at the operating table even threw the useless manuscript paper into the air, hugged each other and jumped up and down.

Xu Yun even saw Hou Xingyuan couldn't help putting his hands on his hair, as if he wanted to lift something, but he suddenly reacted when he was halfway through the pulling, and calmly changed it to scratching his hair twice

Well, it must be an illusion


Looking at Zhou Shaoping and others who were in tears, Xu Yun was also very excited.

After all, it is different from the simple measurement he and Lu Chaoyang had done back then.

Today's re-inspection is extremely authoritative, and a large number of sophisticated instruments have been used, which belongs to the "qualitative" concept of testing.

The cost of testing alone is at least 500,000 to 800,000 Huaxia coins.

It is hard to say whether there will be more accurate detection methods in a few years or more, but so far, this is undoubtedly the most accurate result.

And this also represents that Huaxia's high-energy physics research has reached a whole new level.

October 16, 1964.

With an earth-shattering dragon chant, Huaxia possessed its own nuclear weapons.

Since then.

In the "biggest" field in the world, Huaxia has the confidence to speak up straight.

But all the time.

In the field of high-energy physics and microscopic particles, Huaxia has always been a catcher.

We can't export knowledge, can't define concepts, because we don't have a single nail in the building of elementary particles. Although Mr. Ding Zhaozhong discovered gluons, this part of the contribution is generally considered. Or indeed it should be attributed to Hai Opposite the physics community.

Rabbits can stand up to the sky, but they can't stand down.

And today.

With the release of the test results.

In the "smallest" field in the world, Huaxia finally has the qualification to speak.

When the feet are not on the ground, others can find opportunities to do some small movements in the gap between the soles of the feet and the ground—for example, plug a brazier for you and let the fire roast you, but you can do nothing.

Either endure other people's teasing, or pay the price to let others move the brazier away.

And sometimes, as soon as the brazier was moved away, the other end came over with ice cubes.

But once your feet hit the ground.

Then one has support, and if others want to ask you to move, it will not be as simple as before.

This is the importance of the right to define and the right to speak.

Crack, clap, clap—

Just when Xu Yun was feeling emotional.

Suddenly, there was a burst of slow-paced, low-pitched applause in his ears.

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked.

At the side of the main console, Mr. Wang, who had been sluggish in a wheelchair before, had stood up at some point.

Like a Jinsong that has lost its leaves but is still tall and straight, he pursed his mouth and clapped his hands with a solemn face.

The volume of applause was not loud, but it was inexplicably clear.

All the excited old academicians calmed down involuntarily, and looked at him one after another.


The second, the third applause sounded.

then the fourth tone

Fifth tone.

In just ten seconds.

Originally Wang Lao's lonely solo performance gathered into a chorus.

At the same time Xu Yun noticed.

When Mr. Wang was applauding, he was not looking at Hou Xingyuan, Ji Xiangdong, Academician Pan or Zhao Zhengguo.

but staring at

Xu Yun himself.

See this situation.

Xu Yun suddenly seemed to have realized something, and nodded distantly to Wang Lao.

Soon, Wang Lao also nodded to him from afar.

Silently, the two seemed to have reached a certain agreement, and it seemed

Handed over a mission.

in a minute.

The applause paused.

Since the whole process lasted for several hours, coupled with the exhaustion of the previous journey, it was a huge test of both physical strength and energy.

Therefore, although many old academicians are still excited in their hearts, their bodies really can't keep up.

So under Hou Xingyuan's gesture.

Ji Xiangdong quickly ordered people to take all the old academicians to the rest room. Those who should have a physical examination should have a checkup, and those who should have a rest should go to rest.

Of course.

The lounge of the old academicians is naturally not the partition room of the previous one, but the guest house of Jinping Deep Laboratory.

As for Xu Yun, Academician Pan, Zhao Zhengguo and Lu Chaoyang, they were taken to another meeting room by Hou Xingyuan.

"Come on, sit down first."

After being seated.

Hou Xingyuan adjusted his posture on the sofa to a fairly comfortable position. After feeling the support from his waist, his eyebrows immediately relaxed a lot.

He is also 63 years old now, and his physical condition has shown a downward trend, especially the waist, which often needs to be relieved by powerful painkillers.

Therefore, as the coordinator of today's project, it is impossible to say that I am not tired.

Xu Yun took advantage of this gap and tactfully poured a cup of tea for everyone.

After half a minute.

Hou Xingyuan sat up a little straighter, looked at Academician Pan and the others at the same time, and asked suddenly:

"Xiao Pan, do you know why so many academicians are here today?"

Academician Pan was slightly taken aback, then shook his head lightly:

"have no idea."

When Xu Yun heard this, he and Lu Chaoyang exchanged a tacit understanding.

In fact, when they were at the airport, Xu Yun and others once had a doubt in their hearts:

This verification process, the above seems

I'm in a hurry.

For example, the presence of many academicians.

Elder Wang's identity and physical condition are relatively sensitive, and there are five or six people in the academy who can know his movements, so it is understandable to keep it secret in advance.

But what about other old academicians?

Xu Yun and the others didn't know that other academicians would be there until after the plane landed, and they were recruited to hijack the plane on the spot.

This is obviously a taste of improvisation.

And the previous experimental protocol.

Neither Jinping Laboratory nor many academicians are obviously ready-after all, it only takes one day.

Even Zhou Shaoping, a pioneer in high-energy physics, did not know that the orbits of isolated particles were actually calculated by Xu Yun before arriving at the laboratory.

be honest.

Dark matter does have the value and status of alarming these big guys, but this does not mean that things are so urgent.

The Academy of Sciences can do a test on Jinping's side first, and then notify Zhou Shaoping and others.

Or just wait an extra five or eight days to finalize the process completely and clearly, and then start the verification.

At least those old academicians who went to battle in person before should be completely avoidable.

This is like having an old birthday star in your family. It is normal for Fa Xiao to come to visit the old man when he was a child during the holidays.

But this kind of visit is usually contacted by WeChat or phone in advance to make sure that the host is inconvenient or not at home.

No matter how bad it is, it will only be carried out after the gift is prepared.

But what about today?

It feels like the guest came to the door without saying a word, the host was surprised, and at the same time the gift in the guest's hand was the fruit basket sold in the fruit supermarket outside the door of his own community, and it was obviously not ready.

It looked like a taxi driver suddenly dumped someone at the gate of the community, and there was a sense of disobedience from the beginning to the end.

as if

The Academy of Sciences very much hoped that an authoritative person would be present at the first time, and there would be no need for a second round of re-inspection, and the results would be hammered to death immediately.

It's just that the above content has not been confirmed, and it is a feeling that something is wrong, so it is not easy for Xu Yun to delve into it.

After all, the value of dark matter is indeed very high. The Academy of Sciences notified the old academicians after receiving the situation, and the old academicians eagerly asked to come to the scene. This explanation is not unreasonable.

For example, the National Steady-State Strong Magnetic Field Experimental Device of the Luzhou Institute of Physical Sciences produced a steady-state magnetic field of 452,200 Gauss, setting a new world record for the same type of magnet.

As a result, more than 20 academicians came to visit within a week, and received more than 70 letters of visit from abroad within a month.

Many old academicians engaged in scientific research are very pure in thinking, and sometimes their desire for knowledge far outweighs their concerns about their bodies, so no one can tell whether they are happy with Lie Xin.

only now it seems

The sense of disobedience that Xu Yun and the others had before was not simply random thinking.

Think here.

Academician Pan couldn't help adding some tea to Hou Xingyuan's teacup, and asked curiously:

"President Hou, it seems that there are other reasons behind this?"

Hou Xingyuan nodded when he heard the words, raised his eyelids to look at him, and explained:

"Well, the timing of your results is a bit subtle and special. If you follow the normal process, you may not be able to keep up."

"So without notifying you, the Academy of Sciences temporarily organized today's event."

"Of course, not many people were notified of this news. Except for me and my assistant Xiao Gao, only Mr. Wang knew about it."


Hou Xingyuan withdrew his gaze, took a sip of his teacup, and continued:

"Xiao Pan, you should know that dark matter belongs to the absolute frontier of theory at present, and basically powerful countries will invest in research and development of it."

"It's just that there are not many examples of results in these years."

Academician Pan and Xu Yun nodded at the same time.

It is different from tachyons, gravitons, and string scales, which seem to be very mysterious.

Dark matter is the real cutting-edge research direction at present.

The cost of equipment for those dark matter head projects starts at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

For example, our domestic dark matter particle detection satellite "Wukong" has a payload of 1,410 kilograms and a cost of US$100 million.

As of the end of 2018.

"Wukong" has flown 16,597 times around the earth and detected 5.5 billion cosmic ray particles.

Another example is the Fermi satellite across the sea, which costs 700 million US dollars.

There is also the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer AMS-02, the space dark matter detector on the International Space Station.

The researchers of this magnetic spectrometer come from 56 research institutions in 16 countries and regions in the United States, Europe, and Asia, with an investment of US$2 billion.

Basically, all countries with a little money in their hands have participated in the detection of dark matter.

Then Hou Xingyuan paused, pondered for a moment, and finally told the truth:

"According to the information obtained by the Academy of Sciences from a secret channel, about four days ago, CERN discovered a case of a suspected right-handed neutrino, and it is planned to announce it within this period of time."

"In addition, Neon's Kamioka Laboratory is expected to publish a research report on warm dark matter particles in the next few days."

"There is also NIF across the sea. If there is no accident, they will announce an explanation about the net energy gain of nuclear fusion reaction tomorrow. It is probably the first time that Q is greater than 1, reaching about 1.2 or 1.3."

Said here.

Hou Xingyuan sighed faintly, couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose, and a helpless smile rose from the corner of his mouth:

"If there is only one family on the other side of the sea, it's okay to say, but right now, there are three major announcements on the other side of the Neon Sea in Europe. The results of our previous victory in the public opinion war may be suppressed a lot."

"So as the impacted party, it is most appropriate for us to come up with a result that is equal to or even surpasses them, but how easy is this?"

"It's not like there aren't any hotter project researches in China at present, such as the Fuxi Gundam we're working on, but it's announced as an unfinished product. In the long run, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages."

"And in this case, you made a big news quietly, so..."

Said here.

Hou Xingyuan tapped on the table with his index finger, and said meaningfully:

"We temporarily organized such an inspection team and urgently confirmed the results. Now the results are correct, so the fun will be great."

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