

He heard what Xu Yun said from the other end of the phone.

Meng Liang immediately stood there in a daze.

If it wasn't for the fact that the human body still maintains basic consciousness, his mobile phone almost fell to the ground.

be honest.

Although the result of today's Supreme Court trial has cleared him and Wang Yujie's innocence, allowing five years of grievances to be washed away.

But the value of this result is mainly reflected in two aspects of psychology and image.

That is to say, it released Meng Liang and Wang Yujie's long-standing pressure, and at the same time corrected their social image and reputation, so that they would no longer encounter criticism in life.

As for life.

What Meng Liang said to Wang Yujie in the witness channel actually expressed his opinion:

Everything can only be business as usual.

Tomorrow, I will take Meng Dongguo to see the flag raising at Tiananmen Square, and then I will visit the Forbidden City, have a meal of stewed Yanjing stew, and drink a bowl of soybean juice.

The father and son will return to their hometown and continue to play the role of two ordinary plumbers.

The result was unexpected.

During this phone call, Xu Yun actually proposed another possibility?


Meng Liang didn't even dare to think about the possibility.

And just when Meng Liang was a little dazed.

Meng Dongguo on the side was the first to react - after Meng Liang learned that the other party was Xu Yun, he switched his mobile phone to speaker mode, so both Wang Yujie and Meng Dongguo heard Xu Yun's words.

The man's weather-stained face suddenly flushed, he snatched the phone from Meng Liang's hand, and said in a hasty tone:

"Dr. Xu, is what you said true? Can Xiao Meng really go back to study?"

"By the way, forgot, forgot to introduce myself. I, I am his father, Meng Dongguo. You can call me dumb Meng—that's what everyone calls me."

".I'll call you Uncle Meng."

Xu Yun on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, then said:

"Uncle Meng, we can't explain this matter clearly in a few words on the phone. How about you?"

"Why don't you ask Xiaomeng to report the address, I'll come over to find you now, let's have a good chat offline, what do you think?"

Meng Dongguo looked up at Meng Liang and Wang Yujie, nodded vigorously while holding the phone and said:

"No problem, Dr. Xu, Xiao Menggang and I plan to go to a restaurant for dinner with Mr. Wang."

"If you don't dislike it, you can come over to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Let's chat slowly at the dinner table?"

Right on the phone.

Xu Yun glanced at the time, touched his growling stomach, and replied crisply:

"No problem, Uncle Meng, just tell me the store name and address."

Meng Dongguo relaxed when he heard the words, and quickly reported the information.

Wang Yujie chose a Sichuan restaurant located on Zhengyi Road. The decoration is not too luxurious, but it is not particularly plain.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there are several price lists of signature dishes, such as 52 yuan for a plate of Geleshan spicy chicken, 98 yuan for a serving of boiled fish, and so on.

This price is still close to the people for the consumption level of Yanjing.

According to Wang Yujie, this is a store opened by a fellow villager of her friend.

After arriving at the Sichuan restaurant.

Meng Dongguo brought Wang Yujie and Meng Liang into the store to order some food, and asked for a private room where two bottles of Fenjiu were set out.

Then he went back to the door of the restaurant and waited.

About five minutes passed.

Xu Yun in casual clothes appeared at the crossing in the distance.

At this time, Xu Yun was holding the mobile phone in one hand, while looking up at the signboards along the street, it seemed that he was navigating on the mobile phone.

Seeing this, Meng Dongguo waved his hand vigorously, and shouted to Xu Yun:

"Hey! Dr. Xu, here! Here!"

Meng Dongguo's voice was very loud, even though Xu Yun was more than 30 meters away from him, he could still hear his voice clearly.

Afterwards, Xu Yun also waved to him, indicating that he understood. At the same time, he put his mobile phone back into his trouser pocket and walked quickly towards the Sichuan restaurant.

In fact, he really wanted to complain about how Meng Dongguo had the nerve to call him 'dumb Meng' with his loud voice, but after thinking about his own situation, he decided to shut up obediently.

Nicknames are just used to decorate the character design, and they are two different things from the actual situation, so don't go too deep into it.

While Xu Yun was walking towards the entrance.

Meng Dongguo didn't just stand there stupidly, but took Meng Liang and Wang Yujie to greet him quickly, and stretched out his hand from a long distance:

"Doctor Xu, you are finally here."

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly quickened his pace, shook hands with Meng Dongguo, and nodded to Meng Liang and Wang Yujie:

"Uncle Meng, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"Hey, how can there be any words."

Meng Dongguo waved his hand quickly, and at the same time patted Meng Liang on the shoulder heavily:

"If it weren't for Dr. Xu and your incident, Xiaomeng and Mr. Wang would still have to suffer innocent injustice."

Meng Liang also shook hands with Xu Yun gratefully.

Afterwards, the few people were polite again, and then walked into the private room of the restaurant at the invitation of Meng Dongguo.

The area of ​​the restaurant's private room is not very large, only a few square meters, and the specification is almost a table for six people.

When Xu Yun entered the room.

There are already three or four hot dishes on the table in the private room, such as kidney flower, spicy chicken, and mother's hoof flower, with strong Sichuan characteristics.

"Come on, Dr. Xu, I offer you a toast! You can do whatever you want!"

After being seated.

Meng Dongguo picked up a bottle of Fenjiu from the table, lifted the lid off and poured himself a full glass with a gulp, then swallowed it down.

After finishing the work, he wiped the corner of his mouth and let out a sigh:


Xu Yun returned a cup of Jiaduobao - he has reflux esophagitis, as the saying goes, alcohol and sex can hurt the body, so he has been abstaining from alcohol.

After the toast is over.

Meng Dongguo couldn't help rubbing his hands, glanced at Meng Liang who was at the side, and said to Xu Yun cautiously:

"By the way, Dr. Xu, what you mentioned earlier about Xiaomeng's study."

"Oh, I was just about to tell you."

Hearing this, Xu Yun straightened his body a few times, organized his words, and said:

"Uncle Meng, that's right."

"This decision was not made by me personally, but by the University of Science and Technology—in fact, the leaders of the University of Science and Technology had already discussed this aspect before the trial began."

"After a comprehensive analysis of Meng Liang's high school grades and university performance, the school leaders unanimously agreed and welcomed Meng Liang to continue his studies at HKUST."

"Of course, this so-called continuing education does not refer to postgraduate education, but undergraduate education."

"That is to follow the progress of classmate Meng Liang before the suspension of school, and carry out a docking in the course."

Hearing that the leaders of the University of Science and Technology had agreed to this plan, Meng Dongguo's eyes lit up.

But soon, his face was replaced by deep worry:

"Dr. Xu, is this really operable?"

"If I remember correctly, Xiaomeng is now in the status of withdrawing from school, and his student status has been cancelled, so the relationship cannot be transferred to the University of Science and Technology, right?"

"Or is it that the country has changed its terms in the past few years, allowing this kind of operation?"

be honest.

As a plumber repairman who never attended high school, Meng Dongguo didn't know much about his school status.

But more than four years ago, when he came to Yanjing to handle Meng Liang's withdrawal procedures, he once asked a leader about Meng Liang's continuing studies.

At that time, the leader told him clearly:

Meng Liang's student status has been cancelled, and there is no possibility of transferring to another school.

Moreover, even if Meng Liang's demerit files were resubmitted to the local admissions office, the admissions office would most likely refuse to return them—unless the local education bureau was willing to bear the risk of public opinion being blown up.

Could it be

The University of Science and Technology thinks that Meng Liang's grievances have been cleared, and the admissions office should not refuse to return the file, so they want him to go back to repeat his third year of high school, and then retake the University of Science and Technology in this year's college entrance examination?

But that's not right

To know.

It's already March now, and the college entrance examination is only about three months away.

Even if he goes home to review now, it is impossible for Meng Liang to reach the score line of the University of Science and Technology, right?

Looking at the worried Meng Dongguo, Xu Yun couldn't help smiling, and explained:

"Uncle Meng, the process you mentioned does exist, and it hasn't changed yet—don't worry, just listen to me, okay?"

"But now there is a special situation, that is, Meng Liang's original university has set up an incident supervision committee. Within two days, someone will definitely contact you to negotiate compensation matters."

"At that time, you can make a request to the school to let them restore Meng Liang's original student status."

"In this way, we can transfer schools in a proper way."

Xu Yun seemed very patient when he said these words.

Because if Meng Liang's student status cannot be restored, there is almost no possibility of transferring to another school.

This belongs to the category of the most basic rules of higher education in our country, and even the University of Science and Technology cannot be exempted from it.

For example, not long ago, something happened at Nanhua University.

What happened was that a boy made a pornographic rumor about a girl, and the incident became a hot search, and the final result was that the person was fired-this was not a girl's slander or something, but it was true in all aspects.

The boy involved deserved what he deserved, even a little lightly.

But I didn't expect that this matter, after eating and eating melons, would involve HKUST again - this boy is a graduate student of HKUST, but he hasn't enrolled yet.

So follow the normal process.

The University of Science and Technology sent a letter to Nantah University, asking whether to retain the qualification for exemption.

The results are outrageous yes.

There were a lot of comments attacking HKUST under this entry.

It is said that HKUST wants to shield boys.

It is also said that HKUST plays football.

And some standard IP overseas, the opening is [Your country's university is rotten.] Comments.

God pity you.

To know.

When this happened, the boy had never enrolled in the University of Science and Technology, did not report to the University of Science and Technology, and was not enrolled in the University of Science and Technology.

In the case of no student status, HKUST has only two options:

One is to wait for the other party to report and ask the other party to show their undergraduate diploma. The other party will definitely not be able to produce it at that time, and HKUST will be able to refuse admission based on this.

But this approach can only be done when the other party reports it, and there are still many days away from now.

So HKUST chose a faster way, which is the second method:

Ask NTU if it will continue to push the waiver.

If NTU replies to cancel the exemption, then USTC will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to cancel the other party’s admission process-when the reader reads this chapter, USTC should be planning to cancel the announcement.

This is the standard practice in the pre-admission situation of any higher education institution in our country or in the world.

It turns out that it can be used to say that HKUST is protecting the other party, which is quite outrageous

What's even more difficult is that officials and officials protect each other - the boy's father is just a non-educational sub-department. In a key university like HKUST, he is on the same level as an ordinary counselor?

That's why it's scary sometimes

The line of sight returns to reality.

Looking at Meng Dongguo who was getting more and more excited because Meng Liang was expected to continue his studies, Xu Yun couldn't help but paused, and poured cold water on him:

"Ahem. Uncle Meng, although the University of Science and Technology is willing to provide Meng Liang with follow-up academic guidance and lower the grade requirements, it is not easy to be honest."

"After all, Meng Liang has been out of school for four years. Oh no, it should be five years. I'm afraid I have forgotten a lot of the knowledge I had back then."

"To a certain extent, Meng Liang is actually somewhat similar to a repeat student of the college entrance examination. He needs to review a lot of high school or even junior high school knowledge."

"So whether Meng Liang's studies can continue in the end depends on his own performance."


Xu Yun glanced at Meng Liang who was beside him with a serious expression.

Although Xu Yun had no dropout experience, he had seen several dropouts, and one of them could barely be called his acquaintance.

When the acquaintance was studying, his grades were still in the middle. When he was in his sophomore year, his family had an accident and he was forced to take a year off from school. It is said that he was taking care of his mother.

As a result, the semester ended a year later. When he returned to school, he couldn't keep up with a lot of knowledge, and he had no choice but to drop out of school.

That's the case with a one-year leave of absence, let alone someone like Meng Liang who hasn't had any professional knowledge for five years.

If Meng Liang hadn't been the number one student in the college entrance examination in their county, and his grades were quite high during college, the leaders of the University of Science and Technology might not have agreed with Xu Yun's idea.

Meng Liang himself is obviously aware of this, so why is his expression so serious?

But soon.

A flash of determination flashed in Meng Liang's eyes, he took a deep breath, and said to Xu Yun:

"Dr. Xu, when I returned home five years ago, I didn't have any possessions or skills."

"But it only took me one year to surpass my father in plumbing repair skills, and now I am the most skilled plumber in our county."

"Although I'm not that smart, and I only scored 690 points in the college entrance examination, I will suffer a lot. It's the same when I'm repairing the plumbing, and it's the same when I'm studying."

"So don't worry, the University of Science and Technology has given me such a precious opportunity, and I will definitely not let you and the University of Science and Technology down!"

Meng Liang's words were not beautiful, and they didn't make much sense.

But it is loud, sincere and confident.

Seeing this, Xu Yun couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, and picked up Jiaduobao again:

"In that case, student Meng Liang, I wish you success here!"

Meng Liang poured himself a glass with the wine bottle in Meng Dongguo's hand, and drank it with his head held high.

After putting down the wine glass.

Xu Yun looked at Wang Yujie at the side again, and said:

"By the way, Mr. Wang, what are your plans for the future?"

Wang Yujie, who was quietly picking up food, stopped when she heard the words, but she didn't expect Xu Yun to shift the topic to herself:

"Huh? Me?"

Then she paused, put down her chopsticks, and repeated what she had said to Meng Liang:

"...Look for a job in Yanjing first. If you can find it, stay here. If you can't, go back to your hometown."

"I see."

Hearing this, Xu Yun raised his eyelids to look at her, resisted the joy in his heart, and asked her:

"Mr. Wang, since you are looking for a job now, would you like to work in Luzhou?"


Wang Yujie was taken aback for a moment, then blinked:

"Dr. Xu, you mean HKUST?"

"No no no."

This time Xu Yun shook his head and explained:

"You misunderstood me. I'm not talking about the University of Science and Technology, but a company under my name called Huadun Biotechnology."

"To tell you the truth, our news department has always been short of a media manager, so if you want, you can come to Huadun Biotechnology for a try."

"If you still have concerns, we can sign a two-way trial contract—for example, a trial period of two to three months, during which full salary is guaranteed, and after the expiration, it will be up to both parties to decide whether to renew it. What do you think?"

When Xu Yun spoke, he looked straight into Wang Yujie's eyes, looking very sincere.

If the purpose of helping Meng Liang is more out of sympathy, then his need for Wang Yujie is purely a talent demand.

Because for a long time, Huadun Biological Sciences has been a little short of manpower in the media - this has a lot to do with the company's 'talent pool', which is the University of Science and Technology.

As a university of science and technology, HKUST mostly covers scientific research, while liberal arts is relatively weak.

Although there is a journalism and communication major in the school, there is still a gap in the level of media compared with Wang Yujie's original school.

After all, the other party is the top 211 who is deeply involved in the media.

And Wang Yujie was the first master's student to graduate in the whole department. Although he has been neglected these years, his teaching level has not dropped too much.

She is different from Meng Liang, she belongs to the standard "instant combat power".

Therefore, after learning that Wang Yujie submitted a letter of resignation.

Xu Yun immediately set his sights on this talent.

This is a potential stock that can't be found

And the other side.

At this moment, Wang Yujie's gaze was a little misty.

"Going to Luzhou?"

Wang Yujie originally thought that Meng Liang was the only one facing the choice today, but unexpectedly, a multiple-choice question suddenly appeared in front of her.

One side is ordinary.

On the other side is the unknown.

As a girl who came out of a small county in Haidai Province, Wang Yujie's character is not as 'spicy' as girls from Sichuan Province, she looks a little soft and weak.

But that's just the appearance.

In fact, Wang Yujie is a very independent girl.

Because you have your own opinion.

She was able to stand out from many competitors, and with a master's degree, she was able to obtain the stay in school treatment that many overseas returnees with a doctorate cannot get.

Because of opinion.

She was able to hold on to that surveillance record tightly, and was not in a hurry to expose herself by throwing it out. Instead, she tried her best for five years, and finally killed it with one blow.

This moment.

Also because she has her own opinions, Wang Yujie is also very clear about her current situation:

Although she told Meng Liang that she wanted to find a job in Yanjing, almost no media unit would want someone like her who had 'backstabbed' her original unit—even though the reason she kept the video was to preserve her innocence.

As for Yanjing's enterprises.

Let's put it this way.

Looking at the entire Yanjing, there is not a single large enterprise that has no relationship with her former school.

Don't look at the college's handling of the vice principal and the establishment of an inspection team, which seems to be full of sincerity.

Wang Yujie is 100% sure.

Once I submit my resume to those companies, the HR of the company will inevitably return my resume because of the school.

That's why she told Meng Liang to go home if she couldn't find a job - this was actually the most likely way for Wang Yujie.

And right now there is an offer from Huadun Biotech, and the chairman is Xu Yun, who makes Wang Yujie grateful.

So soon.

Wang Yujie made a decision.

Seeing her, she stretched out her hand gracefully and said to Xu Yun:

"Boss, please take care of me next time."


3 million words, the company is finally fully staffed

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