Chapter 502 "Yongle Grand Ceremony". Present! ! ! (superior)

After Wang Yujie agreed to join Huadun Biotechnology.

Xu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not a saint, the 4.23 incident had nothing to do with him, and he has no obligation to compensate Meng Liang and Wang Yujie.

But from the perspective of the values ​​of an ordinary common man, he is indeed willing to help Meng Liang and Wang Yujie.

In a sense.

Maybe, 80%, maybe it can also be regarded as a sense of corporate responsibility?

all in all.

after the intention is reached.

Whether it was Xu Yun, Wang Yujie or Meng Liang and Meng Dongguo, they suddenly relaxed a lot mentally.

Afterwards, Xu Yun and Meng Dongguo clinked glasses of Jiaduobao again, picked up a piece of fat intestines with chopsticks and pressed his stomach, and continued to say to Meng Liang and Wang Yujie:

"By the way, classmate Meng Liang, Teacher Wang, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"To be precise, prosecutor Chen Ling of the Supreme People's Prosecutor's Office asked me to report it to you."

Hearing the word Chen Ling.

Meng Liang and Wang Yujie hurriedly sat upright, as if listening attentively.

Although they hadn't dealt with Chen Ling much, they all had a good impression of this righteous prosecutor.

I saw Xu Yun paused, lowered his voice slightly, and said:

"That's right. Prosecutor Ha Chenling wants to ask you, do you have any plans to file a civil lawsuit against Ni Menglin and Ding Xiaxia?"

"Civil suit?"

Meng Liang and Wang Yujie were taken aback when they heard the words, and subconsciously looked at each other.

Seeing this, Xu Yun raised his eyebrows, thinking inwardly that it really was so.

Chen Lingming asked him to ask Meng Liang if he had such an idea, but he probably guessed that they had no awareness of this at all.

It seems to be a question, but it is actually for the sake of pointing out.

after awhile.

It was still Meng Dongguo who recovered first.

He swallowed, and said to Xu Yun with doubts on his face:

"Dr. Xu, hasn't that Ni Ni Helin been sentenced? Why are you suing her?"

"During the court session, I heard from a reporter sitting next to me that the Supreme Court's first trial is the final verdict, and there is no need for a second trial, right?"

Xu Yun smiled and shook his head at him, explaining:

"Uncle Meng, the sentence you mentioned refers to the scope of public prosecution, that is, criminal proceedings-if it is really difficult to understand, you should regard it as the country coming forward to help you seek justice."

"But what the country upholds is the justice of the country. Meng Liang and Mr. Wang were smeared by Ni Menglin and those big Vs, but they didn't get compensation from Ni Menglin and others."

"That's obviously unreasonable, isn't it?"

Meng Dongguo thought for a moment, then nodded slowly:

"It seems to be the reason."

"So, we're going to sue Ni Menglin and the others."

Xu Yun snapped his fingers cheerfully, and continued:

"This is the so-called civil lawsuit, allowing them to directly make up for the losses of Meng Liang and Teacher Wang."

"Actually, this step should have been done five years ago. It's a pity."

Said here.

Xu Yun stopped speaking and sighed softly.

Just like the logic of Ni Menglin asking the prosecution to produce evidence to prove that she was slandering at the scene of the previous trial.

In fact, when the 4.23 incident happened, Meng Liang could also file a lawsuit on it.

It's a pity that Meng Liang didn't have this awareness at the time, thinking that the school's announcement was the final judgment, so he never thought of taking up legal weapons to protect himself.

Second is

Given the popularity of the 4.23 incident, it is estimated that a simple prosecution will hardly be effective.

Of course.

The effect here does not mean that the lawsuit cannot be won.

No matter how Yanjing is, it is not Xiangchu, so the verdict will not be coerced by public opinion.

Therefore, if Meng Liang sued at that time, the probability of winning the case was still not low-after all, whoever advocated and who presented evidence, Ni Menglin would definitely not be able to produce it.

However, if this kind of winning judgment is not coordinated with the publicity announcement, the effect will be almost the same as blank paper.

If you close your eyes and think about it, you know that there will definitely be comments like [Can you say that there is no secret filming without evidence]?

For example, the most representative one is Z University, where the rumored content has been forwarded 40,000 times and has tens of thousands of comments.

What about the Weibo comments that won the lawsuit?

There are only 70 entries.

So according to Meng Liang's situation at the time.

He must have a very experienced lawyer and a strong public team by his side to reverse the situation - but with Meng Liang's identity and financial resources, that kind of team is obviously out of reach.

To put it bluntly.

Throughout the history of internal entertainment, there are only three or five teams with this ability.

So at this time, it doesn't make much sense to discuss Meng Liang's failure to seek legal help from the perspective of God. The real focus should be on reality.

Then Xu Yun quickly changed the subject, quickly changed the subject, and said to Meng Dongguo:

"Uncle Meng, in short, the situation is almost like this."

"Prosecutor Chen Ling's status as a criminal prosecutor of the Supreme Court is sensitive, and it is not suitable to talk to you directly about this, so I asked me to relay it."

"According to the judgments made by her and several colleagues, on the premise that Mr. Wang has such clear surveillance video, winning the lawsuit is almost 100 percent."

"As for the amount of compensation, it's hard to say. It depends on the strength of the lawyer. If they still choose the lawyer Zhang Jiahang, they may be able to pay a million yuan."

After Meng Dongguo quietly listened to Xu Yun's words, he could still see a little hesitation on his face.

After all, for most honest people.

The word lawsuit does have some congenital resistance:

"But Dr. Xu, since Prosecutor Chen Ling entrusted you to report to us, it means that neither the Supreme Court nor the Supreme People's Procuratorate will end this matter, right?"

"And we have never litigated before, so we don't know if the lawyer we hired is trustworthy, and I heard that the lawyer's fee is also very expensive."

"It's easy for a lawyer."

Xu Yun quickly interrupted him, pointing to himself with his thumb:

"Our Huadun Biotech's legal department can provide legal assistance, and our chief lawyer is a senior expert graduated from the University of Political Science and Law. This aspect is still very reliable."

"If you and Teacher Wang intend to sue Ni Menglin, we can provide legal aid for free - I have also talked with prosecutor Chen Ling about this matter."

Xu Yun's words are not bragging.

In recent years, the importance of the legal department in the corporate system has been increasing day by day, especially for Internet companies.

Therefore, after the establishment of Huadun Biotechnology.

Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing put a lot of effort into legal affairs.

Right now, the person in charge of the company's legal department is a senior legal practitioner, who has also received the highest title in the industry——Big Law.

Although the legal department only issued a notice on the Internet violence incident that Xu Yun was smeared before, this kind of social problem has obviously gone beyond the scope of conventional legal affairs.

Knowing in the previous chat that the Supreme Prosecutor's Office intended to guide Meng Liang and the others to initiate a civil lawsuit, Xu Yun immediately thought of his boss from the legal department.

And the other side.

Seeing that Xu Yun arranged things so well, Meng Dongguo's expression gradually moved.

Then he glanced at Meng Liang and Wang Yujie, and asked them:

"Mr. Wang, son, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Wang Yujie and Meng Liang looked at each other, and Meng Liang quickly asked tentatively:

"Why don't you tell me?"

Wang Yujie nodded calmly:


Seeing that neither of them chose to refuse, Meng Dongguo no longer hesitated.

He took a deep breath and made a final decision:

"In that case, Dr. Xu, then sue!"

Ever since.

The well-known case later known as the "First Civil Private Prosecution Case of Huaxia Internet Violence" reached a decision to prosecute in an ordinary Sichuan restaurant.

Then Xu Yun chatted with several people about the contact information of the legal department, Meng Liang and Wang Yujie's arrangements after they arrived in Luzhou, and handed over the information.

Finally, the whole meal ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

in the next period of time.

Xu Yun and Academician Pan did not rush back to Luzhou, but stayed in Yanjing.

They spent most of their time at the construction site of Yongling Mausoleum, and a small part of their time spent a few trips with Academician Pan in Yanjing.

During this period, Mr. Wang's condition gradually stabilized and he was completely out of danger.

However, due to physical considerations, the superiors still transferred Mr. Wang to Beidaihe for recuperation.

So predictably so.

In the next time, it will be difficult for Xu Yun to interact with Mr. Wang at work.

Three weeks later. (I modified the six to eight days I said before, and many students reported that the time is not enough, thank you for correcting)

The excavation site of Yongling Mausoleum.


Academician Pan, Xu Yun, Jiang Chenggu, Huang Yuting

More than a dozen experts and scholars once again gathered in the excavation headquarters outside Yongling Minglou.

This is also the day with the highest attendance rate after the first day of the project.


According to the news from Jiang Chenggu.

Zhang Ziang's construction team has officially started the excavation last week, and today the depth will be .

Arrived at the top of the apse!

This moment.

The entire ground outside Yongling Mausoleum has been built into a huge construction site, and even some young trees have been transplanted to it.

Although the area of ​​the apse and the copper box is actually not large, even the apse is only more than 100 square meters.

But don't forget.

The entire excavation process needs to be divided into three to four layers of construction. In order for each layer to allow the excavator to have a sufficiently open area to stop, the actual excavation area will obviously increase progressively.

Assume that the bottom floor is 100 square meters.

Then the penultimate floor needs at least 200 or even 300 square meters including support, and the penultimate floor is 400 to 500 square meters.

In this way, the initial construction site area of ​​the entire ground is several thousand square meters.

Although for the Sany 205 excavator, which digs one cubic meter at a time, this kind of workload is nothing.

But the visual area of ​​the entire construction site is quite bluffing.


command room.

Looking at the roaring excavator, Academician Pan couldn't help showing a little curiosity on his face.

After all, academician Pan usually works either in the office or in the laboratory, and there are not many opportunities to face this kind of civil excavation site.

When he went to Modu Technology to do project collaboration, his favorite thing was to watch excavators work after work.

There is a good saying.

The excavators in the noisy city are not digging the soil, but excavating the restlessness and romance in the hearts of men.

"By the way, Professor Weng."

Looking at the excavator that had penetrated into the deepest layer, Academician Pan suddenly thought of something, and turned to Weng Tong who was beside him and asked:

"Professor Weng, I remember hearing a saying before—but I don't remember exactly where I heard it."

"The content is roughly that after the emperor completes the mausoleum, he usually blocks the craftsmen in the mausoleum and seals them to death."

"But why didn't our gravity gradiometer detect the existence of those bones? Could it be that Jiajing cleaned up all the corpses before burial?"

Academician Pan spoke.

Weng Tong, Jiang Chenggu, and Tong Huaijun, practitioners in the field of archaeology, all looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time.

Then Weng Tong adjusted his glasses and said to Academician Pan:

"Academician Pan, let me ask you a question about physics first."

"I don't know if in the field of physics, there are any phenomena or viewpoints that are not related to real reasons and explanations, but are accepted by many people?"

Academician Pan glanced at him and nodded.

As a dignified academician of Huaxia, he has a wealth of knowledge in this area, so he quickly thought of an example:

"Of course there is. For example, don't trains drive on the left in reality? Many marketing accounts are saying that it is to prevent two cars facing each other from colliding due to Coriolis force."

"But actually the Coriolis force, the Earth's deflection force, isn't that strong."

"The reason why trains drive on the left is simply because trains were invented by the British."

I heard this.

Lu Chaoyang on the side couldn't help but nodded.

The so-called Coriolis force refers to the deflection force of the earth's rotation.

It is also probably the most frequently overestimated force.

The train speed is generally around 120km/h on average, and the high-speed rail can reach 350km/h, but now the domestic high-speed rail is about 250km/h.

But it doesn't matter, just calculate according to the value of 350.

At the same time, the lower the latitude, the smaller the influence of the deflection force in the horizontal direction, so it is at the South Pole.

So how big is the Coriolis force of the moving car?

According to F=2mvωsinφ, it can be concluded that the Coriolis force is about 14/10000 of the gravity of the high-speed rail.

That is to say, the deflection force of the general high-speed rail is less than 14/10,000 of the gravity.

What is the concept?

The gauge of the high-speed rail is 1.4 meters, that is to say, if you put a grain of 2mm sand under one rail, the impact will definitely be greater than the Coriolis force of another high-speed rail.

Therefore, the plausible Coriolis force in the marketing slogan can't find its shadow at all in the introduction to railways.

Useless knowledge adds another .JPG.

Academician Pan, as one of the most intelligent people in China, after explaining the problem of Coriolis force, has a general judgment in his mind:

"Professor Weng, so you mean that the rumor that the so-called ancient craftsmen were silenced in the tomb is actually a misinformation?"

Weng Tong nodded, took the thermos cup in front of him, blew gently, and said:

"That's right, Academician Pan, in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that this statement is untenable."

"First of all, the construction of imperial mausoleums in ancient times was basically a large-scale project. It was not built by a group of people, but was continuously recruited by civilians and prisoners to carry out the construction.

"Most imperial mausoleums were built as soon as the emperor succeeded to the throne, and lasted for several years or even ten years."

"I don't know how many places and how many batches of civilian craftsmen have been confiscated in such a long time. Which group do you think should be killed?"

Academician Pan was taken aback for a moment.

Weng Tong took a sip of water and continued:

"It's not right to say that it is the person who designed and supervised the production. After all, the general imperial tombs are designed and supervised by the Ministry of Industry and other institutions in charge of national construction."

"The commander-in-chief of some imperial mausoleums is directly in charge of the prime minister. It is impossible to kill the prime minister and other officials and craftsmen? ——If an emperor really did this, it is impossible to find it in the history books."

"Secondly, even if the craftsmen are to be killed, why block them in the mausoleum? Wouldn't it be easier to drag them to a valley and shoot them with arrows, or poison the rice?"

"It's not that there was no sacrificial burial system in ancient times, but those who died in the burial were not craftsmen—there were quite a few craftsmen who died of overwork."

"So this kind of statement basically belongs to the imagination of later generations. It has a lot of novel or film color, so it can't be true."


Looking at Weng Tong who was talking eloquently, Academician Pan also nodded thoughtfully.


Is this the truth?

While Academician Pan was chatting with Weng Tong.

The sound of the equipment in the foundation pit on the side suddenly stopped without warning.

After a while.

A dark-skinned young man wearing a hard hat, with a face of fifty but a voice in his twenties ran in from outside the tent:

"Report, Zhang Gong, the excavator has dug to the top floor of the apse!"


Gastroscopy needs to be hospitalized, so the chapter is shorter, tonight I will drink laxatives on an empty stomach, and I will check up tomorrow (Isn’t sodium phosphate salt only drunk at night, why the nurse told me to drink it at four o’clock)

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