Into Unscientific

Chapter 511 Director Xiao Xu, you have a lot of sex scenes in this dungeon

"Old Mao, what did you say?"

Outside the tile kiln factory.

Huang Weiguo, who was originally assisting Wang Zhang Linwei (sou) guard (xun) (di) field (te), suddenly stopped his movements without warning.

He stared his eyes like copper bells, fixedly staring at Mao Xiao in front of him, and asked:

"Is there anyone else in the workshop?"

Mao Xiao nodded heavily, and wiped the sweat from his forehead indiscriminately:

"That's right, it was next to the punch press when I found it."

When Huang Weiguo heard this, countless question marks popped up in his mind.

Is there anyone else in the workshop?

How is this possible?

Obviously all the workers were assigned to dig the canals today.

But soon.

Huang Weiguo put these questions behind him, swallowed, and asked Mao Xiao:

"How is the person now?"

"It was carried out by me. The burns were a bit serious, and she was still unconscious."

Seeing this, Huang Weiguo turned his head and looked at Wang Changlin. The tacit cooperation of several years allowed the two to understand each other's thoughts instantly without communicating.

Huang Weiguo grabbed Mao Xiao's arm and said seriously:

"Where is the person now? Take me there to see!"

Mao Xiao pointed to a certain direction:

"I sent it to the commune health center. I don't know if the person can be saved. Come with me."

Say it.

He shook the towel full of soot, put it on his shoulder, and quickly led Huang Weiguo and Wang Changlin to a certain direction.

In this period.

Domestic medical resources have always been in a relatively fragmented situation—counties in developed regions basically have relatively well-established hospitals, and the equipment is not particularly backward.

For example, Juancheng County People's Hospital in Haidai Province had an X-ray machine last year, capable of performing X-ray inspections.

But on the other hand.

The medical facilities in backward areas are on another level. It can even be said to be world-class.

Take Guide County as an example.

Although Guide County People's Hospital was established in 1950, guess what is the main business of the county hospital today?

The answer is raising pigs.

Today, it is the commune health centers of the five communes that really perform medical functions.

And the establishment of these health centers

Minimum two, maximum three. (Refer to the county annals of Guide County)

And usually only one of these two or three people is a real doctor, and the remaining two are "nurses"-in fact, they are called midwives, and it is not difficult to see the main business they are responsible for in the literal sense.

Wait a few more years.

The doctors of these commune hospitals will hold a small red book, and they will derive a group of immeasurable merit in Chinese history:

Barefoot Doctor.

As for the little red book.

The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook.

Together with the "Militia Military Training Manual" and "Friends of Military and Civilian Talents", it is called the three must-have books for travelers.

Like the level of medical care, the clinics of the Anding Brigade are also quite simple.

The clinic is only one floor high and is divided into two compartments, the front and the back.

The front hall is about ten square meters. There is a doctor's consultation table in the middle, and two long benches are placed on both sides for patients waiting to see a doctor.

To the left of the consultation table is an aisle leading to the back room. A curtain hangs from the top of the aisle, and the back room is behind it.

also known as

'emergency room. '

When Mao Xiao took Huang Weiguo and Wang Changlin to the commune health center, the area from the entrance steps to the front hall of the health center was already surrounded by melon-eating people on three floors inside and outside.

If it weren't for a young girl in her twenties maintaining order, it is estimated that these melon eaters would all rush into the back room.

After all, for people of any age, it is really a rare thing for someone to be burned by fire.

"Let's go, let's go! President Wang is here!"

Fortunately, Mao Xiao's voice was very loud, and after a yell, he insisted on calling out a passage from the crowd.

Then Huang Weiguo and Wang Changlin quickly walked into the 'rescue room' at the back.

This 'rescue room' is smaller than the front hall, about six or seven square meters in size, with a small light bulb hanging from the top.

At the same time, there is a small cabinet for medicine standing by the wall, and besides that is a bed placed in the center of the room.

This moment.

Lying on this bed is a "person" covered in scorched black:

The man's right sleeve was half left, and the left knee of his trousers was burned with a hideous wound, and thick gauze was wrapped from his chest to his arms.

But even so.

The burnt red color can also be seen on the exposed skin.

The whole person could not see any breath, and the face was burned with wounds, only the chest was rising and falling slightly.

Even Huang Weiguo, a veteran who survived the meat grinder in Zhongyuan Mountain, couldn't help frowning when he saw this situation.

At this time, the person who was rescuing this person was an old doctor in his sixties, and beside him stood a woman in her thirties with a vicissitudes of life.

The old doctor held a small clay pot in one hand and a small brush in the other, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were a bit dignified.

After a while, he dipped the brush into the clay pot, dipped some black sticky plaster, and carefully applied it on the unconscious person's body, the movements were quite gentle.

He paints each area.

The woman will come forward and wrap it in gauze.

Huang Weiguo, an old doctor, also knew him. His name was Yao Fuchuan, and he was one of the few doctors in Guide County.

Yao Fuchuan knows a little bit of Western medicine and Chinese medicine, but his skills are not superb, and the medicines he prescribes are generally very conservative.

Although he didn't kill anyone, he didn't cure any serious illness either.

Yao Fuchuan was seriously applying medicine to this 'burnt corpse', when he heard the movement, he raised his head, frowned and said:

"Who? Didn't I say don't come in? Uh? President Wang? Why are you here?"

Wang Changlin still respected the old doctor, smiled politely when he heard this, and said:

"Well, I just came back from training with the militia. I heard that someone was dug up in the fire, so I came over to have a look."

Then he glanced at the unconscious man, and asked tentatively:

"Old Yao, I don't know this person is now."

Yao Fuchuan was silent for a moment, then shook his head lightly:

"The degree of burns is very high, the wound infection is very serious, and many wounds have suppurated."

"Look, the burn wound on his face is also amazing. Even if he recovers, he will inevitably be disfigured, not to mention that the current situation is not the so-called 'even' at all."

"If there are no accidents, President Wang, you go out now and turn right to Wangji Coffin Shop to buy a second coffin. Maybe you will need it tomorrow."

Wang Changlin:


Then he pondered for a moment, sighed, turned around and asked Mao Xiao:

"Comrade Mao Xiao, you are the workshop director of Wayao, please confirm first, is this a worker in your workshop?"

Mao Xiao quickly shook his head:

"Absolutely not."

"Why so sure?"

Mao Xiao glanced at Huang Weiguo, pointed to the person on the bed, and explained:

"Our Wayao Factory has stopped working since the morning to repair the canal. I just counted after lunch, and there are no fewer than 247 people in the five workshops."

"Although I didn't dare to move him on the way here, I did look at him a few times—his clothes were burned to ashes, but the shape of the shoes can be seen more or less."

"I'm sure, the rubber shoes he's wearing are definitely not our factory's rubber shoes!"

Hearing Mao Xiao's words.

Wang Changlin's eyes could not help showing a ray of thought.

Today, in order to ensure that Lao Guo and the others hand over their supplies, there will be no moths.

After discussing with Huang Weiguo, he specially arranged for the workers of the Wayao Factory to repair the canal in the name of the commune-the construction site was quite far from the Wayao Factory.

Except for middle-level leaders like Mao Xiao who handed over the progress back and forth and returned the tableware by the way.

There are definitely no workers working in the factory today.

If not.

The fire in the kiln will not be discovered until it is uncontrollable.

Think here.

Wang Changlin touched his chin again and guessed:

"In other words, this person probably sneaked in from the outside?"

Mao Xiao nodded, and recounted the guesses he and his fellow workers had made along the way:

"That's right, and the punch presses in the workshop are very heavy, and he definitely can't move them by himself, so I reckon he probably came in to steal the tiles."

"Our factory's tiles are high-quality tiles exclusively for Shanzhou, and they are still very popular among the people. Although they can't be sold for a lot of money, it's not difficult to exchange eggs, potatoes, or even food stamps and cloth stamps."

Hearing Mao Xiao's words.

Huang Weiguo, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but nodded.

This is actually his idea.

Don't look at the punch press in the workshop that looks like a crooked melon, it seems that it can't produce any good things.

But in fact.

In today's Xihai Province, Huang Weiguo and his Wayao Factory really don't have many rivals for their products.

After all, it is a peripheral unit carefully prepared by the superior, so it must be very solid in technology, otherwise it will be exposed.

In order to ensure that the product quality is good enough, the mine also obtained a technology from a material institute in Yanjing that can increase the wind pressure resistance of the product.

Therefore, in the area around Guide as the center, the tiles of Wayao Factory are still very popular:

Xihai Province has been full of wind and sand since ancient times, so the demand or loss of tiles has always been high.

In previous years, every Chinese New Year holiday.

Huang Weiguo would distribute some tiles from the factory to the workers, nominally giving them 'employee benefits' for repairing their own houses.

But most of the workers will quietly take the tiles to the countryside to exchange things with people, and they can often get some eggs, vegetables and even live poultry.

And because of this.

In the past few years, various thieves have often visited the Wayao Factory.

Some of these thieves are brats, stealing one slice today and two slices the next, and after making up a basket, find someone to exchange for candy.

Some are true thieves.

Those real thieves either did it alone or in gangs.

Most of their infiltration methods are over the wall. At most one time, Huang Weiguo and the others even threw nearly a ton of tiles.

So logically speaking.

There was a little thief who heard that the whole factory was going to dig a canal today, so he came to steal things. It seems reasonable in theory.

Then Wang Changlin and Huang Weiguo looked at each other again, and Wang Changlin winked outside.

The two found a reason to leave Mao Xiao where they were, and went out to find a remote open space to communicate and chat.

Huang Weiguo first took out a dry cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth, and asked Wang Changlin:

"President, what do you think?"

Wang Changlin thought for a moment and expressed his opinion:

"I personally agree with Comrade Mao Xiao's idea. Judging from the situation at the scene, it doesn't seem like the approach of the enemy agent."

Huang Weiguo nodded faintly.

If an enemy agent wants to enter the tile kiln to sabotage—not to mention how stupid he is to do so, just talk about his action plan first, theoretically there are only three possibilities:

make an explosion,

Destruction of punching equipment,


set fire.

Among them, the explosion can be ruled out in this incident, that is to say, his purpose is only the latter two.

So here comes the problem.

Although the punch presses in the Wayao Factory are valuable, they obviously cannot be destroyed by a single person—after all, the possibility of explosives has been ruled out.

As for setting fire

The area of ​​the No. 2 furnace is not small, but it is not big, not to mention that the time of fire is still broad daylight.

Normally, unless it is a sudden heart attack immediately after setting the fire, it will be unable to move.

Otherwise, the arsonist must be able to leave the workshop immediately after setting the fire, and will not be burned like this anyway.

This is what Wang Changlin referred to as a sense of disobedience in behavior.

But if the other party is a thief, then everything makes sense again:

This person sneaked into the factory when no one was in the factory, and wanted to steal finished tiles in the production workshop.

The result was unexpected.

When the tiles were being stacked, the high-voltage lines outside were blown by the sun, igniting the wooden windows and raw materials for production, and a fire started.

Since the fire started outside, he didn't notice it at first.

When the fire got bigger, it was too late for the person to run, and he was choked by the smoke and fainted at the scene.

After all, the punch press is more than ten meters away from the entrance.

Other than that.

This would also explain why the person is lying near the punch press:

The stamping module, that is, the area where the finished tiles are stored, is only one meter away from the punching machine. If you want to steal tiles, you must pass through here.


Think here.

While Wang Changlin was relieved, he couldn't help but sigh slightly inwardly.

According to Yao Fuchuan.

The thief probably won't survive tonight.

What he committed was not some unforgivable and heinous crime. In fact, it can be corrected through education-at least it may be corrected.

The punishment of death is indeed a bit cruel.

More critically.

Judging from Wang Changlin's past experience in "catching thieves".

Most of these thieves came from the villages below or even from other places. It was not easy to find his family members under the almost disfigured condition.

In other words, he might become a 'missing person' forever.

And just when Wang Changlin was about to discuss the nature of the incident with Huang Weiguo again, a greeting suddenly sounded beside him:

"Hey, Director Huang!"

Wang Changlin followed the trend.

I saw an open space seven or eight meters away from them.

At this time, a man in his fifties and wearing glasses was standing, and beside him stood another thin young man.

The two of them tactfully kept a distance, smiling and waving their hands.

Then, without waiting for Wang Changlin to ask.

Huang Weiguo frowned, and asked with strong surprise and worry in his tone:

"Comrade Guo? Comrade Cai?"

As Huang Weiguo said, he walked forward quickly, looked around secretly, and said to Lao Guo nervously:

"Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, why did you two come here? This... This is too risky."

Old Guo Wenyan smiled and patted Huang Weiguo's palm twice, saying:

"Director Huang, don't worry, we stayed in the factory for a while beforehand, and we came here only after Battalion Chief Lin sent someone out to inquire about the news and made sure it was safe."

"One is to tell you that our supplies have been moved, and the other is to hear that someone was rescued in the fire, so I came to see the situation."

When Cai Shaohui on the side heard the words, he couldn't help but cast a sideways glance at Lao Guo again.

Install, continue to install.

Obviously it was Battalion Commander Lin who urged the convoy to leave, but Lao Guo was worried that he would not be able to get those fish, so he forced himself to look for Huang Weiguo, okay?

Of course.

The previous statement that they came only after they were sure they were safe was true, otherwise Battalion Commander Lin would not have let them leave the Wayao Factory.

And across from them.

Seeing that Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui had come here, Huang Weiguo could only shake his head resignedly.

Then he turned around and introduced to Wang Changlin in a low voice:

"President Wang, these two are the special commissioners from the mine. This is Comrade Guo, and this is Comrade Cai."

"Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, this is President Wang, and he is also one of us."

Wang Changlin quickly and enthusiastically shook hands with Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui:

"Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, I have admired you for a long time."

After letting go.

Lao Guo glanced at Cai Shaohui at the side, thinking that asking for fish seemed a bit hasty, so he chatted about a topic and asked:

"By the way, President Wang, Director Huang, what happened to the equipment in the fire?"

Huang Weiguo pouted his chin towards the chimney of the kiln:

"The rescue was done in a timely manner. The most critical equipment was finally saved, but there was still a loss to some extent. The specifics will not be known until the results of the summary come out."

Lao Guo nodded and asked again:

"What about the one who was rescued?"

"That person."

Huang Weiguo's face darkened a bit, and he briefly introduced the situation, even explaining the reasons for excluding the enemy agents:

".It's almost like this. Most of them are thieves who came from somewhere outside. They may not be able to survive tonight. Pity his parents."

After Lao Guo listened quietly, he subconsciously exchanged a glance with Cai Shaohui.

The old and the young shook their heads at the same time.

Then Lao Guo took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and prepared to bring the topic to crucian carp.

Then he didn't speak.

Mao Xiaochao hurried out of the clinic.

He held a palm-sized piece of paper in his hand, and when he came to Wang Changlin and Huang Weiguo, he first glanced at Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui, and then handed the piece of paper to Wang Changlin:

"President, look at this. This is what Dr. Yao found from that person. It's almost burned into a ball with his clothes."

Wang Changlin held the piece of paper in front of him, frowned and looked at it for a while, then muttered:

"I can't see clearly, the words on the side have been burnt to ashes, but I can see it here."

Then Wang Changlin raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said unexpectedly:

"Hey, why is this in foreign language?"

"Foreign language?"

Hear these two words.

Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui, who were silent at the side, were taken aback for a moment.

After recovering.

Lao Guo hurriedly stepped forward and said to Wang Changlin:

"President Wang, can you show me this piece of paper?"

Wang Changlin nodded, and handed the paper to Lao Guo:

"No problem, the foreign language is here."

Lao Guo quickly took it with both hands, put it in front of him and looked at it.

As Wang Changlin said.

A large area of ​​this piece of paper was burnt black, and only a few places could vaguely see some flying English.

"This is dipoa"

Lao Guo first tried his best to see some of the remaining letters. As a top student who graduated from Caltech, he has a high reserve of vocabulary.

So soon.

He thought of a few words:

"Diplomatic? Diplomat?"

Then Cai Shaohui on the side thought for a while and added:

"It may also be diplomacy. Is it a diplomatic-related newspaper?"

Lao Guo nodded ambiguously, and continued to read:

"Uneriy, o this should be of, then Cabrge"

After a while.

Lao Guo raised his head as if he had seen a ghost, and suddenly looked at Wang Changlin:

"President Wang, where is that person now, take me there quickly! Also."

"Save his life no matter what!"

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