Into Unscientific

Chapter 510 This is too hot


Next to the little house.

A yelling sound was heard from nowhere.

Including Huang Weiguo, Lao Guo, and the young man named Cai Shaohui, the three of them were all taken aback.

After a while.

Huang Weiguo was the first to react.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and the expression on his face instantly became extremely dignified.

Then he didn't even look at the burning kiln, but turned his head to look at Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui, and said hurriedly:

"Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, something seems to be wrong!"

"By the way, do you have any guns on you?"

Old Guo nodded when he heard the words, patted a slightly swollen area around his waist, and asked at the same time:

"I'm taking it with you. Why, Director Huang, do you think it might be that the enemy agents are doing something wrong?"

Huang Weiguo turned his head and glanced at the chimney where the kiln was, hesitating for a moment, his tone a bit uncertain:

"It doesn't look like that, to be honest."

"After all, the distance is too far, and the motive is illogical"

"But Comrade Guo, your identities are too special, you'd better be cautious."

When Huang Weiguo said these words, the expression on his face was very serious.

Although the tile kiln factories or factories in this era did not have a complete safety management system as in later generations.

But some basic rules will still be followed.

For example, sewage should be discharged below the water source so as not to pollute the water used by residents above.

For example, at least one water tower in the factory must be kept full to prevent fires and the like.

Another example.

The production area and warehouse should be separated to prevent raw materials and finished products from being damaged due to accidents in the production area.

These are all experiences accumulated over the years, many of which can even be traced back to the ancient feudal workshop period.

So at the beginning of the design.

The production area and warehouse of Wayao Factory are divided into two areas.

The straight-line distance between these two areas is more than two hundred meters, and there are four or five walls between them, and even the entrances are facing in two directions.

Therefore, if there are really enemy agents who want to target Lao Guo and the others

To what extent is his brain so watted that he would go to the production area to make troubles, and affect the warehouse from hope?

Not to mention from the perspective of enemy agents.

In a remote area like Xihai Province, which is different from Yanjing or Shencheng, the importance of collecting intelligence is obviously far greater than simply destroying.

Setting fire at this time will not have any meaning other than exposing your own existence. An enemy agent with such a brain wattage should not even survive 49 years normally.

So start from the logical side.

Huang Weiguo is more inclined to be an ordinary accident. Although this accident is a bit slap in the face, it is not a big problem.

Can a fire be brought out for you who will be born decades later?


But on the other hand.

The old Guo standing next to him at this time is from that mysterious "mine". At the same time, he also shoulders the mission of transshipment of those "new tiles" abroad, so the particularity of his identity is self-evident.

Therefore, no matter what, Huang Weiguo cannot allow Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui to have an accident.

Even if it was really an accident, he still had to treat it as a special event.

The consequences of worrying too much are at best a false alarm, nothing can be lost.

But the price of carelessness is probably irreparable.

Think here.

Huang Weiguo couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui:

"How about it, Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai."

"Now that the handover of 'Xinwa' has been completed, we might as well go back to the warehouse and meet with Battalion Commander Lin and the others."

"Whether it's a false alarm or a real accident, Battalion Commander Lin's side is definitely the safest."

"After meeting, I will go to President Wang of the Anding Commune and ask him to dispatch militiamen to the burning kiln to maintain order—President Wang is also a member of our peripheral secrecy front. You should have been informed of his identity before departure."

Old Guo Jian nodded and replied:

"That's right, the leader of the mine told me about President Wang, and asking him to come forward is the safest solution."

Huang Weiguo is worthy of being a veteran who came down from the battlefield. Seeing this situation, he said decisively:

"Okay, then let's not waste time here, let's meet Commander Lin first."

Say it.

He took Lao Guo and Cai Shaohui out of the house.

A few minutes later.

The three of Huang Weiguo returned to the original warehouse entrance with their suitcases, and saw Battalion Commander Lin waiting here.

In addition to commanding the car company this time, Battalion Commander Lin also brought an infantry platoon of 30 people with him.

The main task of this infantry platoon is to assist in the handling of materials. After all, it weighs more than 20 tons - 20 tons is 40,000 catties. If one person can carry 50 catties at a time, it will take more than 800 trips. A team is bound to help.

But if they encounter special circumstances, they can transform into a powerful attacking team at any time.

At this time, half of the infantry platoon has entered the standby state. After seeing the figure of Lao Guo, Battalion Commander Lin quickly walked up to him:

"Comrade Friends!"

With just four words, you can hear the tension in Battalion Commander Lin's heart.

Lao Guo stepped forward to shake hands with him, and said:

"Captain Lin, I've been waiting for a long time."

Battalion Commander Lin quickly glanced at the box that Lao Guo was carrying in the other hand, without making a sound, he knew in his heart that Lao Guo's mission had been completed.

Then he thought for a moment, glanced at the thick smoke in the distance, and asked Lao Guo:

"Comrade Youlai, the specific situation is not yet clear. Are you and Comrade Shaohui leaving the city first or...?"

Lao Guo pointed to Huang Weiguo and repeated Huang Weiguo's previous thoughts:

"...This is what Director Huang thinks, and my personal opinion is to stay in the factory."

Cai Shaohui on the side heard the words and quietly glanced at Lao Guo.

He has partnered with Lao Guo for a year, and he has a deep understanding of Lao Guo's character.

He dared to guarantee it with half a steamed bun.

The purpose of Lao Guo's stay here, at least one of the purposes, is for those crucian carp that Huang Weiguo mentioned earlier.

After all, there is a high probability that this incident was an accident. It is safe to leave now, but the crucian carp must be gone.

And by their side.

Seeing that Lao Guo and Commander Lin met smoothly.

While Huang Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief, he did not forget what he had to do:

"In this case, everyone, I will go to the kiln to have a look first, and you pay more attention to the sky - if there is an accident, I will fire the flare gun immediately, and the bullet is blue."

Old Guo nodded when he heard the words:

"No problem, I made a note."

After explaining these.

Huang Weiguo handed over the key to the gate of the factory to Lao Guo, and hurried to the kiln.

Today's Guide County has five communes, and the population is not too large, only in the early 20,000s.

In another twenty years, the current commune will be transformed into a township, a basic administrative unit of the state that is only higher than the village level.

The Wayao Factory that Huang Weiguo is in charge of belongs to Anding Commune among the five communes, and it is also the most special commune in the county:

The Anding Commune contributed more than 70% of the county's militia, and 50% of the production tasks undertaken by the communal enterprises came from Shanzhou.

So pretty much every once in a while.

Outside the doors of the communal enterprises in Anding Commune, you can see many trucks with foreign license plates, and it is very lively when picking up the goods.

This kind of situation is quite common in the current era of planned economy, so over time, everyone will gradually get used to it.

to some extent.

Anding Commune is the embryonic form of industrial villages and towns in later generations.

Other than that.

The militia training base of Anding Commune is also very close to Wayao Factory, and the straight-line distance between the two is about four to five hundred meters.

In addition, the handover with Lao Guo and others was delayed for some time.

Therefore, when Huang Weiguo arrived at the scene, the commune president Wang Changlin had already led the militiamen to put out the fire.


After arriving at the scene.

Huang Weiguo squeezed his way out from the crowd of onlookers, walked quickly to Wang Changlin's side, and patted his head in embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, President, there is some delay in the warehouse. I will definitely conduct a review at the next commune meeting!"

Wang Changlin is a dark-complexioned and thin man, wearing white clothes and black trousers, wearing a pair of shoes with some rubber on his feet, he waved his hand when he heard this:

"Comrade Weiguo, we will talk about the review at a later time. The most urgent thing now is to focus on controlling the fire."


Wang Changlin pointed to a low factory building that was burning ahead, and said:

"You see, the location of the fire is in the No. 2 furnace. The time of the fire is not clear. Since the production area was shut down today, it took a long time for the fire to be discovered by the people outside the factory."

"Now the fire has covered the entire workshop. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the fire will not be extinguished in a short time."

"Comrades from the militia brigade are rescuing the equipment in the workshop, at least the punch press must be rescued anyway."

Huang Weiguo nodded solemnly when he heard the words.

Although he is a veteran who has been discharged from the army, he has never been to school and does not know much about crafts.

But he has been the director of Wayao Factory for almost five years, so he is no stranger to the production process and equipment.

Today's tile production process is not complicated, and the most important equipment is the punching machine.

Although the punch press in Wayao Factory was not imported from abroad, but produced in a machinery factory in southern Sichuan, its value is still high.

If there is any equipment in the entire workshop that must not be damaged, it must be the punching machine.

Then Huang Weiguo glanced at the workshop where the fire was still raging, pulled Wang Changlin aside, and asked in a low voice:

"President, is this fire an accident?"

Wang Changlin glanced around, nodded calmly, and lowered his voice:

"It should be an accident. The fire started in the No. 2 furnace. It seems that the high temperature burned out the high-voltage line, and the fire was caused by the combustion of tile ash."

"High voltage lines?"

Huang Weiguo was slightly taken aback, but soon he was relieved:

"It's certainly possible."

The earliest power transmission line in Xihai Province was a 35kV power transmission and transformation line put into operation three years ago, and it was only put into operation in Shanzhou.

Then a year and a half ago.

The power supply line has officially covered Guide County.

Of course.

Line coverage is one thing, and residents' electricity use is another - due to various reasons, residents have not yet been able to electrify their homes.


According to the current electricity price.

Even if every household in the county is connected to electricity, it is estimated that not many communes can afford the electricity bill, especially in an economically backward area like Xihai.

However, as a commune enterprise with production tasks, Wayao Factory is a large electricity consumer.

Once the power consumption is frequent, another problem arises:

That is the safety hazard of electricity.

Students who were high-voltage wires in their previous lives should know it.

The high-voltage line structure of this era is very primitive.

Most of the time, the joints are made from the bolt clamp at the down-lead of the substation, and often have problems due to overheating or excessive humidity.

Coupled with the high temperature in Guide today, theoretically speaking, accidents may indeed occur due to high-voltage lines.

Think here.

Huang Weiguo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Unlike him, the chief soldier, Wang Changlin has been engaged in confidential affairs all year round.

If he could say the words 'it should be an accident', there would probably be no other secrets in this matter.

And while the two were talking.

The firefighting work on the scene has also entered the most critical stage.

A lot of people participated in the firefighting this time, there were about 20 militiamen and the same number of young and strong workers.

Some of these workers are workers from the tile kiln factory living nearby, and some are passing masses. Although the conditions are difficult in this era, everyone's hearts are very warm.

Due to the lack of high-pressure water guns.

These firefighters can only rely on buckets to suppress the fire. The core force of the fire fighting is a few strong middle-aged people:

Together they carried a huge leather bag with a knotted bamboo sticking out of the bag.

With the rhythmic pressing of several people, a large amount of clear water continued to flow out through the bamboo, and quickly poured to the fire point.

This thing is called a water bag, and it is usually made of horse or cow hide. It has been a common primitive "fire extinguisher" in my country since the Tang Dynasty.

The commander of the water bag to control the pace and direction of the people when fighting the fire is called the 'water head'.

At this time, the person in charge of the water was a shirtless man named Mao Xiao.

The reason why Mao Xiao was able to serve as the head of water was that besides his strength, the more important reason was that he was the workshop director of the production area, and he knew the location of important equipment much better than ordinary people.


After extinguishing the fire on a door panel.


Mao Xiao suddenly stopped everyone's movements, and looked forward for a while.

Then the voice suddenly raised a few points, and shouted to the surroundings:

"I see the punch! Get some help, the fire is too big to be suppressed by the water bag alone!"

I heard this.

All kinds of yelling and screaming quickly sounded around:

"I'm coming!"


"Er Dezi, bring the tow hook!"

After a while.

A large group of young and middle-aged men, some carrying buckets, some pushing wheelbarrows filled with sand, and some holding slender hooks for dragging equipment, all gathered around Mao Xiao.


Mao Xiao took the tow hook from one of the people beside him, and forcefully opened a half-burned door panel, pointing at the room and shouting:

"See it? The thing on the right is a punching machine, about ten meters away from us."

"Although this thing won't catch fire, it won't work if it burns for a long time. We can only rescue it as soon as possible."

"That's why, Ma Lao Er, you can sprinkle sand first, and the others will splash water immediately after the sand is completely sprinkled!"

"When the fire is suppressed a bit, a few more people will come into the house with me to lift the punching machine out. Is there any man who volunteers to sign up?"

The voice just fell.

Mao Xiao raised five or six hands beside him:

"Maozi, count me in!"

"Brother Mao, I'm coming too!"

"Brother Mao, I'm a worker in the factory, add me!"

Seeing this, Mao Xiao was not too polite, and immediately waved his hand:

"Success, everyone, start preparing!"


Mao Xiao wrapped the scarf around his neck around his nose and mouth, and at the same time began to splash water on his body.

Several other young men who were named around followed suit.

After half a minute.

everything's ready.

I saw a few workers first throw the sand in the washbasin into the house vigorously, and then the militiamen with buckets quickly poured water on it.

Under the combination of water and soil.

The fire in the house was immediately suppressed by a large amount.

But everyone knows that this suppression will not last long, and it is estimated that the fire will become stronger again in less than a minute.

So the fire has just been reduced.

Mao Xiao yelled and rushed, clutching the towel in front of his nose and mouth, and led several people into the flames.

Just entered the house.

Mao Xiao felt a heat wave coming from the pavement, and at the same time, there was the crackling sound of wooden doors and windows.

It's even more uncomfortable.

The smoke in the room also affected his sight, he could only rely on his peripheral vision to explore the way, and finally led everyone to the edge of the punching machine with difficulty.

The punch press in Wayao Factory is about two meters long, and the rough appearance has shed a lot of 'skin' under the high temperature, which looks like King Ning's face.

However, the structure of the punch press is still solid and has not changed much.

Then Mao Xiao and the other four stood on both sides of the punch press, and put their hands under the punch press after they settled down.

I don't know whether the combination of labor protection gloves and clothes is thick enough, or the cooling effect of the punch is not bad.

In short, when Mao Xiao took it, the palm of his hand was not as hot as expected-this is undoubtedly good news.

So soon.

Everyone worked together to lift the punching machine easily.

However, just as Mao Xiao was about to direct everyone to leave the room, he suddenly noticed something on the ground from the corner of his eye.

Mao Xiao subconsciously looked there.

And at the moment when he saw that 'thing' clearly.

Even though he was in the middle of the fire at this time, Mao Xiao couldn't help but yelled:

"Grass, there is a person here! It's about to burn to ashes!"


Hospitalization is too torturous. I don’t know what equipment next door keeps buzzing and flashing. I can’t sleep at all in the middle of the night.

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