Into Unscientific

Chapter 509 The Era of Nationwide Supply! (Thanks to the lord who heard that the bamboo-clothed gold

As the frontier of the Republic.

Xihai Province, which occupies a corner of the roof of the world, has a long history.

Xihai Province was called the Hercynian Corridor in ancient times, and it was one of the important routes of the ancient Silk Road. It is as famous as the famous Hexi Corridor in the world.



in law,


After thousands of years of complicated entanglements.

Xihai Province has been thoroughly integrated into this country and has become an integral part of China.

When it comes to Xihai Province, it is necessary to mention a county.

That is Guide County.

It is the earliest county seat in Xihai Province. It can be said that Guide has existed since the beginning of civilized activities.

There is an old saying, "The Yellow River in the world guides Deqing".

Among them, the word Guide refers to Guide County.

Guide County is located in the transition zone between the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The roughness of the northwest and the moistness of the south of the Yangtze River are integrated in Guide.

Later generations of Guide also established the Guide National Geopark, and even gave birth to a cold joke about Guide:

The pinyin of Guide is "guide", so the English title of Guide County Travel Guide is .

"guide to guide".

Guide in 2023 has been built into a well-known tourist attraction, known as the plateau Xiaojiangnan.

But in this era, Guide County is not as refined as later generations.

At this time, Guide County was just a small and down-and-out county town, with all kinds of wooden or stone houses crooked and extremely old.

look around.

There are only two buildings with a height of more than three floors in Guide County:

One is the state-run guest house.

The second is the office building of the only junior high school in the county.

Other than that.

Although the streets in the county can barely be called broad, they are almost all paved with one deep and one shallow bluestone slabs, and it is bumpy to walk on.

There is also a small red ticket box on the side of a certain section of the street, and a positive slogan with a sense of the times is painted on the wall near the ticket box.

A four- to five-meter-high wooden pole by the wall is tied to a large speaker, playing a voice in a sharp but full voice:

"Important notice, important notice!"

"In the afternoon, the Gaozhuang production team will carry out collective canal digging work. Five work points will be awarded for half a day of full labor, and two work points for half labor."

"In addition, female comrades who signed up for technical training on pig raising technology must go to the commune lounge to gather after lunch, and inform again."

If the line of sight is raised a little higher.

You can also see farmers farming in the field, as well as busy workers in various brigades and enterprises.

And at the same time that the horn was "noisy".

Outside the county seat.

The tile kiln factory under the Anding Commune.


With the sound of brakes.

A Changjiang 46 jeep parked steadily outside Wayao Factory.

The Jeep was badly worn, with dark, scarred paint that had been blown into a grayish-brown color by the dust.

The glass of the headlights was covered with small scratches, the windshield was damaged by sand and dust, there were plate-shaped pits on the iron sheet outside the car, and the mottled, scaly metal surface was faded everywhere.

Immediately after the jeep stopped, there were several army green Jiefang CA10 trucks behind.

After a while.

The Jeep's doors were opened from the inside.

A middle-aged man in people's uniform and a young man in a white shirt and blue uniform pants got out of the car.

The two of them were 'Old Guo' and the young man in the co-pilot.

After getting off.

The young man first rolled up the cuffs of his shirt above his wrist, and shook the dust from his hair vigorously.

Then he walked to the tire on the side of the co-pilot and took a look, oh, he said:

"Hey, what a big pile of sheep dung, Lao Guo, it really looks like a dung beetle?"

Lao Guo glanced at him, but didn't answer.

After a while.

A middle-aged officer also got off a CA10 truck at the rear.

The officer was dressed in a grass-green twill uniform, a military-green cap, and had a dark complexion.

After getting off.

The officer first straightened his collar, walked quickly to Lao Guo, and said with concern:

"Comrade Youlai, you have traveled hundreds of kilometers all at once, is your health okay?"

Lao Guo immediately raised his chest and said with a smile:

"Captain Lin, you are underestimating me. It's less than two hundred kilometers, so what's the point?"

"If I were so delicate, I would have packed up and gone back to my hometown."

Seeing that Lao Guo still wanted to say such polite words, Battalion Commander Lin finally had a smile on his dark face.

Then he glanced at the sky and briefly judged the time, and said to Lao Guo:

"Comrade Youlai, we have an urgent task. If there is no problem, let's go to the people in the factory to hand it over."

Old Guo nodded when he heard the words, and made a gesture of invitation:

"Captain Lin, please."

Afterwards, Lao Guo and Battalion Commander Lin took the young men in white shirts to the iron gate of the Wayao Factory and knocked on the gate a few times.

After half a minute.

A tall, middle-aged man with a cropped head and face full of plateau red appeared in the sulfur factory.

The man is dressed as a worker, giving people a sense of roughness.

Go behind the iron gate.

The middle-aged man opened the door in no hurry.

He first glanced at the trucks outside, then sized up the old Guo and the others, and asked:

"Comrades, I'm Huang Weiguo, the director of Wayao Factory. You guys look a little strange, you don't look like people from our county."

Lao Guo looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he replied in the same dialect:

"Director Huang, we are from the 221 Mine. Our factory manager said that you just arrived here with a batch of good tiles from Yanjing, so let us come over and buy some from Yen."

"I heard that your batch of tiles has blue tiles and red tiles. To be honest, our team is looking forward to blue tiles and almost looking forward to Demba."


Lao Guo took out a certificate and handed it to Huang Weiguo.

Huang Weiguo took the certificate and scanned it carefully.

Afterwards, his face was still naive, but his eyes instantly became serious.

He smacked his mouth a few times and said:

"Oh, from the 221 Mine, right? I did tell you about it with your factory manager Zhang."

"Since you are an old acquaintance, let's come in and pick up the goods—but you still have to give a material ticket, and you can use a cigarette ticket or a sugar ticket instead."

Lao Guo naturally said yes again and again.

Then Huang Weiguo opened the iron gate himself, and the convoy drove into the courtyard.

A few people just entered the yard.

Huang Weiguo pulled Lao Guo and Battalion Commander Lin aside.

I saw strong excitement and joy on the face of this rough guy, he grabbed Lao Guo's hand and shook it vigorously:

"Oh, comrades, you are finally here. You don't know how anxious I have been waiting these days."

"To tell you the truth, I'm still a little confused now. How could the supplies go our way this time? It's so sudden."

Lao Guo was informed of Huang Weiguo's identity in advance. Although the other party does not work in the mine, his actual identity is one of the few remaining heroes of the Zhongyuanshan Hero Company.

Belongs to someone who is absolutely reliable, and you can exchange some information with him if you are sure it is safe.

Therefore, Lao Guo didn't hide it from Huang Weiguo, but sighed slightly and explained:

"No way, the line in Shanzhou has been heavily guarded. Last week, more than three people were directly clicked. It is no longer safe."

"So after discussion, the leaders of the mine decided to let the new batch of materials take the G317 route and take a long way to the four counties of Guide, Dulan, Qilian, and Gulang."

"Then send out four convoys for handover and transportation. Although the road is a bit complicated, the victory lies in stability, cough cough"

Before Lao Guo finished speaking, his movements suddenly froze.

The whole person coughed violently.

So he quickly turned his body to one side, and at the same time skillfully took out a handkerchief from his body and covered his mouth.

The young man on the side quickly walked up behind him and gently patted Lao Guo on the back.

that's all.

After half a minute, Lao Guo's cough subsided.

After the body returns to normal.

Lao Guo ran his hand along his chest, subconsciously glanced at the handkerchief in his hand, and his eyes that were gradually relaxed suddenly focused again.

After recovering.

He immediately wanted to stuff the handkerchief back into his trouser pocket.

But the young man on the side noticed the abnormality of Lao Guo's expression first, looked at Lao Guo's handkerchief, and shouted:

"Wait, Lao Guo, what is that on your handkerchief? Grass, Lao Guo, are you vomiting blood?!"

Then the young man grabbed Lao Guo's handkerchief and spread it out in front of everyone.

Only at this moment.

On the handkerchief, which was originally as white as snow, there were dots of bright red imprinted on it.

Seeing his petty actions being punctured by the young man, Lao Guo didn't feel ashamed, but waved his hand indifferently:

"It's just getting angry, Shaohui, don't worry too much, I know my own body, I'm not that delicate."

When the young man named Shaohui heard the words, he subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refute:

"you bullshit"

However, before he finished speaking, Lao Guo interrupted him again seriously:

"Okay, Shaohui, if you have any questions, go back to the mine and talk about it."

"Our task today is very important. In addition to assisting Commander Lin to carry food supplies, there are more important equipment waiting for us to receive."

"There is no one in front of the country, so let's deal with the matter at hand first, and don't be in a hurry for a while."

After finishing speaking, Lao Guo patted 'Shaohui' on the shoulder twice, turned his head and said to Huang Weiguo:

"Director Huang, let's start."

"Comrade Guo, hello!"

Huang Weiguo opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But as a soldier, his rationality still prevailed over his sensibility at this time. Hearing this, he could only take a deep breath and said:

"Okay, everyone, please come with me."

Then under the leadership of Huang Weiguo.

A group of people detoured for a while in the factory area, and soon came to a warehouse.

The warehouse seems to have only one floor and is about four or five meters high, but it occupies a large area.

The heavy iron door is covered with reddish-brown rust, which in some local dialects means "peeling", and it seems that it is really old.

Arrived at the warehouse.

Huang Weiguo quickly took out a key that was as long as a palm from his body, and opened the lock of the warehouse door.

Then push hard.


The rusty door shaft of the warehouse door made a dry friction sound, slowly revealing the scene inside:

The top floor and sides of the warehouse are covered with thick stone slabs, and the ground is full of goods, densely packed in a large pile.

Most of the ones on the left are cyan sacks, while the ones on the right are mainly wooden boxes.

I don't know if it wasn't long before the goods were moved.

In the warehouse, I didn't see the kind of accumulation of sand and dust that had been accumulated for a long time and would be raised as soon as I walked, so the impression was not bad.

at the same time.

Huang Weiguo took out a small dagger from his body and handed it to Lao Guo:

"Comrade Guo, here we are."

"Thank you."

Lao Guo thanked him.

He took the dagger, walked to a green sack, and swiped lightly.


As the sack was broken a small opening.

click -

A potato with a crooked head and a few sprouts jumped out of the mouth of the solid sack, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Seeing this, Lao Guo quickly bent down to pick up the potato, put it in front of his mouth and blew the ashes vigorously a few times, and held it carefully in the palm of his hand, as if looking at a rare treasure:

"Tsk tsk, blue tile, this is a very good blue tile! I haven't seen it for four months."

Talking and talking.

Lao Guo couldn't help squinting his eyes, and a look of enjoyment appeared on his face.

It seemed that what was placed in front of him at this time was not a raw food, but a baked potato that was just pulled out from the stove and was full of aroma.

However, Lao Guo's emotions only lasted for a few seconds, and the whole person came back to his senses, and continued to sample and check several bags of supplies.

ten minutes later.

Lao Guo returned to Huang Weiguo, returned the dagger to him, and said to Commander Lin:

"Commander Lin, the supplies are in very good condition, comrades, please start moving them."

Battalion Commander Lin has a solemn expression:


Although until now he does not know the true identity and responsibilities of this comrade named Guo Youlai.

However, he was told by his superiors before he set off that he had to obey the other party's arrangements for the entire transportation of materials this time.

So after getting Lao Guo's instructions.

Battalion Commander Lin immediately greeted the convoy members and began to move supplies.

This time Battalion Commander Lin brought a car company to Guide to hand over the supplies. The vehicles were all CA10 Jiefang cars, a total of 5 vehicles.

Based on the calculation that a CA10 car can carry four tons, they will bring back a total of 20 tons of supplies.

For the convoys in the other three counties, the total amount of materials they can bring back this time is a full 80 tons.

The current total number of people in the mine is about 12,000 people, and these materials are enough for a period of time.

Of course.

These more than 80 tons of materials are not all food.

Among the more than 80 tons of materials, at least 30% are other things, so the weight of the food is actually not as much as the figure.

"One, two, one!"

"It's fixed, hey!"

"Give me another bag, I can carry two bags!"

Looking at the busy car soldiers, Lao Guo couldn't help but sighed deeply:

"Director Huang, to tell you the truth, without this batch of grain, the comrades may really be unable to withstand it—I don't mean the mind, but the body."

"There is an old saying in China that rains come after a long drought, and this situation is just like this."

to be honest.

Huang Weiguo is an old man who has never been to elementary school, so he couldn't understand a single word of Lao Guo's second sentence.

But as one of the members of the outer guard system who was entrusted with important tasks, he also knew something about the situation in the mine.

that was so difficult

Then he suddenly thought of something, turned to Lao Guo and asked:

"Comrade Guo, I heard that this batch of grain was borrowed by Nie Shuai in his own name?"


Lao Guo glanced at Huang Weiguo, the corners of his mouth moved a few times, but he still didn't say the word "beg":

"Yes, Nie Shuai went to Shencheng himself, and finally borrowed these grains from the navy—in his and Boss Chen's personal names, with an IOU." Don’t delete this paragraph, the IOU is a public exhibit in the Nie Shuai Gallery)

Huang Weiguo was silent when he heard the words.

after awhile.

Seeing that the material handling has gradually entered a normal rhythm,

Lao Guo tugged at Huang Weiguo's sleeve, pulled him aside, and asked in a low voice:

"Director Huang, according to the instructions I received, this time, besides the blue tiles and red tiles, there should be a new type of tile from abroad"

Huang Weiguo's gaze froze again upon hearing this.

He nodded to Lao Guo calmly, and secretly led him and the young man named Shaohui out of the warehouse.

In this way, the three of them turned a corner along the side of the warehouse, and arrived outside another room that was smaller and more inconspicuous.

Then Huang Weiguo took out a small but complicated key again, inserted it into the lock and turned it lightly, and pushed the door open.

The height of this room is only about two meters, and the area is not even twenty square meters, which is much smaller than the previous warehouse.

Rather than a storeroom, it is more like a larger bedroom or woodshed.

However, the house seemed to have been cleaned beforehand, and it was very clean. There were no beds, cabinets or other utensils in the house.

Except for a broom leaning against the corner.

Only things are left.

A box placed in the house.

The appearance of the box is flat and rectangular, and the whole body is made of leather. It looks like 1x0.5x0.2 to the naked eye.

This size is not too big.

Other than that.

What this box uses is not an ordinary copper lock, but a combination lock.

After Lao Guo and Shaohui entered the house.

Factory Manager Huang coughed lightly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, and said consciously:

"Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, I'll go outside the door to smoke a cigarette first, and just call me if you have anything to do."


Factory Manager Huang voluntarily exited the house and closed the door.

Seeing this, Lao Guo didn't keep him. After all, this is a requirement of the confidentiality regulations, and it has nothing to do with trust or not.

After the sound of Director Huang's footsteps went away.

Lao Guo walked quickly to the box and entered six numbers:


After a while.


The combination lock popped open.

Lao Guo quickly opened the box, took out a flashlight from his body, held it in his mouth and shone it into the box.

Shaohui leaned against the door vigilantly, listening carefully to the movement outside the house.


"Annalen der Physik."

“《Physical Review Letters》.”

"《Mineralogical Magazine》."

With a flashlight in his mouth, Lao Guo mumbled the names of the books.

He carefully picked up each book, checked it, and put it down again, as gently as if he was dealing with fragile items.

For Huang Weiguo and the others, these books full of foreign languages ​​may not be able to understand any of the text on them, and it is even more difficult to understand their value.

But Lao Guo is different.

He is one of the few people among the hundreds of millions of people in this country who can understand the value of these books, and he is very clear about how much the country has paid for these books.

Foreign exchange and favors are just the beginning.

There are even more than one comrades in the secrecy front who paid the price of their lives to protect them from entering the country safely.

for example

Lao Guo, his friend at Caltech with the surname Ma.

In order to protect several sets of books among them, that friend sent them from the Malay Peninsula to Xiangjiang, and fixed his life forever at 31 years and 47 days.


Lao Guo felt that the books in his hands were a bit heavy.

Because in addition to their own materials, they also carry the souls of heroes.

half an hour later.


Lao Guo held the suitcase in one hand and led Shaohui to open the door.

Huang Weiguo's smoking position was about eleven or twelve meters away from the door. Seeing this, he hurried up and asked with concern:

"Comrade Guo, how is it? Is Xinwa okay?"

Lao Guo nodded to him, his expression relaxed a lot compared to the beginning:

"No problem, Director Huang, I have really worked hard on you this time."

"Hey, what's so hard about it?"

Huang Weiguo waved his hand quickly, holding a cigarette in one hand, and laughed heartily:

"It's all to make the country stronger as soon as possible. This is our duty as soldiers. You are so kind."

Then Huang Weiguo put his hands on his forehead to make a shed, looked at the sky, and said:

"Looking at the weather, it should be almost noon. Comrade Guo, Comrade Cai, why don't you stay for a light meal."

"Although the staple food here is only miscellaneous grains, steamed buns, but at least we are backed by the Yellow River, and there are wild fish and shrimps in the net."

"After dinner, I can still take a fishing rod to go fishing. If I'm lucky, I can catch mortar grenades or something. There is a young man who even fished an armored vehicle."

Lao Guo:


You call it fishing?

Of course.

The idea of ​​complaining was only fleeting, and Lao Guo quickly put his mind back to business.

He shook his head slowly but resolutely, and declined Huang Weiguo's kindness:

"Director Huang, I appreciate your kindness. We have limited time and special missions, so we won't stay here any longer."

"If possible, can you bring me a few fish back to the mine? - A lesbian in our team just gave birth and is not in good health. I want to cook some fish soup for her"

"no problem!"

As soon as Lao Guo finished speaking, Huang Weiguo patted his chest and said quickly:

"The water in the Yellow River is very clear here, so we specialize in producing Yellow River crucian carp. The effect of this thing's milk production and body recovery is very good."

"Well, it may take some time before the materials are transported. I'll ask someone to go to the team stoves of several brigades to see if there are any living crucian carp or mullet."

"If there is, we can arrange another box, and even the fish and water will be transported back to the mine. The road of more than 100 kilometers should not be a big problem."

In fact, Huang Weiguo originally wanted to say that this kind of long-distance fish can be eaten even if it is dead, but thinking that it would not be nice to say it so clearly, he simply changed it to a more euphemistic way of saying it.

And opposite him.

Hearing Huang Weiguo's kind arrangement, a hint of gratitude appeared on Lao Guo's face.

After all, his own physical problems can be resisted, but when it comes to the recovery of his colleagues or even his comrades-in-arms, he has no reason to refuse.

Think here.

Lao Guo quickly stretched out his hand and shook Huang Weiguo firmly:

"Director Huang, that will really trouble you."

"Okay, Comrade Guo, I'll get angry if you're so polite."

Huang Weiguo pretended to be unhappy, but the strength of his hand was slightly increased:

"It's a pity that I don't have the ability to contribute to the country like you intellectuals, otherwise I really want to."

Said here.

Huang Weiguo paused suddenly, with a complex look on his face, and asked Lao Guo in a low voice:

"Comrade Guo, let me explain first. I didn't want to inquire about your specific research progress-I don't understand those things after you said them, so I just want to know."

"Can our country really develop that big guy?"

"Of course, if this also involves confidentiality progress, you can just pretend that I didn't ask anything!"

When Huang Weiguo said these words,

There was a hint of hope and trembling in his tone that he didn't even realize.

As one of the members of the prestigious Company of Heroes.

Of the 56 people in Huang Weiguo's original company, 53 were forever buried in the northern peninsula.

At the same time, it was just before that battle.

It was the first time he had heard the name of that weapon.

For the first time, on the face of his invincible old leader, he saw worries that he had never had before.

Later, Huang Weiguo learned from the guards of his superiors that the other side of the sea was clamoring to drop that kind of weapon into the war, but our country had no means to counter it.

Many years have passed now.

Huang Weiguo still clearly remembered the appearance of the baby-faced guard. When he smiled, he was missing a front tooth, so tender and naive.

The little guy was like 19 at the time, right?

Oh no, it should be 18 years old - 19 years old when he sacrificed his age.

And along with the appearance of the guard, Huang Weiguo has always remembered the name of the weapon:

atomic bomb.

Although the battle ended with the miraculous victory of the rabbits, the rabbits defeated the mighty absolute overlord.

But it is undeniable.

In a certain period of time, the atomic bomb did bring unspeakable pressure to the rabbits.

So when the old leader approached him and asked him if he would be willing to be a member of the outer security system of a certain top-secret project.

Huang Weiguo agreed without hesitation.

It's just that Huang Weiguo has always had a question in his mind:

With our poor family background, can we really come up with this thing?

It is said that there are only four countries in the world that possess atomic bombs.


Looking at Huang Weiguo who was full of hope, Lao Guo hadn't spoken yet, but the young man named Shaohui couldn't help but speak:

"Director Huang, I know what you think. This is a national plan involving a century and a thousand years. Although the conditions are a bit short, we will definitely succeed!"

I don't know if it's because Shaohui is too young.

After hearing these words, Huang Weiguo still had some hesitation in his tone:

"But Comrade Cai, I heard that we don't have any technical materials in this area in our country, and almost all projects are established by Maoxiong experts."

"But now that the bear's expert is gone, we are equivalent."

Huang Weiguo was stuck for a few seconds, as if he didn't know what example to give.

But soon he thought of something, turned around, pointed to a chimney not far away and said:

"Look, that is the kiln of our brick and tile factory. Only by pressing the switch can the fire be fired."

"Today, in order to keep the material transportation confidential, all the employees in the tile factory were arranged to cultivate outdoors, and the kiln naturally stopped."

"In a sense, this is the same as those experts returning to the bear."

"Our current situation is equivalent to being cut off from the fire. Without the permission of the switch, how could this tile burn?"

As a result, Huang Weiguo just finished speaking.

Not far away, there was a sudden exclamation:

"It's not good, the kiln is on fire!!! Come and put out the fire!!!!"


Thanks to the leader who heard that the bamboo-clothed golden man gave a reward!

In the last hour at the end of the month, students who have a monthly pass can vote?

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