Into Unscientific

Chapter 508 Opening a New Dungeon (Part 2) (Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month!!!)

Following the fainting of Morisawa Hisaku.

In other words, with the release of the comparison results between Wenrelun's manuscript and Yongle's original.

The farce of Neon and Bangzi's questioning of "Yongle Dadian" has come to an end.


The Nihong and Bangzi expert groups still have a few copies of Jiajing that have not been produced, which can be regarded as relatively authoritative proof tools.

However, compared with the transcripts of Wenrelun, these Jiajing copies are not at the same level of secrecy.

These experts may be bad, but they are not stupid.

At the moment when the manuscripts of Wenrelun are invalid, the Jiajing copy is used as a weapon of doubt

It was like sending his face to Weng Tong for him to slap.

Ever since.

These neon and stick experts who were arrogant at the beginning and pretended to be experts without saying a word, all lost their energy at this time.

They didn't even have the face to stay in the laboratory, they all gathered around the stretcher bed of Morisawa Hisaku, and left the laboratory with the stretcher bed in their arms like a funeral.

Jiang Chenggu and Jin Xiangqian didn't stop them, but expressed their concern for Morisawa Hisaku in a 'kindly' way.

He told the doctor to do his best to rescue Hisasaku Morisawa, an "international friend".

Of course.

If it is really lost to God's will, then it is necessary to arrange a beautiful funeral for Morisawa Hisaku and show enough sincerity.

For example, make a report to temporarily cancel the ban on setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Yanjing City on the day of Morisawa's funeral.

After these devils and sticks leave.

Jiang Chenggu and Jin Qianqian couldn't help but look at each other, and Qi Qi laughed loudly.

The barrage of [2333333] [like a pinch] floated across the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms very cooperatively.

after awhile.

As the reporter representative, He Huai walked up to Jiang Chenggu with a microphone:

"Director Jiang, please come and make a summary."

Jiang Chenggu heard He Huai's implication, nodded with a smile, took the microphone and said:

"Okay, reporter He."

"Everyone should know that the Yongling excavation project was established more than a month ago, that is, the day when the dark matter results of the Academy of Sciences was released, and the project committee was established the next day."

"The excavation work officially started three weeks ago. Until yesterday, the preliminary work of the entire project was successfully completed."

"Today, under the attention of everyone, we cut down the apse of Emperor Jiajing's underground palace, and unearthed the copper palace."

That's all.

Jiang Chenggu paused, turned his attention to Weng Tong in the laboratory, and said with emotion:

"Actually, on the way to the laboratory, I had a few conversations with Professor Weng, and the content was all related to "Yongle Dadian."

"There is a very critical problem, and even Professor Weng has no good solution, that is"

"How can we prove that the "Yongle Dadian" we discovered is the authentic one?"

"After all, the "Yongle Canon" not only affects the local history of China, but also involves the entire civilization circle of Southeast Asia, and even involves the "Siku Quanshu" of the Qing Dynasty."

"So this kind of work is not what we unilaterally say it is "Yongle Dadian", it must be recognized by a more authoritative."

I heard this.

Jin Xiangqian and others on the side couldn't help but nodded.

The reason why "Yongle Dadian" is linked to the word "civilization circle" is largely due to the fact that there is a fatal dating in the current historical documents.

This date is the "Siku Quanshu".

for example.

"Old Tang Book", "Old History of the Five Dynasties", "Continued Zizhi Tongjian Changbian" and "Song Huiyaoji" have been lost in history for a long time, and they were not compiled from "Yongle Dadian" until the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, later generations do not know what the Qing Dynasty tampered with, what things were beautified or uglified, or even what books the Qing Dynasty deleted.

One of the most famous representatives is "Tiangong Kaiwu".

The work "Tiangong Kaiwu" was once listed as a banned book because of the anti-Qing words such as "Beilu" in the text, and it was not included in the Siku Quanshu.

In the end, the beginning and the end were cut off, and it was turned into a broken copy.

There are countless similar examples.

It is precisely because "Yongle Dadian" involves so many things that its "identity authentication" is particularly important.

Think here.

Jiang Chenggu couldn't help taking a deep breath, and continued:

"At first, we were still having a headache about this authoritative certification, but we didn't expect the international friends from Neon to stand up and help us solve this problem."

"Now I can proudly announce, fellow Chinese and friends from the East Asian Civilization Zone, on this not-so-special day, we have officially discovered the 456-year-old "Yongle Dadian"!"

"This is a milestone event in the field of archaeological history and human history, and it is destined to be recorded in the annals of history."

"Of course, the current "Yongle Dadian" has not been completely deacidified, and there is still a risk of damage."

"So in the future, we will devote all our efforts to the rescue work of "Yongle Dadian", and hope that one day, these restored "Yongle Dadian" originals will be able to openly meet with you as soon as possible."

When Jiang Chenggu said the last words.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help raising an uncontrollable smile.

well known.

Text rubbing is bound to be involved in the restoration of books and cultural relics.

Therefore, the relevant analysis of the text content will basically be carried out simultaneously with the restoration work, and sometimes the former may be faster.

In other words.

When the "Yongle Canon" can be exhibited to the public, it is destined that the research results related to "Yongle Canon" will be announced together.

These achievements may be lost records.

For example, Chinese medicine, for example, science and technology.

It could also be a correction of history.

For example, a certain emperor is not as wise or stupid as recorded, a certain minister has another side, and so on.

Another example.

The relationship between ancient China and surrounding civilizations.


Rabbits are all peace lovers and never engage in hegemony.

But with the support of historical texts, it is still possible to have a father right

that's all.

In the anticipation of countless people on and off the screen, the live broadcast finally came to an end.

According to Jiang Chenggu's idea, a celebration banquet should be arranged next to celebrate today's achievements.

But Weng Tong rejected it on the grounds that ""Yongle Dadian" is not completely out of danger, and champagne can't be opened at halftime".

When Weng Tong said this, he also showed the jersey of AC Milan in his circle of friends to increase his persuasiveness.

So the celebration banquet was temporarily postponed, and everyone parted.

Then Xu Yun politely declined Academician Pan's invitation to have dinner together on the grounds that he was not feeling well.

I took a taxi and went back to the guest house first.

After returning to the room.

Xu Yun immediately drew the curtains, turned on the Do Not Disturb light, and locked the door.

Then he walked quickly to the simple desk, and recalled the light curtain that popped up not long ago.


Looking at the light curtain floating in front of him.

Xu Yun couldn't help but slightly frowned.

Although this light curtain is not long, it seems to reveal a lot of information.

The first is the judging rules of "Yongle Dadian".

According to Xu Yun's original idea.

It should be after the 11,095 volumes of "Yongle Canon" are deacidified one by one and it is confirmed that they are not damaged.

"Yongle Dadian" can be regarded as the real "present world".

But now Weng Tong and the others have only opened two boxes, and only 7611 volumes have been deacidified, and the degree of completion can only be said to be one in ten thousand.

in this case.

"Yongle Dadian" was judged to have successfully appeared in the world?

What if one or more of the more than 10,000 books in the back has a problem during the protection process?

What if Xu Yun suddenly went crazy and tore up the Yongle Canon when he went to the laboratory? ——With Xu Yun's current status, it is really not difficult to enter the protection laboratory.


Xu Yun thought of a series of things that happened before the light curtain appeared:

First, Hisaku Morisawa questioned,

Then Jiang Chenggu agreed to the other party's request,

Then Morisawa used his fainting to confirm the authenticity of "Yongle Dadian", and everyone sang "Chinese" in unison.

Think here.

Some guesses could not help but arise in Xu Yun's mind.

Could it be that.

The criteria for judging the so-called secular world in "Yongle Dadian" is not the real secular life, but more importantly, a kind of identification from the perspective of national psychology?

It seems.

Is it similar to the situation of Guoyun?

Xu Yun's understanding of the national destiny also went through two stages:

At the beginning, he thought that the National Games was just a reward.

It is because of the fortune of the country that there are many subsequent achievements.

But he didn't understand until the Academy of Sciences press conference.

The national luck of the halo reward is important, but more often it is the icing on the cake.

The national destiny that truly determines the national trend of the country can and must be won by oneself.

How similar is the judging method of "Yongle Dadian" today to the original national destiny?

What really determines whether "Yongle Dadian" is alive is not the preservation of the physical objects, but the Chinese people's recognition of this book as "Yongle Dadian".

Immediately afterwards.

Xu Yun turned his attention to the content of the next line:

[Note: Due to the detection of the effect of 'blood resonance', the hidden attribute 'silence' was activated in "Yongle Canon", and the special copy of Chuanguo Yuxi will be affected by this, and there will be unknown changes]

Blood resonance.

These four words are understandable. The scene at that time really resonated with people's soul and emotion.

But the 'silence' behind and the unknown changes in the dungeon

Xu Yun was a little confused.

The so-called silence should mean that the "Yongle Dadian" has been buried underground for so many years, but what does this have to do with the copy?

There are also changes to the copy.

In order to make relevant preparations before, Xu Yun had listed some possible target dynasties.

For example, the Three Kingdoms, the Qin Dynasty, the Wuhu Luanhua and so on.

After all, the last period clearly recorded in the history of Yuxi was in January of 937 AD.

At that time, Li Congke, the last emperor of the later Tang Dynasty, jumped down with the jade seal and set himself on fire in Luoyang.

But after the events of the National Games and the "Yongle Dadian".

Xu Yun became a little hesitant about this judgment again.

If you put aside the restrictions of the jade seal, it is no longer limited to the jade seal itself

Then there are many, many points in time that the copy may lead to.

For example, it is possible at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the end of the Ming Dynasty, or even the late Song Dynasty.

Think here.

The first thought that popped up in Xu Yun's mind was.

If this is the case, wouldn't Chapter 397 be considered hydrology?

cough cough

But on the other hand.

If Guangmen really leads to these periods, Xu Yun is really not sure that he can turn the tide.


Xu Yun may be a little bit smarter than ordinary people, but this advantage is obviously not exaggerated enough to reverse the demise of a certain dynasty by himself.

After all, the overthrow of a dynasty often involves many reasons, and it is very difficult for one person to reverse it—unless it is ten or twenty years in advance like the 1100 copy, and at the same time it can catch the line of Lao Su and Xiao Zhao.

But that kind of situation doesn't match the setting of the National Games

after awhile.

Xu Yun shook his head lightly, and put these thoughts to the back of his mind.

Worth mentioning.

He will soon know what the specific dungeon has changed.

After all, at this very moment, he was preparing to enter the dungeon.

Then Xu Yun brought his mind back to reality, and began to prepare props.

Since Halo requires entering the special instance within 24 hours, it must be too late to return to Luzhou now - after all, he himself has no reason to return to Luzhou immediately.

Therefore, the ancient costumes and wigs must be missing, and the long sword that was carefully forged in Luzhou must not be able to catch up. A small loss of 3,000 yuan.

But thankfully

This is Yanjing, the capital of China.

Some ordinary prefecture-level cities are difficult to purchase directly and need to rely on logistics for several days to transport materials, which can be directly replenished in Yanjing.

that's all.

An hour and a half later.

Xu Yun's bed is filled with all the props he can find so far:

The first is some fine gold and silver, worth about 40,000 to 50,000 Huaxia coins-this is the only material he carries with him.

Followed by a pair of hiking boots and a jacket, both just went to the nearby Anta store to buy.

In addition, there are water purification tablets, antibiotics, a watermelon knife, and some compressed biscuits that have been removed from the plastic packaging. They also come from the surrounding supermarkets or flash delivery in the city-now you can consult online, and some prescription drugs can be bought.

Among them, water purification tablets and antibiotics, Xu Yun did not expect to be able to use them. After all, the halo would automatically block items that exceeded the productivity of the dungeon era.

But anyway, these few things don't take up the volume, so it's better than nothing.

Xu Yun packed these supplies with a picnic cloth and tied them to his body with a rope.

It looks like that cat ran away from home.jpg emoji package.

That's it.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath and entered the halo space.

The halo space at this time is exactly the same as when Xu Yun entered last time, without any change:

The two time-space albums of the 1100 and 1850 dungeons float in the air, and opposite them are 3+1 dungeon gates.

The three common doors are Mavericks' 1665 dungeon, and two regular dungeon entrances whose era is unknown.

The remaining golden door is the special entrance for the task of unsealing the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom.

at the same time.

At the moment of entering the space.

A small cloth bag also appeared in Xu Yun's hand.

This is the prop he got when he entered the space last time. It is made of cotton and linen, and it can probably hold two cans of Jiaduobao.

According to the halo prompt.

This cloth bag will generate a certain object after entering the dungeon, Xu Yun is quite looking forward to it.

If you travel to the ancient dungeon, this thing can become a 56 punch with unlimited bullets, then Xu Yun is sure to save any dynasty

Then he stuffed the small cloth bag into his pocket and took a deep breath.

Push open the copy door.

Same as the previous three copies.

The door behind the new copy is as black as the faces of non-Chief readers, and nothing can be seen.

But as the saying goes.

The first time is raw, the second time is cooked.

After going through so many dungeons, Xu Yun not only did not resist this scene, but rather missed it.

He looked around and stepped into the gate of light.

Do not know why.

The moment consciousness disappears.

Xu Yun had a thought in his heart without warning:

This copy should be very interesting.

In the vast territory of China, there is an area covered by dust and barren all year round.

it's here.

Through the dense yellow sand, the field of vision is full of earthy yellow covering the sky.

The sun scorched the land mercilessly. Rows of dry crops, dead grass and desert hardened soil seemed to indicate the hardship of survival.

The wind is also like a devil, howling and raging in this area, constantly grabbing all the items that can be grabbed.

There is only one goshawk hovering in the sky, lonely and lonely.

in this area.

There are no lush forests.

There are no green grasslands.

There are no whirling lakes.

There is only a piece of yellow land and the natural forces that can destroy everything at any time.

This place seems to be a restricted area for living beings, even civilization must stop.

But if someone has the ability to observe the subtleties, he will discover the other side of this restricted area.

For example on a wind-cracked cliff.

There was a shrub that was clinging to the ground, its roots were thick, and it grew tenaciously against the wind and sand.

Inside the torso of a dead tree.

A hare is curled up in a ball to hide from the wind and sand, and under it are a few little rabbits who are poking their heads and sticking to the hare's abdomen.

Oh, and a rocky rear.

This moment.

A small dung beetle kept flipping a small brown ball on its forefoot.

Even though its back was covered with fine sand and gravel particles, and its whole body was swaying slowly, it still didn't stop.

It is so happy to push the ball while crawling gruntingly.

The tentacles dancing in the wind and sand clearly revealed the joy in its heart.

This small ball is not only the food source for the little dung beetle, but also its delivery room during the breeding period. The little dung beetle will make one end of the small ball into a pear shape, so that the wife can produce the crystal of love on the pear-shaped neck.

After the offspring are born, there can also be used as a nursery.

The little dung beetle has already made an agreement with the female compatriot next door.

As long as there is a delivery room, she will move in and form a family with herself.

In other words.

With this little ball, the little dung beetle can have a wife!

And when the industrious little dung beetle quickly pushed the ball.

In the gap on the side of the rock, a gust of wind suddenly blew without warning.


Under the impact of sand and stone.

The little dung beetle suddenly fell down, and the ball was blown to the edge of a small slope, and rolled along the small slope to the road.

When the little dung beetle struggled to climb to the edge of the slope and wanted to go downhill to pick up the ball again.


A huge black monster suddenly sprang out from one side, Biaji crushed the ball into a flat shape at once, and ran towards the distance sticking to the ball.

See this situation.

The little dung beetle couldn't help waving its tentacles in the air a few times:

Hey, my ball. Ah no, where is my wife?

gone? !

"Hey, Lao Guo, did you see anything on the side of the road just now?"

On a dilapidated jeep driving along a desert road, a young man sitting in the passenger cab turned his head and glanced behind the car:

"I seem to see a little thing, it seems to be a big paddle dog (big cricket). Let me tell you, that thing is delicious when baked."

The 'Old Guo' sitting in the main cab is a middle-aged man with glass glasses and a thin face. He waved his hands when he heard this:

"Look, there's no way there's a paddy dog ​​on this kind of loess land. It's probably just a dung beetle. I seem to see a ball of dung in the front wheel—your right wheel over there."


The young man seemed a little displeased with Lao Guo's casualness, and said dryly:

"What's wrong with dung beetles, dung beetles can also eat well, it's a high-protein food."

"As far as our base mine is concerned, drinking elm leaf soup every day, and being able to have dung beetles to eat is considered an open source."

"A young man like me has a strong body, so it doesn't matter if I go hungry a few times, but an old comrade like you will suffer, hey"


Hear what the young man said.

Lao Guo's expression suddenly became serious.

Although the country has just passed through a difficult period relying on unprecedented unity, its overall vitality has not yet recovered.

So much so that the top-secret project team they belonged to had malnutrition among its members.

Take Lao Guo as an example.

Before he set off last night, he ate three pieces of elm leaf soup plus half a steamed bun, and that was all he had to do until twelve o'clock at noon.

I heard that Nie Shuai has dispatched or requested a batch of grain from various places, hoping to ease the situation in the mine.

And just when Lao Guo's mood was dim.

The young man's voice sounded in his ears again:

"By the way, Lao Guo, we have been away for a while, how far is it from Guide County?"

Lao Guo adjusted his glasses frame and looked forward with empty eyes:


The young man was taken aback:


The voice just fell.

The outline of a small town appeared in front of the car.


Presumably everyone has guessed the dungeon era, let me explain first that I am not looking for death, I discussed with the editor, editor-in-chief and even the editor-in-chief about the dungeon time set for a month. In principle, this matter can be written, but in order to avoid accidents Please keep reading in real time.

The body is a little uncomfortable, less today, more tomorrow.

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