Into Unscientific

Chapter 507 Opening a New Instance (Part 1) (Ask for a Monthly Pass!!!)


The moment Tong Huaijun's voice rang in his ears.

Weng Tong's mind instantly went blank.

"Yongle Grand Canon".

We really found it?

Then he lifted his head and took a deep breath.

call out--

The pointer of the oxygen cylinder instantly jumped two numbers.

At the same time, holding on to the lid of the iron box with both hands, he looked sideways at the inside of the box.


Weng Tong saw a bunch of thread-bound books lying quietly in the box with the cover facing up, about 50 centimeters in length and 30 centimeters in width.

The books are dark yellow, with a black box printed in the upper right corner of the cover.

There are some words such as [two one hundred and eighty-eight] written in the box, and laymen basically can't understand their meaning.

But on the left side of the cover, there is another rectangular black frame printed, and it is impressive to see big traditional characters that four elementary school students can understand:

【Yongle Grand Ceremony】

At the moment of seeing these four words clearly.


Weng Tong only felt a bang in his head, his blood surged up suddenly, and his eyes turned red instantly.

This moment.

The corners of Weng Tong's mouth, fingers, and facial muscles.

No, it should be said that every hair and every cell on his body was trembling uncontrollably.

He felt that his blood was resonating, and his soul was beating.

Although Weng Tong is a complete fan.

But he never expected that one day he would be able to discover "Yongle Dadian" by himself.

"Yongle Dadian".

This is a set of encyclopedias belonging to the Chinese people, and the long history of the Chinese nation flows between the pages.

There is the wisdom and sweat of the ancestors.

There are also changes of blood and fire in successive dynasties.

From Emperor Yan and Huangdi, to Dayu Xiaqi,

From Emperor Xin Jifa to Yingzheng Liu Bang.

The history of the Chinese nation has gone through 5,000 years of precipitation, and finally in the Yongle period, thousands of ripples gathered into this first strange book in the ages.


Weng Tong saw a glorious origin.

When Qin Shihuang's edict resounded throughout the world.

When Zhuge Kongming's lupine sends east wind to the red flame of Chibi.

When the red silk of the big man flutters and dances in the Western Regions.

When the poems of the Tang Dynasty recite the civilization that will not die for thousands of years.

When Su Song waved his hand under the city of Bianjing, he activated the first armillary sphere rotating device in human history.

In the center of the world, Huaxia shone with an incomparably bright light.

But soon.

He saw an unbearable desolation again.

When thousands of Confucian students died overnight.

When gold and iron horses decadent Sui civilization.

When the Seven Heroes fought each other, they shattered the glory of the past.

When people cannibalize each other, humanity is destroyed.

Huaxia sighed desolately amidst the flames of war.





Everything about the Chinese nation before 1400 AD was recorded in detail in this "Yongle Dadian".

And just when Weng Tong was excited and confused.

Tong Huaijun's voice sounded next to his ears again.

But this time Tong Huaijun's tone was no longer as excited as before, but with strong anger:

"Hey, what are you guys doing?!"

Weng Tong quickly came back to his senses and took a look.

I saw a few neon men and sticks who had entered the laboratory with them before and watched coldly from the beginning to the end, and at some point they had moved to the side of the box.

One of them even stretched out his hand, making a gesture to take out a book from the box.

When Weng Tong saw this, a burst of anger also surged up in his heart instantly, and he cursed angrily:

"Grass, let go of your hand!"

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a trace of reason in his heart.

Weng Tong even wanted to loosen the lid directly and let it hit the opponent's hand hard, so that the opponent could feel what pain is.

Then he turned around quickly.

Turned from the side of the box to the front of the box, relying on the strength of the legs and crotch, forcibly stopped the opponent's movements.

The one pushed away by Weng Tong was a tall but very thin man, whose face could not be seen clearly through the mask, and immediately came up to him after being supported by his companion:


Although Weng Tong couldn't understand all the meaning of what the other party said.

But from the beginning of Baga, it is not difficult to see that this person is obviously a neon person.

As a native of Jinling and his father was a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, Weng Tong had a bad impression of Neon people.

So he pushed forward not to be outdone:

"Fake horse music ghost! What do you want to do? Ah? Are you looking for trouble?"

Weng Tong himself was tall and big, and he was engaged in archaeological excavation work all year round, so his body was naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

The two simply bumped into each other.

The neon man was knocked back several steps.

"Please wait!"

Just when Weng Tong was about to push forward again, another neon man raised his hand first, stopping Weng Tong's movement.

Then he quickly walked up to Weng Tong and bowed, speaking in a fairly fluent Chinese language:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Weng, my companion acted a little recklessly, please bear with me!"

Weng Tong stopped, frowned and looked at him:

"You are...?"

The other party bowed again and introduced himself:

"Your Majesty Morisawa Hisaku, a native of Neon Chiba Prefecture, is currently the Chief Researcher of East Asian Ancient History at the Tokyo National Museum."

"Because the research field includes the history of Chinese civilization, I have a little understanding of Chinese. In addition, I am also the chief representative of the neon expert group."

Weng Tong took a deep look at Morisawa Hisaku, but didn't speak.

Hisaku Morisawa speaks Chinese very fluently, and the rating level is estimated to be second-best. Is this still called a little understanding?

Generally speaking, one who has mastered the Chinese language to this level must either really like Chinese culture. At the worst, he likes life in China and has stayed in China for several years or even longer.


Have ulterior motives.

Although Weng Tong and Hisaku Morisawa met offline for the first time today, they had never dealt with each other before, and even heard each other's name for the first time.

But I don't know why.

He subconsciously felt that Morisawa Hisaku was definitely not the first type of person.

Not to mention that the other party is still from the Tokyo National Museum.

Tokyo National Museum.

That is the National Museum of Neon, and it is also the museum with the largest collection of Chinese cultural relics.

For example, Majiayao Painted Pottery Handle Pot, Panchi Wending, "Snow Landscape Landscape", "Red and White Hibiscus", "Xiaoxiang Lying Tour", etc., are all collected in the Tokyo National Museum

Even though the ranking of these cultural relics is extremely high among all national treasures in China, quite a few of them were looted.

In addition, today Morisawa Kusaku and the others are obviously here to find fault, and they have no good intentions.

Therefore, under the overlapping of various factors.

No matter how good Morisawa Hisaku's attitude is, Weng Tong is unwilling to give him a good look—or he is unwilling to let go of his guard

However, Morisawa Hisaku didn't care about Weng Tong's white eyes at all, but bowed again and said:

"Mr. Weng, although Yoshimura-kun's behavior is a bit reckless, his intentions are not bad."

"As one of the important members of the East Asian civilization circle, Neon and South Korea's attention to "Yongle Dadian" is also very high."

"Only according to the research of relevant scholars, the Yongle version of "Yongle Canon" has a high probability of being burned that year, besides"

Hisaku Morisawa quickly glanced at the wooden box beside him, and said again:

"According to the current level of science and technology, let alone your remote sensing detection back then, even the most advanced microgravity detection methods today are absolutely impossible to detect the existence of the Copper Temple."

"And according to your test results back then, the level of water accumulation in the Yongling Underground Palace is extremely serious. Even if the "Yongle Canon" exists, there is a high probability that it will be damaged."

"Under such circumstances, you still carry out the excavation work of Yongling Mausoleum, as if you knew in advance that there will be gains, which seems a bit deliberate."

Seeing Morisawa Hisaku who talked eloquently, Weng Tong couldn't help but snorted coldly.


Is the tail exposed at this time?

Morisawa Hisaku's tone is very tactful, but there is a strong distrust between the lines.


What Weng Tong didn't understand was.

Morisawa Hisaku's words were actually designed in advance - and two sets of words were designed.

If the copper temple lost its trace during the excavation process—even if it was only lost for a dozen seconds, Morisawa Hisaku would inevitably suspect that the rabbits had dropped the copper temple.

But the "regret" is.

Jiang Chenggu and others seemed to have guessed Morisawa Hisaku's thoughts.

They took the initiative to invite the media of Nihong and Bangzi to accompany them throughout the whole process, and did not give Morisawa any chance to find fault.

Therefore, Hisaku Morisawa can only use the second method of speaking, which is to suspect that the rabbits have made fakes underground in advance.

Or to be more precise.

Neon and Bangzi didn't believe that the rabbits would really dig out "Yongle Dadian".

There are two specific reasons.

One is the situation mentioned before - the current situation is too special.

The rabbits suddenly broke the news that "Yongle Dadian" was suspected to exist in Yongling.

If "Yongle Dadian" is really alive.

Then its impact on the history of neon and sticks is enough to crush the so-called Asia-Pacific encirclement to pieces.

The situation will then be more or less like this:

first day.

Neon and Bangzi: We just decided to cooperate in a certain field

Rabbit: According to the research on chapter xx of "Yongle Dadian", we are your father in history.

the next day.

Neons and Sticks: We just decided to be economical.

Rabbit: According to the research of another xx chapter of "Yongle Dadian", we are your father in history.

How does this tmd play?

So the timing was really a coincidence.

The second is the combination of technology and logic.

Just like what Morisawa Hisaku said.

According to the existing technology, there is currently no detection technology that can detect the existence of the Tongdian—not even the current father of Neon.

In other words.

From a speculative point of view, "Yongle Dadian" can only exist in the underground palace.

And the accumulation of water in the underground palace is extremely serious, that is to say, no matter how much effort the rabbits put in, all they can find is a puddle of paste.

in this case.

The rabbits claimed that the Yongling Mausoleum was about to be opened, and in the process they 'accidentally' discovered the Copper Palace.

Do you think Neon and Bangzi will believe it?

Obviously not, it doesn't make sense either logically or technically.

But if you change your mind, think of the whole thing as a plan that the rabbits came up with to break the situation.

Then all the unreasonable things are justified.

Therefore, from the perspective of Morisawa Hisaku and others.

They were here today not to deliberately find fault with unreasonable troubles, but to crush the 'false' of the rabbits.

It's a pity that they have calculated thousands of times, but they didn't count that the rabbits have a gravity gradient meter that they don't even have on the other side of the sea, and they also underestimated Jiajing's enthusiasm for "Yongle Dadian".

But then again.

Hisaku Morisawa's remarks are indeed more provocative, or reasonable.

So following his words.

The hearts of many viewers were also shaken.

And when Weng Tong glared at Morisawa Hisaku, Jiang Chenggu's voice suddenly came from his earphones:

"Professor Weng, ask Hisaku Morisawa how we can cooperate with them?"


Weng Tong held back his anger when he heard the words, and tapped his fingers on the earphone through the mask to indicate that he had received the instructions.

Then he took a deep breath, turned his head and asked Morisawa Hisaku:

"Mr. Morisawa, you have said so many things openly and secretly, don't you just want to say that you don't trust us?"

"Here I express my position on behalf of the committee. We accept all reasonable doubts, so you can express your thoughts."

Morisawa Hisakuro heard the words, and still kept the original reserved smile on his face:

"Mr. Weng, you have misunderstood. It's not that we don't believe you, but we want to open our eyes."

But soon he changed the subject, pointed to the cast iron box, and said:

"Mr. Weng, look, there are a total of one, two, seven, eighteen boxes here, a total of eighteen."

"Based on the quantity, it should be enough to store all the "Yongle Dadian", right?"

“So I have an idea – there are some Jiajing copies of the Yongle Dadian in both Neon and South Korea, and there are some versions that haven’t been exhibited.”

"Now that you have discovered the real "Yongle Dadian", can you let us conduct a comparison to confirm it?"

When Morisawa Hisakuzu was speaking, he put more emphasis on the three words "true".

The inner thoughts are self-evident.

But Weng Tong was not in a hurry to fight back, he was waiting for Jiang Chenggu's reply.

Although his heart is extremely eager to fight against Morisawa Hisaku's face, the remaining reason still tells him not to act impulsively at this time.

After about half a minute.

Jiang Chenggu's voice came from Weng Tong's earphones:

"Professor Weng, agree to their request."

"However, it must be ensured that no damage will be caused to the cultural relics, and the cultural relics must be returned to their place immediately after verification."


Weng Tong took a deep breath, adjusted his mental state, and then turned his head to look at Hisaku Morisawa:

"Mr. Morisawa, we agree with your plan in principle, now please tell us the volumes you want to check."

Seeing Weng Tong's unhappy expression, Hisaku Morisawa also frowned slightly.

Weng Tong's or Jiang Chenggu's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectations.

The script should not be like this.

When he wants to come.

Weng Tong and others should use the excuse that the cultural relics have just been unearthed and need to be preserved, so they should sternly reject their request-after all, the things are fake, so where is the confidence?

In the end, I didn't expect Weng Tong and the others to answer so crisply, but it seemed that he and Bangzi were procrastinating.

But even so.

Hisaku Morisawa also never believed that these Chinese people really discovered "Yongle Dadian".

The confidence that Weng Tong and others have is nothing more than being able to come up with the same content as the few Jiajing copies they carry-although those few Jiajing copies have not been exhibited to the public, but in terms of the capabilities of the Huaxia State Machine , it is not difficult to get the content on the copy.

That is to say, the Chinese people could have printed out those copies of Jiajing before today, mostly to deal with the "checking" by Morisawa Hisaku.


Think here.

A stern look flashed across Morisawa Hisakusaku's eyes.

If Weng Tong and the others really thought that the trump cards brought by Neon and South Korea this time were these Jiajing copies, they would be very wrong.

Then Morisawa Hisaku turned his head, glanced at one of the South Korean delegation, and then said to Weng Tong:

"Mr. Weng, the bibliography we want to check this time is volume 15342 of "Yongle Dadian."

When Weng Tong heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.

Volume 15342?

Mentioned earlier.

The Yongle Canon has a total of about 370 million characters, divided into 11,095 volumes and 22,877 volumes.

That is to say, in one volume, there are two volumes on average.

Students who have difficulty understanding the above sentence can imagine the Harry Potter series:

There are one to seven parts in the Harry Potter series, a total of seven books, and each book is equivalent to a volume of "Yongle Dadian".

And each book is divided into many chapters, which is equivalent to a 'volume'.

The 15,342 volumes mentioned by Hisaku Morisawa are roughly around the 7700th volume, but as far as Weng Tong knows.

Neither the neon nor the Jiajing copy collected in South Korea is in this sequence range.

On the contrary, in the museums in China, there are three volumes of Jiajing copies near Qiqian.

Of the three volumes, two are on the mainland and one is on Frog Island.

In this case, Hisaku Morisawa actually asked to verify the contents of Volume 15342?

Is he actually an ally?


When we were on the construction site before, Weng Tong once heard Jiang Chenggu chat a few words about Morisawa Hisaku.

For example, Hisaku Morisawa has a niece named Kana Morisawa, who used the stage name Kanako Iioka, and accompanied many otaku through their single time.

But Hisaku Morisawa himself is not a friendly person to China, and even has contacts with certain organizations in private.

Therefore, what Morisawa Hisaku said was definitely not kind.

Then volume 15342.

What is the content of the digital interval in this volume?

As one of the top Ming Dynasty scholars in China, Weng Tong's familiarity with "Yongle Dadian" is also one of the best in China.

Although the current archaeological circle has not fully grasped the specific bibliography of "Yongle Dadian".

However, according to some relevant literature and the Jiajing copy, it is not difficult to deduce the content corresponding to a certain interval, or what the field is.


A flash of lightning flashed across Weng Tong's mind.

If I remember correctly.

In the 15,597 volumes currently in the collection of the Taipei Museum, the recorded content is .

[Heart Code] in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" in "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases".

In other words.

The content recorded in volume 15342 is likely to be

Think here.

Weng Tong suddenly turned his head and looked at Hisaku Morisawa again.

Although separated by an oxygen mask, Hisaku Morisawa seemed to see Weng Tong's surprise.

He smiled strangely at Weng Tong, and took out a thread-bound book from the box beside him.

Then, in front of Weng Tong and everyone else, he gently tore off the cover of the book, revealing another blue cover.

Finish these.

Hisaku Morisawa shook the book in front of Weng Tong just now, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Weng, according to the records in the essay written by Yao Guangxiao, one of the editors of "Yongle Dadian", which is preserved in the North Courtyard of Zhengcangyuan, the inner hall of the Neon Palace."

"In the 15597th volume of "Yongle Dadian", what is copied is the part of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and this part has been lost in China for a long time."

"But little is known"

"In Tokyo's Jingjiatang library, there is actually a manuscript of febrile diseases donated by Iwasaki Koyata, which was introduced to Neon during the Zhenguan period."

"The existence of this manuscript has never been announced to the public before, and it has been under the care of the royal family. Even my humble servant was informed of this before leaving."

febrile disease theory.

The moment Weng Tong heard these three words, his pupils shrank.

Sure enough it is it!

It was mentioned before.

"Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" was written in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, but due to inheritance problems, it was not fully preserved in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, even the royal family could only find some fragments.

These fragments of bamboo slips were later compiled into two books, Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, but compared with the original works, their true colors are no longer testable.

The most representative of these is the febrile disease theory.

The theory of febrile disease directly led to the differentiation of Chinese medicine into two schools of typhoid fever and febrile disease, and even led to the misunderstanding that "the treatise on febrile disease does not talk about febrile disease".

The result was unexpected.

The febrile disease theory, which had been lost in China, actually fell into the hands of Nihong?

Even if it is only a manuscript, it is surprising enough.

Compared with Weng Tong's simple surprise, Jiang Chenggu, who has more political experience, thought of more in an instant.

As Hisaku Morisawa said.

Before Hisaku Morisawa took out this book today, even China's state machinery did not know the existence of this copy.

Once this manuscript is published, it will have a subversive impact on the status and historical inheritance of Chinese medicine—and it will be a benign impact.

but don't forget

At present, Chinese medicine in a broad sense not only includes the native Chinese, but also covers the so-called "Korean medicine" by the sticks.

That is to say, this manuscript is very important to Huaxia and Bangzi. It can be said that whoever gets this manuscript will have more rights to define "Chinese medicine" internationally.

In addition, Neon has always kept its existence highly confidential, so it is not difficult to draw another conclusion——

Nihong originally planned to use it as a hole card, and choose one side to bet at critical times, in exchange for some benefits.

to some extent.

In the political situation between Huaxia and Bangzi, this manuscript is a conceptual killer with the Gravity Gradient.

If the rabbits hadn't claimed to have discovered the "Yongle Dadian" this time, Neon might still be able to hide it.

This is actually normal. Which country didn't point its cards?

But in the present situation.

This copy is an absolutely lonely copy that can never be reproduced in advance. Hisaku Morisawa put a belt of a copy of Jiajing on it to the scene, acting as the final follow-up-the inspection at the time of entry will only determine whether there is any danger. Items, as for the content of the book, obviously it will not interfere.

have to say.

This set of operations is really awesome.

If you switch to other fake projects, such as Tangun Era, Fujimura Shinichi, etc., if you don't keep them all, you will really have to turn over the cart this time.

but the problem is

The discovery of Yongling this time is really a genuine one.

Think here.

Weng Tong's original anger disappeared in an instant, and he glanced at Morisawa Hisaku coldly, and said to Tong Huaijun:

"Come on, old boy, help me, let's find out which box 15342 is in!"

"Xiao Zhou, Xiao Lin, you have to take good care of Mr. Morisawa and his friends."

"I heard devils. Keke, Neon people are very slippery. Don't let them accidentally slip on which box they bump into. Do you understand?"


Xiao Zhou and Xiao Lin, the two Northeast men, raised their chests when they heard the words, and stood beside Morisawa Kusaku and the others like door gods.

Hisaku Morisawa saw this.

The uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense.

No way.

Why are these Chinese people so confident?

He was sure of it.

It is absolutely impossible for the Chinese to have the original or manuscript of the Theory of Febrile Diseases.

Otherwise, the Shanghan school and febrile disease school in China would have reconciled long ago, and Korean medicine would inevitably be severely impacted—there are many missing puzzle pieces in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", but the theory of febrile disease is definitely the biggest piece among them.

In theory.

Except for this manuscript made by Hisashi Morisawa, the only thing in the world that can find the same content is in "Yongle Dadian".

Could it be

Weng Tong and the others found this set of "Yongle Dadian".

Actually true?

But soon.

Morisawa Hisakuro roared in his heart:

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It doesn't make sense logically, those Chinese people are definitely acting!

Thinking of this, Hisaku Morisawa's eyes suddenly brightened.


I'm acting!

Maybe in a few minutes.

Weng Tong would frown and stand up, regretfully announcing that there are too many books or the books are seriously damaged, and the corresponding originals cannot be provided for the time being.

It must be so!

However, just as Morisawa Hisakuzu clenched his fists, Tong Huaijun's brisk voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Old man, I found it, volumes 15341 to 15342, volume 7611." (60 volumes of the Yongle Encyclopedia are catalogs)

Hisaku Morisawa immediately stood there in a daze:


Another moment passed.

Weng Tong pushed a glass window mounted on rolling feet in front of him, and in it stood a khaki "Yongle Dadian" on one side:

"Mr. Morisawa, luckily, this is the volume 15342 of "Yongle Dadian" you want."

"For the purpose of protection, we are temporarily unable to allow you to directly access the original book, but it is the same if you look through the window."

"If you want to change the page, just press this button, and the mechanical arm in the window will turn the page through the footer adsorption."

"The window is filled with fumed silica, so you can check the contents of the book to your heart's content."

"Okay, you can. How do you say that in Japanese? Oh, se-no, open the department!"

Hisaku Morisawa didn't seem to hear Weng Tong's teasing, at this moment, his gaze was completely on the "Yongle Dadian" in front of him.

15342 Vol.

Weng Tong actually put it in front of him and let him look it up?

This...isn't it right?

A full minute passed.


Morisawa Hisakuku swallowed hard just now, stretched out his hand slightly trembling, and slowly pressed the button.


The "Yongle Dadian" in the window was lightly turned over, revealing the contents on it.

This is a 'sequence':

[The exquisiteness of modern medicine, the method described by the sage Gaizu since ancient times, has been imitated by many schools, but it has been copied from generation to generation, the literature and theory are wrong, and it has not been corrected. As a result, there are people who treat diseases. Urge its words to be profound but simple, the method to be detailed but not complicated, and it can be applied even if it is very precise.]

[.I think that warm diseases have their own unique features, so I wrote "Theory of Warm Diseases", detailing the source of febrile diseases, focusing on the pathogenesis, and creating warm and heat therapy]

Hisaku Morisawa's heart twitched violently, and he mechanically pressed another page.

[There is a saying in the past: the onset of disease is mostly caused by overeating and overwork, and the disharmony of qi and blood, which leads to the invasion of warm evil. 】

【Symptoms of febrile disease, epigastric dull pain, headache, body heat, dry mouth and throat, yellow and greasy tongue coating, stringy and rapid pulse.】


As an expert who has been cultivating Chinese culture for decades, Hisaku Morisawa is no stranger to Chinese classical Chinese.

But that's why.

At this moment, his hands, feet and heart became more and more cold.


The preface and the main text that appeared in front of him at this time are completely consistent with the manuscript in his hand!

See this situation.

Hisaku Morisawa shook his body a few times, relying on the support of the window to keep from falling down.

However, Weng Tong on the side did not let go of Morisawa Hisaku's thoughts.

I saw him sneaking up to Morisawa Hisaku, looked at the original version in his hand for a while, and soon muttered:

"Ah, what a coincidence, the contents of the two books are exactly the same."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Morisawa, this small copybook is a big original, do you look like a little boy and a fat man standing side by side?"

"Huh? Mr. Morisawa, why are you rolling your eyes? Come on, call the crematorium. Cough, call 120!"

And at the same time that Morisawa Hisaku fainted.

Everyone in the aisle fell into a sea of ​​joy.

After all, there are cameras synchronizing the internal images in the laboratory from the beginning to the end.

Everyone clearly saw the contents of the "Yongle Dadian".

The trump card carefully prepared by Morisawa Hisaku became the most powerful evidence to prove the authenticity of "Yongle Dadian".

Here we go.

Jiang Chenggu and others can finally raise their hands high and shout out that "Yongle Dadian", a masterpiece of human beings that has been sleeping for 456 years, has finally reappeared!

from today.

[The largest and most complete encyclopedia of human beings in existence] This title no longer belongs to "Encyclopedia Britannica", but returns to the head of "Yongle Dadian" - in fact, this is the "Encyclopedia Britannica" describing "Yongle Dadian" The name used when.

China's historical position in the East Asian civilization circle, from today

Can no longer be shaken.


Academician Pan hummed a tune softly.

The tune was not loud at first, but it soon spread to the ears of Lu Chaoyang and Xu Yun who were nearby, so they also started humming.

Then it spread more and more, and it spread bigger and bigger.

In the end, with the transmission of the live camera, a familiar melody gradually sounded on the land of China:

Five thousand years of wind and rain, how many dreams are hidden, the yellow face and the black eyes remain the same smile

Eight thousand miles of mountains, rivers and mountains are like a song, no matter where you come from and where you will go

The same tears, the same pain, the past sufferings we keep in our hearts

The same blood, the same species, the future still has dreams, let's develop together.

at the same time.

A reminder quietly appeared in Xu Yun's mind:


[It has been detected that "Yongle Dadian" has successfully appeared in the world, and the reward of "clearing the source" is now activated]

[Clarify the source: national cohesion +10, lawful notarization +10, social hostility -5, evil deeds -5]

[Note: Due to the detection of the effect of 'blood resonance', the hidden attribute 'silence' was activated in "Yongle Canon", and the special copy of Chuanguo Yuxi will be affected by this, and there will be unknown changes]

[Wallfacers are requested to enter the instance as soon as possible within 24 hours, the overtime task will automatically be invalidated, Halo has the final right to interpret this task].


The 4D update is here, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month! ! !

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