Into Unscientific

Chapter 506: A Masterful Work Rediscovered After 456 Years (Part 2)

in the laboratory.

Following Jin Xiangqian's order.

Another operating room.

An operator quickly presses a red button.

After a while.

On the display screen in front of the operator, a long bar representing a certain value began to rise gradually:






And the name of the gas to which this value is based is


Students who haven't been pissed off by the chemistry teacher should know.

N, refers to nitrogen.

Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, inert gas at normal temperature and pressure, and is also a well-known protective gas.

For example, in the fields of metallurgy and aerospace, nitrogen is often used as a safety protection gas or cleaning gas.

There are also high-power incandescent lamps filled with nitrogen:

It can prevent the tungsten wire from being oxidized, thereby prolonging the life of the bulb.

Right now, the purpose of Jin Xiangqian's order to inject nitrogen into the laboratory is naturally to drain the oxygen in the room and prevent the cultural relics inside the copper hall from oxidizing.

Of course.

Seeing this, some students may have a question:

Why not use argon?

After all, helium is a non-renewable resource, and the price of argon is not expensive.

The answer is simple.

Because there is an inner shell of golden nanmu inside the copper hall.

Golden nanmu is different from other woods. Its skin molecules are a network-like three-dimensional structure-this is the core reason for its durability and corrosion resistance.

Although argon can also play a protective role, using argon as a carrier gas will destroy this three-dimensional structure-this involves the problem of self-priming under the pressure difference situation.

To some extent, this is the same reason that filling windows with argon can increase the insulation performance.

Just one good and one bad.

Therefore, from the perspective of protection, Jin Xiangqian and the others still used nitrogen this time.

Twenty minutes later.

The operator's report came from Jin Xiangqian's earphones:

"Report, the room is full of nitrogen!"

Jin Xiangqian nodded when he heard the words, walked to another area, and said to a communicator fixed on the wall:

"Old man, you can start removing the rust."

Weng Tong in the room gave him a thumbs up again, and picked up a spray gun from the shelf beside him.

He fiddled with the position and barrel of the spray gun a few times, and then pressed the start button.

Within seconds.

A milky white spray sprayed out from the spray gun.

The moment he saw this spray, Xu Yun couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

This ointment is said to be a foam and not so fluffy, and it is said to be latex and not so viscous.

seems somewhat similar


At the same time that this weird idea popped up in Xu Yun's mind, Jin Xiangqian's introduction sounded again in his ears:

"Dear audience friends, as you can see, what we are doing now is the surface rust removal of the copper hall."

"The main purpose of this step is to remove the dirt and patina on the surface of the copper temple. That is, basic copper carbonate."

"The way to clean the patina in the household environment is mainly to rely on acidic substances, but this time we used a microbial ointment containing 'Ian bacteria' for cleaning in order to improve efficiency and protect the copper palace."

"This kind of microbial ointment is also on the market. The name is 'Qingzhao' brand toothpaste, and it is a product under Huadun Biotech."


When Jin Xiangqian said the first half of the sentence, Xu Yun really didn't feel anything, thinking that he was just making a normal introduction.

But when he heard the second half of Jin Xiangqian's content, a series of question marks suddenly popped up in his mind, and the whole moment fell into a downtime state.

What's the situation?

On such an important occasion, Jin Xiangqian is actually helping Huadun Biotechnology to advertise?


To know.

Before today, Xu Yun and Jin Xiangqian had never even met each other.

Could it be that the University of Science and Technology or the Academy of Sciences is behind the effort?

This is obviously not right—Jin Xiangqian is not a standard member of an academic department, and the archaeological circle basically belongs to another independent small group.

Besides, even if he had a close relationship with the academy, it was impossible for him to advertise for Huadun Biological Sciences at this time.

After all, the scope of this incident's radiation is too wide, far beyond the scope of the academic departments.


Xu Yun thought of something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Academician Pan beside him.

It's a coincidence.

Academician Pan seemed to have predicted Xu Yun's movements, and he happened to be staring at him at this moment.

After the two eyes met.

Academician Pan raised his eyebrows at him, pointed to Jiang Chenggu who was at the side first, then pointed straight up to the ceiling.

Seeing this, Xu Yun was immediately taken aback.

But soon.

The astonishment on Xu Yun's face was replaced by a look of enlightenment.

Jiang Chenggu came from the central department of the China General Office, which represented not only his personal will.

Plus Academician Pan's gesture of pointing to the ceiling.

within seconds.

Xu Yun understood Academician Pan's hint:

The arrangement for Huadun Biotechnology to appear on the stage today is not the idea of ​​the University of Science and Technology, the Academy of Sciences, or Jin Xiangqian.

but from

Instigation from above.

As for the reason.

no doubt.

This is to reward Xu Yun:

After Xu Yun's death press conference before, Hou Xingyuan once asked Xu Yun for three compensations.

However, Xu Yun made great contributions to the Academy of Sciences Dark Matter Press Conference and the development of the Gravity Gradient.

Although these two incidents involved national feelings, Xu Yun himself did not have the idea of ​​using this as a threat in exchange for rewards.

But it's one thing if Xu Yun himself didn't say so, it's another thing if the above table doesn't mean it.

So it's obvious.

Jin Xiangqian's 'advertisement insertion' this time is the remuneration or one of the remunerations set by the superior.

With such a high level of live broadcast attention right now, coupled with the endorsement of the country represented by Jin Qianqian.

Xu Yun reckoned that after the live broadcast, Qingzhao brand toothpaste would be out of stock.

Do not know why.

A feeling of sadness suddenly appeared in Xu Yun's heart - not for himself, but for brother donkey.

After all, the materials for cultivating Yi'an Bacteria are all from brother donkey.

Although Yi'an bacteria toothpaste is not an acidic substance, its cleaning performance is very strong - after all, its original environment is the sewer of HKUST.

There are acids and alkalis in the sewer, and Yian Bacteria can firmly occupy a place in it, which shows that it has a strong ability to clean both acids and alkalis.

Coupled with the action of toothpaste's own abrasive agent, the patina on the copper temple was quickly cleaned.

Twenty minutes later.

The Copper Palace, which was originally full of mud and verdant green, took on a completely new look, becoming resplendent and magnificent as before.

under laboratory light.

The whole body reveals a soft metallic beauty.

It can also be seen through a magnified lens.

The appearance of the copper hall is not smooth and clean, but carved with many dragon patterns and some tree textures.

See this situation.

Another old Ming Dynasty expert who did not follow Weng Tong into the laboratory stepped forward to look carefully for a while, touched his chin and said:

"The sideburns form a canopy, the lower jaw is longer, and the hair tends to rise obliquely. This is the standard rising dragon pattern of the Ming Dynasty, and it was also Jiajing's favorite dragon pattern during his lifetime."

"The texture of the tree is the branch pattern, which is the branch pattern after the Yuan Dynasty. It mainly uses the branches or vines of the plant as the skeleton, extending up and down, left and right."

"This kind of texture can often be seen on the blue and white ceramic plates or ceramic bowls that many people use at home."

Then the old expert pointed on the screen again, and continued:

"During the Ming Dynasty, there were only two emperors who liked these two textures at the same time and used them for a long time. One was Wanli, and the other was Jiajing."

"Wanli is Jiajing's descendant. When Wanli passed away, Jiajing had been buried for many years. It is impossible to bury the bronze hall under Jiajing's apse. Therefore, the owner of the bronze hall must be Jiajing."

"In addition, there is no sun and moon flag of the Ming Dynasty on the bronze hall, which means that the bronze hall is not a standard object of the royal family, but Jiajing's."

"Personal belongings."

Once the old expert finished speaking.

There was a faint gasp at the scene.

Personal belongings.

Although these four words did not mention the "Yongle Dadian", their meaning is already almost equivalent to explicit - after all, according to the previous "X-ray" scan, the inside of the copper hall is full of books.

after awhile.

Weng Tong's voice sounded again in the communicator.

Due to the obstruction of the oxygen mask, his voice sounded a bit hazy:

"Director Jiang, Lao Jin, there is a horizontal lock on the front of the copper hall, should we use a tool to cut it open?"

Weng Tong didn't finish his sentence.

Jiang Chenggu and Jin Xiangqian interrupted at the same time:

"Don't cut it!"

"Can't cut!"

Then Jiang Chenggu gestured to Jin Xiangqian, "Say it", and Jin Xiangqian nodded to him, and said:

"Old man, the historical value of the Copper Temple is very high, it's better if we don't destroy it."

"Well, you listen to my command—have you seen the thing that looks like a Dijia light stick on your right? Yes, that's it."

"This is a frequency spectrum modeling instrument. You move it head up to the lock of the copper lock, then press the purple button, and wait until the word OK appears on the display screen."

"Our background will polish the key according to the endowment spectrum, and the key will be sent to you after disinfection, understand?"

Weng Tong gave another thumbs up in the room, and said solemnly:

"Understood, Lao Jin, when did you have this thing? Make me one later?"

Jin Xiangqian:


[23333] and [cute pinch] also floated in the barrage in the live broadcast room for a while.

Then Jin Xiangqian, as if he didn't hear the second half of Weng Tong's words, turned his head and introduced to everyone and the camera:

"Cough cough. As you can see, the frequency spectrum modeling instrument in Professor Weng's hands is indeed a relatively advanced device. This is one of the scientific and technological archaeological instruments developed by Chang Guang."

"After all, all kinds of locks in archaeology are not as easy to open as in reality. Some ancient locks are very old, and some have signs of rust inside due to time problems."

"Frequency Spectrum Modeling Instruments can determine the structure, rust spots and even the main components of rust based on the feedback of the spectrum."

"From this, a suitable key can be created to achieve the effect of accurately opening the cultural relic lock."

When everyone heard the words, they nodded in unison.

have to say.

Before today, many of them had a rigid understanding of the profession of archeology.

In their view.

The so-called archaeology is basically the kind of situation where you dig the ground with a shovel and sweep the soil with a small brush. At most, you can use remote sensing surveying and mapping.

The result was unexpected.

The current level of archaeological technology has actually been raised to such an advanced level?

Fifteen minutes later.

A forged key was passed steadily to Weng Tong through the transport platform.

The length of the key is about fifteen centimeters, the width is about three centimeters, the end is relatively thick, the middle is narrow and long, and the front part is slightly wider.

While it is hard to hold in the hand, there is also a slight warmth from the fact that it has just been forged.

Then with the assistance of Tong Huaijun.

Weng Tong inserted the key into the lock and twisted it left and right a few times.

After a while.

Just a click.

The lock popped open.

See this situation.

Everyone's breathing couldn't help but become more dignified again.

Taking the floor-to-ceiling window where Xu Yun and others are located as the front, the side where the copper lock is located is just facing the outside of the glass window.

It can be seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The door closed by the copper lock is left and right, somewhat similar to a wardrobe or a double-door refrigerator in reality.

Then Weng Tong took off the copper lock, and together with everyone, opened the copper hall to both sides.

A few seconds passed.

After seeing the scenes on each floor of the Qing Tong Temple.

In the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms, a row of question marks flashed again in an instant:

[? ? ? ? ? 】

Because what was displayed in front of them at this time was not those metal boxes, but another closed wooden inner layer.

Then don't wait for this wave of question marks to finish.

Weng Tong in the room touched the texture of the wooden inner layer, and said in a surprised tone:

"My God. Is this wooden inner layer golden nanmu?"

Tong Huaijun on the side also stepped forward to observe carefully for a while, nodded and said:

"That's right, and it's golden nanmu with dragon scale pattern."

"No way, it's actually golden nanmu with dragon scale pattern?"

Looking at these two archaeological experts who seemed to be seeing golden nanmu for the first time, Xu Yun couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth a few times.

Install, continue to install.

It's a pity that this acting skill is not used in acting.

In order to cover up the traces of the gravity gradiometer, this time the top has taken great pains.

Including Weng Tong and the others, everyone had to pretend that they hadn't discovered the golden nanmu inside until now.

Of course.

Compared with the opening of the copper lock of the copper temple before, the inner layer of the golden nanmu is much simpler:

The 7x7x3 golden nanmu cannot be made by hollowing out the original golden nanmu. After all, the thickest golden nanmu in the world is only 3.6 meters long, and the tree is 4,300 years old.

The bottom specification of 7X7 is destined to be made only by cutting and combining.

The main reason why the committee rejected the drilling plan before was that it was worried that air would enter the interior of the copper hall along the drilling holes, which would cause accidental oxidation of the remaining nanmu interlayers.

Then with the cooperation of the staff.

Weng Tong and others quickly discovered the bonding interface of the side golden nanmu layer.

Then they used precision laser cutting equipment to cut four small slits in the connecting port of golden nanmu without destroying the overall structure.

Then position the adsorption lifter on the four corners, turn on the power and pull it gently.

The entire golden nanmu compartment was easily removed.

The unloaded golden nanmu was quickly placed into a flat closed box with a shock-absorbing device at the bottom and a larger area than the golden nanmu.

at the same time.

No matter inside or outside the studio.

Everyone's eyes were locked on to the scene revealed as the golden nanmu partition was removed.

On the iron box.

The number of these boxes is about twenty, and the size is exactly the same as that measured by the gravity gradiometer before.

That is the specification of 1.5x2x1.

The moment you see the box.

Xu Yun clearly heard Jiang Chenggu's gasp from beside him - it was obvious that this future boss was not calm anymore.

This moment.

They are only a few steps away from revealing the answer to the mystery.

One box away.

after awhile.

Jin Xiangqian was the first to recover, and he took a deep breath and said to Weng Tong:

"Old man, old man, can you hear me? Follow my instructions now."

"First let Xiao Lin, Xiao Wang and the others choose a box at random and carry it to the open space. You and the old man are going to go to the anhydrous liquid phase deacidification!"

"In addition, we will now cool down the room. The room temperature after cooling down is only about 10 degrees. Please be patient."

"At the same time, the light intensity and irradiation angle will also be adjusted. Are you ready?"


Weng Tong was silent for a while on the communicator, and then gave a slow but firm reply:


What Jin Xiangqian was waiting for was his words, and immediately waved his hand when he heard the words, and ordered:

"Then let's get started! All departments take action!"


Jin Xiangqian had just finished speaking.

The operators who had been waiting in the operating room for a long time took action immediately.

Weng Tong and Tong Huaijun also quickly started preparing for the anhydrous liquid phase deacidification process.

This step is the most important step in the protection of cultural relics.

well known.

China has a long history and civilization, one of the important examples is a large number of ancient books, archives and other documents.

These documents record the crystallization of wisdom accumulated by the ancestors in the long-term practice and the changes in the world, and they are the witnesses of the development of society and technology.

However, as the main material of these precious documents, the lifespan of paper is limited after all.

After countless years of scouring, natural or man-made damage, it is inevitable to face the arrival of the deadline.

And among the factors that affect paper life.

The main reason that affects the durability of paper and promotes the aging of paper is


Students who have taken advanced chemistry should know.

The main component of paper is cellulose, which is a chain polymer formed by connecting a large number of glucose moieties through β-glycosidic bonds.

The degree of polymerization of cellulose in the natural state can reach the order of 10^4, and it will drop to the order of 10^3 after being made into pulp.

When the degree of polymerization drops to about 700, the mechanical properties of the paper will drop significantly.

When the temperature drops below 200, the paper will be brittle and broken.

Under normal conditions, cellulose is relatively stable and less likely to react.

However, under acidic conditions, the β-glycosidic bonds are easily broken and hydrolysis of cellulose occurs.

In the course of the hydrolysis reaction, the acid is not consumed but accumulates more and more, and the harm is also increasing.

And it is often accompanied by oxidation reaction, which further aggravates the aging of paper.

From the emergence of archaeology to the present, it is unknown how many paper documents have been passively damaged due to acidification.

With the development of science and technology, various deacidification technologies have finally emerged as the times require.

There are two main types of deacidification processes:

Liquid phase deacidification and gas phase deacidification.

Their principles are very simple. To put it bluntly, they use an alkaline deacidifier to neutralize the acid in the paper to achieve the purpose of deacidification.

Among them, the gas-phase deacidification method is mainly divided into diethyl zinc method and morpholine deacidification method, but because of their high process requirements, there are almost no cases of using such methods in China in recent years.

Liquid-phase deacidification is divided into aqueous deacidification method and organic solution deacidification method.

Among them, the former is more common in the three countries of Neon, Germany and Italy, so the alias is also called the Axis deacidification method.

At present, the deacidification method of organic solution is basically used in China, and there is a lot of experience in this field.

So this time, Weng Tong and others also used the organic solution deacidification method-even if the box does not contain "Yongle Dadian", this step is also indispensable.

As for the cooling and lighting issues mentioned by Jin Xiangqian, they are also relatively important links in the protection of cultural relics.

Take textiles as an example.

Organic dyes on textiles, titanium dioxide, zinc white and other substances can act as photosensitizers, absorb light energy, and transfer the energy to the textile itself, which will extend the wavelength range of organic material degradation to the visible light region.

As for energy, it will promote the rapid chemical reaction between organic molecules and oxygen.

As a result, the group is detached or the degree of polymerization is reduced, the molecular weight is reduced, and the final cellulose structure is destroyed.

The same goes for the cellulose of books.

So as usual.

The current unpacking process should be carried out under dark conditions.

However, because of the live broadcast or avoiding the neon people and Bangzi fishing in troubled waters, they were forced to change to the state of seeing the light.

Therefore, how to enter the specific light and how much light intensity, these issues need to be well planned.

Fortunately, Jiang Chenggu and the others had three weeks to prepare, so the current link was not rushed.

"Report! The ultraviolet frequency has been successfully screened!"

"Report! The infrared frequency has been blocked!"

"Illuminance has been adjusted to 76lux"

"Illumination equipment numbers A1, A4, T5, C7, the incident angles are 14.36°, 44.67°, 34.58° respectively"

Fifteen minutes later.

everything's ready.

Weng Tong held the key made again by the frequency spectrum modeling instrument in his hand, and gently inserted it into the keyhole of the cast iron box.


The keyhole, which was much more delicate than the copper lock of the bronze hall, made a crisp sound, and it opened with a click.

Weng Tong took a deep breath and took off the lock.

Then he and Tong Huaijun looked at each other.

The two partners, who had known each other for more than thirty years, did not need to communicate, so they stood in a corner of the box in a tacit understanding, and together they lifted the box open.

Although the box was closed and opened, the whole process took less than two seconds.

But in Weng Tong's senses, these two seconds seemed to have passed as long as two years.

But soon.

Weng Tong's complicated inner drama was disrupted by Tong Huaijun's exclamation:

"Old man, look quickly!!!"

". Volume 1,320, Volume 1,267, Volume 1,306

"The box is full of—"

""Yongle Canon"!!!"


Open a copy tomorrow and code all night tonight

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