Into Unscientific

Chapter 505: A Masterful Work Rediscovered After 456 Years (Part 1) (Note: There will be no more)


on the ground.

Looking at the bronze temple that was just unearthed in front of him.

Xu Yun couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Follow Halo's original prompt.

After the "Yongle Canon" appears in the world, it will activate the effect of "clearing the original source".

That is, national cohesion +10, lawful notarization +10, social hostility -5, and evil -5.

Compared with P club games, it is only a sociology +10.

However, Xu Yun originally thought that the so-called "present world" meant digging out the "Yongle Dadian" from the ground, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Think about it too.

Emperor Jiajing died in 1567, that is, the "Yongle Dadian" was buried underground for a full 456 years.

Although there is no stagnant water in the copper palace, the state of this work will certainly not be so intact that it can be directly exposed to the air after opening the box.

In other words.

If there is mishandling during the opening process, it is likely to be damaged.

Once there is a gap in the "Yongle Dadian", then the so-called secular world will naturally be impossible to talk about.

Think here.

Xu Yun's heart also gradually calmed down.

Anyway, at this point, there is no rush.

Then he walked to the edge of the area where the Copper Hall is located, glanced at Weng Tong and Tong Huaijun who were checking the airtightness, and asked Jiang Chenggu:

"Director Jiang, now that the copper palace has been unearthed, when will the higher-ups unseal it?"

Jiang Chenggu glanced at him, and reported a time:

"Just today."

Xu Yun:


Mom? !

What did I hear?

today? ?

Isn't this too fast?

Seeing Xu Yun's bewildered expression, Jiang Chenggu glanced at the camera and explained:

"Xiao Xu, you should know that the entire Internet has paid a lot of attention to this Yongling excavation."

"Today's audience is so large that it can even be compared to the press conference where HKUST helped you get your name back."

"Especially after the Copper Palace was excavated, the total number of people in the live broadcast room has reached the peak since the live broadcast."

Xu Yun nodded upon hearing this.

He did know about it.

The entire Yongling project was broadcast live from the day of construction, which lasted for more than 20 days.

before today.

The real number of viewers in the whole network of the live broadcast room is not too much. Except for the first day, the total number of people on platforms such as station b, Douyin, and Toutiao fluctuates around 1-2 million.

There are only a few hundred thousand people in the least midnight time, and about four million people in the busiest time.

This is much lower than the 50 million viewers that Huoshenshan claimed to have on the entire network, but in fact it had 7 million viewers—after all, Huoshenshan had a special social background at the time.

But after excavation started today.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to rise rapidly.

With the blessing of the weekend, the total number of viewers on all major platforms on the entire network has exceeded 15 million.

This value has been greatly improved during the excavation stage of the Copper Palace. After all, the society did not know the existence of the Copper Palace before this.

For most passers-by.

They only heard that according to the earlier detection results of 'remote sensing technology', there was a trace of a large object under the Empress Hall of Yongling Mausoleum.

But as for what this thing is, everyone knows nothing.

Some guessed it was a big box.

It was also guessed that it was a huge coffin.

Some people even think that this is the Ark of the Covenant in the Western "Bible".

But now with the deepening of the excavation, everyone knows that this is a copper palace.

So here comes the problem.

What might be in this copper temple?

no doubt.

The vast majority of viewers will think of the word "Yongle Dadian"-in fact, after the test results of "remote sensing technology" came out, the speculation about "Yongle Dadian" on the Internet has remained high.

Ever since.

In just ten minutes.

The popularity of "Yongle Dadian" quickly rushed to the second place in the hot search list, second only to the topic of # Weibo Night Seats # .

Then Jiang Chenggu paused, his chin moved calmly towards the media area where several foreign media were located, and continued:

"Social attention is high, foreign media are also present, and everyone is staring at us."

"If we open the Copper Temple another day, the public opinion will come second, and those foreign media who fail to keep it together will be labeled as swindlers."

"So in order not to give those villains a chance to slander, the apse doesn't matter, but the Copper Hall must be opened today—and the whole process must be broadcast live."

Xu Yun was taken aback again.

But soon.

He understood Jiang Chenggu's thoughts.


"Yongle Canon" involves too many things, and its unearthed has a huge impact on the entire East Asian civilization.

Especially now that Nihong and Bangzi have just lost their grievances, the pressure on the surrounding situation of the rabbits is really serious.

If there is a "Yongle Dadian" unearthed at this time, it may be difficult for some people around to start their calculations.

So no doubt.

They, or the will behind them, will certainly not sit still.

to some extent.

Today's excavation work is somewhat similar to the previous press conference of the Academy of Sciences, and it must be indisputable to the other side.

Other than that.

The copper hall is also completely different from the apse in terms of difficulty of opening.

There are relatively complicated cultural relics such as elixir and imperial crown in the apse. At the same time, the corpses of Jiajing and others in the coffin must have been decayed, and it is obviously not suitable for live broadcast-this thing will really scare people to death.

But the Copper Temple is different.

There are neither decaying corpses nor cultural relics that need to be maintained by different means in the Copper Temple, which is relatively easier to open.

In fact, what Xu Yun didn't know was.

In the past 20 days, Jiang Chenggu and the others have been preparing for this matter, so that there are no defensible loopholes in today's excavation.

Another half hour passed.

Weng Tong came over with Tong Huaijun.

After a short period of high-intensity work, both of them were sweating, and even their hair was tightly attached to their foreheads:

"Director Jiang, the copper hall has been inspected. First of all, there is no problem with the airtightness. In addition"

With that said, Weng Tong sent another report to Jiang Chenggu:

"According to the detection of the scanning instrument, there are many deep orange shadows inside the copper temple."

Jiang Chenggu took the report and looked at it for a while, handed it to the assistant around him, and ordered:

"Xiao Li, please make a copy of the report and pass it to the media area."

Xiao Li straightened his body:


Students who were X-ray machines in their previous lives should know this.

All items that pass through the X-ray machine will have an image on the computer, which shows the outline and color of the object.

The essence of these colors is actually a reflection of the density, quality and quantity of objects.

Therefore, during the inspection, the quality of the object can be evaluated according to the depth of the image color.

Ordinary soaps, soaps, explosives, guns, woodware, leather products, etc. are orange-yellow.

A piece of clothing, thin plastic, and a few pieces of paper are pale yellow.

As for the deep orange.

Generally, it is a large bundle of Huaxia coins, high-concentration liquid or .

Lots of books.

Although the gravity gradiometer has already scanned the interior of the Copper Temple once, that kind of scanning is still somewhat different from the real object scanning.

In addition, this test result is also a booster for the media and the public, and it can still arouse the topic of discussion in a sense.

So soon.

The reporters in the major media districts all got a scanning report in their hands.

It's a coincidence.

The CCTV reporter who came to broadcast live today happened to be He Huai who had interviewed Meng Liang and his son earlier.

"There are really books in the Copper Temple"

At this time, He Huai was sitting in the rest area, holding a copy that was still a little hot, chatting with the photographer Lao Zhou without saying a word:

"Old Zhou, are we really going to witness history today?"

The photographer Lao Zhou is a middle-aged man wearing a baseball cap. He looks about forty years old, with a pair of Tyrannosaurus sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, he looks like a big director.

Because the live footage was uniformly provided by the excavation committee, Lao Zhou's work today was very leisurely.

He picked up a small stone and shook it a few times in his hands, crossed his legs and said:

"I think it's probably because he didn't run away. If it wasn't for the purpose of encapsulating the "Yongle Dadian", how could Jiajing have put another bronze hall underneath?"

"Tsk tsk, I heard that today's incident has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet. I heard that it has already been ranked first in the most searched list of Little Blue Bird in Thailand."

He Huai nodded, and lightly poked his index finger to the side:

"It's not just Thailand? No, see those people over there?"

Old Zhou followed the trend.

In another rest area about ten meters away from them, there were more than a dozen men and women with solemn expressions standing impressively.

Strange to say.

The other party is obviously yellow-skinned, and from a distance, it doesn't look much different from the Chinese.

But a judgment suddenly popped up in Lao Zhou's mind:

"Xiaohe, are those Bangzi and Neon people?"

He Huai nodded calmly, then glanced at the table in that direction:

"Well, by the way, have you seen those black boxes on their desk?"

Old Zhou nodded:

"I see, why, is there a nuclear bomb inside?"

"Nuclear bombs? They have to have nuclear bombs too. Lao Mei gave Neon Man two at the beginning, but they didn't catch them."

He Huai curled his lips and said in a low voice:

"It is said that there is an existing copy of "Yongle Dadian" in it, and there are about twenty copies—this was discovered during the inspection."

"Bangzi and Guizi probably intend to ask for a verification of the content as soon as "Yongle Dadian" is dug up, so as to prevent us from making fakes."

"To put it bluntly, they don't trust us, thinking that we are going to cheat like them, and they just want to tear us down."

Old Zhou was startled when he heard the words, and after recovering, he spat fiercely on the ground:

"Damn, these grandchildren!"

He Huai shrugged at him again, looking very calm:

"No way, these grandchildren don't want to be grandchildren, so they can only be grandchildren once."

Mentioned earlier.

There are two versions of "Yongle Dadian" in history.

One is the original version of "Yongle Dadian" completed by Zhu Di Yongle in the seventh year of Yongle, also known as the Yongle manuscript.

The other is the re-recorded copy during the Jiajing period, generally called the Jiajing copy or Jiajing manuscript.

The two versions are identical in terms of content, size, format, font, etc., there is no difference.

The original Yongle disappeared before today, and there are different opinions about its whereabouts.

The Jiajing copy was stolen by many ministers in the Qing Dynasty, and later plundered by foreign powers.

There are still about 400 copies in the world, less than 4% of the original book.

In the existing 400 volumes of "Yongle Dadian", that is, in the Jiajing copy.

The National Library of China has a total of 224 volumes, the Library of Congress across the sea has 40 volumes, John Bull has 51 volumes, and Germany has 5 volumes.

The rest are basically on the neon and stick side.

However, the number of Jiajing copies collected by Neon and Bangzi is unknown, and we can only guess that it is about 10-20 copies.

The result was unexpected.

Today, in order to 'disprove' that the original "Yongle Canon" does not exist in Yongling, Bangzi and Nihong both brought their Jiajing copies to the scene.

In fact, it is normal to think about it.

After all, the original "Yongle Dadian" includes "Su Chen Liang Fang", "Bo Ji Fang", "Shang Han Wei Zhi" and so on. If you take out any of them, you can kill the stick in seconds.

More critically.

Mentioned long ago.

Nowadays, the reason why we can't take down many world heritage applications is not because we don't apply for them and give up voluntarily.

It's because we can't produce physical evidence that can be equivalent to the inscription project-note that this refers to the original.

Still take "Dongui Baogam" as an example.

"Donguibogam" was written in 1610, and it is the most complete medical original to date.

And what about Chinese medicine?

The original book of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has been lost. Although the articles are still there, there are still many disputes over the details.

For example, the current "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has lost the part that records febrile diseases, which has caused the current Chinese medicine to be divided into two schools of typhoid fever and febrile diseases.

The two schools have quarreled for hundreds of years, and they were still fighting even during the previous epidemic.

There are still many situations similar to "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", that is, ancient books have status, but the original has been lost.

But once "Yongle Dadian" comes out.

Even if these ancient books are not the originals, they are also the Yongle version——"Yongle Dadian" was written in 1408 AD, which is two hundred years earlier than "Dongui Baojian".

This is still only a small field, so you said that the stick and the devil can not be in a hurry?

After a while.

He Huai's assistant, Miao Jing, trotted over from a distance, and said while running:

"Brother He, Brother Zhou, everyone, get ready, the Copper Palace will be transferred soon."

He Huai was taken aback when he heard the words, and after recovering, he quickly patted the copy paper in his hand on the table:

"Come on, old Zhou, come to live!"

Lao Zhou moved a little faster than him. Without saying a word, he ran to the interview car with the camera on his shoulder.

During the previous live broadcast.

Considering the large-scale construction on site, the live broadcast signals of major media are provided by the Excavation Committee, and the camera only has a partial view of the whole area.

During the live broadcast, He Huai could only alternate shifts with another female reporter, intermittently introducing the progress of the construction.

As for Lao Zhou, he was even more free.

Sitting alone in the rest area playing Doudizhu, he went from eight million beans to the daily guaranteed gift of beans.

Now that they suddenly learned that the Copper Palace was about to be transferred, everyone suddenly became motivated.

"Audience friends, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

I don't know if the hosts all have face-changing skills.

He Huai, who still looked like a salted fish in the rest area, immediately became refined and gentlemanly in front of the camera:

"Now I want to share two news with you. One is that according to the detection of X-ray equipment, it can be confirmed that there are indeed a large number of manuscripts in the copper hall."

"However, whether these manuscripts are ordinary books or the "Yongle Dadian" that everyone is looking forward to, a deeper inspection is needed."

"The second message is"

"We have just been notified by the excavation committee that the apse where Emperor Jiajing's coffin is stored will remain at the excavation site temporarily. As for the copper hall"

Said here.

He Huai paused, then continued:

"Then it will be sent to the archaeological laboratory under the Huaxia Construction Engineering Archaeological Affairs Center for on-the-spot 'unpacking'!!!"

He Huai just finished speaking.

A row of question marks flashed across the live broadcast room:

[? ? ? ? ? 】

It is not difficult to see from the row of question marks that the audience seemed defenseless against this time.

After all, for most viewers.

They watch the live broadcast mainly to join in the fun, and they don't think too much about some in-depth issues.

So in the eyes of these passers-by.

The unpacking plan now is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Then under the operation of the crane.

The Bronze Temple was quickly transported onto a special large transport vehicle.

Another ten minutes passed.

The transport vehicle slowly drove away from the scene and headed for the city.

Jiang Chenggu and others followed closely by car, followed by mainstream media such as CCTV and

Other than that.

There is also an unmanned aerial camera accompanying the sky, recording the entire transportation process from a high-altitude perspective.

Of course.

According to normal circumstances, large transport vehicles are not allowed to enter Yanjing City during the day, and drones are also not easily allowed to go to the sky.

However, this excavation project is an excavation operation led by the Supreme Will, so these practices that are not allowed under normal circumstances have been temporarily given the green light this time.


The green light approved by the above is not limited to these.

For example, the routes for transport vehicles entering the urban area have actually been optimized and even controlled to ensure that vehicles can pass normally.

Otherwise, based on the traffic congestion in Yanjing on weekends and the size of the transport vehicle, it is estimated that we will not be able to reach the destination within three days.

that's all.

With the cooperation of various departments.

The transport vehicle quickly drove to the destination.

Three hours later.

The transport vehicle successfully arrived outside an open field located on the Fourth Ring Road of Yanjing.

Looking around, this is a building complex with a low height but a very large area.

The tallest building is about four floors and five floors, but the horizontal span of the entire building complex exceeds 100 meters—this does not include the width of the surrounding green plants.

The building complex uses dark bricks and stones as the main materials, and the rectangular stone slabs on the walls are regular and orderly.

With many arched door openings and windows, it is easy to remind people of the long-term historical and cultural accumulation, presenting a simple and elegant style.

At the same time, the roof is decorated with black and white tiles, which not only improve the durability of the building, but also add a classic beauty to it.

After getting out of the car.

Lao Zhou's camera quickly locked onto the sign at the entrance of the building:

[Huaxia Construction Engineering Archaeological Affairs Center].

This moment.

A group of people were standing at the entrance of the business center. After seeing Jiang Chenggu and others, the leading Mediterranean man greeted them quickly and enthusiastically.

I saw him and Jiang Chenggu shook hands heavily, and kept looking at the bronze hall.

Another moment passed.

Several staff members came to the transport vehicle with the prepared unloading equipment and began to dismantle the copper temple.

Although there is no ZAT18000H crane for cooperation, the weight of the copper hall itself is actually not heavy-after all, the interior is hollow.

Therefore, under the pre-arranged plan.

The Copper Temple was quickly unloaded onto a tractor.

During the whole process, Lao Zhou's camera was tightly locked on the main body of the copper hall, not daring to move an inch.

Then soon.

The tractor loaded with the copper temple began to drive towards a certain warehouse.

In addition to a few staff members, there were also a group of dedicated 'third-party guests' who accompanied them on the bus.

These "guests" all had sullen faces and gloomy eyes, as if some writer owed them twenty chapter updates.

It is clear.

This group of people is not at ease even in the storage process, for fear that Jiang Chenggu and others will replace the prince with a civet cat.

Lao Zhou could only shrug his shoulders, saying that it was good for these people to be happy.

Then he and He Huai followed the large army into a building next to the warehouse.

This building is only one floor high, but the interior area is very open. Jiang Chenggu and others went around in circles before arriving outside a laboratory.

The area of ​​this laboratory is about 300 square meters, and the side near the aisle is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

There are no walls or baffles on the upper and lower edges of the glass windows to obstruct the line of sight, even if you lie at your feet, you can see the interior clearly.

There are a lot of experimental equipment in the laboratory that is difficult to judge from the appearance. It looks different from the appearance of the building. In other words, the science of archaeology is completely two styles of painting.

"Let me introduce myself first."

After several media cameras settled down, the middle-aged Mediterranean man who shook hands with Jiang Chenggu said:

"My humble man, Jin Xiangqian, is currently the person in charge of the Huaxia Construction Engineering Archaeological Affairs Center, and is also a visiting professor at the Department of Archeology at Yenching University."

"The laboratory you see now is called the National Advanced Technology Archaeological Laboratory, which is a high-tech archaeological laboratory born from the integration of scientific and technological archaeology."

"At present, our laboratory is equipped with many professional instruments, such as 3R-MSA600FS laboratory, ultra-sensitive line array X-ray detector, etc."

Jin introduced a lot of laboratory information to Xiangqian, which opened the eyes of He Huai and others.

In fact, what many people don't understand is.

"Archaeology of Science and Technology" is not a combined term, but a discipline that actually exists.

This is currently a promising profession, mainly using modern technology to analyze ancient ruins and cultural relics.

For example, the research on ancient DNA, which was very hot before, is mostly in the category of technological archaeology.

Nowadays, many provincial-level archaeological institutes are recruiting relevant graduates, and colleges and universities are increasingly using scientific and technological archaeological techniques to conduct archaeological and cultural research, which has much more potential than ordinary archaeology.

Of course.

The premise of the above sentence is that you can graduate with a doctorate, otherwise it is still enough.

As for the strongest major in domestic science and technology archaeology.

Naturally, it is the Department of Science and Technology History and Science and Technology Archeology of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Jin Xiangqian is a very talkative person, and he introduced a lot of rich content during the time when the Tongdian was still in storage.

Even non-archaeologists such as Xu Yun listened with gusto.

After about half an hour or so.


The door at the other end of the laboratory opened.

Weng Tong, Tong Huaijun, several staff members and several 'third-party guests' walked in with the Tongdian.

Seeing this, Lao Zhou quickly changed a suitable angle, and locked the focus tightly on the Bronze Hall.

Two minutes passed.

The copper hall was firmly placed in the center of the laboratory.

Immediately afterwards.

Weng Tong and others put on protective clothing one after another, and carried oxygen cylinders on their backs.

After everything is ready.

Weng Tong gave a thumbs up to the window.

See this situation.

Jin Xiangqian couldn't help taking a deep breath, and ordered:

"Operator, feed nitrogen!"


I will finish writing Yongle Dadian tomorrow, and open a copy the day after tomorrow

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