Chapter 504 "Yongle Grand Ceremony". Present! ! ! (Down)

This moment.

on the ground.

Following Zhang Ziang's order.

Boom boom boom——

The ZAT18000H crane, which has been completely deployed, quickly started working under the command of the operator.

In fact, speaking of the ZAT18000H crane, one of its parts has to be mentioned:

That's its torque limiter.

It is different from ordinary self-propelled jib cranes.

After the self-propelled jib crane is put into work, it is easy to make mistakes on the torque limiter.

Torque limiter, also called torque limiter, safety coupling, or safety clutch, is a component that connects the main machine and the working machine.

When the required torque exceeds the set value due to overload or mechanical failure, it will limit the torque transmitted by the transmission system in the form of slipping.

After the overload condition disappears, the coupling is restored.

This prevents mechanical damage and costly downtime.

However, in actual operation, the torque limiter of many cranes is often ignored before starting due to various reasons, which will increase the risk of accidents and even directly cause risks.

So in order to avoid problems in this link.

At the beginning of the design of ZAT18000H, a chip was added in the thread of the torque limiter to monitor the torque limiter through electronic means.

Therefore, during the operation of the equipment, the operator only needs to pay attention to the parameters on the display screen.

Of course.

Regarding this chip, there is another statement circulating in the crane industry that has never been acknowledged by Zoomlion:

With one more chip, you can sell it for more money.

In Xu Yun's view, this statement is purely baseless speculation.

After all, ZAT18000H cranes are mainly supplied to foreign merchants. How could we deceive those foreigners? What about foreign friends?


You ask what happened to the camel krypton gold deal more than 30 years ago? What happened to those orders at last year's air show?

Cough cough, let's take a look at the distant Himalayas, my family.

all in all.

With the start of the ZAT18000H crane, everyone's eyes on the site were locked on this behemoth at the same time.

Mentioned earlier.

The highest jib height of the ZAT18000H crane can reach 140 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a fifty-story building.

But what it wants to lift today is only a single-digit tonnage 'small object' located about 30 meters underground.

Therefore, ZAT18000H naturally does not have to go all out.

In this lifting project.

The preset boom height of Zhang Ziang and others is 44 meters, and the soil layer in the area where the crane is located has also been reinforced in advance.

Coupled with the supporting device of the crane itself, there are no mistakes or omissions in terms of safety.

five minutes later.

The operator above the ground sent a reply:

"Academician Zhang, the supporting weight of the crane, the hook group, the coupling, and the brake are all in working condition. Please convey the next step instructions!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ziang exchanged glances with several engineers around him, took a deep breath, and ordered:

"Non-staff personnel are evacuated to the safety zone of the upper foundation pit, and the ground is hooked!"


Zhang Ziang led the crowd back to the upper level of the foundation pit along the slope of the bottom foundation pit, and came to a safer area to "watch the battle".

at the same time.

on the ground.

On the jib of the ZAT18000H crane, four leather hooks were quickly dropped.

Several technicians who remained in place quickly fixed them to the load-bearing plates that had been placed at the bottom of the apse in advance to support the entire apse.

This load-bearing plate is a composite plate composed of various structures, the top layer of which is tungsten carbide.

Tungsten has a nickname, called industrial teeth.

It means that it can chew anything.

Therefore, the most common applications of tungsten are machining tools such as turning tools and milling cutters on lathes, and drill bits for mining.

Tungsten carbide is a hard and brittle tungsten-containing compound.

This compound has very high hardness, Mohs hardness can reach 9-9.5.

To know.

Diamonds have a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale.

Tungsten carbide is commonly used in various knives, armor-piercing projectiles and aircraft carrier decks. It has high hardness and strong compression resistance.

But this thing also has a fatal problem:

Although deformation is difficult to occur, once deformation occurs, it can easily lead to overall fracture.

Therefore, in addition to tungsten carbide on the load-bearing plate, Zhang Ziang and his team also added cubic boron nitride and aramid fiber to the middle layer of the load-bearing plate, and used silicon carbide as the backing.

Under normal circumstances.

Not to mention an apse that has been emptied of water, ten ears can be placed on it without crushing the load-bearing board.

ten minutes later.

The four hooks were firmly fixed to the four corners of the load-bearing plate with hydraulic equipment, and the technician checked it carefully again before reporting:

"Report! The hooks are all in place, the stress test is normal, and the TOE coefficient check is correct. Please give instructions!"

Zhang Ziang looked up at the ground, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes:

"Very good, all departments pay attention, start now. Start raising the tone!"


Following Zhang Ziang's order.

The operator of the ZAT18000H crane quickly pressed the start button, and the boom of the whole unit began to lift upward slowly.

at the same time.

Including Weng Tong and Tong Huaijun.

A group of archaeologists also brought some equipment to the edge area of ​​the second floor and entered a standby state.

Once an accident occurred during the lifting process and the structure of the apse collapsed, they would immediately step forward to rescue the cultural relics or, to put it bluntly, the coffin.

Then under the watchful eyes of all the people.

The boom of the crane slowly raised the apse from the ground with the apse, and as the height increased, some soil blocks continued to fall around the apse.

However, these clods are just ordinary dark brown soil, which means that the marble structure inside the apse has not been damaged.

three meters

five meters

Eleven meters.

twenty meters.

twenty five meters

that's all.

The boom and the apse rise higher and higher.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it rose to the top of the ground smoothly.

Then the boom moved to the left, and not long after everyone lost their vision, there was a shocking sound of a heavy object falling to the ground on the left.

Then there was another cheer that was not particularly enthusiastic but very clear.

at the same time.

The communication equipment on Zhang Ziang's body also rang:

"Academician Zhang, the apse has been successfully relocated to the preset resettlement site. There were no accidents during the whole process. Please issue instructions!"

"Very well, everyone has worked hard."

Zhang Ziang's expression relaxed slightly, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and said:

"You are on standby now and do a good job of protection. Director Jiang and the others will go up soon."

After hanging up the communication.

Zhang Ziang looked at Jiang Chenggu again, and said to him:

"Director Jiang, I'll leave the above situation to you first, I'll stay here and try to dig Yong Yong as soon as possible"

Said here.

Zhang Ziang paused suddenly.

He glanced at Weng Tong at the side, and changed his words:

"Strive to dig out the copper temple where those blank pages are stored as soon as possible."

Jiang Chenggu and Xu Yun:


Afterwards, Jiang Chenggu and Zhang Ziang parted ways, and returned to the ground with everyone.

This moment.

In an open space about 50 meters away from the foundation pit, there is a newly unearthed head of Jiajing. Wrong, Jiajing's apse.

The area of ​​the apse was about the same as what Xu Yun and the others had seen when they cleaned it up, a total of more than 100 square meters, neither too big nor too small.

As for the height of the apse.

In fact, it has also been tested for specific values, but when it falls to the ground at a height of nearly seven meters, it still looks a bit bluffing.

The moment I saw this apse.

Weng Tong, Tong Huaijun, and several other archaeologists immediately packed their bags, separated from the crowd, and quickly trotted towards the apse.

Their movements are as fast as the old skins who saw the group of friends sharing the mysterious connection and couldn't wait to open the Thunder software, completely ignoring the existence of other people around them.


Seeing Weng Tong and the others whose shadows were left behind in a blink of an eye, the corners of Jiang Chenggu's mouth twitched twice, and explained:

"That's all for archaeologists, please be more patient."

"After all, this is the first ancient emperor's tomb to be excavated in more than 60 years. It still contains the emperor's coffin. Professor Weng and the others may not be able to bear it anymore."

Academician Pan smiled at Jiang Chenggu, and took the initiative to comfort him:

"It's understandable, it's understandable. Director Jiang told me frankly that we often do this kind of thing in scientific research."

"Sometimes we hear about which team has achieved something. If the conditions for reproduction are not very complicated, most of us will put down our spare time and do experiments."

I heard this.

Lu Chaoyang, Xu Yun and others on the side also nodded.

Academician Pan's remarks were really not to give Jiang Chenggu a step down, but to understand Weng Tong's feelings.

For example, before Dias claimed to have achieved room temperature superconductivity, teams at home and abroad immediately launched a reproduction experiment a few hours later.

For example, Cheng Jinguang's team at the Institute of Physics was called to the laboratory urgently when some members were still playing games.

So on March 9th, 2023 at about 8:00 pm in Ionian Smash Bros., don’t be in a hurry to scold a friend who Xin Zhao disconnected from. Your teammate is really doing something big.

By the way.

Up to now.

In China, the team of Professor Wen Haihu, the team of Cheng Jinguang, and the team of Jin Changqing of the Institute of Physics have falsified the experimental results of Dias.

Of course.

Dias was also vaccinated, saying that the doping of nitrogen must be controlled very finely.

In addition, under normal circumstances, the combination of Lu elements and H elements to form LuH3 generally requires a high temperature of more than 650°C, but Dias successfully prepared Lu-H-N at 65°C and refused to disclose the principle. Maybe it is the manifestation of Shiva.

As the saying goes, sincerity leads to success, cough cough


The line of sight returns to reality.

Then Jiang Chenggu took a group of people for a short walk, and soon came to the area where the apse was located.

This moment.

Weng Tongzheng was standing beside the apse with Tong Huaijun, holding a prop in his hand that looked like an electric mosquito swatter, and kept waving it at the outer shell of the apse.

Seeing this, Xu Yun stopped a few meters away from them, and asked curiously:

"Uncle Weng, you are here."

Weng Tong turned his head and glanced at him, pointed to a digital display screen on his waist and explained:

"This is an air-tight detection device. There are high-sensitivity sensors around the side, which can detect the air flow on both sides."

"Any area where the circulation figure is higher than 0.07P, which is the normal windward value, indicates that there is a gap there."

"In this way, we have to fill the air gap in time."

"So that's what happened"

Xu Yun nodded thoughtfully, then looked around, and asked again:

"Then Uncle Weng, when will the apse be opened?"

Although Jiajing's body in the emperor's coffin has most likely turned into dead bones, the 'elixir', 'emperor's crown' and Jiajing's feather coat in the coffin are very precious cultural relics.

It's okay if you don't open Yongling.

But now that the Yongling Mausoleum has been opened and the apse has been moved to the ground, these things must be taken out.

"Open the hall?"

Hearing this, Weng Tong stopped his movements, patted the side wall of the apse, and said to Xu Yun:

"Although there are not many cultural relics in the apse, considering our current open-air conditions, at least we have to wait until the copper hall is dug up before opening it."

"After all, there is a lot of external pressure. Once the cultural relics are damaged, it is estimated that many trolls who have not made a sound will emerge."

"Besides, what we are going to do is indeed a protective excavation. Opening Jiajing's grave is a bit of a shame for others. Their bones must be protected no matter what?"

Xu Yun thought about it, and it seemed to be the reason.

Due to professional barriers, he personally does not know much about the process of antisepsis of cultural relics.

However, according to a lot of information he has seen before, many cultural relics are generally oxidized very quickly after being unearthed-although they will not be turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye, they will basically appear serious within 1-3 minutes. appearance problem.

Therefore, how to ensure that the emperor's coffin, the 'elixir' inside the emperor's coffin, the emperor's crown, and even the remains of Jiajing and the four empresses will not be damaged, these are the links that need to be carefully discussed.

Perhaps in the past period of time, Weng and them have discussed specific plans, but most of them don't seem to be low-tech actions that can be done in the open air.

Figured this out.

Xu Yun kept his voice obedient, and watched Weng Tong's inspection from the sidelines.

I don't know if it's just luck.

There is no structural problem in the apse where Jiajing's coffin is located. The marble inside the tomb is very tightly fitted, which is even much better than the previous Dingling.

In this regard, some engineers believe that this has something to do with the arched structure of the apse. After all, the arched structure is a well-known bending member, and the structure is quite stable.

When the accumulated water is not fully capped, the entire apse is actually equivalent to the bottom of the arch bridge.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that there is no structural damage in the apse.

An hour or so passed.

The soil layer of the apse has been completely cleared,

With the cooperation of the staff, the whole building was sealed with another kind of foamed silicone material with strong airtightness.

Finish these.

Xu Yun followed Weng Tong and others back to the bottom of the foundation pit.

Students with good memory should remember.

In the previous process of excavating the apse, the left, right and rear sides of the rear were excavated directly to the bottom.

So when the apse was hoisted by a crane.

There is no need to expand the space for the foundation pit, and the excavator can directly land on the open space on the left, right, and rear sides and start digging down.

In addition, the bottom area of ​​the Bronze Hall is only more than 60 square meters, which is about the size of a high school classroom, so the excavation progress is still very fast.

Less than two hours.

The bucket of the excavator successfully dug half a meter above the copper hall.

Here we go.

The next thing is very simple.

Zhang Ziang and others carried out a round of re-engraving exactly the same as the apse—first, the four sides were excavated by machine, and the top of the copper hall was manually excavated.

Although mentally exhausted, Xu Yun persisted in becoming a member of the artificial team.

After all, life is about having a sense of ritual.

Compared with the soil layer of the apse, the soil in the area where the copper hall is located is obviously wetter. As for whether it was caused by the infiltration of the underground palace of the nine halls or the groundwater, it is not known.


Xu Yun rolled up his sleeves and dug down for about ten minutes, when the shovel suddenly shoveled something hard, and there was a dull metallic sound on the contact surface.

Xu Yun was startled when he saw this, and quickly pulled the soil a few times.

After a while.

A metal surface buried in the soil layer appeared in front of him.

due to the wetness of the soil.

The metal surface is covered with a thick green rust spot, and an ancient atmosphere that has been dusted by the years suddenly hits the face.

Although Xu Yun is not a high-achieving student majoring in chemistry, he recognized Rust Spot's identity at a glance:

basic copper carbonate.

This thing is a standard product of copper in a humid environment, and it is often found on the surface of bronzes in wet soil and in the fanfiction of the "Shading the Sky" novel.

The treatment of patina is actually very simple, just soak it in vinegar for a day, and then clean it with a brush.

Of course.

Seeing this, some students may have questions:

No, isn't it said that the copper temple in Wudang Mountain is also made of pure copper? Why hasn't it rusted for hundreds of years?

the reason is simple.

The inside of the Wudang Mountain Bronze Hall is made of copper, but the outside is covered with gilt.

Ancient gilt is a mixture of gold and mercury, and then heated to evaporate the mercury, and the gold can be adsorbed on it and not easy to fall off.

So hundreds of years passed.

There is no rust on the surface of the Wudang Mountain Copper Hall, but the color of the bronze statue has changed to a copper color, so it is also called a copper statue.

Eyes return to reality.

Although Xu Yun wanted to get rid of the patina now, he still maintained his basic rationality.

The current situation is the same as the previous apse, and the Copper Palace is not suitable to be dealt with in the foundation pit - after all, the things inside the Copper Palace are more important.

Therefore, he could only draw his attention back to reality, and continued to manually clean up the sand.

after an hour.

The sand and stones on several sides of the copper hall have been cleaned up, and the appearance is fully presented to everyone:

This is a large copper box of about 7X7X3, and the outside is covered with a patina that is very unfriendly to patients with trysophobia, and it looks inexplicably permeable.

But Zhang Ziang didn't care about it.

He calmly repeated the previous operation, and let the ZAT18000H crane hoist the copper temple to the ground again.

Compared with the larger apse, the Copper Hall is much less difficult to operate.

Also within a few minutes, it was safely placed on the ground by the crane.


Xu Yun paid close attention to the whole operation, but what surprised him was that

After landing in the Copper Temple.

He didn't receive any notification about the completion of the "Yongle Dadian" task.

Could it be

The "present world" of "Yongle Dadian" that Halo refers to does not mean that the book was unearthed.


The books are to be taken out of the copper temple in their entirety?


To say a very outrageous thing, I have checked a lot of crane-related data in the past few days-especially the quotation, and then I received a call yesterday, asking me if I want to buy a crane

It will start to explode tomorrow.

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