Into Unscientific

Chapter 515 Appeared, the legendary folk prescription!


meeting room.

As several topics are blocked.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little depressed again.

But soon.

Realizing that this atmosphere would cause a great blow to morale and psychology, Lu Guangda brought up the topic again, and said to Li Jue:

"Commander Li, I heard that a new batch of food has arrived?"

Hear the word grain.

The originally tense lines on Li Jue's face finally softened a lot.

He turned to look at Lao Guo, smiled and said:

"That's right, the total supplies of the four convoys are about 100 tons, and there should be 80 to 90 tons of food—this is the figure after deducting road damage."

"Dude, eighty to ninety tons?"

Lu Guangda's eyes lit up immediately, he couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth, and asked in disbelief:

"Can there be so many?"

Although he brought up this topic on purpose, he didn't know the specific figures in advance—when the base executives got the news, he was still in the Gobi Desert.

Lu Guangda's accident made Li Jue very useful. He nodded heavily and pouted towards the outside of the meeting room:

"Of course, those materials are in the open space outside, you can go and see for yourself."

"And it is said that there are a lot of potatoes and refined noodles in this batch of materials, and the protein content is generally not low."


Seeing this, Lu Guangda clapped his hands violently, and a blush appeared on his face:

"This is great!"

The news Li Jue gave was like the warm sun rising in winter, dispelling most of the haze in Lu Guangda's heart in an instant.

To know.

Before today, the grain reserves of Factory 221 had bottomed out, and the prospects were uncertain.

Lu Guangda. In other words, every leader is under a lot of pressure.

after all

There are too many people in the factory, and it is not a category that can be solved by dozens of catties and hundreds of catties of grain.

At present, the total number of employees in Factory 221 is about 12,000, and the staffing is very complicated:

The garrison in charge of guarding the inside of the factory is a nuclear-related force in Xihai Province. It is organized at the regiment level. The actual configuration has been strengthened, and the number is about 1,500.

There are more than 7,000 ordinary workers, including various technical types, labor and sideline teams—the sideline teams are mainly responsible for fishing in Xihai Lake, animal husbandry on the Jinyintan grassland, and other miscellaneous tasks.

There are more than 4,000 scientific researchers, most of whom are college students who graduated from domestic universities, and about 400 returnees.

At the same time, different personnel positions, assigned wages, and food shares are all different.

Among these three groups of people, scientific research personnel have the highest ration allocation.

Whether it is an expert, a team leader or a college student who has just arrived at the base, the monthly ration quota for each person is 26 catties—not 26 catties for staple foods, but 26 catties for all foods.

The monthly ration quota for workers is 22 catties.

The guard force is 21 catties.

What is the concept?

The size of a bowl of rice in ordinary fast food restaurants in later generations is about 150 grams, and it is basically no problem to break 200 if it is compacted and stacked higher.

That is to say, an adult in the future will eat about 500 grams of rice for three meals a day--breakfast is considered less.

Including side dishes such as vegetables and meat, it is actually normal to eat about two catties a day.

But in this day and age.

Even the most qualified scientific research personnel only have a food quota of just over 400 grams a day.

Even more helpless.

Due to current food production and some other reasons.

From the completion of the 221 factory to the present, the quota has not been filled several times.

Due to lack of enough protein.

A lot of people, let alone a lot of people, let's just talk about Lu Guangda himself. At this time, his ankle was swollen to the size of a fist.

Lu Guangda himself doesn't care, but the problem is that there are quite a few employees in his situation.

So in the past period of time.

The seriousness of food has even surpassed technical problems.

Now that the base has newly arrived with 100 tons of grain, how can you not be excited about Lu Guangda?

I don't know if it is the impetus brought by the news of food.

Lu Guangda's aura immediately cheered up a lot. He quickly rubbed his palms and said to Li Jue:

"Commander Li, can I tell the news to the comrades below? This is an excellent opportunity to improve morale!"

Li Jue nodded, and squeezed his eyes twice at Lu Guangda:

"Of course, actually, Lao Lu, to tell you the truth, the Propaganda Department is already preparing for this matter."

"Probably when I'm on the night shift today, there will be a lot of news about 'pure passers-by'."

Lu Guangda was taken aback for a moment, then laughed immediately after recovering.


Rabbits made their fortunes through propaganda. Even Lu Guangda could have imagined such an opportunity, let alone political professionals?

Then Lu Guangda glanced at the foreign language documents on the table, and asked Li Jue:

"Commander Li, then these documents."

Seeing this, Li Jue glanced at Lao Guo, and Lao Guo came to Lu Guangda knowingly, and took out a few books from the lockbox:

"Old Lu, I'll take these books on aerodynamics and applied mathematics, and you can read the rest yourself."

"Before you go too far, remember to make a backup copy, and then print it on a large scale after translating it into Chinese. After all, they are all orphan copies."

"At that time, we will organize another expert group meeting to discuss which materials can be disclosed to ordinary members."

"By the way, remember to leave some information for Gan Chang, Kai Jia, and Neng Kuan, otherwise they will come to you with a knife tonight."

Lu Guangda patted his chest:

"Don't worry, I know it myself, I will leave two books for each of them, isn't it interesting?"

Lao Guo:


Lu Guangda smiled when he said that, and closed the suitcase as if afraid of Lao Guo's repentance:

"Okay, Lao Guo, then I'll sort out the materials first."

"With these materials, I don't believe that the tmd of chain transmission can still stump us!"

Looking at the energetic Lu Guangda, Lao Guo couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder:

"Then I'll wait to drink your Fenjiu, Guangda."

Lu Guangda gave him a thumbs up and liked .jpg.

Influenced by his father Deng Yizhe, an 'old alcoholic'.

Lu Guangda also likes to drink a few sips on weekdays, and he loves the fragrance-type Fenjiu.

However, food needs to be consumed when wine is brewed. After the conditions became more difficult, the amount of domestic wine production decreased a lot.

influenced by.

Lu Guangda had no choice but to temporarily suspend his drinking style.

He hid two bottles of Fenjiu under his bed, and would drink it leisurely whenever there was a breakthrough in the project.

Sometimes the appetizer is peanuts, and sometimes he breaks half a piece of compressed biscuit to suppress his stomach—an expert of his level has a very small portion of compressed biscuit and coffee supply every month.

If there is nothing left, just put some salt on the elm leaves and chew them dry.


By the way.

After quitting drinking, Lu Guangda found a new hobby, smoking.

all in all.

Now when Lao Guo said that he was going to drink Fenjiu with Lu Guangda, the implication was self-evident.

Then Lu Guangda shook hands with Li Jue and Peng Mengxiong, and left the meeting room with the suitcase.

After Lu Guangda left.

Lao Guo chatted with Li Jue for a few more words, and also quickly got up to leave.

Lao Guo is currently a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, that is, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in later generations, and has a very high status in the field of mechanics in China.

At the same time, in the base, he also serves as the deputy director of the Ninth Academy. He can be regarded as the middle and high-level leaders in the base, and he is relatively free in terms of time arrangement.

In addition, today he and Cai Shaohui drove nearly 400 kilometers back and forth to Guide to hand over the supplies, and the boats and vehicles were exhausted.

So Li Jue generously gave him a vacation.

However, Lao Guo did not intend to rest there, but planned to go to Cai Shaohui to continue to lead the team to carry out project research after a stroll around the base.

After all, every second counts in the true sense, and if you take a break to catch your breath, the country will have to hold back.

As for where to go for a walk

Lao Guo soon had a decision in his heart.

After leaving the conference room.

Lao Guo walked straight along the main road of the No. 2 branch factory, heading southwest of the factory.

Mentioned earlier.

Today's 221 factory has 18 factory areas, and the total area is close to one-third of a county.

The distance between each factory area is generally four to five kilometers, and it often takes more than half an hour to walk from one factory area to another.

In order to allow employees to quickly reach these branch factories from the living area, Li Jue and the others specially built a railway when building the base.

This railway is outreach to Haiyan County and was used to transport materials when there was no accident before.

Internally, it is used as a "shuttle bus" similar to the subway of later generations, transporting employees to and from get off work regularly.

It also has a very intuitive name:

commuter train.

Among them, the commuter platform of the second branch is on the southwest side of the factory.

When Lao Guo strolled to the platform, there happened to be a commuter train arriving at the station with smoke.

Lao Guo showed his employee ID card, and got into the car with the workers who were about to get off work.

after awhile.

Kuangci Kuangci——

The commuter train started to move slowly.

Twenty minutes later.

The train arrived at the platform of the Eighteenth Branch Factory.

The 18th Branch Factory is the central leadership organ of the base, the underground command center, the underground storage of scientific and technological archives, administrative archives, hospitals, shops, postal services, living quarters, theaters, etc. are located here.

So in private, the 18th Branch Factory also has a nickname:

main plant.

After getting off.

Lao Guo followed the crowd and left the platform, passed the routine review by the comrades of the guards, and successfully entered the factory area of ​​the 18th branch.

Of course.

This is said to be a factory area, but in fact it is almost the same as a cultural square in a small town.

Then Lao Guo walked for a while according to his memory, and finally arrived at a building with the [221 Base Staff Hospital] hanging on it.

Compared with the health center in charge of Yao Fuchuan in Guide County, this employee base is undoubtedly much more 'regular':

The worker's hospital covers an area of ​​several hundred square meters, surrounded by a row of tall walls, and two iron gates at the gate open left and right, with a width of about two or three meters.

There is a three-story building inside the wall, the whole body of the building is khaki, and vegetables and several large flower beds can be seen in the yard.

At the same time, it is obviously different from Guide County Clinic.

At the entrance of the base staff hospital, there were still two orderly soldiers standing upright with guns behind their backs.

There was even a stretcher at the sentry post behind them, which looked like it was for first aid—there were no ambulances these days, after all.

At this time, there were not many employees entering and leaving the hospital. From the time Lao Guo saw the building from a long distance to now, only three people have entered and exited it.

"Huh? Mr. Guo?"

Just as Lao Guo was thinking about how to ask the way, a voice of inquiry suddenly sounded from his side.

Old Guo turned his head to look.

He found an acquaintance standing on the side of the road a few meters away from him——

Li Jue's assistant Zhou Cai.

The two met at the entrance of the second branch of the factory not long ago, and it has been less than two hours since they parted.

At this time, Zhou Cai was holding a stack of documents in his hand. According to his appearance, he should have just come out of the telegraph sending and receiving center of the main factory.

"Guo Gong, it's really you."

Seeing that he did not recognize the wrong person, a smile suddenly appeared on Zhou Cai's face, and he walked quickly to Lao Guo's side, and asked with concern:

"How did you get to the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?"

Lao Guo shook his head and explained:

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I came to the hospital to see the wounded—Xiao Zhou, where is the wounded?"


Zhou Cai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Lao Guo to be so interested in a passerby, subconsciously said:

"It should be in the emergency room - after I sent him to the hospital, I went to deal with other things. You see, I just reported the situation of the Cambridge archives to Yanjing. As for others, I don't know what is going on now. gone."

As he said that, Zhou Cai quickly glanced at Lao Guo, vaguely guessing what Lao Guo was thinking, and asked tentatively:

"How about Guogong, I'll take you in to see him?"

Lao Guo pondered for a moment, but did not refuse:

"Okay, then I will trouble you."

Zhou Caichao smiled slightly:

"You are being polite."

Then under the guidance of Zhou Cai.

The two quickly walked into the staff hospital.

The lobby on the first floor of the staff hospital is not big, and there are three passages in the left, middle and right directions, and the stairs to the second and third floors are located on both sides of the corner.

Then Zhou Cai took Lao Guo to the right passage with ease.

After entering the channel, walk a few steps and turn a corner.

In front of the two of them, a department marked with the words 'Emergency Department' appeared.

These days, official medical staff can be regarded as a very prestigious profession. Even Zhou Cai, an assistant to the factory manager, dare not make too much publicity in the hospital.

So after coming to the emergency department.

He didn't yell loudly that some leader was coming, but poked his head into the department in a low-key manner, as if he was looking for someone.

But soon turned his head with some regret, and said to Lao Guo:

"Guo Gong, Director Lin is not in the department, let's go to the surgery."

As a result, the words were not finished.

Zhou Cai stopped talking, and waved behind Lao Guo:

"Director Lin!"

Seeing this, Lao Guo also turned around.

I saw a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walking towards the emergency department seven or eight meters away from them.

The middle-aged doctor is a tall man who is not common in this era. He is about 1.9 meters tall and has a rather burly figure.

On the outside, he has a face with Chinese characters, wearing a pair of black glasses, and his hair is combed into a big back, which looks quite reliable.

Lao Guo also knew this person, his name was Lin Yu, he was one of the only three chief physicians in the staff hospital, and he was well-known in the base.

Many people may not even know the factory manager Li Jue, but they must know who Lin Yu is.

At the same time, in terms of medical skills, Lin Yu is also worthy of his popularity.

Lin Yu graduated from Harvard Medical School with a doctorate in medicine and worked in Massachusetts General Hospital affiliated to Harvard Medical School for nearly ten years.

In this day and age.

There are indeed quite a few big names in Chinese medicine in China, and there are even national players who dare to use razor blades and silver needles to scrape cataracts for leaders, and they have successfully succeeded.

However, there are very few talents in western medicine, especially pure western medicine, which is completely different from that of later generations.

When mentioning Lin Yu at the beginning, Li Jue half-jokingly said something to Lao Guo:

"If it wasn't for the fact that our base must have a big cow in charge, Director Lin would have been an imperial doctor by now."

The line of sight returns to reality.

At this time, Lin Yu was looking at a certain report, when he heard Zhou Cai's words, he raised his head subconsciously and looked here.

After meeting Zhou Chang and Lao Guo.

Lin Yu's pace paused slightly, as if he was a little surprised that the two appeared here.

But immediately, he speeded up his pace and walked over quickly:

"Assistant Zhou, Gong Gong! Why are you two here?"

Say it.

Lin Yu thought of something, and looked at Lao Guo with concern.

Just like Lao Guo knew Lin Yu, Lin Yu was no stranger to the main leaders of the base like Lao Guo.

Zhou Cai had just parted ways with him not long ago, and he reappeared in the hospital obviously to accompany Lao Guo.

As for Lao Guo, Lin Yu has also heard about it, and he is a very strong 'diehard'.

If it wasn't really unbearable, I probably wouldn't go to the hospital to see a doctor.

In an instant.

Many speculations about illnesses flashed in Lin Yu's mind.

However, Zhou Cai and Lao Guo obviously didn't know Lin Yu's inner drama. After saying hello, Zhou Cai pointed to Lao Guo and said:

"Director Lin, it's like this. Didn't we send a seriously burned wounded person earlier?"

"This wounded man was met by Guo Gong on the road, and his identity seems to be quite special, so Guo Gong was worried, so he wanted to come and see him, and ask how the situation is going by the way."


Lin Yu blinked when he heard the words, and looked at Lao Guo beside Zhou Cai unexpectedly.


It turns out that Lao Guo didn't come to the hospital because of his own physical problems?

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a moment, and said to Lao Guo and Zhou Cai:

"For the wounded, please follow me, both of you."

After hearing the words, the old and Guo two nodded in unison.

Then under the leadership of Lin Yu.

The three returned along the way they came, crossed the hospital lobby, and walked to the inpatient area on the other side of the hospital.

After seven turns and eight turns, he arrived outside a ward.

This is a ward made of concrete and white powder paint. The interior area is about fifteen square meters. You can see the electric lights and ceiling fans working.

Although the style of painting is still somewhat primitive.

But compared to the wooden doors and windows and yellow earth walls in other wards, it is obviously infinitely better.

At this time, there was a person lying in the ward who couldn't see his face clearly and was wrapped in zongzi.

The only thing that can be seen clearly is a hanging bottle on his left hand, and a device that is flashing yellow and green on his right, which looks like a radio.

"Two, the wounded man is lying in the room."

After coming to the side of the ward, Lin Yu pointed to the room:

"He was in a critical condition when he was sent here. We urgently performed a rescue operation, removed some necrotic tissue on the body surface and disinfected it."

"He is currently being injected with aspirin. The instrument on the right is a string-type detector that detects the rhythm of the heart rate. This is a device that our hospital has just introduced."

Cardiac monitor.

People in later generations will definitely not be unfamiliar with this word.

However, in the current era, the ECG monitor is a rare thing-in fact, the current equipment cannot be regarded as a standard ECG monitor.

ECG monitoring technology first appeared in 1903, but the ECG monitoring technology based on wire transmission will not appear until the 1970s.

Therefore, today's ECG monitors are called monitoring, but they actually use string galvanometers to collect heart rate data in stages.

This kind of data is generally collected once every six hours, and it is mainly used to observe whether the patient has returned to normal.

If a patient gets worse at a certain point and there's no nurse around, there's no way this thing will get the message across.

Then Lao Guo also walked to the window, looked into the house a few times, and asked Lin Yu:

"Director Lin, is the wounded out of danger now?"

Lin Yu shook his head and raised the report in his hand to him:

"Not yet, the patient's infection is still very serious."

"And according to the X-ray machine scan, the patient still has seven fractures of varying degrees, which is not very optimistic."

"What we can do now is to desperately give him antibiotics. In addition, the hospital is not too busy recently. We can arrange three nurses to monitor him in shifts, and then..."

"We can only resign ourselves to fate."


Listen to Lin Yu's words.

Lao Guo couldn't help but glanced at the wounded who looked like roast chicken in the room again.

Although he is not a medical practitioner, his years of studying in the United States have made his experience much higher than that of ordinary people, so he can roughly understand what Lin Yu said.

In today's situation.

The hospital has done all the "manpower".

As for whether the wounded can survive, it depends on the rest of God's will.

hope you survive


Just when the atmosphere was a little dull, Lin Yu suddenly thought of something:

"Guo Gong, I actually have an idea about the treatment of this patient—if Assistant Zhou hadn't brought you to me, maybe I would have gone to him."

Old Guo was slightly taken aback:

"what idea?"

"That's right."

For some reason, when he said this, a trace of shyness appeared on Lin Yu's always dull face:

"When I was abroad, I heard about a case where a worker suffered severe burns due to an accident, and neither Western medicine nor Chinese medicine could do anything about it."

"Later, a Chinese old man who went abroad to work as a foreign worker in the early years gave a folk prescription. As a result, he was cured after eating."

"Although there is no direct evidence to prove that this folk remedy is useful, I think it can be tried with this person's current situation. A dead horse can be regarded as a living horse medicine."

I heard this.

Lao Guo immediately corrected his expression:

"What recipe?"

Lin Yu glanced at him:

"Feed the donkey's hair, and it must be the donkey's hair of a local donkey."


Theoretically speaking, local donkey hair is indeed possible to treat burns. The paper doiCNKI:SUN:ZGXM.0.2019-07-018 found that there is a c.349T\u003eC mutation in exon 3 of the ASIP gene of Chinese donkeys. The release of chemical mediators such as 5-hydroxytryptamine and lipoperoxide in the body has obvious inhibitory effect, but Pakistani donkeys do not.

Of course, this is just a laboratory study, and there are no samples in clinical medicine, but it should be logically feasible.

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