Into Unscientific

Chapter 516 Finally Woke Up

Xu Yun had another dream.

In the dream, he met Tifa and Alice again.

this time.

Tifa and Alice did not become cockroach girls, but invited him enthusiastically

Go for the rotisserie chicken.


roast chicken?

What the hell is this?

Before Xu Yun could think about it, the scene in the dream changed suddenly.

Xu Yun suddenly found that he was tied to a wooden stick, unable to move all over his body, and there was a cluster of blazing bonfires underneath him.

The heat of the bonfire quickly spread to his body, which was extremely hot.

at the same time.

A group of girls who ran out from nowhere also came to the campfire and began to lick their bodies with their tongues.

The dexterous tongue and the fiery fireworks superimposed on each other, making Xu Yun's whole body ache and itchy.

In the hazy room.

Xu Yun also heard words such as 'seven-percent cooked', 'funeral committee', 'Cambridge University', 'pull it out'.

in this case.

The only remaining consciousness in his mind forced Xu Yun to gather his weak spirit.


A pain more severe than in the dream instantly filled Xu Yun's whole body.

Fuck! ?

Under the stimulation of this more real pain.

On the contrary, Xu Yun temporarily had a moment of sobriety or the ability to think.

What's the situation?

Didn't I walk into the dungeon gate from the halo space, ready to complete the special task of Yuxi?

How did it become like this in the blink of an eye?

Could it be

Is it the 'setting' of the dungeon again?

Think here.

Xu Yun even felt a desire to complain for a short time:

In the copy of Mavericks, he fell from a tree.

In Lao Su's dungeon, he was fished out of a well.

In the instance of wheat, he was dug out of the pit.

In addition, I don’t know what’s going on this time, but it’s definitely not a normal start

So it's impossible for me to encounter a normal time travel, right?

Is there a way for this tmd to complain to the abuser?

Of course.

This desire to complain was only fleeting, and was quickly replaced by another thought:

Oh pain pain pain.

In the original 1850 copy of wheat.

Xu Yun once experienced the pain of being pierced by bullets—at that time, he and Avelyn fell into the hands of Tian Caiming and others. Out of revenge and warning, Harvey Clement gave Xu Yun Cloud shot in the ankle.

to be honest.

I'm afraid Xu Yun will never forget that piercing pain in his life.

For a very long time or before today, Xu Yun thought that he would never have a more painful physical experience than this.

But now he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and it was outrageous.

In the face of the pain at the moment, the experience of bullets piercing through the body is nothing more than a small one.

But on the other hand.

Although the magnitude of the pain was completely different, the 1850 copy told Xu Yun one thing:

No matter what you have experienced in the dungeon, even if you lose your limbs, it will not affect your body in reality.

In a sense.

This is a kind of 'guarantee'.

Therefore, under the effect of this guarantee mentality, Xu Yun returned to the pain, but there was really not much panic.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help pulling himself together, trying to raise his head to see the surrounding situation.

But the next second.

He found that he still overestimated his current state.

Don't talk about lifting your neck.

Even when he tried to open his eyes, the pain all over his body instantly became several times more intense, as if countless knives were cutting himself.


After a few seconds.

Xu Yun could only give up the idea of ​​opening his eyes, and began to feel his physical condition.


This pain mainly comes from the surface of the body to the muscles, and it is not like the stabbing pain caused by a large-scale fracture.

So no surprises.

Either I took a bath in sulfuric acid.

Or the 360°spa by the sword.


Got burned or struck by lightning.


Xu Yun could obviously feel a little weak in breathing, and his chest was burning hot and dull. There must be some problem with his lungs.

At the same time, his body has an obvious sense of bondage, and it looks like it should be wrapped in a rope or a cloth belt.

Other than that.

Xu Yun also felt a relatively soft touch under his body, which seemed to be


Of course.

Considering that the consciousness is relatively vague now, the possibility of this is not ruled out.

And just when Xu Yun closed his eyes to explore his own situation.

Suddenly, there was a faint voice of conversation in his ear, which was a bit faint in the distance:

"Comrade Rainbow, has the patient fed his donkey hair today?"

"Already fed."

"How is it going?"

"It's still not very optimistic. The old Wang from the movie theater came to me yesterday and said that he had been working part-time before he came to the base. Does anyone need someone to play the suona when the patient is cremated?"

Xu Yun:


The dialogue is a bit vague though.

But there were not many noises around at this time, so Xu Yun could still hear some of the words clearly.

The two people who spoke were a man and a woman. Judging from the tone, the man seemed to be older, and the woman was relatively young.

The word donkey hair should be a misunderstanding caused by the accent, and the specific guidance is temporarily impossible to guess-after all, who would feed a donkey hair to a normal person?

So Xu Yun didn't pay too much attention to it. What he really cared about was the word

Comrade, cinema, suona.

Although Xu Yun doesn't know exactly when the first film appeared in human history, his impression is that it looked like the middle and late 19th century, or the beginning of the 20th century.

all in all.

The word cinema never appeared in ancient times.

Add the word comrade.

In an instant.

The surprise in Xu Yun's heart even briefly overwhelmed the pain in his body:

Could it be

The time period I traveled this time is not ancient times, but modern times?

More critically.

Although according to the past situation, the halo will have its own language translation function after time travel.

That is to say, the comrades Xu Yun hears may not be Chinese, and may appear in Mao Xiong or even some other European countries.

But the appearance of the 'Suona' at the back completely shattered these possibilities.

After all, the suona is a special musical instrument in China.

So if nothing unexpected

At this time, the environment I am in should be in modern China?

As for the events related to the national destiny in modern China, there are not too few to say the few, but there are not many to say the many.

No matter which one is possible, Xu Yun's heart is full of excitement just thinking about it.


Xu Yun's heart suddenly exploded with power - he wanted to see this era, and wanted to confirm what he had experienced.

I don't know if Xu Yun's mental efforts have been fed back to his body.

After a while.

Suddenly there was a slightly higher-pitched voice beside him:

"Director Lin, look quickly, the patient's fingers are moving!"

A few more seconds passed.

There was a sound from Xu Yun's side, and the voice of the conversation was much closer:

"Your fingers are really moving! Comrade Rainbow, please go get a glass of water!"


Immediately afterwards.

Another sentence came from Xu Yun's ears:

"Comrade, comrade, can you hear me?"

"If you're conscious, try moving your left thumb!"

It is clear.

These words were addressed to Xu Yun.

left hand

thumbs up.

Xu Yun held back the pain in his body, recalled the position of his left thumb in a few seconds, and then lifted it vigorously.

"very good!"

Xu Yun heard a crisp applause, and the man who spoke to him seemed very excited:

"Comrade, since you can hear me, can you try to open your eyes? Work hard, come on!"

Xu Yun tried to open his eyes once when he regained consciousness, but he was forced to give up because his whole body hurt too much.

Right now, he has calmed down a bit compared to the beginning, and with the encouragement of someone around him, he tried again.


Xu Yun focused all his attention on his eyelids, and tried his best to perceive the skin around the eyelids, eyelashes and even temples.

This moment.

They seemed to form a 360° iron cage, tightly enclosing Xu Yun's eyes, with a tingling pain in the dryness.

Whenever Xu Yun wanted to open his eyes, there would be a strong pain from this 'iron cage', as if a nail had been inserted into his eye sockets at the bottom of the cage.

This moment.

There seems to be a voice in Xu Yun's mind tempting him:

Lie down, lie down. Your sex scene isn't over yet.

But Xu Yun did not give up this time.


After going through countless times of hard work.

Xu Yun's eyelashes suddenly moved slightly, and his eyes opened with a slit the size of Li Ronghao.

Although there are almost no subtleties, but after all, he opened his eyes.

In an instant.

A soft light penetrated from the window and projected into Xu Yun's eyes.

With this light.

Xu Yun tried again.


Xu Yun seemed to hear the sound of a cork being pulled out of the bottle, and a sense of transparency instantly filled his mind.

Xu Yun felt that every cell in his body was slowly waking up, the blur and heaviness in his eyes began to disappear, and his vision gradually regained focus.

A sense of reality gradually developed under the body and around the arms, and Xu Yun couldn't help but groan from his soul in this sense of redemption:

"Hiss, pain pain pain pain pain"

no way.

As the consciousness and body overlap again, the original pain is also magnified or clarified countless times.

After a while.

Xu Yun just regained his composure, endured the pain, and began to look at the surrounding situation.

The first thing that catches the eye is a white ceiling with a little mottled, a light bulb is hanging on the position facing his chest, and an old fan is creaking and blowing the wind beside the light bulb.

Then Xu Yun turned his head with great effort—to be precise, he turned his head slightly, and tried his best to glance down.

under full force.

He saw his right hand full of scars and his chest covered with bandages.

also saw

The ECG monitor on the right side of his bed displayed certain values.

It's a coincidence.

Xu Yun's current major is in the field of biology. The human body signal string wave-frequency conversion involved in the ECG monitor happens to belong to the category of life sciences.

It is hard to say about the international scope, after all, it covers too wide a range.

But Xu Yun is no stranger to the ECG monitors of various eras in China—especially the appearance.

So the moment I saw this ECG monitor.

Xu Yun roughly guessed the era he lived in:

It is absolutely impossible before the founding of the country.

At the same time, judge according to the scorched black part of the wound.

The speculation of the sword can be ruled out, but there is another possibility of being injured by explosives.

For example, when you pee, the safety pin of the grenade falls off or something

And just as Xu Yun was making judgments.

There was a sudden darkness above him, and a middle-aged man's head poked out:

"Comrade, are you awake?"

Do not know why.

Xu Yun suddenly thought of an emoticon package on the Internet, the content was that Tang Monk, his master and his disciples were staring at you in the picture, and the accompanying text was [You are awake].


Xu Yun was stunned for two seconds before opening his chapped lips and saying:

"This is where."

The four words have just been finished.

Xu Yun was taken aback again—this strange voice that was hoarse like an old cassette tape really came from his own throat?

It sounds like the vocal cords have been run over by the ears a dozen times.

However, Xu Yun's dazed look fell into the eyes of the middle-aged man, and it was understood that he was in a bad state and couldn't talk too much, so he smiled very understandingly:

"Comrade, don't worry, we have no malice towards you."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Yu. I am the chief physician of the 221 Factory Workers' Hospital in Xihai Province. You are now in the ward of our hospital."

"To be honest, it's really a blessing for you to survive after being burned like this. You lost your vital signs a few days ago."

"But now you are not completely out of danger, so what you have to do is to stabilize and recuperate, the leader of the factory"

Look at Lin Yu who talks eloquently.

Although Xu Yun's body on the bed was still in severe pain, a stronger emotion emerged in his heart, and his whole body trembled slightly.

There is surprise in this sentiment.

There is shock.

also have

Excitement and anticipation.

If say before that.

He can only judge the situation of the dungeon based on the words "comrade" and "movie theater" and the ECG monitor.

Then after hearing the words [Xihai Province 221 Factory]

He fully understood the era he was in, and even guessed his dungeon mission this time.

at the same time.


A curtain of light quietly appeared in front of Xu Yun.

[Special Mission: Rebirth from the Ashes]

[Mission Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆-★★★★★★]

[Task requirements: none, this mission is a special copy, the Wallfacer can make decisions freely, but the origin and future events of the Wallfacer are not allowed to be disclosed]

[Task time limit: four years]

[Mission reward: Chuan Guo Yuxi is alive, the rest of the rewards depend on the score]

[Punishment for not completing the mission: The Jade Seal of Chuanguo disappears permanently]

[Supplementary explanation: This is a turning point in history. Your ability and determination will have an unimaginable impact on certain events. Are you born out of the sky like you were back then, looking at the sky? Or. Overlooking the universe, flying. Higher? 】


Six star mission! !


I have had surgery in the past few days, and the update is a little less, but the minimally invasive recovery is fast, and I should be able to update more after a while

Today the main character wakes up on Easter, which makes sense, right?

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