Into Unscientific

Chapter 517 Unprecedented six-star mission!


I don't know if it's the effect of the halo or its own psychological effect.

In short, at the moment when this light curtain appeared.

The pain in Xu Yun's body suddenly disappeared temporarily, which gave him more time to think about the reminder in front of him.

well known.

The history of China can be divided into three periods.

One is the ancient feudal period before 1840 AD.

The second is the era of humiliation and self-salvation from 1840 to 1949 AD.

The third is New China after 1949.

Looking at the development process of New China, it can be divided into two stages.

In the first stage, Huaxia can only be regarded as a populous country that has just been established and is waiting to be rebuilt.

Although some impossible wars have been won by will, objectively speaking, the right to speak in the world is still very passive.

To put it bluntly.

It was just a "beggar" holding a stick, with ragged clothes, yellow and emaciated face, although he could beat people violently with the stick in his hand, but he could only hunched over more of the time.

But in the second stage.

Huaxia has truly stepped into the field of 'powerful country', and can stand tall and confidently raise its head to talk to any country.

The nodes that determine these two stages are

The emergence of China's first atomic bomb.

Later generations know that China's first atomic bomb exploded on October 16, 1964, and when it comes to atomic bombs, most people think of one word:

gobi desert.

But in fact.

This matter is far from simple.

The cause of China's research on the atomic bomb can be traced back to the mid-1950s.

At that time, the opposite side of the sea came back from the South Korean peninsula, and began to deliberately find fault with the rabbits to carry out nuclear threats, claiming to drop atomic bombs on the mainland:

At that time, the neon emperor at the beginning of a certain wheat word proposed to use atomic bombs for nuclear strikes. 4 bombs were used to destroy the troops of the rabbits on the peninsula, 4 bombs were used to bomb the air force airport of the rabbits, and the rest were reserved for local use.

Under the cloud of nuclear bombs.


Mr. Qian Sanqiang, a famous physicist, made suggestions to the country to develop his own atomic energy business.

Then after two years.

The top management of Rabbit decided to carry out research on nuclear weapons, and signed a related assistance agreement with Mao Xiong.

July of the same year.

GWY established the Construction Technology Bureau of the National Construction Committee responsible for the construction of nuclear scientific research bases, with Mr. Qian Sanqiang as the deputy director.

In the same year, the Third Ministry of Machinery Industry, also known as the Ministry of Three Machines, was established to be in charge of the construction of the nuclear industry and the development of nuclear weapons.

From then on.

Rabbit and Maoxiong launched nuclear industry assistance, and Maoxiong began to provide relevant drawings and personnel, and helped a lot in basic industries.

Then in the fall of 1957.

The Second Ministry of Machinery established the Ninth Bureau, with Li Jue as the director and Lao Guo as the deputy bureau.

By the way.

The Ninth Bureau of the Second Ministry of Machinery is the predecessor of the later Huaxia Institute of Engineering Physics.

If the trend at that time continues.

Rabbits should be like John Bull.

Paying a price that is not too harsh, and finally successfully possessing the big killer of nuclear weapons, it can't make much waves.

Descendants of tens of hundreds of years will probably see this sentence in history books:

[With the assistance of Mao Xiong, our country successfully tested nuclear weapons in xxx, and mastered the complete research and development methods of nuclear weapons].

But unfortunately.

With some well-known historical reasons, bear experts began to evacuate the mainland.

They removed a lot of equipment that hadn't been handed over, burned a lot of materials and drawings, and left nothing to the rabbit.

The rabbits could only pick at the ashes, trying their best to piece together some unburnt corners.

They are like a master chef who said he wanted to teach Mengxin how to cook, and suddenly changed his face after Mengxin prepared the storefront, pots and seasonings.

Not only did he not tell Mengxin the ingredients and process needed for cooking, but Mengxin poured out all the seasoning overnight, broke the pot, and even burned the storefront.

Mengxin rummaged through the ruins, only to find a little bit of salt left.

But those hairy bear experts probably couldn't think of it.

The fire they let go did not burn the hopes of the rabbits, but gave the ancient nation of China a fire of nirvana.

From then on.

The rabbits acted as if they were hooking up, and within a few years, they independently researched their own nuclear weapons.

This seems to be a novel written by an extreme nationalist who rejected all foreign help and only relied on the "All Chinese Class" to obtain the fruits of victory.

Of course.

A bit of explanation is needed.

Although the atomic bomb was detonated in Lop Nur, its research and development was not in the Gobi Desert.

Throughout the research process of the atomic bomb, the rabbits have three important bases.

One is the enriched uranium production plant in Jincheng.

This is China's first enriched uranium production plant, the famous 504 plant, which is specially used to refine and enrich uranium ore excavated from Nanchen 711 Mine.

Don't think this technology is anything special.

Students who have purified uranium ore by themselves should know it.

Uranium is an important raw material for nuclear weapons, but what is actually needed is uranium 235.

But in a piece of uranium ore, fully 99.3% is uranium 238, and the content of uranium 235 is only 0.7%.

so what.

If you want to get uranium 235, you can only use chemical means to purify uranium.

Electrons have the final say in chemical reactions, neutrons don't care.

So chemically purified uranium is composed of 99.3% uranium 238 and 0.7% uranium 235.

Since the chemical properties of the two are exactly the same, if you want to separate them, you can only rely on the slight difference in their weight.

In later generations, the most mature method in this regard is the centrifuge.

That is to say, the uranium is first made into UF6 gas, and then put into a cylinder to rotate.

The gas molecules of different weights will be layered, and the heavy ones will be squeezed to the side, and the light ones will be left in the middle, and then the tubes will be used to pump them away separately, and they will be placed in the next cylinder to continue to rotate.

After tossing a few times in this way, the concentration will gradually increase.

This process requires a lot of power support, even in later generations it is not a small amount.

This is also the reason why everyone suspects that Neon has been stealing nuclear materials - judging from the power generation of Neon, they probably have not lost nuclear materials, but what is hidden is not uranium 235 but plutonium 239.

This is still the case in future generations, let alone the present.

To save power.

The rabbits even came up with the method of ion exchange and gas diffusion, and the power consumption is much lower than that of Manhattan.

So all in all.

Factory 504 is actually a very critical link in the entire development process of nuclear weapons.

By the way.

Wait until the 1990s,

Due to the adjustment of the military-to-civilian policy, the 504 factory also started a side business to generate income, and produced the famous 504 ice cream, which should be the childhood of many Jincheng friends.

At that time, the cream used to process 504 ice cream was turned out of a nuclear industry centrifuge, so it was very delicious.

In addition to the 504 factory.

The second important base is the Malan base.

The Malan base is located in Lop Nur. The so-called "Gobi Desert" that everyone knows and the place where the story in the movie "Born Out" is located in the Malan base.

The main function of this base is for nuclear testing.


The location of the original rabbit nuclear test base was not Lop Nur.

According to Mao Xiong’s suggestion, the nuclear test site would have been built near Dunhuang at that time, and the center of the nuclear explosion was only 130 kilometers away from Dunhuang.

But later, considering the protection of cultural relics in Mogao Grottoes, the higher-ups decided to change the test base to Lop Nur.

The Lop Nur base is adjacent to Bosten Lake. It was named the Malan base because of the beautiful Malan flowers growing around the nuclear test living area.

The entire Malan base covers an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the total area of ​​Zhejiang Province-the nuclear explosion has a damage radius, and this area can bear the impact of a 3 million-ton equivalent nuclear explosion.

In addition, speaking of the Malan base, there is another very interesting story.

Many people born in the 80s or 90s should have played a rubber band game when they were young. When playing the game, everyone would sing a nursery rhyme:

Small ball, kicked with feet, 21 Malan flowers bloom, 28256, 28257, 282931.

This nursery rhyme is well-known, but in fact its meaning is very inexplicable.

It should be easier to understand the six words [small ball, kick with feet], and the rest is a bit strange.

Many people may have hummed it throughout their childhood or until now, but they don't understand its meaning.


This nursery rhyme is about the nuclear explosion at the Malan base.

The earliest atomic bomb in China was a rounded sphere with many winding wires on it. Relevant pictures can be found online.

This round shape is the "little ball" in nursery rhymes.

The "kicking" refers to the process of detonating the tower and being blasted away.

The former name of the XJ Malan Base was the 21st Experimental Training Base of the General Armament Department, referred to as 21. This is the origin of Malan Blossom 21—a film produced by Changchun Film Studio that tells the story of the development of my country's first atomic bomb. The play is called "Malan Blossom"

As for 28256 and 28257, it refers to the 256 sub-box of No. 28 mailbox and the 257 sub-box of No. 28 mailbox. It is the only communication method for the confidential base to communicate with the outside world.

Of course.

The authenticity of the statement of 256 sub-boxes and 257 sub-boxes is now unknown. After all, the specific mailboxes of the Malan base have not been deciphered. We only know that the information exchange must first be transferred to Yanjing and then returned to Malan.

However, Malan Blossom 21 is indeed a nursery rhyme compiled by the Propaganda Bureau under the Ministry of Propaganda, which was mentioned in the interview of Mr. Zhang Pinghua's documentary.

It is precisely because of the coverage of the Publicity and Education Bureau that this nursery rhyme can spread to every corner of the country—although there may be rumors that there have been magic reforms in some places, most places have not changed.


In the 1980s and 1990s, many games played by children were guided and promoted through the Ministry of Education and its derivative systems.

So in that period when the Internet was underdeveloped, many people could have the same childhood even though they were separated by thousands of miles.

well, let's get back to business.

Except for the Malan Base and the 504th Institute.

The third important base prepared by the rabbits for nuclear weapons is

The Jinyintan Nuclear Weapons Research and Development Base, namely Factory 221.

That is, the Atomic City of Xihai Province in later generations.

The Jinyintan Base is located in Haiyan County, Xihai Province, covering a total area of ​​1,100 square kilometers. It is the location of my country's first nuclear weapon development, testing and production base.

From a research and development point of view.

Plant 221 is undoubtedly the soul area of ​​the entire nuclear weapon development.

Don't look at the movie "Born Out", Lu Guangda has been staying at the Malan base with Lao Li and General Feng Shi.


Including him and other experts, the one who stayed the longest was Factory 221.

In addition to the 504 factory, the above three bases have become attractions for foreign exhibitions in later generations. It is recommended to visit them if they have the opportunity.

without any exaggeration.

If it weren't for the fact that the atomic bomb was used as evidence.

During this period, there were many deeds and technological breakthroughs, which completely exceeded the acceptance and understanding of ordinary people in later generations.

As a result, Xu Yun didn't expect it.

That mysterious halo actually allowed him to travel to this era?

This is an era when just thinking about it will make your heart surge to the point of trembling!

To be honest.

Throughout the five thousand years of China.

This era is undoubtedly a period that is well-deserved in line with the concept of "National Destiny".

But on the other hand.

Although the success of the atomic bomb has greatly increased the international status of the rabbits.

But from the perspective of future generations, there are actually many areas that can be optimized in this period-this refers to scientific research, not politics, and Xu Yun will not be so stupid as to touch certain lines that cannot be touched.

Now Halo gave himself a chance.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Yun made a decision:

Whether it's for Yuxi or for the country, he must do something this time!

What is the meaning of level with the sky?

It's just the fifth country to produce an atomic bomb. Confucius said, five characters are not good!

If you have to do it, you have to do it.

The man who steps on the sky!

Of course.

The slogan sounds good, but it is not easy to implement.

After all, the entire nuclear weapon research and development process is highly confidential, and it is basically impossible to enter the core of the project without passing the detailed political review.

So here and now.

There are two problems before Xu Yun.

One is to restore the body as soon as possible and end the bed scene.

The second is to find a suitable opportunity, let alone step into the core layer of the base, at least gain the trust of the organization to a certain extent.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to talk about my so-called influence on the project.

And just as Xu Yun was thinking.

Lin Yu by the bed spoke again:

"By the way, comrade, what's your name?"


Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to report his real name.

But fortunately, he was aware of the risk before exporting, so he was silent for a moment and changed his name:

"My name is."

"Han Li."

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