Into Unscientific

Chapter 523 The First Difficult Step

By the side of the woods.

With the sound of this voice.

Zheng Tao and the others were stunned for a moment.

I saw that several people looked at each other in surprise, and after confirming that the person who spoke was not the standing people, they all turned their heads.

locked eyes

Xu Yun in a wheelchair.


Zheng Tao first carefully looked up and down Xu Yun, who looked like the second generation of Tukage in "Hokage", before asking with some uncertainty:

"Comrade, were you talking just now?"

Xu Yun nodded and admitted:

"That's right, it's me."


Zheng Tao was silent for a few seconds, and the expression on his face was inexplicably subtle:

"Comrade, you just said."

"Just put a few rectangular boxes on the top of the tower to avoid the shaking of the watchtower?"

Xu Yun took some time to raise his neck this time, looked directly at Zheng Tao, and said:

"That's right, but it's not right to fill these boxes full. It should be said to be half full of water."

Confirming that he really didn't have auditory hallucinations, Zheng Tao's face showed a hint of surprise.

He subconsciously looked towards the toolbox beside him, and tapped twice with his toes:

"A box like this?"

"Yes, but it's better to be taller, about half a meter high, and the bottom area should be about twice as large."

Zheng Tao stopped talking.

It's not that he understood Xu Yun's thoughts, but that after hearing Xu Yun's words, he became more and more at a loss.

To know.

In order to solve the shaking of the watchtower, the construction sideline team has thought of many solutions in the past two days, but none of them can solve the problem.

Then into the mouth of this mummy, oh, just put a water tank on the top floor of the watchtower to prevent the tower from shaking?

What the hell is this tmd?

By the way, this comrade must not be mentally ill.

Then he turned his probing gaze to Qiao Caihong, the meaning was obvious:

[What is this person's background? 】

Qiao Caihong glanced at Xu Yun, gently pulled Zheng Tao aside, and said in a low voice:

"Brother Zheng, this comrade is called Han Li. He was rescued by Mr. Guo from a fire scene. He didn't work in our factory."

"It is said that he is an international student of the Department of Mathematics of Cambridge University, and his background is extraordinary-this identity has been verified by Mr. Guo, so there is no problem."

Zheng Tao was taken aback for a moment:

"Guo Gong? Cambridge University?"

Although due to the need for confidentiality, most people in Factory 221 use pseudonyms.

There are even many examples of people who have worked in Factory 221 for more than ten years and do not even know the real identity of their roommates.

But this is only a common situation at the employee level, and a well-known scholar like Lao Guo is another matter.

Perhaps many workers don't know Lao Guo's real identity very well, but for college students like Zheng Tao who graduated from physics majors, Lao Guo's identity is not a big secret.

Lao Guo and Lu Guangda's so-called "incognito" actually refers more to the secrecy of their whereabouts to the outside world.

So when I heard the word Guo Gong.

Zheng Tao immediately understood that the person Qiao Caihong was talking about was Guo Youlai.

Lao Guo's status and fame plus the signboard of Cambridge University

To know.

The Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge is currently the pinnacle of physics.

If you are an international student returning from Cambridge.

Maybe this half-mature young man named Han Li really has some special abilities?

Think here.

Although Zheng Tao still looked suspiciously at Xu Yun, his attitude obviously wavered a lot.

Then he exchanged glances with Zhang Gongding and Zhou Shaoping beside him, walked up to Xu Yun again, and asked him:

"Hello, Comrade Han Li, right? My name is Zheng Tao, and I'm currently a small captain of the sideline construction team, with a job title."

"I don't know if there is any physical or engineering theoretical support for the plan of the water tank you mentioned?"

Seeing Zheng Tao with a more solemn expression, Xu Yun couldn't help but quickly glanced at Qiao Caihong.

Although I can't hear exactly what they talked about.

However, it is only possible that the little nurse told the other party her "identity" that can make Zheng Tao produce the effect that can be called a face-changing Sichuan opera.

In other words.

I can start pulling the banner of Cambridge.

So Xu Yun nodded quickly, and said firmly:

"Of course, this is a theoretical field at the forefront of Cambridge University over the years, and many top experts are conducting research on this theory."

"Comrade, let me ask you a question first, do you know how to tell the difference between a raw egg and a boiled egg?"

Zheng Tao blinked:


He was planning to listen to Xu Yun's long speech, but unexpectedly, he opened his mouth and said raw eggs and boiled eggs.


The whole person couldn't help being momentarily stunned.

On the other hand, Zhou Shaoping, who was on the sidelines, was not fascinated, and quickly gave the answer:

"I know, Comrade Han Li, you can tell the difference just by turning it—boiled eggs take a long time to turn, while raw eggs take a short time."

"The answer is correct."

Xu Yun raised his head and glanced at the boss who wanted to introduce his granddaughter to him in the future, wondering if he should leave an indelible mark on him in this time and space, but he still asked normally:

"Then why?"


Zhou Shaoping was a little terrified by Xu Yun's gaze, but he still gave the answer honestly:

"Because the eggshell of a boiled egg and the egg body, that is, the yolk and egg white, are basically fixed together."

"The shell and the egg of the raw egg are separated, and the shell and the egg have relative motion during the rotation process, so the energy input by the raw egg is quickly consumed internally."

"The internal consumption of energy is fast, and the time for raw eggs to turn is naturally shorter."


Xu Yun subconsciously wanted to snap his fingers, but when he wanted to raise his hand, he realized that he couldn't move at all, so he could only sigh silently:

"Very well, then let's bring the topic back to reality."

"Then the question is, if we regard the tower as the shell of an egg, how can we quickly dissipate the energy and stop the 'rotation' under the same wind force?"

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Zhou Shaoping and the others were taken aback for a moment.

After a while.

Zhou Shaoping was the first to react.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, what do you mean?"

"Can we add an unfixed yolk and egg white to the inside of this egg? Let the wind be consumed as soon as possible?"

Xu Yun raised his eyebrows at him, and praised:

"Children can be taught."

Zhou Shaoping's breathing suddenly became rapid.

The example Xu Yun said was easy to understand, so soon, even Qiao Caihong roughly understood his thoughts.

After half a minute.

After thoroughly thinking about the feasibility, Zheng Tao licked the corners of his chapped mouth, and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, is there any official name for the plan you mentioned?"

Xu Yun nodded towards him:

"Yes, it's called a tuned fluid damper."

Students who like to play Yasuo should know it.

The breeze felt on the ground reaches a height of hundreds of meters, and the wind speed can reach tens of meters per second.

Waited until the height of three hundred meters.

The action of the wind can cause the skyscraper to bear a force of 8 kilograms per square meter, causing the building to produce a significant amplitude of vibration.

More seriously.

After the wind bypasses the skyscraper, it creates an asymmetrical vortex behind the building.

When the vortex falls off from both sides of the building alternately, one left and one right, a periodic force will act on the building, causing the building to vibrate.

When the wind reaches a certain level, the building may resonate.

In this situation.

The shaking of the building will become larger and larger, even.


Therefore, for a long time, people have devised many ways to avoid resonance to ensure the safety of buildings.

For example, using asymmetrical shapes, oblique network truss structures, etc.

And with the development of the construction industry.

Around the end of the 1970s, a new and far-reaching technology emerged in the construction industry.

That is.


The earliest dampers were large masses that moved like a pendulum when the building swayed in the wind.

The wind transmits energy to the building, and the building transmits energy to the mass, which shakes in the opposite direction to the building.

The hydraulic cylinder between the mass block and the building converts machinery into heat through friction and other means, so the stability of the building is maintained.

This technology appeared relatively late, let alone when it was introduced into China.

The concept of domestic dampers will really enter the public eye and be widely disseminated, probably around July 2021.

At that time, the typhoon and fireworks hit Shanghai, and the central building, known as the tallest building in China, opened the wind and typhoon protection measures.

The most famous of these is the giant damper known as the "Eye of Magic City".

The damper consists of a 1,000-ton mass and slings that resonate with the main structure to dampen building sway.

On the day when the fireworks hit Shanghai.

This entry even occupied the top search list for a long time, and the second is Wang Feng's new song.

Another data that can reflect that the damper is an emerging technology is the application scenario of the damper:

Even in 2021.

There are only two skyscrapers with giant dampers in the entire magic city, namely the Central Building and the World Financial Center, and there is not even one in Yangcheng.

At that time, there was a meme on the Internet.

It is said that there are no dampers because there are more black people in Yangcheng.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.


In addition to the late development.

There are also many types of dampers.

For example, it can be divided into several types such as mass tuned damper, tuned liquid damper, viscous damper and so on.

Among them, tuned liquid dampers are common in low-rise buildings. For example, many communities on the 20th and 30th floors will use tuned liquid dampers.

in the liquid damper.

Liquid flow produces dissipation, that is, the momentum is transferred to the liquid body through viscous resistance, thereby dissipating vibration energy and reducing the vibration amplitude of the structure.

Of course.

The fluid mechanics of this era is far from being as mature as later generations.

Therefore, in terms of interpretation, Xu Yun chose a simpler example, that is, reincarnated eggs and boiled eggs to explain.

And the other side.

Zheng Tao and others were completely shocked and lost in thought.

College students these days are not as rotten as later generations, especially high-achieving students who graduated from science and engineering majors like Zheng Tao, whose thinking ability is the ceiling among their peers.

After Xu Yun mentioned this point, they quickly reproduced the relevant scene in their minds.

So soon.

Zheng Tao and Zhou Shaoping looked at each other again, and they both saw a meaning in each other's eyes:


There is a door?

At least with their thinking ability, they really can't think of reasons to refute.

Think here.

Zheng Tao couldn't help but took another deep breath, turned around and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, thank you very much for your valuable suggestion. I will report this plan to the team leader now. Maybe it will be of great help."

"As for Comrade Han Li, are you waiting for news here, or are you going to the watchtower with us?"

Of course Xu Yun didn't want to miss this occasion, so he immediately replied after hearing the words:

"I'll go and have a look too."

Zheng Tao has no objection to this.

So the few people quickly changed direction and walked towards the watchtower together with Lao Bai and his team members.

The location of the watchtower was not far from the grove, and within a few minutes, everyone arrived at the watchtower.

This moment.

There are about a dozen workers gathered by the watchtower, most of them are shirtless, and they are grunting along the bottom of the watchtower to put cement on.

no way.

In the current period, if you want to strengthen the building against earthquakes, the basic idea is to accumulate volume.

In fact, it's not just now, even in the future in 2023, don't many P club players also like to do this kind of thing?

Then Zheng Tao walked up to a little old man who looked like the person in charge, and gestured to him and spoke.

The little old man was about fifty, thin and small, with gray temples and a little felt hat on his head.

After hearing what Zheng Tao said.

He was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Xu Yun, and soon fell into deep thought.

After a while.

He shook his head, but under Zheng Tao's repeated insistence, his expression became hesitant again.

after awhile.

The little old man reluctantly nodded, and waved his big hand lightly, as if he had made some decision.

Zheng Tao stood at attention excitedly, beckoning others to get busy.

The cuboid water tank may not be easy to find in later generations, but it is not a rare thing for the 221 factory today:

Unlike the Bosten freshwater lake adjacent to the Malan Base, the Qinghai Lake next to the Jinyintan Base is an authentic saltwater lake.

Therefore, the water inside the base often needs to use some equipment for external supply and transportation.

Piping is the foundation, and various tanks are often used to assist.

So soon.

Zheng Tao and others found a flat rectangular iron water tank that met Xu Yun's requirements.

Then they hoisted the empty water tank to the top of the watchtower tower through the pulley block, and sent several buckets to the top in turn, and filled them with water one by one.

throughout the process.

The rest of the people were either helping, or watching the show with their arms folded, and they even cast their eyes on Xu Yun from time to time.

Twenty minutes later.

Xu Yun noticed that the 'Old White' who seemed a bit stingy bent down and fiddled a few times, and went up to the watchtower with an instrument.

It's a coincidence.

Not long after Lao Bai went upstairs.

A gust of wind blew from the south of the tower.


The strong wind swept in with a large amount of sand and gravel, the sky was covered with gray, and the wind force was at least level eight or above by visual inspection.

See this situation.

The workers on the scene ran to the watchtower or behind the vehicle to hide from the wind, while Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding and Qiao Caihong fought against the wind and sand and pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair behind a pile of stones.


The gust of wind instantly blew up a piece of cloth cover hanging on the watchtower, and the cloth cover twirled a few times in the air, and then disappeared far away from everyone's sight.

After quite a while,

The dust had just stopped making noise.

Wait for the wind and sand to disappear.

Heads poke out around the watchtower like a game of whack-a-mole.

After shaking the sand off his body.

Everyone turned their attention to it in unison.

The top of the watchtower.

Then half a minute passed.

Under the gaze of everyone on the ground, Zheng Tao suddenly poked his head out from the top of the tower, and shouted excitedly:

"Teacher Yao! The measurement result of our horizontal instrument is completely normal, and the tower is not shaking!"

"Water tank."

"Really useful!!!"

I don't know why I had the same dream two days in a row, dreaming that Tyson died.

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