Into Unscientific

Chapter 524 Traveling through the three elements, the donkey, the ax and

"Water tank. Really useful!!!"

In no wind condition.

Zheng Tao's shout at the top of the tower was clearly heard by everyone on the ground.

all of a sudden,

The ground became audible with needles falling.

But soon.

This silence was replaced by a louder noise, and the open space once again became lively like a vegetable market:

"Oh my god? Is the watchtower really not shaking?"

"Mmp is not right, what is the principle?"

"Sai Linmu, we put so much effort into plastering the cement, but in the end it's not as good as a few buckets of water?"

"Is it possible that the direction of the wind is too biased?"


Various speeches quickly filled the open space.

Someone was shocked.

Some people doubt.

Some people want to explore the inner reasons.

Some people were overjoyed.

Even members of the sideline team like Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding, and Qiao Caihong, who had already heard Xu Yun explain the principle, were equally astonished and lost their minds at this moment.

After all, theory is one thing, reality is another.

If everything is true as long as it is theoretically true, then human beings have already counterattacked to the second gate of the South Gate.

In the past few days.

They have seen too many things that seem feasible in theory but fail in reality.

Then another two minutes passed.

Zheng Tao, Lao Bai and several other sideline team members appeared at the entrance of the watchtower.

The faces of Zheng Tao and the others were extremely red at this time, and it was not known whether it was caused by their excitement or the violent movements of going downstairs.

Then Zheng Tao took a breath, took a piece of equipment from Lao Bai, and walked quickly to the side of the old man in the little felt hat:

"Mr. Yao, the parameters of the balance meter have been recorded, and the anemometer is also here, please take a look."

The old man surnamed Yao nodded to Zheng Tao, and impatiently put the equipment on the ground, squatted down and began to tinker.

After a while.

I only heard a light 'click' sound from this device.

Then some data began to be displayed crunchingly.


Looking at the many parameters that popped up on the screen, Yao Xiaolin became more and more excited.

This is a dynamic balance measuring instrument imported from Neon, as the name suggests, it is mainly used to measure the balance state of objects.

Although it is not on the embargo list, because the precision of the rotor shaft exceeds the domestic production capacity, its rarity is no less than that of embargoed equipment.

Up to now.

Including this one, there are only six balancers of the same specification in China.

These six dynamic balance measuring instruments are all used in the production of important equipment such as fighter jets and warships, and their nature is extremely important.

The balance instrument in their hands is still at home. Considering that Base 221 needs to provide a stable balance environment, they sent it along with the weather instrument.

It is displayed according to the operating instructions supplied with the package.

The appropriate operating coefficient of relevant meteorological instruments in a 35-meter building is 0.06, and the highest cannot exceed 0.08.

But in the previous measurement process.

Faced with the impact of the eight-level wind in the same situation, the readings of most watchtowers exceeded 0.35, and some even broke 0.4.

Even Yao Xiaolin and his team continued to reinforce the tower body with cement and concrete, and the minimum vibration coefficient was only 0.29.

As a result, just when Yao Xiaolin thought the road ahead was gloomy, someone actually solved this big problem with a few water tanks?

More critically.

The wind speed meter on the side also recorded the corresponding wind speed at the top of the tower, which means that there is no such thing as the so-called 'wrong direction' and the wind is weak.

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

Yao Xiaolin would rather believe that the general named Kennedy on the other side of the sea would be assassinated, and it is impossible to believe that such an outrageous thing will happen.

But now the facts speak louder than words, this outrageous "miracle" actually happened

Think here.

Yao Xiaolin couldn't help taking a deep breath, and carefully put away the dynamic balance measuring instrument.

Then he stood up and led Zheng Tao to Xu Yun's side.

He looked at this pharaoh-like young man with a solemn expression:

"Comrade Han Li, right? Let me introduce myself, my name is Yao Xiaolin, and I'm the general manager of the construction sideline team of the base."

"The water tank damper solution you gave is very effective, Comrade Han Li, you have solved a big problem for us this time!"


Yao Xiaolin took the initiative to extend his hand to Xu Yun.

See this situation.

Qiao Caihong on the side subconsciously opened his mouth, wanting to refuse to shake hands for Xu Yun:


As Xu Yun's current full-time nurse, Qiao Caihong knew very well that Xu Yun's current body was at most half cooked to medium cooked.

His physical condition let alone shaking hands.

Right now, it takes a lot of effort just to raise the palm, and it is easy to cause secondary damage to the palm.

However, what surprised Qiao Caihong was.

Xu Yun in the wheelchair did not refuse to shake hands, but slowly and firmly.

Raised the palm of his left hand.

With great effort.

Some fine beads of sweat even appeared on Xu Yun's forehead.

But he still gritted his teeth, forced his palm up to the height of Yao Xiaolin's right hand, and lightly touched Yao Xiaolin's fingertips:

"Teacher Yao, I'm sorry, I'm injured now, I'm afraid I can only do this."

Yao Xiaolin was stunned when he heard the words, and then realized that Xu Yun's appearance was obviously a wounded person:

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Comrade Han Li, I didn't think of your body in a moment of excitement"

Facing the flustered Yao Xiaolin, Xu Yun smiled and shook his head under the bandage.

If it was someone else who stood in front of him and wanted to shake hands, he would most likely refuse as Qiao Caihong thought—even if the other party was Li Jue and Zhou Shaoping.

But after hearing the three words Yao Xiaolin.

Xu Yun temporarily changed his mind.

Because this little old man deserves to do it himself.

Yao Xiaolin himself is actually not a big shot.

His ability can be regarded as a relatively strong architect in this era, and there is still a big gap between academicians of the Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering.

But he is an extremely respectable ancestor.

At least Xu Yun was moved for a long time when he heard about his deeds in Jinyintan Atomic City.

Yao Xiaolin is 59 years old this year. He is a relatively early construction practitioner in China. He originally had an older brother in his family, and he and his wife have four sons.

His father and elder brother worked as traffic officers behind enemy lines during the Anti-Japanese War in the early years, and died heroically in 41 and 43 years respectively.

Three of Yao Xiaolin's four sons served as soldiers. The eldest and third sons died heroically in the peninsula battle, leaving their heroic souls on the peninsula forever.

As for the second child, he participated in the early exploration of the Malan base among the three major nuclear weapons bases.

In the process of searching for Bosten Lake.

He lost contact with the main force along with six other comrades-in-arms, and their bones were not found until 2023.

The fourth child inherited Yao Xiaolin's construction mantle, and his father and son were selected into the sideline construction team of the 221 base at the same time.

Wait another year and a half.

In order to collect the anti-knock data of the detonation test site, Yao Xiaolin and the fourth child stayed in the data collection room of the third station during the cold explosion stage.

The result was unexpected.

The wall of the No. 3 station collapsed due to a lot of sand and dust in the construction process, and the load capacity did not meet the design expectations. Yao Xiaolin and his son, together with three other observers, died heroically at the same time.

From father, brother to son, the whole family has three generations and seven people, all of whom sacrificed for the country.

Xu Yun heard many heroic deeds during his visit to the Atomic City, but the one belonging to Yao Xiaolin's family shocked and regretted the most.

The family is full of loyalty, nothing more than that.

At the same time, there is a personal image of Yao Xiaolin in Atomic City. Xu Yun can't remember his face clearly, but he clearly remembers that this little old man is wearing a very characteristic little felt hat.

So after learning and confirming that the other party is the Yao Xiaolin he knew.

Xu Yun temporarily changed his mind, saying that nothing could make this respectable senior empty-handed.

And at the same time when the fingers of both sides touched.

Xu Yun also made a decision in his heart.

He could not bring back the heroic spirits of the martyrs who had already died, but no matter what, he would never let another accident happen to Yao Xiaolin and his only remaining son.

Now with the advent of liquid dampers.


Will my change of history start today?

Of course.

Yao Xiaolin didn't know Xu Yun's inner thoughts.

After saying hello.

Yao Xiaolin focused on the specific principle of the damper and Xu Yun's origin:

"Comrade Han Li, I heard that this technology called damper is one of the most cutting-edge theories of Cambridge University?"

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly collected his thoughts and nodded:

"That's right."

"That's weird"

Yao Xiaolin couldn't help touching his chin, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he said in doubt:

"Old Huang from Branch 8 also graduated from Cambridge University. Although he was five or six years earlier than Comrade Han Li, he hasn't even heard of the concept of a damper, has he?"

"Otherwise, let alone whether he can come up with a specific plan, he should at least mention it."

Xu Yun didn't quite know who Yao Xiaolin was referring to as Lao Huang, but he had already considered one thing on the way here, or earlier.

That is, although there were not many Cambridge graduates in China during this period, there were still a few more or less.

In this way.

One's own identity may be temporarily obscured by smuggling back to the country.

But if a lot of knowledge or black technology wants to be released through the banner of Cambridge, it must pass the test of those "senior sisters" who understand Cambridge.

And the best way to get past this level is to

Imposes a group-wise limit on the reach of knowledge.

Think here.

Xu Yun raised his head involuntarily, looked at Yao Xiaolin, and said calmly:

"Teacher Yao, this is actually not surprising."

"Just as Chinese tofu brains can be divided into salty, sweet and spicy parties, the dissemination of knowledge by foreign universities can also be divided into many groups."

"Some of these groups are very xenophobic and do not accept Chinese or even Asian students at all."

"For example, Cambridge University has an organization called the Apostles Society. I wonder if you have heard of it, Mr. Yao?"

"The Apostle Club?"

Yao Xiaolin frowned, quickly glanced at Zhou Shaoping and others, and replied:

"I have heard about this. It is said that it is a very secret and powerful organization in Cambridge University. The founders seem to be Tennyson and a few of his friends."

"Similar organizations exist in many schools, such as fraternities, sacrificial society, Eli Mission, etc."

Although Yao Xiaolin is far from an academician in terms of ability and professional title, he went abroad for three years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, so he can be regarded as half an international student.

If he hadn't gone abroad to study architectural knowledge systematically, he would not have been selected as the head of the construction brigade.

Therefore, he has heard some news about foreign universities.

Seeing Yao Xiaolin tell the story of the Apostles Club, Xu Yun couldn't help but feel happy.

However, the expression on his face remained the same (mainly wrapped in bandages), and he said again:

"Mr. Yao, since you know these conventions, the following content should be easier to understand."

"As you know, besides the Apostolic Society, there are many other societies in Cambridge University."

"My ancestors once formed a society with Mr. Maxwell, so after I entered school, I was also invited to join a special group, and I was the only Chinese in the group."

"This society is more mysterious than the Apostolic Society, and it does not involve politics like the Apostolic Society. It is a purely academic society."

"Academic society?"

Yao Xiaolin became interested and hurriedly asked:

"What's the name?"

Xu Yun glanced at him, and his tone was a little subtle:

"The society is abbreviated as WSMS, and its full name is Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, which is"

"Wind Spirit Moon Shadow."


Chuanglun has returned to the present, the whole person is unconscious, and he has to sleep until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so he will wake up at about 2 o'clock in the morning, and then he can return to the world after two days of adjustment.

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