Into Unscientific

Chapter 530 Shocking a little traveler in this era (Part 2)

be honest.

Caused by burns to the vocal cords.

Xu Yun's voice was a little hoarse at this time, and the volume was not too loud, and it even sounded a little strenuous.

But in Lao Guo's ears, his words exploded like a thunderbolt, shaking away all his previous sentimentality and regret.


Old Guo turned his head mechanically, fixed his eyes on Xu Yun, and asked word by word:

"Xiao Han, what did you just say?"

Under the emotion.

He even gave up the title of "Comrade Han Li".

After all, what Xu Yun said

"But it doesn't matter."

The premise of that is.

After a while.

"Comrade Xu Yun, you are very relieved that he did not have that kind of awareness. As for saving people, you think that any incompetent person would lend a helping hand at that time."

Chai Yan responded with a smile, did he answer the question?

The first numerical weather prediction was made in Stockholm, Sweden.

But because /t is a differential, if you want to use the difference instead of the differential, the integration step size can be too long—because there is no error in the observed stingy data.

"Oh, he said that."

But that look was only fleeting, and I quickly returned to my normal look, and the whole person was suddenly tense:

That situation will continue until the J501 computer of the East China Institute of Computing was released a few years ago, and the situation will not turn bad.

Lao Guo couldn't help swallowing, and quickly added:

Lao Guo is a down-to-earth kind person, and upon hearing this, a trace of natural expression appeared on his face.

In particular, Aba Aba shakes the tortoise shell first, and then slams it up and down on the ground, from which the so-called will to go down to heaven is deduced.

The weather proverbs that have been handed down to this day can also reflect the early people's concern for weather forecasting.

"Isn't it going to take a long time?"

be honest.

Nor does it assume that there is no closed equation system, that there are no various meteorological element variables and the changes of those variables over time (/t).

Of course.

There were some conflicts between the United Kingdom and Norway, so the British government, which was the absolute leader in meteorology, decided to impose punishment on Norway.

That passage is actually one of the calibers that the Base Standing Committee came up with, and some of the content is not true.

It's not that as long as enough data can be collected, we really can't use computers to assist in calculating data.


Since the current domestic industrial level is relatively minor, the cost of those transport vehicles can be directly compared with the standard salary to compare purchasing power.

That was actually one of the reasons why some leaders applauded asking Mr. Guo.

"This is not to increase the amount of data collected by a factor of 100,000. It is possible to collect data manually, and some kind of equipment must be used."

As of now.

"Comrade Guo, after explaining your plan, you have no questions and want to confirm it."

It is too difficult to expect a returnee like Guo Gong to master that kind of technology.

Among them, the common method in the metaphysics stage is not divination.

Although Guo Gong felt about those punishments, he must do that favor.

Probably equivalent to one hundred and seventy to two million in the previous life.

Lao Guo made a gesture of invitation:

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through my mind.

Meteorological satellites should be the only instruments that can increase data acquisition by a small amount.

"The data you collected later is only less than 5,000 sets, and if it is 100,000 times, it is not 700 million sets. It takes too little time for the computer to calculate."

Weather forecasting has gradually ended its regressive transformation in the direction of applied science.

To my surprise.

At that time, there were no 27 observation stations in the UK, and only 8 in Norway, 27 to 8, the advantage is yours!

What about numerical weather forecasting?

In Xu Yun's view, data of this magnitude does not seem to be a big problem!

One was provided to the Seventh Ministry of Machinery, which worked on the atomic bomb, and the other was provided to the First Machinery Department, which made rockets.

Anyway, it’s asking for money, so try a little more.

Hence very slow.

For example, your country summed up the seventy-seven solar terms as early as 2,000 years ago, which mainly guide agricultural production and marching and fighting.

Old Guo smiled when he heard this, with a very casual expression on his face, and pointed to the north with his hand:

The development of weather forecasting has gone through two stages in total.

The computing power of the 104 machine is 10,000 times per second, and the calculation time of 700 million groups is not 70,000 seconds, and the conversion is not 13.9 hours or so.

Old Guo nodded.

There are only two 104 machines that have not been produced in China.

Before that, I also adjusted my posture under the bed to make myself more comfortable when leaning on the bed, before I said:

About a year later, Tyros 1, the first weather satellite in human history, was launched across the sea.

But the Norwegian government has not given up.

"Actually, for the meteorological system, besides the direct detection method, there is no other common method that cannot 'capture' them."

So back and forth, you can do the weather forecast.

Open any of the current "Principles of Synoptics" books, and the circulation theory, cyclone structure, cyclone life history, thermal fronts, air masses, etc. all come from the Norwegian school.

"Comrade Xu Yun, does the equipment he mentioned refer to weather satellites?"

So the British guy went down and agreed to provide weather data to Norway.

at the same time.

Nor is it the stage of metaphysics and science.

"Comrade Guo, you should know that the essence of the so-called meteorological forecast is not to use mathematical and physical equations to model the state of stinginess, and to obtain the future weather state by solving the equations."

"It must be to solve the problem of weather forecasting. The base's next plan will be extremely passive, and the retreat will be slightly delayed."

During World War I.

But this machine is not the public 103, but the mysterious 104.

I just know that Guo Gong must not have a very weak community support behind him, and the cost of doing so is relatively high:

It is the reason that really promotes the development of modern weather forecasting, and it is also due to the .

"Another way? Capture?"

Guo Gong nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

It's just that Lao Guo has honesty without saying a word.

Tyros 1 orbited the earth 1,135 times in a near-circular orbit at a low altitude of 700 kilometers. It took 78 days to take a total of 22,952 cloud images and terrain photos, which played an extremely important role in meteorological research.

Therefore, after the construction of the detonation test site, the 104 machine was allowed to free up 13.9 hours to calculate the weather, provided that there were any problems.

At the same time, it was Pieknes, the soul of the Norwegian School, who invented the numerical weather forecast that has influenced the present.

How about those costs that have to be converted.

In the end, did you think of that test, and you really got a response?

The Norwegian School didn't come that way.

"Well, if the cost is necessary, but does our factory produce machinery and equipment, the total cost is probably the total cost of seven or eight transport vehicles."

The metaphysics stage is also useful.

It was just telling me the 'truth' in the factory that was supposed to be told to Mr. Guo in seven or seven months.

"So Comrade Xu Yun, you ask him from your personal point of view, can you inform the base of that plan?"

Not just simple interrogative sentences.

Early 1954.

After all, a Yongjiu brand bicycle now costs 200 yuan. A worker can only save enough for ten months of food and drink, and when buying a bicycle, he has to buy it with a ticket.

"Comrade Xu Yun, I lied to him that the base is indeed in a very embarrassing situation in terms of weather."

Yes, it made Lao Guo slightly relaxed.

"Of course, he is a party member, and he needs to be like your low-key dedication, so he can't put forward any conditions or needs, and you will definitely do your best to meet them."

I know that Lao Guo's words are not perfunctory. The rabbits have always rewarded members who have not contributed to their work.

As long as the values ​​of various variables can be measured or calculated - such as air temperature, air pressure, small air density, wind speed, etc., the changes of those variables over time can be calculated.

"That's difficult. The uranium mining of your factory is considered a relatively important project in the country. There is not a single 103 electron tube computer in the capital for remote assistance."

At present, there are no less than 100 people and less than 70 pieces of equipment in charge of data collection at the base.

"There is a mistake, the Shoppler effect."

But in the face of the immediate problems, they were too big to be ignored - the price of the cold couple hygrometer sent by the capital alone was over ten thousand.

Guo Gong waved his hand when he heard the words, and interrupted the first half of Lao Guo's sentence:

Xu Yun was not surprised by Lao Guo's gaffe. In fact, a large part of his calmness at this time was pretended, and he was not much more relaxed than Lao Guo.

Lao Guo touched his nose subconsciously.

Think about that.

Those contents are very complex and difficult to understand.

"In short, he is worried, and he is sure that his plan is really useless, and the organization will definitely treat him badly."

Seeing that Lao Guo moved all the computers out, Guo Gong was at a loss.

Of course.

Old Guo nodded.

At present, nuclear weapons research and development account for 60% of the 104 computer hours, and the rest will be shared and used by other projects of the Seventh Ministry of Machinery.

For example, "the morning glow goes out, the sunset glow travels thousands of miles", "the sky is hooked with clouds, and the ground is raining" and so on.

Before the invention of thermometers, hygrometers, and barometers, and the development of the theory of fluid dynamics.

"That's right, if you go all out, it will take eight or seven days if you are slow, and if you are fast, it will be one or four days."

That is.

While the lightning bolt made my scalp numb, I couldn't help but suddenly raised my head and looked at Guo Gong:

Guo Gong nodded and asked:

Although the two words [as long as] and [is enough] seem a little underwhelming, they indicate another thing.

Yes over time.

We started with only 8 observation stations, and made efforts in the direction of meteorological monitoring, meteorological talents, theoretical research, etc., and achieved the famous .

But the rewards after those years basically consisted of clothing or food, and that was the case for people like Chai Yan from previous lives.

Apart from this kind of tricky answer that doubled the number of people by one hundred thousand times, to complete that step, a brand new instrument must be needed.


"It's just that the simple parameterized physical model is always complete, and the parameterization of the physical process will inevitably introduce systematic errors into the numerical prediction."

"Comrade Guo, I'm sure you can really provide a method to collect 100,000 times the data. How can they analyze them?"

Students who participated in World War I should know it.

It is not that the 104 machine of the Seventh Ministry of Machinery does not have close to 15 hours a day, so it cannot be used for the calculation of nuclear weapon-related data.


"Chai Yan, there is no old saying in China, it is called the grace of saving life should be tied with grass, how to repay the kindness."



Although I put forward the idea of ​​wanting to contact Guo Gong under the meeting, it does not mean that I have little confidence in Guo Gong.

At that time, a CA10 truck was sold for less than 8,000 yuan, the total price of the seven trucks was close to 70,000 yuan, and the construction cost was about 270,000 to 80,000 yuan.

"So compared to the specific calculation process, how to collect a small amount of data is a small problem."

Certainly simply multiplying our number by one hundred thousand times, it obviously meets the requirements under mathematics, but it can be applied in reality.

"Xiao Han, do you mean that you have a way to make up for this difference in quantity?"

Guo Gong can really collect 100,000 times more data.

Fortunately, the scars on his disfigured face now have a natural anti-peeping effect, so he reluctantly nodded calmly:

The concept of weather satellites has retreated into the field of vision of various countries.

That kind of funds can be regarded as a large amount for the base.

"Comrade Chai Yan, is it true what he said?"

I took a deep breath, organized my words, and asked Lao Guo:

Of course.

If Lin Yu hadn't left the room at this time and measured Lao Guo's heart rate with the ECG monitor, he would have found that Lao Guo's heart rate hadn't gone straight to 200.

Lao Guo's expression suddenly became more serious.

I straightened my body, put on the water glass, and said to Gong Gong sincerely:

On the other hand.

"That's right."

Guo Gong shook his head heavily, and denied:

As if he wanted to nail me back out of the wall with his gaze.

When talking about medical expenses, Guo Gong deliberately winked at Lao Guo.

Chai Yan shook his head slowly, denying that guess:

It is also possible to calculate the values ​​​​of those variables at the previous point in time.

from before.

"Weather data is not very time-sensitive, so there are so few data piled up for people to calculate."

Think here.

"Dare to ask Comrade Xu Yun, is the method you said is to send more people? Use manpower to expand the data?"

Before that, it went through the astonishing operations of weather guys like Rossby, Charlie, von Neumann and so on.

Once the integration time is long enough, those errors will be minimized, and the weather forecast made will be wrong.

"A request is a must."

Lao Guo has no reason to believe that Guo Gonghui will take such a coincidence, and then say a joke.

Then, given the initial and boundary conditions, numerical methods are used to solve the small air motion equations, so that the small air state at the known initial moment can be used to predict the future state of the small air.

"Of course it is."

In some periods of ignorance, such rituals were often accompanied by acts such as offering sacrifices and praying for rain.

I want to come in Lao Guo.

"If Han Li hadn't rescued you from the fire, you probably wouldn't have been burned into a carbon chicken creature by now, and you would have gone to collect half the price of the seventh monument with others."

well known.

Then Lao Guo was firm for a moment, and asked tentatively:

Lao Guo froze subconsciously, and couldn't help repeating those two words.

Old Guo heard that his breathing stagnated again, and his pupils constricted suddenly.

Seeing that Lao Guo was able to follow his own train of thought, Guo Gong continued to say:


Mentioned since.

Then old Guo took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, forced himself to calm down, and said to Guo Gong:

"Of course it is. Meteorological satellites may be able to provide wrong information assistance in a small-scale grid, but it is very easy for large-scale weather forecasts."

"So do you need a small amount of money?"

For example, in an ordinary building in Yanjing, there is indeed no computer assisting Factory 221 with remote computing.

It was Lao Guo, but he didn't feel normal in his body at all, but continued to stare at Guo Gong.

"Besides, the hospital also spent so little precious medicine on your body and arranged such a bad ward for you. Have you paid for the medical expenses yet?"

Lao Guo nodded in understanding, and wrote down part of the stingy wave equation on the paper.

"Han Li, you are a fool, so you must have guessed something."

Norwegian school.

At present, the research and development of nuclear weapons is still in the early stage, and some data are not so urgent, and sometimes it is even full.

By the way, talk about an update.

There will be an update at the end of the month, and there will be an update in May (it’s still the kind of vest defense battle). In order to avoid some readers saying that they can’t do it and boasting about it, they have been saving manuscripts recently.

In addition, a biopsy result of the laryngoscope came out, but the lymphatic hyperplasia was not a tumor. I was so nervous these days.

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