Into Unscientific

Chapter 531 Speed ​​up!

"Doppler effect?"

Hearing the word that came out of Xu Yun's mouth.

Lao Guo was taken aback for a moment.

As a physicist who has studied abroad for many years, Lao Guo is naturally no stranger to the Doppler effect.

This is a physical phenomenon discovered by Christian Doppler in 1842. To put it bluntly, in one sentence:

The wavelength radiated by an object changes due to the relative motion of the wave source and the observer.

For example, when standing still and an ambulance is coming, the sound heard is higher than before.

And when the car leaves, the sound is lower than before, which is the Doppler effect.

The essence of this phenomenon is that when the ambulance drives towards the person, it emits sound waves continuously, and the emission position of the sound wave is getting closer and closer to the person.

So each sound wave takes a shorter time to arrive than the last, and the distance between the peaks, or the wavelength, is shortened.

When I heard Guo Gong's words, the outline of a certain colossal creature appeared in my heart

Lao Guoyou asked Qiao Channeng if he could give an assembly plan. After all, Guo Gong once said one thing:

The line of sight returns to reality.

But also because of this.

"In addition, the dielectric constant of each particle is the same, for example, water is 0.93, ice is 0.18, etc."

There is a way.

The servo system in the previous life mainly used servo amplifiers and pulse narrow modulators, such as SMPR-v1 or something.

For example, there is no [a conversation that changed human history] in a steady manner.

"Comrade Xu Yun, you have no questions and want to confirm."

a few minutes ago.

"Please continue, Comrade Qiao Chan."

"No, it's called the weather Chappler radar."

Lao Guo was taken aback for a moment.

That is a small killer that Guo Gong wanted to destroy when he took out the damper!

That's right, it's just a prototype.

The waveguide comes from the ECG monitor beside me-the string galvanometer and waveguide of that thing have almost no same principle.

No one called it [Chicken and Rabbit in the Same Cage] yet, so it was called [Pair in Cage].

After all, there are too few particles in the atmosphere

The monitor cannot only consider the echo and vertical profile. For the Mavericks of the 221 factory, it is only necessary to change the TV screen and turn it back on.

It is a classic physical phenomenon that has not been proposed for nearly a hundred years since the era in front of us.

Old Guo leaned against the wooden chair provided by the hospital, muttering the name repeatedly:

Qiao Chan paid attention to Lao Guo's expression, and continued:

Therefore, the frequency of sound waves perceived by the human body increases and the pitch increases.

"Han Li, you should know that according to the principle analysis of the Schoppler effect, that phenomenon is also established in the microscopic field."


"Those movements are regular. There may be no down, no up, no right shift, no left drift, no S and no B, but in short, they will have relative displacement relative to the instrument."

For Lao Guo, who majored in physics, that question was simply a free-for-all question, and it couldn't be more complicated.

As for the servo system is also difficult.

Tomorrow, I will ask for a day off at my hometown to worship the ancestors. I have to go to worship the ancestors in eight years, and there is a small probability that I will be torn apart (your ancestral temple is this kind of ancient dwelling, and the land is very valuable. Uncle’s house will end after ten years) I want to sell a part of the ancestral hall to share the money, and some of you and I refuse, your father said that there will be another quarrel this year)

Old Guo just adjusted his glasses with his trembling right hand, and hastily gave an answer:

"But the essence of the Schoppler effect is to accept changes in frequency, and it's not that the macroscopic situation can't be that the car honks but moves, and people walk towards the car quickly."


This moment.

Presumably some stupid classmates haven't realized it yet.

This is a physical phenomenon that was proposed and concluded very early, and has no mystery or application value in itself.

Seven or seven thousand to twenty or eighty thousand.

As for the pulse narrow modulator, it is even more chaotic, just apply force in two directions to achieve dynamic lubrication.

While speaking, my heart is full of emotions.

Those Shappler techniques that were popularized in previous lives and could be popularized again will not be developed until the 1970s.


"It's a question of whether they dare to use it."

When Guo Gong finished the 1850 copy, he also met its proposer, Christian Schopler, in Cambridge Primary School.

To know.

Therefore, Guo Gong also used an old idea as always:

Seeing that Lao Guo took out the paper and pen from the briefcase and put them under the table, he signaled:

The thermocouple hygrometer that is now placed under the watchtower can provide a complete RC absorption circuit when it is broken.

But actually.

Considering the high industrial standard of the rabbits in that era, and the tight time at this time.

that time.

In addition to this.

The main reason why "almost" is used here is that the sonar detection has nothing to do with the Shaoppler effect.

Guo Gong touched his chin very slowly, and said quickly:

When Guo Gong was in Chengfei, he worked with that thing a few times—although it was a large-scale high-power wind-measuring Choppler radar, and the receiving sensitivity was only -60dbm, but the principle is still the same.

more importantly.

Guo Gongyu under the bed smiled, pointed to Lao Guo's notebook, and said:

Then Guo Gong tried his best to pull his hand out of the quilt, drew a circle in the air with his index finger, and signaled:

Such as meteorological Shaoppler radar, color Doppler ultrasound, Shaoppler imager and so on.

Whether it is domestic or domestic, even if the bears are not across the sea, they do not have the same level of development of weather radar.

Lao Guo was taken aback for a moment.

"Han Li, I'm afraid you have noticed that out of the four links you just mentioned, none of them have been finished yet."

In Guo Gong's design.

So the former only needs to ask the guy from the eighth branch factory to design an IGBT module, while the latter needs a ready-made RC snubber circuit.

Old Guo Cai raised his head again, looked at Qiao Chan anxiously, and asked with a delicate expression:

"From the looks of those parts, the cost should be even 7,000 yuan. Where did the difference go?"

when the ambulance leaves.

Transmitters, receivers, and waveguides cannot be obtained locally from hospitals:

After a while.

But in the eyes of Guo Gong, the meteorological Shaopule radar seems to have opened up a new road to the sky behind the old Guo.

It is not from the period of about 130 years from 1842 to 1970 that there is almost no physical technology that is comparable to the standard for the Shaoppler effect.

"Antenna. Radome. Transmitter. Waveguide."

See that outside.

Its concept was proposed in the early 1960s, and its actual application will be in a certain period close to the 1970s. The specific time is too sensitive, so I will elaborate again.

"At the same time, due to the difference in dielectric constant, the same particle will have the same degree of scattering, and the feedback to the instrument will be the same degree of frequency shift."

The data collected by a special meteorological Chappler radar in the previous life is very exaggerated, and often cannot reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of sets.

Used to predict typhoons.

"For the antenna, use a parabolic antenna for the positive feeder. The diameter is about 1 meter, and the feeder only needs to be horizontally polarized."

Lao Guo completely 'digested' the shock in his heart, and then turned his attention to Guo Gong again:

As an expert who has been engaged in aerospace engineering research for a long time, Lao Guo is very sensitive to information on equipment costs.

As long as the conditions are right, a million times or even tens of millions of times of data cannot be collected-at this time, the calculation will become a small problem instead.

The essence of the servo amplifier in the weather radar is not to drive the extension + pitch switch.

The day when Lao Guo and Guo Gong met was given a little ordinary color, and the communication between the seven people was also given a little inexplicable aura.

There is almost no supporting application technology for this effect.

Same with the engine.

"But don't forget that the real core of the Schoppler effect is not macroscopic, but relative motion."

The expression on Lao Guo's face was not relieved, but became more and more confused:

"Be sure that the target particle is far away from the instrument, and the frequency of the reflected wave will be higher than the frequency of the emitted wave."

Guo Gong nodded his head when he heard the words, but he didn't hesitate, but said patiently:

After a while.


"According to what you said later, the cost of a meteorological Chappler radar starts at around 20,000 to 80,000 yuan, isn't it wrong?"

"Comrade Xu Yun, he waits first."

It is also said that if Guo Gong did not follow the specific steps, he would even know some more detailed inside stories.

Old Guo nodded heavily.

"Nor antennas, radomes, signal processors, servos, transmitters, receivers, waveguides, and displays"

The emitted sound waves are further and further away from the source, causing the wavelength to increase, the frequency to decrease, and the pitch to decrease.

After all, what we need for Lao Guo is only 70 million sets of data.

Say it.


There are really too few particles in the stingy air.

"Whether the cost of the part is low or not is a matter of low cost, but"

After talking, Lao Guo realized something, and asked:

But it does not appear by virtue of the Shoppler effect, it can only be regarded as a weak relationship.

Sure enough.


The X-ray machine in the hospital has its own X-wave frequency, which cannot provide the X-band dual polarization effect required by the transmitter and receiver.

Looking at Lao Guo with a blank face.

"And through that frequency shift, the real-time air turbulence can be reversed."

"Meteorological Chappler Radar"

Special rains, snowfalls, sandstorms, etc. They are basically predicted. In a sense, they are equivalent to a small telescope.

Yes, RC snubber circuit.

"As for both the transmitter and the receiver, it is useless to use the hospital's X-ray machine to temporarily improve it—the last thing is that the leaders can convince Dr. Lin Yu."

That is obviously too much in line with what Guo Gong said later, and it is difficult to explain the past with the reason of understanding the market.

The large Schoppler detection radar is also a very common device in the DIY circle in the previous life.

For example, Jiuquan, a very impersonal "dolphin-style" radar tower, can't even collect 300 billion sets of data at a time.

"What you need is less sample data, does it seem to have any intersection with acoustic Schoppler?"

Up front.

Nowadays, weather radars around the world are basically used to observe small weather disasters, such as typhoons, hurricanes and so on.

Weather radar in the field of meteorology can only make qualitative analysis through the echoes, otherwise, the first numerical weather prediction in human history would not appear until 1954.

"So Han Li, suppose you mean hypothesis."

That's a weather radar!

"Comrade Xu Yun, what processes and parts do you need to assemble the meteorological Chappler radar?"

"In the macroscopic world, the relative movement of people and cars is reflected in the fact that the car moves and the person moves—that is also the cognition of no one's subconscious, because that example is too bad to understand."

The investment of the entire equipment is probably tens of thousands of dollars, and the time is as slow as eight or seven days, and as fast as one or four days.

At that time, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed a storm radar, which was mainly used for the location of storms. The principle was extremely primitive, and it is still in operation.


The example of the ambulance can't explain the Shoppler effect turbidly, but it is the actual cause of the effect itself after all.

"There is one part in total, and there is indeed an extra signal processor."

In China, the first S-band 714SD and the first C-band 714CD Shappler weather radar prototypes will not be successfully developed by the National Meteorological Administration and the 784 factory in Chengdu until the end of the 1980s.

It can be said like this.

However, the principle described by Guo Gong alone cannot be determined. The instrument I mentioned has a small probability of being operable and effective.

But on the other hand.


After the meteorological Chappler radar radar came out.

The same is true for the Shoppler effect.

Just like Xiaojia would think of the author of the novice fisherman when talking about tentacle monsters, in life, Xiaojia often uses some of the most classic examples to replace a certain concept for interpretation.

"There must be no such kind of instrument. When it is in operation, when there is no sky, it just goes up and emits some electromagnetic waves of ordinary bands toward the sky."

Up to now.

It is the official version of the equipment, only the beggar cough cough with the lowest cost performance, the youth version of the meteorological Shaoppler radar.

Very few years ago.

The first human weather radar appeared in 1943, about seventy years from now.

"Be sure that the target particle is moving closer to the instrument, so that the reflected wave will have a lower frequency than the emitted wave."

"Han Li, tell you the truth."

As a professional physics practitioner.

Guo Gong thought about it, nodded and continued:

In short, in the current period of time, the meteorological Chappler radar has no real objects even across the sea, and even the design process has only regressed to about 40%.

The principle of Meteorological Chappler Radar has been introduced by Touwutian once, so I will repeat it here.

Guo Gong glanced at me, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes:

Meteorological Chappler radar.

The whole thing is [Comrade, that's the password for their accelerator] and so on.

Lao Guo suddenly leaned under the chair, let out a deep breath, and remained silent.

So after Xu Yun said the word.

I know why.

Can't say that.

in the field of future research.

The scope of application of that effect in the past life is also very wide, involving a small number of military and civilian fields.

"And at the same time as it emits in the wavelength band, particles with the same dielectric constant are also regressing under the cloud."

It's been a long time.

So the actual cost is even a little higher than the value I calculated.

Guo Gong clenched his right hand into a fist and put his left hand up a finger, saying:

For students who have not been issued a ticket for speeding frequently, the speed radar for detecting their speeding records also relies on the Shappler effect.

"Comrade Qiao Chan, could it be that the cost of that part is very low?"

Looking at the words written all over the paper, Old Guo couldn't help blinking, and asked Guo Gong:

"The most complicated ones are the radome and the display. The radome is just that, and the display only needs to show the echo and vertical profile."

"From a structural point of view, a meteorological Chappler radar basically cannot be divided into four links."

Its main purpose is only one:

Guo Gong was a bit tricky that time, and replied directly:

The earliest Shaoppler effect instrument in human history is

"Not one yet?"

Guo Gong's words were like thunder from the sky, and it exploded in Lao Guo's heart instantly.

As for the first meteorological Chappler radar that was actually put into use, it was not until 1992.

But when Mr. Guo finished speaking, Lao Guo interrupted me.

Although Lao Guo has not seen the real thing that Guo Gong said.

And the kind of data that radar can't collect is more than a hundred thousand times so ruthless?

"And those who are moving towards the stationary ambulance are actually replaced by various different particles, such as precipitation particles and rain particles."

Another example is the current domestic weather radar.

As for the first meteorological Chappler radar in China, it was even later.

I did a complicated mental calculation just now, and the total cost of all the parts mentioned by Qiao Chan is at least seven to seven thousand yuan.

"Comrade Xu Yun, does that instrument have a name?"

Therefore, whether it is the demand or the actual situation, Guo Gong needs to produce the official version of the weather Shappler radar.

"It's wrong. The physical Shoppler effect mainly appears in the macroscopic field, such as ambulances and the like."

The first conventional weather radar in China was rebuilt by Lao Guo's good friend Baozheng through the military 843 low-measuring radar eight years after it landed. The full name is 703 radar.

Lao Guo quickly raised his head and confirmed:

After that, I took care to record it, and only wrote down a brief summary of the project. After hearing this, I glanced at the notes again:

Meteorological Chappler radar.

Examples and concepts are not completely equivalent, just like there are no tentacle monsters such as eagles at the starting point except for novice fishermen.

Those who were Chappleradar students in that life should know it.

Not to mention parts like RC snubber circuits, which cannot be put back under the original equipment until they are used up.

Lao Guocai is more and more daring to make judgments.

Shaoppler effect.

after awhile.

"Comrade Xu Yun, you don't understand the Shaoppler effect, but it has nothing to do with increasing data sampling?"

"In that case, what do you say will happen to the electromagnetic waves before they come into contact with them?"

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