".Do we dare to use it?"

in the ward.

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Lao Guo's brows were immediately frowned, and doubts appeared in his eyes, and he asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, you might as well make your words clearer."

He can understand the term high cost, and he understands the logic of spending money on scientific research.

Moreover, whether he was an overseas student or after returning to China, Lao Guo has been exposed to many high-cost instruments, and he has a wealth of knowledge in this area.

Nothing else.

Just mentioning the nuclear radiation dose detection instrument based in the 2nd branch factory, the total cost is more than one million - the value of one million in this era is quite a terrifying figure.

But Xu Yun didn't mention the cost but mentioned the four words "dare to use it", and he couldn't help being a little confused.

After passing through [Ali], [Snot Bibimbap], [sjdendndeej], [Hashimoto's No Food Dog] and [Starlight Walk] outside the circle, before the simplification of many calves.

"Hiss, pain, pain."

But from the looks of it, since derivation is the only way to go, Guo Gong is just bad and then hides it.

At that time, we were in the stage of transitioning from ballpoint pens to white sketch pens in Boye. It wasn't that we could only use white pens in the exam, but we could also use ballpoint pens. In the early days, some students got used to it and often brought more pens.

Under the hospital bed, Guo Gong drew a square frame in the air:

For example, there is a kind of medicine in traditional Chinese medicine called aconite, which is very harmful to the human body if it is overdose. Only doctors of the Vulcan School "dare" to use aconite in large quantities.

But Lao Guo's mood did not relax because of this.

Probably around 2019 or so.

After all, the production and research of instruments is different from curing diseases and saving lives, and it is relatively normal to say "dare or not" in the medical field.

While Lao Guo was stunned.


seven minutes ago.

At that time, Lao Guo's brows were only slightly frowned, and then he relaxed:

"Before you mark those bytes as bad, you can't try to go backwards from the perspective of coherent motion."

"Look at that."

"As for the ballpoint pen, you brought it with you again today, so he will wait for a while and talk about it when Da Qiao comes back."

Not every round of collection starts, the weather radar must store 5 million sets of data.

Thin Ye drew a horizontal line above the item with a pen, and explained:

Guo Gong was taken aback for a moment, and a question mark appeared under his disfigured face:

that time.

Bo Ye shook her head, picked up the pen again and wrote something:

"That is, signal receiving module, signal storage module, signal analysis module, filtering module, signal processing module, quality control module, parameter configuration module, etc."

So look at it from that perspective.

The seven threshold should be considered a small problem, right?

The signal processors of the previous Shappler weather radars were basically fixed, and the most typical one was TMSC6701.

Write with a pen in your mouth.

Say it.

It's a pity that Guo Gong and you have no fate. One went to Ke primary school and the other went to Hong Kong primary school. The other went abroad to study before graduation, and died in a car accident in Tu'ao four years later.

It was very slow.

Broken, close to home.

At first, I thought Lao Guo would be embarrassing for a long time. After all, data storage is a proper problem for a traveler like me.

And judging from the performance of Lao Guo's eyes, that thing seems to have really appeared.

Among them, the latter was solved by Mr. Guo in the module of the first gear, so the signal processor I designed is not mainly used for the former.

In the entire territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, there is not one and only one eligible equipment.

"Nor is the iq signal of the horizontal high gain channel, the iq signal of the horizontal low gain channel, the iq signal of the vertical high gain channel, and the iq signal of the vertical low gain channel."

It is the same as the following radar design scheme.

"As for the quality control module, it is also very difficult to configure the module without parameters. Just make a threshold for the quality control factor. About seven threshold channels are needed."

Lao Guo thought for a moment, then nodded hastily.

When Guo Gong explained, he bit the first two sentences very seriously.

"Big Joe!"

A guess appeared in Guo Gong's mind.

That's worse than fishing with a net.

It is also the normalized echo envelope that few people are unfamiliar with - the dash, or the youth version.

Old Guo was taken aback for a moment, and before he came back to his senses, he subconsciously sized up Guo Gong and asked:

Then Lao Guo lifted the cover of the ballpoint pen, took a wooden board and pressed the paper under it, and put the seven together behind Guo Gong's face.

It was only later that he considered that fingerprinting could solve the problem, so Guo Gong spoke out about the slightly challenging cleanliness.

Use the following fishing example to describe it is not.

A set of data is calculated as 3 bytes, and 5 million sets are really enough for rabbits to drink a pot.

"A variant, in which Ac and Aol are the fixed component and random component of the amplitude respectively, θl corresponds to the azimuth angle corresponding to the lth point, and represents the Shoppler frequency generated by the l point."

And for the rabbits in the future.

The required tools must meet the following conditions:

When Guo Gong was in junior high school, because the content of the textbook was too complicated, he often made some big things in class to relieve boredom.

Lao Guo remembered very vaguely.


"Han Li, are you looking for you?"

Lao Guo watched it for a long time, and his tone was a little dazed:

Back then, Thin Leaf did consider hygiene and other issues, but just thought it was so bad, and wiped it with a paper towel before finishing holding the pen, and it was over.

"Comrade Xu Yun, that is"

"Comrade Thin Leaf, now there is one module left, and it is not a signal processing module, right?"

"The signal receiving module is more complicated."

Isn't it obviously cleanliness?

Lie ghosts.

Thinking of Lao Guo's thick eyebrows and small eyes, he also played tricks.

Every time the big girl at Guo Gong’s back desk forgot to bring a white pen, Bo Ye lent you her own white pen. Maybe it was because the questions were difficult. When Guo Gong looked up one time, he found the girl While looking at the test paper with both eyes, subconsciously nibbling on the tip of the white pen

Bo Yechun hummed and came to Lao Guo with two ballpoint pens.

Just now I saw that Lao Guo didn't have two ballpoint pens outside his briefcase.

The views on this thing in the previous life are not similar to "Yongle Xiaodian". Probably not half of the people in Faran think it exists, and not half of the people think it exists.

Think about that.

After all, I am an expert in algorithms, and I am proficient in everything.

"Of course not. Comrade Xu Yun, can he hold a pen? What do you need a pen for?"

The ballpoint pens in those days were still relatively primitive and plug-in, not as convenient as the spring-press type in the previous life, but it was indeed a lot heavier than a fountain pen.

Guo Gong also took a look at his left hand, and tried to do some flips in the air, and he took two deep breaths because of the pain:

"Big Joe, take a hard trip and go to Director Lin's office to find two ballpoint pens."

After a while, I raised my head again and explained:

After all, the more complex the modules that Thin Ye proposed earlier, the more natural the subsequent modules will be.

And want to complete that idea.

Regardless of the fact that signal storage can be regarded as a basic to re-basic project in the data industry in 2023, mobile phones do not start at 256G.

Guo Gong saw that he put down his pen and explained:

"Comrade Xu Yun, according to his statement, should the formula be multiplied by a complex low-frequency signal?"


One module handles eight, so the remaining ones must have nothing to do with "dare to dare".

When he said those words, Guo Gong's expression was not serious.

after awhile.

Everyone in the DIY circle knows that the cost can be saved, and the main focus is not a high price and low efficiency cost performance.

Able to break periodic frequency conversion in Ac also not a constant component amplitude process.

s(t, tm)=A0rect(t^2Ri/cTp)exp(j2π((fc+fd)t+12μ(t^2Ri/c)2))A0.

In the end, why did Lao Guo look more legal than the one after that?

For example, using staples to make bracelets, drawing various car logos under textbooks, and

seven minutes ago.

When Lao Guo's content was barely digested, Bo Ye said again:

"Han Li, in order to facilitate your follow-up, let's start with the operation of the radar."

The DIY circle finally came up with a Minke version of the signal processor design, and it has been used to this day.


Lao Guo glanced at his notebook again, and asked Guo Gong:

should be

"Of course, there are few modules that cannot be ignored or simplified for the situation we are looking at."

It’s the two words of control factor and threshold that I’ve been in touch with related terms. After a long time, I heard my good friend Dong Tiebao talk about the seventeenth threshold.

A very interesting thing happened here:

Then Guo Gong paused, and continued:

"The expression for the radar echo is like that."

This hard drive consists of 50 24-inch disks with a total capacity of 5 million characters, not 5MB.

Got that far.

"Mr. Guo, you may not understand that the signal processor can also be divided into several modules due to structural problems."

"It is combined with the signal analysis module and filter module, which cannot be regressed once under the function of eight-in-one."

Qiao Caihong has his own objections:

It was too thin and he stopped writing immediately, but said to Lao Guo:

Lao Guo glanced at Guo Gong, shook the pen in his hand towards me, and explained:

Among them, the right, left, bottom, and top are relatively complicated, and cannot be determined through the echo of the inner flow interface.

It is also possible to suppress the clutter related to the meteorological echo, and then determine the specific data of the meteorological information through the θ angle.

And look at China in front of you.

That time, Lao Guo was no longer puzzled when he heard it.

The task of the net fisherman in that module is very natural, just filter the big fish and ensure that the length of the fish caught is less than or less than a few centimeters.

As far as Lao Guo knows.

At present, the base and even the troops across the country are in the iterative period of military equipment. From the groundbreaking of the base to the present, the military radar of the base garrison has also undergone a round of replacement.

The most appropriate idea is obviously not

"Signal processing. Could it be that there is no difficulty in that module? Or do you need to use some common things?"

As for information such as the species of fish, specific families and genus, we do not need to identify them.

Use fishing nets to filter out big fish first, and then hand it over to professionals for detailed analysis of the family and genus of fish.

Therefore, I can only temporarily suppress the desire to explore in my heart, anyway, after a while, there will be no answer.

"Pen and paper?"

"The eighth gear is the signal storage module."

Lao Guo put down his pen, raised his head hastily, and asked Guo Gong with certainty:

"Dahan, is he crazy?! He actually wants to tear it down"

Seeing this, Thin Ye looked up at Lao Guo, thought for a moment, and suddenly said to me:

"Han Li, the last seven modules are the most basic two 'gears', and the next two modules will be a little easier."

"It's not that the accuracy of the signal processing module is second in the analysis process. The more important thing is that it can carry oblique processing and obtain the corresponding one-dimensional distance image."

for example.


And no matter which of the following modules, it involves the category of "dare is dare".

In terms of signal processors, Guo Gong also came up with the design scheme of the Shaoppler weather radar that was common in the DIY circle in the previous life.

Think about that.

It's a pity that even if this thing exists, it should be classified as top secret. If Bo Ye asked directly at this time, he would be taken to the big white room within minutes.

"It's not that N particles with a radial velocity of V are moving towards the radar in the small atmosphere. When a beam of electromagnetic waves passes by, the radar will theoretically receive N or close to N corresponding echo signals."

Lao Guo raised his eyebrows slightly, then glanced at Guo Gong's mouth, turned his head and shouted into the room:

C(t, tm)=∑l=1N(Ac+Aol)Gθl2S(t^2Rθl/c,tm)exp(j2πflt).

That is difficult to operate.

Speaking of which, when Bo Ye was studying, she still had a good impression of this girl. She has a clean single ponytail and always wears skirts.

Who is the time traveler?

Capable of regressive quadrature demodulation skew processing.

Looking at the puzzled old Guo, Xu Yun grinned a terrifying smile and explained to him:

Whether it is 6701 or bad 7551, their essence is the same.

That could be regarded as one of Thin Ye's "ordinary abilities".

"Han Li, you can use your hands, but you can't use your mouth."

It has only been half an hour since the handprint was pressed, and it is always possible that Guo Gong's hands recovered in such a short time, right?


Say it.

"Signal storage module, right? There is a problem, Comrade Xu Yun, that factory can't solve it."


One-dimensional range image of scattered points obtained by oblique processing.

The pen in Lao Guo's hand fell heavily to the ground, and he stared at Guo Gong dumbfounded:

But for the current era, data storage is a very troublesome thing.

Let alone domestic.

Just like Guo Gong was curious about "this thing", Lao Guo also had a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge about that module.

"Han Li, can you give me the pen and paper? I have to go through derivation to explain things vaguely to you."

A surge of curiosity and excitement surged in Guo Gong's heart.

"It is also easy to recognize the feedback clutter and filter out the signal of ground objects."

To be honest.

The door of the house was pushed open from the inside, and Qiao Caihong poked his head back:

Today's data storage mainly relies on punched cards or magnetic drum memory. The smallest magnetic drum memory currently available in China is located under the 104 machine.

Well, I just passed this test after the thin leaf exam.

Even in the international back-end field, the world's first hard drive was born seven years later.

After a while.

The Chappler weather radar needs to collect as few as 50 million sets of data. Considering the timeliness of weather data, it can only be divided into 10 regression collections at the very least.

What's the situation?

This memory unit is 12 inches long, with 30 magnetic tracks, 10,000 revolutions per minute, and the storage capacity is astonishingly low.

well known.

"The entire sequence of echoes has a phase change due to the existence of the target speed, and the task of the signal processing module is to analyze that change to obtain the corresponding information."

Here comes the problem.


There are not eight kinds of movable coordinate axes for a particle in space, nor is it back, front, right, left plus down and up.

"Write with your mouth?"

Lao Guo nodded, stretched out his hand to point in a certain direction, and said:

In short, Guo Gong has also learned the skill of writing with a pen in his hand after coming and going.

Guo Gong picked up the pen and wrote a line of formula:

Therefore, under the configuration of parts, it is possible to completely reproduce the original design drawings.

Lao Guo nodded slowly.

That formula is very concise, but it is difficult to understand.

Guo Gong also opened his mouth to Lao Guo.

"The echo signal of the radar target cannot be understood as the delay of the transmitted signal, so as long as a Shaoppler frequency fd is superimposed on the carrier frequency and multiplied by that scaling factor under the amplitude, the complex number step cannot be simplified."

As of now, there are about eight to seven radars in the warehouse that are in a semi-abandoned state.

Another moment passed.

Guo Gong gave Lao Guo a slanted look, did he speak.

Just now, when seven cans of canned food were required to sign the receipt, Guo Gong pressed his handprint because he could not hold a pen to sign.

However, the production of instruments does not need to consider the problem of excessive equipment. Where does this so-called dare to talk about?

Then Guo Gong wrote a set of variants very slowly:

"Comrade Xu Yun, the pen is relatively heavy, and holding it out of the mouth is bad for writing."

However, what surprised Guo Gong was that.

The original body of that solution is a patent designed by Qu Kaifeng, the patent number is CN201811287767.1.

The echo data of angle θ cannot be received arbitrarily.

As long as a frequency-domain module with orthogonal linear polarization is removed from those radars to complete the filtering of the orthogonal baseband signal, the requirements mentioned by Mr. Guo can be easily fulfilled—after all, it is only a simple filter, but needs to be analyzed. .

This thing in the rumors, right?

click -

It is certain that this thing really exists, maybe it is really impossible to do that.

"Electrostatic accelerator?!"

Before Joe Rainbow left.

Lao Guo's tone was pulled down a bit, and then according to what Guo Gong said before, the bad characters were marked, and the calculation was completed again.

But it must be mixed with the scene of moving backwards and forwards, which is very easy, and must be assisted by more detailed 'ideas'.

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