Into Unscientific

Chapter 533 The pressure has come to the base (double ask for monthly tickets!!!)


This moment.

in the ward.

Facing Xu Yun who was lying on the bed, Lao Guo's inner surprise was already beyond words.

In shock.

His mouth was even wider than Xu Yun's, and his whole figure seemed to be frozen.

Here we go.

He finally understood why Xu Yun asked them "Dare you dare?"

It turned out that his goal was nothing but

The 2.5MeV proton electrostatic accelerator at the Institute of High Energy!

So there is Nai on top.

Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking.

General Excalibur and Zhou Cai were both soldiers who knew too much about scientific research theories. The seven of them only cared about smoking during the whole process, and kept talking throughout the process.

all in all.

For example, the Xiaohe Commune in Xiaohe Township, Yixingguan District, BJ City, in the same province as the student who asked the question, put up small-character posters for eight months when the accelerator landed.

"Old Guo, didn't you get anything?"

"Bad, the one-way attenuation is not 0.27x0.679"

"Comrade Xu Yun, he really gave you a little problem."

So I walked over naturally and greeted Han Li:

Periodic frequency conversion cannot be broken in fixed and non-fixed component amplitude processes.

Out of Lao Guo's mouth came out a coquettish remark with a weak previous Internet early style, and then he spread the notebook under the table and said to everyone:

my name is

The first half of Lu Guangda's words were blocked. I first glanced at Peng Mengxiong, and then took the paper and read it.

The seven of Deng Weisha and Lu Guangda seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and the expressions on their faces instantly froze into a ball.

"is true!"

Say it.

Lao Guo nodded to me, then raised his chin toward the building, and asked:

Even if the 1MeV limit is set aside, the value of the proton electrostatic accelerator that Guo Gong is eyeing will drop a little bit:

"At least in your cognition, domestic production should produce modules that are suitable for sub-sieving"

"Okay, Assistant Zhou, let's take you there, you have nothing urgent to report."

Lao Guo looked at the notebook full of writing again, snapped it shut, and said to Deng Wei:

It's the electrostatic analysis module on that proton electrostatic accelerator.


"Guangda, he was wrong."

At that time, the cheapest and complete set of 2.5Mev electrostatic accelerator cost 400,000 US dollars, four times lower than Mr. Zhao's budget.


While purchasing and processing equipment, I took a step back to learn new technologies.

Looking at Lu Guangda who was panting heavily, General Excalibur, who had been talking all the time, pressed his hand a few times and said to me:

"Xu Yun gave a solution called meteorological Shaoppler radar. In theory, you personally feel that it is feasible, and it does not rely on the Shaoppler effect."

to the front.

As the domestic situation gradually turned upside down, the Atomic Energy Commission across the sea suddenly issued an order:

"Guangda, that"


"Guangda, Mengxiong, what do they think?"

I saw Zhao Zhongyao, Lu Guangda and I looked at each other, and the other eight people looked at Lao Guo at the same time:

"Kai Jia, why don't he slow down."

The seven experts present made eight choices:

Lao Guo was still making a sound, but Zhao Zhongyao at the side suddenly interrupted me:

Deng Wei's voice came out:

Deng Weisha's pen under the paper suddenly paused.

"Oh, the factory manager is here."

Although I know the specific extent of the research on this accelerator-after all, that matter will be deciphered in detail in 2023, but judging from the time, it should also be in the final stage.

"Assistant Zhou, is Director Li here?"

I'm vague about one thing:

Mr. Zhao went through untold hardships, broke through the obstacles across the sea, and transported the batch of equipment back to China.

Why would Mr. Guo, a Cambridge graduate who sneaked back to China, know about the equipment just produced in China?

Lao Guo gestured while talking, and quickly explained the whole principle.

"Comrade Deng Wei, the dismantling of the electrostatic accelerator involves few problems, so you will not be able to give him a specific reply at the moment."

Deng Wei could only put his mind on the 2.5MeV accelerator.

There was a brief noise at the scene.

"1.35cm, or 22.235Ghz."

Say it.

Even Deng Wei dared to be lazy, and quickly led Lao Guo back to the factory building.

In about two years or so, Mr. Xie Jialin will lead a team to develop the first 30MeV electron linear accelerator in China.

"Electrostatic accelerator? How can that work? You refuse! That device can definitely be dismantled!"

That incident was recorded by Mr. Zhao in his memoir "Your Memories", but it cannot be seen in "Selected Papers of Cheng Kaijia".

After all, only the electrostatic analysis module used to analyze the particle impact state can fully meet the requirements designed by Xu Yun.

The bad thing is that Mr. Zhao has a lot of contacts across the sea. Even in the worst period, he got the help of many friends.

Eliminate the scientists from the nuclear physics laboratory under its jurisdiction.

For this reason, Mr. Zhao spent more than two years in several accelerators and cosmic ray laboratories such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institute of Magnetics in Washington.

The expressions of several people became more and more dignified.

The charge of the corona discharge of the electrospray needle is transported to an insulated hollow metal electrode through a power transmission belt, and it is charged to a high voltage to accelerate charged particles. It is an early particle acceleration device.

Lu Guangda applauded.


It is the same with Deng Weisha, Deng Weisha and Lu Guangda.

"Old Li, Director Zhang, you still reserve your opinion and firmly reject that plan."

Finally, the 700KeV and 2.5MeV electrostatic accelerators were previously manufactured by relying on the main components of this old electrostatic accelerator at MIT.

Old Guo couldn't help but sighed in disappointment, shook his head, looked at Deng Wei, and sighed:

Zhao Zhongyao abstained.

This is because from the purchase of parts to the assembly, the rabbits have hidden it at all, and they have been promoting the retreat in small fanfare from beginning to end.

Before Lao Guo enters the house.

I even volunteered for several labs in exchange for learning and consulting opportunities.

Hearing Han Li's words, Lao Guo felt that there was no sound in the room, and it seemed to be faintly quiet for a moment.

Zhao Zhongyao pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then shook his head:

Guo Gong didn't waste his time talking, and just waited for Lao Guo's reply.


seconds ago.

No classmate said that the matter of your male classmate in the next chapter is to open up a relationship, but the problem is that it is a real thing. This year you even visited your grave.

Naturally, he hadn't expected Lao Guo's reaction for a long time.

Deng Wei actually put his mind on the body of the country's most important weapon?

"Spicy chicken, if I had known that Xu Yun was going to dismantle the electrostatic accelerator, I would have voted for it no matter what I said!"

"Which mod?"

"Director, you are a professional practitioner of radar, and the time for demonstration is relatively unlimited, so you abstain."

The result is unexpected.

Could it be

This familiarity really gives a solution that cannot solve meteorological data?

At the same time, I am still the beloved apprentice of Mr. Cheng Kaijia, and I know how much effort my teacher has put into that accelerator.

Compared with the subsequent meeting, there were only seven or eight people chatting with each other in the lower floors of the house at this time, but the density of the smoke was not at all inferior to that of the subsequent round.

Because as of now, there are only two proton electrostatic accelerators in China.

Zhou Caiyu exchanged glances with General Excalibur. The bad thing is that the seven of them are veterans who have experienced many battles. General Excalibur made a choice very slowly:

I pioneered X-rays to treat cancer, worked on radar during World War VII, and received the Distinguished Service Medal across the sea.

Think about that.

Peng Mengxiong's eyes flickered a few times, and there was a hint of firmness in his tone:

And what's so boring about the whole thing?

Zhou Cai took the initiative to pull a chair to signal Lao Guo to sit on, and said with a smile:

"Li Jue, the Xiao family has nothing to do, so almost everyone left before the meeting ended."

A question mark appeared in Peng Mengxiong's eyes:

Its principle is actually very simple:

"Well, the matter has been handled badly. By the way, are these people outside still there?"

Peng Mengxiong put down his pen, looked up at Lu Guangda, stroked his chin and said:

Lao Guo's complexion also changed. After all, after going to Deng Wei, few people saw that Guo Gong could give a plan.

"Old Cheng, that is the deduction you made from the one-dimensional state. The frame is all the parameters of the electrostatic analysis module of the electrostatic accelerator. Let him have a look."

Although our majors are not directly related to radar research and development, we can still keep up with the pace from a purely theoretical perspective.

Zhou Cai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, smoked a dry cigarette from under the table and handed it to Lao Guo, saying:

Lu Guangda is in charge of dangerous affairs in the base. He belongs to the relatively common talents with double training in "science" and "army", and his personality has always been relatively mild.

John G Trump.

Seeing this, Lao Guo thanked Han Li, and immediately opened the door and entered.

After all, as someone from a previous life, I certainly know the importance of that electrostatic accelerator.

Buy an electrostatic proton accelerator and come back to start Huaxia's own nuclear physics career.

Deng Wei, as Deng Wei's political assistant, is responsible for sorting out the meeting minutes before various meetings, and he is not familiar with the few confidential contents.

Ten minutes before leaving the hospital.

Before Lao Guo guessed Guo Gong's idea.

"It's broken, let's talk nonsense, you can introduce the specific principles of the above plan first."

"Old Guo, why is he so slow?"

"Contact outside the house."

"Doable seems to be doable"

So Lao Guo quickly changed the way of asking:

That question itself is dead wrong.

Feynman, who was far away at Caltech at the time, was also invited to contribute a paper to discuss what the rabbits could find with that equipment.

In the 1980s, J.G. also helped the 401 Institute to buy a tandem electrostatic accelerator from across the sea.

See this situation.

As for why Gong Guo was able to know about those two devices

It was a long time before Lao Guo left.

Retrograde quadrature demodulation skew processing is not possible - because the breakdown voltage of the negative polarity low-voltage electrode is lower than that of the positive polarity.

Peng Mengxiong and Lao Guo supported it, but their attitudes were not firm.


"I'm sure the leader refuses, so everyone will be angry, if it is rejected."

After a while.

"Li Jue, if the leader is so good, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to help."

That incident was a fiction of escorting Radium, but the real story of Mr. Zhao, which was not recorded on the official website of Huaxia Institute of Nuclear Engineering.

General Excalibur turned to Peng Mengxiong and Zhao Zhongyao, and asked the seven of them:

Only purchase parts that are difficult to buy in China and a large amount of nuclear physics experiment equipment, and design and assemble an accelerator by myself before returning to China.

Therefore, looking at Lao Guo's performance, Han Li had a guess in his heart:

The nuclear business of the rabbits still has to be done before the founding of the country.

A very small part of the reason why Guo Gong dared to make that choice is also because I am familiar with the historical trajectory.

Or to be more precise.

Nor is it down to attributes.

Guo Gong looked up at Lao Guo, and chose to put down the pressure:

Double monthly pass at the end of the month, please vote! ! !

The guys who participated in the meeting were at most the persons in charge of each branch factory, so naturally they might be waiting there for that matter, and it would be abnormal to leave the factory office before the meeting ended.

Anyway, that thing can be done without hands.

Deng Weisha silently put the calculation paper back under the table, with some firmness evident in her eyes.

The main structure of an electrostatic accelerator is generally based on the high-voltage generator as the core, and then equipped with multiple modules such as ion source, accelerating tube, analyzer, voltage stabilization and control system.

That incident happened in 1946, not the first year before the defeat of the Anti-Japanese War.

"You are a person from the future who is vague about everything. The only plan you know is the one like the meteorological Chappler radar."

After all, the Chinese students studying abroad in those days, especially the science students, really couldn't be said to be omnipotent, they knew a little bit about everything.

Lu Guangda slammed the table and shouted angrily:

It came slowly, and naturally it took a long time to go back.

Lao Guo put away his belongings one by one, and left the ward slowly with his briefcase.

Han Li led Lao Guo to the house, and then knocked on the door:

The worker's hospital is very close to the main factory office, and the straight-line distance is only about a few hundred meters longer.

"In addition, Director Zhang, Lu Gong, and Vice President Cheng are still leaving, and we are holding a meeting."

Lao Guo nodded, not satisfied with Peng Mengxiong's ability to make that judgment, and asked at the same time:

Zhao Zhongyao was silent for a moment, then pointed at Lao Guo:

Zhou Cai frowned slightly, and looked at Zhao Zhongyao again.

Besides, even if there is no result output, it must be communicated for a long time.

Han Li knew that Lao Guo was asking about the leaders who participated in the voting, so he immediately shook his head:

Old Guo Moran nodded.

At the same time, the module under the 700KeV V1 accelerator cannot operate at a temperature higher than 20°, and cannot meet the requirement of any receiving angle θ.

"Director Zhang, please wait a moment."

"What you have to do now is to be angry, and even more so to look at the problem with colorless glasses, but to discuss objectively whether it is feasible or not."

There is no seven steps at the entrance of the factory office. When Lao Guo arrived at the factory office, he happened to see Zhou Cai's assistant, Han Li, at the bottom of the steps, saying goodbye to a comrade from another project team.

Compared with Lao Guo, who was so surprised that he might have a heart attack at any time.

At that time, Mr. Cheng Kaijia went across the sea to visit the atomic bomb test of Bikini Island, and at the same time shouldered another important task:

However, perhaps because of the extreme resistance to the plan subconsciously, Lu Guangda finally shook his head:

That's over.

He even listed an old proton electrostatic accelerator that was about to be scrapped in the unit as a "waste product" and gave it to Mr. Zhao as a set.

Among them, in order to ensure the analysis accuracy of the target beam and relatively moderate energy dispersion, the analyzer of the electrostatic accelerator must have the following properties:

After ten minutes.

As for the head of the MIT laboratory who gave Mr. Zhao the old electrostatic accelerator.

At present, only the electrostatic analysis module of the electrostatic accelerator can meet Guo Gong's requirements under the process.

"It's a very common harvest, and the details are very simple."

Lao Guo returned to the factory office again.

Peng Mengxiong even took out his pen and paper, and went under the table to check the calculations.

Electron current data at angle θ can be received arbitrarily.

Lao Guo nodded vigorously, took out the notebook from under his body, and shook a corner towards us:

Hearing that General Excalibur was still there, Lao Guo immediately patted Han Li on the shoulder and said urgently:

"Definitely according to the echo coefficient and sub-period frequency difference you calculated, there shouldn't be an analysis module in China that can support data of that magnitude."

"You Lai, the idea is to use quadrature demodulation and oblique processing?"

Before the founding of New China.

The other thing is very boring.

"Kai Jia, it's you who blamed him. His temper really needs to be changed."

The so-called electrostatic accelerator refers to a particle accelerator that uses an electrostatic high-voltage generator as a high-voltage power supply.

One 700KeV.

"So that's it, you go to the leaders outside the factory now to see what the management thinks."

Before the cold-hearted scientist learned of Mr. Zhao's difficulty, he immediately extended a helping hand.

"Director, Li Jue is back."

Han Li turned his head consciously, and was taken aback when he saw Old Guoqian:

So even if Deng Wei is really an international student of that era, knowing that the rabbits don't have an electrostatic accelerator is still a problem.

"It's not the 2.5 MeV proton electrostatic accelerator from Youlai Institute of Low Energy. There should be a problem with the electrostatic analysis module of this equipment."

After about seven or eight minutes.


Lu Guangda frowned immediately when he heard the words:


"Li Jue? Are you doing something bad?"

So Mr. Zhao, who had been tinkering with Great Wall pencils, thought of a way:

Seeing that, some students may be surprised:

At this time, a logistics leader in China is still in charge, so the matter itself has nothing to do with the rabbits.

However, the seven characters of "huge money" are only aimed at special consumption, which is insignificant in the field of scientific research.

"...It may not be a surprise, it may be a shock."

"Then make a point. Speaking of Mengxiong, do you still remember the main absorption bands of water vapor?"

None of the people who supported Mr. Zhao the least was the head of the experimental department of the MIT Radiology Laboratory.

"But the sieving process may be difficult to achieve, right? One condition is an arbitrary angle, and the other must satisfy periodic polarization."

Hearing what Peng Mengxiong said.

Here also invented the practical proton electrostatic accelerator together with van der Graaf, with extremely low achievements.

a few minutes ago.

At the same time, many newspapers in the country, such as "The Times" and "The Observer", have also carried out detailed reports on the whole incident.

In the center of the room was a table for four immortals, under which were some bear biscuits that had not been opened in a few packets of peanuts.

Of course.

Of course.

"Assistant Zhou, are you busy?"

Besides, the electrostatic analysis module cannot be put back in before it is removed, although that kind of thing may not be NTR for the accelerator.

Listen to the Book of Heaven.jpg.

But after I spoke, Deng Weisha seemed to predict something, and handed the calculation paper to me:

It is only to open the entire laboratory to Mr. Zhao, and let me copy the materials at will.

"If the frequency band of precipitation particles in small air is in Ka, directly preset an eigenfunction: ∫L(Ψ, Ψ, 1ctΨ)d3x"

At that time, Sa Bendong and Wu Meixun Qigong managed to raise a sum of US$50,000 for Mr. Cheng Kaijia, which was considered a huge sum at the time.

This thing is the only proton electrostatic accelerator with an energy level exceeding 1MeV in China.

The electrostatic analysis module of the electrostatic accelerator is indeed a perfect fit for Deng Wei's plan.

"Old Li, since that's the case."

Peng Mengxiong didn't give an answer immediately when he heard the words, but continued to count with his head high.

Therefore, no matter whether it is rational or emotional, at this time, it is the plan to allow us to take Guogong.

actually down.

Among them, I chose to take the last part, and put the focus on the first part to answer in detail.

After a while.

No matter which device it is, it obviously meets the definition of the so-called 'just produced'.

Zhou Cai noticed Lao Guo Youbi's dignified expression.

Did Zhou Cai and the others choose the original meeting room for the 'meeting', but instead moved to a large private room on the seventh floor.

Then very slowly.

"Old Guo, it seems that Comrade Xu Yun gave us a little surprise that time."

In the process of developing the electrostatic accelerator, the rabbits also encountered a noble person to help.

"Please go back."

How about this uncle who knows the king now.

So listen and listen.

Or from the perspective of fault tolerance, there is absolutely no bottom line, so all studs will retreat.

I also know it is an illusion.

The result is finished.

That's why Lao Guo brought canned beef to visit Mr. Guo after the meeting.

The line of sight returns to reality.

"Comrade Youlai's report is just a plan, whether it can be implemented or not is another matter. It is necessary to get angry now."

The result came to mind.


The first 700KeV electrostatic accelerator model in China is called V1, which was launched 6 years later, and the 2.5MeV one was launched 3 years later.

"Director Zhang, you feel that the plan does not have a certain success rate—well, at most it is theoretically high."

Deng Wei nodded slowly and said:

The area of ​​that room was only about 70 square meters, and there was a large tea room on the right side. It was impossible to see a cold water pipe leading from the boiler room above.

On both sides of the corridor of the intensive care unit, two capable soldiers on duty quietly disappeared.

"Wrong, do they think it's feasible?"

Of course.

Guo Gong under the bed seemed very fierce.


So my actions suddenly stopped, and I suddenly realized something in my heart, and my tone became serious from the end of the joke:

Before going downstairs.

A 2.5MeV.

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