Into Unscientific

Chapter 535 Discussion on 'Home' (Part 1)


Although in the previous contact process, Liu Bosheng had heard Li Jue mention Lao Guo and others' debate on the principle of "meteorological Doppler radar".

But Lao Guo, Lu Guangda and others are not professional radar researchers after all, so their descriptions are more purely theoretical.

But judging from Sun Junren's reaction now,

The meteorological Doppler radar also seems to involve some specific items on the other side of the sea?

Think here.

Liu Bosheng couldn't help feeling curious, and quickly said to Sun Junren:

"President Sun, don't worry, I'll send the telegram to you later, and I'll let the comrades in the ministry pass it on to you. Don't worry about it."

After briefly comforting Sun Junren, Liu Bosheng asked again:

"Speaking of Dean Sun, I wonder if the top-secret project related to Doppler radar on the other side of the sea you mentioned is...?"

But for Liu Jie and the lower-level gangsters, we are very vague about one thing.

But unfortunately.

Those machines are quite primitive, they look like concrete mixers, but there are not many of them that are relatively advanced.

"According to the information, Haidiao is very interested in the project, and the first phase approved a funding of 4 million dollars."

"The frame has been broken long ago. The strong light is an old problem of Shiliang equipment. The experts in Jincheng said when they left that they didn't care about that."

"About two months later, the comrades in the secrecy department received a batch of information from across the sea—by the way, this batch of Liguo documents from Factory 221 was used for one of them."

The room is divided into seven parts by a piece of glass from the middle. Inside the glass is a production line with many machines.


And at the same time that Liu Bosheng was waiting for Qian Gaoyun's answer.

Of course.

Like the report behind my desk right now.

"Nor is it combined with the Aegis system, the AMSA program, and ballistic missile detection, which are also in the embryonic stage, to form a new-generation eight-in-one pattern."

The city that was famous for its beef ramen that didn't really exist in the previous life is far less prosperous than the previous life.

At this moment, I was actually thinking of another thought:

So the lies of the Hebrews have been exposed so far.

This moment.

As the former deputy director of the Ministry of Communications, Qian Gaoyun has a deeper understanding of few intelligence than few comrades of the same level.

"Bad guy, $4 million for the first issue?"

ten minutes ago.

Shi Liangrui just smiled politely when he heard the words, and shook hands with Wang Jiefu:

"What's possible?"

"Old Yang, comrades from the Institute of Atomic Energy have arrived."


A big variable seems to have emerged.

But before takeoff.

I heard this.

As the majestic head of the Seventh Department of Machinery, Liu Bosheng was naturally so naive as to think that the variable could speed up the development of nuclear weapons.

Hear that number of 4 million.

Few Hebrew businessmen visited Yanjing, claiming that they had a batch of enriched uranium and could not sell it to rabbits.

Up front.

The crew violated the military protocol and prohibited potential hostile forces from using the weapon (in fact, they were afraid of killing themselves in an atomic bomb explosion), and threw its payload back into the Pacific Ocean at a low altitude of about 2438 meters.

So very slow.

I am sure that the meteorological Chappler radar is indeed true, maybe I can’t try to operate it without something

And compared to the information of the Tenth Academy, the date of Liu Bosheng's subordinates is even more recent.

In 1950, a small incident happened across the sea:

【Nowadays, the international situation is treacherous. Emperor Melody is the first to take the small position. Jilong Tan will hold grudges when he wins the stage. Sui Zong is also short-sighted and conceited. The seven are like the top corners of a ram, and troubles are bound to happen, so we must guard against it.】

People like Lao Guo and others may just have a vague premonition at this time, and there are even different opinions on the location of the accident.

The opposite side of the factory building is called the Oil Refining and Chemical Equipment Factory, which mainly refines and supplies the oil needed for various industrial equipment.

Nor is it the Shiliang Uranium Enrichment Plant, one of the eight small nuclear weapons development bases mentioned since then, which is used to provide enriched uranium.

Liu Bosheng called his assistant and asked me to forward the telegram to Qian Gaoyun in encrypted form.

504 factory.

Yang Chengzong glanced at the running equipment, then glanced at his watch, and said:

"Perhaps. After the opposite side of the sea, no one—even the Chinese people haven't deduced the principle of the meteorological Shaoppler radar? After all, although the opposite side of the sea is weak, it doesn't mean that they will always be number one, yes Bar?"

But actually.

"The leader of the project is George Wheelton, and he is not the inventor of the inverse synthetic aperture radar technology."

And in the western suburbs of that city, in a place called Chaijiachuan, there is also a factory area that is different from other factories in the city.

is now

As the department directly in charge of the nuclear industry, the Seventh Ministry of Machinery also obtained some secret information.

504 factory.

Yang Chengzong led several men and women to a fat middle-aged man with useless hair:

"Is the abdication counter frame broken? You can only see a very strong green light."

In addition, among the Hebrews, there is no guy like Einstein. It cannot be said that we have no say in the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

Of course.

"It's bad everyone, we have no time limit, so let's end now"

The group walked very slowly.

More critically.

"That's why Comrade Bosheng, you said that the weather Chappler radar technology may appear in China-there are four characters on the other side of the sea. How can we steal it?"

Except for a few complicated "go there", "turn right at the back" and "big heart steps", did anyone speak during the whole process.

An orderly who had been waiting here for a long time quickly opened the door, Shi Liangrui made a gesture of invitation, and led several people into the room quickly.

Liu Bosheng turned his attention back to a document behind him.

"Check it out."

Sun Junren also showed mediocre abilities before taking over the task. He found another way and carried out the test according to the principle of radioactive transformation.

"Old Yang, that's Comrade Wang Jiefu from the observation team. That's Comrade Pei Lisheng and that's Comrade Huo Yuhao (there's really no such person in the observation team)."

The thickness of the document is less than one centimeter, and at the bottom is written a line of flamboyant comments that is almost seven times the size of the headline of the People's Daily:

The bomber encountered unexpected conditions, the ice gradually ended under the fuselage, the engine caught fire and shut down.

But at that time, there was no heavy isotope mass spectrometer necessary to measure the content of uranium 235 in China, and the rabbits couldn't confirm whether the news was true or not.

Longzuo Province, thousands of kilometers away.

Today's Sun Jun City is full of small white tiled roofs, the height of which is more than one or two floors, or not all kinds of factory chimneys soaring into the sky.

"You are too vague about other types of information. It's because none of them have anything to do with radar research and development. It's not that a project called Nexrad was established across the sea, and it's not mainly for the development of meteorological Chappler radar."

Seeing this, Yang Chengzong sighed in his heart, patted the shoulders of two middle-aged men, and said to the rest of the men and women:

"Comrade Chengzong, I have admired him for a long time. Back then, he gave our country a bad face because of the uranyl nitrate incident!"

Wang Jiefu was a woman with a Chinese character face. He immediately stretched out his hand when he heard Sun Junren's name, and said without any reverence:

Then Qian Gaoyun took a deep breath and said hastily:

Similar situations have happened quite a few times, and by 2023 it is clear that no more than a dozen nuclear warheads have landed.

Finish those.

"Yeah, $4 million."

It is even more likely that because of those major events, you will pin your hopes on someone.


With Jincheng's technical strength and resource accumulation, it is very likely that Ivan will be born after the end of the year.

"But Comrade Bosheng, you are already on the informed list, so there is no problem in simply talking to you."

Because there were not many Hebrews involved in the "Manhattan Project" responsible for the development of the atomic bomb, and even the leader Oppenheimer used the Hebrews.

"The meteorological Shaoppler satellite is only a phased goal, and the whole project is ultimately to complete the research and development of the airborne pulsed Shaoppler radar."

Look at that comment.

It was an open room with an area of ​​less than 800 square meters. The surrounding walls were only painted complicatedly, and it was impossible to see how many gray and white patches were there.

At that time, it was used to simulate the bombing of major enemy cities.

this is not.

The entire project is code-named AN602, with an equivalent of 100 million tons. Some materials have not been shipped back to Xindi Island over the weekend.

In the end, Sun Junren discovered that what the Hebrews wanted to sell to the rabbit was enriched uranium, but uranyl nitrate.

"That's right, there is a related project across the sea, but it's a relatively high level of confidentiality, so it's understandable that Guangda and the others don't know about it."

"Dalin, how is the preparation of the power supply? That time the power supply must definitely go wrong again."

Qian Gaoyun nodded with emotion, cursed the rich man in his heart, and then said:

before hanging up the phone.

For example, if there is no guess, it is a native chicken, and if there is no, it is said to be Italian-because there is no missile base across the sea from those two places.

Liu Bosheng's face suddenly became serious.

Liu Bosheng's protruding ears, which are already monkey spirits, immediately pricked up gossip.

Its uranium-235 isotope content is only equivalent to natural uranium ore, basically reaching the concentration of weapon-grade uranium-235.

Yang Chengzong and others stopped in a building that was tall and short but occupied a large area.

Now Sun Junren can only turn his head sideways when looking at people, the whole process is very easy.

Liu Jie, who was on the other end of the phone, obviously understood Qian Gaoyun's meaning. I was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked another question:

[From Comrade Liu Bosheng]:

The director of Factory 504, Yang Chengzong, was leading several older men and women, walking down a road in the factory area with solemn expressions.

A B-36 bomber carrying a nuclear warhead flew a mission from Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, to Carswell Air Force Base, Texas.

"Dean Sun, you understand his thoughts very well. Is there a possibility? You mean a possibility?"

"Several, let's introduce them."

Therefore, at that time, the rabbits believed that the enriched uranium of this nuclear bomb was what the Hebrew merchants possessed. It is possible to say that they were moved.

As for the time when the accident occurred, it should be within one to eight years—it depends on the situation of the other two little hooligans.

Is there a clear dividing line between the city and the city? Looking around, it seems that the nearby loess slope is also connected with the city.

Therefore, for Lu Guangda, Lao Guo, and even Liu Bosheng and others, the development of meteorological Shaoppler radar, which is quite uncontroversial, seems to me to have almost no feasibility of landing.

"If you remember correctly, the cost of our Corona satellite is only 19 million U.S. dollars?" (Another statement in the previous life was 26 million U.S. dollars, and you adopted the 19 million U.S. dollar.)

"Afterwards, when he was in Yanjing, you wanted to visit him at home. Unfortunately, due to the confidentiality rules, you have never been able to meet him next time. You thought that your dream will come true in Sun Jun today."

There is no number on the back of that factory, it is called

The middle-aged man was originally instructing the placement of an elliptical device, but when he saw this, he stopped and let out an oh.

Finally, after the plane made an emergency landing.

North America!

"Where's the nitric acid? One hundred more nitric acid. Yes, two hundred kilograms!"

Eat melon.JPG.

At that time, it carried a Mark 4 atomic bomb with a yield equivalent to that of the Nagasaki explosion. It contained a small amount of uranium and a small amount of conventional low-energy explosives, but lacked the plutonium core needed to actually trigger a nuclear explosion.

Suiqian turned his head sideways, opened his right eye and looked at the crowd.

Spend a huge amount of money (200 yuan) to customize a few ax keychains. Let's play a lottery before you get there, and study how to draw them.

Therefore, compared with Lao Guo and others, the pressure on Liu Bosheng's shoulders is several times smaller.

Above the comments are some content related to international trends.

"The values ​​of uranium heptoxide are full. Brother Zhang, he will check the valve. If there is any problem, you should sign the work order!"

After a while.

Liu Bosheng suddenly took a deep breath, and the room temperature rose by 0.1 degrees:

The last vortex was in Europe, while in

The uranyl nitrate incident mentioned by Wang Jiefu happened a year later. At that time, the whole country was mobilizing to find uranium ore, and not many people in the international community knew about it.

There are more than 70 operators who are busy standing in the glass. We are wearing blue work jumpsuits and dealing with various matters. From time to time, there are a few communication sounds:

Just as the 221 Factory received the Liwen periodicals, and the Tenth Academy received the information from the Meteorological Chappler Radar.

Faced with the visit of the Hebrew merchants at that time, the lower level of the rabbit still attached great importance to it.

Sun Jun.

The intelligence and resources obtained through our hands still do not have very low credibility.

"That's Comrade Sun Junren, the deputy director of the Yanjing Uranium Research Institute. He is now assisting in the research of radioactive degradation at your base. I am now in charge of the entire project."

Wait for everyone to say hello.

The dust under the aisle flew up with the wind, connecting with the gray air in the world, forming a vicious dust array.

All of that will have to wait for Qian Gaoyun's side to have no results.

No one thinks it will be Germany, after all, the Berlin Wall is just about to be erected here.

"The total amount of information is huge. Except for this batch of domestic documents, there is no top-secret information involving a few directions."

Sun Junren, who was on the other end of the phone, was silent for a moment, not knowing whether he was sorting things out or calming down his mind. After a while, he said:

The report recorded in detail that Jincheng's Sakharov had not yet formed a super hydrogen bomb development team on the eighth of next week.

While everyone was talking.

For example, right?

I saw Liu Bosheng raised his eyebrows, wrote "Han Li" at the bottom of the paper, and circled the bottom.


The hero Sun Junren was injured during the restoration of the radium radiation source in Xiehe Hospital, which caused my left eye to be completely blind a few years ago, and my right eye also suffered from a slight cataract in my later years.

Qian Gaoyun couldn't help but shook his head.

"Comrade Gao Yun, it's absurd."

After a few discussions and resolutions, the task of inspecting enriched uranium fell to Sun Junren—Shi Liangrui was one of the few radioactive researchers in China at that time, and in a sense, he couldn’t be regarded as the one who gave up on me. up.

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