Into Unscientific

Chapter 538 The Guess of


Hear the word from the chief's mouth.

Liu Bosheng in the office of the Second Machinery Department was taken aback for a moment.

But soon.

This accident was replaced by another more complicated emotion, and Liu Bosheng inexplicably felt a little stuffy in his chest:

"Boss, why are you doing this?"

After all, in this period, who doesn't know what Haitang means?

The chief said he let Liu Bosheng take the burden, but in fact he silently took the biggest risk on himself.

How could this keep Liu Bosheng from being moved?

And across the phone.

Hearing what Liu Bosheng said, the chief smiled and waved his hands:

"Comrade Bosheng, don't say things that are too polite. You are fighting for our country, and the country must not hold you back."

"In short, you can just let go of this project, and if there is anything that needs to be coordinated, just report my name."

"Since it is going to be done, it should be done in a big way without hesitation."

"Of course, you still need to worry about keeping it secret. If the news gets out in advance, then we will waste all our time."

Liu Bosheng took a deep breath when he heard the words, and suddenly there was great pride in his chest:

"Chief, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

"If the task is successful, I will immediately go to Factory 221 and chew on the Maxwell-used ax that Comrade Guo Youlai and his teacher gave him!"



Is there something wrong with the second half of Liu Bosheng's sentence?

Then without waiting for the chief to think carefully, Liu Bosheng said again:

"By the way, Chief, is it convenient for you now? I have another bad news that I want to report to you."

Liu Bosheng paused on the word "not very good", in order to let the chief have a mental preparation.

The chief frowned when he heard this, and quickly went through the projects that were going on today and related to Liu Bosheng in his mind.

Then thoughtfully said:

"Comrade Bosheng, is there something wrong with Factory 504?"

".Yes, and a big problem."

Liu Bosheng secretly admired the chief's insight, then his face darkened, and he told what happened to Qian Gaoyun and the others:

"Comrade Gao Yun went to the acceptance test and failed the acetone solution digitizer problem"

After the chief quietly listened to Liu Bosheng's explanation, he knocked a few times with his index finger on the wooden table where the phone was placed:

"So Comrade Bosheng, do you think that Expert Maoxiong has tampered with more than just the digital device?"

"That's right."

Liu Bosheng nodded sullenly, his scalp tingling when he thought of the possible situation:

"Although gas exchange membranes are a very important part of the entire nuclear research process, there are not no industrial technologies that are equal to or even more core."

"For example, high-energy explosive devices, fluorine oil, ultra-fine nickel wire, etc."

As the main person in charge of nuclear weapon development, Liu Bosheng is no stranger to the technical barriers involved in the entire nuclear weapon development process.

like he said.

Although the uranium diffusion separation membrane is a very core component, the steps of the entire nuclear weapon development are too complicated.

If you count them one by one, there are many modules that can also be called "heart-level".

For example, several technologies mentioned by Liu Bosheng.

The word "high explosive explosive device" is as it should be, and it can be seen from the text that it involves the detonation link of the atomic bomb.

It requires an ingenious combination of fast-burning and slow-burning conventional explosives, and detonates all explosives simultaneously within one millionth of a second when detonating, in order to achieve a real nuclear explosion.

If the timing error exceeds the above requirements, or the ratio of the two explosives is wrong.

It will greatly reduce the compression effect produced by conventional explosions, causing the power of nuclear explosions to be halved, or even unable to form nuclear explosions.

The "dirty bomb" envisioned by some KB elements in later generations is close to this version with little credit

High explosives, detonation sequences, and neutron sources can be called the last hurdle before the atomic bomb reaches the summit.

And fluorine oil.

Fluorine oil, also known as "perfluorocarbon oil", is an indispensable lubricating oil for anti-corrosion and radiation resistance of uranium isotope separation units.

mentioned earlier.

The separation of uranium-235 and 238 isotopes in the process of uranium enrichment is realized by the diffusion of uranium hexafluoride.

Uranium hexafluoride itself is highly toxic and highly corrosive, and it will react with humid air to produce hydrogen fluoride and uranyl fluoride, which are more toxic and corrosive.

Therefore, the lubricating oil used in the diffusion separator must be super corrosion-resistant.

When aiding in the construction of a uranium enrichment plant, the special lubricating grease for uranium separation units and instruments was all supplied by Mao Xiong.

Mao Xiong experts specially store this kind of oil in a safe and send people to guard it.

Take it out when you use it, and lock it after use, so that no outsiders can touch it at all.

Even if the oil drops on the ground, it will be removed immediately without leaving any traces.

But later, during the honeymoon stage of the two parties, Mao Xiong made a small slack on this technology:

They sent a set of reactors to the rabbits, but because the delivery was delayed for a while, by the time the rabbits got their hands, it hadn't been long since the two sides had turned against each other.

Later, when the hairy bear experts left Huaxia, the samples left for the rabbits were only two milliliters.

Early November last year.

Under the guidance of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Organic Chemistry established the "111 Mission", led by two academicians Huang Yaozeng and Huang Weiyuan to tackle key problems.

This is also a project that has been in progress for nearly a year, if there is a problem with that reactor

The consequences will be disastrous.

There are quite a few similar examples, and if you really want to list the number, it is likely to be in double figures.

So soon.

The chief is also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, so he attaches importance to it, and his mentality still maintains the original calmness:

"Comrade Bosheng, don't worry, things have already happened, there's no point in panic."

"What we have to do now is not to imagine how bad the situation is, but to count and summarize the problematic equipment as soon as possible."

"Back then, we even survived the most difficult and desperate situation. Those Baga couldn't do anything about us. We were afraid that some of his equipment with problems would fail?"

Say the last.

The chief even waved his hand and said domineeringly:

"Since ancient times, when the flood comes, we will control the water. When the sky breaks, we will smelt stones to mend the sky. If the sun wants to ravage the world, we will shoot the sun down. This is the courage that is passed down in the blood of our nation!"

"Now that the machine given by others has a problem, why don't we tear it down and rebuild it ourselves?"

"What's more, the problem is only at the technical side. Those hairy bears can't affect our theoretical research-comrades Lu Guangda and Wang Ganchang are still working hard."

"Do you understand what I mean, Comrade Bosheng?"


In the office of the Second Machinery Department.

Liu Bosheng's chest heaved several times, and he was silent for a long time:

"Chief, I understand."

"As long as you know."

The chief's tone softened a bit, coughed a few times abruptly, and then continued:

"Comrade Bosheng, if I remember correctly, the equipment sent by Mao Xiong was basically hung under your second machine department, right?"

Liu Bosheng nodded vigorously:

"That's right, except for five or six machines in a few institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the others are under the control of our Second Machine Department."

"Okay, Chinese Academy of Sciences, right?"

The chief pondered for a moment and made a decision:

"I'll contact Comrade Guo Moruo. As for the equipment in the Second Machinery Department, I'll ask Comrade Bo Sheng to check it."

"Is it difficult to get accurate test results within a week?"

Liu Bosheng originally wanted to say that three days would be enough, but considering the importance of the matter, he did not force himself to be brave:

"no problem!"

The chief is still very relieved about Liu Bosheng, so he brought the topic back to the original place:

"There is also the Haitang project we are talking about. Comrade Bosheng, please type up the report as soon as possible, so that the organization can select and send people to Factory 221 for technical support."


Speaking of weather Doppler radar, the chief suddenly thought of something.

I saw a trace of interest on his face, and asked Liu Bosheng:

"Comrade Bosheng, what is the name of the little comrade who provided the radar principle?"

The chief's words changed a little quickly, so Liu Bosheng didn't react immediately:


But soon.

He realized that the chief was asking Xu Yun, so he quickly answered:

"Are you asking about the half-ready one? His name is Han Li."

"Han Li."

The chief repeated the name and asked:

"I heard that he is an international student at Cambridge University?"

Liu Bosheng nodded and explained:

"That's right, but the name should be fabricated, and the mystery is very heavy."

"However, judging from multiple angles, basically two things can be determined."

"One is that there is a high probability that he is not an enemy agent, and the other is that the organization behind him, no matter whether it is really called Fenglingyueying or not, has an extremely deep scientific research background, or scientific research results."

Say it.

Liu Bosheng paused, and found a small stack of files from the table again:

"Up to now, we... or I personally have found three candidates who are suspected to be Han Li's real body."

At this time, more than four hours have passed since Liu Bosheng received the radar principle telegram from Li Jue.

During this period, Liu Bosheng not only contacted Sun Junren, Zhao Zhongyao, and Qian Gaoyun from the 504 Factory, but also found the archives office to transfer files about the international students of Cambridge University.

And contacted several scholars who graduated from Cambridge University, such as Li Lin, Wen Yuanning and others to confirm.

After repeated comparisons.

In the end, three candidates who were suspected of being "Han Li's real body" were selected. (Refer to, Cambridge University Alumni Records, which is the source of the character prototype in the 1850 copy)

None of these three people were Chinese Gengmen or foreign students after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and basically spent their education in Europe.

One of them is Chang Ping, an alumnus of Cao Tianqin, the current deputy director of the Institute of Biochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to Cao Tianqin's introduction.

This Chinese man named Chang Ping is three years younger than him. He was born in 1922 and is less than 40 now.

His grandparents were businessmen in Sohae Province. Around 1860, he went abroad to start a goods dealer business, creating a considerable family business.

The time of Maxwell's death was 1879, and there is still the possibility of intersection between the two parties.

Chang Ping successfully graduated from Cambridge during Cao Tianqin's doctoral study. It is said that the other party went to the Malay Peninsula to inherit the family business, and then lost contact.

However, Chang Ping's major is neither physics nor mathematics, but chemistry in the natural sciences. The major is not consistent with the mathematics department introduced by Han Li.

The second candidate is called Zhong Zuxi, who is now a good friend of Dai Wensai, deputy director of the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy at Jinling University.

This person's ancestral home was not from Xihai, but his deceased wife was from Xihai.

At the same time, according to Devon Sai's recollection.

Zhong Zuxi's major also happened to be in the Department of Mathematics, and he also lost contact after graduation.

Hear here.

The chief's tone couldn't help but rise slightly, showing a hint of interest:

"Comrade Bosheng, doesn't that mean that there is a high probability that this Zhong Zuxi is Han Li himself?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Bosheng shook his head when he heard the words, and explained:

"Chief, although Zhong Zuxi's profession, trends, and relationship with Xihai are all in line with Han Li's situation, but"

"This Zhong Zuxi was born in 1913, theoretically he should be almost fifty years old now."

"According to Comrade Li Jue's report, that Han Li's age should be between 28 and 35, at most 40 years old."

"However, people's physiques cannot be generalized. Han Li's vocal chords and appearance have changed a lot, and it is possible that his actual age exceeds judgment."

"And this Zhong Zuxi disappeared in Gaul during World War II. Some people said that he was kidnapped, and some people also rumored that he was shot dead on the spot because he surrendered too slowly. In short, except for his age, he is indeed somewhat similar to Han Li."

The chief nodded slightly, and asked again:

"What about the third candidate?"

"The third one."

Liu Bosheng smacked his lips, and pulled out a document written by himself from the desktop:

"The third candidate is Luan Ruxian, whose name is a bit of a mouthful. He graduated from the School of Physics at Cambridge University. Based on his age, he should be about 36 years old now."

"He is a classmate of the researcher Huang Okra of the Institute of High Energy. It is said that he has a very high IQ, and he ranked first in his major every year during his studies."

"This person went to the other side of the sea after graduation, and there is still no news of him."

The chief frowned upon hearing this.

Another very similar candidate, even to some extent more suitable for Han Li than Zhong Zuxi.

But with Zhong Zuxi's variables ahead, this time the chief also has experience.

Therefore, he did not rush to judge, but asked:

"So Luan, who is an outstanding international student, has some information that doesn't match?"


Liu Bosheng sighed faintly, and explained:

"First of all, there is the issue of native place. Although Luan Ruxian's family is also an overseas Chinese, his ancestral home is from Haidai, which has nothing to do with Xihai Province."

"That is to say, there is no way to explain why he was exiled in the West Sea—of course, strictly speaking, this is not an absolute doubt."

"But the second information is really different."

Said here.

Liu Bosheng couldn't help showing a trace of weirdness on his face:

"According to the information provided by the okra researcher, this Luan Ruxian has a bald head—not the kind that he shaves off on his own initiative, but hereditary baldness."

"As for Han Li's scalp, although most of it was burned off, the rest is still thick, and there is no trace of a wig."



Rao is the chief executive who has amazing experience, so he couldn't help being dazed for a few seconds at this time.

He really didn't expect that the evidence to deny Luan Ruxian would be...


Is this the legendary extremely intelligent?

after awhile.

The Chief withdrew his mind and said thoughtfully:

"That is to say, at present, it is still impossible to determine Han Li's real body?"

Liu Bosheng nodded:

"Yes, but judging from the principle of the weather radar he took out, his background is absolutely unusual, and the Fenglingyueying Society must also exist."

"Otherwise, it's impossible to explain how he can come up with a technology that he doesn't even master across the sea—it's impossible for him to come from the future, right?"

"not necessarily."

The chief smiled and joked:

"Maybe it is possible to travel through time and space? A young comrade from the future has come to this era. Haha, this is a good subject for a novel."

Liu Bosheng also laughed twice.

Very few people know.

The chief is actually a very fanatical fan of novels.

For example, in 1914, when he was only sixteen years old, he wrote a novel called "Heroine Heroes", under the pseudonym Fei Fei.

However, this novel does not have a finale, because its author stopped to save the Chinese nation later.

After a while, the chief restrained his smile and said:

"In short, Comrade Bosheng, some things in the world are reasonable. Comrade Han Li appeared in front of us, and there must be a corresponding explanation."

"But don't go too far into his secrets. He's not a prisoner. Maybe he will give us some surprises in the future."

"If there is a chance, I would like to meet this little comrade, or make a phone call - of course, these things are not in a hurry, let's talk about them when there is a chance in the future."

Liu Bosheng has no objection:


If it is said that before Xu Yun took out the weather Doppler radar, he owed the base a sum of life-saving medical expenses.

So after the weather Doppler radar technology came out, it was the base or the organization that owed Xu Yun a favor.

Therefore, thinking about forcing Xu Yun to question at this time, firstly, it is unreasonable, and secondly, it is not in line with the usual style of rabbits-this sentence is not flattery, but a living example.

Right now, in the northwest thousands of kilometers away from the capital, there is a foreign couple.

His wife's name is Joan Hinton, and her Chinese name is Hanchun.

Her husband's name is Erwin Engst, and his Chinese name is Yang Zao.

Han Chun is a top nuclear weapon expert across the sea. He has directly participated in the research of the Manhattan Project, and has a large amount of nuclear weapon data that even Maokuang scientists have not mastered.

But what are the couple doing now?

In raising cattle.

Yang Zao is also the deputy head of Chang'an Dairy Farm, and Han Chun is a technician.

Hanchun and Yangzao decided to settle in China with peace of mind because of the great changes in their thinking after the war, and they did not participate in any research on nuclear weapons.

And the rabbits also respected their choices, and they only approached them once to try to persuade them to come out of the mountain, and stopped harassing them after being rejected.

Later, Hanchun and Yangzao won the second prize of scientific and technological progress for the milk freezing milk tank project that Hanchun and Yangzao were in charge of, and won a 70% market share in the competition with imported products across the sea.

Therefore, what the chief said about "not exploring secrets" is really not a joke, this is indeed his inner attitude.

Then the chief chatted with Liu Bosheng again, and soon hung up the phone.

After all, it is not easy for a big boss like the chief to be able to communicate with Liu Bosheng for so long.

After hanging up the phone.

Liu Bosheng began to prepare for the test of Maoxiong's equipment, and

Preparations for the Begonia project.

half an hour later.

Liu Bosheng notified the result to Li Jue, Lao Guo and others in Factory 221.

Another two hours passed.

With the assistance of Sun Junren, Liu Bosheng reported the "Begonia" project to his superiors.

It was six thirty in the afternoon.

An official response came from the organization:

Approved the official establishment of the "Begonia" project team.

The project team leaders are Liu Bosheng and Sun Junren.

The chief serves as a special adviser.

The deputy team leaders are Li Jue and General Excalibur, and there are several other related leaders.

At the same time, factory 221 will start producing some related parts immediately, and special parts without production capacity will arrive at factory 221 with the technical assistance team within 48 hours.

The technical support team consists of 9 experts and 31 technicians, led by Sun Junren.

Not long after receiving the approval.

Mr. Zhao Zhongyao from the Institute of High Energy sighed, picked up a wrench and began to disassemble the electrostatic analysis module.

Why is there a sense of sight of separating the daughter from the uncle, and then giving the daughter to another uncle?

After a few hours.

221 factory.

General factory office.

"Very good!"

Looking at the encrypted telegram, Lu Guangda shook his fist vigorously:

"The leaders are really courageous. It's an electrostatic analysis module, but it turned out to be dismantled."

Say it.

Lu Guangda even winked at his friend Cheng Kaijia:

"You said yes, old Cheng?"

Cheng Kaijia snorted coldly when he heard the words, but didn't speak.

At this time, he still thinks that this organizational decision is too bold, and this is the only electrostatic accelerator in the country.

Although in theory, this thing can be disassembled and reassembled.

But firstly, it requires a lot of cost, and secondly, who knows if there will be any problems in the secondary assembly of this kind of equipment.

Of course.

Cheng Kaijia didn't really get angry with Lu Guangda, but he was just a little unhappy-it's strange to say that these big bosses in Factory 221 have a very good relationship with each other from the beginning of the project to the present.

And this kind of relationship is not superficially polite, but the personal relationship is really very close.

This is unique in the research process of nuclear weapons.

After all, the more top researchers, the more arrogant and stubborn they tend to be.

Like the Manhattan Project across the sea.

The world was still fighting World War II.

As a result, both Oppenheimer and Taylor were about to beat the dog's brains out. Taylor even slandered Oppenheimer for treason, and Congress across the sea opened a hearing on Oppenheimer's loyalty.

There are also Leo Szilard and Seaberg. Seaberg even added some kind of highly poisonous crystal to Leo Szilard's coffee-this crystal has not been deciphered until now, but later the defense chief of the Manhattan Project, Leo Sley Groves poisoned a parrot with this cup of coffee.

Another example is the study of British nuclear weapons.

At that time, Rudolph Pierres in the group even greened Porter in a fit of anger because of his conflict with Porter.

Only in the study of the rabbits, almost all of them have good personal relationships - there must be quarrels, but they are more academic than personal.

So looking at Lu Guangda who showed off his presence, Cheng Kaijia didn't really get angry.

after awhile.

Li Jue glanced at the sky outside the window and said to everyone:

"Okay, don't play tricks, since the higher-ups are going to build a weather Doppler radar, we have to start making preparations now."

"Xiao Zhou, you will go to the tenth factory area in person later, and hand over the equipment needed for the radar with Comrade Wang Wei."

Zhou Cai nodded when he heard the words:

"no problem."

The tenth factory area Li Jue mentioned is the center of mechanical processing and mechanical repair of the base, and is responsible for the production of various mechanical equipment in the base on weekdays.

At the same time, it is also the obvious identity of Factory 221. It is also the main support of the Xihai Provincial Machinery Factory, which is one of the best in the base in terms of production capacity and floor area.

According to the design plan given by Xu Yun before.

The main body of the weather Doppler radar is about two meters in size, and requires a lot of antennas, bases, and other parts.

Then Li Jue looked at Cheng Kaijia again, hesitated for a moment and said:

"In addition, Lao Cheng, according to the arrangement above, the orthogonal linear polarization frequency domain module of this weather radar should directly use the 314A in the warehouse."

Hearing this, Cheng Kaijia raised his head and looked at Li Jue for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice:

"No problem, I will arrange manpower to disassemble later."

Li Jue's shoulders suddenly relaxed.

Mentioned earlier.

Same with Watchtower.

With the expansion of the base, some warning radars in the base have also undergone replacement.

At present, there are about three or four 314 Type A radars in stock in the special warehouse of the base.

That was the first-generation medium-range warning radar produced by the Rabbits. It has already undergone a round of parts replacement, and it can be said to be "molting" to some extent.

Cheng Kaijia is responsible for the inventory of these military equipment. If he brings some personal emotions into his work, it will cause some troubles to the project team.

Fortunately, Cheng Kaijia's consciousness is very high, which saves Li Jue a lot of effort.

Finish these arrangements.

Li Jue glanced at Lao Guo who had always been very leisurely:

"Friends, you also have a mission."


Lao Guo was stunned for a moment, and pointed his index finger at himself:

"What task do I have? Didn't I just start the research on the ballistic load curve?"

"Don't worry, it's not a scientific research task."

Li Jue waved his hand upon hearing this, signaling Lao Guo to calm down first:

"It's a task related to Han Li. After all, judging from the current situation, at least in terms of technology, he obviously has a lot of special knowledge."

"Let's not talk about how to squeeze Keke, how to acquire knowledge, but we must ensure that he will not have a recurrence of the wound no matter what."

"No matter what his background is or what technology he has mastered, once he is gone, there will be nothing to be gained."

"So friend, do you understand what I mean?"

Lao Guo was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly:

"I see. I will follow up on this matter. Let Director Lin Yu start tonight."

"Add donkey hair."


By the way, a buddy from the north came to see me today, and suddenly discovered a very interesting thing while chatting, did [Uncle] read [baibai] or [bobo] in your hometown?

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