Into Unscientific

Chapter 539 Do you understand what courage is? (Double ask for monthly tickets!!!)

have to say.

Rabbits are really efficient these days.

Two days after the chief minister's coordination.

Liu Bosheng got the test results of all Maoxiong's equipment in his hands.

"It's shocking"

In the office of the Second Machinery Department.


With a serious face, Liu Bosheng slapped a document that was five centimeters thick on the table.

While shaking his head, he said to the man sitting opposite:

"Comrade Bingqiong, guess how many devices have problems?"

Liu Bosheng's "Comrade Bingqiong" is about fifty, with thinning hair, slightly buck teeth, and extremely round apple muscles.

This person's full name is Qian Bingqiong, and he is also the person in charge of the current nuclear weapons development program. He is one of the three famous Qian.

At the same time, Qian Bingqiong's wife is also a nuclear expert and is currently the director of the Neutron Physics Research Office of the Institute of Atomic Energy.

Qian Bingqiong arrived at the Second Machine Department just a few minutes ago, and he hadn't looked at the data in Liu Bosheng's hand for a while after he sat down.

He heard the words and thought for a moment, then guessed:

"Liu Bu, could it be that there are seven platforms going up and down?"

At present, there are many domestic equipment imported by Mao Xiong for the research and development of nuclear weapons, but there are actually few.

Counting the six devices at the Academy of Sciences, the total number of these devices is 29.

Among them, the lowest "personality" is the characteristic isotope scintillation instrument located in the Malan base, which is Lop Nur.

This instrument is mainly used to detect the radiation equivalent value of the radiation nuclear explosion process. It is a more accurate instrument produced by Maoxiong that can be produced in China.

The seven guessed by Qian Bingqiong had problems, and based on the total of 29, the proportion accounted for nearly 25%.

This is already a very scary figure.

However, what surprised Qian Bingqiong was that.

After hearing his answer, Liu Bosheng shook his head quickly:

"Seven stations? Comrade Bingqiong, you underestimate our big brother."

Say it.

Liu Bosheng sighed, and pushed the report on the table towards Qian Bingqiong:

"The answer is exactly double what you guessed, a total of 14 units."

"Except for the production equipment of ultra-fine nickel wire, the other six first-class precision instruments. That is, the equipment with the same level as the digitizer, have all been tampered with."


Liu Bosheng's words sounded like a thunderbolt, and Qian Bingqiong couldn't help standing up from his chair.

Oh my god!

14 units? ? ?

To know.

Although these 29 devices are extremely sophisticated, it does not mean that their parameters can be tampered with at will - after all, the technology of this period is far from being as developed as that of later generations, and the basic particles have not yet been found.

Among these 29 devices.

The internal structure of at least ten devices cannot be modified, or needs to be returned to Maoxiong's country for modification.

That is to say, there are at most 19 devices that can be manipulated by Mao Xiong. As a result, Mao Xiong changed the parameters of 14 of them?

This is really tmd not treating himself as an outsider.

after awhile.

Qian Bingqiong, who barely adjusted his mood, sat back in his seat and made an apologetic expression to Liu Bosheng:

"Sorry, Liu Bu, I'm a little excited."

Liu Bosheng waved his hand at him, signaling that he doesn't care.


When Liu Bosheng saw this result, his inner shock was not much lower than that of Qian Bingqiong - but fortunately, he did not lose his composure for too long because of the previous words of the head.

After being seated.

Qian Bingqiong's palm was still trembling slightly, and he couldn't hold the teacup steadily.

Unlike Liu Bosheng, the commander, Qian Bingqiong himself has extremely high attainments in nuclear engineering.

So in the past few years.

He basically communicates with those hairy bear experts on the front line, and he has become friends and even confidants with many of them.

They often sing Katyusha around the campfire while drinking wine after work.

Now that more than a dozen devices have been modified, Qian Bingqiong inevitably thought of one thing:

Among my furry friends, how many of them have modified those devices by themselves?

after all

Some equipment is so specialized that not many even among Mao Xiong experts know how to operate it.

Like Uhrinovsky who tipped off to Qian Gaoyun and the others, they were in the minority after all, and if there were more people who wanted to come, they chose to leave without looking back.

Of course.

You can't blame those experts for this kind of thing, after all, who knew that such a thing would happen?


Then Qian Bingqiong shook his head slightly, put these thoughts behind him, and asked Liu Bosheng:

"Liu Bu, now that it is confirmed that there is a problem with these instruments, what should the higher-ups do?"

"Continue with the original plan, or plan to... change the route?"


Qian Bingqiong stared at Liu Bosheng, for fear that he would tell some bad news.

The so-called diversion in Qian Bingqiong's mouth.

It refers to changing from a uranium bomb to a plutonium bomb.


Plutonium bombs are indeed less difficult to develop than uranium bombs, but plutonium bombs are far less stable than uranium bombs, and they have great limitations in actual combat.

Therefore, in order to truly have a mature nuclear deterrent capability, uranium bomb technology is essential.

But the problem is that what happened right now, and the international situation is more complicated.

If it is said that in order to have a clear nuclear weapon as soon as possible, maybe it will temporarily change the road and choose a more accelerated way to master nuclear deterrence

From a national point of view, this approach is indeed understandable.

But if that's the case.

Then for the researchers of the uranium bomb project, I am afraid that they will face a huge psychological blow.

Some people may have to give up their hard work for many years, and some people may even be transferred from the R\u0026D team because of professional incompatibility.

"Changing directions?"

hear the word.

Liu Bosheng couldn't help but look at Qian Bingqiong, nodded and said:

"That's right, the higher-ups have already decided, and the next step is indeed to change the route."

Qian Bingqiong's heart skipped a beat.

Really want to change course?

Before he could speak, Liu Bosheng took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"However, Comrade Bingqiong, this time we are not going to change the path of uranium bombs and plutonium bombs, but a road—"

"That is to start simultaneous development while ensuring the normal development of the atomic bomb."

"hydrogen bomb!"

Liu Bosheng had just finished speaking.

Qian Bingqiong's mind instantly went blank.

click -

His left hand unconsciously swept across the table, knocking over a teacup in front of him, and the warm tea wet his thigh instantly.

But Qian Bingqiong didn't notice it, and stared blankly at Liu Bosheng in front of him.

hydrogen bomb? ?

hydrogen bomb? !

hydrogen bomb! ! !

within seconds.

Qian Bingqiong's heartbeat exceeded 220!

be honest.

After learning that Mao Xiong's equipment hidden danger broke out.

Qian Bingqiong actually thought about all kinds of possibilities.

There is a suspension of research on uranium bombs, and the re-development of plutonium bombs.

There are also balanced resources, plutonium bombs and uranium bombs together.

Also, the original plan remains unchanged, and they continue to make their own uranium bombs.

But I never thought that the higher-ups would put aside the controversy over uranium bombs and plutonium bombs, and directly target hydrogen bombs!

Students who have worked on hydrogen bombs know it.

This is a nuclear weapon that is very different from an atomic bomb, also known as a thermonuclear weapon, and belongs to the second generation of atomic bombs.

An atomic bomb is a violent explosion that emits huge energy in an instant through the nuclear fission of heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium.

Hydrogen bombs use hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium as raw materials, and use a special atomic bomb as a detonator. The polymerization reaction of deuterium and tritium at high temperature generates huge energy and causes a violent explosion.

In terms of power.

Hydrogen bombs are far superior to atomic bombs.

Give a more intuitive example.

in hereafter.

In addition to the five hooligans, countries that can manufacture atomic bombs are generally believed to include General Kim, Brother Asan, Pakistan, Hebrews, and Persia.

But if you change to a hydrogen bomb.

Then there are only five hooligans left.


The development of the hydrogen bomb by the rabbits started very early.

As early as the beginning of last year, the organization asked Qian Bingqiong to lead a team to explore the hydrogen bomb theory:

First, the "Light Nuclear Reactor Theoretical Exploration Group" was established in the Institute of Atomic Energy, with Huang Zuqia as the team leader.

The team members include Liu Xianhui, Sa Benhao and He Zuoxiu, all well-known nuclear engineering bosses.

But this is only a theoretical study.

The light nuclear team has only twelve members so far, and even the team leader Huang Zuqia is mainly focused on the atomic bomb.

The entire theoretical group is not so much research and development, but more forward-looking and preparatory.

It's like a teacher teaching.

When many teachers release the latest work, they will start to warm up for the release of the next one.

Therefore, when I suddenly learned that the organization is not going to change course, but will continue to challenge the difficulty

Qian Bingqiong felt that his blood was about to boil.

The bear wants us to die, so we will live to die!

What kind of courage is this?

After a while.

Qian Bingqiong put his hands on his thighs, clenched them into fists, and said to Liu Bosheng:

"Liu Bu, just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Liu Bosheng took out a rag from the drawer, wiped off the water stains on Qian Bingqiong's table, and said at the same time:

"Comrade Bingqiong, don't be too impatient, just calm down first."

"Now this matter is only at the decision-making level. If we want to start it officially, we have to solve the problem of the instrument."

"The organization asked me to tell you the news, mainly because I want you to screen the suitable project team members first. It will take about three months, and the official documents should come down by then."

"Screening members?"

Qian Bingqiong was taken aback for a moment, but quickly calmed down after recovering.


Decisions are decisions, and the development of nuclear weapons involves all aspects.

It is impossible to talk about building a hydrogen bomb today, and then go to the office to calculate the formula tomorrow.

In other words.

The idea of ​​the above is actually to let oneself find suitable members, so as not to fight an unprepared battle when the time comes?

Think here.

Qian Bingqiong couldn't help correcting his posture, and asked Liu Bosheng:

"Comrade Bosheng, how many people are allowed in the organization? What is the screening scope?"

"The number is around thirty."

Liu Bosheng obviously got the organization's instruction long ago, and quickly gave a reply:

"As for the scope. Several institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the entire academy of the Academy of Stone Sciences, all units under the Second Ministry of Machinery, and the two departments of telecommunications and machinery of the First Ministry of Machinery, all within this scope."

Qian Bingqiong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Anything is fine? Then I want Comrades Lu Guangda and Guo Youlai?"

"Okay, I want to go in my dream. In my dream, if you want to get Oppenheimer, it's fine."

Liu Bosheng gave Qian Bingqiong a squinting look, and didn't like this, but quickly changed the subject:

"Of course, although it is impossible for Comrade Guo Youlai to help you, there is a potential stock by his side. Comrade Bingqiong, you can contact him when you have time."


Qian Bingqiong immediately became interested and asked:

"What is your name?"

Liu Bosheng took out a file from the pile of documents beside him, and pushed it in front of Qian Bingqiong:

"This man is called Cai Shaohui. He is a very young but very smart comrade. Comrade Youlai has praised his potential more than once."

"According to the original plan, he may be transferred to the Institute of Atomic Energy next year, but if the light nuclear group needs him, the Ministry will not have much opinion."

Qian Bingqiong nodded slightly, picked up the file and read it.

"Graduated from Peking University. Studied in Gaul. Doctorate"

After a few minutes.

Qian Bingqiong returned the file and nodded slightly:

"It's really a good seedling"

Then he realized something, blinked, and asked Liu Bosheng:

"So Comrade Bosheng, the organizational idea is to let me go to Factory 221 to select candidates first?"

"That's right."

Liu Bosheng nodded and explained:

"The Malan base is an experimental site for nuclear explosions. The theoretical side is relatively weak, and it is located at the westernmost point among the three major bases. There is no need to be the first to go there."

"Factory 504 is closer, but the gas exchange membrane has such a big accident, Comrades Chengzong and the others will focus on equipment repairs, and it is not suitable for material selection."

"So the organizational suggestion is to let you go to Factory 221 to have a look first. After all, seeing is believing for many things."

In fact, Liu Bosheng did not say anything clearly, that is, another purpose of the organization is to let Qian Bingqiong see if there are any "misses" to pick up.

After all, there are more than 4,000 theoretical scientific research personnel in Factory 221, and some of them are college students who have graduated for several years. Maybe if there are talents, they will be buried?

This is entirely possible, otherwise there would be no such thing as Bole in history.

Then Qian Bingqiong thought for a moment, and straightened his body:

"I understand, I obey the organizational arrangements."

Upon seeing this, Liu Bosheng added another glass of water for him, and continued:

"Also, Comrade Bingqiong, you are going to Jinyintan Grassland, I have a personal request to ask you."

Qian Bingqiong was slightly taken aback, and guessed after recovering:

"Comrade Bosheng, do you want to bring something to someone you know?"

Liu Bosheng shook his head, pondered for a moment, and said:

"I hope you can help me pay attention to a person, this person is called Han Li—but remember not to communicate with him anything related to the development of hydrogen bombs or nuclear weapons."

Qian Bingqiong was taken aback again:

"Han Li?"

Qian Bingqiong is usually busy in the capital, and he can't communicate with Factory 221 all the time. He doesn't even know about weather Doppler radar, let alone the existence of Xu Yun.

So after hearing the name Han Li.

He does have a bit of a Kennedy button dandruff and scratching his head.

However, Liu Bosheng did not explain too much, but said in a subtle way:

"That's right, it's called Han Li. Maybe this person will bring you some little surprises."


While Liu Bosheng was chatting with Qian Bingqiong.

The "little surprise" in Liu Bosheng's mouth couldn't help but sneezed on the hospital bed.

But Xu Yun didn't suspect who was talking about him.

Instead, he frowned and looked at the small bowl in front of him, twitched his nose twice, and asked Qiao Caihong in front of him:

"Comrade Rainbow, are you sure this thing is a traditional Chinese medicine? Why do I feel a hairy smell?"

".of course it's true."

Qiao Caihong held the small bowl in both hands, glanced at Xu Yun with some guilt, and quickly explained:

"Comrade Han Li, you are just recovering from a serious illness, the judgment on the taste must not be true."

"The fuzzy feeling you are talking about should be the two traditional Chinese medicines of magnolia and asarum. They are so soft and rotten after being boiled. Besides, isn't it good for you to drink for so many days?"

Xu Yun glanced at the bubbling 'Chinese medicine' in front of him again, and nodded hesitantly:

"It's true."

"Really? Dalang, open your mouth and drink the medicine."

After a while.

Xu Yun wiped the corner of his mouth with a finger that could barely move but couldn't hold anything, looked at the 'drug dregs' and muttered:

“I still feel something is wrong”

"Okay, don't worry about that."

Qiao Caihong quickly wiped off the donkey hair foam around Xu Yun's mouth with a handkerchief, then put the bowl aside, and said to the outside:

"Guo Gong, Comrade Han Li's medicine is ready."

After a while.

Lao Guo carried his briefcase in one hand, pushed open the door of the ward with the other and walked in.

Qiao Caihong first exchanged a [donkey hair added three pinches] look with Lao Guo, then bounced out of the house to wash the dishes.

After all, the matter of lying is still psychologically stressful for a girl like Qiao Caihong who is as white as paper.

But Lao Guo's face is much thicker.

He first made eye contact with Qiao Caihong with a calm face, then came to Xu Yun's bedside, and asked with concern:

"Comrade Han Li, is the effect of the secret recipe handed down by Li Jue's family okay?"

Xu Yun had some doubts in his heart at first, but after thinking about Lao Guo's deeds, he immediately dispelled his hesitation:

"Well, it works very well. You see, I can move my fingers now."

"Although I still can't lift heavy objects, it's no longer a big problem to write a few words with a ballpoint pen."

After hearing this, Lao Guo turned his head and rested his eyes on Xu Yun's fingers for a while.

It was found that Xu Yun's index finger and middle finger had indeed regained some mobility or regained control.

See this situation.

Lao Guo nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, he secretly decided to increase the number of donkey hairs to five pinches tonight.

Later, Lao Guo and Xu Yun chatted about some issues about physical recovery, and soon changed the subject and talked about the business:

"By the way, Comrade Han Li."

"The radar experts from the capital have arrived at the base in the morning, and they also arrived with the electrostatic analysis module."

"In addition, the factory has also prepared the basic equipment needed for the weather Doppler radar. It just so happens that your body is recovering well, so..."

"Are you interested in taking a look at the assembly of the radar together, and pointing out where there is a problem with the process?"

Hearing the word "pointing" from Lao Guo's mouth, Xu Yun's scalp went numb, and he quickly waved his hands and said:

"Comrade Guo, what you said is too much, how can my half bucket of water be enough to guide you?"

"If you don't think I'm an eyesore, it's okay if I go to the side and be the tail of the crane. After all, I haven't seen the real weather Doppler radar yet."

Xu Yun's last sentence is naturally untrue. The number of meteorological Doppler radars he has seen in later generations is in double figures-after all, this is really not a rare thing in 2023.

Many people may have seen the real thing, but they don't know it is Doppler radar.

But those few words above were indeed Xu Yun's true thoughts.

After all, whether it is deeds, consciousness or ability, Lao Guo is far beyond what Xu Yun can match, and he is not worthy of guidance.

What Lao Guo said was his own business, but Xu Yun definitely didn't have the face to accept it.

However, due to the perspective, Lao Guo is obviously not as complicated as Xu Yun thought.

Therefore, he took Xu Yun's words as pure politeness, and said with a smile:

"Comrade Han Li, what you said is showing humility."

"Knowing the name of meteorological Doppler radar and explaining its principle are two different things. If you can explain it theoretically, it is enough to be my teacher for a while-everything goes first."

"By the way, don't call me Comrade Guo or Gong Gong from now on, just call me Old Guo."

"Also, I'll call you Xiao Han, what do you think?"

Xu Yun has no objection:

"Of course no problem, or you can call me 30,000 per day."

".I'll call you Xiao Han."

"Come on!"

Then Lao Guo left the ward again and went to the hospital's attending physician, Lin Yu.

After getting Lin Yu's approval.

He asked Qiao Caihong to push Xu Yun in a wheelchair, and the three of them left the hospital together.

"Han Litong, it should be Xiao Han."

On the way to the destination, Lao Guo Shun gave Xu Yun an introduction:

"Didn't I tell you before that our factory is now undertaking a relatively important national project, so the leadership also attaches great importance to the typed report."

"In order to be able to assemble the radar equipment smoothly, some experienced masters were dispatched from a certain factory and asked them to assist us in assembling the radar."

"As for the assembly site, it's on the side of the watchtower you went to last time. The terrain there is high and open, and it's easy to collect data during operation."

Xu Yun nodded while listening, and quickly glanced at the boss when Lao Guo said the last sentence.

According to his memory of visiting the Atomic City in later generations.

There should be many areas in Factory 221 that are more suitable for radar observation points than the watchtower, and the watchtower can only be regarded as a "usable" concept area.

The reason why the leaders of the base chose this place is largely for their own sake—the test is still going on.

But Xu Yun didn't feel bad about it.

From the moment he realized that he had crossed into Factory 221, he was ready to be tested or even unfairly treated.

Compared with the difficulties of the predecessors, what is this temptation?

Besides, the leaders of the base are testing Xu Yun, and Xu Yun's many actions are not testing the base?

It can only be said that this is an essential adaptation process.

Today's trip did not have the help of Zheng Tao and Zhou Shaoping like a few days ago, and the wheelchair could only be pushed by a lesbian, Qiao Caihong.

In addition, Lao Guo is not young anymore, so the three people, or two people in one car, are not going fast.

It took more than ten minutes at the beginning, but this time it took almost half an hour to reach the watchtower.

The watchtower at this time is similar to a few days ago, with a bunch of busy workers standing around it, and some equipment covered by cloth.

When it was about 30 meters away from the watchtower.

Lao Guo took the initiative to point to a few of them and said:

"Xiao Han, those few are the master craftsmen from the factory. I will introduce you later."

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked.

The moment I saw these people.

Xu Yun couldn't help grinning:

Good guy.

The master craftsman of God's tmd factory.

Have you ever seen a factory that can hire five or six academicians as master craftsmen?


It's the last three days of the double monthly pass, please guarantee the monthly pass! ! !

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