Into Unscientific

Chapter 541 Another Acquaintance (Double Last Day, Ask for a Monthly Ticket!!)

In Xu Yun's future generations.

Due to some well-known reasons, Huaxia has been stuck in many technologies in the field of industrial development.

For example, the chip that everyone is familiar with.

The chip manufacturing process is extremely complicated, but it can be summarized into several major steps:

Preparation of silicon wafer → epitaxial process → thermal oxidation → diffusion doping → ion implantation → photolithography → etching → process integration, etc.

The photolithography process is the most critical step in the manufacturing process.

Lithography determines the critical dimensions of the chip and accounts for about 35% of the overall manufacturing cost in the entire chip manufacturing process.

At present, the domestic lithography level is far behind the international level, which is why the lithography machine is mentioned when talking about chips.

But if we really want to talk about the technology that has been seriously broken down - here refers to the situation where military and civilian use are stuck at the same time, the chips are not so advanced.

One reason is that military chips are not as demanding as civilian chip standards.

For example, the basic technological requirements of military chips across the sea are only around 65nm, and the rabbit is not far behind in this respect.

Like the Xxxx Soul Core 2#A chip used on the J20, it can even be seen internationally.

With military supplies as the bottom line, the degree of chips stuck on the neck is lower than it seems.

The second is

Some technologies are not necessarily highly spread, but their substantive generational degree is infinitely more serious than that of chips.

The simplest is the gravity gradiometer mentioned earlier, whether it is for civilian or military use, it has been looped.

Another example is the vacuum evaporation machine that few people know.

This thing is the "heart" of the OLED panel manufacturing process, and the entire industry is monopolized by Neon's Canon Tokki in the high-end market.

To what extent is the country stuck?

This degree is exaggerated to the point that before 2019, there was not even a domestic company that produced vacuum evaporation machines.

Even after 19 years, there are only two companies except Ryder Equipment and Zhongshan Kaixuan Vacuum Technology.

Although it can be mass-produced, there is still a significant gap with the international level.

To know.

OLED panels are not a technology that has no market like a ballpoint pen tip, and rabbits are too lazy to break through.

At present, its annual demand has increased to 420 million pieces a year, which belongs to a very large commercial category.

In addition to the gravity gradient meter and vacuum evaporation machine.

The rabbits also have a thing that is stuck in the munitions field, that is

industrial software.

The so-called industrial software.

It refers to the application software used in the industrial field to improve the R\u0026D, production, management level of industrial enterprises and the performance of industrial equipment.

Its core role is to help industrial enterprises improve quality, increase efficiency and reduce costs, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in high-end manufacturing.

for example.

Chip manufacturing mentioned above.

Now a fingernail-sized chip integrates billions of transistors, if this kind of workload can be hand-painted by engineers.

Well, let's not talk about whether it can be used for drawing.

The moment you finish drawing billions of transistors, it is estimated that Conan will end.

Therefore, if you want to develop chips, you must use industrial software to assist.

At present, industrial software can be divided into three categories according to functions:

CAD (Computer Aided Design),

CAE (Computer Aided Engineering),

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing).

These three pieces of software are indispensable in today's industrial industries, and they are indispensable for the research and development of aviation, ships, automobiles, chips and other products.

But unfortunately.

At present, China does not have much say in the field of core industrial software, and it is quite miserable.

The market is occupied by more than 95% of the market share by Gaul Dassault, Siemens, PTC and Autodesk.

Once the software authorization is stopped across the sea, many domestic companies will suffer a major blow.

For example Huawei.

Back then, due to the sanctions across the sea, Huawei ran out of chips, and the p50 could only turn on 4G.

And throughout the sanctions.

It seems that the heaviest sanction clause is to prohibit Huawei from cooperating with RF chip manufacturers, but in fact the most ruthless move is another punishment:

Terminate the cooperation between Huawei and EDA software manufacturers across the sea.

The EDA software here is also a kind of industrial software, and its full name is Electronic design automation.

That is electronic design automation software.

It is mainly used to design a kind of industrial software for VLSI. The principle is almost the same as the transistor design mentioned above, and it is a little bit more complicated.

If the cooperation between Huawei and TSMC is terminated, Huawei can also find other manufacturers to manufacture some low-end chips.

Then terminating the EDA software is almost equivalent to giving Huawei a drudgery, and it directly cuts off the chip road for you from the upstream design field.

There was also Harbin Institute of Technology.

In May 2020, Harbin Institute of Technology received a notice of the termination of the software authorization of MATLAB, which is the matrix laboratory.

This means that Harbin Institute of Technology no longer has the right to use genuine MATLAB.

MATLAB is an extremely powerful engineering artifact. It is no exaggeration to say that the efficiency may even be doubled if it is without it.

In Xu Yun's future generations.

It can be said that domestic industrial software is in darkness, and the dawn is even lower than that of the national football team entering the World Cup.

The main reason for this situation is that domestic products are indeed not easy to use, and there is a gap between foreign countries in terms of experience and efficiency.

People want to pay attention to efficiency and profitability when they start a business, and it is impossible to take the risk of losing money to be the guinea pig of an industrial software manufacturer—unless it is a super-large enterprise with the same faction behind it, such as the University of Science and Technology and Fudan.

But even for that kind of enterprise, at most one or two departments or project teams will be arranged for use, and it is impossible to cover all R\u0026D departments.

This is a very normal business logic, and there is no way to blame others for not supporting domestic production.

But on the other hand.

The substantive reason for this situation is that domestic related companies started too slowly, and it is not known how many positions are behind foreign countries.

That is to say, as the saying goes, a movie starts slowly, and every part follows slowly.

Many problems with domestic software have actually appeared in MATLAB, so why can they survive until now?

The reason is that they run fast, and there are no competing products to choose from when something goes wrong.

Therefore, when we come up with the weather Doppler radar program.

Xu Yun deliberately planted this foreshadowing:

Want to calculate drift angles?

Want to develop an airborne Doppler radar?

no problem.

Then go digital!

Students who have been Chinese in this life should know it.

The Huaxia nation has had a special quality since ancient times.

That is, as long as you let it taste the sweetness in a certain aspect, it will spontaneously go deeper in that direction.


The "seeds" planted by Xu Yun may not all be able to grow due to various objective circumstances.

But only a few can sprout.

Xu Yun or the rabbits just made a lot of money.

If all goes well.

Maybe in the timeline of this world, the rabbit might get stuck in other people's necks instead?

Oh, wrong wrong.

How could a peace-loving rabbit get stuck?

So it should be said differently.

For example.

Have subjective superiority in a certain field?

Hmm, that sounds much better.

Of course.

At this time, although Xu Yun and Sun Junren both had a small heart, neither of them showed it on the surface.

A person is like a harmless patient who is recovering from a serious illness, asks and talks, and never crosses the red line.

The other person is like a weather-beaten old worker, simple and honest, who only cares about the theoretical issues in front of him.

Lao Guo on the side felt that something was wrong.

However, due to the large discrepancy in majors, it is just a feeling.

After more than ten minutes.

Like a doctor reading a CT report, Sun Junren shook the manuscript paper in front of him twice, and said to Xu Yun contentedly:

"Comrade Han Li, thank you for your hard work."

"With your answers, some theoretical questions are finally answered."

"To tell you the truth, on the way to the base, everyone was so troubled by these problems that they couldn't sleep, and they were just waiting for the results."

Sun Junren's words were really not polite.

The questions in his hands were collected from various groups of the Tenth Academy, and the team had already conducted many rounds of discussions.

Throughout the discussion, some simple doubts were sifted out early on.

The questions that Sun Junren could ask Xu Yun were basically the common questions of everyone—no matter how bad they were, they were controversial.

To get an answer from Xu Yun right now is a matter of concern for everyone.

Afterwards, Sun Junren carefully put away these manuscripts, took out a small bowl of watermelon from the tent and put it in front of Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, you've worked hard, come, let's have some more watermelon."


The corners of Xu Yun's mouth twitched twice, and he raised his head and asked Sun Junren:

"Sun Gong, you don't want me to answer some theoretical questions again, do you?"

"How can this be?"

Sun Junren immediately raised his chest, and quickly denied it, but then he smiled and scratched his hair twice:

"The main reason is that I personally want to talk to you about something other than theory—it's not a mathematical or theoretical problem that needs to be deduced. I don't know how to grow my brain, so I can chat while eating."


Seeing this, Xu Yun sighed faintly.

Why are these big guys acting like this?

Faraday and the others in the original 1850 copy also forcibly put themselves into it

Of course.

From the perspective of this era.

It is indeed a very rare thing to be able to eat juicy watermelon in a place like Factory 221, enough to earn a lot of favors.

For example in the original real history.

Academician Chen Nengkuan "bought" Academician He Zuoxiu with two imported cigarettes - friendly reminder, this boss is really not called He Zuoma

At that time, Academician He Zuoxiu spent four days all night calculating the peak value of the secondary chain of the U3 branch of the light nuclear model for these two imported cigarettes.

To know.

In order to solve this value across the sea, a full 30,000 dollars was spent.

In addition, Xu Yun had just recovered from the burn at this time, and his body had a spontaneous desire for fruits such as watermelon.

So soon.

Xu Yun still decided to 'surrender' to Sun Junren, and nodded sharply:

"Okay, Sun Gong, just say what you have to say."

"If I can give an answer, I will try my best to answer you."

Sun Junren was waiting for this sentence.

Hearing this, he immediately stuffed the small bowl into Qiao Caihong's hand, pulled a chair and sat beside Xu Yun:

"Actually, it's really nothing but my personal curiosity. I just want to talk to you about your views on the development of radar."

"Didn't you come up with the principle of weather Doppler radar? I was wondering if you might have some new insights into radar."

"Comrade Han Li, do you think radar has a bright future?"

I heard Sun Junren's question.

Xu Yun raised his brows immediately.


Originally, he was wondering when he would mention this to Sun Junren, but he didn't expect Sun Junren to come to the door himself.

To know.

This trend of the radar industry is different from the single category of carrier-based aircraft radar mentioned earlier.

This kind of 'big trend' involves many fields, so Xu Yun originally planned to find an opportunity to talk to Sun Junren.

After all, domestic radars are really crossing the river by feeling the stones these days, and they have been stagnant for a long time. The reason for the stagnation here has nothing to do with the background of the times, but that the rabbits have indeed gone the wrong way.

For example, the hydraulic drive of the fire control radar, which was crazily complained by military fans in later generations, is more sensitive and I won’t go into details.

At the same time it is very important.

From the perspective of posterity.

The development period of radar is actually very well divided, and does not require too much theoretical basis.

The three important periods are:

birth and early stages of development,

period of great development,

The era of modern radar.

The initial period of birth and development was naturally during World War II.

During this period, radar technology with ground-to-air, air-to-ground bombing, air-to-air fire control, and friend-or-foe identification functions mainly appeared.

The period of great development began in the 1960s and 1970s after World War II and lasted until the middle and late 20th century.

Many new radars appeared during this period.

Such as synthetic aperture radar, pulse Doppler radar, phased array radar and so on.

As for the era of modern radar, it is naturally around 2023. The current radar function has long gone beyond the scope of "radio detection and ranging", and has gradually entered the urbanization scenario.

For example, a smart city is a representative.

These trends are very clear in stages, and the description is not complicated.

So Xu Yun quickly organized some words, thought for a moment, and said to Sun Junren:

"Sun Gong, in my opinion, radar research and development should be a very promising industry, and the current development is far from over."

Sun Junren raised his brows, but his expression didn't change much:

"Oh? How to say?"

Xu Yun raised his eyelids to look at him, and said:

"You should know that the function of the existing radar is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to detect the target and give its distance and angular position in space."

"For example, the target is 114.514 kilometers away from us, and the angle is 34 degrees northeast, etc."

"But in my opinion, this function is far from realizing the practical value of radar."

"I think a truly mature radar system should be able to conduct a more detailed analysis of the measurement target."

"For example, if the radar has determined that the detected target is an aircraft, it needs to be further classified to determine its specific model."

"Such as small or large jets, small or large propeller planes, helicopters or missiles, etc."

Sun Junren was silent for a moment, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes:

"It's a beautiful picture, but... Comrade Han Li, is this really possible?"

Sun Junren is no stranger to the situation Han Li mentioned. This is actually the complete conception of the radar at the beginning of its design.

but the problem is

Scientific research is not science fiction. It does not mean that if you think of a certain scenario, you will have the ability to realize it.

It's like the curvature engine of later generations.

All kinds of metrics, that is, solutions, have been figured out for you, but there is still no horoscope. No, not even a ten-thousandth.

What's the status of the radar now?

It's almost the kind you see in the movie:

There is a line on the dashboard that spins and spins like a small flag, and then shows a small dot, and then disappears.

So after hearing what Xu Yun said.

Sun Junren was not overly surprised, but a little confused.

What he is looking for is not a sci-fi-like direction, but hope to see the possibility of realization - not necessarily detailed principles, but there must be some technical ideas, right?

But just when Sun Junren thought that Xu Yun was also painting a cake for himself.

Xu Yun's answer suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Of course it's possible."

Sun Junren was startled for a moment.

After a while.

He raised his head in astonishment and looked at Xu Yun.

Xu Yun raised an index finger towards him with some effort, and explained:

"As long as it is possible to distinguish the individual scattering centers on complex targets and fine-tune the echo signals to infer some properties of the target, then there is a chance to do this."

"For example, many parts on the aircraft, such as propellers, helicopter horizontal rotors, jet engines, and tank tracks, rotating antennas, etc."

"They both modulate the target's backscattered waves to form its Doppler sidelobe as an identifying signature—this modulation can be extracted in both narrowband and broadband waveforms."

"These data, combined with lateral resolution, Doppler frequency and multi-band comprehensive analysis, should be able to achieve more refined goals, that is."

"Two-dimensional radar imaging."

mentioned earlier.

When the range resolution of the radar is high enough.

It can distinguish different scattering centers in a complex target and give a radial profile of the target.

Then from the profile diagram, the length of the target in the distance dimension can be roughly estimated.

This is one-dimensional radar imaging, and the radar that has been released in this era is also this kind of technology.

This technology is much better than low-resolution electric radar, and can obtain the intensity distribution map of target scattering points.

In general.

An air surveillance radar with a specification of 1m distance resolution can get 7 relatively stable profiles in the L-band, which can distinguish propeller aircraft from jet aircraft-and then nothing more.

So in this period.

Many radar experts believe that the way forward is dead, and many even change careers on the spot.

For example, Vera Larsson, the designer of Britain's first fire control radar, turned directly into an actor last year, and was nominated for an Oscar in 1972, although he didn't win.

But Xu Yun is very clear.

One-dimensional radar imaging is far from the limit of radar.

Under the conditions of high signal-to-noise ratio, attitude angle change, multi-image diversity synthesis, etc.

If the technology meets the standards, two-dimensional radar imaging is the real mature technology of radar.

If the low-resolution radar is a button phone before 2010.

Then one-dimensional radar imaging is equivalent to Gionee Voice King and BBK music phones, which are transitional products.

Under the tide of the times.

Backgammon music phones and the familiar theme song 'da la da la da' have become the tears of the times. Although Gionee's voice king is still alive, it has already withdrawn from the mainstream market.

Two-dimensional radar imaging is the real smartphone, which is the iPhone6 ​​and Huawei Mate30.

It can also judge the load of the aircraft through the up and down bumps of the aircraft, so as to determine the carrying capacity of the airframe.


go one step further.

Think here.

Xu Yun decided to draw another big cake for Sun Junren. Anyway, the discussion is about the prospect and not the specific principle:

"Gong Sun, let me give you an example. Don't we always want to recover Treasure Island?"

"So you might as well imagine this kind of scenario-one day the missile of Baodao misfired, and within three seconds, our radar locked on the model, launch area, and calculated its trajectory and expected landing point, etc. information."

"By the time it explodes, our trumpeter is already blowing the rallying call, Mr. Sun, why are you drooling?"

Hearing Xu Yun's last words.

bark -

Sun Junren quickly sucked back the pout at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes lit up.

Although Sun Junren is an expert in scientific research, in fact his background is inextricably linked to the army.

He didn't dare to say that he was dreaming day and night of 'missing' to regain Treasure Island.

But it is quite normal to dream of playing mahjong in Kaohsiung once every five days on average.

Therefore, the picture drawn by Xu Yun can be said to have hit his point, making Sun Junren unknowingly shed tears

"Is 2D Radar Imaging?"

After drying the corners of the mouth.

Sun Junren was silent for a moment, and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, do you have any specific ideas in this regard?"

Hearing this, Xu Yun spread his hands neatly, shook his head and said:

"Sun Gong, you are just joking. Unless I am a person from decades later, how would I know this?"

"At most, I guess that these should be related to the development of computers. After all, those calculations are obviously impossible for human beings to achieve, don't you think?"

Sun Junren nodded.

In fact, he was just asking casually, and he didn't expect Xu Yun to give a detailed plan.


Xu Yun's ability to propose the concept of two-dimensional radar imaging has opened up a new way of thinking for him.

Think here.

He couldn't help but secretly made up his mind:

When you return to the capital, you must try to demonstrate the effect of digital processing on the increase in radar holdings!

If it has potential.

Then he has to make a special report to his superiors for everything he says.

After a while.

Sun Junren glanced at the busy scene, pondered for a moment, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, all in all, I really have to thank you today."

"After chatting with you like this, I understand what the ancients meant when they said that listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books."

"By the way, now I have to go to the pedestal to check the situation, why don't we go there together?"

Xu Yun quickly swallowed half of the watermelon in his mouth, and spit out two watermelon seeds:


have to say.

Although Sun Junren was a bit dark-bellied, the boss was unexpectedly in tune with him in the arrangement of the matter.

From the meeting to the present, many of Sun Junren's arrangements coincided with Xu Yun's ideas, saving him the effort to speak up.

Go to the pedestal as we say now.

If Sun Junren didn't say it, Xu Yun would also make this request.

Then under the leadership of Sun Junren.

The group soon arrived at the busy radar assembly site.

The area of ​​the assembly site is about several hundred square meters, which can be divided into two parts according to the situation:

One is the ground breaking area.

That is to say, the construction site where all kinds of hoes and shovels kinlin clang non-stop.

There are relatively few people on the construction site, and basically all members of the construction sideline team are busy.

The task of these sideline crew members was to construct a suitable abutment to house the assembled radar.

Among the sideline players of these jobs.

Xu Yun also met Zheng Tao, Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding, but they didn't say hello because they were too far away.

Among them, Zhou Shaoping was wearing a waist protector around his waist. It is estimated that Zhou Shaoping's waist injury in later generations was left at this time.

It's a pity that Xu Yun lacks experience in waist injuries, otherwise he could help Comrade Zhou.

Then soon.

Sun Junren led several people to the second part, which is the area where the radar is actually installed.

There are many boxes piled up in this area, most of which seem to be radar parts, and several technicians are busy around each box.

The closest to Xu Yun's position is a group of people who are assembling antennas.

There are six people in this group, five men and one woman, and they are all humming and twisting the screws with their heads down.

Seeing this, Sun Junren walked to one of them, and asked familiarly:

"Xiao Ge, how is the antenna assembly going?"

The Xiao Ge in Sun Jun's population is a young man in his twenties, wearing a white shirt with the cuffs rolled up to his forearms, and his wet hair is a little messy against his forehead.

Hearing Sun Junren's greeting.

Xiaoge turned his head subconsciously, and immediately stood at attention when he saw Sun Junren:


Then he quickly glanced over Xu Yun and the others, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and replied:

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the rectangular locking block has been installed, and now the polarization adjustment piece and the connecting plate are on."

"Very well, thank you for your hard work."

Sun Junren patted Xiao Ge on the shoulder, then turned around and introduced to Lao Guo:

"Old Guo, let me introduce you."

"This is Comrade Ge Tongyou. We all call him Xiaoge. He was transferred from Team 581."

"Don't look at his young age, but his professional level is very high."

Lao Guo immediately raised his eyebrows and said in surprise:

"Oh? Comrades from group 581? This is really a rare visitor."

"It's really hard to trouble you all the way to the base to help."

Xiaoge laughed when he heard the words, and scratched his hair shyly:

"No hard work, no hard work, I am just a brick, I will go wherever the organization tells me to, and serve the collective and the people!"

Old Guo gave him a thumbs up:

"So enlightened!"

And just as Lao Guo and the others were chatting.

Xu Yun at the side stared at Comrade Xiaoge in front of him with a look of astonishment.

Group 581?

Although Lao Guo and others have tried their best to communicate in 'black language'.

But this kind of content does not constitute an obstacle in the slightest to Xu Yun who traveled through time.

The so-called 581 group refers to China's first satellite group.

Group 581 was established in August 1958. 581 means that developing satellites was the number one task of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1958.

In those two years, the satellite was the focus of the whole country. Now the name is "Satellite" and the elderly people, no need to guess, 95% were born in those two years.

However, due to the urgent evacuation of the bear experts from the country, the rabbits first shifted their resources to the development of nuclear weapons.

In the field of aviation, the development of large-scale launch vehicles and artificial satellites was temporarily suspended, and the power was first transferred to sounding rockets.

Although the rabbits have launched the T-7M liquid sounding rocket and the first ballistic missile successively in the past few years, they have made great breakthroughs in the aviation field.

But most of the time.

The entire 581 group is still in a relatively Schrödinger state.

But these are not the point.

The focus is on the functions of Group 581 and the particularity of the name [Ge Tongyou], coupled with the vaguely familiar outline of the other party

Xu Yun guessed with 95% certainty.

This Comrade 'Little Ge' is the same fellow Ge he met at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center!

This is meeting an old acquaintance again.

Also more importantly.

According to Ge Tongyou's original self-introduction.

Comrade Xiao Ge at this time should belong to a smaller fixed team.

Now Tongyou Ge appeared here.

Doesn't that mean

Just when Xu Yun realized something in his heart.

Not far from him, suddenly came a voice full of air:

"Old Sun! Old Guo!"

The moment I heard this voice.

Xu Yun's heart skipped a beat without warning.

Immediately, he turned his head abruptly and looked at the person coming.

I saw them a few meters away.

At this time, a man in his forties with a peaceful face was walking towards them.

This person is obviously

Mr. Wang!

To be precise it is.

Incomparably healthy and young Wang Lao!


Maybe I didn’t write clearly yesterday, I’m not the black army, I’m just boasting, the aircraft carrier was photographed as a fishing boat, this is a stalk in the military circle

It’s the last day for the double monthly pass. After today, the monthly pass will no longer be doubled. The 4D or Quasi 4D will be renewed for six consecutive days. Please ask for a monthly pass.

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