Into Unscientific

Chapter 542 Radar is born! (top) (no middle)

be honest.

Xu Yun is not that kind of particularly emotional person.

I don't even cry when I have nothing to do.

But at this moment.

Looking at Mr. Wang, who was in good health and full of energy, smiling and striding towards the crowd.

Xu Yun's nose couldn't help feeling a little sour, and he really had the urge to cry.

Not crying sadly.

But because of joy.

The occasion when Xu Yun and Wang Lao first met was attributed to the inspection in the Jinping Deep Laboratory.

At that time, when Xu Yun was unable to solve the error of the energy level accuracy of the W-boson, it was Mr. Wang who stood up and proposed the idea of ​​adding J/psi particle correction, which continued Xu Yun's idea.

Then after the dark matter conference of the Academy of Sciences.

Elder Wang still endured the exhaustion of his body.

Take Xu Yun back and forth hundreds of miles to the Xichang Satellite Launch Base, and helped Xu Yun complete the contact of the gravity gradiometer.

And it was because of that trip.

Wang Lao's energy was almost exhausted after returning to Beijing, and his body was in an extremely serious condition, and even his vital signs disappeared for a while.

Xu Yun has been blaming himself for this, but unexpectedly

In the current dungeon, he actually met the young Wang Lao?

To know.

For the appearance of big men like Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding, Xu Yun actually had psychological expectations.

After all, it's strange that their professional counterparts don't appear here.

But Wang Lao is different.

Mr. Wang is in charge of satellite research and development, and he is a talent in the aerospace sector. His resume does not mention that he has worked in Factory 221. After all, there was no meteorological Doppler radar in history.

That is to say, they are not part of Xu Yun's plan, just like academician Pan's parents.

Therefore, he suddenly saw Wang Lao appearing in his eyes.

The excitement and relief in Xu Yun's heart were naturally much stronger than meeting other people.

very nice

But unfortunately.

At this time, Elder Wang obviously didn't know what Xu Yun was thinking.

After striding to a few people.

He first nodded and greeted Sun Junren simply—the two arrived at Jinyintan by the same train, and they had just separated not long ago.

Then he turned to look at Lao Guo, stepped forward and gave him a bear hug:

"Old Guo, long time no see!"

Lao Guo also patted Wang Lao on the shoulder twice:

"I haven't seen you for some years, Yaoping, is everything okay?"

"All good, all good."

Elder Wang nodded with emotion, and said after parting his body:

"Thanks to the big brother's care, I eat well, sleep well, and my body is good, just work, forget it, let's not talk about these."

Say it.

Elder Wang sighed.

Seeing this, Lao Guo wanted to comfort him, but finally gave up the idea.

He naturally knew the reason why Wang Lao sighed.

Wang Lao's 581 project team can be said to be hungry and full at present, and all kinds of rumors are spreading.

Some people say that the higher-ups are planning to abandon the project completely.

Some people say that the top is preparing to support satellite research and development again.

Others say that another research group has actually been established in the organization. Conducting satellite research in secret.

As a figure on the cusp of the storm, it is obviously impossible for Mr. Wang to be appeased by a few words.

But soon.

Elder Wang himself adjusted his mood.

He turned his head and glanced at Xu Yun, who was wrapped like a mummy except for his mouth, eyes and nostrils. After hesitating for a moment, he asked:

"Old Guo, this is"

Upon seeing this, Lao Guo took the initiative to step aside, supported the back of Xu Yun's wheelchair and introduced:

"This is Comrade Han Li, the inventor of the meteorological Doppler radar theory."

"The one next to him is Comrade Qiao Caihong, who is also a nurse in the intensive care ward of the Workers' Hospital, and a talented student who graduated from the Capital Medical College."

Say it.

Lao Guo pointed at Wang Lao again, and said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Han, this is an old friend of mine. Comrade Wang Yaoping from the capital is currently in charge of recycling some waste items."

Xu Yun:


He suddenly realized that it was a pity that Lao Guo didn't go to Zhanhuju, this mouth is really a bit flirtatious.

Wang Lao, as one of the leaders of the 581 project, is responsible for the research and development of returnable satellites.

As a result, it turned out to be recycled old items in Lao Guo's mouth?

Well, in a sense, there seems to be no problem.

Then Xu Yun took a deep breath, and nodded to Mr. Wang excitedly, seemingly calmly but emotionally:

"Wang Gong, hello."

Elder Wang also smiled kindly at him:

"Comrade Han Li, hello."

finish talking.

Elder Wang glanced at Xu Yun again with a slightly strange look.

On the way to the base, he once heard a few words from Sun Junren, roughly saying that the proposer of the meteorological Doppler radar plan was a little young and special.

But no matter what he did, he never thought that Xu Yun would be so 'special' - he could directly inherit the throne in Cairo dressed up like this.

Of course.

The surprise in Mr. Wang's heart was only fleeting, and he soon turned his attention to Tongyou Ge:

"Xiao Ge, how is the equipment debugging going?"

Ge Tongyou quickly repeated what he said to Sun Junren and the others:


After listening to the report quietly, Mr. Wang looked up at the assembly site, and quickly made up his mind.

He turned his head, gave Sun Junren a look, and said:

"In that case, Old Sun, can we try to assemble the radar?"

Sun Junren turned his right wrist when he heard the words, and glanced at the watch on his hand:

"Well, it's almost time - Xiao Bao!"

Sun Junren just finished speaking.

Bao Zheng quickly appeared beside him.

The word Xiaobao might sound a little subtle in later generations, but in this era, there are not so many ambiguities, so there is nothing unusual about Baozheng's expression:

"Yuan Sun, are you looking for me?"

Sun Junren nodded, stretched his fingers around the scene, and ordered:

"Xiao Bao, you have worked hard, and inform the various teams that we will formally start assembling the radar in ten minutes."

"If there is any special situation in each group, report it in time. If there is no problem, follow the original process."

Baozheng has a solemn expression:


Say it.

Bao Zheng then turned around and went to notify the various groups.

Lao Guo and the others waited on the spot.

The area of ​​the assembly area is actually only a few hundred square meters larger, and if you have to count it in detail, there are only a few groups like Ge Tongyou and the others.

So soon.

With Bao Zheng's notification in place, each group quickly began to move closer to the central area.

ten minutes later.

Bao Zheng brought several team leaders back to Sun Junren's side and reported:

"Yuan Sun, all groups have been notified, please issue instructions!"

"Very good, thanks for your hard work."

Sun Junren thanked Baozheng, then took out a few pictures from the briefcase on his body, randomly found a box with a height of 1.23 meters and put them in it.

The height of the box is exactly the same as Xu Yun's sitting posture when he relaxes. If you sit up straight and stretch your neck, you can see the contents above:

These are two design drawings with a size of about quarto, with some hand-painted but standard parts diagrams drawn on the drawings.

The white space outside each component, and some text footnotes.

For example, near Xu Yun is an image of an etalon, and the content of the footnote is the parameter:

Spectrum Center Interval:

228.2 MHz

half width:

205.0 MHz,

224.3 MHz

Theoretical peak transmittance:



It is clear.

Here are the parts assembly diagrams of the two radars.

Then Sun Junren flattened the drawing, looked around at the group leaders gathered in front of him, and said:

"Comrades, let me confirm with you for the last time. Comrades who have completed the assembly of the parts in charge of their respective teams, please raise your hands!"

Sun Junren just finished speaking.


Everyone in front of them raised their hands at the same time.

Seeing this, Sun Junren nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"Very well, now that everyone is ready, I now announce that the assembly of the weather Doppler radar has officially started!"

"The next step is the first step, which is the assembly of the optical table."

"Thunderstorm, Comrade An Ran, please start according to the plan."

Follow Sun Junren's instructions to exit.

In the crowd in front of them, a man and a woman soon stood up, and each of them began to greet the team members behind them to start assembling parts.

His name was Lei Yu, a tall, middle-aged man. Although he didn't speak much, he looked like a northern man.

There are six people in his team, who are responsible for the assembly of the echo signal receiving unit on the optical platform—that is, the receiver and waveguide links mentioned by Xu Yun before.

Of course.

The echo signal receiving unit installed by Sun Junren and the others this time is still a beggar version, and it is impossible to receive reflected ultrasonic waves and perform laser fine-tuning like later generations.

Its role is mainly one:

The signal synthesis and preliminary filtering are completed through the X-band dual polarization effect.

This simple version of the equipment was formerly the X-ray machine in the hospital and the ECG monitor in Xu Yun's ward, both of which were dismantled by Lao Guo and used as volunteers.

According to Qiao Caihong.

When he first learned of the decision of the superior department, Dr. Lin Yu once firmly stated that these devices should not be used to 'spoil'.

As one of the few national-level western doctors in China, Lin Yu still has a great say in this aspect, and the two devices were shipped back to China through his favor.

Therefore, if Lin Yu is not dealt with, the base will have great resistance to deal with these two devices.

The stalemate continued until one night.

At that time, old Guo thief went to Lin Yu's office with a few books, and Lin Yu finally let go with difficulty.

as for which books

Comrade Qiao Caihong said that she only vaguely saw words such as Xiaoxiaosheng, "Nine-Tailed Turtle" and "Jiandeng Xinhua" in the office the next day.

cough cough

In addition to the echo signal receiving unit.

Another lesbian named An Ran was in charge of the electromagnetic wave emitting unit.

Its structure includes a base plate and multiple transmitting coils. It was originally the 314 radar in stock in the base.

The volume of these two modules is not large, but there are a lot of various data lines and connection interfaces.

At the same time according to the design requirements.

Their working elevation angle and detection area also have certain numerical limitations.

"Click on the bottom, click on the bottom, the elevation angle cannot exceed 45°!"

"Reinforce the No. 6 line, so it won't be able to be welded? Then just use tape."

"Sister An Ran, my stick is too long, what should I do if there is still a piece of stick after I poke it in?"

"Then cut it!"

"One, two, three, four, five, whose red line missed a circle?!"

Looking at the bustling installation site.

Xu Yun couldn't help feeling a very different emotion in his heart.

The assembly of such large-scale radars in later generations is basically an assembly line, that is, fully mechanized processing.

Even if there are individual steps that require manual intervention, those engineers are often unique in terms of equipment and clothing.

That is the so-called tall.

This time, however, is different.

Due to the limitation of industrial level.

Even the assembly of high-precision equipment such as Meteorological Dole Preda still has to be done by hand.

But on the other hand.

This kind of picture has another sense of vitality that assembly line production does not have, which makes people unconsciously have an urge to join in.

Twenty minutes later.

The optical platform is built.

Sun Junren continued to look at the schematic diagram, and started the assembly of the next link.

That is.

The splicing of one-dimensional scanning unit and receiving telescope.

After all, what Xu Yun came up with is one-dimensional imaging technology, but the resolution is much higher than that of ordinary radar.

According to Xu Yun's design.

The one-dimensional scanning unit is placed on the uppermost part of the optical platform, and the receiving telescope is below.

It is a large-aperture optical periscope structure composed of two flat mirrors coated with a full anti-dielectric film, a horizontal rotation mechanism and a vertical rotation mechanism.

This statement on the surface of the periscope structure was provided by Wang Lao and his 581 project team'friendship'.

But actually

In fact, this structure was produced a long time ago, but there is no follow-up funding to supplement the complete structure, and it has been put on hold for two or three years.

It can scan in all directions through manual adjustment, the horizontal direction can be rotated from 0 to 360 degrees, and the vertical direction can be rotated from 0 to 180 degrees.

The receiving telescope is directly below the one-dimensional scanning unit, with an effective aperture of 300mm.

Its primary mirror is also coated with a fully reflective dielectric film, with a reflectivity as high as 99%.

The atmospheric backscatter echo signal received by the telescope is coupled to the wire, which is guided to the collimating mirror and becomes parallel light.

After passing through a narrow-band filter that suppresses background light, it is divided into two parts by a beam splitter that reflects 20% and transmits 80%.

20% of the reflected signal is used as energy detection, and 80% of the transmitted signal is used as signal detection for data analysis.

In fact, Xu Yun's most ideal configuration is to coat a 1064-nanometer dielectric film, and then use optical fibers instead of wires to transmit information.

It's a pity that these two technologies have not appeared at all now, so we can only temporarily use the beggar's version to make do with it.

half an hour later.

Several structures of the meteorological Doppler radar have been assembled, and only the last one remains.

Electrostatic Analysis Module.

I saw Sun Junren looked around the crowd, turned to look at Lao Guo, and said to him:

"Old Guo, it's your turn to play."

Lao Guo nodded to him, returned to the tent, and took out a somewhat worn-out brown suitcase.

The size of the suitcase is about 50x30x20, which is not very big.

Lao Guo carefully brought the suitcase back to the crowd, put it down and pressed a button.

Just a click.

The box popped open a small gap.

Lao Guo lifted the box along the small gap, revealing a special component inside:

This is a mechanical module similar to the 4090 graphics card of later generations, but the thickness is higher than that of 4090, about fifteen centimeters.

On the top of the module is a white alloy sheet, about the size of a palm, and several groups of delicate small cylinders are connected under the alloy sheet—these are the sensors.

Below the sensor is a small closed black box containing a chip substrate, which is the initial version of the scanner of later generations.

no doubt.

This formation shocked even the chief

Electrostatic analysis module.


The title will not be there, it is a large chapter divided into two parts.

It's been six days since the update, today I will update less for acupuncture, and tomorrow I will take a day off for recuperation. I hope you will approve it. The total number of updates this month will not be less.

The explosion will continue the day after tomorrow, and the duration will still not be less than a week.

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