Into Unscientific

Chapter 543 Radar is born! (Down)

The moment the electrostatic analysis module was taken out.


All eyes were locked on this device, which was only the size of a graphics card in later generations.

No matter men or women, young or old.

A strong curiosity appeared on everyone's face.

Some players who were on the outside stretched their necks vigorously, trying to see more clearly.

no way.

The concept of [high-tech instruments] is actually still in its infancy these days, and it is far from being fully popularized.

For many people in this era—even for scientific research practitioners, the electrostatic analysis module is a rarity.

In particular, this thing is also related to the term "heavy weapon of the country", which adds a lot of mysterious color to it.

In fact, don't talk about others.

Even Lao Guo, who was holding the electrostatic analysis module, had an inexplicable sense of ritual at this time.

After all, even the cost price of this thing is a full 10,000 US dollars, accounting for a full 20% of Mr. Zhao Zhongyao's expenses, and it is the most expensive piece of equipment among all parts.

Ten thousand US dollars is not a small amount these days, and the domestic equipment with the same size as it is probably only three fingers away-this is the discounted price of Qu Runpu.

Then Lao Guo solemnly took the module to the optical platform as if he was holding Xu Yun's urn (?), and started the device docking.

Among them, it is not difficult to see from the first four characters of the electrostatic analysis module that this thing is related to electricity.

And when it comes to electrical communication, then naturally there must be electrodes.

The configuration of electrodes in later generations is basically more formulaic, and most of them are field induction models or field enhancement models.

But the electrostatic analysis module in this era is relatively primitive. After all, the concept of "field" has not yet been fully formed-here refers to the field of quantum mechanics, not the electric field and magnetic field of classical mechanics.

For example, the piece in Lao Guo's hand.

Eleven electrode sheets are arranged on the left and right sides of the electrode along a straight line, and two adjacent electrode sheets are connected by connectors.

So sometimes there will be a very dangerous situation:

When an integrated circuit is subjected to electrostatic discharge, the resistance of the discharge circuit is usually too small to limit the discharge current.

For example, the moment a cable charged with static electricity is inserted into the circuit interface, the resistance of the discharge circuit is almost zero.

In this way.

There will be an instantaneous discharge peak current as high as tens of amperes, flowing into the corresponding integrated circuit pins.

The instantaneous high current will seriously damage the integrated circuit, and the heat generated locally may even melt the die.

This is also the reason why Cheng Kaijia and others opposed dismantling the electrostatic analysis module—the accelerator was well adapted, but you suddenly removed it. What if there is a problem with the cable of the new device?

Although the probability is small, it is not zero.

So today Cheng Kaijia also came to the scene in person, and now he is staring at Lao Guo with wide eyes.

However, Lao Guo's expression was very calm.

He first connected the two electrostatic adsorption interfaces electrically connected to each other through heavy-duty connectors, and then called several experienced operators to start further loading and unloading.

That is.

Tighten the screws.

That's right.

Tighten the screws.

no way.

There are a few large imported hydraulic presses in China these days, but small hydraulic presses that can process precision instruments will not come out until ten years later.

But don't look at these operators can only operate by hand, but their background is not small

"Comrade Han Li."

Looking at several workers who were loading and unloading equipment, Sun Junren took the initiative to start a conversation:

"I heard from some comrades who came back from the UK that the accelerator at Cambridge University has already started using purely mechanical means for routine maintenance?"

The "accelerator" mentioned by Sun Jun refers to a tandem electrostatic accelerator named Pick owned by the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University.

Its experimental energy level can reach 80 MeV, which is more than 30 times that of the current domestic electrostatic accelerator.

The existence of this device is not a secret, so Sun Junren didn't want to deliberately test Xu Yun, but just wanted to chat.

Afterwards, Xu Yun thought for a while, and after confirming that his answer would not reveal any chicken feet, he said:

"Yes, I heard that the maintenance procedure of that equipment has been handed over to the mechanical arm and small hydraulic equipment, and the operator only needs to input some parameters."

"However, I haven't seen the specific operation process with my own eyes. It is said that the device has been sealed for some reason."

Sun Junren nodded.

He does know something about this.

In Europe, a laboratory called CERN was established a few years ago, the purpose of which is to gather the power of Europe to study the information of microscopic particles.

What does this institution seem to be called.



The specific name, Sun Junren, is somewhat unclear, but it is currently in a relatively unstable state.

Some voices even think that this organization is eating out of money and should be banned directly.

So in order to be able to come up with some results.

Werner Heisenberg—yes, that Heisenberg the Protestant—turned his attention to the tandem electrostatic accelerator at Cambridge University.

According to the information Sun Junren and the others have.

At present, Heisenberg has convinced the board of directors of Cambridge University that the tandem electrostatic accelerator will be sent to CERN headquarters soon.

When we were talking about this, Lao Guo and Wang Ganchang sighed that it would be great if there was such a device in China.

Hey, what are you thinking about?

Then Sun Junren shook his head and brought his attention back to reality.

He took a deep breath and said to Xu Yun with some emotion:

"I am afraid that the mechanical assembly line will take several years before China will have these technologies and production capabilities."

"I have to admit that compared with the technological level of those European countries, our current progress is much lower than theirs."

"However, Comrade Han Li, as the saying goes, natives also have their own laws."

"Even though these operators don't have those machines, I can assure you that their manual precision is not inferior to those machines."


Xu Yun raised his brows, but soon after he realized something, he guessed:

"Could it be that these comrades are eight"

Sun Junren grinned and gave an affirmative answer:

"That's right, they are all top eighth-level workers in the country."

I heard this.

Xu Yun looked at the operators in a different way.

Mom? !

This is the legendary eighth-level worker?

Students who were eighth-level workers in their previous lives should know this.

In the era of the planned economy, Rabbit once divided workers' skill levels into eight levels according to different skill levels.

Level 1 is the lowest and Level 8 is the highest—the salary also corresponds to it.

Generally speaking.

At that time, as long as one could be rated as a "fifth-level worker" or "sixth-level worker", one could have a high status in the enterprise and society.

As for the eighth grade workers.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

If we only limit the scope to purely technical jobs at the eighth level, then they are even rarer than the number of academicians.

More critically.

The award of the eighth-level work of the rabbits has actually gone through two stages.

One is the sixties.

The number of eighth-level workers in this era is very small, and the batches awarded do not exceed ten times.

The second is the 1990s.

There were a lot of eighth-level workers in this period, and many people in later generations said "my grandfather is an eighth-level worker", mostly referring to the jobs awarded at this stage.

That is to say, there is also a gap between the so-called eighth-level workers.

In this day and age.

The level of an eighth-level worker is equivalent to a humanoid self-propelled lathe.

The bunnies' first nuclear submarine,

The detonator of the first nuclear weapon,

Components of the first satellite.

All from the hands of eighth-level workers.

Real hand-rubbed nuclear bombs.

So now I know that these big men in their fifties with ordinary looks and clothes are actually eighth-level workers.

Xu Yun's mentality changed immediately.

Under the blessing of the filters of later generations, the actions of these big guys seem to carry an inexplicable "Tao Yun".

For example, the big guy who is twisting the screw.

His strength and frequency must have brought his insights from decades of working experience, right?

There is also the uncle who is welding the CUC interface.

The angle of each splashing spark must be within his calculations, right?

And the uncle with the file.

At this time, I was covering my left hand, obviously a special ceremony was going on. Oh, I scratched my fingers too hard, it’s okay

And at the same time as these eighth-level workers were showing their prowess.

Xu Yun suddenly found out.

Not far away, Baozheng and others also began to push a few devices with a cart:

The appearance of these devices is a cuboid with a height of 1.5 meters and a length and width of about 50 centimeters.

They are black in color, made of metal, and many coils are wound on the outside.

These cuboid metals were originally placed in a tent on the side, and were covered with various fabrics, so Xu Yun really didn't notice the existence of these things at first.

But judging from the situation.

These metal cuboids are clearly extraordinary.

Then Xu Yun carefully observed these things, and found that he could not determine their identities, so he turned his attention to Sun Junren:

"Sun Gong, I don't know what these things are"

"Oh, you said them."

Sun Junren blinked, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly:

"This is the equipment used to store the signal. It was also shipped from the capital. It doesn't cost much."

"These storage buckets are composed of 50 24-inch disks, and each bucket can store 1.2MB of information."

"Through serial connection and external delay device, it is possible to store 15MB of data after operation."

"According to our calculations, the real-time data storage required by the meteorological Doppler radar is about 10MB, and the rest can be exported through the limit hole device."

"Although the whole process consumes a lot of electricity and paper materials, it is not too difficult for national... well, national projects."

Sun Junren's statement sounded very reasonable, and his tone didn't fluctuate, as if what Baozheng and the others pushed were just a few iron buckets.

If you were someone else in this era, you would probably believe it.

But Xu Yun is different.

When he heard the 'signal storage module' and the subsequent construction, he already realized one thing:

The rumored [that thing].

It turns out that it really exists!


Xu Yun was a little strange when he was talking about equipment raw materials with Lao Guo:

At that time, he deliberately left the two most difficult points, the signal storage module and the electrostatic analysis module, until the end, and he was even ready to use some later technology to secretly help.

As a result, when Lao Guo heard the request for the signal storage module, he said that Xu Yun didn't have to worry about it, and he had a way to solve it.

At that time, Xu Yun had some guesses in his mind, but it was a pity that he could not drop the hammer without empirical evidence.

And now with the emergence of these devices.

Xu Yun finally understood where Lao Guo's confidence lies.

That is--

The real 109 armored machines did exist!

Speaking of the 109th A-machine, it is necessary to mention the development history of Huaxia Computer.

three years ago.

The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed the first small electronic tube general-purpose computer 103 in China, marking the birth of the first electronic computer for rabbits.

Later, in order to ensure that the 581 group, that is, the satellite project team and the nuclear weapon project team can be carried out at the same time.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences arranged to use two components to make a computer with the same performance, that is, each of the two project teams allocated one computer.

It is the famous 109 tube machine.

Then a year ago.

The East China Institute of Computing also plans to start developing the J-501 computer.

Follow normal historical development.

Wait until April three years later, and the 109th machine will be born smoothly.

It has made a great contribution to the development of the hydrogen bomb of the rabbits, so it is also called the "meritorious machine" or "fighting machine".

But in the circle of military fans of later generations, there is still a controversial statement about this machine.

That is.

The machine born on April 25 is not really the first 109.

There are two reasons.

One is the name issue.

The 109 machine that the rabbits originally planned to develop was code-named [109 A].

But after it came out, it was renamed as 119 machine.

That is, 119 and 109A are actually one device.

However, the follow-up 109 B machine was not renamed, and even the 109 C machine was developed later, which still continued the naming method of 109+.

Therefore, many people think that this practice is actually to commemorate the real 109 A, after all, the rabbits have always been very particular about the code name.

For example, the 581 project,

596 items,



The names of these projects are very meaningful, or time, or Chinese-style romance.

There may be accidental deaths, but there are few examples of sudden name changes after landing.

The second is the computing power of subsequent equipment.

Machine 119 was born on April 25, three years later, with a computing power of 50,000 operations per second.

On October 24 of the same year, the J-501 machine of East China Computing Institute was born.

The computing power is also 50,000 times per second.

Then nine months later.

109 B was born, with a computing power of 60,000 times per second.

The time of these three devices is too close, and in the process of crossing from 10,000 computing power to 50,000 computing power, the computing power and storage module are all passed through without a single failure.

So later generations have a guess.

That is, before the birth of the 119 machine, the rabbits had developed a real 109 A.

It's just that the international situation changed suddenly at that time, and even the 581 project team was full and hungry. Naturally, 109A could only be temporarily shelved.

After a few years, the rabbits recovered.

Some of the technical experience of 109 A became the cornerstone of the birth of the real 50,000 times computer.

Objectively speaking.

This view is not small in the future market.

After all, it’s not a dark history, and it’s vaguely provable in logic and historical facts.

But no matter how many people agree, it is still a guess after all.

Xu Yun never imagined that he would be the terminator of this guess by accident.

It can only be said that there are too many surprises in this era.

But on the other hand.

With the appearance of the real 109A storage module, the problem of data storage is easily solved.

half an hour later.

More than twenty cuboids were connected together to form a larger square matrix.

On the top of the phalanx, Bao Zheng and the others put sun visors and other objects on them to avoid the sun's rays.

In addition, Sun Junren and others also moved several electric fans, blowing the wind whistling aside.


If it is not necessary for the radar to operate outdoors, the information storage in these days cannot be too far away from the main body, and these storage arrays must be placed indoors.

Another fifteen minutes passed.

The electrostatic analysis module in charge of by Lao Guo was also successfully assembled.

The Doppler radar of later generations is generally a big ball placed on a high place, which looks like a shiny Saitama teacher.

But the radar Xu Yun designed this time is not so aggressive.

The appearance of this radar is somewhat similar to the ordinary bowl-shaped radar of later generations, and there is an [X]-shaped all-solid-state two-wire device on the paraboloid.

In 2023, it is estimated that at most one in ten passers-by will take a look.


After assembly.

Lao Guo wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked quickly back to Sun Junren, and said to him:

"Old Sun, it's up to you next - by the way, remember to try it out first."

"Don't worry, I know."

Sun Junren patted Lao Guo on the shoulder, and gave Lao Guo another look [move Xu Yun to the side or he will be exposed as an adult again]. Then he brought Bao Zheng to the radar console.

It's interesting to say.

The operating console was originally the operating center of a decommissioned weapon system, and it was also one of the few devices with operating templates for the rabbits.

However, because it was damaged in a certain battle and was forced to "retire from the army", the rabbits were reluctant to throw it away, so they dragged it from the northeast to Jinyintan.

Now it has finally fulfilled the original expectations of the rabbits, and was dug out of the warehouse by Lao Guo and contributed a lot.

After connecting the top output end of the driving motor to the transceiver, and connecting the external socket to the driven gear meshed with the driving gear—the gear is used to output data, and then applied a billion points of magic modification, the veteran finally rejuvenated It shines.

And if nothing else

This time it wants to "retire from the army", but it will not be so easy-unless there is another asshole like Xu Yun, it can serve at least another ten years.

After coming to the console.

Sun Junren was not in a hurry to give an order, but first put his index finger on several buttons.

I saw him maintain a posture of applying a little force but not pressing it, and 'twist' on a few buttons.

This action is to determine whether any buttons are loose - whether they can be used later is another matter, if the buttons are loose now, then there is no need to wait for a while.

After a while.

Sun Junren moved his index finger away from the last button and nodded slightly.

everything is normal.

Then he looked to the other side and called out his name:

"Lin Yu!"



A young girl appeared beside Sun Junren.

The girl was wearing a military casual uniform that was very common in this era. She was about 1.6 meters tall, with short, capable hair. Her skin was fair but not delicate, and she was full of youthful vigor.

No matter from her dress or Sun Junren's greeting, it clearly shows that this is a female intellectual.

After the girl named Lin Yu came to her side.

Sun Junren adjusted his glasses, pondered for a moment, and said to her:

"Xiao Lin, go and debug the calibration unit, and start the test run of the radar in five minutes."

"The password for the box is 237"

Lin Yu's expression suddenly became solemn:


Say it.

Lin Yu trotted towards a tent, and within half a minute, he came to Sun Junren with a small box in his hands.


The girl entered the password skillfully, and quickly opened the box smoothly.

Then he took out a black device with several buttons of different heights and colors.

at the same time.

Sun Junren was not idle either, but started calling Bao Zheng and others to activate the radar.

The power required by the radar comes from the nearby factory-run power plant. Considering that the storage module also consumes a lot of power, power control is also implemented in the general factory area today:

In addition to the two areas of the hospital and the factory.

The electricity consumption of all other locations needs to be audited and reported, and the courts and movie theaters in the factory area are all temporarily suspended.

buzz buzz --

With access to electricity.

The radar placed on the base began to emit a low beep.

After half a minute.

The electricity passed through one after another checkpoint, and the storage module also entered the running state.

The magnets inside the metal box start spinning at 300 revolutions per minute.

And gradually increased to 400



finally stabilized.

800 rpm.

The heat brought by the rotation of the equipment quickly spread to the surface of the metal casing, making the casing faintly warm.

See this situation.

Including Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding and others, the construction sideline team members who had been waiting here immediately began to carefully wipe off the cold water.

Of course.

Due to the current shortage of fresh water in the base, Zhou Shaoping and the others will naturally not apply fresh water for drinking, but salt water brought back from Xihai Lake.

Two minutes later.

Bao Zheng, who had been paying attention to the screen, had a frozen expression, and quickly said to Sun Junren:

"Yuan Sun, the data is displayed on the screen, all six lights are on, and there is no problem with the information transmission!"

When Sun Junren heard this, his chest relaxed slightly.

It is different from Xu Yun's earliest establishment plan.

This time, in order to ensure smooth radar calibration, Sun Junren and the others used the serial mode for power and data transmission.

That is, if there is a problem somewhere-for example, if it cannot be started, then all the lights will not come on.

Right now, all six lights are on, which at least shows that the most basic connection link has passed the test smoothly.

As expected of a top eighth-rank worker comrade.

However, Sun Junren's heartstrings only relaxed a little at this time, and a large part was still suspended in his chest.

After all, there are more important links to check.

So soon.

He turned his head to look at the other person beside him, and said:

"Lao Luo, let's start the next step!"

The old Luo in Sun Jun's population was Academician Luo Peilin, and he immediately nodded calmly when he heard that, and pressed a certain button.

buzz buzz --

Ka Ka Ka——

In an instant.

The sound of the radar became a little louder, but its state also changed from static to


That's right, turn.

I saw that the radar first turned 180° to the left and raised slightly upwards.

Then it paused slowly, and then turned 360° to the right.

Two rounds down.

The trajectory covered all directions smoothly.

However, Sun Junren did not ask Luo Peilin to press the stop button, but turned to look at Lin Yu who was already in place:

"Xiaolin, start correcting the signal!"


Lin Yu quickly pulled a strand of hair to the back of her head, and skillfully pressed a few keys.

Less than ten seconds passed.


The black device in front of Lin Yu soon heard a low vibration.

how to say

This sound is like a hot iron ball being taken out of the stove in an instant, and suddenly put into the water.

Trembling, boiling.

A variety of subtle sounds combined, and flew towards the radar receiver in a state that could not be observed by the naked eye.


The receiver steadily intercepted and recorded it.

After filtering, intermediate frequency oscillation, and conversion of two consecutive chirp cycles, a set of 15 pairs of electrical signals appeared.

Sun Junren looked at the password manual that had been customized in advance, and checked the authentication verbatim.




"Audio beat frequency 95.75"

"The ratio of the amplitude of the harmonic component of the distorted waveform to the RMS value is 1.4134, 2.9867"


in a minute.

Sun Junren took a deep breath.

Slowly raised his head.

He first looked around at the people around him, and his eyes stayed on Xu Yun for a while.

But in the end, he moved his eyes away again, turned to Lao Guo, and said:

"Old Guo, I'm a little hungry. Where is the ax used by Mr. Maxwell that Mr. von Karman gave you?"


Some places have been modified before, and there may be situations where the content of this chapter does not match. For example, a certain chapter originally stated that there were more than 30 items. After the content was deleted, the chapter said that it ran to the front or back, but the changed not much.

In addition, the reason for being reported has nothing to do with this dungeon. It is the issue of the previous press conference and the trial where the protagonist was slandered.

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