Into Unscientific

Chapter 546: Radar's First Showcase (Part 2)

[after three hours],

[Duration of half an hour],


As soon as these three key information come out.

inside the tent.

The expressions on the faces of Lao Guo and Cheng Kaijia instantly became extremely serious.

If there is a certain coincidence in the result of no rain and dust in the previous half day, it may be that it happened to meet the common weather.

So now this prediction contains three important information, there is absolutely no so-called accident and coincidence.

This prediction is either an exact hit.

Or it is seriously wrong.

This is a real choice between the two, and there is absolutely no other possibility.

Think here.

Lao Guo couldn't help re-examining Ye Duzheng in front of him, and confirmed again:

"Director Ye, are you sure?"

"It's the weather out there right now. There's a thunderstorm in three hours?"

"Besides, if I remember correctly."

"With the current meteorological level, it seems that it is technically difficult to deduce the time of lightning occurrence?"

Although Lao Guo is not an expert in the field of meteorology, his research on fluid mechanics is very in-depth.

After all, aerospace also involves related fields, and some of them are common—especially mathematics.

So his perception of the difficulty of N-S equations is not much lower than that of Ye Duzheng and the others.

At the same time, he has a good friendship with the old man Zhu Kezhen who is far away in the capital. During the preparation stage a few days ago, he also asked Zhu Kezhen to understand the difficulties faced by some weather forecasts.

At that time, Mr. Zhu once said something that impressed Mr. Guo deeply:

"With the data tools available...I mean globally, there's a slight chance of deriving precipitation and dust, but thunderstorms are absolutely impossible."

The result was unexpected.

Ye Duzheng actually gave him such amazing news at this moment?

Looking at the dignified old Guo, Ye Duzheng who was opposite him seemed very confident, and said affirmatively:

"That's right, if there are no accidents, there will be a thunderstorm in three hours."

"As for the technical difficulties you mentioned, Mr. Guo. Let's put it this way, the so-called thunderstorm is actually a violent discharge phenomenon caused by cumulonimbus clouds."

"This phenomenon pre-releases a lot of physical signals, which are actually very clear, so the thunderstorm itself is predictable."

"It's just that we lacked both the equipment to capture the signal and a suitable derivation model before, so we are naturally powerless against thunderstorms."

"But... this time we are different."

Speaking of which.

Ye Duzheng looked up at Xu Yun who was beside him, with a trace of gratitude in his eyes:

"Now, with the help of weather Doppler radar, we have mastered many parameters that we didn't have before, and with the assistance of Comrade Han Li, we have newly constructed a mathematical meteorological tool."

"So in terms of thunderstorm derivation, we are not as powerless as in the past."

I heard this.

Xu Yun on the side scratched the bandage on his head embarrassingly.

He actually wanted to cough lightly and say that he just did some minor work.

After all, predicting things like thunderstorms is considered a very basic technology in later generations.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

Even many township enterprises and units have short-term thunderstorm prediction capabilities, and they can predict mid- to long-term thunderstorms if they are lucky.

after all

The conditions for thunderstorms to occur are actually quite simple.

The first is water vapor conditions.

When water vapor condenses into cloud droplets or ice crystals, it releases a large amount of latent heat.

This energy is the main source of energy that drives thunderstorm updrafts, so water vapor can be said to be the "fuel" of thunderstorms.

The second is the unstable stratification condition.

The role of unstable stratification is like a "channel" to release "fuel", and there are absolute instability and unstable conditions.

In layman's terms it is

The relatively cold ones are on top and the relatively warm ones are on the bottom.

Or the low-density ones are on the bottom and the high-density ones are on the top, which is unstable stratification.

When the above conditions are met.

The trigger mechanism of thunderstorms only has two situations: ground boundary and terrain uplift.

The first two water vapor and stratification conditions are very simple, and they belong to the parameters that can be captured by meteorological Doppler radar.

And the latter two cases.

Naturally, it is the model deduced by Ye Duzheng with the assistance of Xu Yun—after all, thunderstorm prediction itself is also a very critical situation for WRF.

If not.

Xu Yun would not have been amazed by Ye Duzheng's model thinking before.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Looking at Ye Duzheng with a determined face.

Lao Guo glanced at Xu Yun calmly, quickly withdrew his gaze, and said:

"Okay, since that's the case, Director Ye, can I report this news?"

Ye Duzheng nodded:

"no problem."

See this situation.

Lao Guo no longer questioned the derivation results.

After all, whether the derivation result is accurate or not will be known in three hours, so there is no need to waste any more words.

Then he turned around and communicated with Zhou Cai and Cheng Kaijia, and quickly made arrangements:


Zhou Cai immediately returned to the factory office to report the situation to the base leaders.


Inform all departments, especially the construction unit, to stop work tonight and take relevant precautions.

After all, ordinary rainfall is better.

But if it's a thunderstorm

Then it is likely to cause some unexpected damage to the base.

For example, the Malan Base in the Gobi Desert.

Since the Malan base is far away in Lop Nur, that is, deep in the desert, the organization has relatively ignored the probability of thunderstorms in the desert.

For a long, long time.

Malan base's protection level against thunderstorms, even after the earthquake.

The result was last October.

The Malan base was hit by a rare thunderstorm, causing three people to be seriously injured, and more than a dozen vehicles were damaged to varying degrees.

Some construction projects below the ground also suffered losses.

The only thing that can be called lucky is that the three injured eventually saved their lives and did not lead to more serious accidents.

So if a thunderstorm really happens tonight, then many facilities in Factory 221 will have to take corresponding protective measures.

Then soon.

Li Jue and other leaders passed the report of Lao Guo and others, and began to notify each branch factory to make preparations.

Of course.

It's still the same sentence I said at the beginning.

The number of employees in the entire base is tens of thousands, which is a large base.

In addition, the image of the meteorological center at this time, or the record is really not reliable.

So throughout the preparation process.

Inevitably, some unfriendly voices appeared.

Staff live in three areas.

"Mom sells Peeler!"

Wang Hanlin, the leader of the second team of the construction sideline team of the No. 7 branch, squinted his eyes while wearing work clothes, and muttered:

"My head is dizzy at night. At this time, God is rubbing and calling people up, is it scratching?"

Hearing Wang Hanlin's complaints.

The deputy team leader beside him, Chen Ping, first turned around and glanced at the other workers who were walking out of the dormitory.

Then he gently tugged at his sleeve, reminding him in a low voice:

"Okay, if you don't say a few words, you will die, you?"

"Don't persuade me!"

Wang Hanlin's voice suddenly rose a little bit, sounding very upset.

But after the people around cast their eyes, they still suppressed their voices and said:

"Those melon skin treasures in the meteorological center are going to die. I don't have any opinion on contributing to the country and the base. I don't have any opinion, but listening to the arrangements of those squishy kids, isn't this a waste of time?"

Say it.

Wang Hanlin looked up at the sky again, and spit to the side:

"The thunderstorm of the thunderstorm mmp-there are stars everywhere on this day, and there are half a cloud from east to west, so how could it be possible to spark fire?"

Looking at Wang Hanlin who was full of complaints, Chen Ping could only shake his head.

be honest.

Wang Hanlin's mood is completely understandable to him.

Firstly, the reputation of the meteorological center in the base has not been very good, and I have tossed everyone back and forth several times.

The result is often that it does not rain when it is said to rain, and it rains when it does not rain.

The second reason is that it is already close to ten o'clock, which is indeed very late for people of this era.

In particular, their group has no night shift tasks today, so everyone has basically gone to bed, or is with their significant other.

As a result, the notice from above abruptly disrupted everyone's work and rest.

Especially after learning that the object of cooperation is still the weather center.

The anger in everyone's hearts rose instantly.

Then Chen Ping looked around the scene and found that there were not a few people who reacted like Wang Hanlin.

Seeing this, Chen Ping could only sigh lightly, patted his friend on the shoulder twice, and said in dialect:

"Why are you panicking? You don't know if you don't tell me? What if they mess up this time?"

"Got to breathe!"

Wang Hanlin gave Chen Ping a blank look, his stomach full of anger finally gushed out, and he pointed to the sky:

"That's what I'm talking about. If it really drips today, I'll send Yaoer to learn meteorology in the future!"

This moment.

Wang Hanlin himself is also good.

Whether Xu Yun, Ye Duzheng, or Li Jue.

Look at the entire base.

No one knows what kind of impact this Sichuan worker's angry words will have on the history of technology for the rabbits.

And no one will know.

The special event that happened tonight was far more than this one.

Just as Wang Hanlin swore to the sky.

Ye Duzheng was standing next to the weather Doppler radar, discussing some meteorological aspects with his friend Tao Shiyan.

Of course.

This kind of discussion is not so much an academic exchange, but more to relieve inner tension.

This is the same reason that many people in later generations like to discuss the content of the game before the exam results, but in fact it is just to kill time.

After a while.

Perhaps it is to relieve some pressure for friends.

Tao Shiyan coughed lightly, and made a rare joke with a hint of dirty:

"How about it, brother Duzheng, you weren't as nervous as you are now in your bridal chamber?"

Ye Duzheng rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily:

"Look at what you said, isn't this nonsense? Of course it is. I'm more nervous today."

Tao Shiyan immediately burst out laughing.

Then Ye Duzheng glanced at his friend who was full of smiles, and shook his head helplessly:

"Don't laugh, brother Shiyan, I don't know how things will develop next."

"The happier you laugh now, the more depressed you may be then."

Tao Shiyan raised her eyebrows, pointed at the prediction result in Ye Duzheng's hand and asked:

"Why, Duzheng, even you don't believe in your own achievements?"

"If I remember correctly, that's not what you and Mr. Guo said just now."

"...It's not that I don't believe it."

Ye Duzheng also put his eyes on the stack of manuscripts in his hand, pinched the lower left corner of the manuscript with his left hand, and clattered a few times on the palm of his right hand:

"The key is that what we calculate is nature. Especially now that we have a new mathematical model, let's look back at the past few days."

"Ha, how childish and ridiculous it is to try to calculate the time of day with five hundred sets of data."

Speaking of which.

Ye Duzheng couldn't help but leaned back, leaning his back against the railing, and said to Tao Shiyan:

"Brother Shiyan, do you know what I'm really thinking about right now?"

Tao Shiyan thought for a moment and guessed:

"Will there be thunder later?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Duzheng shook his head and gave a negative answer:

"Thunder? I really care about this issue, after all, it is related to the research of the entire base project."

"But to tell you the truth, brother Shiyan. What I'm thinking about now is actually another thing."

"Even though I force myself to focus on the thunderstorm verification each time, my thoughts always turn there."

Tao Shiyan was startled:

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Ye Duzheng took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes:

"That's...something deeper about the whole atmospheric system."

Then without waiting for Tao Shiyan to ask questions, Ye Duzheng continued to explain:

"This is an idea that popped up after my exchange with Han Li—Brother Shiyan, look, the mathematical model we deduced just now is closer to the real atmospheric environment than the one a few days ago, right?"

"But on the other hand, there is still room for further upgrades in this model, such as the optimization of vertical gradients, etc."

"So I was thinking... Is it possible that the sky above our heads is actually an extremely complete real system?"

Talking and talking.

The expression on Ye Duzheng's face became more and more excited, and he spoke a little faster:

"This system is a deterministic system, there is no so-called randomness, but it is very, very sensitive to the precision of the state variables."

"Every change in an atmospheric particle can have an impact on the entire system—so it's a purely mathematical mechanistic model."

Then Tao Shiyan was still a little confused.

Ye Duzheng thought for a while, and blew in front of him:


Then he pointed to the corner of his mouth and explained to Tao Shiyan:

"Look, for example, what I just did."

"I breathed a sigh of relief at the base, that is, Xihai Province. It is just an extremely insignificant small variable for the entire Huaxia weather model."

"But after the diffuse effect of the whole system, it is very likely that it will eventually set off a dust storm in the capital-this is the classic characteristic of this system."

"Brother Shiyan, do you think my idea is particularly interesting?"


Tao Shiyan was silent for a moment, then gently touched his chin:

"It seems that there is a certain possibility that it is correct, but Duzheng, if the system you mentioned really exists, then it must be very complicated."

"Yes, it is very complicated."

Ye Duzheng nodded calmly, and said to Tao Shiyan:

"So I decided, if our model is successful this time."

"Then after the detonation laboratory is successfully built, I will apply to be transferred back to the capital to continue researching this theory."

"Brother Shiyan, I have a hunch that this will be a very far-reaching theoretical direction, not just affecting the field of meteorology."

In front of friends.

Ye Duzheng confessed all his thoughts that he had not communicated with Xu Yun before, without hiding a single word.

Tao Shiyan opened her mouth, as if feeling a little crazy about Ye Duzheng's thoughts.

But after a long silence.

Tao Shiyan's words of admonition turned into another question:

"Denzheng, what name are you going to give this theory?"

Ye Duzheng was silent for a moment, then looked up at the sky again:

"According to the definition in "Book of Changes Gan Chiu Du", the process of Wuji's transition to the birth of heaven and earth is called Xiantian Wutai."

"They are Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji."

"Among them, form has quality, and the immature stage is Taisu, so this theory is simply called."

"Taisu theory."

And at the same time Ye Duzheng was talking to Tao Shiyan.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is tens of thousands of kilometers away.

A middle-aged man named Edward Norton Lorenz suddenly sneezed several times

It's still the same moment.

Xu Yun didn't know what kind of changes happened in the base in just tens of minutes.

It is even more unclear that the local meteorology of this timeline will be directly skewed to the Xianwu constellation after today, which can be called abnormal to the extreme.

Right now Xu Yun was sitting alone in a wheelchair, staring at the few peanuts in his hand in a daze.

not long ago.

After the weather Doppler radar is covered with protective measures.

Zhou Shaoping followed Zheng Tao and set up a fire at a safe place aside.

Then they called Qiao Caihong, Zheng Tao, Zhang Gongding, Bao Zheng, Lin Yu, and several other young people whose names Xu Yun had never heard of, and held a unique ashes tea party beside the bonfire where sparks were flying around——Suggestion Readers in Fujian read the last five characters twice more.

As for the reason, it's because we have to stay here for a few hours anyway, so it's better for everyone to sit and chat than to sit dry.

For this reason, Zhou Shaoping also took out a small cloth bag the size of a fist, and opened it to reveal a small ball of peanuts inside.

This kind of peanuts may not even be sold for five yuan in lo-mei shops in later generations, and it can only be sold for three or four yuan at the top.

However, the other youths around Zhou Shaoping looked at the bag of peanuts with bright eyes, as if what was placed in front of them was not peanuts, but gold.

Even the two lesbians Qiao Caihong and Lin Yu are no exception.

no way.

Supplies are so scarce these days, and peanuts are standard luxury goods.

Then Zhou Shaoping carefully distributed a small handful of peanuts to everyone, even Xu Yun was no exception—but considering that Xu Yun had just recovered, Zhou Shaoping only gave Xu Yun five or six peanuts symbolically.

Wait for the peanuts to be distributed.

Zheng Tao couldn't wait, so he picked up a peanut and put it in his mouth, chewing it happily a few times:

"It smells delicious!"

"Old Zhou, I didn't expect you to hide such a good thing?"

Zhou Shaoping laughed twice when he heard the words, stretched out his hand and scratched his head:

"I exchanged the movie ticket with Lao Wang from the No. 8 Branch Factory. The total amount is only so small. I originally planned to save it for drinking."

"However, there has been no new wine in the factory for four months. I thought that the peanuts would not be stored for a long time, so I might as well spend some extravagance today."

Hear the word wine.

Several youths at the scene couldn't help but licked the corners of their mouths.

Wine these days is a real rarity, and many educated youths like to have a few sips when they have nothing to do.

However, it is a pity that domestic materials are relatively scarce at the moment, and the output of even low-quality wine is not high.

Even if it is rare for drinks to arrive in the factory, they will basically be bought first by those eighth-level and seventh-level workers.

It is basically impossible for young people like Zhou Shaoping to buy drinks in the sideline team at this time, and it will be almost the same in a few years.


Think here.

Zhang Gongding threw a peanut into his mouth with some annoyance, and his cheeks twitched a few times.

Then he turned his head to look at Bao Zheng, and asked curiously:

"Comrade Baozheng, you technical backbones who come from the capital to support, do you have alcohol in your monthly quota?"

Bao Zheng was considered the oldest person in the scene, but his face was very young, so he shook his head immediately after hearing this:

"No, there is only one can of canned longan in syrup every month, which is produced in Rongcheng, Fujian, and the others are the same as yours."

Then Baozheng thought of something else, pointed to Lin Yu who was beside him and said:

"By the way, Comrade Lin Yu has a wine quota, and she can get half a catty of Fenjiu a month."


The voice just fell.

All eyes on the scene locked on Lin Yu who had short hair.

Then Zhou Shaoping thought for a moment, clenched his right fist and hammered the palm of his left hand, suddenly said:

"Oh, I understand Comrade Lin Yu, you should be an overseas student returning to China, right?"

"If I remember correctly, international students do have some preferential treatment in terms of quota, and it seems that they can exchange for vodka!"

Lin Yu's character in private is as capable as at work, so she nodded frankly when she heard this:

"Well, I came back from Germany three years ago. I studied communication at the University of Berlin, and my teacher was Gary Petty."

I heard this.

Xu Yun on the side also showed a clear expression along with the crowd.

I see

He was a little curious before, why did this girl master the theory of non-stationary signal analysis, which is considered a cutting-edge concept in the world.

The co-author is an overseas student who has just returned from Germany for a few years.

Germany has been at the forefront of research in electronic communication these years, and it is normal to be able to cultivate such talents.

Then Zhang Gongding on the side hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked Lin Yu:

"Comrade Lin Yu, do you know how to drink?"

Lin Yu shook his head:

"No, pour it in a glass."

When Zhang Gongding heard the words, his eyes immediately lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask:

"No drinking! Comrade Lin Yu, can I exchange material tickets for your alcohol quota?"

"Movie tickets, food and oil tickets, and cloth tickets are all fine!"

"By the way, I still have import goods exchange coupons that can be used in the shopping mall in Shanghai. Even the lipstick on the other side of the sea can be exchanged!"

Xu Yun squinted at Zhang Gongding.

He suspected that the reason why the old academician would use paper diapers in future generations was partly related to his love of drinking—although the current Zhang Gong must not be able to drink alcohol, but after seeing this posture and other supplies, the boss probably I drank a lot.

Fortunately, Xu Yun didn't need to find a way to do something wrong, so Lin Yu gave Zhang Gongding a critical blow:

"I'm sorry, comrade, I've already replaced my drink quota with coffee beans, so I'm afraid I can't exchange it with you."

I heard this.

Zhang Gongding's face froze immediately, and he lowered his head a little bit.

Well, it's over.

Then everyone chatted briefly.

They briefly introduced their hometowns, names and majors to each other, which can be regarded as a preliminary friendship.

After the atmosphere is almost the same.

Zheng Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows at Zhou Shaoping and winked quickly.

Zhou Shaoping nodded knowingly.

Then he coughed lightly, turned his head seemingly casually, and asked Xu Yun who had been listening:

"Comrade Han Li, how is your recovery?"

Xu Yun didn't speak much from the beginning to the end, but the girl Qiao Caihong had a great time chatting with everyone.

So after hearing Zhou Shaoping's words, he was startled:


But soon he reacted and smiled lightly:

"Thanks to my concern, my body is recovering well. Well, I can move my fingers now."

"Of course, you can only move four fingers, not five."

Say it.

Xu Yun also took the initiative to raise his left hand and bent his fingers twice.

Zhou Shaoping took all of Xu Yun's actions into his eyes, and after confirming that Xu Yun was out of danger, a trace of emotion appeared on his face:

"Get well, get well."

"I'll tell you the truth, Comrade Han Li, your knowledge base has really opened our eyes."

"To be honest, among the people of the same age I know, you are the most knowledgeable one, even my mentor may not be as good as you."

Zhou Shaoping's voice just fell.

Both Zheng Tao and Zhang Gongding nodded.

They met Xu Yun during the instrument installation more than a week ago. At that time, Xu Yun gave a very impactful damper concept as soon as they met, and helped them solve a big problem.

Later, Xu Yun came up with the principle of meteorological Doppler radar, and at the same time, he showed his extraordinary mathematical ability in the derivation process just now, all of which were noticed by everyone.

More critically.

Young educated people these days are not like some people in the later generations with their eyes high above the top. When they meet some capable people, they have to forcefully say "this is it".

In the face of obvious poor knowledge reserves.

Zheng Tao and others only had pure admiration for Xu Yun.

Xu Yun waved his hands quickly when he heard the words, shook his head and said:

"Don't dare to be, I just happened to encounter a field I'm familiar with, and I'm not as powerful as everyone thinks."

"If everyone thinks highly of me, Han, let's make friends, and there is no need to talk about flattery."

Zhou Shaoping's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly asked:

"Comrade Han Li, are you really willing to make friends with us?"

Xu Yun nodded without hesitation:

"Of course I would."


Both Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding are well-known theoretical physicists in later generations, and they play an important role in the domestic theoretical physics circle.

Although Zheng Tao didn't have much impression of Xu Yun, judging from the fact that everyone regards him as the leader, his ability is probably not too low.

It's just that most of them will not become famous in the future due to some reasons, or now they use a pseudonym Xu Yun and don't recognize it.

Bao Zheng on the side is also a top academician in Huaxia, Lin Yu and Xu Yun are really puzzled, he looks like a character stuffed in by the rich master, but his achievements should not be too low.

If you regard Zheng Tao + Lin Yu as an academician.

Then there are four academicians on the scene, and they are still the top academicians who were full of gold in early China.

How could Xu Yun refuse to make friends with the youth versions of these big guys?

And opposite Xu Yun.

After getting Xu Yun's reply.

The expressions of Zhou Shaoping, Zheng Tao and others suddenly became a little subtle.

as if

A fisherman found that the fish had bitten the hook.

Zhou Shaoping coughed lightly, straightened his body, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, since you are willing to treat us as friends, can I ask you to do me a favor first?"

Xu Yun raised his eyelids and glanced at him:

"What's up?"

Zhou Shaoping, Zheng Tao and Zhang Gongding were silent for a moment.

Then Qiqi took out a stack of manuscript paper and a pen from his body, and said in unison:

"Comrade Han Li, please be our teacher!"

Xu Yun:


I rub it?

What are you guys talking about?

Let me be your teacher?

After recovering.

Xu Yun's head immediately began to shake rapidly, as if a bunch of stone beetles were gnawing on the mummy's head:

"No, no, comrades, this is absolutely impossible"

Not to mention the astonishing achievements and high status of these bigwigs in later generations.

Just looking at their contributions to the Republic, Xu Yun is definitely not qualified to be their teacher.

This is completely different from Xiaoniumai and even Lao Su's situation at the beginning. Even Academician Pan and even Hou Xingyuan are not worthy of this teacher.

But on the other hand.

Xu Yun knew about these things, but Zhou Shaoping and the others didn't know that they would reach that height in the future.

Therefore, he looked at Xu Yun, who even had a color of resistance on his bandages.

Zhang Gongding, who has the hottest temper, frowned and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, why can't we do this?"

"You are capable and have a wealth of knowledge, aren't you the material to be a teacher?"

Xu Yun subconsciously opened his mouth:

"Because. Because"

As a result, Xu Yun couldn't think of a follow-up reason after spending a long time "because".

after all

Under the background of this era.

within this base.

It seemed that he really had no reason to reject Zhou Shaoping's request. .

Seeing that Xu Yun seemed to be thinking of how to refuse, Zheng Tao rolled his eyes and pulled Qiao Caihong from his side:

"Comrade Han Li, let me ask you first, hasn't Comrade Rainbow helped you a lot?"

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously nodded.

Although the real reason for his physical improvement is due to the halo, but without the care of Lin Yu and Qiao Caihong, his body would never recover so quickly.


What Qiao Caihong did to Xu Yun was not only help, but also kindness.

See this situation.

Zheng Tao gave Qiao Caihong a look:

"Comrade Caihong's knowledge of physics is insufficient, and I want to ask Comrade Han Li to help supplement the foundation. This request should be reasonable, right?"

Qiao Caihong nodded cutely.

Xu Yun:


Then Zheng Tao pulled another boy from his side and introduced:

"This is Comrade Xie Yu. His father brought the local donkey to the mine, so Comrade Han Li, you also owe him a favor, right?"

Xu Yun:


What the hell is a donkey?

Then, without waiting for Xu Yun to think carefully.

Zheng Tao pointed to the only peanut left in Xu Yun's hand, and said with fingers:

"In addition, you also ate the peanuts that Lao Zhou treasured. As for the watermelon you ate in the morning, Comrade Lin Yu and Comrade Bao Zheng brought it from the capital."

"Oh, and this pair of wheelchairs of yours. I opened the mold and cast them last week, and there are records in the operation files. You have to admit these things, right?"

Xu Yun continued:


This moment.

There is only one thought in his mind:

I#, who tmd said that people in this era are not routine.

After a while.

Xu Yun let out a long sigh, and nodded as if accepting his fate:

"Come on, Comrade Zheng Tao, don't say anything, can I accept my fate?"

"But don't call me a teacher, I really can't afford it, how about this, let's form an interest group, and I will be the group leader with the audacity."

"Everyone can set a time to study and communicate together. If you have any academic problems, just ask them directly. Let's discuss and solve them with each other. What do you think?"

Zheng Tao and others looked at each other when they heard the words, and nodded in unison:

"no problem!"

Seeing this, Xu Yun sighed again.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this matter is not so difficult to accept.

After all, regardless of the background of this era, or the favor he owed Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding back then, he definitely wanted to set up this study group.

It's just that it has changed from active formation to passive formation at the moment, and there are no other major problems.


Except for that donkey's favor.

And just when Xu Yun was about to ask himself why he owed a donkey favor.

In the sky not far away.

Suddenly there was a dull sound without warning.


Another moment passed.


A drop of rainwater fell on Xu Yun's face, and it hurt him slightly.

Then less than a few seconds.


A large number of raindrops fell from the sky like beans, and instantly extinguished the bonfire.

See this situation.

Zheng Tao reacted first, pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair and ran towards the nearest tent:

"It's raining, everyone get into the tent!"

Everyone came back to their senses after hearing the words, picked up their things and ran towards the direction Zheng Tao said.

The tent was less than twenty meters away from everyone, and they were very close to each other.

But when everyone entered the tent.

Except for a very small number of people, most of them were already half wet by the rain.

A moment passed.

Bao Zheng was the first to react, and looked around:

"Hey, where are Sun Yuan and Director Ye?"

The voice just fell.


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed outside the tent.

The lightning reflects the external scene like daytime, and through the lightning, one can clearly see

This moment.

Sun Junren, Ye Duzheng, and Tao Shiyan were kneeling in the already muddy water, clenched their hands into fists, and shouted to the sky.

Their voices even temporarily overshadowed Thunder's roar, spreading far and far:

"Thunderstorm!!! Thunderstorm!!! Thunderstorm is coming!!!"

"Our prediction was successful!!!"


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