Into Unscientific

Chapter 547 Let 'Han Li' join the project team?

After more than an hour.

General factory office.

Even though it was early in the morning, it was almost one o'clock in the middle of the night.

But at this moment.

The original meeting room was still filled with the main leaders of the base who rushed over.

And unlike Wang Hanlin and those workers who got up before, although many of these leaders are tired, their faces are full of joy and excitement.

Li Jue, the director of the 221 base, was routinely at the head of the conference table, holding a report in his hand and speaking:

"Comrades, about an hour ago, that is, around 11:40 yesterday night, thunderstorms began to rain on the Jinyintan Grassland."

"The strong period of thunderstorm lasted for about 20 minutes. It gradually eased from around 12 midnight, and the rain stopped completely around 12:20."

"During the entire thunderstorm, the base lost a donkey cart, a pair of donkey troughs, two sets of donkey bits, a donkey rope, and some donkey hair. However, the victim donkey is currently in a good mood."

"Another 11 factory warehouses lost a piece of plastic cloth used to keep out the rain, and a returned tire. Other than that, there were no economic losses or casualties."

"more importantly"

Speaking of which.

Li Jue put the report back on the table and looked around the scene.

Finally locked his eyes.

Ye Duzheng, Sun Junren and Tao Shiyan sat on the lower right.

Then he took a deep breath and clenched his fist vigorously:

"More importantly, the occurrence time, duration and specific circumstances of this thunderstorm are completely consistent with the previous results of the Meteorological Center's analysis."

"That is to say... until now, our base... no, it should be said that our country already has a certain degree of accurate weather forecasting capability!"

"We've already glimpsed into the mysteries of nature!"

The voice just fell.

clap clap clap -

The meeting room suddenly burst into applause like the Hiroshima nuclear explosion.

Some factory leaders sitting next to Ye Duzheng and the others, no matter whether they had friendship with them or not, also congratulated them warmly:

"Director Ye, congratulations!"

"Brother Duzheng, you will have a treat when you return to the capital."

"Old Tao, this time you guys have put on a big face!"

"Sun Yuan, Niu Ben!"

These applause and congratulations are not polite or hypocritical, but with strong collective and personal emotions.

after all

Everyone knows what it means that the base has mastered the ability to predict the weather.

Don't say anything else.

Everyone has been waiting for a long time for the construction of the base detonation test site.

This is an event at the 'actual combat' level.

No matter how fast the breakthrough in the theoretical field is, without actual combat conditions, it will be just a two-dimensional paper prototype after all.

No matter how beautiful the paper figurine is, it can't become a real wife, can it?

that's all.

The applause in the meeting room lasted for a long time.

At the end.

The three of Ye Duzheng could only smile shyly and proudly, and kept clapping their hands around.

At the same time this moment has come.

Ye Duzheng also had a deeper understanding of the phrase "ability brings kindness" in his heart.


Even when the meteorological center's derivation failed before, the leaders of the factory did not criticize themselves too much, but gave a lot of comfort.

But everyone's attitude at that time was neutral at best, which was different from what it is now.

After all, everyone wants to have a god teammate.

The round of applause in the conference room lasted for more than a full minute before gradually taking a break.

After the applause died down.

Sitting in a corner, a dark-skinned, sturdy man who looked tall and thick raised his hand:

"Director Li, I have a question."

This person is called Su Chengye, and he is the commander-in-chief of the base construction corps and the general manager of the construction sideline team, with two bars and two stars.

Seeing this, Li Jue nodded towards him:

"Old Su, if you have any questions, it's okay to say."

Hearing this, Su Chengye immediately cast his eyes on Ye Duzheng on the opposite side, rubbed his hands twice, and asked:

"Director Ye, I want to know how long we can predict the weather in the future with our current technology level?"

Ye Duzheng prepared the draft on the way here, and soon reported the result:

"Generally speaking, the accuracy rate within 24 hours can exceed 95% or even reach more than 98%.

"It's about 90% in 24 to 48 hours, and it should reach 80%-85% in 48 to 72 hours. After all, we only need to predict the Jinyintan Grassland."

"But if the prediction time exceeds 72 hours, the accuracy rate will drop by half."

"For example, after four days, the correct rate is at most about 60%, and it may even be lower. 50% or 40% are possible."

"Even if it is very obvious heavy rain or dust, it is difficult for us to complete an accurate forecast."

"Unless ... the existing models and computers can be significantly upgraded, which is obviously not something that can be done in the short term."

Hearing Ye Duzheng's words.

Su Chengye tapped lightly on the table a few times with his fingers, and raised his heavy brows:

"That is to say, the weather must be calculated once every three days, so that we can have a more accurate grasp of the weather?"

Ye Duzheng nodded:

"That's right."

Su Chengye immediately turned to look at Li Jue.

Su Chengye is a veteran of the direct line raised by Li Jue. The relationship between the two has lasted for more than 20 years, and the tacit understanding is very deep.

Therefore, the moment he met Su Chengye's gaze, Li Jue understood Su Chengye's thoughts, and quickly replied:

"Old Su, don't worry, our current resources can afford to predict the loss once every three days."

"After all, the weather Doppler radar is not a one-time device, and the capital's 104 computer computing power is still slightly spare, enough for us to make routine predictions."

Li Jue finished.

Lu Guangda, Lao Guo and others in the audience also nodded in cooperation.

well known.

To design an atomic bomb, it is necessary to calculate multidimensional partial differential equations.

However, partial differential equations cannot be solved algebraically, and must be approximated by recursion through a matrix of linear equations.

Because it is a recursive calculation, the calculation results are extremely dependent on the initial conditions and the settings of the matrix points.

It often takes thousands of cycles to reach a point of convergence, and these boundary conditions are actually powerless for current computers.

The real use of the computer mainly lies in the further numerical derivation after the boundary conditions are completed.

So at this point in time.

The entire project team's occupation of 104 computer computing power is far from reaching the real peak.

Therefore, Li Jue can generously use the usage time owned by the base for the derivation of meteorological data once every three days, regardless of the impact on the theoretical side-at least within three or four months.

Think here.

Li Jue asked Su Chengye again:

"Old Su, you don't have to worry about the weather forecast. The base guarantees to provide accurate data on time."

"In this way, your construction team."

Li Jue didn't finish his sentence.

Su Chengye's expression turned serious, and his simple and honest expression was instantly replaced by a capable military temperament:

"Director Li, don't worry!"

"As long as the weather forecast is accurate, I promise to give you a detonation test site that can't find any faults within a month!"

But after saying the above words, Su Chengye smiled and scratched his head again:

"Of course, the premise is that God will give me a face and don't rain too much"

Hearing Su Chengye's last words, everyone in the audience couldn't help chuckling.


The actual need for weather forecasting at the base is actually to avoid rain and sandy days for construction.

If the next month is full of rainy days, then the weather forecast is also useless.

However, although the annual precipitation in places like Xihai is a little more than Yanjing, it is located in the northwest after all, and there are rarely continuous rainy days.

Generally, when there is rainfall, it is generally torrential rain and the amount is large, but the duration is not long.

Therefore, unless it is truly possessed by a non-chieftain, normal people may not encounter a situation of continuous rainfall for a month in a hundred years.

After a while.

Li Jue turned his attention to Ye Duzheng, Sun Junren and Tao Shiyan again, and said to them:

"Director Ye, the capital is also paying close attention to your forecast results this time. I have reported the situation before you came, and the superiors speak highly of your work."

"However, we are just getting off to a good start, and there are still important tasks to do in the future."

"So the chief hopes that you can take it easy and complete the follow-up weather forecast task satisfactorily. Your contribution will be remembered at home."


These two words are exported.

The bodies of Ye Duzheng and the others straightened unconsciously.

Then the three looked at each other and said in unison:

"Please don't worry about the organization, we promise to complete the task!"

Following the statement of the three people, there was another burst of applause at the scene.

When the meeting reaches this point, the rest is very simple.

Then Li Jue confirmed some things with Su Chengye, Yao Xiaolin, the little old man leading the team that Xu Yun met at the watchtower the day Xu Yun took out the damper, and several other engineering experts.

In the end, a decision was made at the meeting:

from tomorrow.

All resources in the base are given priority to the meteorological center, and the weather forecast is updated every 60 hours.

At the same time, after the meeting, an application was submitted to the "home" to report, and a contact center was urgently set up in Shanzhou to send and receive data, and to continue the previous "mine vein detection" operation as a cover.

The construction brigade took the weather forecast as a benchmark and carried out the construction of the detonation test site in sunny or rainless weather.

The construction area of ​​the three workstations in the detonation test field is 60,000 square meters in total, and the required special materials are provided in real time by the military supply department of the base.

Su Chengye, Yao Xiaolin, and another expert from the Academy of Engineering named Yan Hui served as the front-line chiefs and were in charge of on-site command.

Unless the entire project encounters long-term rainfall, the main building must be completed within one month.

Objectively speaking.

This time is not very Party A.

After all, some areas of the detonation test site are below the ground, and some links have been dealt with long ago.

Coupled with the fact that the entire base construction corps has hundreds of people and various equipment, it is not outrageous to complete the project within a month.

Therefore, this resolution was quickly passed by all the leaders, and Li Jue also announced the adjournment of the meeting.

after all

It's almost one o'clock in the evening now.

However, just as the other leaders were about to leave, Li Jue was about to return to his residence to rest with the enamel cup.

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded beside him:

"Lao Li, you stay here first."

Li Jue couldn't help but pause while holding the handle of the teacup, and looked up at the person who made the sound.

Only at this moment.

Lao Guo was leading Lu Guangda, Peng Mengxiong and Cheng Kaijia standing not far from him, as if they were about to talk.

In addition, judging from the fact that Lao Guo did not speak at the meeting

This is mostly a private matter.

So Li Jue put down the water glass, rubbed his astringent eyes, and sat back in his seat:

"Old Guo, what's the matter? - Let's all sit down and talk first, just find a seat."

Old Guo nodded when he heard the words, and took Lu Guangda and others to the nearest chair and sat down.


After being seated.

Lao Guo was silent for a moment, and asked Li Jue:

"Old Li, this time the weather forecast technology has made such a big breakthrough, how will the higher-ups plan to reward Director Ye and the others?"

Li Jue raised his eyelids to look at him, took out the cigarette case from his body, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Afterwards, he slowly spit out a burst of white mist, and explained:

"The specific plan has not yet been finalized. After all, the accuracy of the weather forecast still needs some time to verify, but the rewards that should be given will certainly not be less."

"I heard what the boss said on the phone. Maybe Comrade Duzheng will be responsible for some management work after he returns to the capital. In the end, he will be promoted to a higher level."

"Why, old Guo, what are you doing asking about these things all of a sudden?"

Lao Guo skillfully took the cigarette case from Li Jue's desk, took out a cigarette from it, put it in his mouth, and asked meaningfully:

"Except Lao Ye and the others, what about the others?"

"There can be such a big breakthrough in weather forecasting. To be honest, Lao Ye's contribution is not at the top."


Li Jue's two fingers holding the cigarette tightened a little when he heard the words, but he reacted within half a second:

"Old Guo, are you talking about Han Li?"

"That's right."

Old Guo hummed, then turned around and looked at Lu Guangda and Peng Mengxiong around him, and said:

"Old Li, if the damper that Han Li took out is just a small object, then his performance in this meteorological observation cannot be ignored."

"Whether it is the principle of weather Doppler radar or his help to Lao Ye during the derivation process, the impact is not as simple as a simple matter, but this is an innovation in theory and technology."

"And these technologies are not actually mastered by the other side of the sea or in Europe, so the small probability of enemy agents can be directly ruled out."

Hearing what Lao Guo said.

Li Jue and the others were silent for a moment.


In this radar research and development process, Xu Yun's contribution is indeed the well-deserved number one.

And his contribution is not as simple as assisting in the production of weather forecasts,

The emergence of weather Doppler radar is of great significance, and it is of revolutionary help to the rabbits' already lagging behind in the development of radar-this is a new technology that has not been mastered across the sea.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

This is a theory with strategic implications.


In the vast defense enterprise.

The importance or urgency of radar may not be as high as weapons such as nuclear bombs, missiles, and firearms-after all, the concept of over-the-horizon has not yet been fully proposed.

But this does not mean that the value of radar is low, it is still an indispensable part of national defense.

More critically.

If Ye Duzheng and others can achieve some theoretical results with this, it will also be of great help to Huaxia's academic status in the world.

That's right.

academic status.

Don't think that if domestic scholars do not publish journals in this period, no matter how poor a country is, it is impossible to isolate itself from the outside world at the top circle of scientific research.

For example, in 1955, Mr. Qian Linzhao published a paper on the fine structure of aluminum single crystal slip bands in the Journal of Physics.

DOI is 10.7498/aps.11.287.

And Mr. Meng Xianzhen also published a paper "Application of Thermodynamic Delayed Gradient Function to Ferromagnetic Resonance Peak Width Theory" this year (copy time).

DOI is 10.7498/aps.17.214.

Just all the time.

There are not many domestic advanced achievements in theory, so the status in the academic circle is indeed not high.

And right now, if Ye Duzheng has some advanced achievements released, it might cause a big shock in the world!

And also because of this.

Xu Yun's contribution is far more than it appears on the surface.

Think here.

Li Jue put the cigarette butt beside the ashtray, shook the cigarette butt, and said to Lao Guo:

"Friends, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't hide it."

When Lao Guo heard this, his expression became solemn, he took a deep breath, and said:

"I want to let Han Li join the project team to assist us in developing nuclear weapons."

"As for the reasons... there are three points in total."

Say it.

Lao Guo paused deliberately, observing Li Jue's reaction.

Seeing that Li Jue and others did not express their views, they continued:

"The first point is what I said before. He has a technology that the West does not have. In addition to his narrow escape, I think the possibility of being an enemy agent can be completely ruled out."

"Although his origin is still doubtful, the chief also said that under the circumstances that he is determined to be 'clean', his existence is reasonable."

"The second reason is his knowledge. To put it bluntly, Han Li's knowledge reserve is bottomless."

"Although he said that he is an international student in the Department of Mathematics, I think his physics level is definitely not low, even surpassing most of the experts in the base."

Li Jue's face didn't change when he heard the words, and he took another puff of cigarette:

"What about the third reason?"

"Third. It's my personal feeling."

Speaking of the third point.

Lao Guo's expression could not help but soften a lot:

"According to my personal judgment, Han Li's attitude toward us—I mean our country—is relatively friendly and even positive."

"The theory of meteorological Doppler radar is so important, it is enough to exchange for a lifetime of glory and wealth in Europe and the United States, and the result? He said to give it to us."

"So I think this comrade can develop a little bit, maybe it will bring some big surprises to our project."


After listening to Lao Guo's words.

Li Jue took a deep look at Lao Guo.

Then, under Lao Guo's expectant eyes, he shook his head slightly:

"No, Lao Guo, he is still not enough."


When Lao Guo heard this, his volume suddenly increased a bit, and he seemed a little unconvinced:

"Old Li, his contribution is obviously enough, and he can't leave our base now."

As a result, Lao Guo didn't finish his sentence.

Li Jue interrupted him:

"Old Guo, this is the chief's opinion."

Lao Guo's expression froze immediately.

After a long while, he tilted his head uncertainly and asked Li Jue:

"Old Li, what did you just say?"


Li Jue took a deep look at him, sighed, and explained:

"Actually, when I reported the meteorological results to the capital, I had already asked my superiors for their opinions. At that time, the chief hadn't rested yet, so he personally listened to my report."

"The chief told me that there is no rush to develop Han Li, you can wait for a while."

"After all...nuclear weapons are too important."

"As I told you at the beginning, we must maintain absolute rationality that is unreasonable or even illogical."

When saying this.

Li Jue's tone was also complicated.

He and Lao Guo are also old partners, and he knows that this friend attaches great importance to talents, especially young talents.

In the past few days, Lao Guo also talked about Xu Yun's affairs.

Therefore, when Li Jue learned that the weather results were accurate today, Li Jue guessed one thing:

Lao Guo will definitely take this opportunity to mention that Han Li.

Therefore, during the phone call with the capital to report the situation, Li Jue specifically asked the higher authorities for their opinions.

In the end, the chief executive's opinion was consistent with Li Jue's decision, both agreed.

Xu Yun is not enough.

after all

This is a nuclear weapon.

Say nothing else.

The wives of Lao Guo and Lu Guangda don't know anything about nuclear weapons research and development now, and their importance in the entire project team is much higher than that of Xu Yun.

One of these people in the base counts as one.

Almost everyone has gone through months or even years of observation and political review before being allowed to join the project.

And the other side.

The weight of the word chief is obviously much heavier than Li Jue's attitude alone.

After hearing that this is the chief's opinion.

Lao Guo immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to rescue.

After a while.

Li Jue took the initiative to pat Lao Guo's shoulder again, and comforted him:

"Old Guo, don't worry, Han Li's contribution will never be forgotten."

"I have already confirmed with the organization that Comrade Han Li's medicines and food are distributed according to the highest standards during the recovery period."

"Lunch and dinner add up to 50 grams of meat—this is the only treatment in the factory, and even I, the factory manager, don't have this specification."

"In addition, if he wants to stay in China for the rest of his life, housing and work organization will be fully covered, ensuring that he will have no worries for the rest of his life."

"However, there is really nothing to do about the wife. After all, it is New China now, and you can't just go against women's will like in the old society, but no matter when and where, there will be at least one nanny to take care of him."

be honest.

The treatment given by Li Jue is indeed quite generous.

Like meat rationing.

Right now, the average daily ration of meat for ordinary workers in the base is 10 grams, which is the amount of one or two small pieces of ordinary braised pork in later generations.

It is 15 grams for scientific research personnel and 20 grams for factory leaders.

Even so, many times it is not up to the standard.

Like the most difficult time of the previous few months.

All the people in the factory together ate 19 pigs and 8 sheep in three months—there are more than 10,000 people in the factory.

Not to mention that the organization also considered Xu Yun's life in the second half of his life, which is indeed full of sincerity.


Lao Guo obviously couldn't say anything to refute this, even if the estimate that the opposite side of the sea can give at this time is almost the same.

But he was not willing to give up at this point, so after struggling for a while, he still asked:

"Then Lao Li, is it really impossible for Han Li to join the project team? After all, the Jade Emperor wasn't that cruel to Fengxian County King."

What Lao Guo is talking about is the allusion of Fengxian County asking for rain in "Journey to the West".

Because the prince offended the Jade Emperor in the book, the Jade Emperor set up a mountain of rice in the incense hall for a chicken to peck, a mountain of rice for a dog to lick, and a golden lock to burn the stile with a lamp.

It won't rain again until the chickens have finished pecking the rice mountains, the dogs have finished licking the dough mountains, and the lamps have broken the golden locks.

Although these requirements are infinitely close to zero in terms of probability, they are still a promise after all, aren't they?


Hearing Lao Guo's words, Li Jue sighed again:

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, the importance of nuclear weapons is too high, unless it is."

Hear the word unless.

Lao Guo quickly raised his head and asked:

"Unless what?"

Li Jue didn't answer him immediately, but snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, and looked up at the sky outside the window.

After a while.

He slowly repeated the words of the chief:

"Unless... Han Li can make a proposal that no one can refuse."

"A world-shocking feat."

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