Into Unscientific

Chapter 548 Teacher Xu’s small class has started (Part 1)

"A world-shocking feat?"

In the meeting room.

Hearing this sentence relayed by Li Jue.

Lao Guo, Lu Guangda and Cheng Kaijia were all stunned for a moment.

After a while.

Lu Guangda, who hadn't spoken much, blinked, and asked Li Jue with hesitation:

"Director, what do you mean by shocking achievement?"

Li Jue shrugged at him, and said bluntly:

"I have no idea."

Lu Guangda, Lao Guo and Cheng Kaijia were full of question marks:


"Hey, I really don't know."

Seeing this, Li Jue couldn't help but increase his tone, waved his hands at several people, and explained:

"The chief said this to me, and then changed the subject to ask me about other matters on the base, and didn't even give me a chance to ask questions."

"It was the same when I hung up the phone at the end. I said something hastily, 'Comrade Li Jue, that's how it is, goodbye', and hung up the phone."

"So I don't know if you ask me, but to tell you the truth, I'm also wondering what the higher-ups mean at the moment."

Lao Guo:


Speaking of amazing achievements.

Everyone at the scene estimated that the first reaction in their minds was obviously their current research and development of nuclear weapons.

If Xu Yun can make a huge contribution in the research and development process, then it can undoubtedly meet the concept of "Amazing Achievement".

but the problem is

The purpose of Xu Yun's astonishing achievements, tmd is to participate in the research and development of nuclear weapons

So no doubt.

The meritorious service of nuclear weapons may obviously be excluded, which belongs to a logical closed loop.


If the direction of meritorious service is not in the research and development of nuclear weapons, how can Xu Yun make such an astonishing achievement?

To be honest.

In this day and age, simple meritorious deeds are common.

For example, catching an enemy agent, saving a person, or protecting public property can all be considered meritorious deeds.

But there are very few cases that meet the condition of "shocking the world".

The so-called world-shocking achievement.

Either it refers to a technology with more strategic significance than weather Doppler radar, which can directly allow some backward but important domestic fields to be iterated or even overtake Europe and the United States.

Either it is to come up with an event or scientific theory that will shock the world, which can greatly improve the international image of the rabbits.

But no matter which of the above points, it seems that the probability is not high.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

From the founding of New China to the present, it is possible that such an astonishing feat can only appear on the battlefield with real swords and guns.

For example, Huang Weiguo, Director Huang of Guide County.

Although his rank is not high, as one of the few remaining meritorious servicemen of the Zhongyuanshan Company of Heroes, Huang Weiguo's contribution is obviously of the 'shocking' level.

But let alone right now there is no war on the frontier.

Just Xu Yun's current appearance, on the battlefield is also a gift to others, and it is estimated that as long as you add a bucket of gasoline that can burn medium-rare, you can get it fully cooked

Therefore, the request made by the capital is almost an impossible task for Xu Yun.

It's just that Lao Guo is strange.

Why is there such a difficult request from the capital?

With the eyes of those big shots in the capital, it's impossible not to see the value of Xu Yun, right?

But if you don't understand, you don't understand.

After all, Lao Guo could not refuse the will of the capital.

Therefore, he could only hide this doubt in his heart for the time being, and prepared to test Xu Yun's tone again when he had the opportunity.

"That's right, friend."

Then Li Jue seemed to think of something again, slapped his forehead lightly, and said to Lao Guo:

"Comrade Qian Bingqiong will come to our base in a while, you should have been informed by the comrades in the secrecy department, right?"

Lao Guo nodded, and there was a trace of emotion in his eyes:

"Well, Department Liu made a special phone call that day, and briefly introduced Comrade Bingqiong's affairs on the phone."

"Tsk tsk. I have to say, the courage of the boss this time is really strong."

As the main person in charge and senior expert of the base, Lao Guo and the others were also informed of the equipment accident that happened in Jincheng in the past few days, and the arrangement that the rabbits were preparing to develop the hydrogen bomb simultaneously.

have to say.

Although this decision was beyond everyone's expectations, it really boosted morale.

Like Lu Guangda on the side, the night he received the news, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he worked overtime all night.

Then Li Jue paused and continued:

"Comrade Qian Bingqiong plans to excavate some young people in the base this time. If there is no accident, the entire light nuclear team may be transferred to our base."


Hearing this, Cheng Kaijia couldn't help but say:

"The light nuclear group is also transferred here? Isn't it always in Yanjing?"

"If it really wants to be transferred to our base Lao Li, wouldn't there be some big changes in terms of personnel and equipment?"

Li Jue nodded, confirming his guess:

"That's right, but the specific arrangement depends on the decision made by the higher authorities. In short, it will involve a lot of people."

"In addition to personnel and venues, dormitories, equipment allocation and even factory troops may change."

"In addition, if there are suitable young people in your group to recommend, you can also make a report and give it to me."

"By the way, Lao Guo, you have to be mentally prepared. Comrade Shaohui will probably be transferred to the light nuclear team this time."

"So you can start preparing candidates for assistants now. After all, we now say that nuclear weapons are the ultimate goal, but the transfer of personnel between various groups has to go through some procedures."


Old Guo opened his mouth when he heard this, as if he wanted to say something.

But after a moment of hesitation.

He still nodded heavily:

"Okay, I see."

And to this point.

Lao Guo and the others have almost talked about what they should talk about.

So Li Jue officially announced the adjournment of the meeting, and everyone separated and went back to their homes.

There was nothing to say all night, only a few voices came from some rooms.

in the next week.

The Meteorological Center made two weather forecasts successively, accurately predicting three rainfalls of different scales and four sandstorms.

These seven accurate calculations provided high-quality construction support for the Construction Corps.

It also completely suppressed the last voice in the base that had doubts about the weather forecast.

In just a few days.

The construction progress of the detonation test site is so efficient that it even exceeds the sum of the past month.

If the heavens are beautiful.

The detonation test site should be successfully completed within a month.

And at the same time that the entire 221 base was advancing like a raging fire.

some morning.

18 branch factories.

In an unremarkable earthen house near the staff hospital.

This moment.

This relatively empty room has been surrounded by a table inside to form a [口] layout, and there are about twenty young men and women sitting on the seats outside the table.

Some of these men and women were talking in low voices, others were reading newspapers or doing calculations.

After a while.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Zheng Tao took the initiative to stand up from the central position.

I saw that he calmly clapped his hands towards everyone, and said loudly:

"Comrades, it's almost time, please be quiet first."

Everyone in the room fell silent.

Then Zheng Tao looked around, nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"Good morning, everyone. I am Zheng Tao from the construction sideline team of the 18th branch."

"I am very glad that everyone can come to participate in the first collective meeting of the interest group. Here, on behalf of the founders of the group, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all!"

Say it.

Zheng Tao bowed slightly to the others around him.

clap clap -

The crowd also applauded with dignity.

After a while.

After the applause paused, Zheng Tao said again:

"Comrades, everyone must have had a preliminary understanding of the general situation of our interest group before coming to our headquarters today."

"However, according to the relevant process specifications of the base, I still need to introduce the specific guidelines of our team here."


Zheng Tao picked up a document from the table, showed everyone the seal on the cover, and then opened a page:

"This interest group is the 258th worker's activity organization approved and established in the base. It was established on July 4, 19XX."

"The name of the interest group is 'Never Update', which means that we hope that everyone will stick to the current patriotic will, not pursue secular and false new things, and not change your original intention with time."

"Approved by the political department of the base, the first batch of members of the team consists of 21 members, 7 members of the party, 4 members of the reserve party, 9 members of the party, and one member of the public."

"The direction of this group's activities is purely academic discussion, and does not involve political positions or partisan speeches. If there is any falsehood, the group members are obliged to report to the leadership of the base."

After reading the guidelines.

Zheng Tao put down the file again, and looked around again:

"Comrades, now please express your views on the charter. Comrades who have understood the relevant content and have no objection to this, please raise your hands!"

Zheng Tao just finished speaking.


Everyone raised their left hands at the same time.

Seeing this, Zheng Tao nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"Very well, thank you for your cooperation."

"Then let me continue to introduce the main founders of our group—of course, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates in this identity, and everyone's identity is equal in academic discussions."

"First of all, I am myself. I am the deputy leader and clerk of the interest group, responsible for coordinating non-academic affairs."

"For example, venue scheduling, time arrangement, consumption of pen and paper during each discussion, etc."

"In addition, the two on my right are Comrades Zhou Shaoping and Lin Yu, who are responsible for the details of the gay group and the lesbian group respectively."

Hearing Zheng Tao's words.

Zhou Shaoping and Lin Yu stood up at the same time, and nodded to everyone.

Everyone once again applauded with dignity.

After Lin Yu and the two sat back to their seats.

Zheng Tao looked at his right hand again, his tone and expression became a little dignified:

"The last thing I want to introduce is"

"The guidance advisor of our interest group, an international student from Cambridge University, Comrade Han Li."


This moment.

He looked at the dozen or so young men and women around him.

Xu Yun's heart was not peaceful.

a week ago.

After Xu Yun said that an interest group could be set up, Zheng Tao, Zhou Shaoping and the others immediately prepared the venue needed for the group.

In the end, with the help of Qiao Caihong, they really found such a vacant house near the hospital—even though Qiao Caihong is just a small nurse, the patients in the intensive care unit she is in charge of are basically the management of the base. There are indeed a lot of big bosses.

Other than that.

Zhou Shaoping and the others were stunned to attract more than a dozen young workers who were about the same age, saying that they wanted to discuss knowledge together.

be honest.

This is a good thing.


These so-called 'young workers' will almost have to make Xu Yun look up to them with their high achievements in the future.

Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding, Bao Zheng and Lin Yu will not be mentioned.

See that square-faced young man next to Zhou Shaoping?

His name is Wang Wei, a well-known expert in semiconductor optoelectronic devices in China, and a well-known academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the future.

There is also the boy with protruding ears like Yao Chen who is thin and wide-mouthed next to Wang Wei.

This person is called Yang Shuzi, a well-known mechanical engineering expert in China in the future, and the former president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

In addition, Xu Yun also met Yang Fujia and Chen Shigang, two well-known bigwigs.

That is to say, among the nineteen people present (except Qiao Caihong), there are at least seven academicians alone.

There may be some unknown bigwigs among the remaining people-after all, some people use pseudonyms for confidentiality reasons.

Under the dual effects of pseudonym and youthful appearance, Xu Yun is prone to misjudgment.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising that there are so many future bigwigs on the scene.

These bigwigs on the scene are basically the first batch of academicians in China, which not only means that they have made extraordinary contributions, but also means that their political identities are clean.

Therefore, it is very normal for them to be selected into the base when the total number of Huaxia college students is limited, and then form a small group through the recognition of their abilities.

In a sense.

The small group of Zhou Shaoping and the others is a smaller version of the Cambridge Apostolic Society.

But also because of this.

When facing these big guys, Xu Yun


no way.

In the face of these big guys, you will be cowardly.

at the same time.

The youthful bosses around looked at Xu Yun differently at this time.

Someone to look forward to.

Someone is calm.

Someone is curious.

There are also people who question and examine.

after all

Xu Yun's appearance is really terrible:

The whole person was slumped in a wheelchair, with his head tilted, wrapped in bandages from head to toe, and a few exposed skins were also unhealthy red.

If you close the windows of the house and light a few candles, it’s more like a cult party than an interest group—Xu Yun is the sacrificial offering.

In addition, many of these bigwigs had never been in contact with Xu Yun before, so it was obviously impossible for them to show any respect to Xu Yun all at once.

After a while.

Faced with the pressure from the big bosses, Xu Yun was forced to speak:

". Comrades, hello everyone. I'm Han Li."

"Thanks to Comrade Zheng Tao's attention, it's really a bit of trepidation to let me, a half-disabled person, be an advisor to the interest group."

"In fact, I don't have a lot of skills. I just acquired some knowledge abroad. It seems that I know a little bit about everything, but I don't know much about it."

"But because of this, I am quite suitable to be an 'introducer', so in the next process, I hope that all students will not hesitate to enlighten me."

As the saying goes.

Flower sedan chairs are carried by people.

Seeing that Xu Yun's posture was so low, the indifference in the eyes of some people at the scene faded a lot.

After all, the people present today have actually been screened by Zheng Tao, and some surly people have long been excluded from the group.

After a while.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Zheng Tao said:

"Okay, since that's the case, let's stop talking too much, let's start now."

"Let's discuss the problem."


Today is my third blind date this year, I go to bed early, so this chapter has fewer words.

The next little climax is about to begin. I have been looking forward to this shocking achievement for a long time. Give me a key word, Fengshenyanyi

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