
outside the clearing.

Looking at Qiao Caihong whose gaze instantly changed from dazed to sharp.

Xu Yun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, became dazed instead.

What's the situation?

To know.

Jinyintan, where the 221 base is located, is located in the central and western part of Xihai Province. From the perspective of location, it belongs to the absolute hinterland of the country.

The 18th branch factory is the main factory of the entire base, and its location is in the deepest part of the base.

So in theory.

Such a heavily guarded base with a safe location is unlikely to have any major accidents.

Not to mention that Xu Yun is relatively familiar with the current period of history, and there is no record of major changes in Base 221 in his impression.

At most, there was a year when rats were infested. More than 7,000 rats were killed in the base, and the corpses were burned because they were not voles and could not be eaten.

Could it be an earthquake?

Or a giant sandstorm?


If you heard me right.

The sound from that speaker seems to be somewhat similar

Air defense alert?


A flash of lightning flashed across Xu Yun's mind.


Although Base 221 has not encountered any huge natural disasters or armed attacks in its history, it has encountered that thing.

Is it this time

Is it for that reason?

And just as Xu Yun was thinking about it.

Ye Duzheng. No, it should be said that everyone in their field of vision also started their own actions.

For example, Xu Yun saw a few patients who seemed to be recovering and relaxing like him, and they were also rushed towards the hospital by the accompanying medical staff.

There were also several sideline team members who were debugging a certain equipment, and quickly packed the equipment into a box.

As for the most outrageous picture, it appeared near the base station of the weather Doppler radar:

Less than half a minute.

Around the originally sparsely populated abutment, a large group of people appeared like the Viet Cong, and there seemed to be no less than twenty or thirty people.

I saw that they were extremely proficient in dismantling, dismantling, covering, and packaging of the equipment on the abutment.

It's not over yet.

After vacating an open space.

Another group of people appeared with quilts, clothes, and brackets.

They directly set the brackets on the ground, pulled the ropes, and spread the clothes and quilts on top.

This high-tech area, which was originally recording meteorological data, instantly became a living area for drying clothes and quilts.

at the same time.

The operators who were inputting data at the operating table also quickly wrapped their white headscarves and put on more shabby clothes, looking like simple peasant comrades.

Xu Yun:


If Xu Yun has the perspective of God, he will find another thing:

The area that is undergoing major changes at this time is far more than just this small area of ​​the main factory.


Right now, in the entire 221 base, almost all the open-air areas are playing the 'dress-up game'.

It was seventeen kilometers away from Xu Yun and the others in a straight line.

The construction site of the detonation test field.


A galloping jeep made a dry brake sound on the ground, and wobbled to a stop at the gate of the construction site.

Then wait for the car to stop.

Lao Guo hurriedly opened the car door and jumped out.


Then Lao Guo looked around a few times.

After discovering the target he was looking for this time, he quickly walked towards the other party, and at the same time called out the other party's name:

"Hey! Commander Su!"

Su Chengye was originally looking at a construction drawing, but when he heard Lao Guo's words, he quickly turned his head and said in surprise:

"Guo Gong, why are you here?"

"I just happened to be dealing with some things in the fourth branch factory, so I came here first as I was near here."

Old Guo calmed down his breath first, and then quickly said to Su Chengye:

"Captain Su, how is the situation at the construction site?"

Hearing this, Su Chengye showed Lao Guo a mouth full of broken teeth. This is the 'medal' he left behind during the Peninsula Campaign, and he looked very excited:

"Everything is going very well. Here, look there, the foundation pits have been laid for the first two stations."

"Today we are going to apply a kind of paint to these two stations, saying that it can keep the impact effect after the cold blast to a few decimal places. I really forgot what the name is, but our digging"

Just when Su Chengye was halfway through his report.

Lao Guo suddenly interrupted him:

"Captain Su, the plan has changed, and all construction tasks today will be cancelled."

"The excavation equipment has entered the site"

Su Chengye subconsciously finished the second half of his words, and immediately he was taken aback:


After a while.

Su Chengye's voice suddenly raised a bit:

"Guo Gong, what are you talking about?"

Lao Guo couldn't help but sighed, and repeated:

"Head Su, I mean that all the construction tasks for today will be cancelled—and plan B will be launched in real time."

Hear the words Plan B.

Su Chengye's look of astonishment, which he wanted to ask about the situation, instantly turned into a deep solemnity.

I saw his hands subconsciously clenched into fists, and asked Lao Guo:

"Guo Gong, are those bastards coming?"

Lao Guo nodded, turned around and looked to the southeast, and explained:

"That's right, I received a notification from comrades from the Observation Department of Fujian Province 20 minutes ago that a U2 was spotted by our shore-based radar 11 minutes ago."

"Judging from the flight trajectory, U2 will pass over the base in about three hours."

"In order not to expose the true situation of our base, Plan B must be launched immediately—not only your construction site, but the entire base is now in action."


Su Chengye was silent for a few seconds, and his teeth chattered a few times.

But at the end.

This strong man still let go of his fist helplessly, with a trace of decadence in his eyes:

".Understood, I will inform other comrades now."

Seeing Su Chengye's expression of wanting to bite his cheeks into pieces, Lao Guo could only pat him on the shoulder wordlessly.

As the leadership of the base.

Lao Guo's anger and helplessness about this matter was no less than Su Chengye's.

to be honest.

Everyone understands the truth of trying to be brave.

But in all fairness.

Watching other people flaunt their might in the sky above their own home but can't do anything, and even accompany the other party to 'act' in embarrassment.

This sense of humiliation cannot be suppressed with chicken soup for the soul anyway.

Take today's construction site as an example.

Today the construction site is going to be painted with a special high-temperature silicone paint, which is expensive to make and has harsh storage conditions.

Without this coating, shock wave acquisition during the cold blast phase would be greatly hindered.

But because of the reason of existing preservation technology.

The liquid timeliness of this kind of paint is very short, and it must be applied on the same day of production, and it will fail after more than six hours.

Now that the U2 reconnaissance plane is about to come over the base, no one knows how many times it will circle around, let alone whether it will pretend to fly by and come back again to make a surprise attack.

Therefore, the base may only allow various departments to resume operations after receiving the return notice from the reconnaissance department of Fujian Province.

And in this way.

This kind of coating, which the chemical industry spends a lot of money to make, will inevitably be completely scrapped.

Not to mention other equipment, personnel, and morale will also suffer varying degrees of wear and tear.

This is just a small detonation test site, and there are countless places like this in the entire base.

Think here.

Lao Guo couldn't help but looked up at the sky again, and murmured:

"U2 ah."

"It really is U2."

at the same time.

Xu Yun, who was brought to a hidden building by Qiao Caihong, also had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

After entering the room.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, he asked Ye Duzheng and Qiao Caihong about the reason for the current situation.

Although what Ye Duzheng and Qiao Caihong said was [221 factory has a national key project, so it has been targeted by some people, and there are often reconnaissance planes flying over for reconnaissance, so every time the base must do a good job of keeping secrets].

But for a traveler like Xu Yun who is familiar with the current history, these words can't fool him at all.

Basically at the same time as Ye Duzheng finished speaking.

He immediately realized who the real "protagonist" of the incident was:

U2 spy plane.

This is exactly the "that thing" I guessed before.

Mentioned long ago.

For various reasons.

The opposite side of the sea is not ignorant of the rabbits' development of nuclear weapons.

Whether it was the search for uranium mines by the whole people back then, Mao Xiong's later assistance, or the own needs of a populous country, it was destined that the rabbits would definitely develop the atomic bomb.

So the development of nuclear weapons itself is no secret.

Just as everyone knows that authors of online articles must have archives, the real thing to doubt is not the archives themselves, but the number of them.

Is it a chapter?

Five chapters?

Or ten chapters?

The same is true for the development of nuclear weapons back then.

After the hairy bear experts withdrew.

The nuclear program facing the rabbit is actually not very clear.

The progress of their development of rabbit nuclear weapons is largely based on speculation.

As mentioned before.

The reconnaissance satellite on the other side of the sea actually obtained pictures of the Lop Nur base, that is, the Malan base, very early on.

But they didn't recognize that this was the detonation test site at all, but they judged it to be a satellite launcher.

According to various information released by later generations, the current understanding of the progress of Haiduan facing the rabbits is roughly like this:

They already know that the Rabbits are already mining uranium feedstock and building enrichment plants, and think the first nuclear reactor will be nearing completion around the end of this year, which will provide plutonium in 1962.

From this the rabbits will have a plutonium bomb, test it in about five years, and have a small atomic bomb in six years.

Objectively speaking.

In fact, this judgment is very different from the real process of history, and the mistakes and omissions are very serious.

but the problem is

Even if it's a plutonium bomb, it's still an atomic bomb, isn't it?

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to give up the pursuit of intelligence across the sea.

After all, being bad is one thing, being stupid is another.

At that time, the other side of the sea also analyzed that the experimental area of ​​the rabbits was 100% in the northwest area, but the depth of those places was really far away and a bit outrageous.

In addition, the reconnaissance satellites of this year have just been born, and the accuracy of taking pictures is quite high, and they can't stay in the sky for long.

Therefore, the only reconnaissance method that can be relied on on the other side of the sea is——

U2 spy plane.

To be honest.

Even from the opponent's point of view, U2 is indeed a magic machine called black technology.

It was born in 1956 and was developed and manufactured by Lockheed across the sea.

It has a slender body, an amazing wingspan, and its whole body is painted black, resembling a big black bird.

However, the spare wheel often falls off due to design problems, so the tower will often say that the aircraft has no tires during take-off as a reminder.

In the 1960s, it was able to take ground photos at an altitude of 15,000 meters, and the headlines in newspapers could be clearly seen.

With one mission, the photos taken can fill a house.

Even in 2023 when Xu Yun travels through.

The U2 reconnaissance aircraft is still in service and has been pushing back the retirement deadline.

At that time, in order to be able to scout the situation of the rabbits.

Across the sea, a black cat squadron was specially set up at a sensitive location, and the range of the reconnaissance plane was just enough to make a round trip.

Ever since.

For a long time.

The U2 reconnaissance plane will go to the depths of the desert to see if the rabbits are secretly doing trouble.

At the same time, it is very helpless.

The U2 reconnaissance aircraft has a limit flight altitude of 24,000 meters, and can even reach more than 27,000 meters.

In this era, even the bear's MiG-17 fighter can only fly to 13,000 meters.

So after U2 came out.

It began to fly into the airspace of other countries recklessly, ignoring the rules.

So in this period.

Base 221, Malan Base, and Factory 504 can only cooperate with the reconnaissance department of Fujian Province for a long time as a precaution.

Once the shore-based radar detects U2 take off.

Several major bases will immediately start 'acting':

Put away the concealed facilities and equipment, drive out all the delivery vehicles, dry quilts or bag grains on the open space, etc.

Of course.

The rabbits also inherited some traditions of guerrilla warfare during this period, and deliberately set up mazes in many places:

For example, to build an empty shell base somewhere in the desert, and 'coincidentally' some equipment was discovered by U2 during transportation

These actors even took the initiative to hide behind some rocks, pretending to be "accidentally" photographed by the camera.

But in general.

Every time they are forced to act, the atmosphere in the major bases is still dominated by anger and helplessness.

after awhile.

Zheng Tao, Zhou Shaoping and several sideline team members were also arranged in this room—after all, they are all college students who graduated from top universities, and many of them have nuclear engineering backgrounds.

There are not many people engaged in nuclear engineering in China these days, and Baobu Qihai has built image files for these students.

If they were photographed, it would be easy to show their feet - what is a nuclear engineer doing in a machinery factory?


After entering the house.

Zhou Shaoping angrily walked to the wall, and hammered hard on the dirt wall:

"These bastards really linger, they come every once in a while, it's endless, right?"

Seeing this, Zheng Tao walked over to him quickly, patted his friend on the shoulder, and comforted him:

"Alright, Lao Zhou, calm down."

"You have to think about it this way, across the sea, you only have the ability to fly a reconnaissance plane to make troubles. Is this considered progress?"

"If it had been in the Tartar Dynasty back then, the warships would have sailed to Dagu by now."

Zhou Shaoping's chest was still heaving and heaving, and his other hand was firmly grasping the corner of the nearest table, as if his five fingers were about to be dunked into it:

"I am pure Qi!"

"Why are there such disgusting people in this world? It's obviously our own territory, why should he be an outsider showing off his power here?"

"You want to be the world's policeman and uphold justice yourself. Do you want to be a thief and robber in the name of a policeman? How shameless is that?"

Hearing the words 'own home'.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but fell into silence.


Say a thousand words and ten thousand, this is my home

Even a fly flying in one's own house is a little uncomfortable, let alone a reconnaissance plane.

However, when everyone was silent.

A long but calm voice suddenly sounded in the room:

"Because people are stronger than our country, if they fall behind, they will be beaten. Weak countries have no diplomacy. This is an eternal truth."


Zhou Shaoping was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the person who spoke.

Only at this moment.

Xu Yun was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at them fixedly:

"Several comrades, you are all high-achieving students who have gone to college, and you should understand what I mean."

"Or to be more precise, since 1840, more than a hundred years ago, the "own family" you call is the best interpretation of the above sentence with the pain of your own skin."

"The word dignity has never been obtained by others' charity, let alone by your asking."

Say it.

Xu Yun raised his right hand vigorously, pointed out the window, and asked Zhou Shaoping:

"Old Zhou. Cough, Comrade Shaoping, do you think that the reconnaissance plane is showing off its power above our heads? This kind of behavior is rampant?"

Zhou Shaoping was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly.

But Xu Yun smiled.

Against the backdrop of the bandages, the grinning smile at the corner of his mouth even looked a little scary:

"Then let me tell you, something even crazier than this will happen in the future."

Speaking of which.

Xu Yun couldn't help showing a trace of memory in his eyes, and said slowly:

"Can you imagine that one day, a diplomat who graduated from a prestigious school, has rich knowledge, and speaks good English is rejected by the United Nations?"

"He could only sit helplessly on a bench in a suit, with his hands crossed, his head bowed, and he said nothing."

"A few days later, his hometown was bombed indiscriminately, and thousands of compatriots were killed."


Ye Duzheng, who was silent all the time, hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"Comrade Han Li, are you talking about Gu Weijun?"

Xu Yun shook his head:

"No, it's just my imagination."

In this day and age.

Gu Weijun's decision at the Paris Peace Conference is widely known.

But it is rare. Or I am afraid that everyone in this era will not know.

Just one hundred years after Gu Weijun refused to sign.

There will be another event on earth that is more poignant than that of Gu Weijun.

But that incident had nothing to do with the rabbit, but another small country.

The protagonist of the incident is called Bashar Jafari, and a photo of that year caused countless people to remain silent.

At that time, Bashar Jafari bravely fought against the Confucians, speaking out for his motherland time and time again.

He accused certain countries of aggression, but when he made a speech, the representatives of the three countries he accused had already turned their heads and left.

Four days later.

His country was hit by missiles, causing countless casualties.

Compared with what happened to Bashar Jafari, the U2 in front of us is really nothing.

Then Xu Yun paused and looked around.

Then the smile on his face became even brighter, and he said again:

"By the way, there is also TV. Everyone should have seen this thing, right? A TV station was just established in China a few years ago."

"So can you imagine such a picture?"

"You are a hard-working worker. After working hard all your life, you finally got a new house, married a virtuous wife, and had a pair of lovely children."

"As a result, one day you just got off work from your unit, and you received a call in the mail room, and a very 'friendly' voice came through the phone——[Is that so, so, hello, twenty seconds later you Your home will be attacked by missiles, and the live broadcast on TV right now is the picture of your home]”

"You turned your head subconsciously, and found that there was an image of your home on the TV. In the image, your wife was washing clothes on the balcony, and a pair of children were playing with building blocks. Then, twenty seconds later, a missile fell. The most precious thing in your life Everything melts before your eyes"


Xu Yun didn't finish his sentence.

Qian Bingqiong, who was at the side, slammed his fist on the table.

This little old man, who had always been smiling since we met, now had a gloomy and terrifying face.

In fact, it's not just Qian Bingqiong.

Everyone in this room seemed to have a fire burning in their eyes at this moment.

to be honest.

The first thing Xu Yun described, they didn't know if it would happen.

But the second thing.

At least in everyone's perception, some people can really do it.

And if such a scene happens to oneself or one's compatriots.

Think here.

Qian Bingqiong and the others couldn't help but shuddered in shock.

After a while.

Zhou Shaoping suddenly took a deep breath, and looked at Xu Yun seriously:

"Comrade Han Li, perhaps one day, such a thing will indeed happen."

"But I swear, I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely will not let the things you say happen to our compatriots!"

In Zhou Shaoping's remarks, he emphasized three absolutes, which shows his firm mind.

Seeing that Zhou Shaoping had calmed down a lot, Xu Yun couldn't help but smiled, ready to say something more.

But just before he spoke.

buzz buzz --

From a certain direction outside the house, there was suddenly a very low vibration.

The frequency of this sound is extremely annoying, how can I say it?

Xu Yun subconsciously thought of those street bombers in later generations.

But soon.

He realized something again, and turned his head to look outside the house.

as expected.

The east side of the building at this time.

Within the field of vision, there is a black plane slowly flying towards the base.

At the same time, it can be seen from the volume of the vibration and the viewing distance.

The plane apparently lowered its altitude and was playing some nasty harassment game to make its presence felt.

And under this noise.

Everyone in the house or in the base could only remain silent.

Some of them even pretend to chat with a smile on their face, because they are well aware of the power of the U2 camera.

This time, U2 circled the sky twice before Shi Shiran turned his head and left.

At the same time before leaving completely.

It also lowered the height again, and dropped some leaflets that I didn't know the content but I knew what it said.

After U2's field of vision disappears.

After several minutes of silence in the room, Qiao Caihong couldn't help looking at Ye Duzheng, and asked:

"Director Ye, is it true that our current fighter jets can't shoot down the reconnaissance plane?"

Ye Duzheng shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed:

"...There is absolutely no way, we... Not to mention that our factory is not qualified to invite comrades from the Air Force, even if the Air Force sends fighter jets"

"Let's put it this way, our domestic J-6 is only flying at an altitude of 18,000 meters, but the U-2 can easily be raised to 27,000 meters."

"So don't talk about fighter jets. There is currently no technology in China that can shoot down U2—otherwise, I will go and give the ax used by Maxwell that Comrade Sun Junren was chewing on on the spot. Chew, it’s still the kind that doesn’t even wash!”

Speaking of which.

Ye Duzheng couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said with emotion:

"If someone in China can shoot down U2, I'm afraid even the world will be boiling for a long time."

I heard this.

Qiao Caihong couldn't help but sighed in disappointment.

However, just when she forcefully changed her mood and was about to ask Ye Duzheng if he could leave the house.

Suddenly a voice sounded in her ear:

"If you don't fight U2, it's not impossible."

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