"...It's not impossible."

As this sentence sounded.

Inside the entire hidden building.

Whether it is Qiao Caihong, Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding who are standing.

Or Zheng Tao, Ye Duzheng, and Qian Bingqiong sitting on chairs.

All the people on the scene felt as if they had encountered a gust of absolute zero wind in an instant, and their expressions froze on their faces.

After a long time.


Qian Bingqiong accidentally overturned the teacup on the table, only to regain his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream.

He first took a deep breath, resisted the urge to jump in front of Xu Yun, and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, what did you say?"

"Shoot down the reconnaissance plane across the sea? Do you know how terrifying the parameters of that reconnaissance plane are?"

Xu Yun nodded, pointed to Ye Duzheng beside him, and said:

"Didn't Director Ye just say that the flying altitude of that reconnaissance plane can reach more than 20,000 meters, which is much stronger than domestic fighter jets."

"As for its flying speed. If there is no accident, it should be around 800 kilometers per hour?"

Qian Bingqiong's pupils shrank suddenly, and a question blurted out:

"Wait, Comrade Han Li, how do you know its speed?"

To know.

Although the U2 reconnaissance aircraft was in service in 1955, it has been a few years since now.

But for a long, long time.

Its existence is only vague rumors.

It wasn't until Mao Xiong shot down a cruising U2 body with a missile in the territory a year ago that this mysterious reconnaissance plane really appeared in front of the world.

But Mao Xiong never provided the specific parameters of U2 to the rabbits. At present, even the flight speed of U2 can be regarded as confidential data-not that few people know it, but that ordinary people cannot access this data.

Looking at Qian Bingqiong with a surprised face.

Xu Yun smiled very calmly.

As early as he realized that it was U2 who came, he had already thought about what he should say next or what kind of nest he should make.

I saw him pouted his chin in a certain direction outside the window. Through the window, he could see that it was the base station of the previous weather Doppler radar:

"Comrade Qian Yi, don't forget that I have some experience in radar, and I can be regarded as an amateur."

"At present, if the country wants to find the U2 track, it is obvious that it can only rely on the shore-based radar in Fujian Province-after all, the domestic reconnaissance plane can only come from that place."

"The alarm sounded in the factory more than three hours ago, counting the time it took to transmit the news from Fujian Province and dividing it by the distance, we can roughly judge its speed per hour."


Qian Bingqiong was silent for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

This kind of explanation is quite reasonable, but most people probably don't think of this level.

The concept of shore-based radar alone can block many laymen.

Then he paused and continued to ask:

"Comrade Han Li, since you know the speed and altitude of U2, why do you still say that you can take down U2?"

"You know, not to mention our domestic fighter jets, even various anti-aircraft missiles are not capable of shooting down U2 at present."

"If you want to shoot down the U2 reconnaissance plane, you must use a more advanced weapon, right?"

"Could it be... Do you have an optimization plan to increase the height of the fighter?"

Xu Yun couldn't help but glance at Qian Bingqiong again.

I'm afraid Qian Bingqiong himself didn't notice it.

The questions he raised at this time did not seem to be the business scope of a boiler worker at all.

At the same time, Ye Duzheng beside him did not make a sound to correct him, which was obviously enough to explain one thing——

The two fish went into plastic bags.


What Qian Bingqiong said at this time was not entirely true.

in real history.

In fact, the current rabbit has introduced the Sam 2 surface-to-air missile from Mao Xiong, and formed a legendary missile unit called the Second Battalion.

Even without Xu Yun's appearance, the rabbits would shoot down the next U2 in a little over a year.

And for the next five years.

Rabbit shoots down a U2 reconnaissance plane every other year and captures two pilots.

How exaggerated is this record?

It is exaggerated to the point that a total of 7 U2s have been shot down in the world, and the rabbits have monopolized five of them.

Later, the rabbits used the wreckage of these five planes to piece together a complete body, which was displayed in the military museum for tourists to visit.

In 2017, Rabbit even invited Veralia Johnson, the son of the late U2 designer Kelly Johnson, who was born in the second marriage, to visit the military museum once.

I don't know if it's because her father didn't leave the inheritance to herself, but Villalia Johnson was still smiling happily beside the wreckage of U2.

But on the other hand.

A year later, U2 has actually detected a lot of useful image information, which has provided great help for analyzing the research progress of the rabbits across the sea.

For example, when the theoretical research of the rabbits is coming to an end.

A Melody with an open mind almost jumps over the wall. If Sui Zong didn't trust the intelligence from across the sea, the nuclear base of the rabbits would probably be severely damaged.

But now that there is such a variable as Xu Yun, some things may be different

Think here.

The corner of Xu Yun's mouth could not help but raise a smile like a fisherman who bought a good fish:

"That's right, Comrade Qian Yi, in terms of flying altitude, the U2 reconnaissance aircraft is indeed the first in the world at present."

"Not to mention the J-6, even the MiG-17, the world's top fighter, is far from the flying height of U2."

"The optimization of the flight altitude of fighter jets is very complicated. Whether it is a compressive material or a ramjet engine, it cannot be solved by a single drawing or an optimization plan."

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Qian Bingqiong subconsciously nodded.

Students who were fighters in their previous lives should know this.

The flight altitude of fighter jets has always been a very complicated field.

If you have been climbing at a small angle, you will find a situation as the air pressure decreases:

The airspeed is getting lower and lower, but the actual speed has reached very high eventually.

Enter Death Coffin Corner.

at this corner.

The air pressure is so low that there is not enough lift, but the throttle is already full.

At this time, the body is unable to accelerate, and it will stall when it decelerates, and it will also stall if it is forced to pull the lever.

If you accumulate enough speed and jump at a large angle, when you reach the highest point, you will immediately stall and fall.

Therefore want to raise the flight altitude of an aircraft.

In addition to the engine, a large number of modules such as airfoil, airframe material, and jet fuel need to be considered.

In a sense.

It's pretty much redesigning an airplane.

However, if an aircraft wants to go from design drawings to actual combat, it needs a long, long experiment time.

So even if Xu Yun could come up with an optimization or design drawing, even if his superior trusted him, it was impossible for the plane to land normally in a short period of time.

Think here.

Qian Bingqiong felt that he had guessed Xu Yun's thoughts:

"Oh, I get it."

"So Comrade Han Li, you mean that the anti-aircraft missile can be optimized?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yun shook his head decisively and denied it:

".Sorry, no."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know anything about missiles. It's almost the same if I remove the bullet."

Qian Bingqiong:


What Xu Yun said was indeed the truth.

Missile development.

This is a very important profession in later generations.

Not to mention the barriers between military industry and civilian use.

Xu Yun can't easily talk about engineering drawings, cybernetics, inertial navigation, and aircraft design.

The only thing Xu Yun and the missile major have in common is their relatively in-depth research on advanced mathematics and a little research on various computer programs.

So if you ask Xu Yun to start and come up with some marginal optimization solutions, it is still possible to be honest—whether you can succeed or not, you can at least try.

But I want Xu Yun to come up with a new missile model that can be used in actual combat.


It's better to expect him to update the twenty chapters tomorrow.

Seeing that both missiles and fighter jets were denied by Xu Yun, Qian Bingqiong's expression became more and more puzzled:

"Then Comrade Han Li, what you mean by laying down U2"

Xu Yun smiled mysteriously at him, stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky:

"Comrade Qian Yi, besides fighter jets and missiles, do you think there are other things that can go to the sky?"

Qian Bingqiong was taken aback again.

Something that can go to heaven?

That's too much.

Birds can go to the sky.

Balloons can go up to the sky.

The Type 59 tank that came out the year before is said to be able to go to the sky in the future.


Qian Bingqiong suddenly thought of something, and raised his head to look at Xu Yun in surprise:

"Comrade Han Li, are you talking about satellites?"

As the leader of the domestic nuclear energy industry.

Qian Bingqiong's understanding of many front-end projects is much higher than that of Ye Duzheng and even Lao Guo and Lu Guangda.

So he knows.

Although satellite research and development is still in its infancy.

But in future planning, satellite weapons are indeed a possible technology.

This technology was even higher than the radar research ranking before weather Doppler radar, but the project was shelved for the reasons mentioned before.

And unlike fighter jets.

Although the design of the satellite is equally complicated, it is obviously much easier than the fighter plane in terms of difficulty - at least there is no need to consider the wind tunnel test, this step alone wins too much

However, just when Qian Bingqiong thought he had guessed the answer correctly, Xu Yun shook his head again:

"Comrade Qian Yi, I'm not talking about the satellite, but it's very close to the satellite—whether it's the concept or the actual position."

A question mark immediately appeared on Qian Bingqiong's face:


Then Xu Yun coughed lightly, turned to look at Ye Duzheng, and asked him:

"Director Ye, you are a meteorological expert, so you should know that the atmosphere will show different characteristics with different altitudes, and have different names, right?"

Ye Duzheng nodded, this is his field of expertise:

"That's right, the so-called atmosphere refers to a layer of mixed gas that surrounds the earth due to gravity."

"At present, according to the gas structure from the near surface to the sky, there are five academic levels."

"That is, the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere."

"Current civilian airliners generally fly in the upper troposphere, while military fighter jets fly in the zone where the stratosphere and the troposphere meet."

Hearing Ye Duzheng's introduction.

Xu Yun subconsciously wanted to snap his fingers.

But as soon as he made this action, he was stimulated by the pain in his fingers and grinned:

"Oh pain pain pain."

Ye Duzheng and Qian Bingqiong:


well known.

The earth's atmosphere is divided into five layers according to the temperature structure. From bottom to top are the five terms introduced by Ye Duzheng.

The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere closest to the ground, the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

The altitude is within 10-12 kilometers from the ground to the sky. To put it vaguely, the troposphere is below the 10,000-meter altitude.

The troposphere is a very shallow layer relative to the entire atmosphere, and its thickness is less than 1% of the thickness of the entire atmosphere.

But due to the effect of the earth's gravity.

The troposphere concentrates about 3/4 of the air mass, more than 90% of the water vapor mass, and almost all of the aerosol particles.

The water vapor near the ground is transported upward through convective motion, and it is easy to form clouds and cause rain.

Therefore, the main weather phenomena in the atmosphere occur in this layer, so the troposphere is most closely related to human activities.

The region above the troposphere is the stratosphere.

The stratosphere is also called the stratosphere, and the local height is about 7-12km to 50-65km, which is about 60,000 meters.

This layer contains ozone, which absorbs ultraviolet rays so that life on earth is not directly exposed to the strong ultraviolet rays in the sun.

in this layer.

The atmosphere flows mainly in the horizontal direction, and the motion in the vertical direction is weak, so the air flow is smooth and there is almost no convection up and down.

As for the subsequent intermediate layer, warming layer and exosphere, I won’t go into details, and the area above them is the interstellar space.

By the way.

The ionosphere that many people are familiar with is actually the name of a special area between the middle layer and the warming layer.

The way to distinguish it is the physical electromagnetic effect, which has nothing to do with the atmospheric standard.

As for the height of the satellite. This is more complicated.

Because the satellite can be divided into three situations according to the actual flight altitude:

low orbit satellites,

medium orbit satellites,

and high-orbit satellites.

Everyone's traditional perception is that the satellites that rotate in space are basically high-orbit satellites, 36,000 kilometers from the ground.

But in fact.

The number of satellites in this part of the area is not the largest.

The largest number of satellites are generally located in the middle orbit area. For example, the height of the space station of the rabbits is about 400 kilometers.

Low orbit is generally the operating range of reconnaissance satellites. For example, keyhole satellites can often descend to 120 kilometers.


The line of sight returns to reality.

Looking at Ye Duzheng who was talking eloquently, Xu Yun drew a section with his hand and said to everyone:

"Yes, from Director Ye's introduction, it is not difficult to see that there is actually a special space in the lower part of the stratosphere."

"Airplanes can't go up there, satellites can't get down there, and only a very small number of rockets occasionally pass through there."

"But in fact, the air in the stratosphere is much thinner than in the troposphere."

"There is very little water vapor and dust there, so there are very few weather phenomena. It can be said that there is no wind and no rain."

"So Comrade Qian Yi, do you think there is such a possibility?"

Say it.

Xu Yun straightened his index finger and middle finger, and made a movement of his feet flapping while swimming in the air:

"That is to launch an aircraft that can stay stagnant for several days into the stratosphere. The aircraft is loaded with several special missiles."

"When U2 was about to fly below the aircraft, the missile on the aircraft fell, and then"



Xu Yun spoke with great enjoyment, but Qian Bingqiong and Ye Duzheng who were opposite him did not seem particularly excited.

After a while.

Ye Duzheng spoke slowly:

"Comrade Han Li, the scene you mentioned is indeed very attractive, but"

"With our current technology, it seems difficult to achieve this effect?"

I saw Ye Duzheng spread out his left hand, the thumb of his left hand was bent to the palm, and the index finger of his right hand tapped the thumb a few times:

"First of all, the stratospheric aircraft you mentioned is a big problem. Our current aircraft can't fly there. What can you use to send missiles to the stratosphere?"

"Secondly, even if the aircraft is really produced for you, how can we know the specific trajectory of the U2 reconnaissance plane?"

"Finally, there is one more point. How can you guarantee that the missiles falling from an altitude of at least several thousand meters, and the actual difference may reach 10,000 meters, can hit the U2 reconnaissance plane?"

Ye Duzheng's question was sharp and realistic.

To know.

At present, there is no country or region in the world that can launch aircraft into the stratosphere—except for rockets.

Even across the sea and Mao Xiong.

Not to mention that if you want to launch missiles, you must use fire control radar.

The wave frequency of the fire control radar is 3 mm X microwave, and the wave band of the detection radar is two types.

According to the information disclosed by Mao Xiong.

There are three detection radars on the U2 reconnaissance plane. After detecting the fire control radar signal, it can quickly increase the altitude within 30 seconds.

The real core reason why Mao Xiong was able to take down that U2 is not purely relying on technology, but because of the existence of a sixth child:

Their intelligence aircraft detected through various channels very early, and Peshawar is one of the main bases of U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

So they sent an agent named Peter, who entered the Peshawar Air Force Base as a handyman.

Peter maneuvered his hands and feet on the high-altitude reconnaissance of U2 on the tarmac, so that the actual flying altitude was inconsistent with the displayed altitude, and finally let Mao Xiong successfully shoot down U2.

But the problem is that the rabbits these days can't do this at all, but the pressure from the enemy agents in the mainland is even greater.

So in Ye Duzheng's opinion.

Xu Yun's so-called plan is completely wishful thinking.

If not for the consideration of Xu Yun's contribution.

Ye Duzheng even waved his hand out of boredom, saying that he had left.

Qian Bingqiong beside him also seemed a little disappointed, after all Xu Yun's plan was too wild and unconstrained.

But just when Ye Duzheng was about to finish with some scenes, Xu Yun said:

"You are wrong, Director Ye, we are fully capable of doing this."

Ye Duzheng raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Xu Yun.

Seeing that Xu Yun seemed to be responding to Ye Duzheng's questioning, he first raised an index finger of his left hand:

"The first question is true. At present, whether our fighter jets or civil aviation airliners, it is true that none of them can reach the stratosphere."

"But Director Ye, I'm afraid you have forgotten that we actually have another very primitive tool that has the possibility to do this."

Ye Duzheng blinked, subconsciously asked:

"What tool?"

Xu Yun turned his head when he heard the words, pointed to the balloon that Fang Zhong was playing with on his index finger, and said:

"A balloon, or an airship."

Ye Duzheng raised his voice a little:


"That's right."

Xu Yun nodded, made another gesture to measure his height, and explained:

"Director Ye, you are a meteorological expert, so you should be familiar with the relationship between altitude and air pressure."

"Generally speaking, at an altitude of 30KM, the atmospheric pressure is about 10hpa, and the atmospheric pressure per square meter of the vacuum container is about 0.10 tons, which is 100 kilograms."

"If it is filled with helium buoyancy, then its internal and external pressure difference will be smaller, and the requirements for materials will be further reduced."

"So if the lift of the airfoil is designed and the materials are selected properly, I think it is entirely possible for the airship to rise to the height of the stratosphere."

Xu Yun's tone was very firm.

Because when he was studying in his previous life, he had participated in the first "Flying Cup" National Future Aircraft Design Competition and got a good ranking.

This kind of design competition is not as simple as drawing a picture or building a model. It needs to design specific principles, materials and even simulate the lift orbit.

Finally, the final ranking can only be announced after the guidance and comments of four academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, including Academician Huang Ruisong, Academician Liu Yongcai, Academician Huang Wenhu, and Academician Li Chunxuan.

Later, the University of Science and Technology also realized Xu Yun's airship blueprints in kind, and successfully stagnated in the stratosphere for three days.


Then Ye Duzheng thought for a moment, and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, let me ask another question—what is the capsule material you envisioned?"

Although Ye Duzheng is not an expert in aircraft design, he has come into contact with a lot of weather balloons and other equipment.

As the saying goes.

I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs running.

Ye Duzheng doesn't know anything about the power structure, but he can barely make a judgment about the material - if it is an ordinary material, it will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure difference in the stratosphere.

"Capsule material?"

Xu Yun recalled for a while, and quickly said:

"The capsule material must have the characteristics of light weight, high strength, high thermal conductivity and high toughness, so polyester fiber and polyester are definitely needed."

"In addition, at least a fluorine film aluminum layer is required for heat conduction - these should be produced at the existing domestic industrial level, but the requirements for the remaining braided load-bearing layers are relatively high."

"It requires a sufficiently fine and strong small-pore membrane for gas exchange. The material can withstand high pressure. The pore size should preferably reach the micron level, and the number should be at least hundreds of sheets."

"Of course, if there is no such material, other methods can be thought of during the design process."

Mention is made of braided load carrying layers.

Xu Yun couldn't help frowning slightly.

From a design point of view, this thing is a very important part of the stratospheric airship, and it can even be said to be the gate of life.

Whether the airship can rise to the corresponding area as planned, and whether the structure can not be damaged by the pressure difference, a large part depends on this material.

So don't look at him saying that he can think of other ways. In fact, if this thing does not meet the standards, many subsequent links will be affected.

But there is no way.

If he said that he was powerless at this step, then Xu Yun's next plan would be completely scrapped.

However, just as Xu Yun frowned.

Qian Bingqiong on the side spoke very firmly:

"Comrade Han Li, please continue."

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously raised his head to look at Qian Bingqiong.

After looking up.

Then he met Qian Bingqiong's extremely determined eyes.

Xu Yun was somewhat familiar with this look, because the old Guo had shown the same look before.

Xu Yun:


What's the situation?

To know.

The process required for the braided load-bearing layer is indeed a very difficult problem for the current rabbit.

Even if the upper management decides to produce the woven load-bearing layer now, the time it takes may take several months-this is the fastest time assuming that the rabbits have the production technology.

Could it be

Like the storage modules of the previous 109 armored machines, there are still some things in the warehouse of the rabbits that have not been decrypted by later generations?

Looking at Xu Yun with a surprised face.

Qian Bingqiong's heart at this time is actually quite delicate.

Is this a coincidence?

The moment I heard the properties of the braided load-bearing layer described by Xu Yun.

Qian Bingqiong thought of the batch of gas exchange membranes that could not be used in the 504 factory because the parameters were tampered with.

That's right.

gas exchange membrane. (Quack quack, I didn’t expect that, in fact, that chapter hinted at it)

The gas exchange membrane with all the characteristics required by the braided load-bearing layer that Xu Yun mentioned has all the characteristics, and the accuracy will only be higher, not lower-this is a gas exchange membrane for centrifugal enrichment of uranium!

The number of gas exchange membranes in that batch was about 3,000 pieces, and all of them were put on hold in the 504 factory because of wrong parameters.

Even the capital was at a loss as to how to deal with this batch of gas exchange membranes, but now Xu Yun actually gave such a suitable application?

What a coincidence.

Then Qian Bingqiong took a deep breath, and continued to signal to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, please continue."

Qian Bingqiong repeated "please continue" the second time.

Finally brought Xu Yun's mood back to reality.

So he took a deep breath and continued to follow his original train of thought:

"After solving the problems of heat conduction and gas exchange, what is left is the toughness and reinforcement of the capsule."

Qian Bingqiong nodded:

"Then what materials are needed for this link?"

Xu Yun glanced at him, and a few words popped out of his mouth:

"The apocrine secretion of a donkey."

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