Into Unscientific

Chapter 553 Donkey Without Me This Book Couldn't Write 3.2 Million Words

"The apocrine secretion of a donkey."

Hearing the word that came out of Xu Yun's mouth.

A big question mark suddenly appeared on Qian Bingqiong and Ye Duzheng's originally dignified faces:


Apocrine secretion?

What is that?

A few seconds passed.

Qian Bingqiong came back to his senses first.

He touched his chin lightly, with a hint of speculation in his eyes, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, do you mean the apocrine secretion is something made from the skin of a donkey, which is the donkey-hide gelatin in the traditional concept?"

In Qian Bingqiong's mind.

The apocrine secretion that Xu Yun mentioned mostly refers to donkey-hide gelatin.

It's just that Xu Yun has been in Europe for a long time, so he forgot to express it in traditional terms for a while.

However, Xu Yun quickly shook his head and explained:

"Comrade Qian, you misunderstood. What I'm talking about is not donkey-hide gelatin, but a special mucus secreted from the surface of donkeys."

"This kind of mucus is secreted by the donkey's eccrine glands. To put it bluntly, it should be understood as the donkey's sweat."

well known.

In addition to thermal conductivity, compression resistance, and light texture, the capsule material of the airship also has a very important property requirement.

That is.

Flexibility. Or high ductility.

This property is not difficult to understand from a contextual perspective.

The floating position of the stratospheric airship is at an altitude of 20,000 to 30,000 meters or even higher above the ground.

Its inner wall can use a gas exchange membrane to reduce the pressure difference, while the body surface needs to withstand various external and internal forces.

So without a certain degree of toughness is obviously not enough.

The solutions of later generations in this regard are relatively fixed, generally using composite materials and high molecular polymer materials.

Such as polyimide film, polytetrafluoroethylene and so on.

After all, the industrial level has already reached that level.

At the time when Xu Yun traveled through.

The domestic stratospheric airship has even been developed to add micro-nano materials for optimization, and it is quite mature.

But in this era, Xu Yun has few choices.

The quality of cotton fabric and nylon is obviously not up to standard, and the Mylar film is still tightly held by DuPont, and it is listed in the first column of the third page of contraband.

So after thinking about it.

Xu Yun suddenly thought of a wonderful idea:


Can you find Brother Donkey, the protagonist of this book!

do not forget.

At the end of the original 1850 copy, Halo once gave a quest reward for hemostatic gel.

After returning to reality.

Xu Yun handed over this technology to his good friend Qiu Sheng.

As a result, during a certain quantitative experiment, Qiu Sheng accidentally stained a tuft of donkey hair with some mucus from the surface of the donkey that had not been cleaned.

Then Qiu Sheng found out.

After standing for a period of time with benzoquinoline, these mucus will form a colloidal object with very high viscosity.

So Qiu Sheng used a rheometer to measure the longitudinal adhesion, and found that its viscosity curve exceeded 860. (see chapter 352)

This situation is also in line with the original papers of Academician Yang Huanming, namely 10.13881/j.cnki.hljxmsy.2021.02.0100 and 10.28502/n.cnki.nkjrb.2014.007254.

As for benzoquinoline?

This thing came out as early as 1926.

Even in the current era, there are no less than 20 domestic units with production capacity.

So naturally.

Xu Yun put his thoughts on the mucus of the local donkey, that is, the apical secretion.

Just mix the apical exudate with benzoquinoline and let it stand still to debug the colloid that Qiusheng had at the beginning.

The rest is to make it into a solid capsule - this step can be left to the domestic chemical experts, this is not a particularly difficult technology.


There is not much apocrine that a native donkey can contribute.

but don't forget

The time when Pakistani donkeys "invaded" the country was in the 1990s, and it is still more than 30 years away from now.

That is to say

At present, almost all donkeys in China are standard local donkeys!

According to publicly available data.

At present, there are about a hundred local donkeys in the entire 221 factory, and there are even more local donkeys in Haiyan County not far away.

That is to say, under the condition of full mobilization, it should not be a big problem to collect 500 donkeys in the base.

If it doesn’t work, you can still transfer from the provincial capital—there are many factories in Xihai Province, and donkeys are used to help in various places.

In a sense.

Donkeys today are as common as cars in later generations.

As for how to produce apocrine secretion.


Wouldn't it be enough to grind?

Anyway, everyone in the base is gnawing corn bread every day. Although the corn bread these days is far from as delicate as the later generations, no matter what, it must be mixed with noodles.

Therefore, as long as the local donkeys are allowed to grind in the sun to ensure the water and body, it is too easy to get the top pulp secretion

Think here.

Qian Bingqiong on the opposite side also roughly understood Xu Yun's thoughts.

Although he didn't know whether what Xu Yun said was true.

But it is very easy to verify this kind of thing. You can find someone to conduct experiments after leaving the house-there are many benzoquinolines in the base.

Therefore, he didn't think about it for too long, so he quickly changed the subject and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, even if the airship you mentioned can be successfully produced, what about the remaining two questions?"

"That is, how to ensure that the specific trajectory of the U2 reconnaissance plane can be grasped, and that the falling missile can accurately hit the U2 reconnaissance plane?"

I heard this.

Ye Duzheng and the others also pricked up their ears.

have to admit.

Xu Yun's previous ideas about airships were really tempting, and they had successfully aroused their curiosity.

Straighten up the little ears of gossip.jpg.

Xu Yun didn't hold back on this, and quickly raised a second finger, explaining:

"Comrade Qian, let's go one by one in order. Let's talk about how to grasp the trajectory of the U2 reconnaissance plane first."


Xu Yun looked at Ye Duzheng and said to him:

"Director Ye, your question is actually a little out of standard-have you forgotten the equipment you have been using these days?"

"The device I've been using these days?"

Ye Duzheng was slightly taken aback, and it took him two seconds to recall before realizing:

"Comrade Han Li, you mean the weather Doppler radar?"

Xu Yun nodded, affirming:

"That's right, it's weather Doppler radar, which can actually solve the trajectory problem you mentioned."

"After all, weather Doppler radar works in a wide band, ranging from L-wave to X-wave—this is to deal with different conditions such as ice, wind, cloud, and rain."

"However, U2's fire control radar has a much narrower band, mainly C-wave, X-wave, and Ku-wave."

"So we can completely modify the radar band and tune it into a harmless detection radar for humans and animals—U2 doesn't know that our Doppler radar has a one-dimensional imaging capability comparable to fire control radar."

Speaking of which.

Xu Yun couldn't help but look at Ye Duzheng meaningfully.

In fact, apart from the above content, he still has some words that he can't express clearly.

That is.

According to many materials declassified by later generations.

In order to be able to capture video data to the greatest extent, the equipment on the entire body of U2 is almost barren to the extreme.

For example, there is no remote communication equipment on U2 at all.

That's right.

There are no remote communication devices.

That is to say, U2 was completely unable to communicate with the base where it took off during the mission.

This is also the reason why U2 was shot down successively in Maoxiong and Rabbit territory in the original history, but the reason why the other side of the sea thought it was an accidental crash at first.

Another example.

There are only three detection radars that can detect fire control radars on U2, and there are no other types of detection equipment.

That is to say

U2 can only detect the specific millimeter waves of the fire control radar, and the rest cannot be detected even by ordinary search radar signals.

Of course.

The reason why U2 is designed in this way is really not to cheat pilots.

It's because the search radar these days can't reach the three-coordinate accuracy of the fire control radar at all, so even if U2 is scanned by the search radar, nothing will happen - at most, it will expose itself to fly to a certain area.

It is simply impossible to lock the precise flight trajectory by searching the radar.

So it only needs to consider the signal of the fire control radar, and all the remaining space can be used to store film.

but the problem is

Now with the appearance of Xu Yun, the meteorological Doppler radar has come out ahead of schedule.

Although Xu Yun traveled to 2023, the Doppler principle was also widely used in the field of fire control radar.

However, this part of the application is mainly in the x-wave and ku-band, which does not mean that the weather Doppler radar after adjusting the wavelength is also a fire control radar.

Just adjust the wavelength to something like 1.7 centimeters.

With the assistance of dual-band and one-dimensional imaging methods, it is completely possible to wear the appearance of a detection radar, but has the accuracy of a fire control radar.

That is, when U2 is completely undetectable, it can successfully grasp its flight trajectory.

Put in the components originally assembled at the base.

The scanning range of this meteorological Doppler radar in the base can reach up to 500 kilometers, that is to say, it can grasp the precise movement of the U2 reconnaissance plane within 40 minutes!

more importantly.

This, too, is an idea that could be practically tested in the short term—just try it out the next time U2 flies by.

If U2 temporarily changes its course or raises its altitude.

That means this trick is useless to U2, it found the peeping of the rabbits.

But if U2 still flies along the established route

After realizing this.

Ye Duzheng's breathing suddenly became a little heavy, and he stared at Xu Yun with burning eyes:

"Then Comrade Han Li, what about my third question?"

How to ensure that the falling missile can accurately hit the U2 reconnaissance plane.

Among the three questions raised by Ye Duzheng.

This is actually the most difficult one.

To know.

U2's regular flight altitude is 22,000 meters, and it can be raised to 25,000 or even 27,000 meters at its highest.

This means that the height of the stratospheric airship must be at least 30,000 meters above, so that it will not be observed by U2 pilots within the line of sight through naked eye vision.

When U2 performs the task of taking pictures, the height will generally be reduced to about 18,000 meters.

That is, in the actual combat stage.

The linear height difference between the stratospheric airship and U2 will most likely reach more than 10,000 meters!

This kind of high-level missile pursuit is not as simple as calculating free fall like middle school and high school physics. Many very complicated scenarios need to be considered:

For example, wind resistance.

For example, the subtle deformation of the missile caused by the air pressure difference at different altitudes.

Another example is U2's speed change or even track change.

It's as if you are at the highest point of the central building in Shanghai, and you want to throw a chalk tip and hit a person walking on the road 500 meters away.

No matter how accurate your calculations are, there will be various irresistible situations. When Bao Buqi is about to reach the position, a child on the side of the road yells, and the target stops and looks at it for two seconds. Who can count this?

But on the other hand.

Since Xu Yun has considered the first two situations, it is impossible not to be aware of this problem.

In other words.

Perhaps Xu Yun also has a solution?

And right opposite Ye Du.


Xu Yun was silent for a few seconds first, and continued to correct the next speech in his heart, before he said slowly:

"Director Ye, first of all, I would like to ask you a question - I wonder if you have heard of a technology."

Ye Duzheng glanced at him:

"What technology?"

The corner of Xu Yun's mouth grinned lightly:

"Radio proximity fuze."

"Radio proximity fuze?"

Hearing the word Xu Yun said.

Ye Duzheng seemed a little confused, but Qian Bingqiong at the side spoke up:

"Comrade Han Li, you should be talking about the VT fuze invented across the sea during World War II?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"That's right."

mentioned above.

It is indeed very difficult for a slender shell to hit an aircraft flying at high speed at an altitude of several hundred to several thousand meters.

Students who served in the Air Force during World War II should know it.

Statistics were available during the Battle of Britain in 1940.

If you want to hit an aircraft on the battlefield, you need to fire about 2,500 shells, which means the hit rate is 4/10,000.

Such a probability makes the pilots basically not afraid of ground artillery, and the artillery on the ground is only used to drive away the aircraft.

But in the middle and late period of World War II, a special weapon appeared.

It is the radio proximity fuze.

The core principle of this thing is actually the Doppler effect:

That is to install a radar on the warhead of the shell. When the distance between the shell and the aircraft decreases, the frequency received by the radar will become higher and higher.

When the frequency reaches a certain level, it means that it has entered the detonation range.

This allows the shell to detonate automatically, dealing damage.

This radio-proximity fuze bomb became the most popular weapon product in World War II, earning a full $1 billion from it across the sea, and half of the Manhattan Project's funding came from it.

So doing arms is really tmd to make money

all in all.

This kind of weapon is not unfamiliar to Qian Bingqiong, who is currently in charge of nuclear research, at least he is more familiar than Ye Duzheng, who is involved in meteorology:

"Comrade Han Li, do you mean to add a radio proximity fuze module in front of the shell?"

"However, the detonation range of the radio proximity fuze is limited. Unless U2 happens to pass through the kill zone, it will be useless even if it is fuzed."

"What's more, today's fighter jets and reconnaissance planes are equipped with jamming transmitters, which emit radio waves of the same frequency but with higher power, making the missile mistakenly think that it is very close to the target and detonate."

"So no matter from which angle you look at it, the radio proximity fuze has little chance of success."

Xu Yun nodded when he heard the words, and admitted frankly:

"That's right, unless hundreds or even thousands of stratospheric airships are launched into the sky at one time, and people's sea tactics are used to try their luck."

"Otherwise, it is really wishful thinking to solve U2 by detonating the fuze by radio proximity, and the success rate is infinitely close to 0."

"But Comrade Qian, do you think there is such a possibility?"

"Change the fuze to another device that can lock the position of U2 by itself. It can guide the missile to change direction. It will automatically lock and catch up to the opponent without waiting for U2 to reach the landing point."

"The other party turns and it also turns, and the other party dives and it also dives, and the speed is faster than the limit speed of the plane, finally."


In Qian Bingqiong's ears, Xu Yun's long voice sounded like a succubus. Ahem, the whisper of a demon.

In a few words.

This made Qian Bingqiong's heart thump.

A shell that can lock the opponent's position and change direction to pursue it.?

Could such a weapon really exist?

To know.

Although the German V1 missile in World War II was called a tracking missile, it was actually close to eight meters in length.

The so-called guidance capability only relies on the magnetic compass.

The V1 missile needs to be pre-set with a sufficient trajectory to launch smoothly, and the acceleration at the end essentially depends on the opening of the spoiler.

The same goes for the similar Fritz-X radio-command-guided bomb, which relies only on radio calibration.

In addition, according to Qian Bingqiong's knowledge.

The current international research on infrared guidance is similar, such as AIM-9 and AA-2 air-to-air missiles and so on.

That is to say, it is not difficult to change the direction of the missile, but it is difficult to change the direction for the purpose of chasing the target.

Almost all missiles these days are inseparable from manual calibration, which is known as shooting elements in later generations.

But now Xu Yun has thrown out such a concept, and judging from Xu Yun's previous performance, he is obviously not a big talker.

Could it be

really have a door?

After a while.

Qian Bingqiong took a deep breath, forcibly calmed down, and asked Xu Yun seriously:

"Comrade Han Li, what is the principle of this positioning device you are talking about? Can you introduce it to me?"

Ye Duzheng beckoned to Lin Yu who was at the side, motioning for her to come forward.

After all, the concepts of radar and electromagnetism were involved, and Lin Yu was the only "insider" who had the highest attainments in this field, and the others were at most half-baked.

Xu Yun quickly picked up a pen and paper, and wrote a formula on the paper:


Lin Yu took a look, and blurted out a few words:

"Gaussian pulse?"

Xu Yun nodded, affirming:

"That's right, it's the Gaussian pulse."

"B in the formula represents the signal bandwidth. The larger the bandwidth, the higher the resolution."

Then he went on to write:

f(t) = Ape^-(2πt/2α).


Lin Yu also simultaneously gave the names of the two formulas:

"This is the time-domain characteristic expression and frequency-domain characteristic expression of the Gaussian pulse?"

Xu Yun subconsciously prepared to snap his fingers again, but after thinking about the pain when doing this action before, he obediently replaced it with a thumb:

"Bingo, it is not difficult to see from this formula that the pulse changes with the change of α in the formula."

"The smaller the α, the smaller the pulse width, the larger the spectral width, and the higher the resolution."


Lin Yu's gaze scanned the paper in front of him again for a while, and thoughtfully said:

"I understand, Comrade Han Li, don't you think so?"

"Use some kind of special pulse signal for target recognition?"

Xu Yun nodded vigorously:

"That's right, simply put a device on the missile that emits a narrow pulse and then receives the pulse signal scattered back by the target."

"The device has a simple logical decision to determine the distance to the target by calculating the time between the transmission and reception of the pulse."

"At the same time, because this method directly transmits the baseband pulse signal on the fundamental wave, there is no need to worry about this kind of signal being interfered by U2's radio jammer, and there is no need to worry about the accuracy."

If it is not limited by physical injuries.

At this time, Xu Yun really wanted to show Qian Bingqiong and the others a bright smile like Matt Kay, and then say, please give a good review, dear~

That's right.

The technology that Xu Yun brought out this time is the "Old Su" in the military field of later generations, that is, the ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology.

Why is it called Lao Su?

The reason is that this technology is somewhat similar to Lao Su's reputation.

Belonging to the insiders feels thunderous, but outsiders have some unknown skills.

Look at it at first glance.

Many people figured it was something to do with dial-up Internet access.

to be honest.

When it comes to the concept of tracking missiles, another term may come to most people's minds:

laser guidance.

But actually.

Laser guidance is actually very complicated, and its real mode of operation is not necessarily as many people imagine, relying on the missile to lock the target and fly.

In layman's terms.

Laser guidance is like letting a missile walk a tightrope.

That is to say, the laser irradiator first captures and tracks the target, and gives the angle information of the direction of the target.

Then the missile launcher is controlled by the fire control computer to launch the missile at the best angle so that it enters the laser beam.

The projectile is in flight.

The laser receiver on the bomb receives the laser signal that the laser irradiates directly on the bomb, processes the error amount required for guidance from it, and sends this error amount to the bomb's control system.

Then the flight direction and attitude of the projectile are controlled by the control system, and the coincidence of the projectile and the laser irradiation beam is always maintained.

Finally guide the warhead on the target.

In the vast majority of cases.

Most of the laser irradiators are on the aircraft or on the ground, and the seeker of the missile only receives the laser feedback from the irradiation.

This is called semi-active laser guidance.

Of course.

The semi-active laser guidance corresponds to the active laser guidance technology. The irradiator is indeed placed on the missile and controlled by the missile itself.

However, missiles with this type of configuration are generally huge in size, often more than ten meters long.

So let alone whether the current rabbits can develop the parts needed for laser guidance.

The volume and mass of a molded missile alone cannot be carried by a stratospheric aircraft.

According to Xu Yun's design.

That stratospheric vehicle can carry at most 4 missiles with a body length of about two meters. This length should be described more appropriately by shells.

There is really no way to do more.

So this time Xu Yun gave up laser guidance and replaced it with ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology.

Ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology is a guidance technology that was only proposed in the past 30 years, and the core is the principle of pulse ranging.

Its principle is what Xu Yun said, to calibrate the target distance and azimuth according to the pulse signal.

There are not many modules required for this technology, which is somewhat similar to weather Doppler radar:

It is mainly composed of transmitting/receiving antenna, power amplifier, pseudo-random code generator, clock circuit, narrow pulse generator, sampling integrator, signal processing and other modules.

First, the clock signal is encoded by a pseudo-random encoder to improve the anti-jamming performance of the system.

Then drive the narrow pulse generator to generate a pulse signal, which is radiated by the antenna through the power amplifier.

The target receives and returns the signal through the receive antenna to the sampling integrator.

The clock signal generated at the time of transmission will pass through a delayer at the same time-this delay determines the fixed detection distance.

A delayed pulse is then generated and fed into the sampling integrator.

This pulse signal is compared with the received signal to lock on the target's position.

After determining the target position.

The change of the signal processing module changes the control of the pneumatic rudder surface, so as to complete the steering of the shell.

The whole principle is very simple and easy to understand.

Later, with Lin Yu's assistance, he explained.

Both Qian Bingqiong and Ye Duzheng understood Xu Yun's general thoughts successively.

After about twenty or thirty seconds.

Qian Bingqiong pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and continued:

"I have another question—Comrade Han Li, according to what you said, a one-meter-long shell should not be able to accommodate these structures."

"After all, in addition to the warhead, the shell also needs to be loaded with propellant that provides its flight kinetic energy. The mass is generally measured in kilograms."

"If you add the modules you mentioned, it will probably far exceed the actual capacity of the shell, right?"

"In this way, can the airship really bring them to an altitude of more than 20,000 to 30,000 meters?"

Xu Yun shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said to Qian Bingqiong with a smile:

"Comrade Qian, with all due respect, you seem to have overlooked a very basic situation."

"That is, our sniping environment this time is not ground-to-air, or even air-to-air in the standard sense, but"


Xu Yun made a gesture from top to bottom with his index finger:

"A 'bombing' similar to a free fall."

Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Qian Bingqiong was slightly stunned for two seconds, and then couldn't help but slapped himself on the head:

"Oh, look at my brain, I almost forgot about it!"


Due to being too concerned about specific principles, Qian Bingqiong subconsciously ignored another thing:

The floating position of the airship is much higher than that of the U2 reconnaissance plane.

That is to say, a large part of the kinetic energy of the falling shell comes from its own gravity, instead of the initial energy provided by the propellant as usual.

Therefore, as long as there is some fuel that can be turned inside the shell, the rest of the space can be completely freed up to place the ultra-wideband proximity fuze!

at the same time.

Qian Bingqiong suddenly realized another point:

This moment.

After Xu Yun explained the volume problem.

Three questions raised by Ye Duzheng before

Already have all the answers that are completely tenable in theory!

Think here.

Rao Qian Bingqiong has presided over many major projects, and at this time, he couldn't help but feel a surge of turmoil in his heart.

Could it be

Can they really beat U2 down?

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