Into Unscientific

Chapter 554 Project Level: Top Secret! (superior)

after an hour.

General factory office.

Factory Manager's Office.

"Comrade Bingqiong, what did you say?"

Li Jue suddenly stood up from behind the desk with a "swish" and stared fixedly at Qian Bingqiong in front of him.

Under extreme shock.

He didn't even notice that the ink bottle at hand was knocked over on the table:

"That's half-familiar, no, that Han Li said he could take down U2?"

Qian Bingqiong first slowly straightened the ink bottle, then picked up a rag to wipe it, and then said:

"That's right, and let me add that Han Li's so-called shooting down the U2 reconnaissance plane is not as simple as shouting a few slogans."

"He not only gave some new technical ideas, but also explained the general principles to Director Ye and me."

Say it.

Qian Bingqiong also introduced Xu Yun's idea to Li Jue.


Li Jue was stunned for a while when he heard the words, but he was still a little unbelievable:

"Make an airship to send the shells to the sky, use the weather Doppler radar to detect the trajectory, and then use the ultra-wideband proximity fuze to track the target."

"What the hell is this Han Li thinking?"

I heard this.

Qian Bingqiong, who was sitting opposite Li Jue, couldn't help but nodded.

Li Jue's last sentence actually represented Qian Bingqiong's inner thoughts.

How did Han Li's brain grow?

How did he come up with such a wild idea that seems feasible?

If the concept of [Brain Hole] hadn't existed these days, Qian Bingqiong would probably complain that Xu Yun's brain hole was so big that it would be a hole in his neck.

At the same time, what makes Qian Bingqiong's mood a little subtle and complicated is that

To know.

One of the purposes of his coming to Base 221 this time was to find an opportunity to observe Xu Yun's ability under the entrustment of Liu Bosheng.

So today after learning that Ye Duzheng wanted to talk to Xu Yun.

He offered to go with Ye Duzheng as a boiler worker to visit this old acquaintance who was already well-known at the top.

The result was unexpected.

Xu Yun first exposed the mathematical fact that the world is nonlinear through communication with Ye Duzheng, and told him to vigorously develop computers.

Then, after U2 appeared, an even more shocking U2 reconnaissance plane shooting down plan was thrown out.

It will explode if you look at it too much.


At this point, the possibility of Xu Yun's enemy agent can be completely ruled out.

After all, it is impossible for any enemy agent to use so many important technologies for the vote, not to mention that many of the technologies are even better than the research and development progress across the sea.

But on the other hand.

On the contrary, the mystery surrounding Xu Yun became more and more intense.

No matter from which angle you look at it.

The behemoth behind Xu Yun should be far more than the so-called Fenglingyueyingzong.

After a while.

It was Li Jue who came back to his senses first, and said to Qian Bingqiong:

"Okay, Comrade Bingqiong, let's put Han Li's personal situation aside for now. The higher authorities will definitely take action in this regard."

"After all, we are all aware of the problems, and the higher authorities can't think of them-their channels are much more efficient than ours."

"So now let's talk about Han Li's plan first, Comrade Bingqiong, how feasible do you think his plan is?"

"If the feasibility is really high, then we should report to the capital immediately."

"No matter where Han Li mastered the theory, as long as we can defeat U2, it will not be a loss for us!"

Qian Bingqiong obviously thought of this too.

He thought for a moment, then said quickly:

"Old Li, you should also know that the falling of the shell involves very complicated ballistic calculations, and it cannot be solved in one or two hours."

"Obviously, this link can only be solved after the formal establishment of the project team, so what we can verify at present are mainly some non-mathematical links."

Li Jue nodded in agreement.

Back then, he went to a certain department of missile research and development in China and went through the door once. After seeing those densely packed calculation papers, he felt blind instantly.

This kind of calculation requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is obviously not something that can be easily verified.

Then Qian Bingqiong paused, and continued:

"Old Li, I made a brief plan before. At present, we can verify and compare the key technical level issues. There are three in total."

"Theoretical analysis of the ultra-wideband proximity fuze, the material problem of the airship capsule, and whether the meteorological Doppler radar can detect the trajectory of the aircraft under the condition of changing the wave frequency."

"Among them, I have asked some comrades to lead a team to verify the theoretical aspect of the ultra-wideband proximity fuze. As for the latter two, you need to come forward to coordinate, Lao Li."

Li Jue was startled for a moment:

"I show up?"

But he reacted immediately.


Qian Bingqiong is currently only an 'inspector' from the capital, and Li Jue himself must be responsible for the internal administrative affairs of the base—this is the rule set at the beginning of the base's establishment.

After realizing this, Li Jue stopped procrastinating.

I saw him immediately shouting to the outside of the house:

"Xiao Zhou, come in!"

half an hour later.

Base nine branch factory.

221 base chemical laboratory.

The chemical laboratory is located in the south of the No. 9 branch of the base, which is a relatively remote area—this is to prevent chemical accidents from causing too many secondary losses.

Its appearance looks like two ordinary workshops connected together, and it is not even as conspicuous as Ye Duzheng's weather center.

But in fact.

This laboratory is responsible for the R \u0026 D and production tasks of the base's main chemical materials, and it can be regarded as the core R \u0026 D center of the base's chemical products.

In a sense.

This laboratory is somewhat similar to the staff hospital at the base:

They are all uncommon components of the base, but they are indispensable, and the internal equipment configuration is also very advanced.

It's like the staff hospital has X-ray machines, ECG monitors and returnees like Lin Yu are in charge.

The chemical laboratory also has a lot of advanced equipment, and the person in charge of these equipment and personnel management is Liu Youcheng, a senior expert who can also be called a national player.

But at this moment.

This boss, known as the founder of free radical chemistry in China, is looking at his assistant He Guozhong in surprise:

"Xiao He, what are you talking about?"

"Director Li wants us to mix the epidermal mucus of local donkeys with benzoquinoline, and then wait to observe the follow-up phenomenon?"

He Guozhong also scratched his head with some doubts, and replied honestly:

"That's right, this is the news from Director Li's assistant, Comrade Zhou Cai, and they hope we can reply as soon as possible."

Liu Youcheng:


To be honest.

He suddenly had a feeling of flipping the table.

To know.

The high-temperature silicone paint he produced for his laboratory just now was affected by U2, so he couldn't paint it in time and was forced to scrap the detonation laboratory station, so he was depressed.

As a result, an inexplicable instruction suddenly came from the factory, asking them to study the mucus of local donkeys?

Moreover, the amount of mucus collected and tested was quite a lot, and the manpower to prepare the benzoquinoline

This means that within a few hours, at least 80% of the members of the entire laboratory have to stop their work.

Li Jue, Liu Youcheng, has had a lot of dealings with him, he doesn't seem like someone with weird hobbies.


After a while.

Liu Youcheng rubbed his temples helplessly, and sighed faintly:

"Forget it, Xiao He, maybe there are some new plans in the organization, let's cooperate."

"In this way, you should first inform everyone to stop what they are doing."

"Comrades with odd job numbers go to collect donkey skin mucus and gather downstairs, and comrades with even numbers prepare benzoquinoline in the laboratory."

"In addition, Qiao Wei and his team are not included. Their research projects are very important, so don't let this matter affect their research."

He Guozhong immediately corrected his expression:


ten minutes later.

Liu Youcheng walked out of the workshop with more than 30 gays and lesbians with different expressions, and went straight to the donkey shed at the base.

The donkey sheds in Base 221 are managed by the animal husbandry sideline team, and there are seven in total.

Among them, the donkey shed closest to Liu Youcheng is located about two kilometers southeast of the laboratory.

When Liu Youcheng arrived at the donkey shed with everyone.

Kampot, who was the captain of the livestock sideline team at the base, had been waiting here for a while.

Gongbu is one of the few ethnic minorities in the base and an aborigine of the Jinyintan Grassland. He was appointed as the deputy captain of the Haiyan County Animal Husbandry Brigade long ago.

After his clan moved away from Jinyintan Grassland.

Kampot and his wife, who have rich experience in animal husbandry, stayed here under the persuasion of the organization and took charge of matters related to the sideline of animal husbandry at the base.

In days when resources are scarcest.

It was Kampot who took care of the cattle and sheep of the livestock team day and night, so that the workers at the base could occasionally taste some meat.

"Comrade Kampot, sorry to keep you waiting."

After coming to the donkey shed.

Liu Youcheng immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Gong Po, and said apologetically:

"We encountered a strong sandstorm on the way, so we avoided the gust of wind on the side of the road, so we came a little later."

Gonpo's face had the blush common to Tibetans. He was not tall and had a dark complexion. He looked simple and honest.

Hearing this, he quickly smiled and waved his hands, and said in slightly jerky Chinese:

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry about it."

Say it.

Gonpo turned around again, pointed to the donkey shed behind him and said to Liu Youcheng:

"Director Liu, the organization has notified me in advance. I have already rushed all the donkeys you want to the donkey shed."

"There are twenty-four donkeys in the donkey shed, and each donkey is tied to a slot. You can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Liu Youcheng thanked Gong Bu, and then followed him to the donkey shed.

As Kampot said.

These donkeys have been carefully tied in the shed by Kampot with notches as intervals, and there is a fence between each donkey.

Fences block the donkey's view, which makes maneuvering much easier.

After entering the donkey shed.

Liu Youcheng glanced subconsciously around the shed, and suddenly stopped at the far left corner of the donkey shed, pointing to the prescription and asked:

"Comrade Kampot, what's the situation with that donkey over there?"

Kampot looked around.

I saw a strong local donkey tethered to the position Liu Youcheng pointed at.

If donkeys are also good-looking, Liu Youcheng feels that this donkey can be called Wang Xingang among donkeys.

But what attracted Liu Youcheng was not the appearance of this donkey, but because

Many areas of the donkey's body showed large patches of baldness, as if it had been neatly scooped up several times.

"Oh, you ask the donkey."

Gonpo smiled when he saw this, put his hands behind his back like a little old man, and explained:

"This is a donkey brought by a comrade named Xie Yu from his hometown in Zhenjiang. I heard that their ancestors served some high-ranking officials. This donkey is the breed left by that high-ranking official. It is much stronger than ordinary donkeys. "

"As a result, there was an injured foreign student in the hospital at the base a while ago. It is rumored that the surname is cattle, and it is called steak. The usual taste is also very strange."

"It is said that he eats with donkey hair for every meal, and he has to stuff a few donkey hairs into a mouthful of cornbread, so the hospital has to send people to the donkey hair every day."

"A come and go, the donkey is like this."

Liu Youcheng:


have to.

Strange things happen every year, especially today.

But this kind of surprise was only fleeting, Liu Youcheng quickly put his mind on the business.

He took a deep breath and greeted the surroundings:

"Comrades, get to work!"

Liu Youcheng had just finished speaking.

The laboratory members behind him divided into groups of three according to the established plan, and walked towards the donkey shed.

These local donkeys in the donkey shed have become smooth donkeys after long-term domestication, and they are not afraid to see Liu Youcheng and others coming.

There were even donkeys saying hello.

After coming to the edge of the donkey trough.

Each group first selects the donkey one by one, and then the donkey.

Take out the razor and start shaving.

no way.

This time, Liu Youcheng and the others aimed to collect 300ml of apocrine secretion, which is about the size of a bottle of Jiaduobao in later generations.

And if you want to collect mucus, you obviously have to shave the donkey hair clean first.

So soon.

Donkey sounds of various tones sounded in the donkey shed:

"Oh oh oh-"



Not long after Liu Youcheng and others shaved donkey hair to collect mucus.

The hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert.

Qingshui No. 14 base.

A J-6A, or a fighter jet called Dongfeng 103 in this era, also quietly flew from the base to high altitude.

The J-6A is imitated by Maoxiong's MiG-19 fighter jet, and it is also the first supersonic fighter jet developed by China.

Although according to the historical trajectory.

The current J-6A has only completed test flight and appraisal acceptance, and it will not be officially put into production until several years later.

However, as the first test and training base of the Chinese Air Force, Qingshui 14 still has several basic J-6A.

This moment.

Chen Pingsheng, the pilot of this J-6A, is skillfully operating the fighter jet to slide out of the runway, and at the same time, is carrying out data transfer with the control tower:

"Dongguai Dongguai, what is your fuel status, please report."

"Status 4.5, no overload."

"Received, is the radar status normal?"

Chen Pingsheng glanced at the detection radar panel on the instrument panel:

"There is no abnormality in the dual-band, and the received signal codes are 5674, 93344, and 20201."

"Dongguai Dongguai, the parameters are normal, the airspace status is normal, your machine can go up, I wish you a smooth mission."


After hanging up the communication.

Chen Pingsheng pulled the joystick.

While looking at the tower on the ground with some doubts.

half an hour ago.

The political commissar of the base suddenly found Chen Pingsheng and told him that he had a flight mission to complete.

Although in the original plan, there is no flight plan at the base today.

However, in Chen Pingsheng's 12-year flying career, such sudden accidents are not uncommon.

So he wasn't too surprised at first.

But the following instructions from the political commissar made him a little confused:

The base asked him to drive Dongfeng 103 out to the Xihai area to "circle around" and turn on the fire control detection radar during the whole process, but he did not intercept the target or test the target.

The only requirement is to contact a radio receiving point on a specific band immediately after the fire control detection radar is sensed.

And report [detection radar has found fire control lock], and then return.

It can be said like this.

Chen Pingsheng has never encountered such a strange command since the first time he got on the computer.

But as the saying goes.

Soldiers are bound to obey orders.

Therefore, although there was some doubt in his heart, Chen Pingsheng immediately carried out the order.

So there was this flight.

The Badain Jaran Desert is the third largest desert in China, and the straight-line distance to the border of Xihai Province is about 800 kilometers.

The flight range of the J-6 is 1690 kilometers, which is logically a bit difficult.

However, Chen Pingsheng's J-6 today does not carry weapons, but also mounts a 760-liter auxiliary fuel tank, so the actual flight range can reach 2,200 kilometers.

This is actually nothing.

Wait a few more years.

The rabbits will also change this thing into a version that can carry two auxiliary fuel tanks.

And just when Chen Pingsheng was flying at a speed of about 700 kilometers per hour as required.

The 221 base hundreds of kilometers away.

Ye Duzheng and Sun Junren were standing next to the base's weather Doppler radar, looking at the screen in front of them solemnly.

not long ago.

After Li Jue discussed with Qian Bingqiong.

So they decided to conduct an internal test on the "hardware" part of Xu Yun's plan.

That is to verify the authenticity of the two most basic links of the mucus of the donkey and the detection track.

If any of these two links go wrong.

Then Xu Yun's plan would no longer be feasible.

Among them, the local donkey mucus is relatively simple, but the radar detection track is relatively complicated.

Of course.

It's just relatively complicated.

After all, although the rabbits cannot arrange for U2 to fly to Xihai Province again immediately, it is not difficult to reproduce the preset situation of U2:

Just find a fighter that can also detect fire control radar signals.

After all, the essence of Xu Yun's plan is to completely scan the flight trajectory of the aircraft without revealing the fire control radar band.

As for the airborne radar that can detect fire control radar signals, the rabbits these days. In other words, the major powers in the world basically have no shortage-this is a technology that existed at the end of World War II.

After all, there is nothing special about this type of detection radar itself, they only need to detect special bands such as three millimeter waves.

Therefore, under the coordination of Li Jue.

Qingshui No. 14 base immediately dispatched a J-6A fighter jet to cooperate with the base's operations.

A few minutes passed.

Lin Yu, Sun Junren's student, walked quickly to his side.

Lin Yu glanced at Ye Duzheng first, and then said to the two:

"Yuan Sun, just received news from the main factory, saying that director Liu Youcheng's mucus static test has been completed."

"After preliminary testing, the donkey's apical secretion fluid and benzoquinoline can indeed form a highly malleable colloid, which should theoretically meet the requirements of the capsule of the airship."


Hearing Lin Yu's words.

Sun Junren couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Ye Duzheng, both of them saw the excitement in each other's eyes and...


The reason for the excitement is that with the release of Liu Youcheng's results, the feasibility of Xu Yun's plan has increased by one point.

dignified because

Now the pressure is completely tilted to the link of detecting the trajectory of fighter jets.

If the radar detection is successful.

This means that there are no obvious technical difficulties in terms of technology other than shells.

But if the test fails.

That would mean that all previous efforts would be in vain:

Everyone was excited in vain, the plane took off in vain, and the donkey hair was plucked in vain.

And just when Sun Junren and Ye Duzheng were silent.

In a tent not far away.

A liaison officer from the secrecy front suddenly poked his head out of the tent and said:

"Director Ye, Academician Sun."

"According to the radio information just received, the straight-line distance between the target fighter and the base has entered within 500 kilometers!"


The liaison officer's voice just fell.

Ye Duzheng and Sun Junren turned their heads at the same time, and said in unison to Baozheng at the console:

"Xiao Bao, turn on the phone!"

Hear this instruction.

Bao Zheng immediately pressed a button.

After a while.

call out--

The weather Doppler radar, which had been reassembled after U2 crossed the border, made the start sound again.

But it's different from usual.

This time the wave frequency emitted by this meteorological Doppler radar is relatively longer.


well known.

in the radar industry.

The radar operating frequency is divided into several bands, the order from low to high is:

High Frequency (HF), Very High Frequency (VHF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF, also known as P), L-band, S-band, C-band, X-band, Ku-band, K-band, Ka-band, U-band, V-band band and W-band.

Among them, the band of the fire control radar is generally the interval after the C-band, so the C-band, X-band, and Ku-band are not small blacks.

The higher the wave frequency, the shorter the wavelength represented.

The wavelength of HF can even reach hundreds of meters, while the W band is only a few millimeters.

The L band is also the wavelength of the earliest radar, which means the initial letter of the English "Long".

Later, the engineers came up with a radar with a wavelength of 10cm, which was defined as the S-band.

S is the initial letter of "short", which means short wave.

Later, radar with a wavelength of 3cm appeared.

This radar is specifically used for fire control targeting, so it is called X-band.

X is the "crosshair" from the scope, and it also represents a certain point on the coordinates.

The shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution.

for example.

When you watch small movies, you often have resolution options, from 360P, 480P to 720P, 1080P and 4K.

Different network conditions and playback devices have the ability to play different resolutions.

What about the fire control radar?

It is equivalent to a mobile phone with high network speed and high configuration.

It can clearly play 4K quality video, and you can see many details in the picture clearly under this quality - such as the shiny oil on the hot face of Thai pants.

But ordinary detection radars can only see 360P images.

In this situation.

It will be very difficult for you to see certain details clearly.


With the emergence of the one-dimensional imaging method proposed by Xu Yun, some changes occurred in the above situation:

This is equivalent to Xu Yun optimizing the built-in hardware of the mobile phone so that it can achieve 1080P image quality when playing 480P images.


Although there is still a gap between 1080P and 4K, many more obvious details can still be seen clearly.

Then under the gaze of Ye Duzheng and others.

The L-wave emitted by weather Doppler radar instantly penetrates the clouds, and the strong penetration brought by the long wave makes them fly to the extreme distance in an instant.

Fly and fly.

Some of the L waves are encountered.

The J-6 fighter jet driven by Chen Pingsheng.

The 300mm wavelength of the L wave and the 2Ghz wave frequency seem "harmless to humans and animals", and they successfully fooled the J-6's fire control monitoring radar.

And quickly sent the fighter's information back to Factory 221.

in a minute.


With a reminder sounded.

On the operating screen in front of everyone, a set of information quietly appeared first.

The information contained 17 cross-section points, and Baozheng quickly transcribed them and translated the data.


14 meters.


4 meters.

Maximum width:

9 meters.

Flight speed:

723.5 km/h.

It is clear.

It is not difficult to see from this parameter.

This is definitely a fighter or reconnaissance plane in flight.

See this situation.

Sun Junren quickly moved to the display screen again.

Only at this moment.

On the 20x20 screen in front of them, there was a small green dot blinking slowly.

Each dot blinks once.

A large number of position information parameters will pop up, and the specific value can be obtained with a little calculation:

"The flight altitude is 7753.4 meters, the range is 28.6° west by north, and the straight-line distance is 458.98 kilometers"

"The flight altitude is 7456.9 meters, the range is 27.9° west by north, and the straight-line distance is 421.10 kilometers"

"The flight altitude is 7777.7 meters, the range is 28.3° west by north, and the straight-line distance is 367.42 kilometers"

Sun Junren's pupils shrank suddenly.

A few seconds passed.

He turned his head to look at the liaison officer who was standing at the entrance of the tent, but was actually paying attention to the communication equipment inside the tent.

Just met Sun Junren's eyes.

The liaison officer quickly shook his head.

What he meant was obvious—the detection radar on the J-6 did not retrieve the L-wave signal, otherwise the driver would have contacted him.

that's all.

With the broadcast of the radar values, a clear flight path of the fighter jet appeared in front of everyone.

300 kilometers

200 kilometers

100 kilometers

50 kilometers

half an hour later.

A fighter jet flew over Sun Junren and the others slowly, without changing course during the whole process.


After the plane disappeared from view.

Sun Junren, who was silent the whole time, turned his head in a daze, and stared at Ye Duzheng beside him for a long time.

Immediately afterwards.

The eyes of both of them exploded at the same time.

One light.


The one who shot down U2 upright and without moving any hands or feet.



It is recommended to read this part of the content in conjunction with Fanwai, otherwise you will feel stupid. Some students said that I am not in a hurry to write the main text of Fanwai, but in fact this part of Fanwai is the main text.

It’s been almost ten days since the 9000 word update, please ask for a monthly ticket

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