Into Unscientific

Chapter 555 Project Level: Top Secret! (Down)

Although it can be determined from the actual feedback.

The weather Doppler radar can indeed scan the body trajectory without activating the fire control detection radar.

But it is well known.

Rabbits have been extremely stable since ancient times.

Therefore, Ye Duzheng and Sun Junren did not report to Li Jue that the verification was completed as soon as the J-6 flew over their heads.

Instead, wait until the opponent returns.

Please contact the liaison officer to confirm the information with the Qingshui 14 base again, and then go to Li Jue after ensuring that everything is correct.

After all, from the perspective of probability.

Baobuqi J-6 has actually discovered the radar scan, but there was a temporary problem with the communication equipment, so there was no reply?

Although the probability is very low.

But the possibility does exist.

".So that's why you made me and Comrade Bingqiong wait for an hour in vain?"

Inside the factory office.

Looking at Ye Duzheng and Sun Junren who looked like "I did it on purpose".

Li Jue couldn't help rubbing his temples with some headaches, and finally sighed helplessly:

"Yeah, just wait for nothing, anyway, I have to contact Qingshui again."

"Old Sun, that is, now we can be 100% sure that the weather Doppler radar is capable of accurate trajectory detection?"

Sun Junren nodded when he heard the words, took out a document from his body, and put it in front of Li Jue.

Li Jue followed the trend.

I saw that this document was densely filled with various data, and Li Jue had only roughly heard the terminology of many data concepts.

But overall it's not hard to see.

This data is divided into left and right columns, which seems to be a mutual comparison mode.

So Li Jue raised his head and looked at Sun Junren:

"Old Sun, this is...?"

Seeing this, Sun Junsheng stretched out his thick index finger, gestured a few times on the document, and explained:

"Old Li, this is the comparison between the data we measured and the flight parameters recorded by the J-6 airborne positioning beacon."

"Here, this column is the speed per hour. This column is the angle and this column is the flight altitude."

"According to the comparison results, the measurement accuracy error of the meteorological Doppler radar is about 0.63%."

"Although this value is 0.5 percentage points higher than the 0.12% of the fire control radar, it is already very gratifying-the error of our previous guess was even as high as 5%."

I heard this.

Li Jue and Qian Bingqiong's faces suddenly showed a burst of joy.


In the face of a height difference of 10,000 meters, the error of 0.63% may actually be as much as 60 meters.

But don't forget.

The projectile designed by Xu Yun is not a simple free fall, but has a certain direction-changing tracking function.

The essence of tracking and patrolling enemies is actually to calibrate errors.

Therefore, in the actual combat stage, the error of 0.63% is really not a big problem, and it can be compensated by tracking methods.

That is to say

The weather Doppler radar can indeed complete a relatively accurate aircraft trajectory scan without activating the fire control detection radar.

This is undoubtedly extremely exciting news.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

Regardless of whether U2 can be shot down this time.

The effect of the weather Doppler radar alone is enough for the defense of the rabbits—at least in the area of ​​accurate prediction of fighter jet trajectories, there has been great progress.

Think here.

Li Jue couldn't help but took a deep breath, and continued to ask Sun Junren:

"Old Sun, I'm not very familiar with radar, so I have a question to confirm with you."

"Is there a certain technical difference between the detection radar on our domestic J-6 fighter jet and the equipment used on the U2 reconnaissance plane?"

"How should I put it, there must be technological differences. After all, China started late, and the barriers to technological blockades are all in front of us."

Sun Junren nodded calmly, but quickly changed the topic:

"But this technical difference mainly exists in the precision of the equipment, which is usually referred to as a few decimal places-but the actual impact must be greater than the decimal point."

"As for the induction and identification. It's hard to say about other instruments. At least the detection radar will not be able to identify it across the sea, but the domestic radar has no feedback."

"Because the detection radar captures radio waves within the S-band, the signal of this wave frequency only exists 'is there', not 'can'."

"The radar on the other side of the sea is at most advanced than ours to the point where it can conversely lock on to the specific location of the fire control radar, and that's all."

If Xu Yun was present at this time, he would definitely give a thumbs up when he heard this.

After all, what Sun Junren said is not only true at present, but also applicable in future generations.

no way.

The power of the fire control radar is too high, and the electromagnetic waves emitted cannot be modified.

Not to mention the rabbits of later generations, not even Asan, even Ethiopia can detect the fire control signal across the sea.

Therefore, later generations can only play games in terms of guidance. In many cases, the fire control radar even directly becomes a final warning method to be used clearly.

in 2023.

On the contrary, there is a big gap between phased array radar and early warning aircraft radar, and the main areas of contention in the information battlefield are also in these two directions.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Hearing Sun Junren's explanation.

Li Jue just touched his chin thoughtfully, and said clearly:

"I see."

Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Youcheng, the director of the chemical laboratory:

"Old Liu, what happened to the brain secretion of the donkey you experimented with?"

"It's the donkey's apocrine secretion."

Liu Youcheng first corrected Li Jue's statement error, and then also took out a handwritten report, explaining:

"According to our experimental results, donkey's apocrine secretion will indeed form a jelly-like substance after standing with benzoquinoline for half an hour."

"This jelly is somewhat similar to the syrup used by sugar blowers, but the degree of adhesion is higher than syrup, and even stronger than glue."

"Then, when processed by casting, the gum can form a translucent, rubber-like film."

"Although this membrane is very thin, it has excellent ductility and fully meets the requirements of the airship capsule."

At this time, Liu Youcheng had been informed of the relevant details of the development of the airship, so when he introduced the colloidal substance produced by the apocrine secretion, his resistance was far from as strong as it was at the beginning.

Then Li Jue looked at Liu Youcheng again, feeling that this old acquaintance's face seemed a little strange, so he continued:

"Old Liu, did you encounter any other problems in your experiment? It seems that something is wrong with your face?"

"If you have any questions, you can give them feedback. The more detailed you introduce now, the clearer the organization can grasp the overall situation."

Unexpectedly, Liu Youcheng waved his hands quickly when he heard the words, and said a little embarrassedly:

"No, no, Director Li, you misunderstood."

"We didn't find any abnormalities during the whole experiment, mainly because I had an idea."

Say it.

Liu Youcheng looked around the scene before continuing to speak after deliberation:

"Didn't I say before that after the colloidal substance is processed, it will form a thin but very elastic translucent film."

"I personally feel that this kind of film is very suitable for use as a condom for married life, but it feels inappropriate to talk about it on this occasion, so."

Li Jue, Qian Bingqiong and the others were startled when they heard the words, and then burst out laughing when they recovered.

He thought that Liu Youcheng had some technical difficulties, but he didn't expect that he actually thought of that aspect

Of course.

What Liu Youcheng said can indeed be reported together. At present, the domestic demand for condoms is actually quite large-after all, there are no entertainment methods these days.

Most couples start to lightly hug and slowly twirl and pick after nightfall, and the hibiscus tent warms up the spring night.

Think here.

Li Jue suddenly realized another thing:

if so

Then the importance of these native donkeys is very high.

To know.

At present, some foreign donkey breeds are being planned or introduced in China, and it will take about ten years to select a high-quality donkey breed for official introduction.

But if only local donkeys can provide that apocrine secretion.

Then some protective measures must be taken.

However, the planning of this kind of thing is not within Li Jue's scope, so this idea just passed through his mind for a while, and then quickly dissipated.


Then Li Jue took a deep breath and turned to look at Qian Bingqiong:

"Comrade Bingqiong, that is to say, the preliminary feasibility verification we mentioned before is only left with the ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology"

thump thump——

Li Jue didn't finish his sentence.

There was a knock on the door outside the office.

Followed by Li Jue's assistant Zhou Cai's report:

"Factory Manager, Engineer Luo from the radar team is downstairs. He said he has something to report. Is it convenient for him to come up now?"

Li Jue was startled for a moment.

Immediately, he looked at Qian Bingqiong again, and said quickly:

"Xiao Zhou, quickly ask Engineer Luo to come up!"

The engineer Luo that Zhou Cai was talking about was Luo Peilin, a communications expert who was almost as good as Sun Junren in terms of ability and fame.

Some of the comrades mentioned by Qian Bingqiong in the phrase "please study the theory of ultra-wideband proximity fuzes" refer to Luo Peilin himself——Luo Peilin and Sun Junren came from the capital to form a meteorological Doppler As the radar's 'reinforcement', Qian Bingqiong did not exceed his authority to ask him for help.

Less than a minute passed.

Zhou Cai led Luo Peilin into the office.

"Director Li, Comrade Bingqiong, Lao Sun, Director Liu."

After entering the house.

Luo Peilin first greeted everyone, then walked quickly to several people, and said to Li Jue:

"Factory Director, Comrade Bingqiong, we have already obtained the analysis results on the theory of ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology."

Li Jue quickly corrected his expression:

"Engineer Luo, please speak quickly."

I saw Luo Peilin took out a palm-sized notebook with pages turned up, and quickly flipped to a certain bookmark page:

"After receiving the notification from Comrade Bingqiong, our center immediately conducted a simulation analysis on the theory proposed by Comrade Han Li."

"We first used the equipment to simulate a bandwidth of 6GHz, and at the same time lowered the signal-to-noise ratio to -15dB. The final 12-meter radiation spectral density was about -44.2dBm/MHz."

"At the same time, this signal model has a high multipath resolution, unlike the current radar receivers that increase the diversity multiplicity to capture enough signals, and there will be no frequency selective fading."

". Stop stop!"

Looking at Luo Peilin who was talking eloquently, Li Jue, who felt that he was about to grow his brain, interrupted him quickly:

"Old Luo, just say the final conclusion."


The expression on Luo Peilin's face froze for a moment, then he looked at Li Jue with a regretful look, and sighed:

"Okay. Conclusion"

"That is, the theory of ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology is indeed feasible."

well known.

Shannon proposed the famous Shannon channel capacity formula in 1948.

In an additive white Gaussian noise channel, the upper limit of the error-free transmission rate of the system is:


Among them, B is the channel bandwidth, and SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio.

Therefore, even in this era, it is not difficult to achieve precise derivation in mathematics.

In Xu Yunlai's later life.

The concept of ultra-wideband, that is, UWB active proximity fuze technology, has become a very valuable research direction in the military field.

Of course.

The ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology in 2023 must be different from what Xu Yun described. After all, there are no DSP chips in this era-this thing will not come out until 1982.

Therefore, Xu Yun has carried out a certain degree of optimization in the theory of later generations. Anyway, the core is Shannon's channel capacity formula.

This moment.

In the office.


Hearing the result Luo Peilin said.

Rao was prepared in his heart, but Li Jue still couldn't help clenching his fists.

Just a few minutes ago, he was going to tell Qian Bingqiong that only one of the three inspections had yet to come out.

Not long after, Luo Peilin put the preliminary analysis conclusion of the ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology in front of him.

That is to say

The donkey's apocrine secretion, the aircraft's trajectory detection, and the theoretical analysis of the ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology, these three verification links have already been completed at this time.

All set up!

Think here.

Li Jue couldn't help picking up the enamel cup on the table and took a sip of his saliva. After calming down, he said to Qian Bingqiong:

"Comrade Bingqiong, what do you think?"

Qian Bingqiong nodded slightly, understanding Li Jue's thoughts:

"Director Li, report to your family."

Qian Bingqiong paused after speaking, and suddenly thought of something:

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing."

Li Jue's original palm had already covered the phone microphone, and he stopped immediately when he heard this:

"What's up?"


Qian Bingqiong was silent for a moment, and said to Li Jue:

"Han Li mentioned it to me when we parted before, saying that if we are going to adopt this plan, we hope that the code name of the airship platform can be named according to his idea."

"However, before the horoscope of our project was written, I didn't tell you about it."

Li Juewen blinked and asked:

"what name?"

Qian Bingqiong first made a gesture in the air with both hands, and explained:

"According to Han Li's plan, the airship can only carry four missiles or special artillery shells that are about two meters in length at most."

"At the same time, in order to facilitate the calculation of ballistics and wind resistance, the state of these four shells must be vertically downward, which looks like four vertical long swords."

"So he gave this platform a special name called"

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation."

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation?"

after an hour.

Capital Second Machinery Department.

When Liu Bosheng heard Li Jue's report on the phone, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face:

"Isn't this a move in "Fengshen Yanyi"?"

Li Jue, who was on the other end of the phone, also smiled, looked up at Qian Bingqiong, and said:

"That's right, Comrade Bingqiong and I discussed it. It may be that Han Li heard some young workers talk about it while chatting."

"Nowadays, there are not many entertainment methods in our base. The young workers usually sing and play table tennis, or get together to read paper novels."

"Young people, it's normal to have some unique ideas."

Liu Bosheng:


He understands the truth, but this code name is indeed a bit strange.

To know.

The rabbits these days are still "conservative" after all, and have not awakened the Chinese-style romantic painting style of later generations.

None of the code names such as Tiangong, Chang'e, and Wukong appeared.

Today's project code names are basically numbers.

For example, 596, 640 or something.

That is, the year + month, or the year + the number one project of the year, or the name of the Long March Rocket with obvious struggle and inspiration.

This is the first time that Zhuxian Sword Formation has such an obvious fairy-tale style of painting.

However, thinking of the attitude of his superiors towards Han Li, Liu Bosheng finally nodded:

"Okay, Lao Li, I will report this situation to the chief."

After hanging up the phone.

Liu Bosheng raised his eyebrows and left the office with the documents.

six hours later.

A telegram was sent back to Li Jue and others:

From now on, the base will immediately set up a special project team, and the capital will once again send some reinforcements for technical support.

The project must develop the required equipment within a period of no more than two months, and then choose the opportunity

Hunt U2!

item level

top secret.

code name

Zhu Xian! !

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