Into Unscientific

Chapter 556 No Gundam, but Tongtian Generation

have to say.

Rabbits are extremely efficient these years.

On the afternoon of the day the capital telegram was received.

Base 221 quickly established a combat project team code-named 'Zhu Xian'.

Among them, Li Jue, as the general manager of the project team, took charge in person and did not participate in specific research, but was mainly responsible for overall planning.

It is the four research and development teams under the project team that actually carry out the research tasks.

The name of each group exactly corresponds to the four swords of Zhuxian Sword Formation:

Absolute Sword,

Trapped fairy sword,

killing fairy sword,

as well as

Zhuxian Sword.

Among them, the Juexianjian team is headed by Liu Youcheng, the director of the ground-based chemical laboratory.

Twenty-two researchers under the Juexian Sword Group are mainly responsible for developing the main body of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, that is, the composite capsule of the airship.

In addition, the Juexianjian team also has a group of peripheral members for raw material supply, the number is 274, and the counting unit is head.

Sun Junren is the team leader of the Immortal Sword team, responsible for the research and development of ultra-wideband proximity fuzes.

The whole group except Sun Junren.

There are also two current academicians, Luo Peilin and Bi Dexian, and Bao Zheng, a future academician.

In addition, Lin Yu, a quasi-hanger who graduated from Krypton Gold University.

Just from the lineup.

The configuration of the Trapped Immortal Sword group is unique among the four groups.

The Killing Immortal Sword team is headed by Wang Yaoping, that is, Wang Lao, and is responsible for the structural design of the airship.

After all, although the airship does not need rocket assistance to ascend to the sky, it seems that it can fly up slowly just like a balloon.

But in fact.

The ascent of an airship is far from being as simple as many people imagine.

for example.

The ascent and descent of the airship mainly depends on the gas exchange between the main airbag and the auxiliary airbag.

There is a special chip on the airships of later generations, which can adjust the gas exchange link according to the external situation, and completely achieve automatic ascension.

But these days are different.

This kind of thing is obviously an extremely difficult challenge for today's era of extremely primitive chip technology:

The computing power of the program is insufficient, and the parameters can only be adjusted to the extreme precision in advance.

Another example is how to ensure that the airship can stop at an altitude of 30,000 meters. These also require high-intensity calculations and designs.

As for the last Zhu Xian sword

Naturally, it is the design of missiles or shells.

And the person responsible for this link.

Another wave of reinforcements from the capital.

two days later.

Early in the morning.

Lao Guo, Qian Bingqiong and others rushed to the entrance of the second branch factory early.

mentioned earlier.

The area of ​​the second branch factory is quite special, it is located at the northernmost part of the base.

So in addition to being responsible for the processing of explosives, synchronous focusing experiments, processing of pyrotechnic components and assembly of nuclear weapons.

The second branch factory is also responsible for communicating with the outside world on weekdays.

For example, when Lao Guo and the others brought back supplies and Xu Yun from Guide County, Li Jue also greeted them at the Second Branch Factory.

And now.

Lao Guo's identity has changed from being a guest to being a host, waiting for a group of guests from afar.

Right now it is the first ten days of August, the sun is already high in the sky at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and the air is dense and scorching hot.


In a shed.

Lao Guo first wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, then turned his head and asked a correspondent beside him:

"Xiao Wang, how long has it been since Director Qian and the others left?"

The correspondent named Xiao Wang was a dark-skinned soldier with an inch shaved face and small eyes but with spirit.

Xiao Wang glanced at the time when he heard the words, and immediately said:

"Report, according to the news from the comrades in Haiyan County, Director Qian and the others should have left for about half an hour."

"Half an hour."

Old Guo stroked his chin thoughtfully, and had a rough guess in his mind:

"Then based on the time, they should be arriving soon, right?"

Haiyan County is the nearest county seat to Base 221, and the distance between the two is just over 20 kilometers.

Divided by administrative area.

The Jinyintan Grassland where Base 221 is located is under the jurisdiction of Haiyan County.

So although the road conditions are a bit bad these days, the distance should be about half an hour.

as expected.

Less than five minutes passed.

Woo Chi Woo Chi -

Two jeeps appeared on the road not far away.

See this situation.

Lao Guo immediately stood up from the chair, and a trace of excitement appeared on his usually wise and calm face.

Two minutes later.


The jeep stopped steadily ten meters in front of Lao Guo, and the tires rolled up a burst of fine dust.

Then soon.

The door of the jeep was pushed open from the inside, and a round-faced man in his fifties with thinning hair stepped out of it.

The moment I saw this person.

Lao Guo immediately quickened his pace a few minutes, rushed to the man, and shouted loudly:


The round-faced man originally had a trace of fatigue on his face. After all, the thousands of kilometers of travel and the extremely hot weather would make even an iron man feel tired, let alone a little old man like him who is already in his fifties.

However, after hearing Lao Guo's voice.

The tiredness on the round-faced man's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a blush that rushed to his face.

He grabbed Lao Guo's hand and shook it vigorously in the air:

"Friends come!"

Lao Guo also tightly hugged the generous palm of his senior brother, the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and there was a faint sparkle in his eyes.

In this era, there are not many international students going abroad, and even fewer are studying under the same tutor.

And Lao Guo and the round-faced man in front of him are rare brothers from the same school.

They met at the California Institute of Technology across the sea as early as 1941:

At that time, Lao Guo came to Caltech to study for a doctorate after graduating from a master's degree at the University of Toronto.

Learn aerodynamics from von Karman, the father of aviation across the sea and master of fluid mechanics.


At that time, the round-faced man had just obtained his Ph.D. for two years, and he stayed with his tutor, von Karman, and was hired as a teaching assistant.

During the work time.

The round-faced man often guides his younger brother and shows great care for Lao Guo, and the two have formed a deep friendship from this.

By 1946.

At the invitation of Sears, Guo Youlai went to Cornell University to co-found the Aeronautical Research Institute and served as an associate professor of the Aeronautical Research Institute.

And Qian Wushi.

He chose to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Both of these two schools are on the east side of the sea, and the Caltech they originally attended is on the west side of the sea.

So the two young people drove across half of the sea, from west to east, from sunny California to Boston for more than 3,000 kilometers.

They talked about their life ideals along the way, vowing to create a world.

The experience of studying abroad has been further fermented after returning to China.

More than ten years have passed.

The relationship between the two has long been sublimated from a simple relationship between brothers and sisters to like-minded comrades-in-arms.

After a while.

Only then did Lao Guo realize that there were other people around him, so he took the initiative to let go of his brother, pointed at Qian Bingqiong and said:

"Brother, Director Qian shouldn't need me to introduce you? This is your family."

The round-faced man nodded, and extended his hand to Qian Bingqiong with the same enthusiasm:

"Comrade Bingqiong, long time no see."

Qian Bingqiong shook hands with him solemnly, and said enthusiastically:

"Comrade Fifth Division, welcome to Base 221. I'm afraid you will have to work hard this time."

"Well, there's nothing hard about working for the country, and"

Fifth Master Qian immediately shook his head when he heard the words, and at the same time, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes:

"Comrade Bingqiong, to tell you the truth, I haven't slept much for two days—not because of the mental pressure, but because I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night when I thought of the scene where U2 was shot down."

"Here, look."

Say it.

Fifth Master Qian also stretched out his right hand towards Qian Bingqiong.

Only at this moment.

It's going to be hot and dry tomorrow.

Goosebumps still popped up on Fifth Master Qian's bare arms, which showed the excitement in his heart.

Seeing this, Qian Bingqiong immediately laughed too.

After greetings.

Qian Bingqiong's expression was frozen, his tone changed from being friendly to serious, and he talked about business:

"Comrade Fifth Division, you should know the specific task that your superiors sent you this time, right?"

When Fifth Master Qian heard this, the smile on his face also subsided:

"Well, the chief had talked to me before I came, and I only have one task this time, which is"

"Optimize missiles that meet the requirements, calculate important data such as ballistics, and forge the most critical 'Zhu Xian sword'!"

When Fifth Master Qian said these words, the emotions in his heart were far from as calm as they appeared on the surface.

To know.

The current Fifth Division Qian is the director of the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense, and is responsible for the development of the first-generation missiles of the rabbits.

So follow the original plan.

The Fifth Qian Division will only carry out the preparation of the weaponization of the atomic bomb after the successful development of the atomic bomb, that is, the combination of the atomic bomb and the missile to make it capable of long-range strikes.

In theory.

Before the advent of the atomic bomb, the Fifth Qian Division would not have any intersection with the 221 base.

The result was unexpected.

With the introduction of the Jade Immortal Project, the rabbits saw the dawn of shooting down U2, and the Fifth Master Qian also unexpectedly appeared here.

Count Sun Junren, Luo Peilin and Wang Lao who came before.

Plus Qian Bingqiong, who arrived earlier.

At this time, Lao Guo Li felt that they might not feel much.

But if you look at it from the perspective of future generations, the staffing in Base 221 at this time can generally be described in five words:

Gathered all over the world.

There are hanging .jpg.

Then Qian Bingqiong paused, and continued to say to Fifth Master Qian:

"Comrade Fifth Division, in order to support the work of the Zhu Xianjian team, the capital has specially allocated part of the computing power of the 103 machine to your team."

"Divided by time, your group can have about two hours of computer time for data calculation every day."

"Your dormitories and offices are located in the 18th branch, which is the main factory office, so whether it is computer data handover or other matters, it is very easy to handle."

"As for your team members."

Speaking of which.

Qian Bingqiong looked up at the entourage who were loading luggage from the jeep, and asked Fifth Master Qian:

"Comrade Fifth Division, besides the comrades you brought, do you want the base to provide you with some more manpower or resources?"

"Although most of the personnel in the base currently use pseudonyms, and the real list is highly confidential, it can still be opened to you normally."

I heard this.

Lao Guo on the side also nodded.


At present, the confidentiality regulations in the base are extremely strict. Unless they are classmates or friends who have known each other before coming to the base—for example, in the case of Qiao Caihong and Zheng Tao, most people will rarely know the true situation of their companions.

Some people's pseudonyms have been called for 20 or 30 years, so that after the project is declassified, everyone still calls each other's pseudonyms.

For example, after a certain comrade passed away after declassification, his former leader also subconsciously read out his alias many times at the memorial service—it was already the 1980s at that time.

However, Fifth Division Qian is currently the dean of the Fifth Academy, and his research is on the missile project in the "two bombs and one satellite", and the level of secrecy is very high.

So for him.

It is no problem to check the real personnel list of the 221 base.

"Manpower and supplies."

Fifth Master Qian thought for a moment and said:

"If possible, I hope the base can deploy five no, seven comrades, seven comrades who are more proficient in mathematical calculations."

"After all, our calculations must be quite large, and the computers in the capital alone may not be enough."

"no problem."

I saw Qian Bingqiong waved his hand very grandly. He had discussed the personnel and material matters with Li Jue before he came, and Li Jue entrusted him with full authority:

"How about this, I will give you ten elites who are proficient in counting, plus five hand-cranked calculators."

"Comrade Fifth Division, what do you think?"

Fifth Master Qian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but was immediately overjoyed:

"Five hand calculators? That's really nice!"

"But Comrade Bingqiong, I heard that there are not many hand-cranked calculators in the base, right? Will this affect other projects in the base?"

"How should I put it, the impact must be a little bit."

Qian Bingqiong nodded to him, and frankly admitted:

"However, the research and development of the atomic bomb has not yet entered the most critical period, and the temporary tilt of some resources has little impact."

"Besides, if we can really win U2, then we don't have to worry about the threat of those dog legs in the future, and we don't have to stop the project in hand every time U2 flies to cooperate with acting."

"The time and efficiency saved in this way will obviously exceed the time invested in the project in the long run."

Fifth Master Qian blinked.


If the Zhuxian project can really be successfully completed.

Not to mention the value of the output of the entire project.

The time saved in the future alone is enough to pay back the cost, not to mention the boost to morale, and the improvement in efficiency is not a little bit.

After all, U2 these days is really a fairy to the rabbits

How can it not be exciting for mortals to kill immortals?

Think here.

Fifth Master Qian naturally had no objection to Qian Bingqiong's arrangement.

Then he pondered for half a minute before continuing:

"Also, Comrade Bingqiong, I have another request."

Qian Bingqiong glanced at him:

"any request?"

Fifth Division Qian raised his head and looked towards the north, that is, the direction of the capital, and some words from the chief before leaving appeared in his mind.

Then he looked away and said to Qian Bingqiong:

"I think."

"Let that comrade named Han Li join the Zhuxian project team to be my assistant."


The episode has already been posted, and students who have read it can give a score, ranging from 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. I think the writing should be good~

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