Into Unscientific

Chapter 557: The Truth Comes Out

This moment.

Jeep side.

"Han Li as an assistant?"

Hearing these words from Fifth Master Qian, Qian Bingqiong was taken aback for a moment.

Too surprised.

He even stopped at the throat when he planned to ask Fifth Master Qian to go to the pergola to avoid the sun.

After a long time.

Qian Bingqiong just recovered from the surprise, turned his eyes, and tentatively asked Fifth Master Qian:

"Comrade Fifth Division, is this the meaning of the family?"

To know.

The Fifth Division Qian had been staying at the Fifth Academy in the capital before, and even the research direction had no intersection with the 221 Base.

In theory.

Even if he was informed of some of the contents of the "Zhu Xian" project by the chief, he would not know too much about it, let alone the existence of Xu Yun.

Rabbit's many missions these days are basically in the caliber of [Comrade XX will introduce the specific content to you later].

And right now Fifth Division Qian directly named Han Li.

It is clear.

There must be a certain important person in the capital who explained something to Fifth Master Qian before leaving, and even directly raised certain demands.

as expected.

Fifth Master Qian nodded quickly and explained:

"That's right, the chief explained some things to me before leaving, and I already have a general understanding of his situation."

"That's why I'm still somewhat interested in Comrade Han Li. I heard that he has recovered well recently and can go to class in a wheelchair, so I wondered if I could get in touch with him."

"After all. Comrade Bingqiong, you also know that there are too few talents in the field of ballistics in China at present."

In the end.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help but sighed, and shook his head regretfully.

That last sentence is not a bad sell.

If there are still some talents in the country for the development of nuclear weapons, then the shadow of missiles is not even the shadow of talents.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

If Lu Guangda or Guo Youlai is missing from the nuclear weapons project—on the premise that only one person is missing, the difficulty of the project may be higher.

But the end result will not change.

But if the missile project is short of the Fifth Division of Qian, it is really unknown when it will be able to succeed.

In the current high-tech field of national defense.

Qian Wushi is a scientist from the top of the mountain, and the only guide and leader.

Before he returned to China, he had already participated in the strategic forward-looking planning of the next few decades across the sea, and he participated in the whole process of setting up this plan. He was one of the core six-member team members and independently wrote several reports.

He has the most comprehensive understanding of the current military technology, and has known the latest information on aircraft, missiles, atomic bombs, automatic control, rockets and other fields for 45 years.

in the entire field of defense.

Qian Wushi is equivalent to Bolt in the 100-meter race in later generations, and belongs to the absolute unique existence.

for example.

About a year and a half ago, the development of the atomic bomb encountered some problems in engineering mechanics. Qian Bingqiong approached Fifth Division Qian to recommend someone to solve this problem.

Qian Wushi first recommended himself, saying that he could try it.

Many people in later generations must have heard of the final result:

Qian Bingqiong considered that the Fifth Academy could not do without Fifth Master Qian, so he asked Fifth Master Qian to recommend another candidate.

In the end, Qian Wushi recommended Lao Guo, and Lao Guo was selected as one of the core designers of the atomic bomb development work, responsible for the implosion technology of the atomic bomb.

But what very few actually know is.

Qian Bingqiong didn't immediately deny his idea when Fifth Master Qian recommended himself.

At that time, Qian Bingqiong gave Master Qian five three days to give him an idea and description for solving the problem first.

After all, this matter has to be reported to the superiors.

As a result, on the second day after Fifth Division Qian put down his work, the Fifth Academy was directly paralyzed—because Fifth Division Qian was the only one who could guide the research at that time.

Usually Fifth Master Qian is really both a father and a mother in the Fifth Academy, guiding the work during the day and teaching the members of the project team after get off work.

The famous "Introduction to Missiles" in later generations is a textbook compiled by Qian Wushi to teach the members of the Fifth Academy

So in desperation.

Qian Bingqiong just denied Qian Wushi's self-recommendation and replaced the candidate with Lao Guo.

Therefore, there is a saying in later generations, which is more reasonable objectively speaking:

Qian Wushi is not a standard applied physicist, his real talent lies in theory.

For example, he deduced the famous Karmen-Qian formula, and proposed a new nonlinear instability theory for spherical shells and cylindrical shells.

But for the cause of national defense, he abruptly turned himself into an applied physicist.

There are many people like Fifth Master Qian.

Although the two bombs and one satellite are the final results of collectivism, they are truly lone warriors in the small directions of their respective fields.

all in all.

Therefore, Fifth Master Qian would be more than happy if he could find a good helper.

Of course.

In addition to this factor, there is another reason for Qian Wushi to choose Xu Yun.

That was what the chief said to him before he left.

At that time, in order to avoid the appearance of 404 river crabs.

The chief chose to meet Qian Wushi in a tea house on the outskirts of the capital.

After introducing Xu Yun's "record".

Fifth Division Qian asked the chief what attitude he should use to treat Xu Yun.

As a result, the chief suddenly pointed out the window and said with a smile:

"Comrade Fifth Division, just look out the window and you'll understand."

So Fifth Master Qian glanced out of the window a few times and said thoughtfully:

"I understand. You mean that I should treat Han Li with enthusiasm and openness like the sun, and don't hide it, right?"

Unexpectedly, the chief shook his head and explained:

"Comrade Fifth Division, you're overthinking it. Have you seen the donkey pulling the mill over there? ——I mean, just treat Han Li as that donkey."

"Maybe in the end, not only will he not complain, but he will also thank you."

Qian Wushi:


Therefore, although the heart is still puzzled.

But out of trust in the capital, Fifth Division Qian decided to choose Xu Yun as his assistant.

And at the same time when Fifth Master Qian met Qian Bingqiong, Lao Guo and others.

The 18th branch factory is more than ten kilometers away from them.

Today's Xu Yun doesn't know about the arrival of Fifth Master Qian, let alone the fact that the big shots in the capital have stripped off all their pants in the episode.

At this time, he was sitting leisurely in a wheelchair like Yasuo whose leg was broken.

While breathing the fresh air, he looked at Zheng Tao and others in front of him.

Inflate the balloon.

That's right.

Inflate the balloon.

Zheng Taofeng saw more than a dozen people squatting on the ground, and each of them had a device that looked like a gas tank.

These future academicians are in a team of two, one holds the balloon, the other controls the equipment, and inflates the balloon hummingly.

This moment.

Xu Yun and the others had already piled up quite a few balloons, floating in mid-air, as if they would fly straight into the sky after breaking free.

These balloons look no different from ordinary balloons of later generations, the only special thing is that.

A small piece of metal was tied to the lower end of each balloon. At the same time, Qiao Caihong sat with two other lesbians and painted the balloons with a white paint.

Wang Lao stood on the other side with Liu Youcheng and Sun Junren from the chemical laboratory.

I saw the three of them smoking or crossing their arms around their chests, looking at the balloon from time to time, talking in low voices.

Wang Lao is now the team leader of the Absolute Immortal Sword, and Liu Youcheng and Sun Junren are also the team leaders of the Killing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword respectively.

So with the three groups coming together here, it's clear that there's something to be done.

After a while.

Tongyou Ge, whom Xu Yun also met in real life, walked quickly to Mr. Wang's side, and reported:

"Commander, twenty balloons are ready."

"In addition, according to the requirements, we have also divided them into five groups according to different materials, please check."

Seeing this, Mr. Wang nodded, and came to the balloon pile with Liu Youcheng and Sun Junren.

Then Mr. Wang bent down, picked up a balloon and inspected it carefully for a while.

followed by the second

The third.

the fourth.

After examining these balloons with extreme patience.

Wang Lao just raised his head, turned around and said to Sun Junren beside him:

"Comrade Junren, there is no problem, please activate the radar."

Sun Junren nodded, and gestured to Bao Zheng who had already been on the weather Doppler radar console:

"Xiaobao, turn on the phone!"

Seeing this, Baozheng said yes, and immediately pressed the start button of the radar.

at the same time.

Zhou Shaoping and others also released these balloons into the sky at the same time under Wang Lao's signal.


More than a dozen white balloons quickly rose from the clearing.

These balloons quickly flew to high places at different speeds, and very few of them drifted to other directions with the wind.

Everyone looked up at the sky on the spot, and made a salute of attention.

This is the first joint experiment conducted by the three teams since the establishment of the Zhuxian project team.

Its main purpose is twofold.

One is to test the strength of the materials produced by Liu Youcheng and the others in the first batch, and select the appropriate ratio.

The second is to collect high-altitude data.

Of course.

Since the project team has only been established for two days, no one who is optimistic will think that the balloon can reach the preset altitude of the stratospheric airship.

Or mysterious in a sense.

What Mr. Wang and the others are going to collect today is the data at the moment when the balloon exploded.

That's right, exploding data.

Although on the bright side.

During the ascent of the hydrogen balloon, there will be two forces that have nothing to do with the movement.

That is, synthetic buoyancy and spherical shell gravity—wherein the former is essentially the resultant force of the gravity and air pressure of the contained gas.

That is, the gravity of the spherical shell = the mass of the spherical shell * the local gravitational acceleration.

Synthetic buoyancy = difference in gas density between inside and outside * volume * local acceleration of gravity.

At the same time in the case of constant temperature approximation.

It can be considered that the density of the atmosphere decreases exponentially with altitude.

That is, as the balloon rises, the buoyancy force will gradually decrease.

Until the position where the buoyancy is balanced with the gravity of the spherical shell, the balloon will stop rising and float at a high altitude.

But this is only a theoretical situation.


During the ascent, the pressure difference on the spherical shell will increase rapidly.

So in reality.

Most of the balloons will burst or leak during the ascent process because they cannot withstand the pressure difference between the inside and outside.

The data of the internal and external air pressure difference during the explosion can provide important research and development references for Wang Lao and Liu Youcheng's team:

Youcheng Liu can be used to optimize the capsule material.

Wang Lao can come to assist in the research and development of the airship structure.

As for how these data are collected

Naturally, it depends on the small metal piece under the balloon and the paint painted by Joe Rainbow and the others.

This small metal piece is a specially treated ferrite material, which has a special reflection on the electromagnetic waves of the weather Doppler radar, and can send back a lot of height data.

Give an inappropriate but well-understood example.

It is equivalent to a large rainfall particle, which can be easily locked by weather Doppler radar in real time.

As for the paint, it contains boron fiber and epoxy resin, which are materials that can be produced by the process these days.

They are characterized by a narrow frequency range and the formation of distinct groups when the gas explodes.

The speed and height of these groups can be calculated through the weather Doppler radar feedback, and the gas data at the time of the explosion can be restored.

Another thing to add is that

Xu Yun didn't raise any opinions during this process. All the inspirations were discussed by Mr. Wang, Sun Junren and Liu Youcheng.

After all, both the material and the principle belong to the known concepts of this era, and it is not particularly super-class.

If this kind of thing requires Xu Yun's help.

Then it would be impossible for the rabbits to come up with nuclear weapons.

Then under the gaze of everyone.

The balloons slowly rose into the sky.

The twenty balloons are grouped into four groups, and the materials are divided into five categories:


surface treated fabrics,

Sputtered films,

Polyester film,

as well as

Multi-film blends.

Other than that.

A little bit of donkey brother's apocrine secretion was added to these materials.

At the same time, in order to serve as a reference for comparison, some of them were replaced from the top pulp secretion to the donkey brother's small pulp secretion.

After the balloon is lifted into the air.

Different materials quickly exhibit different properties.

Among them, the four balloons treated by sputtering took the lead and floated at the top. Seeing this posture, they went straight for three to five kilometers.

The surface-treated fabric balloons were dragged to the end, and formed a relatively obvious date with the four batches in front.

After a few minutes.

The fabric balloon stayed at a position of about a thousand meters, did not explode but did not rise anymore.

See this situation.

Liu Youcheng shook his head, immediately picked up a small notebook, and drew a cross on the fabric balloon.

At a height of 1,000 meters, the flying speed is the slowest.

No matter from which angle.

Fabric balloons are obviously unlikely to make it to the next round of screening.

at the same time.

On the other side, Bao Zheng and others are also recording the data quickly:

"Number 1 has a height of 1145.14 meters, a wind speed of 8 meters per second, and an air pressure of 88.46kPa"

"No. 3 balloon is 1453 meters high, the wind speed is 8.7 meters per second, and the air pressure is 83.53kPa"

"Number 4 Balloon Altitude"

After a while.

A small green dot on the display suddenly froze, and then began to fall rapidly.

See this situation.

Bao Zheng immediately raised his head, looked at Liu Youcheng, and reported:

"Director Liu, the number 12 balloon has exploded!"

Liu Youcheng seemed very calm about this, and calmly asked:

"Xiaobao, have you collected the data at the moment of the explosion?"

Baozheng turned his attention to the console again, fiddled with it a few times and replied:

"Seven shifting signals at the moment of the explosion were collected, three of which are relatively obvious, and it should be possible to restore the specific scene of the explosion."

Liu Youcheng nodded.

It was introduced above.

These balloons are coated with boron fiber and epoxy resin.

The main function of these materials is to transmit data when the balloon has an accident:

Whether the balloon deflates or explodes, some deformation of the balloon body occurs.

For example, air leakage is inwardly flattened.

A rupture explosion is an outward expansion.

There is nothing to say about the air leakage process. Basically, it ran out of breath, and then fell down under the traction of the iron sheet.

But explosions are different.

At the moment of explosion.

The capsule of the balloon will burst into several or even dozens of small pieces.

The sputtering direction and speed of these small pieces may sometimes differ several times in value because of the force point and air resistance.

And in the process.

The boron fiber and epoxy resin coated on the small piece are equivalent to an amplifier, which makes the data clear and captureable through the wave frequency characteristics.

This can be regarded as one of the black technologies developed by the rabbits. Later, many parameters of the Dongfanghong-1 launch vehicle were derived from this.

However, the conditions at that time were more difficult than now, because the rabbits in the original history did not have weather Doppler radar assistance

Then Baozheng led other members of the team to quickly write down these shifting signals one by one, preparing to collect them and hand them over to Liu Youcheng and the others for processing.

Here we go.

Zhou Shaoping and others who used to play balloons as coolies could finally breathe a sigh of relief and rested aside.

"By the way, Comrade Zheng Tao."

Seeing that Zheng Tao and others had a chance to take a break.

Xu Yun asked a question that he had been struggling with for a long time:

"Comrade Zheng Tao, what did you say that I owed favors to local donkeys? What is the situation?"

To be honest.

Xu Yun has been wondering about this question for some days.

over a week ago.

At that time, in order for Xu Yun to teach them some new knowledge, Zheng Tao came up with many reasons to persuade Xu Yun.

Among them, Qiao Caihong's kindness in taking care of him and Zheng Tao's kindness in building the wheelchair Xu Yun immediately recognized them. These are all objective facts.

But Zheng Tao also brought in another volunteer at the time, saying that Xu Yun owed him favors, or more precisely, his local donkey.

This Xu Yun is quite puzzling.

However, these days the sideline team of the base has heavy tasks, and Xu Yun, Zheng Tao, and Zhou Shaoping don't have many opportunities to meet each other.

The few times I met by chance, there were business matters to deal with, and I forgot to ask when I was too busy.

So it's rare to have free time right now.

Xu Yun couldn't help but raised this question again.

After all, no matter how he thinks about it, it is difficult to explain why he owes a donkey

"Oh, you said that."

Zheng Tao immediately looked around a few times when he heard the words, and quickly waved to a person a few meters away:

"Hey, old Xie, come here!"

The old Xie that Zheng Tao spoke of was the Xie Yu that Xu Yun met that day, the so-called owner of the donkey, a thin young man with a rather simple and honest smile.

After Xie Yu came to her side.

Zheng Tao patted Xie Yu's shoulder and said to him:

"Old Xie, please explain to Comrade Han Li about the donkey."

Xie Yu was slightly taken aback, he thought Zheng Tao had something serious to talk to him about.

But soon he came back to his senses, a subtle expression appeared on his face, and he said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, that's right."

"About more than a month ago, when I just got off work from the team, the captain brought Dr. Lin Yu from the staff hospital to find me."

"Doctor Lin said that a wounded man came to the hospital with a fever that was half cooked, coughing, and the degree of burns was very high. Ordinary medicines had no effect, so he wanted to try a folk remedy—a dead horse as a living horse doctor. "

"The folk prescription needs to use the hair of a local donkey to make an ointment for external application, and at the same time, it has to be stewed into a medicinal soup for oral administration. He took a fancy to our donkey."

Xu Yun:


Facing the eloquent Xie Yu.

Xu Yun had only one thought in his heart at this time:

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!!!!

I###! ! !

What the hell is donkey hair applied externally and taken internally?

To know.

Although Halo likes to torment people very much, he will definitely not let himself belch as soon as he arrives in the dungeon—otherwise it would be meaningless to open the dungeon.

That is to say, normally, I don’t need to gnaw on the donkey’s hair, and I can still survive smoothly. At most, the sex scene will last longer.

The results of it?

Did Lin Yu and Lao Guo feed themselves donkey hair for more than a month? !

Isn't this a scam?

No wonder he always felt something was wrong when he took the medicine before. At that time, Qiao Caihong told him that it was the dregs of magnolia and asarum.


Joe Rainbow!

Think here.

Xu Yun suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head to look at Qiao Caihong, and said word by word:

"Comrade Rainbow."

Did not expect ah did not expect.

Qiao Caihong, you pretty little girl can cheat people

Seeing Xu Yun's eyes turned to him, Qiao Caihong couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, this girl is indeed quite simple, far from being black-bellied to the level of old Guo.

In the end, I didn't know if it was hard to bear Xu Yun's gaze or if I was too entangled in my heart.

Qiao Caihong suddenly took out a few notebooks in which Xu Yun lectured, and quickly flipped through them.

After a few seconds.

The girl's eyes became dazed as if the genetic lock had been unlocked:


Xu Yun:


And the other side.

Zheng Tao thought of something, smiled and said to Xie Yu:

"Old Xie, your donkey's luck is quite unlucky. He is born strong and strong. If he was a little thinner, he probably wouldn't be selected."

"Hey, I can't lose weight."

Xie Yu seemed to be a very serious person, and immediately shook his head when he heard the words:

"That donkey is the blood of a standard donkey king. Back then, we and the ancestors of our Xie family met Su Song, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. The donkey breed is inherently better than those miscellaneous donkeys."

As a result, Xie Yu hadn't finished speaking.

Xu Yun, whose heart was extremely complicated because of eating donkey hair for a month, turned around in a daze and interrupted Xie Yu's introduction:

"Comrade Xie Yu, what are you talking about? Your ancestor followed Su Song?"

Xie Yu blinked:

"That's right, it's Su Song. What's the matter, Comrade Han Li?"

Xu Yun's pupils shrank imperceptibly.

The ancestors served Lao Su,

There are local donkeys at home,

Still surnamed Xie

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said to Xie Yu:

"Comrade Xie Yu, your ancestor was called Xie Yuannian?"


When Xie Yu heard this, a trace of surprise quickly appeared on his face:

"Comrade Han Li, how do you know the names of our ancestors?"

Xu Yun took a deep look at Xie Yu, then forcibly calmed down, and said:

"Oh, I just asked casually when I thought of it. It's just a coincidence."

"To tell you the truth, when I was in England, I met a descendant of Su Song. I can't remember exactly how many rooms it is. During the chat, he introduced some information about Su Song's family to me."

"At that time, he mentioned Xie Yuannian, your ancestor. It is said that after Su Song's death, Xie Yuannian moved his family to the vicinity of Su Song's tomb and guarded the tomb for hundreds of years."

"However, when the Neon Devils came, the people of Xiejia Village fled south due to the chaos of war, and the two families lost contact."

Xie Yu suddenly nodded:

"I see. That's right. When the devils came, there were only a hundred people left in Xiejia Village, and everyone fled everywhere when they got together."

"My family fled to Cangnan, Zhejiang Province, and settled down in Lingxi. I happen to be the second generation."

After hearing Xu Yun's explanation, Xie Yu didn't think much about it.

After all, Su Song's descendants are still flourishing, so it is reasonable for Xu Yun to meet Su Song's descendants.

However, I can remember Xie Yuannian's name. I think that "Comrade Han Li" also listened carefully to the introduction of the descendant of Su Song.

Think here.

Xie Yu couldn't help but look more kindly at Xu Yun.

And opposite Xie Yu.

Xu Yun's heart is much more complicated.

He would never have thought of it anyway.

I actually met Xie Yuannian's descendants in the 221 instance!

Xie Yuannian is the old Xie from the old Su family in the 1100 dungeon, and he takes good care of Xu Yun in the dungeon.

If it wasn't for Xie Yuannian's impromptu idea,

I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Xu Yun to have an intersection with the two brothers Wang Zhi and Wang Yue, let alone the stories that follow.

after that.

Old Su was drawn to modern times by the halo, and gained a new life.

When he went to Yongcheng to ask Lin Zhenhua for help, Xu Yun took Lao Su to Wuzhou Mountain in Zhenjiang, where he buried Lao Su himself.

On the way to the grave, they also met Su Hua, the chairman of the Zhenjiang Jiangsu Clan Council.

According to Su Hua's introduction.

After Lao Su's death, Xie Yuannian guarded the tomb for Lao Su, and he passed away after guarding it for about five or six years.

Xie Yuannian and Lao Su's descendants stayed in Zhenjiang and continued to live.

Due to the wealth left by Lao Su, the Su family soon blossomed and scattered, and divided into several branches.

The Xie family formed a Xie family village, and they watched and helped each other with the Su family.

But later, the little devils invaded the Central Plains, and the mountains and rivers sank.

Everyone in Xiejia Village could only flee to the south.

Although Lao Su didn't say it clearly at the time.

But Xu Yun could feel that after listening to Su Hua's introduction, Lao Su's mood fluctuated.

It's a pity that this kind of finding people, especially some people from 80 years ago, can be called a hell-difficult task even in 2023.

Therefore, although Xu Yun could understand Lao Su's thoughts, he had no ability to help.

The result was unexpected.

The donkey hair soup that I drank in Base 221 actually led to Xie Yu, a descendant that Mr. Xie took care of?

To know.

Except for a few krypton gold players, the characters in the dungeon are all the same as the real history.

That is to say, in the original history, there was also such a Xie Yu in the base.

Then wait for Xu Yun to return to reality.

some things just work

After all, many files related to the development of nuclear weapons have been declassified. Among them are documentaries filmed and broadcast by official media such as CCTV. The characters in the films are all real people.

So Xu Yun can make a report saying that he wants to write a novel with this period as the background.

Then use this as a reason to check some relevant files.

Now that he has also made a lot of contributions in reality, this kind of thing is not a big problem.

In addition, Xie Yu mentioned the place name of Cangnan Lingxi in Zhejiang Province

If he is lucky, Xu Yun might still see the older version of Xie Yu.

After all, he is about the same age as Zhou Shaoping and Zhang Gongding. He will be in his early 80s in 2023, at most 85 at most.

Not to mention that he must be alive at this age, at least there is a certain probability of existence - and the probability is not particularly slim.

If "Mr. Xie" had a granddaughter at that time, then old Su

Hey, this picture is a bit exciting.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help sighing while being excited.

have to.

In this way, it seems that it is not easy to blame the donkey.

But it can untie a knot in Lao Su's heart, and it's okay to eat less donkey meat.

And just when Xu Yun's mood was complicated.

At the corner of the intersection not far away, a jeep suddenly appeared.

The jeep drove straight to the edge of the clearing.

After the car is parked.

Lao Guo walked down with a round-faced man, who was obviously

Qian Wushi.

And the moment he saw Fifth Master Qian.

Xu Yun's heart skipped a beat.


This time, in order to take down U2, the superiors actually sent this boss?

To know.

In his later life, someone once said a hell joke:

"It's easy to intercept the H.S. Tsien ballistic, just wait for it at the end."

And now.

Xu Yun saw the real master.

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