Into Unscientific

Chapter 558 Forge the strongest sword!

This moment.

on the clearing.

Except for Xu Yun.

Elder Wang, Sun Junren, and Liu Youcheng are on the side.

As well as Zheng Tao, Zhou Shaoping and others beside Xu Yun, they also turned their attention to the direction where Fifth Master Qian and Lao Guo appeared at this time.

After all, the jeep whimpered a lot, and its size was also obvious.

In theory.

Except for interstellar players, normal people would basically glance over there subconsciously.

After seeing Fifth Master Qian appearing.

Mr. Wang was startled for a moment, then raised his characteristic eyebrows in surprise, and shouted:

"Wulaoqian? Why are you here?"

Subconsciously, Mr. Wang wanted to call out the word 'Five Masters'.

However, after thinking that there were Xu Yun and other people around him, he still changed to the more vague name of Lao Qian.

Say it.

He quickly walked towards Fifth Master Qian.

At this time, Wang Lao had just passed 40, and he might not be at his peak mentally, but there is nothing wrong with being in his prime.

So he didn't have to sit in a wheelchair and be pushed forward like what Xu Yun saw in reality, and he walked like a tiger.

On the contrary, Xu Yun, who is alive and kicking in reality, can only sit in a wheelchair and be pushed around in the dungeon.

More than ten steps out.

Elder Wang had already walked in front of Fifth Master Qian, and saw his hands resting on Fifth Master Qian's shoulders, shaking it a few times:

"Old Qian, when did you arrive at the base?"

"Not long ago, here, the luggage is still in the car."

Fifth Master Qian smiled and pointed to the jeep behind him, then looked Mr. Wang up and down, and nodded slowly:

"Well, you seem to be in good spirits, Yaoping, it seems that you haven't starved to death recently."

Wang Lao gave him a punch.

Although one of Wang Lao and Qian Wushi was born in 21 years, and the other was born in 11 years, the difference in age is close to one round.

But usually their relationship is quite good, there is no age gap at all.

One reason was that their dormitory was next door after they returned to China, and Mr. Wang's lover was not around at that time, so he often went to Qian Wushi's house for dinner.

The second is that, like Fifth Master Qian, Mr. Wang is also a typical example of changing careers for the sake of the country.

That's right.

Wang Lao also changed his career midway.

Mr. Wang's original specialty was power generation in thermal power plants, but for China's first sounding rocket "T-7M" project, he passively shifted to the direction of sounding rockets.

This transformation is a lifetime.

three times

Now they are responsible for the missiles and satellites in the two bombs and one satellite project, and they have an extraordinary sympathy for the words "heavy responsibility on their shoulders".

So now we just met.

Fifth Master Qian began to tease Mr. Wang:

Fifth Master Qian's so-called 'starved to death' did not refer to his physical condition, but to the current situation Mr. Wang was in charge of.

That is to say, due to the international situation, the country was forced to turn to the research and development of nuclear weapons, which led to the lack of business of Wang Lao and his project team.

If this kind of remarks were made by ordinary friends, it would undoubtedly be regarded as ridicule or even hostile remarks.

But for Mr. Wang and Fifth Master Qian, this is a manifestation of their deep feelings.

after awhile.

Elder Wang suddenly thought of something.

He patted his forehead lightly, said in a long-pitched voice, and said to Fifth Master Qian:

"Oh I see."

"Co-author Lao Qian, you are the person in charge of the Jade Sword project team?"

"No wonder I said it's been two days, why haven't I seen the person in charge of the Zhu Xianjian team, it turned out that they were reinforcements dispatched from the capital?"

Fifth Master Qian also smiled when he heard the words, and patted his chest confidently:

"That's right, the Zhuxian sword is the weapon for the final blow, and it must be polished by a master like me."

"Otherwise, it's okay to miss the construction period, but if you miss one hit, then things will become very troublesome in the future."

this time.

Mr. Wang didn't tease Fifth Master Qian anymore, but nodded seriously:

"That's right, with you, the Fifth Division, Ji Mie taking the shot, what's the point of a mere U2?"

I heard this.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help laughing.

Many people in later generations have probably heard such a story:

When the Fifth Qian Division was preparing to return to China from across the sea, a senior general across the sea strongly opposed it, and said a famous sentence:

"We absolutely can't let Fifth Master Qian go back to China, he alone is as powerful as five masters!"

But in 2023.

There are two rumors about this story on the Internet.

One rumor is that the person who said this was Neon Taishang Huang or Eisenhower, which is a relatively common situation in the process of information dissemination.

But another rumor is different.

They said that this story is fictitious, no one has said this sentence at all, and this is their own money.

thump, thump, thump, thump!

The long-lost small class of dispelling rumors has started.


This story is not fictional, but true.


It was indeed not the two people in the rumor 1 who said this, but Deputy Secretary of the Navy Daniel Kimbell across the sea.

That's right.

It was the one who had few friends of Qian Wushi on the opposite side of the sea, but in the end he made "unremitting efforts" to force Qian Lao to stay on the other side of the sea for five years.

Kimbell's remarks were recorded in the book "The China Cloud" by William Ryan and Sam Samsummerlin, which is sold on Amazon's used books.

The original words in it are as follows:

"I'd rather see him shot than let him go," Kimball was known to have told friends. "He's worth three to five divisions anywhere."

In addition, in "Thread of the Silkworm" written by Zhang Chunru, the original image of the CBS database was also intercepted.

However, it is a pity.

Nowadays, many people are "refuting the rumors" that the story of Academician Zhao Zhongyao's gift of radium is false, and at the same time, they put forward a sentence lightly-"In addition, the stalk of the Fifth Master Qian is also fabricated. If you look carefully, you will find that it is not at all Not to the person who said it."

This is actually a very scary phenomenon.

Relying on dispelling a certain fabricated false story, and then bringing another event that is also somewhat exaggerated but actually happened to the "counterfeiting" by the way.

Ever since.

The real deeds or contributions of some ancestors have been questioned or even erased in this way.

what a pity

The line of sight returns to reality.

After parting the body.

Fifth Division Qian looked around again, and his eyes quickly swept over the young people of the sideline team.

Finally stayed on.

On Xu Yun who was sitting in a wheelchair.

no way.

Xu Yun's situation is really easy to identify:

The only person sitting in a wheelchair in the audience, most of his body was still covered with bandages, and a small number of unbandaged areas had burn wounds.

It looks like Imerton reverted from his mummy state to devouring a cowboy.

Afterwards, Fifth Master Qian thought for a while, and walked to Xu Yun's side, and asked him:

"Comrade, you must be Han Li who came back from Europe as a donkey, right?"


He looked at Fifth Master Qian standing in front of him.

Xu Yun held back the excitement in his heart, and gently touched the other party's hand:

"That's right, I am Han Li, may I ask who you are?"

Fifth Master Qian smiled, pointed at himself and said:

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Qian Wushi, and I am currently in charge of the research and development of some domestic missile projects."

"The organization sent me to the factory this time to cooperate with Comrade Han Li's Zhuxian plan proposed by you, and also to optimize the actual combat aspects of the final strike missile."

Fifth Master Qian did not use a pseudonym similar to Qian Yi to cover up his identity like his family member Qian Bingqiong did.

After all, Fifth Master Qian's international reputation is much higher than that of Qian Bingqiong. Maybe Xu Yun has seen him in the newspaper?

If Xu Yun really recognized himself.

So using a pseudonym would actually make Xu Yun feel disgusted.

Secondly, Xu Yun, as the proposer of the Zhuxian project, is also very clear about how powerful the missiles in the plan are.

The research and development of this kind of missile is obviously not something that ordinary weapons experts can handle. The person in charge of the Jade Immortal Sword project must be a big boss—no matter who it is.

Therefore, Fifth Division Qian communicated with the chief before departure.

Instead of using an alias.

Why don't you just disclose your real name and be honest.

Of course.

Qian Bingqiong still uses the pseudonym Qian Yi, so he did not appear here with Fifth Master Qian today.

And opposite Qian Wushi.

Hearing Fifth Master Qian directly report his real name, Xu Yun reacted quickly after being slightly astonished:


With Fifth Master Qian's current international reputation, it's completely normal for him to know him, right?

After all, Fifth Division Qian was the former director of the Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center. The German V2 missile, the originator of modern missiles, was developed by Fifth Division Qian.

If one wanted to list a ranking of well-known Chinese scientists in the field of scientific research this year, then Fifth Division Qian would definitely sit on the second hand.

Think here.

Xu Yun realized something


Can you actually chase after stars with confidence?

So after a while.

Xu Yun's voice suddenly rose a little, and he looked at Fifth Master Qian with a "surprised" expression:

"Fifth Master Qian? Could it be that you are the founder of JPL Laboratory, Mr. Qian?"

Seeing Xu Yun reveal his background in one go.

Fifth Master Qian sighed in his heart about the wisdom of the chief, and then said:

"That's right, it's my scumbag."

"However, whether it is the founder of JPL or the colonel across the sea, this is already a thing of the past."

"Comrade Han Li, you can now call me Director Qian, or Comrade Fifth Division, or Old Qian—whatever you get used to."

Fifth Master Qian's tone was as kind and mellow as his appearance. Ahem, gentle, it felt like a spring breeze.

Xu Yun thought for a moment and said:

"Then I'll call you Director Qian?"

"no problem."

Fifth Master Qian smiled sharply, looked around again, pointed to the inside of the arbor and said:

"Comrade Han Li, why don't we go into the shed and have a chat?"

Xu Yun raised his eyes to look at Fifth Master Qian, a lot of guesses flashed through his mind, and he readily agreed:

"no problem."

Seeing this, Elder Wang at the side immediately waved to many young workers, signaling them to return to work.

After a while.

Even Qiao Caihong recovered from the state of the gene lock, bouncing around and followed Lin Yu and the others to paint balloons.

Except for Xu Yun and Fifth Division Qian.

Only Lao Guo was left.

Afterwards, Fifth Master Qian personally pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair, and the three of them walked slowly into the arbor.

After being seated.

Lao Guo first picked up the teacup that everyone hadn't drunk when they were resting, poured three glasses of water, and handed one of the cups to Fifth Master Qian:

"Brother, after sitting in the car for so long, come on, drink some water first."

"Thank you very much."

Fifth Master Qian thanked Lao Guo.

After taking the teacup, he raised his head and gulped down most of the tea in one gulp.


Then he wiped the corners of his mouth with the palm of his hand, put his other hand on his thigh, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, we've already finished our greetings, let's talk about business."

"To tell you the truth, the purpose of my coming to base 221 this time is to serve as the team leader of the Jade Sword team in the Jade Dynasty project, and to calculate and optimize a suitable ballistic trajectory."

"This task is quite serious, so I hope you can join the Zhu Xianjian team as my assistant."


Hearing Fifth Master Qian's words, Xu Yun, who had prepared a lot of response skills, was startled:

"I joined the Jade Sword team? Is this appropriate?"

Xu Yun's surprise this time was really not feigned.

Although as the proposer of the whole plan.

As early as when Xu Yun came up with the plan, he guessed that he would probably enter a certain project team and play a similar role as a consultant.

But in Xu Yun's mind.

The ability he has shown before mainly lies in two aspects:

Fluid mechanics and electronic information field.

So with a high probability, he would join either the Immortal Slaying Sword team led by Wang Lao, or the Immortal Sword Slayer team led by Sun Junren.

For this reason, Xu Yun also designed a set of excuses, thinking that he could go to the Killing Sword team to help out - after all, there are two acquaintances in the Killing Sword team, Mr. Wang and Ge Tongyou.

The result was unexpected.

Fifth Master Qian actually proposed to let him work as an assistant in the Zhuxianjian team, which is the team that designs ballistics?


It was mentioned before.

Xu Yun's field of knowledge and missile research and development are very different, and they can even be regarded as two worlds.

But he is a descendant after all.

On the premise that someone guides the main direction, it is still possible to start with the data.

But the problem is that Xu Yun has never revealed that he has even a little understanding of missiles before. On the contrary, he has said a lot about the theory of ultra-wideband proximity fuzes.

In the end, it was Qian Wushi who chose him, which is a bit strange

And opposite Xu Yun.

Looking at Xu Yun with a surprised face, Fifth Master Qian said again:

"Comrade Han Li, I can roughly guess what you're thinking—it's nothing more than worrying that your major isn't right for you, right?"

"You can rest assured that the theoretical design of pure ballistics will still be completed by me and other professional comrades."

"Your main task is to help me with calculations, and to see if there is any opportunity to generate some other inspiration."

"Using the terminology in Europe. You are the party A, and you can make any request, any colorful black will do."

"We are Party B and strive to complete your design."

Hearing Fifth Master Qian's words, Xu Yun nodded in understanding.

it's not difficult

have to say.

Master Qian's attitude is indeed very frank.

In addition, Xu Yun has an innate admiration filter for these seniors, so he finally decided to agree to Qian Wushi's invitation:

"Since Director Qian's words are all about this, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and have the audacity to go to work in the project team."

"Director Qian, please take care of me from now on."

Fifth Master Qian thought it would take some time to convince Xu Yun, but he didn't expect Xu Yun to be taken down so quickly.

Could it be that he is really as the chief said, willing to be a donkey and still saying thank you?

Then he took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to Xu Yun again:

"Comrade Han Li, on behalf of all the members of the 'Jade Immortal Sword' project team, I warmly welcome you to join us!"

Xu Yun also stretched out his bandage-wrapped fingertips, and lightly touched Fifth Master Qian.

at the same time.

On the operating table not far away.

Watching the last signal punctuation burst and fall in the air.

Liu Youcheng, who was in charge of manufacturing the capsule, could not help but sigh regretfully:

"Hey, it seems that the donkey's puncture secretion is not as effective as the apical secretion, what a pity."

After all balloons have burst or deflated.

Everyone's mission today can be regarded as a temporary end.

So everyone quickly packed up the equipment and went back to each house one after another.

Early the next morning.

Staff Hospital.

"Gulu Gulu—"

Watching Xu Yun 'voluntarily' drink up a bowl of donkey hair soup.

Qiao Caihong, who had been working as a military supervisor, turned his head and said to Fifth Division Qian who had just arrived at the scene:

"Director Qian, then I will entrust Comrade Han Li to you. You must take good care of him."

"Comrade Rainbow, don't worry."

Hearing Qiao Caihong repeating this sentence for the fifth time, Fifth Master Qian couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face:

"I took Comrade Han Li out of the hospital for at most half a day. The project team's working place is also here in the main factory, which is less than 500 meters away from the hospital. What do you have to worry about?"

"Besides, if you are really afraid that something will happen to Comrade Han Li, you can come to our project team with him."

Qiao Caihong shook his head quickly, with a kind of clarity in his eyes that was not polluted by knowledge:

"Don't go, don't go, go to the president's brain."

Qian Wushi:


Finally, under Qiao Caihong's thousand exhortations.

Fifth Master Qian wiped his cold sweat.

While pushing Xu Yun's wheelchair, he left the staff hospital.

It's a pity that cameras are not easy to find these days, otherwise Xu Yun would have to take a photo at this time.

After all, no one has enjoyed the treatment of the Fifth Master Qian pushing a wheelchair since the founding of the Republic.

After leaving the hospital.

Fifth Master Qian turned left and right for a while, and finally came to a building.

This building is a one-story hut, but it occupies a large area.

There is also a small piece of grass and a few trees inside, and a row of fences are inserted around it.

If the hut inside is replaced with another more luxurious modern building, it will be a small manor of a single-family villa type.

At the entrance surrounded by the fence, there were two very capable soldiers on duty standing at the moment. After seeing Fifth Division Qian, they immediately saluted:

"Hi sir!"

"Hi two comrades, you have worked hard."

Fifth Division Qian greeted the soldiers on duty cordially, and then introduced Xu Yun to them:

"By the way, let me introduce. This is Comrade Han Li, the assistant of our project team. He will be allowed to pass through regardless of whether he comes in or out."

"Also, if Comrade Han Li needs me, please notify him as soon as possible. If I'm not here, go to Comrade Luo Shijun."

The two soldiers on duty immediately turned their heads when they heard the words, and scanned Xu Yun carefully from top to bottom.

After clearly remembering Xu Yun's figure and more obvious features, they saluted again:

"Report to the chief, remember!"

Fifth Master Qian nodded and led Xu Yun into the building.

This building is a standard office layout, which is the traditional [A] font:

The four entrances of [A] are four rooms, the middle ones are all aisles, and the lower ones lead directly to the entrance.

This is also a common way of designing single-storey office buildings in this era.

This moment.

The furthest room on the left is relatively lively, and some discussions can be heard vaguely.

The other three rooms were quite quiet, and there was no sound.

I don't know if it's asking for silence or no one is inside.

Then Fifth Master Qian took Xu Yun to the left and walked straight to the only lively room.

As the distance draws closer.

Some voices of discussion gradually became clearer:

"...Don't be so troublesome, isn't it enough to directly combine the equations?"

"How to combine? Air resistance can't stay the same all the time, right?"

"Let's make an approximation, or what else?"

"Is anyone watching a movie tomorrow? I heard that the movie theater at the base is going to play "Kunlun Iron Rider""

"Mathematics is so difficult, the person who invented mathematics is really hateful!"

"Sister Yuhan, how do you translate this word?"

"Should the Oblique Shock wave be an oblique shock wave?"

These exchanges sounded one after another, and the twittering seemed very lively.

But at the moment Fifth Master Qian brought Xu Yun to appear at the entrance of the room.

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Afterwards, people who were lying on the table, sitting on the chair, or sitting on the table with their buttocks half stretched, all stood up one after another.

Just listen to them say in unison:

"Hi Director Qian!"

Fifth Master Qian nodded to the crowd as a greeting, and pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair into the house.

There are about twenty people in the room, and the ratio of male to female is about five to one. At first glance, they are basically young people.

This moment.

These people didn't focus much on Fifth Master Qian, most of them were staring at the wheelchair.

Xu Yun.

Xu Yun:


Do not know why.

He suddenly had some subtle sympathy with Mr. Hawking

The layout of this room is somewhat similar to the classrooms of later generations, to be precise, university classrooms:

There is a podium at the front, in front of which are rows of long wooden tables, and behind the tables are independent movable wooden stools.

After a while.

Fifth Master Qian led Xu Yun to the podium.

Everyone in the audience sat back to their seats one after another during the period.


After coming to the podium.

Fifth Master Qian looked around the scene first, then nodded slowly:

"Yes, they are all very energetic. It seems that everyone slept well last night."

There was a burst of friendly laughter from the audience.

Then Fifth Master Qian took a deep breath, looked upright, and said:

"Comrades, quite a few of you are elites temporarily transferred from various departments of Base 221."

"Although I have looked at your files several times, and I personally made the final selection decision, but this is the first time I have seen a real person."

"And it must be the same for you - the leaders and colleagues of the project team are from the capital or other departments, and they are all strangers to you who have never met."

"But it doesn't matter, we gathered here today, not to make friends, let alone to fall in love."

"We have only one goal, which is to sharpen the sharpest Zhu Xian sword and sever the head of the U2 devil!"

Speaking of which.

Fifth Master Qian also flattened his right hand and made a gesture of cutting Louis XVI's head in the air.

The scene was instantly silent.

Then Fifth Master Qian paused, and continued:

"Of course, and because we are in a hurry to cut off U2's head, time is very precious, so I will not say some polite words."

"Let's get straight to the point now. First, let's introduce some of the configurations in our group. Let's get familiar with each other's functions."

"The first is the theoretical group of missile research, and the leader of the theoretical group is Comrade Luo Shijun."

"The deputy team leader is Comrade Chai Zhi, and the team members are Xu Xinbo, Chen Huaijin, Shen Zhongfang, Wu Beisheng, and Liu Xuhui, a total of six people."

"Cough cough cough—"

Hearing these names coming out of Fifth Master Qian's mouth.

Xu Yun at the side suddenly couldn't hold back, and coughed heavily. The coughing sound was quite clear in the quiet room.

See this situation.

Fifth Master Qian couldn't help but stop talking, and said to Xu Yun with concern:

"Comrade Han Li, are you alright?"


Xu Yun suppressed the surprise in his heart, and shook his head lightly:

"It's okay, it's okay, I can't catch my breath, I'm just choking."

"Director Qian, you can continue."

Say it.

Xu Yun complained frantically in his heart:


What kind of fantasy lineup is this?

The theory team brought by Qian Wushi from the capital this time, all of them are the ultimate thugs

For example, Luo Shijun, who is the team leader.

This is Qian Wushi's direct disciple, one of the founders of the domestic aerodynamics discipline, and an outstanding contributor to aerospace and missile research and development.

The designer of the famous J-20 fighter jet in later generations is called Yang Wei, and he is Luo Shijun's student.

And the deputy team leader Chai Zhi.

He is the former commander-in-chief of Julang No. 1 and Hongqi No. 7. In his previous life, the classmate who was DF21 was delivered by him.

Among the team members, Xu Xinbo is the chief designer of Hongqi No. 1.

Chen Huaijin is the chief designer of Hongqi No. 2.

Shen Zhongfang is the commander-in-chief of the third-generation medium-to-high-altitude long-range air defense missile model, and this is the one who poked U2 in history.


If you Google these big guys, you will find that none of them are academicians of the Academy of Engineering or Academy of Sciences in later generations.

But the reason why they were not rated as academicians was not because they were not capable enough, but because they had just passed the declassification period in 2022.

For example, Mr. Shen Zhongfang.

He remained incognito for 61 years, and his name was not officially reported for the first time until he was 88 years old.

What is secret and great?

The answer is not a TV series played by a certain PC actor, let alone the so-called Hidden Man by Bangzi.

It's these seniors who have really made great contributions!

After a while.

Fifth Master Qian turned his attention to the right side of the room again, and introduced to everyone:

"Besides the theory group, there is another very critical group, which is our computing group."

"There are ten members in the calculation team, with Comrade Dai Xiuqi from the base's calculation center as the team leader, and Comrade Yao Yuhan, a calculation engineer from Branch 1, as the deputy team leader."

Mention the calculation group.

Fifth Master Qian did not introduce the full names of the team members.

After all, there were a lot of people in the math group, and Fifth Division Qian had never had contact with them before.

At this time, it is not necessary to force an introduction.

Anyway, after several exchanges and running-in, everyone is almost familiar with each other.

Then Fifth Master Qian introduced the third special group, which is the liaison group responsible for data exchange with the Capital Computer Center.

There are a total of five members in the contact team. They are proficient in the ciphertext customized by the base, and they are also a special team that cannot be replaced.

After introducing the three team members.

Fifth Master Qian took another deep breath and continued:

"As for the overall person in charge of the 'Zhuxian Sword' project that integrates the three teams, I am the Fifth Master Qian."

"Everyone can call me Old Qian, Comrade Fifth Division or Director Qian."

"In addition, I would like to introduce my assistant, the consultant of the 'Zhu Xianjian' team, who is the one next to me."

"Comrade Han Li."


The voice just fell.

The eyes of everyone at the scene locked on Xu Yun again.

Among them, those members from the base are relatively easy to talk about.

After all, the current Xu Yun has already proved his own strength, and he is quite well-known among the theoretical personnel of the base.

Many researchers who are engaged in meteorology and electronic information have even changed their situation and even changed their fate because of the appearance of Xu Yun.

Therefore, the "natives" at the base looked at Xu Yun more like visiting a baby panda, with a curious and friendly attitude.

But the eyes of the few big bosses who came from the capital with Qian Wushi subconsciously carried some scrutiny.

Fortunately, Xu Yun experienced a similar baptism of eyes when the interest group was established.

As the saying goes.

The first time is raw, the second time is cooked.

So at this moment, Xu Yun seemed relatively calm.

He was even in the mood to wave his hands to everyone in the audience, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Hello everyone, I'm Han Li, please take care of me next time."

clap clap -

The answer to Xu Yun was a barely enthusiastic applause.


As an expert who has led research projects for a long time, Fifth Master Qian has a lot of experience in controlling the rhythm.

A few seconds after the applause fell.

Fifth Master Qian spoke again:

"Okay, comrades, our introduction will end here."

"The next thing we need to do is to formally launch the theoretical research on 'Zhu Xian Sword'."

Say it.

Fifth Master Qian put his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly.

I saw a gleam in his eyes:

"One of the first problems to be solved is..."

"Missile. Or what is the specific size of the shell."

"Is an inch long and an inch strong, or an inch short and an inch dangerous?"


I feel that the prices are getting more and more expensive now. The tea eggs downstairs that haven’t increased in price for ten years have increased by 50 cents, fried dough sticks have also increased from 1.5 yuan to 2 yuan, and omelettes have increased by a lot. At the beginning of the month, I paid 5 yuan. The breakfast that can be bought has directly increased to 8 yuan today.

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