Into Unscientific

Chapter 559 Hanging on the pull hook, one hundred years, no change!


in the house.

Hearing what Qian Wushi said.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of low-pitched discussions.

mentioned earlier.

Xu Yun's plan for the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" has only two main structures in essence:

The airship, and the launch platform carried by the airship.

Or to be more precise, it should be.

Airships, and missiles on launch platforms.

After all, the initial kinetic energy of the missile is provided by the gravitational potential energy, which is the standard free fall mode.

This design is to save the fuel of the missile and allow more propellant to be used in the upward direction, thereby freeing up space to accommodate the fuze.

The second is that if the missile is changed from "falling" to "launching", then the process technology is obviously much more complicated.

There may even be a situation where the tail flame is too high and directly burns the airship - then it will not only be a missile that falls down.

Therefore, the main task of the so-called launch platform is to carry missiles to the sky, and the technical content is relatively low.

But missiles are different.

Take the simplest example.

The principle Xu Yun proposed this time uses the ultra-wideband proximity fuze technology, which can be regarded as a brand new technology.

However, if this theory wants to be put into practice, it mainly depends on gas rudder or wing surface control.

And these two things are relatively not so "new".

The so-called gas rudder.

It refers to installing the rudder surface on the rear side of the tail nozzle, so as to change the direction of the jet flow and make the missile turn.

It is roughly the same as another principle called dynamic nozzle, and the rudder effect is relatively high, which can realize fast steering.

What about wing controls?

It relies on the air rudder to change the airflow to generate deflection moment.

Its rudder efficiency is relatively low, but it is simple and reliable, and can work continuously and stably.

Of course.

This refers to technologies that are capable of experimentation in this period.

If the era is changed to 2023, there are many options.

For example, engine nozzle vector control technology or side thrust, etc., are not listed here for the time being.

Regardless of whether it is gas rudder or wing surface control, they all need to take into account the size of the missile:

How long is the missile?

What is the width?

What is the leading edge radius?

Not to mention that the length of the missile will directly affect various data such as wind resistance, which can be called the basis of everything.

So before all steps.

The team had to identify one most critical parameter:

The length of the missile.

Although Xu Yun set the tone from the beginning of the design that the longest length should not exceed two meters, there is still a lot of fluctuation within two meters.

After all, there are too many types of missiles.

well known.

The definition of a missile is a weapon that is propelled by its own power plant, guided and controlled by a guidance system, and guides the warhead to destroy the target. It is a precision-guided weapon.

Due to the difference in structure and volume,

There are many types of missiles:

Such as ballistic missiles and winged missiles. That is, cruise missiles.

Among them, a ballistic missile is a missile that flies along a preset trajectory and throws its warhead at a predetermined target.

According to the nature of combat.

Ballistic missiles can be divided into strategic ballistic missiles and tactical ballistic missiles.

Strategic ballistic missiles are generally medium-range, long-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Tactical ballistic missiles are generally short-range ballistic missiles.

However, even the smallest short-range ballistic missiles are basically more than eight meters long.

For example, the Dongfeng 11 of the rabbits has a length of 9.75 meters.

And winged missiles.

It is a self-controlled aircraft equipped with a warhead powered by a rocket engine or an air-breathing engine, the normal force required for maneuvering flight is provided by the aerodynamic force of the lift component.

Surface-to-air missiles, air-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface missiles, air-to-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-tank missiles that are well known to future generations are all winged missiles.

For example, the code name of the rabbits' ground-to-ground missiles is Long Sword, which is CJ.

The code name of the anti-ship type is Eagle Strike, YJ who has also been complained by countless military fans

Air-to-air missiles are codenamed Thunderbolt PL,

The surface-to-air missiles are code-named Hongqi HQ,

Sea-based is called Haihongqi

At the same time, it is proportional to the number of categories.

Winged missiles also vary in length.

For example, the length of the long sword is as much as 10 meters.

Hongqi 16 is only 5.7 meters.

Thunderbolt is only more than three meters.

in 2023.

The rabbits even made a miniature missile called QN202, which is only 52 centimeters in length and is as miniature as a cucumber.

Of course.

Even in 2023 in later generations, missiles within two meters are not particularly common.

Because the shorter the size, the smaller the amount of warhead and propellant, the power and range will be shortened accordingly.

However, the Zhuxian platform now has gravitational potential energy to provide kinetic energy, so it is not a problem to shorten the volume a little bit.


After a while.

A middle-aged man with a round face and a sallower complexion than ordinary people in the audience raised his hand and said:

"Director Qian, what do you think of 1.83 meters?"

Although Xu Yun didn't recognize this person's identity at first, he knew after Qian Wushi's introduction that this middle-aged man was the famous old man Wu Beisheng.

Brackets, youth version or youth version pro - after all, thirty.

"1.83 meters?"

Fifth Master Qian rubbed his chin when he heard this, and fell into deep thought.

Wu Beisheng's so-called 1.83 meters is not a number that pops up at random.

The members of the theoretical group present at this number are actually no strangers.

It is a missile designed by the missile project team when planning the future blueprint after the successful launch of Dongfeng-1 last year.

This missile is code-named MA-302GQ, with a preset length of 1.83 meters and a combat radius of about 40 kilometers.

This is a third-generation or even fourth-generation missile. That is, a missile that may not be produced until 50 or 60 years later, it is equivalent to the product of the brainstorming of later generations.

But even with the blueprint planning, Fifth Master Qian and the others still calculated some important parameters.

Think here.

Fifth Master Qian picked up a pen and did a simple calculation on the calculation paper.

After a while.

Fifth Master Qian shook his head lightly, and denied:

"No, the altitude is calculated at 30,000 meters, the air pressure is 0.016Pa, and the atmospheric temperature is 224.65K."

"In this scenario, MA-302GQ cannot stay at high altitude for too long, the convergence curve is easily out of balance, and there is a relatively high possibility of accidents."

I heard this.

Xu Yun on the side also nodded slightly.

mentioned earlier.

The search radius of the meteorological Doppler radar is about 500 kilometers around the base, and the speed of U2 is about 600-700 kilometers per hour.

That is normal.

Weather Doppler radar can only determine U2's flight path for 40 minutes.

And in accordance with the standards of the later generations of the Aviation Association.

The ascent speed of the airship is about 5 meters per second, which is about 300 meters per minute, and it will not exceed 400 meters at most.

In other words.

Within 40 minutes, the airship can only rise more than 10,000 meters at most-this is still the most ideal state.

Not to mention the follow-up alignment correction by radio, which also takes a lot of time.

Therefore, I want to let the airship fly to an altitude of 30,000 meters in the stratosphere and adjust it to a good state.

The base must launch the airship platform into the air as soon as it receives the notification from the shore-based radar.

That is to say, regardless of the time-consuming ascent, the duration of the entire platform will not be less than two hours in any case.

Therefore, the high-altitude situation that the missile may encounter during the stagnation stage is also a link that Qian Wushi and others must consider.

Think here.

Fifth Master Qian stood up again, drew a horizontal line on the top of the blackboard beside him, and wrote down several parameters:

Air pressure:

0.016 Pa.

Atmospheric temperature:


Angle of attack:


Swirl body flow field:

Axisymmetric claw vortex horseshoe vortex.

Waverider Mesh Quality:


Finish writing these.

Fifth Master Qian drew a simple airplane icon on the lower right side of this horizontal line, and wrote the words U2's speed per hour and so on.

Then he patted the chalk dust on his hands, and said to the audience:

"Everyone, let's use this simple diagram as a reference first."

"The main parameters at an altitude of 30,000 meters are almost the same. Everyone calculated and calculated by hand to simulate the structure of the projectile that can stay in this environment for two hours. No, four hours."

"Then we will use this structure to screen to see if we can find suitable examples in the existing design schemes."

"If there is no ready-made sample of the plan, we will redesign a new missile. Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone in the audience quickly gave a tidy answer:


Seeing this, Fifth Master Qian nodded in satisfaction:

"Let's begin then."

Say it.

Fifth Master Qian first drew a swirl on the blackboard, wrote down an elliptic equation, and said:

"First, we still consider the simplification of the disturbance potential flow equation."

"There is almost only horizontal wind in the stratosphere, so the equation can be reduced to a hyperbolic equation"

well known.

The spiral body is a basic shape of rocket, missile and aircraft body.

Although its geometric shape is simple, its separation flow structure is complex, showing some unique three-dimensional flow phenomena.

The formation of the spiral body of later missiles has been developed to the fourth generation, basically there is no need to consider the influence of the state of the stratosphere on the deformation of the spiral body.

But today's domestic missiles are still in the early stages of development, and they are still quite primitive alloy steels as metal matrix composites.

Therefore, the influence of the spiral body flow field on the missile spiral body is very critical.


Fifth Master Qian simplified a particularly simple expression:





That's right.

Presumably smart students have already seen it.

Fifth Division Qian made a new longitudinal symmetry plane in the ballistic coordinate system.

That is to say, take the center of mass O of the projectile body as the origin and include the vertical plane of the velocity vector.

The angle between the velocity vector and Ox1 is the angle of attack.

also known as

Angle of attack.

But after writing here.

Fifth Master Qian did not continue to deduce it.

Instead, he paused for a while, turned his thoughts to the center of mass, and wrote down another equation:


See this situation.

Xu Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He can still see this kind of derivation related to fluid mechanics and mathematical fields.

Then soon.

He realized something, and his heart sank suddenly.

Could it be because of that?


Twenty minutes later.

Fifth Master Qian just put down the chalk in his hand.

This moment.

The two blackboards in front of him were densely packed with a lot of formulas.

The high-intensity derivation process, coupled with the hot and dry environment without air conditioning.

So after Fifth Master Qian finished writing these contents.

His thin white shirt was completely wet with sweat, and it was tightly fitted to his chest, like a water figure.

After a while.

Fifth Master Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to everyone in the audience:

"Okay, comrades, the formula has been simplified."

"Now the members of the theory group are divided into three groups in groups of two, and each group is paired with comrades from the three-digit counting group. Let's start division of labor and calculation."

Everyone in the audience quickly responded:


Later, including Luo Shijun and others.

The six theory team members quickly found their partners, and began to calculate in groups:

"I'm short of a comrade here. Does anyone know a lot about aerodynamics?"

"Come here any comrade, thank you!"

"Which comrade is more proficient in derivatives? What, comrade, you don't have a girlfriend? That's you!"

Fifth Master Qian sat down slowly, took a sip of water from the enamel teacup.

Then he glanced at Xu Yun, pouted his chin outside the room, and said:

"Comrade Han Li, we have nothing to do now, why don't we go out and have a chat?"

Xu Yun has no opinion:


So Fifth Master Qian pushed Xu Yun out the door and took a walk in the garden.

"Comrade Han Li."

After the two had walked about seven or eight meters, Fifth Master Qian suddenly stopped and asked Xu Yun:

"You should have seen it just now, right?"

Xu Yun was silent for a long time this time before replying:

".Well, if I'm not mistaken"

"What you wanted to write just now should be the follow-up equation of the waverider technology?"


Fifth Master Qian let out a long breath when he heard the words, put his hands behind his back, and said with emotion:

"Yeah, you have a good eye, it's the waverider equation."

"Theoretically speaking, the treatment of the airflow turning angle δ in the waverider concept can perfectly optimize the material of the projectile and even the subsequent falling problem."

"After all, a 30,000-meter projectile falls freely to a certain speed, and it will definitely meet the supersonic scenario."

"It's just a pity that we can't do it now"

Xu Yun was also silent.

In fact, he noticed it just now.

When Qian Wushi wrote about the longitudinal symmetry plane, there was an obvious pause, and then he suddenly turned his thinking to the center of mass research.

how to say

This conversion is not particularly far-fetched, but it is very "violent".

So from then on, Xu Yun realized that Fifth Master Qian's original idea was actually a wave-riding body.

Waverider technology.

This theory was first put forward in the 1940s, and the proposer was Qian Wushi himself.

At the same time, this theory is not like the Kamen-Qian approximation formula, where outsiders or even foreigners participate in the whole process.

From the beginning to the end, the waverider technology was completely established by Qian Wushi alone.

It can be seen literally.

The so-called waverider refers to a technique of riding 'waves'.

So what is this wave?

The answer is shock waves.

Students who were shock waves in their previous life should know.

The shock wave is a very strong disturbance wave.

at the shock wave.

The air will undergo a sudden increase in pressure, temperature and density from the front of the shock wave to the back of the shock wave.

At the same time the air velocity will decrease.

Generally speaking.

Shock waves are common in supersonic vehicles, explosions, bullet shooting, etc., and can be directly observed with a schlieren instrument.

The shock wave can be divided into normal shock wave and oblique shock wave according to its characteristics.

Among them, the normal shock wave is well understood.

for example.

Suppose there is an infinitely long cylinder, the air inside is at rest.

at the same time.

A piston is housed in the cylinder.

When the piston starts to accelerate to the right from rest.

The gas on the right side surface of the piston will in turn generate a disturbance wave, which propagates to the right.

When the piston continues to accelerate.

Since subsequent waves have a greater velocity than preceding waves, subsequent waves must catch up to preceding waves.

A normal shock wave is formed when countless perturbation waves are superimposed to form a compression wave in a vertical plane.

The oblique shock wave refers to when a cone moves at supersonic speed, because its speed exceeds the speed of sound, the disturbance emitted from the object will superimpose to form a wave front.

This wavefront is the oblique shock.

The concept of a waverider is the idea of ​​using shock wave pressure to increase the lift-to-drag ratio of a hypersonic vehicle in the aerodynamic shape design of a hypersonic vehicle.

The flat upper surface allows air to pass through without shock waves.

The wedges on the lower surface form shock waves.

As the gas is compressed from the front of the shock to the back of the shock, the pressure after the shock is greater.

In this way, the shock wave below provides lift for the aircraft, increasing the lift-to-drag ratio of the aircraft.

Because it obtains lift by "riding" on the shock wave generated by its own flight, it is named "waverider".

The trajectory of this warhead is as erratic as the update time of a certain author, and there is no way to intercept and snipe in the process.

Qian Wushi proposed the waverider technology very early, but unfortunately, when it was actually realized, Mr. Qian was no longer there:

Until 9 years and 11 months after Qian Lao passed away.

The hypersonic waverider missile Dongfeng 17, which was officially unveiled at the military parade in 2019, is the real realization of Qian Lao's theory.

So here and now.

Mr. Qian probably doesn't have much confidence in his own technical concept.

In the selection of people who moved China back then, one of Mr. Qian’s comments moved countless people:

[Road back to the country in five years, two bombs in ten years].

But in fact.

The contribution of Qian Wushi is not only as simple as ten years?

Until more than ten years after his death, he was still protecting the country he loved.

After a while.

Elder Qian suddenly took a deep breath and asked Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, do you think I will see the emergence of waverider warheads in my lifetime?"

Xu Yun was startled when he heard the words, and immediately nodded seriously:

"Director Qian, don't worry, you will definitely see that day."


Although he doesn't know much about missile design.

But with so many technologies already developed, how could it be possible for the rabbits not to come up with a waverider warhead before Fifth Division Qian passed away?

don't say anything else,

The industrial software and computer technology he mentioned to Sun Junren and Qian Bingqiong alone was enough to shorten the process a lot.


Hearing Xu Yun's words.

Fifth Master Qian suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Yun, and asked in surprise:

"Comrade Han Li, is what you said true? Can I really see that day?"

"Let me tell you that I have read a lot, and I was a professor at Caltech, so I can't be fooled easily."

Xu Yun nodded seriously again:

"Of course it is true. Maybe we are the first country in the world to master waverider warheads."


Fifth Master Qian's breathing was slightly stagnant, and an inexplicable look erupted in his eyes.


He slapped Xu Yun's shoulder with a slap, and when Xu Yun was grinning in pain, he let out a loud laugh, and the exhaustion in his whole body disappeared instantly:

"Okay! Comrade Han Li, then I, an old man, will trust you just once!"

"If our country can really be the first to master waverider missiles, then I will die without regret!"

Looking at Qian Wushi who was excited like a child.

While rubbing his shoulders, Xu Yun also felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

Old Qian, the rabbits of later generations are not just the first to master waverider missiles?

After the 2019 military parade.

With the emergence of the DF17 waverider warhead, the nuclear deterrence pattern of the entire world has changed-this is not a joke, but a real thing.

Although Da Mao's dagger was claimed to be intercepted not long ago, many haters began to falsely spray daggers, but in fact they began to spray DF17.

But not to mention that the dagger uses a double-cone warhead water drift bomb, which is technically similar to the DF-15B and the older Pershing 2 across the sea.

These people are too lazy to do the simplest verification of the news—according to the information gathered by all parties, Da Mao should have fired two daggers.

One of them hit an Ai 3 defense system, and the remaining one was about six hydrogen per gas.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Just when Xu Yun felt emotional.

Fifth Master Qian thought for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his little finger towards Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, come on."

A question mark appeared in Xu Yun's eyes:


Fifth Master Qian gave Xu Yun a slanted look, pretending to snort coldly:

"Why, haven't you ever played with the hook hanging?"

"We have agreed that if I don't see the waverider warhead appear before I leave, I will settle accounts with you little comrade."


Looking at Fifth Master Qian with a childlike but serious expression.

Xu Yun opened his mouth slightly subconsciously, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end still did not speak.

After a while.

He silently raised his little finger, and lightly hooked Fifth Master Qian in an extremely funny but not funny way:

"Hook~Hanging~One hundred years, don't change"

Finish these.

Only then did Fifth Master Qian let go of his hand in satisfaction.

I saw that he hummed an unknown little song happily at first, then suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked Xu Yun:

"By the way, Comrade Han Li, if I want to see the waverider warhead right now, are you capable of doing it?"

Xu Yun:


Then he didn't wait for Xu Yun to answer.

Fifth Master Qian laughed out loud alone, shook his head and said:

"Hahaha, Comrade Han Li, don't be too nervous, I was just joking."

"Based on our current level, it is simply wishful thinking to come up with a waverider warhead. Even a missile with a similar principle is impossible-I still have some points for this."

"If someone can come up with a plan even if it is similar in principle, the old man, I dare to go and give him the old Guo mentor von Karmen. Comrade Sun Junren was snatched by Ye Duzheng just after he finished eating less than half of it. It is called Maxwell. Grab the used ax and eat it!"

Xu Yun:


after awhile.

Fifth Master Qian glanced at the watch given by the head of the year in his hand again, looked straight, and said to Xu Yun:

"Okay, Comrade Han Li, it's almost time, and it's time for us to go back."

"If there is no accident, Ronaldinho and the others should have already calculated the structure of the missile—even if it is not estimated, it will be fast."

Xu Yun had no objection.

So Fifth Master Qian pushed Xu Yun's wheelchair back into the classroom.

as expected.

After Qian Wushi re-entered the classroom.

Luo Shijun, the leader of the theoretical group, immediately stood up and said to Fifth Master Qian:

"Teacher, the eligible missile structure has been calculated, but"

Fifth Master Qian glanced at him:

"but what?"


Luo Shijun was silent for a moment, then said:


"If it is designed according to the corresponding parameters, there should be some problems with its power link."

Say it.

Luo Shijun left his position and walked to Fifth Master Qian with a document:

"Teacher, look at this."


Thanks to the leader of the book friend 33021211001677 for the reward!

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