Into Unscientific

Chapter 566 Everything is Ready, Only Dongfeng Is Owned (Part 2)


Inside the Second Machine Department.

Look at the letter in front of you.

A question mark suddenly appeared in Liu Bosheng's eyes:

? ? ? ?

What do you mean?

He could understand the first half of the letter. The place where the food was adjusted was located in a secret granary in the southwest, and it was the real backup of the rabbits.

To know.

For rabbits who like to put countless layers of buffs on everything.

The fact that something can become their last resort is enough to prove its importance.

So it makes sense that the higher-ups don't want to use this backhand right away-after all, there are still a few months before winter.

If no solution was thought of before October, it would not be too late to use this method.

But the second half of the sentence.

That is to ask Qian Wushi, Guo Youlai and Wang Yaoping to come forward to find someone.

That's what this sentence means.

Han Li?

Think here.

Liu Bosheng couldn't help but slightly frowned.


Han Li does seem to have some ability - not even a little bit, it should be said that he has a lot of ability.

But in the final analysis, he is just an overseas student returning from overseas.

Under such circumstances, what can he do to deal with the food consumption of tens of thousands of people?

He can still take it out of thin air. Or can he find a brand new food?


This is no longer a technical issue.

If Xu Yun can really solve it, Liu Bosheng will go and take the ax given to him by the old Guo teacher Feng Karmen on the spot. It is said that Maxwell used it. Sun Junren gnawed half of it and was snatched by Ye Duzheng. Now it is in the mouth of Fifth Master Qian. Eat it on the spot!

Or gnaw on the old Yanjing soybean juice!

Then Liu Bosheng took a deep breath and said to Xiao Liu in front of him:

"Xiao Liu, I know the situation, and I will communicate with Comrade Li Jue as soon as possible."

"In addition, I would like to trouble you to tell the comrades in the secrecy front that the secrecy cause is related to the prosperity and stability of the country, so remember not to be negligent."

What Liu Bosheng said was actually his personal statement on the fire in Suicheng's granary.

After all, if a group of nine enemy agents was able to sneak into the Suicheng granary, something must have gone wrong somewhere.

Perhaps this problem has a strong sporadic nature, and it may not even happen a second time in a thousand or ten thousand times.

However, accidents do not exist in the cause of secrecy. After all, the cost of making a mistake once is too great.

Therefore, whether it is emotional or rational.

Liu Bosheng had to make such a statement.

Xiao Liu obviously understood this, so he nodded quickly:

"Liu Bu, don't worry, I will definitely transfer these words to the comrades in the secrecy front."

Say it.

Xiao Liu paused again, and continued:

"Liu Bu, since the news and letter have been handed over to you, I won't disturb you."

Liu Bosheng nodded to him and stood up from his seat:

"I'll send you off."

After Xiao Liu left.

Liu Bosheng returned to his desk, picked up the letter again and read it for half a minute:


Due to the organizational explanation.

The news of the fire in the granary in Suicheng or the burning of the base's winter grain reserves was limited to a small area.

Even the leadership of Base 221.

Li Jue, Cheng Kaijia, and Peng Mengxiong were the only ones who knew about it, and even Lao Guo was not told about it.

After all, even the big shots in the capital are all focused on

On the Zhuxian project team.

And over time.

The "Four Swords" under the Zhuxian project have also begun to produce results one after another.

Ten days later.

221 base factory office.

This moment.

The room where Li Jue and others held the meeting was once again filled with the main management personnel of the base.

At the same time, in addition to these high-level bases.

There are also many members of the four project teams sitting in the room, such as Zheng Tao, Zhou Shaoping, Zhang Gongding, etc.

Of course.

Xu Yun was not on the list.

After all, Xu Yun is still in a rather delicate situation—at least for these high-level officials in the base.

They had initially recognized Xu Yun's ability, but they still hesitated about his identity.

In particular, the capital's attitude towards Xu Yun is so friendly that it is completely opposite to the rabbits' steady and aggressive style. It seems that Xu Yun has poured ecstasy soup on the capital.

For example, this Zhu Xian project.

Li Jue and the others thought that the capital would spend a lot of time discussing repeatedly, and even sent some comrades from the security department to talk to Xu Yun in person. '

The result was unexpected.

A few hours after they reported the plan, the capital side actually passed it directly, and even big bosses like the Fifth Master Qian sent it as soon as they said it.

Comparing this with the base's initial defense against Xu Yun, it's obviously somewhat disconnected.

Therefore, after discussion, Li Jue and others finally reached a decision:

Before U2 was knocked down, Xu Yun was quarantined as usual.

Ever since.

It is a pity that Xu Yun was absent from such an important occasion today.

After a while.

Seeing that the time is almost up.

Li Jue stood up from his seat, coughed lightly, and said:

"Okay, comrades, please be quiet."


The scene where there was no sound was suddenly silent, leaving only the lingering smoke.

Seeing this, Li Jue nodded lightly, and continued:

"Comrades, everyone must already know the reason why everyone is invited to gather here today."

"That's right, after nearly two weeks of hard work, our Jade Immortal project. That is, the Jade Immortal Sword Array platform has finally achieved phased results!"

"The purpose of our meeting today is to report and summarize relevant results and make resolutions on related matters."

Hearing Li Jue's words.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

It seemed that at a certain moment, the rising smoke froze for a short time.

Phased results.

There are almost no Chinese people who don't know these five characters.

In general.

When this word appears in a major project, the so-called stage it refers to basically refers to the closing stage.

That is, the stage of actual combat ability, that is,

The Zhuxian platform already has the possibility of landing production.

Then Li Jue looked around, and his eyes fell on Lao Guo on the right, and said:

"Old Guo, you are in charge of the technical aspects of this project, so let you report the situation to everyone."

Lao Guo had discussed this matter with Li Jue before today's meeting, and he was already prepared in his heart.

So soon.

He calmly stood up from his seat and said to everyone:

"Okay, then I will introduce our phased results to you."

Say it.

Lao Guo took out a set of equipment from his side. One end of this equipment is a few metal tubes, and the other end is a small patch similar to that used in later generations to do electrocardiograms.

Then Lao Guo fiddled with this thing a few times, and introduced:

"Everyone, please see that the part in my hand is the ultra-wideband proximity fuze, which is the result of the 'Trapping Immortal Sword' team led by Comrade Sun Junren."

"Its structure mainly includes random modulation circuit, pulse generating circuit, narrow pulse generating circuit, transmitting antenna, receiving antenna, simple signal processing circuit and range gate pulse generating circuit."

"The principle is that the random modulation circuit generates a random time modulation signal, and modulates the periodic pulse signal output by the pulse generation circuit into a driving pulse signal with a random pulse interval."

"Then the drive pulse signal is output to the narrow pulse generation circuit and the range gate pulse generation circuit respectively, and is output to the external device as a clock synchronization signal. The narrow pulse generation circuit uses a step recovery diode to generate an ultra-wideband narrow pulse signal"

Lao Guo eloquently explained the principles of a large number of ultra-broadband proximity fuzes, and finally concluded when many leaders were drowsy:

"According to Comrade Sun Junren's actual combat research, this ultra-wideband proximity fuze does have a strong guidance effect, and it can fully undertake the guidance task of the Zhuxianjian missile."

"Comrade Youlai, I have a question."

As soon as Lao Guo finished speaking, a man with a square face and wearing gold-rimmed glasses raised his hand:

"What do you mean by actual combat?"

This person is called Chen Ping, who has the same name as a well-known poisoner in history, and is currently in charge of the business management of the fourth branch of the base.

I heard Chen Ping's question.

Lao Guo smiled at him and explained:

"About six days ago, the samples of the fuze were sent to the Second Battalion, and the Second Battalion conducted a test on the effect of the fuze with a low warhead capacity."

"In the end, within 20 kilometers, the sample missile hit the target accurately, and the deviation was smaller than the fire control computer of Sam 2."

According to the original design.

Among the four swords in Zhuxian Sword Formation, the 'Trapping Immortal Sword', that is, the ultra-wideband proximity fuze is one of the simplest links.

In fact it is.

The team led by Sun Junren developed the fuze sample seven days ago, and sent it to the Second Battalion in an emergency the next day.

After the modification of the second battalion engineers.

At four o'clock that afternoon, a sample missile with most of its warhead ammunition removed was fuzed and fired.

According to the grapevine.

After seeing the guidance effect of the fuze.

The battalion commander of the second battalion has been typing reports non-stop, clamoring to use this thing to end the war of liberation

Immediately afterwards.

Lao Guo put down the fuze sample in his hand, and took out a piece of white cloth about the size of a mouse pad in later generations.

I saw Lao Guo pinching the two corners of the cloth with both hands, pulling it a few times in front of everyone, and then said:

"Everyone, this material in my hand is the finished product of the project team of the Absolute Immortal Sword among the Four Swords, that is."

"The capsule material of the airship is officially called the skin."

"Of course, due to limited conditions, there is no way to show the inner capsule with the gas exchange membrane for the time being."

"The skin you see today is the exocyst, made of a fluorine film aluminum layer, polyester, and donkey apocrine colloid."


be honest.

From a technical point of view, the skin shown by Lao Guo should be regarded as the product with the lowest technical ability, or the best understanding.

But at the moment of hearing its composition.

In the minds of most of the leaders, the bald donkeys in the base that were grinding under the sun during this period of time could not help but emerge.

Of course.

It is also for this reason that the base has already issued a regulation prohibiting the consumption of donkey meat. At present, it is likely that it will cover other areas.

If the importance of native donkeys continues to grow.

It is not impossible to cover the whole country.

So for these donkeys, shearing and pulling don't seem to be unacceptable

After introducing the skin and fuze.

Lao Guo's expression suddenly became serious, and an inexplicable look appeared in his eyes:

"Comrades, the results that I want to introduce to you next come from the Immortal Killing Sword Team led by Comrade Wang Yaoping."

"How about this result?"

"Well, in the words of an acquaintance I know."

"The magic reform is very personal."


The starting point of these two days will not display what this chapter says, but everyone’s messages can be seen in my background.

In addition, my body still hasn't recovered today, and the update can only be guaranteed. The whole person has crazy diarrhea, and I went to the toilet more than ten times a day (no exaggeration.)

The most difficult thing is that the hospital is not working on Sunday, and I am going to the emergency room to see if I can get some water. It is too tortured.

By the way, there are 20 fan titles this month, and if you leave a message in the comment area, you will have a chance to get them. First come, first served, the rudder owner should have a chance.

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