Into Unscientific

Chapter 567: 59 Is Really Going to Heaven! !


meeting room.

Hearing the words that came out of Lao Guo's mouth.

At the same time, the faces of many leaders at the scene showed a look of bewilderment.

[Magically changed with personality].

What do you mean?

Not to mention the meaning of the last personality.

Just the word magic reform at the beginning is already beyond their comprehension.

After a while.

The leader with a square face who asked about the meaning of actual combat raised his hand again, and said hesitantly to Lao Guo:

"Comrade Youlai, I don't know what you mean by magic reform"


After hearing this, Lao Guo thought for a moment, then turned to look at Wang Lao who was sitting next to him, and said to him:

"Comrade Yaoping, the relevant design of the platform is a project that you personally handle, so it's up to you to introduce it to everyone."

Wang Laojian nodded and stood up after Lao Guo sat down.

After getting up.

He winked at Zhou Shaoping and the others at the side.

Everyone quickly worked together to spread out a pair of rolled-up blueprints and hang them on the wall.

This drawing has a size of about 1.5x1.5 meters and occupies the middle part of the wall, roughly equivalent to half a PPT curtain in later generations.

However, there are no projectors or display screens these days, so the picture that Mr. Wang and the others hang up cannot be blank.

Only at this moment.

An icon drawn with simple lines is impressively drawn on this picture:

The main body in the illustration is an oval object similar to a jujube stone, the right side is thicker and the left side is thinner.

how to say

It looked a little bit like a torpedo.

Some parameters are marked on the outside of the elliptical object, but due to the distance problem, only the leaders sitting in the front can see clearly:

Hull length (head and stern):

6.27 meters.

Hull maximum height:

2.58 meters.

Cable membrane thickness:

5.73 cm.

Main compartment volume:

35 cubic meters.

Wind resistance:.

And while everyone was looking at these parameters.

Mr. Wang also started a related introduction:

"Comrades, as you can see, this diagram is the blueprint of the airship we originally designed."

"The parameters of this airship are shown in the picture. The length is almost exactly the same as the distance between the left and right sides of our meeting room."

I heard this.

Some leaders in the audience who couldn't see the parameters clearly glanced at the two sides, and made a rough judgment in their hearts.

However, some leaders frowned, and soon someone came up with an idea:

"Comrade Yaoping, with all due respect, I still don't see where your so-called 'magic reform' lies."

"When I was studying in Gaul, I saw an airship once. The parameters seem to be similar to yours."

"However, the airship was scrapped after not long in operation, because many Gauls subconsciously raised their hands and surrendered when they saw the flying white airship, which greatly affected public order."

The leader who spoke was a relatively rare or the only woman on the scene, probably in her thirties or forties.

She has short curly hair, the complexion on her face and hands is very rough, and she looks a bit weather-beaten.

This person's name is Xia Min, and he is the director of the 17th branch of the base, responsible for managing all kinds of food and daily necessities.

In the past, when the base was short of food, she personally took the sideline team members out to pick elm leaves. She was a very confident leader.

By the way.

Both Xia Min and her husband Wang Liming were overseas students of Geng style in the early years. The two met in Paris, the romantic capital. After returning to China, they were also selected for the nuclear weapon research and development list of Factory 221.

inside the base.

Xia Min is in charge of material scheduling, and Wang Liming is an ordinary explosives research and development engineer.

But a week ago.

Wang Liming was seriously injured in an explosive accident, and Dr. Lin Yu completed the amputation of his left leg.

At present, Wang Liming is still in a coma and critically ill. He also developed an infection after the operation and may stop breathing at any time.

However, Xia Min still forced herself to put her energy into work, and still maintained a high work efficiency, only staying by her husband's bedside after get off work.

Of course.

Including Xia Min and the unconscious Wang Liming, what everyone at the scene didn't know was.

Even in the original history.

Wang Liming also survived this difficulty safely, and the husband and wife also supported each other to pass the 100-year-old mark. They will both be alive in 2023, one at 102 and one at 101.


Eyes return to reality.

Looking at Xia Min who raised doubts, Mr. Wang smiled very calmly:

"Comrade Xia Min, why are you in a hurry?"

"Recall carefully what I said just now. What I said was the blueprint of the 'original design'."

Xia Min was startled for a moment.

Afterwards, Zheng Tao who was beside Wang Laochao waved again, and they pasted a new blueprint on the wall again.

And the moment I saw this drawing.

The number of stunned leaders at the scene expanded from Xia Min to everyone.

This moment.

Everyone looks like this:


To know.

The first picture just now, which is the original design picture, is actually very simple:

A complete hull, a platform of 2X2 size is suspended by several steel wires of about three to four meters under the hull, and four vertically downward missiles are hung on the lower end of the platform.

But on the second design drawing.

At this time, the hull of the 'airship' is still oval, but there is a black 'shell' around the hull.

Look at it from above.

It is equivalent to a 【Θ】—the horizontal line in the middle is the body of the airship.

If there is no way to understand this description.

You can imagine yourself as an airship, and then there is a black iron ring around you that is the same height as you

Other than that.

At the back of the airship, there is an exhaust port similar to an anal plug, and at the front is a slender iron pipe

Looking at the leader in the audience with a face of "what the fuck is that shit", Mr. Wang smiled proudly:

"Comrades, please allow me to officially introduce to you the proud work of our Immortal-killing Sword Team, the upgraded version of the Immortal-killing Sword Formation platform!"

Say it.

Wang Lao looked around and continued:

"As you can see, there is an extra 'shell' on the outside of this platform, but what needs to be explained is that this is not an ordinary metal shell."

"This shell is divided into upper and lower groups, which can rotate in reverse with each other. At the same time, aerodynamic design modules are used in each direction."

"It can ensure the constant pressure adjustment of the inner and outer differentials of the airship at all times during the ascent process. At the same time, the lifting force of the lifting metal ring only needs to add a volume of 8 cubic meters."

"According to our calculations, it can rise steadily to a height of 45,000 meters above the ground, and the missile launch signal is transmitted by high-frequency radio."

"More importantly"

Speaking of which.

Elder Wang's tone was quite agitated:

"Dear comrades, our Jade Immortal Sword Formation platform can be upgraded in the future!"

"Upgrade again?"

Hearing Mr. Wang's words, factory leaders like Xia Min became even more confused:

"Comrade Yaoping, what you mean by re-upgrade"

Elder Wang looked at Xia Min with a smile again, and his tone suddenly became longer:

"Comrade Xia Min, have you ever imagined a Type 59 tank flying into the sky?"

Xia Min:


And at the same time as Wang Lao introduced the second version of the platform design.

A grove one kilometer away.


Looking at Xu Yun who sneezed three times in a row, Qiao Caihong beside him couldn't help asking with concern:

"Comrade Han Li, what's the matter with you? Would you like some more donkey hair soup? There have been a lot of donkey hairs in the base recently."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Xu Yun twitched his nose twice, shook his head quickly and said:

"I guess it's because someone missed it. There's nothing to be nervous about. I just don't know what your rabbit's painting style will look like in the future."

Joe Rainbow:


After that, Xu Yun ignored Qiao Caihong, who was in a daze, and sighed alone in the wheelchair.

Oh, right.

He didn't sigh for himself.

but for Rabbit's future enemies in this timeline

not long ago.

After the bald man named Yuncheng solved the exhaust problem of the inner ring, Mr. Wang and the others began to continue the follow-up related discussions.

to be honest.

Xu Yun really didn't want to intervene at the beginning, after all, a stratospheric aircraft is just like that in the end, and it can be easily done with the ability of Wang Lao and the others.

But after discussions in the group, Yuncheng suddenly said something:

"Why don't we add an engine and increase the low-Earth orbit capacity to more than 4%!"

The moment I heard this sentence.

Then contact the idea that Yuncheng said before that "the shape is approximately equivalent to the shape of a cylinder", and his big bald head shining in the sun

Xu Yun finally remembered the identity of this boss:

No wonder he looked a little familiar.

Isn't this f*ck Huang Anding, the chief designer of the legendary Shenlong No. 1? !

well known.

in 2023.

The concept of reusable spacecraft has faintly become a promising project in military research and development.

For example, there are well-known X37 and X37B across the sea, which have carried out 6 flights, and the longest in-orbit time is 908 days.

And the rabbits are naturally not far behind, and started similar projects very early.

Of course.

This project is not the so-called Luanniao and Nantianmen projects at the Zhuhai Air Show - this is actually a complete rumor.

The so-called Nantianmen Project came from a sci-fi ip of AVIC Global, which was launched on the Air Force Open Day in 2019, and has nothing to do with the official.

This thing also has two novels and a board game, which are sold in a certain treasure.

At that time in 21 years, the only Xuannv fighter that actually appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show was also a derivative IP concept.

As a result, some marketing accounts, not to mention marketing accounts, even the official media began to forward it even if they were not sure whether it was true or not, saying that it was the same as what the rabbits really planned to do.

What is the real aerospace project of the rabbits?

It is the "Shenlong" aircraft.

Older students should know this.

Probably around 2007.

A picture of a certain aerospace aircraft model mounted on a H-6 bomber suddenly appeared on the Internet. This is the earliest Shenlong aircraft.

However, a considerable part of the Shenlong aircraft is still too advanced to be displayed. It is relatively public that its designer should be Mr. Huang Anding. (In order to prevent Baidu Guo Youlai from failing to find information and then coming to criticize me from happening again, let me explain here, this is a pseudonym just like Lao Guo and Wang Lao.)

Of course.

Now the "Shenlong" project has developed to the point where it has been iterated many times, and Mr. Huang, who is already in his 80s, has already passed the baton to his successor.

On May 8, 2023.

The rabbits' reusable spacecraft flew in orbit for 276 days and finally landed smoothly.

At the beginning, Xu Yun had always been interested in the Shenlong aircraft, but now he saw its designer appear in front of him.

So he.

Unable to hold back, he shot again.

no way.

This kind of thing of helping rabbits is like coding, you can't quit at all, and it's really uncomfortable not to code 4,000 characters every day.

Xu Yun's proposal is the reversible compartment structure of the decrypted part of the "Shenlong" aircraft, and it is also one of the earliest sustainable lift-off structures.

This compartment has been designed with an aerodynamic structure and has a strong self-adjusting ability.

At the same time, it also requires a high-precision gyroscope for displacement correction, which is still a bit super-standard for the production technology of this era.

But don't forget.

Although there are no fine lathes in the base, there are a lot of eighth-level workers who walk on the wall in humanoid form.

So with the cooperation of several ultimate masters.

Two fine gyroscopes were officially released.

be honest.

Xu Yun's modification is not particularly generous, after all, it is essentially just adding an iron ring, at most it is adding a directional nozzle at the rear.


If this technology continues to develop, it will not be as simple as the so-called "just" or "at most".

After all, once the rabbits have a taste of this kind of aerial platform, and find that they can fly to an altitude of 40,000 meters with a little modification

Then the next step must be 100,000 meters or 150,000 meters.

Finally set your sights on .

Suborbital field!

To know.

in normal history.

The rabbits will not start the 921 project of the aerospace plane until the 90s.

More critically.

Since you want to fly to suborbital, then the engine must be built, right?

After all, it is definitely not enough to rely on an air-breathing turbojet or a turbofan engine for this kind of thing.

Although this type of engine is outrageously large in terms of specific impulse, the main reason is that it can use the oxygen in the atmosphere, and the fan can inhale a large amount of air and discharge it into thrust.

Increases with height and speed.

Ordinary air-breathing jet engines are no longer suitable and must be switched to ramjet mode, continuing on to scramjet.

In this way.

The scramjet is just around the corner.

If the rabbits are more ambitious, they want to fly out of the atmosphere.

So try nuclear powered rockets?

or just.

Fusion engine?

After all, the nuclear fusion engine that can be used as a thrust rocket must be inertially constrained, that is, the laser hits the fuel target to generate a nuclear fusion reaction, and uses its powerful energy release to propel the aircraft forward.

The mass of 1 gram of nuclear fusion material is completely converted into energy equivalent to about 20,000 tons of TNT equivalent, and the calorific value of kerosene is about ten times that of TNT.

It takes about 4.3 million tons of kerosene to take off a giant aerospace plane to low-Earth orbit, which is equivalent to 43 million tons of TNT energy;

If it is converted into mass-energy conversion, it needs 2150 grams of mass to be completely converted into energy;

Calculated according to the general mass loss of 7‰ in the fusion reaction.

Then 307 kilograms of nuclear fusion fuel is needed, or 1075 grams of positive and negative matter, which does not seem to be much. Ahem, I think too much.

all in all.

This kind of matter involves the field of power industry, as long as you open a door, the rabbits will definitely run in a certain direction!

In a sense.

Although Xu Yun only gave an idea for an aerodynamic structure, this is the one most likely to germinate among all the seeds he planted in Base 221.

It can even be said that it must germinate-unless the world is destroyed tomorrow.

At that time, after getting a reminder from Xu Yun.

Mr. Wang and the others even squeezed out two hours after work to design a bunch of imaginary reusable aircraft.

Among them, the airship model is considered normal.

Some people also made airplanes, and some people made UFO-style discs.

The most outrageous thing is that Xu Yunzhen saw the 59 and Gundam that were designed to have the ability to lift into the air.

So Xu Yun could only silently say sorry to the future enemies of the rabbits, and then continue to prepare for the next attack.

Three hours later.

The final report of the "Zhu Xian" project was successfully completed.

And to this point.

The preparatory process for the Zhuxian platform has come to a successful conclusion. Even some parts that have not been produced can be completed in about two or three days.

as expected.

The third day after reporting.

All the parts of Jade Immortal Sword Formation were officially placed and assembled.

Next is.

When a friend comes from afar, he will be punished even though he is far away!


I thought it was heat stroke and it turned out to be gastroenteritis. I was sent to the hospital early yesterday morning. I may only be able to write 4,000 words these days, but the monthly ticket has not broken 6,000. This month’s protection goal is 210,000 words, which is not difficult.

Blow up the plane tomorrow!

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