Into Unscientific

Chapter 568 The plane exploded, but it doesn't seem to have exploded

Four days later.

The hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert.

Qingshui No. 14 base.

on the tarmac.

Looking at the quite old silver-white jet aircraft in front of him.

In the eyes of Chen Pingsheng, the pilot who performed the Doppler weather satellite verification, he couldn't help but feel distressed:

"Political commissar, are we really going to use it to perform tasks this time?"

I heard this.

Wang Hui, political commissar of the base beside Chen Pingsheng, nodded lightly:

"Xiao Chen, this is the price we have to pay, and this is also the mission of this plane."

"Besides, compared to this plane, Xiao Chen, I am more worried about you this time."

Chen Pingsheng was silent.

After a while.

He suddenly took a step forward, and stroked the words "Chinese People's Volunteer Air Force" sprayed on the aircraft shell with his gloved palm.

Looking at Chen Pingsheng, who has not been informed of the specific purpose so far, Wang Hui couldn't help but sighed again.

As the political commissar of Qingshui No. 14, the first experimental training base of the Chinese Air Force.

Wang Hui is one of the few people in the entire base who knows the ins and outs of the whole thing.

yesterday afternoon.

The base received an instruction from the capital:

Order Qingshui No. 14 base to take out a MiG-15bis fighter jet from the warehouse, and select an experienced pilot to drive it to the Qukuniha area in western Xihai Province this morning.

The pilot sailed at an altitude of 15,000 meters and a speed of 700 kilometers per hour.

Other than that.

After flying to the mission location.

The airborne station will receive a radio notification, and the pilot must complete the requirements in a very short time and parachute to escape.

be honest.

This is a very, very dangerous task, and if there is a slight mistake, there will be a tragedy of aircraft crash and human death.

Finally, after organizational discussions.

The leadership selected Chen Pingsheng, a test pilot of the J-6 fighter jet and a veteran of the Peninsula War, to perform this task.

Seeing that Chen Pingsheng's mood was a little depressed at this time, Wang Hui also walked to his side:

"Xiao Chen, I remember that this MiG-15 Bis was the one you drove on the peninsula battlefield back then?"

Chen Pingsheng nodded.

He fixed his eyes on the dashboard in the cockpit, as if he had traveled through time and saw the youthful self:

"Well, I was still a rookie at that time, I didn't expect to come back alive in the end."

"Hey, you rookie is amazing."

Wang Hui smiled and tapped him with his index finger, and said with emotion:

"Who would have thought that you, a rookie, would kill George Davis, the ace pilot across the sea?"

"If you hadn't killed Davis, we don't know how many comrades we would have sacrificed at that time, let alone morale encouragement."

Hearing the glorious deeds mentioned by Wang Hui.

Rao Chen Pingsheng felt a little heavy at this time, and scratched his hair in embarrassment:

"Political commissar, this is all in the past. Didn't you keep saying that we should look forward? Why bring up these old things?"

Wang Hui raised his eyebrows at him when he heard the words, and spread his hands:

"Here, listen, you know we're going to move on, don't you?"

"Since you don't want to mention the past, why do you keep thinking about this MiG-15bis?"

"I was thinking that no matter how rookie you were back then, you still had two hundred flight hours.

"If you treat the plane as a wife, this is not your kid's first love—at least it must be a third marriage or a fourth marriage."

"I co-author you, you are a kind of lover, you are always sympathetic and miss you everywhere, right?"

Chen Pingsheng:


After a while.

He let out a breath and explained:

"Political commissar, I'm mainly reluctant to spoil such a good plane. It can still fly, and it can be used as a training plane if it's not good enough."

"Even if you want to use it as a target test missile, isn't the DH98 or P-51 in the warehouse pretty good?"

Wang Hui shook his head when he heard the words, and his tone became serious:

"It's not the same, Xiao Chen. Although there are indeed a few of those planes in stock, they are not far from being scrapped."

"For example, almost all P-51s have root cracks in the undercarriage, not to mention their maintenance."

"Just the requirements of flying altitude of 15,000 meters and speed of 700 kilometers per hour, these models will be completely excluded."

Chen Pingsheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end still did not speak.

As a professional fighter pilot, he naturally understood whether what Wang Hui said was true or not.

After a while.

Wang Hui also stretched out his palm and patted the shell of the MiG 15bis, recalling:

"Xiao Chen, in fact, I can probably understand your thinking. It takes three years to be new, three years to be old, and three years to mend."

"It's a good thing to be diligent and thrifty, but we humans have to look forward after all."

"Think about how many planes we had in the country when you first joined the army? It wasn't even enough for grand ceremonies."

"And now, we have 767 J-5s alone!"

Speaking of which.

There was also some emotion in Wang Hui's tone.


This is an eternal nail in the hearts of all Air Force pilots.

At that time, New China had just been established, and a grand military parade was held at the ceremony.

When planning the military parade, many leaders decided to organize a flying team to pass through Tiananmen Square and accept inspections from all sides.

This is a very normal practice, but the rabbits have encountered difficulties during the preparation.

Because the rabbits were so poor back then.

At that time, there were a total of 159 aircraft captured and left behind by the rabbits from all sides, and the number seemed to be quite a lot.

However, these aircraft are first of all a variety of models, with as many as 20 types.

The second is that the condition is not good, most of them are in tatters, and it is very difficult to barely take off.

Some even require soldiers to use horses to pull the plane to the runway.


The aviation bureau concentrated some of the aircraft in good condition at Nanyuan Airport and formed a flying squadron.

The main models are:

There are 17 P-51 Mustang fighter jets, Mosquito bombers, C-46 transport aircraft, PT-19 trainer aircraft and L-5 liaison aircraft.

But even so, it's still not enough.

So in the end, a smart big rabbit thought of an idea:

In view of the fact that the P-51 Mustang fighter jets are faster and have a large number (9), they can fly in front of the queue.

The slower PT-19 trainer and L-5 liaison aircraft flew behind.

After the P-51 Mustang fighter jet finished flying, it circled the field and quickly followed the PT-19 trainer plane and the L-5 liaison plane.

Then pass over the podium for the second time and accept the inspection.

As a result, people saw not 17 but 26 aircraft to be reviewed on the day of the ceremony.

This is an exquisite design that has been narrated by later generations, but for all astronauts, this matter has another meaning.

It's definitely not a shame, after all, the ceremony itself is a happy event.

But it is like a whip, always motivating everyone to move forward.

After a while.

Wang Hui couldn't help turning his head to look at Chen Pingsheng, and said earnestly:

"Xiao Chen, you have participated in various aircraft test flights over the years, and you also know that our country's military conditions are improving every moment."

"The days are getting better now, not to mention spending too much money, at least you can always throw away a few old clothes with a split crotch."

"Maybe in ten or ten years, let alone the MiG-15, our country can even independently design fighter jets!"

"Maybe when the time comes. Well, J-7's time is definitely not possible, so let's go to J-8. Maybe people will discuss how to beat J-8 to caress the empress at that time."


I heard Wang Hui caressing the empress with a strong accent.

Chen Pingsheng finally couldn't hold back, burst out laughing.

Wang Hui, who has been engaged in political work for a long time, immediately knew that Chen Pingsheng's mentality had improved a lot.

So he patted Chen Pingsheng on the shoulder and said:

"Okay, Xiao Chen, if you don't go to the old one, you won't come to the new one. This time, ensuring your own safety is the most important thing."

"Okay, don't be coy, let's hurry up and start!"

And at the same time that Chen Pingsheng boarded the plane half-pushed.

221 base.

Beside the tall tower where Xu Yun proposed the concept of the damper.

This moment.

Lao Guo,

Sun Junren,

Wang Lao,

Qian Wushi,

Li Jue

All the main leaders in the base and experts who are qualified to contact the Jade Sword project gathered in this open space.

Some of them looked impatient, and looked up at the sky from time to time.

Some expressions are calm, with their hands behind their backs calmly, pretending to be masters without speaking.

Others were chatting with each other and eating the melon seeds they had accumulated for a long time, as if they came to eat melons and watch a show.

However, judging from the frequency with which the latter two turned to the operating platform not far away, their hearts were clearly far from being as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

Today is the morning of the fourth day after the 221 base report meeting, and the much-anticipated Zhuxian platform was officially assembled yesterday afternoon.

So early this morning.

Many leaders of the base gathered here to watch the first experimental flight of the Zhuxian platform.

There are two main purposes of this test flight.

One is to test whether the Zhuxian platform can fly to the preset altitude smoothly, and whether the operation between various components is smooth.

The second is to test the specific hit effect of the "Xianxian Sword" missile.

The second of these is the point.

After all, if you don’t experiment with anything and just wait for U2 to appear, it’s okay to say that the platform cannot fly due to parts problems.

But once the "Zhuxianjian" missile failed to hit the target, U2 escaped by chance

Then this is not a question of whether it can hit next time, but it is likely to involve the research and development plan of nuclear weapons.

Therefore, the first flight test is an important and necessary part.

And a few meters away from the area where these experts are located.

Bao Zheng is leading a few operators to stare at the screen on the console with full attention, constantly reporting various numbers:

"The height is 17234 meters! The offset is 0.2%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.95! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.35!"

"The height is 18834 meters, the offset is 0.3%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.94! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.35!"

"The height is 21006 meters, the offset is 0.3%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.95! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.39!"


After a while.

Bao Zheng suddenly raised his head and said to Wang Lao:

"Commander Wang, the rate of rise of the Zhuxian platform has begun to decline!"

Elder Wang's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, and asked calmly:

"What's the current speed?"

Bao Zheng glanced at the console again, then immediately raised his head and said:

"4.21 meters per second."

Elder Wang nodded lightly:

"Don't worry, play with it."

According to Wang Lao's pre-design.

After the airship reaches about 18,000 meters, it will start to slow down due to the influence of the environment.

At that time, it is necessary to open the parabolic chamber of the airship through radio commands, and start throwing the ballast downward.

Now the airship only slowed down for the first time at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, which was much better than Wang Lao and his team expected.

But take into account the high-altitude environmental factors.

Mr. Wang is still going to observe again, maybe he will recover after a while?

as expected.

Thirty seconds later.

Bao Zheng raised his head with joy, and said:

"Commander Wang, the speed of the airship has returned to normal!"

Seeing this, Mr. Wang raised his eyebrows at Fifth Master Qian, the meaning was obvious:

Dude is awesome?

Fifth Master Qian snorted coldly, and said to the bad friend:

"Cut, virtue! If you have the ability, you can pick off the moon soil!"

Then another ten minutes passed.

Bao Zheng raised his hand again:

"Commander Wang, the speed of the airship dropped to 4.1 meters per second, and it lasted for more than a minute!"

Wang Lao looked at the height, and it was a little over 24,000 meters.

This altitude is 6 kilometers more than the preset speed-down line, so Mr. Wang nodded with a sense of satisfaction:

"Very well, let's start throwing."

Hearing Mr. Wang's instructions, Baozheng immediately pressed a button.

well known.

Due to the level of science and technology these days, there is no integrated circuit chip like the later generations in China, let alone in China, even in the world.

Therefore, the control of the entire airship can only be completed through radio transmission, and there are only a few instructions:

The C band starts to parabola.

The K-band main cabin is filled with nitrogen.

The S-band main cabin releases nitrogen to the auxiliary cabin.

X-band for horizontal displacement calibration.

The Ku-band releases the missile launcher.

The signals in these frequency bands have been encrypted. Even if they are intercepted by some enemy agents, they will only be able to decipher the sentence [24 years old, a graduate student, hum ah ah ah].

Even Lao Guo and the others didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, let alone those enemy agents or people across the sea.

After jettisoning ballast.

The speed of the airship quickly returned to about five meters per second, or more than three hundred meters per minute.

that's all.

The display of the airship on the console was getting higher and higher, and it continued to rise after breaking through 30,000 meters.

And to this height.

In the electromagnetic concept, it has approached the lower boundary of the ionosphere.

mentioned earlier.

The division of the ionosphere is rather special.

It is not an interval of geographical atmospheric standards, but a division method of electromagnetism.

The ionosphere is located between the middle layer of the atmospheric standard and the warming layer. This area begins to have atmospheric molecules ionized by solar radiation into electrons and ions, so it is called the ionosphere.

At the same time, the concept of the ionosphere appeared very late, and it was not formally proposed until 1926.

Of course.

Its related theory is slightly earlier.

For example, Oliver Hevesey proposed the theory of the Connor lyhevesian layer in 1902, but the properties of the ionosphere had not yet been formally determined at that time.

And the most special thing about the ionosphere is that.

It is the propagation medium of radio waves.

That is, the electromagnetic wave hits the ionosphere at a certain angle, is reflected and travels to another area.

And because of this.

The lower boundary of the ionosphere may still have an impact on the radio transmission of the airship, and may even interfere with signal docking.

In fact, let alone now.

Even in 2023, the positive and negative ionospheric storms will still interfere with GPS positioning.

Sometimes if you encounter high-intensity solar wind.

GPS positioning can even be skewed to tens of meters.

Fortunately, the lift-off altitude of the Zhuxian platform is about 40,000 meters, and there is still a distance from the lower boundary of the ionosphere, so theoretically, it will not have much serious impact.

But as the saying goes.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The total number of satellites successfully launched this year is only nine. The scientific community's awareness of high altitudes is really limited.

So no one dared to bet on it - except for a certain deaf Mr. Lying in a wheelchair who was hearing impaired.

that's all.

Under the gaze of everyone at the scene.

The height of the airship kept rising.

33245 meters.

34969 meters.

35345 meters.

37849 meters.

Finally after fifty minutes.

The height of the airship has come

Forty thousand meters!

The moment the altitude line broke through 40,000.

Fifth Master Qian, Sun Junren and Elder Wang looked at Bao Zheng almost at the same time, and said in unison:

"Comrade Bao Zheng/Xiao Bao, how is the communication feedback from the airship?"

Baozheng's attention was always on data observation, and he was taken aback by the roar of the three of them.

However, he quickly adjusted his mood and quickly reported:

"The S-band is normal and the KU-band is also normal. And then."

"Well, only the three bands of CXK have some problems due to the influence of sunspots, but generally the impact is not big, and it can be played normally!"

Hearing Bao Zheng's words.

Everyone at the scene relaxed their chests.

The possible influence of the lower boundary of the ionosphere is the biggest variable in the ascent of the airship.

Now that this variable has been eliminated, the first step of today's trial run experiment can be said to have been successfully completed.

And just when the chests of Wang Lao and the others loosened slightly.

Li Jue's assistant, Zhou Cai, suddenly trotted to Li Jue's side from a distance, and said in a low voice:

"Director, just received news from Qingshui that a MiG-15bis fighter jet has set off as agreed."

"It is currently flying towards Qukuniha. According to the time, our radar can almost be turned on."

Li Jue nodded slightly.

Qukuniha is located in the northwest direction of the base, and there is no one inhabited within 30 kilometers around it, which can be regarded as an uninhabited area relatively close to the base.

At the same time, Qukuniha said it was a mountain, but in fact there are not many trees these days.

Most of the whole area is dominated by loess land, which is bare and exposed, and there is no potential safety hazard of causing forest fires.

So after many rounds of discussions.

The superior finally decided to set Qukuniha as the experimental site.

At the same time, medical experts from the base had rushed to the vicinity of Qukuniha yesterday to provide the pilot with medical treatment within their capabilities.

Together with the stationed patrol troops, there are about four to five hundred people who temporarily acted as logistical work.

So as long as Chen Pingsheng can successfully parachute successfully, then he certainly doesn't have to worry about no one taking care of him.

Then Li Jue turned to look at Sun Junren, and said:

"Yuan Sun, turn it on."

Sun Junren nodded cooperatively, and shot a look at Lin Yu who was already waiting by the radar:

"Xiaolin, let's start detecting the flight trajectory."

Seeing this, Lin Yu immediately pressed the start button of the radar.

buzz buzz --

The weather Doppler radar vibrated again as usual, and quickly began to turn.

At the beginning, Chen Pingsheng drove the J-6 to test the weather Doppler radar long before the start of the project, so the performance of the radar does not need to be debugged or optimized.

So soon.

The weather Doppler radar quickly captured Chen Pingsheng's movements:

"Report, the plane's location is 370 kilometers from the base and 412 kilometers from Qukuniha!"

"The current speed of the plane is 745 kilometers per hour, and it is expected to arrive at Qukuniha in a little over 30 minutes!"

Li Jue turned his head and looked at Fifth Master Qian beside him, both of them could see the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Now is the time to test the feasibility of Zhu Xian's plan!

Rao Qian Fifth Division had done missile planning for the opposite side of the sea, and he was still a little nervous at this moment.

After all, the key thing in this experiment is really important.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

fifteen minutes

that's all.

Time passed by slowly, and everyone waited quietly on the ground under the scorching sun.

This moment.

Even the leaders of the base who were chatting about eating melon seeds and turning their backs to sentient beings before gave up their previous pretense and focused on the news.


When the time is close to half an hour.

The tiny black dot of a jet plane races across the sky.

See this situation.

Fifth Master Qian took a deep breath and said to Wang of the contact group:

"Proceed, comrade, contact the airborne radio frequency band, and the pilot will parachute on time after 180 seconds!"

Say it.

He walked up to the launch pad himself and pressed the Ku-band radio button.

at the same time.

Chen Pingsheng, who was driving the MiG 15bis, was holding the joystick tightly in his hand and sailing as required.

more than ten years ago.

He was driving this MiG 15 bis, and personally shattered the myth that George Davis ruled the sky over the peninsula.

Now Chen Pingsheng is 35 years old. According to the normal situation, he will fly for another five or six years before retiring.

At the beginning, he thought about applying to the organization to fly this MiG-15 Bis on the day he retired.

The result was unexpected.

Before I could retire, this MiG 15bis was about to bid farewell to me.

no way.

Who made the Qingshui base only have this MiG-15bis?

And just when Chen Pingsheng was full of emotion in his heart.

Suddenly a radio voice sounded in the cockpit:

"Dongguai Dongguai, this is the Master Tongtian, this is the Master Tongtian."

"Now please increase to the maximum speed, and complete the skydive in three minutes, and turn the fighter to the southwest 30 seconds before the skydive."

"Notice again, please increase to the maximum speed, and complete the skydive in three minutes. Before the skydive, turn the fighter jet to the southwest, and there will be comrades below to pick you up."

"Please answer if you receive it, please reply if you receive it."

Chen Pingsheng took a deep breath and pulled up the communicator:

"Dongguai received it, Dongguai received it."

"I wish you peace, I will contact you again in the last 30 seconds, and invite you to drink our factory's special donkey hair soup."

"Thank you. Uh, what soup?"

The other party did not answer, but hung up the communication.

See this situation.

Chen Pingsheng also withdrew his thoughts and clenched the joystick again.

The last three minutes

After realizing this.

Chen Pingsheng's gaze sharpened suddenly.

Since it's the last three minutes.

So old friend, let's bid farewell with all our might!

call out--

In an instant.

The BK-1 engine of the MiG 15bis fighter reached the upper thrust limit of 2700 kg in an instant.

Under the extremely high speed and extreme altitude, the already aging airframe began to have a small number of shells and even parts fall off.

But Chen Pingsheng didn't seem to care, still holding the joystick tightly in his hand.

As if wanting to fly faster and higher.

One minute

two minutes.

When Chen Pingsheng read the number 148 in his mind.

The original voice came again from the communication device:

"Dongguai Dongguai, the countdown starts in 30 seconds, please turn around immediately."

"Thirty. Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight."

With the sound of this voice.

Chen Pingsheng immediately pushed the joystick to the left rudder to the bottom.

Students who were MiG 15 bis in their previous life should know it.

The vertical maneuverability of all MiG series after MiG 15bis or MiG 9 is quite strong.

For example, the rate of climb of the MiG-15 can even reach 50 meters per second.

However, its horizontal mobility is relatively weak.

Now in the case of an emergency change of direction at the extreme speed and altitude, Chen Pingsheng's body has some feedback due to the super load.

However, Chen Pingsheng still did not slow down his movements, and completed his task seriously.


The countdown came to the last ten seconds.






"1! Skydiving!"

The voice just fell.

Chen Pingsheng immediately pulled the ejection ring.

call out--

With the command to eject.

The fixing device that is usually locked by the mechanical device is unlocked, and the detonating charge in the inner and outer barrels of the ejection gun is detonated instantly.

A burst of high-pressure gas stretches out the inner barrel, and ejects the ejection seat out of the fighter jet along the guide rail.

The strong airflow blew Chen Pingsheng towards the vertical tail. Fortunately, Chen Pingsheng tightened his body beforehand and avoided the cutting of the tail.

After a second.

The MiG-15bis roared away.

Another period of time passed.

After the altitude dropped to a safe range, a parachute bounced off Chen Pingsheng's body.

The body load before the ejection made Chen Pingsheng dizzy for a while, and the whole person didn't regain his senses until this time.

After recovering.

Subconsciously, he grabbed the strap of the parachute with both hands, suppressed the urge to vomit, and turned his head to look in the direction where the MiG-15bis was leaving.

The result was the moment he turned his head.


In a very far direction within his line of sight, a group of sparks suddenly exploded, and at the same time, some fragments fell.

Chen Pingsheng's pupils shrank suddenly.

After a while.

A sigh suddenly sounded in the sky ten thousand meters high:

"Goodbye, old friend."


What I said yesterday was bombing planes, not U2, don’t say I didn’t keep my promise.

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