Into Unscientific

Chapter 569 Hikijaide Cave!

For people of any age.

Emergency high-altitude skydiving at the 10,000-meter level is a very, very risky thing.

In the case of not wearing cold-proof clothing or oxygen equipment protective gear, basically 7000 meters will end.

But there is no way.

Rabbits don’t have drones these days. In order to fully simulate the flight situation of U2, 15,000 meters is the lowest line.

In addition, when Chen Pingsheng parachuted, the plane was not in the state of being shot or falling randomly, and he had already put on some cold-proof clothing before taking off.

In addition, his own luck is indeed not bad, so this skydiving was finally a success without any danger.

high in the air.

After saying goodbye to my 'old friend'.

Chen Pingsheng turned his head to look at the ground below.

Only at this moment.

There were several transport vehicles and a large number of small black dot-like figures on the ground, rapidly gathering from all directions to the area where he was.

A little farther away in the air, there was even a helicopter circling—but perhaps out of fear of affecting his landing, the helicopter kept a long safe distance.

no doubt.

These people in the sky and the ground are exactly the logistics team sent by the 221 factory to support him mentioned by the "Tongtian leader".

See this situation.

Chen Pingsheng's chest couldn't help but relax slightly.

Finally, there is no need to worry about no one to meet after landing, this is no man's land after all.

But soon.

Another question mark popped up in Chen Pingsheng's heart:


How was my MiG-15bis shot down?

Not to mention whether the naked eye can detect the problem of fire control vehicles or missiles on the ground, it is difficult to explain the level of radar alone.

To know.

Although the MiG-15bis had been determined in advance, it was "slimmed down" before the flight.

For example, all kinds of missiles and machine guns on the plane have been dismantled, and even the fuel tank is only prepared for a single flight-of course, if it is a single trip, it must still consume more fuel than the actual distance.

But radar is not included.

After all, before VOR and INS navigation, radar and sextant are very critical positioning and navigation equipment during flight.

Therefore, the airborne radar was not disassembled-if this thing was dismantled, Chen Pingsheng would fly to Hokkaido, let alone Xihai Province.

In other words.

If there is a missile launch during the whole process.

Then it is impossible for the fire control radar to fail to respond.

But what he saw right now was that the MiG-15bis exploded in front of him without any reaction, which was quite strange.

After all, the notification he got was only to test a certain type of anti-air missile, and it didn't say that this thing could even hide from the fire control radar.


Chen Pingsheng thought about the task of going out for a "walk" more than half a month ago when he was ordered to fly a J-6 fighter jet and turn on the fire control radar.

If I remember correctly.

At that time, there was a section of the route on which I was carrying out my mission, and there was Factory 221 next to it.

Could it be

What is the connection between the two?

Think here.

Chen Pingsheng already had a heart with a high load, and the pacing rate increased a lot again.

After all, as a pilot to be precise, he was a fighter pilot, and Chen Pingsheng knew too well the impact of the failure of the fire control radar on fighter jets.

Unless you have clairvoyance.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to find and avoid a missile by relying solely on sight distance—although the pilot's sight distance capability is already very poor, and some people can even see fighter jets twenty kilometers away.

However, it was in an air combat state, and the flying speed of the missile was much faster.

In the cruising state of non-air combat, I want to be vigilant at all times at 360 degrees. The reality is obviously not possible, and it is estimated that such superpowers will be found on the Internet in 2023.

After realizing this.

Chen Pingsheng finally understood the arrangement above.

That's what happened.

Of course.

Chen Pingsheng's current guesses are mainly based on purpose.

As for the principles, such as how missiles are launched at the technical level, he is completely at a loss.

After a few minutes.


With a soft sound.

Chen Pingsheng half fell and half fell to the ground.

The area where he landed was a barren Gobi slope with only dry rocks and a few shrubs on the ground.

In the posture of falling sideways, the whole person feels a little pain.

Fortunately, Mr. Chen Ping had protected his knees, abdomen, penis and elbows in advance, and wrapped them in a thick layer of circles.

So after landing.

Only his fingers and the left side of his face had two small pieces of broken skin on his bright face. This kind of injury is almost the same as a mosquito bite to a pilot.

Then Chen Pingsheng released the parachute again, and the whole person sat on the ground and waited.

After about ten minutes.

A transport truck drove to the vicinity of Chen Pingsheng with a whimper.

A doctor in a white coat jumped out of the car vigorously and walked to Chen Pingsheng's side:

"Comrade Pingsheng, I am Lin Yu, the attending doctor of the 221 base worker's hospital, and I am ordered to take care of you here!"

Then without waiting for Chen Pingsheng to speak.

Lin Yu took several assistants to Chen Pingsheng's side, and began to check his body without any explanation.

Chen Pingsheng had experienced similar experiences many times when he was testing the new aircraft, so he didn't resist much, but let Lin Yu and the others check it.

Qiao Caihong, the chief nurse of the base staff hospital, was also sent to the scene today, and saw this girl bouncing over with a water bottle in her hand:

"Come on, Comrade Pingsheng, have some hot soup."

"This is our base's secret special medicine, donkey. It's green, harmless and natural, and even if it burns to ashes, you can drink it back to your soul!"

Chen Pingsheng:


What the hell?

Cooperating with your 221 mine and digging down to the underworld, the business has expanded to the underworld, right?

A few minutes later.

Another transport vehicle arrived at the scene.

This time, Cheng Kaijia, who was in charge of security at the base at the time, opened the door and walked down.

Cheng Kaijia came to Chen Pingsheng quickly, and before he could say hello to Chen Pingsheng, he asked Lin Yu first:

"Doctor Lin, how is Comrade Pingsheng's condition? Has he been given donkey hair soup? Is his life in danger?"

Lin Yu pointed to Qiao Caihong who was bandaging Chen Pingsheng's palm, and explained:

"From the outside, it looked a little bit broken, but after inspection, it was found that the little finger was broken. It may have been accidentally injured when it landed."

Only then did Cheng Kaijia relax, and nodded slightly.

Skydiving at that height and speed only resulted in a broken little finger. This kind of price is obviously very small.

Then Cheng Kaijia took another deep breath, straightened his face, and said to Chen Pingsheng:

"Comrade Pingsheng, let me introduce myself."

"My name is Cheng Kaijia, and I'm currently the deputy director of Factory 221. You can call me Old Cheng or Kaijia if you want."

"Comrade Pingsheng, you have really worked hard this time, and the base will definitely ask your superiors for credit!"

Chen Pingsheng smiled honestly, looking a little shy, but there was an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes:

"It's all about making contributions to the country. It's hard to talk about, and it's not necessary to ask for merit—I have three first-class merits. If there are more, my family can't let it go."

"If the country needs it, I can go back to Qingshui base to fly another fighter jet and parachute again."

Cheng Kaijia laughed when he heard the words, and patted Chen Pingsheng on the shoulder:

"I like that, but Comrade Pingsheng, you don't need to go back to Qingshui Base."

"Now all you have to do is go back to Factory 221 to recuperate with us, and then watch a game."

Speaking of which.

Cheng Kaijia deliberately paused, and said word by word:

"A U-attack machine co-produced by China and the United States!"

ten minutes later.

221 base.

Weather Doppler radar operator's side.

"Very good!"

Looking at the message sent back by Cheng Kaijia through the accompanying radio.

Li Jue clenched his right hand into a fist and waved it a few times in the air:

"The experiment of the 'Zhuxianjian' missile was successful. This is because we deliberately reduced the equivalent of the warhead in order to test the lower limit of the power of the missile."

"Comrade Fifth Division, your theoretical level is really too high!"

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Fifth Master Qian seemed very calm, but nodded slightly:

"As expected, after all, the altitude has increased by 15,000 meters, and the technical difficulty has indeed increased, but the kinetic energy of gravitational potential energy conversion will naturally increase."

"This kind of kinetic energy plus the detonation mechanical energy of the warhead cannot be underestimated in terms of magnitude, let alone the fuel in the fuel tank of the fighter jet."

"Of course, in order to ensure that U2 can be shot down, the missile's equivalent in actual combat should be based on the original design."

Li Jue nodded in agreement.

mentioned earlier.

The body length of the Zhuxianjian missile is only one meter, and the length of the warhead is only a little over twenty centimeters.

in this case.

The equivalent of warhead explosives will not affect the trajectory of the missile, even if it is an empty bomb.

Therefore, in order to prevent the aftermath of the explosion from affecting Chen Pingsheng, who was out of the body, and also to test the lower limit of the missile's power.

Fifth Division Qian and others took some time to calculate a minimum warhead equivalent value that could theoretically destroy a MiG 15bis.

Now according to the experimental results.

Even with this minimum equivalent, fighter jets can still be destroyed smoothly.

At the same time, this experiment also verified the effect of the ultra-wideband proximity fuze, which is more accurate than this era.

Think here.

Li Jue suddenly thought of something.

He stopped what he was doing, looked around, and said:

"In that case, everyone, can we proceed with that plan?"

Everyone at the scene was silent.

But in everyone's eyes, an inexplicable brilliance burst out instantly.

After several hours.

Longyou Province.

Jinta County.

As a small county located in the southern border of Longyou Province, it belongs to JQ City.

In this day and age.

Jinta County is located in the northwestern part of the Republic's territory, and has an important strategic position that is completely opposite to its reputation.

Jinta County covers an area of ​​over 10,000 square kilometers, with 70% arable land. It is a well-known grain-producing county in Longyou.

Other than that.

Jinta County is also extremely rich in mineral resources.

for example.

There are four counties and two cities in JQ City. All the minerals of these administrative units are counted as 100%, and Jinta County occupies more than 35% of them.

And because of this.

Today's Jinta County has eleven agricultural production brigades and two state-owned mines, far surpassing the Guide County where Xu Yun descended.

Of course.

If the above information is analyzed from another angle, a new conclusion can be drawn:

If the rabbits engage in some hidden projects in Longyou or in the northwest of Longyou, then Jinta County will have a high probability of becoming one.

Food adjustment point.

This moment.

On a canal outside Jinta County.

Hundreds of team members belonging to the No. 3 Agricultural Production Brigade of Jinta County are carrying hoes and dustpans and marching along the field path in groups of three and four.

At this time, they had just finished their repair work in the morning and were about to go to work for lunch.

Some team members have already married and established businesses, so they will go back to the county to eat with their families for lunch. After eating, they can beat the bear children to relieve their addiction.

There are some young workers who are not married.

It is customary to bring a few pancakes with you, swallow a meal with well water, and then play cards or take a nap under the shade of a tree.

There are quite a few of these young workers, like a small river.

But just like the river water is composed of countless water droplets, there are also many small groups in this long queue of young workers.

These small groups are basically composed of friends or acquaintances who have fun, as few as two or three, and as many as a dozen or so people.

After more than ten minutes.

This long queue of young workers came to the assembly point of the brigade, took their food and found a good place to have lunch.

In the shade of one of the trees.

An ordinary small group of five or six people was chatting with the usual people.

I saw a young man with an inch shaved, not tall but quite clever, looked around a few times, and said to his friends:

"Hey, have you heard?"

"At noon the day before yesterday, several transport vehicles of that kind that can pull a lot of goods came to our county!"

I heard this.

"Tch, Er Shuan, what's all the fuss about?"

A young man with buck teeth made a disdainful cut, and a small ball of crumbled pancake spewed out of his mouth, but he immediately picked up the marble-sized pancake piece from the ground and stuffed it back into his mouth:

"Aren't there several cars like that in the People's Armed Forces Department of the County Brigade? We even shitted in the exhaust pipes on New Year's Eve more than ten years ago!"

Unexpectedly, Er Shuan, a young man with a small board, shook his head:

"That's different. I heard that there are all kinds of cans on the car, and it's covered with a big, big black cloth, isn't it a bamboo pole?"


The inch-ban youth turned his head to look at a tall, dark-complexioned man on his left.

The tall and thin young man nicknamed Bamboo Pole was twisting small pieces of pancakes and stuffing them into his mouth. Hearing this, he nodded sullenly:

"Well, my brother saw it."

"It is said that I also saw a few doctors in white clothes on it, and people from the army were with them. It looks like."

"Okay, bamboo pole."

Before the bamboo pole finished speaking, a young man who hadn't spoken all this time frowned:

"Don't discuss this kind of thing, even if there is something, it has nothing to do with us."

"Especially you Ershuan, don't ask about everything - the team is planning to name you as an activist next year, what should you do if someone reports you because of asking around?"

"It's a pity that you went to Jincheng to work for a few years. Others go to big places to gain knowledge. Why do you owe your mouth when you go to the city?"

Zhu Gan, who was introducing the situation, immediately shrank his neck when he heard the words, and stopped talking weakly.

This young man is the vice-captain of their team, named Ryoko.

Ryoko has a face with Chinese characters, regular features but also a little dark complexion, very prestigious in their small group.

Er Shuan, who was shaved and eloquent, also seemed a little embarrassed, and restrained his expression awkwardly.

But in fact.

But he turned his head quickly, and a subtle look appeared in his eyes.

I don't know if it's because of Ryoko's tone of voice.

The rest of the people didn't speak any more, but ate pancakes silently.

The members of this small group were all half-children, and when they ate, they were like gobblers. Basically, they chewed and swallowed in two or three bites.

And just when everyone was eating pancakes like ghosts possessed.

Not far away suddenly came a young woman wearing a floral dress with a sallow complexion but pretty features.

The buck-toothed young man who dissed Ershuan before had sharp eyes, and Yu Guang was the first to notice the appearance of the other party:

"Hey, Yingzi? Why are you here?"

"Here, I'll bring you insoles."

The girl named Yingzi waved a small cloth bag in her hand to everyone generously, and said with a smile:

"The female worker group in the team brought some insoles, saying that they were going to distribute them to the youth worker group as a benefit for repairing the canal, so I hurriedly selected a few pairs of leather shoes and sent them to you first."

Er Shuan laughed when he heard the words, and said with a bit of yin and yang:

"Give it to us? I think it's for brother Liangzi, maybe the pair for brother Liangzi was bought by Yingzi himself!"

"You talk too much!"

Yingzi shaved Ershuan fiercely, and quickly glanced at Liangzi, a young man with a square face, a blush appeared on his face.

Then she put the package she brought on a stone, took out several pairs of insoles and divided them up:

"This is Ershuan yours. This is your bamboo pole and this is Brother Yong's. This is Xi. Hey, Brother Xizi didn't come today?"

Ryoko, a young man with a square face, nodded and explained:

"Well, Xizi said today that she had a fever and was not feeling well, so she asked for a vacation with the team, and she probably won't be back until the day after tomorrow."


Yingzi was startled subconsciously, and blurted out a sentence:

"But I just saw him walking in the county with Commissar Lin, and he was still carrying a box."

"I don't know what's in that box, but it looks like it weighs thirty or forty catties. If he's sick, can he still carry it?"

When Liangzi heard this, he was startled:

"Isn't it? Yingzi, are you sure you read it right?"

Yingzi nodded vigorously, flicking her ponytail behind her, affirming:

"Just kidding, Brother Xizi has known him for so many years, how could I not recognize him?"

"Besides, he is in such good health as a veteran, so he shouldn't have a fever in summer, right? Even heatstroke is unlikely."

Ryoko's brows furrowed even more.

Seeing this, Ah Yong, the buck-toothed man, subconsciously asked:

"Brother Liangzi, should we report this to the team?"

Ryoko hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head lightly:

"Don't be in a hurry, wait for Xizi to come back and ask what's going on, maybe Commissar Lin has something to ask him to take up the post."

boom--! ! !

As a result, Ryoko hadn't finished saying the word 'duty' at the end.

In the county not far away, there was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth without warning.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Only at this moment.

In a certain direction from the county seat very close to them, a thick black smoke burst out.

This variable appeared so suddenly that everyone froze at the scene for quite a while.

A few seconds passed.

Yingzi's exclamation brought everyone's mood back to reality:

"Oh my god, where is the second ore factory?!"

The voice just fell.

Bamboo Pole, who had been dull and reticent all this time, also yelled, and rushed towards the county seat:

"elder brother!"

If Yingzi's exclamation is to wake up everyone.

Then the word [Brother] shouted by the bamboo pole.

It was like a basin of cold water that made everyone's hearts twitch, and their consciousness instantly became extremely clear.

Immediately afterwards.

A large number of young workers dropped their belongings one after another and ran into the city together.

Although different from the No. 1 Ore Plant, most of the more than 2,000 employees in the No. 2 Ore Plant in Jinta County are non-locals.

But based on the magnitude of [2000], even 20% have 400 people.

No. 400 people are at least related to 300 families. Who can be in a hurry?

See this situation.

Ryoko also waved his hand decisively, and said loudly:

"Go, let's go too!"

Say it.

He led the crowd to the county seat.

Jinta County, like most counties these days, has demolished the city walls long ago, and there is no clear dividing line between the urban area and the suburbs.

In addition, the canal where the youth workers' team was located was only seven or eight hundred meters away from the second ore factory, so it didn't take long for everyone to approach the factory building.

However, what surprised everyone was.

When they caught up with the bamboo pole, they found that the bamboo pole was stopped by a group of soldiers outside the factory building.

The originally dull and cowardly bamboo pole seemed to be a different person at this time, blushing and yelling at a middle-aged man who looked like a person in charge:

"Let me in, my brother is inside! My brother is inside!!"


There are not a few people stopped like Zhugan.

With the arrival of a large number of young workers, those who were blocked soon formed a row.

However, the soldiers who blocked them still stuck to their positions, their faces unchanged, no matter how much they pushed and shoved, they would not retreat an inch.

After a while.

The middle-aged man behind the dividing line took a loudspeaker from nowhere and shouted to everyone:

"Comrades, young workers, please calm down and listen to me, okay?"

"Your family members are all safe now and have been settled properly. If you don't believe me, you can go to the wooden shed next to you to find someone!"

"At present, there are no casualties in the factory area. We do not allow everyone to enter the factory to improve the efficiency of property rescue. I will say it again."

"Bamboo pole!"

The middle-aged man just finished speaking.

Behind Liangzi and the others, a rough and loud voice sounded.

Zhugan, who originally wanted to rush into the factory building, froze when he heard the words.

Two full seconds passed.

He just turned his head mechanically.

I saw a shirtless man standing more than ten meters away from him, his face was somewhat similar to his.

The moment you see each other.

The bamboo pole suddenly ran towards the opponent and shouted:

"Brother! Are you okay?!"

The naked man held the shoulders of the bamboo pole with a smile and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, the place where the accident happened is the sixth workshop, and I'm in the second workshop."

"There are some imported German machine tools in Workshop No. 6. We ordinary workers are never allowed to go in for fear that the workers will damage them."

"So we were evacuated as soon as the fire caught fire. Everyone was fine, but we were a little frightened."

Conversations like this also happen around everyone, but the characters in the conversation have changed from brothers to fathers and sons, parents or other relationships.

See this situation.

Ryoko and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then just when Yoshiko was about to say something more.

There was another commotion from the burning area behind.

I saw a few people wearing white protective clothing running out of a certain corner of the factory area, each carrying something in their hands or working together:

There are metal barrels,

black box,

There are instruments that have no obvious use but are obviously very high-end.

There was even a man in a white coat who tripped over his left foot and tripped over his right foot because he ran too fast, and the whole person fell to the ground, and a pile of cornmeal-like yellow powder spilled out of the box in his hand

after an hour.

Many family members of the workers were frightened.

The Youth Workers Brigade decided to give everyone a temporary vacation, so that everyone can spend time with their loved ones, and temporarily deduct half of the work points.

At the same time, outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the fire spot in the factory area for rescue, and some young workers have nothing to do.

Therefore, everyone discussed briefly and decided to part ways.

"Everyone, see you later!"

Liangzi held the insole that Yingzi gave him, waved to several partners, and strolled back to her home seemingly normally.


As a result, just entered the door.

The sloppy look on Liangzi's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by caution and shrewdness.

He first carefully inspected the furnishings in the house, and after finding that there were no traces of movement by the hidden hands, he turned back and plugged the door bolt.

Then he went to the bed and opened a dark board.

One was taken out.

telegraph machine.

After a few minutes.

Da da da--

Ryoko sat on the chair and skillfully initiated the telegram:

[Suspected uranium ore transport convoy in Jinta County. Local veteran militia escorts were selected to reduce suspicion. The golden yellow powder is suspected to be yellow cake.]

[According to a comprehensive judgment, there is a very high possibility of an enriched uranium plant in Jinta County. Apply.]

[Sent out U2 to investigate].

After sending the telegram.

Ryoko carefully put the telegraph back in place again.

Then he leaned back on the chair and rested.

If nothing else.

This time, I should be able to make a fortune again.

What is the bonus for discovering a uranium enrichment plant?

Seems to be.

However, just when Liangzi fantasized about making a lot of money.

thump thump——

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside his house.

Ryoko jumped up from the chair in an instant like an electric shock, and subconsciously pressed her left hand on an iron box on the table:

"Who is it?"


A familiar voice came from outside the house:

"Brother Liangzi, it's me, Yingzi."

"I took the wrong insole carelessly before, and I still have the pair I chose. Can I change it with you?"

I heard this.

Liangzi's expression relaxed immediately, and his palm moved away from the iron box.

I saw him pick up the insole that Yingzi gave him from the other end of the table, turn it over and look at it a few times, and there was a hint of obscenity in his eyes:

"Oh, here we come."

Continue to develop at this pace.

Before I leave, maybe I have a chance to pick this flower.

So he raised his eyebrows and walked quickly towards the door.

Ryoko skillfully pulled the latch and opened the doorway:

"Yingzi, you can just give it to me tomorrow, and it's still far away. Uh?"

Only at this moment.

Except Yingzi outside his house.

Impressively, there were Zhugan brothers, Ershuan, Baoya Ayong, "fever" Xizi, and the middle-aged man who was shouting with a loudspeaker outside the factory.

after awhile.

Er Shuan looked at Liangzi carefully, shook his head and said:

"To be honest, I thought that I would be an enemy agent, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Chen Wenliang, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you also betrayed the revolution."


It started to explode, the next day is 9000 words, please ask for a monthly pass.

It was said that 270,000 words broke 6,000 on the 7th this month, but the gastroenteritis was repaired for a few days before and the update was very weak. This is my problem, so the event time has been extended for two days. If it can break 6,000 before 12 o’clock tonight, this month will still be the same Add 270,000 words!

Now 4440, if it doesn't break 6000, 6000 words will be added for every 300 chapters.

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