Into Unscientific

Chapter 571 U2 Falls! ! ! ! (middle)

Turn the clock back slightly by an hour.

Taoyuan Airport.

It is different from 2023 in later generations.

The Taoyuan Airport in this era is still somewhat primitive, far from being as modern as later generations.

This moment.

Under a gray sky.

The weeds that lined the runway swayed in a slight wind, and the ground at the airport was covered in dark gray concrete, engraved with signs and white markings indicating the route.

But in stark contrast to this primitive, there is another chilling atmosphere.

next to the runway.

Rows of military aircraft stood there neatly, and the fuselages were painted green, revealing a slight sense of coldness and majesty.

Some maintenance personnel in overalls are shuttling through, carefully checking the equipment around the fuselage.

Their meticulous hands snap each part to ensure that all the details are properly handled.

Look further away.

Intersecting towers can be seen everywhere, and equipment such as radar and communication are placed on the ground. It is not difficult to imagine that war may break out here at any time.

Equally sobering.

Some anti-aircraft guns and tanks placed on the side of the road filled the air with another cold and oppressive atmosphere.

As if with all your charm you can't soften the place, but make it more serious and scary.

And in this row of military aircraft.

There is a square matrix that is a bit more special:

It consists of four huge black fuselages, the entire fuselage has a smooth appearance, without any trivial decorations, simple and atmospheric.

The black shape makes people feel a strong sense of oppression, and the huge and thick body shows its powerful strength and physique.

These aircraft were not capable of air combat or bomb-dropping, but it was one of the most menacing aircraft of this era.

That is the famous

Mrs. Jiaolong, U2 reconnaissance plane!

This moment.

on the tarmac.

A blond foreign man was holding a document and said to the three fully dressed pilots in front of him:

"That's about it, Lu, Li, Yang, you should have written down all the missions this time, right?"

I heard this.

Lu Xiliang, then captain of the Black Cat Brigade, nodded and repeated:

"Understood, after taking off, cross the strait, fly directly to Jinta County, Longyou to investigate the situation, and then continue westward to the hinterland of Zhuzhou."

"All abnormal images on the road must be taken. Don't begrudge the film. The more photos, the better."

"Mr. Johnson, don't worry, we promise to complete the task!"

Seeing that Lu Xiliang's attitude is so serious.

Bruce Johnson, who was then at the Strategic Air Force Command, also nodded:

"Very good."

a few days ago.

After receiving the telegram from 'Chen Wenliang', that is, Kong Lu from Jinta County.

The leaders of the logistics headquarters immediately attached great importance to this information and urgently held a meeting.

After all, this is the closest piece of information they have obtained to the development progress of the atomic bomb in recent years.

Of course.

This is also related to the time of U2's service-U2 was officially transported to the Black Cat Brigade at the beginning of this year.

Therefore, after detailed discussions.

The logistics headquarters has made a major decision:

Send three U2s to investigate Jinta County!

To know.

At present, the entire Black Cat Squadron has only four U2 reconnaissance planes.

However, this decision is not really a problem in essence, after all, it was a gas diffusion field explosion:

Various equipment, instruments and materials after the explosion must be immediately transferred to other locations.

Although rabbits are bound to be extremely careful.

But after all, the incident happened suddenly, and some chicken feet must be exposed in some places.

In this rare situation.

In terms of logistics, I decided to come to Boda!

It is said that the chairman of the logistics company at the time said a word very firmly:

"The flight altitude of the U2 reconnaissance plane is 22,000 meters, and the MiG-17 and J-5 fighter jets are only 13,000 meters, 22,000 vs. 13,000. I have the advantage, and I can dispatch all of them!"

So if it weren't for a U2 that is still under maintenance due to severe wing wear.

Then what will be dispatched today will be the entire property of the Black Cat Squadron.

As for the candidates for the task, the logistics side also selected the elite of the three elites:

Lu Xiliang, the captain of the squadron at the time.

Yang Shiju, the second captain of the squadron at the time.

And the absolute trump card known as the number one pilot on the island

Li Nanping.

After Johnson explained the relevant matters.

Lu Xiliang looked at Yang Shiju and Li Nanping beside him again, and said:

"Old Yang, Nanping, our task this time is very difficult, and there is no communication equipment on U2, so we can only rely on our tacit understanding."

"Remember, if you encounter a fighter on the opposite side—even if it's an old-fashioned P-51, immediately give me an altitude boost!"

"Come on, Captain, you're very smart with your words."

Li Nanping on the side waved his hands indifferently, and said with a smile:

"You need to teach me this kind of thing. Who can compare to us when it comes to the ability to run?"

Lu Xiliang subconsciously wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, it seemed

Nothing wrong?

So he patted Li Nanping on the shoulder with some embarrassment, and scolded with a smile:

"You're the one who talks too much, go, get on the plane!"

After more than ten minutes.

Accompanied by a low roar.

Three U2s flew off the runway one after another.

With increasing height.

The landscape recedes rapidly, and the ground becomes smaller and smaller.

The traffic and buildings below him became insignificant like little toys.

In the blink of an eye.

The plane shot straight into the clouds.

The clouds at the top are thicker and the light is getting brighter.

The scene outside the cabin seems to be a scene every second, with countless seas of clouds blooming a beautiful scene outside the cabin.

Look at this scene.

I don't know why.

In Li Nanping's mind, a strange thought suddenly popped up:

If he died and ascended to heaven, the picture would probably be similar to this, right?

And just as the three U2s were flying to the mainland.

221 base.

Xu Yun, who hadn't even put on his pants, was rushed by Lao Guo and pushed him to the original damper tower, which is outside the area where the weather Doppler radar was located.

This moment.

Several tents have been set up on the edge of this area, and a temporary command center has been built.

When Xu Yun and Lao Guo entered.

Li Jue and many other high-level people have gathered in the entire command center—of course, the number of people is a little less than that of the previous experiment day.

After all, the main attributes of the command center are biased towards strategy and technology, and non-professionals must screen out some of them.

Anyway, in addition to the command center and tents, you can also watch theaters.

"Old grandson."

After entering the tent.

Lao Guo immediately found Sun Junren and asked him:

"How's the situation with U2? Any news?"

Sun Junren had just put down the phone at this time, and he didn't even have time to drink, so he immediately introduced:

"At present, the three U2s have just flown across the strait, and their trajectories are relatively erratic, but our comrades are already driving the J-5 to follow them."

"The J-5 was sent out to perform a full set of dramas, and secondly, to grasp their action trajectories."

"In this way, no matter which route they plan to take next, we can have relevant information in real time."

Lao Guo then nodded slightly.

The organization chose Jinta County as the "location" of the uranium enrichment plant this time.

In addition to Chen Wenliang being an undercover undercover agent, there is another very important reason, that is.

Geographical location of Jinta County.

Jinta County is located in the border of Longyou, near Xihai Province.

Between it and the Jinyintan Grassland where Base 221 is located, and the Taoyuan Airport where U2 takes off, it happens to belong to three points on a straight line.

In other words.

Unless U2's brain is drawn to take the wonderful triangle route of Taoyuan→Mohe→Jinta.

Otherwise, there are only three general trajectories:

1. Linear type:

Taoyuan→Fujian Province→Jiangxi Province→Xiangchu→Sichuan-Chongqing (or southwestern Shaanxi Province)→Golden Pagoda.

Second, southerly arc type:

Taoyuan→Guangdong Province→Bagui→Southeastern Yunnan Province→Southwestern Sichuan Province→Gold Pagoda.

Three, northerly arc type:

Taoyuan→Zhejiang Province→Modu→Haidai→Jingchu→Jin Province→Caishangjiangnan→Golden Pagoda.

And no matter which way to go.

Among them, the end will inevitably pass through the 221 base, which is the range of the Zhuxian platform.

In addition, the actual distance between Jinta County and Base 221 is more than 600 kilometers, which is far away and can be ignored calmly.

Even if something happened to U2.

The 'hatred value' can at most be pulled to the Jinta or even the west of Longyou, and will not involve the 221 base in Xihai.

So after a comprehensive discussion.

Only then did the superiors decide to choose Jinta County as the place to lure the snake out of the cave.

Then Sun Junren walked to a huge national map, and the territory on the map clearly showed the opposite bank and the Diaoyu Islands.

Sun Junren picked up a pen from the blackboard and drew a circle somewhere near the southeast of Fujian Province:

"According to the news from comrades in the south, the current U2 reconnaissance plane is stranded over Fuding County, Fujian Province, and it seems to be teasing our fighter jets."

"According to usual experience, they will stay for about ten to fifteen minutes."

Old Guo smiled coldly when he heard the words, and a murderous look appeared on his usually good-natured face:

"Let them do what they want, anyway. This is the last time."

mentioned earlier.

The U2 reconnaissance plane does not have real-time communication equipment, so after the U2 mission, the other side does not know what the pilot did.

The pilot only needs to ensure that the flight mission is close to eight hours, and the flight trajectory conforms to the preset route.

So after entering the mainland.

Many black cat pilots like to tease the rabbit fighter jets in the near air, which is almost the kind of "Hey, you can't hit me" provocation.

So Lao Guo and the others didn't care about it.

Firstly, it is a freshman, secondly, it is familiar, and secondly, it is just like what Lao Guo said, this is the last time.

Since it is the last time.

It's okay to let them dance a little longer.

After all, there is still a sense of loss.

And while Lao Guo was chatting with Sun Junren.

Xu Yun looked around.

It was found that although the expressions of the people were serious, and their actions carried a sense of oppression, they did not appear panicked at all.

See this situation.

Xu Yun couldn't help but a question mark popped up in his heart.

That's not quite right, is it?

Then he hesitated for a moment, and looked at the nearest Fifth Master Qian:

"That... Director Qian, is it convenient to talk now?"

Fifth Master Qian was originally looking at a design drawing in front of him, but immediately put down his pen when he heard this:

"What's the matter, Comrade Han Li?"


Xu Yun was silent for a moment, then made a gesture of three with his fingers, and asked:

"Director Qian, if I heard correctly just now, there should be three U2s coming from the opposite side, right?"

Fifth Master Qian nodded:

"That's right."

When Xu Yun saw this, the sense of disobedience in his heart became stronger and stronger.

I saw him turn his head around again, and asked in surprise:

"Then Director Qian, why are you so calm?"

"You know, those are three U2s!"

Fifth Master Qian nodded again, with a very calm tone:

"I know, three U2s, the value is still much higher than we expected."

"What I tmd said is not a question of value!"

Xu Yun couldn't help uttering a swear word, and the tone of his voice raised a lot:

"Director Qian, there are three U2s, we only have four missiles, and we don't have the ability to track them separately!"

"That is to say, unless we are lucky, there may be one or even two U2s fleeing back, and our efforts will be in vain by then!"

"Oh, you said that."

Fifth Master Qian frowned upon hearing this, looked at Xu Yun with a subtle expression, and said:

"Comrade Han Li, who said that our missiles can no longer split and track?"

The output that Xu Yun was about to roar suddenly got stuck in his throat, and his expression became stiff in an instant:

". Ga?"

Then Master Qian scratched his hair, rummaged through the table a few times, and quickly took out a manuscript about 0.5 cm thick:

"Here, take a look at this—by the way, can you hold it?"

Xu Yun nodded:

"no problem."

It has been more than a month since he arrived at the base. Although it is still impossible to go to the ground, it is not difficult to get a few pages of paper.

Then he took the stack of calculation papers from Fifth Master Qian and looked at it carefully.

Just took a look at it.

He suddenly shrank his pupils, and suddenly raised his head to look at Fifth Master Qian:

"Director Qian, this is."

Seeing this, Fifth Master Qian smiled slightly, pointing to the paper and explaining:

"That's right, this is a temporary plan that we optimized a few days ago based on the weather Doppler radar principle."

"One of the main principles is the meteorological Doppler principle you proposed. Comrade Yu Min and I have constructed a Bayesian framework based on the principle."

"That is, when analyzing a moving target, the characteristic parameters and analysis variables can be described through radio waves."

"The whole calculation process was a little bit difficult, but luckily we succeeded in the calculation in the end."

"It's just because this situation is relatively confidential, so I didn't tell you immediately—even Lao Guo just found out about it, so Comrade Han Li, don't mind too much."

Of course Xu Yun wouldn't mind.

First of all, this kind of project is a highly confidential job, so it is normal not to tell him.

Second is

Today's Xu Yun doesn't have any 'space' to mind—his mind is filled with shock at this moment, like the miscellaneous fish in his previous life's readership, it is about to overflow

to be honest.

In fact, purely from the conclusion point of view.

The fifth master Qian's plan is not very special.

Similar principles in later generations are not uncommon. Let alone intercepting three targets at the same time, it is not difficult to intercept 30 targets separately.

For example, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2011.09.04. The principle described in this paper is almost the same as that of Qian Wushi.

Described in the terms of later generations, the principle is almost like this:

First use the Kalman filter to limit the process noise and measurement noise - this can be achieved through the filtering effect of the meteorological Doppler radar. It was a similar logic when Lin Yu experimented with the radar effect.

It then deals with nonlinear non-Gaussian time-varying system state filtering and parameters, and approximates optimal Bayesian estimation by predicting and updating samples from the probability hypothesis density of the system.

That is to say, the missile target U2 recognition is used as the object of multi-target filtering, and the motion model is analyzed and derived.

Finally, the multi-objective filtering problem is modeled under the framework of Bayesian stochastic finite set theory, and the multi-objective posterior probability density is estimated by optimal Bayesian filtering.

Then the first-order moment expansion is used to approximate the posterior probability density of multiple targets to realize the estimation of the target number and target state.

Very simple and very easy to understand.

Of course.

Considering that some students have stored their brains in other places, here is another explanation in human terms:

Fifth Division Qian and the others optimized a certain receiving element on the missile, and guided the flight of the missile by subdividing the S-band radio to avoid mixed batches or wrong batches.


This is not difficult to do technically, but there is almost no possibility of success in calculations-after all, there are no integrated circuits these days.

want to do this.

It is necessary to list all the conditions of the aircraft, and then calculate the corresponding values!

For example, what altitude is the target A, what is the speed, what is the angle, how many frequencies of radio transmission guidance are used in this case, and so on.

How were those principles calculated in later generations?

It relies on computers and even supercomputers!

That is, hundreds of millions, billions, or even billions of calculations per second!

They only need to calculate the corresponding equations, and then derive the first-order differential equation, and leave the rest to the program to run.

But what about Qian Wushi and the others?

Can only rely on pen and mental arithmetic, at most it is a hand-cranked calculator or the 103 machine in the capital that performs tens of thousands of operations per second.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

If someone in later generations tells Xu Yun that they can calculate the result in this way, Xu Yun will probably think that the other party is either Zhihu or Station B.

But right now, the opponents are Qian Wushi and Yu Min.

To know.

Even Bayesian filtering to estimate the probability density involves nothing more than a first-order differential matrix.

This difficulty is at least two to three levels different from the partial differential equation Yu Min faced when calculating the hydrogen bomb—after all, there are only four variables: altitude, speed, angle, and frequency.

And when Yu Min was able to calculate the results of related partial differential equations, then the calculation appeared in this model seems to be

Not that difficult to accept?

After all, Yu Min's deeds were not blown out by himself, let alone some exaggerated false news.

Because there is a fact that is in front of everyone like ears:

If Yu Min hadn't calculated the partial differential equation, the hydrogen bomb would not have exploded smoothly.

For example, why can't Ah San of later generations come up with a hydrogen bomb?

One is international environmental issues, the five hooligans can't let Ah San have a hydrogen bomb.

The second is theoretical issues - the biggest difficulty is the partial differential equation calculated by Yu Min, which Ah San has not been able to solve until now.

Think here.

There was also a sense of relief in Xu Yun's heart.


Rabbits' strategic vision never needs to be doubted.

If you can think of using Jinta County as a bait, then the higher-ups must have considered the possibility of sending multiple U2s on the opposite side.

It seems that I have underestimated these seniors too much.

And just when Xu Yun felt emotional.


On the telegraph machine not far away, there was a sudden rush of printing.

See this situation.

The liaison immediately took down the telegram.

Seriously untie it at least.

After a while.

This somewhat young liaison officer stood up with a bang, and said to Lao Guo and others:

"Report! According to the news from the comrades in the southeast, the three U2s stopped circling and started heading straight for Gan Province!"

"If nothing unexpected happens."

"They should go straight to Jinta County, passing right above our heads!"


U2 will definitely be blown up tomorrow, get your monthly pass ready.

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