Into Unscientific

Chapter 572 U2 Falls! ! ! ! (Down)


In the combat center.

As the words of the liaison officer sounded.

The entire tent instantly became the smell of needles falling.

But soon.

Li Jue clapped his hands excitedly, breaking the silence first:

"Great, these grandson thieves are finally here!"

Li Jue's slap was like a start switch, and the atmosphere of the scene immediately became lively again:


"Yeah, but tmd is here, I haven't had a good night's sleep these days!"

"It should be possible to finish this chapter."

"Damn it, kill this group of **** grandsons!!!"

"Second Battalion Commander, where's your fucking Peli Ao Cannon?! Pull it out and prepare it!"

On the other side, Lao Guo seemed relatively calmer.

He touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and analyzed:

"Oh? It's a straight line? That's route one?"

"It seems that our plan is indeed not revealed, or that those U2s are still very confident in themselves."

"Otherwise, as long as they are a little bit on guard, they won't be able to fly over so swaggeringly."

"Well, after all, they fly high, which is understandable."

Fifth Master Qian shook his head slightly, looked around with emotion, and said:

"But being behind now doesn't mean we will always be behind. Maybe in a few decades, we will overtake others in all aspects of armaments?"

"It's like an airplane, or a radio—if the leader on the other side wants to use the radio to reward the army, but our radio is connected to it during the call, and the head-on will say that this is the Huaxia Air Force, then the picture should be very interesting."

I heard this.

Lao Guo was slightly taken aback, then laughed when he came back to his senses:

".Aha, that's really interesting."

After a while.

Lao Guo suddenly thought of something again, his expression straightened, and he said to Fifth Master Qian and the others:

"By the way, old Qian, is the Zhuxian platform up to the sky now?"

Fifth Master Qian nodded without hesitation, and pointed outside the door:

"Of course, when you went to look for Comrade Han Li, it was already in the sky—the airship has been on standby these days, ready to go into battle at any time."

"The console is on the other side of the tent, so I guess you didn't notice it when you came—Comrade Bao Zheng and the others are in charge of it."

Only then did Lao Guo heave a sigh of relief.

mentioned earlier.

The ascent height of the airship is 5 meters per second, about 300 meters per minute, and the fastest is about 400 meters.

In other words.

It takes at least two hours to ascend to an altitude of 40,000 meters.

Therefore, the airship must be started as soon as it receives the information, so that it can catch up with the last meal after taking into account the time-consuming subsequent calibration.

Then Lao Guo took Xu Yun out of the tent and came to the operating table of the weather Doppler radar.

as expected.

This moment.

Bao Zheng had already brought Lin Yu and others to the console, and began to observe the lift-off status of the Zhuxian platform.

Seeing this, Lao Guo walked quickly to Bao Zheng's side, and asked him:

"Xiaobao, how high is the airship?"

Bao Zheng glanced at the screen in front of him, and quickly reported a number:

"11451.4 meters, this is the data updated 30 seconds ago."

"In order to avoid the influence of the radio on the airship as much as possible, we did not use the update frequency of once every five seconds during the experiment this time."

"After all, in theory, although this frequency will not have too obvious impact on the airship, it can even be said that it will not have any impact at all, but stability is the main thing in everything."

Old Guo nodded in agreement.

Perhaps it is due to the prudent gene hidden in the blood of the Huaxia nation.

Rabbits will pursue an absolute stability in almost all projects, even exaggerating to a point that is almost metaphysical.

For example, the airship ascends to the sky.

normal circumstances.

Even if you put electromagnetic waves of different bands on Andromeda, it is impossible to interfere with the airship, even if it is coupling interference.

But whether it is Fifth Master Qian or Sun Junren, they still chose to reduce the update frequency.

The reason is four words:

Afraid of accidents.


The base's stabilizing method at this time is far more than a simple update frequency.

If you look away a little bit.

You will also find that many places in the base are still undergoing a 'skin change' as usual before U2 arrives:

This is because in case the missile launch fails, the true face of Base 221 must not be revealed.

no way.

The last guy who murmured that I had the advantage had already gone to the opposite bank by this time.

Considering failure in everything, this is not pessimism, but a steady performance.

The same is true for Xu Yun in later generations.

When he was writing the book "Empire of Science and Technology Begins with Elimination of Cockroaches", he had already thought of the ending of the next book and the beginning of the next book

that's all.

Under everyone's attention, time passed slowly every minute and every second.

The height of the airship is also getting higher and higher.

Around the entire console, only Bao Zheng's voice sounded every half a minute:

"The height is 15367 meters! The offset is 0.14%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.93! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.31!"

"The height is 26899 meters, the offset is 0.15%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.93! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.31!"

"The height is 34452 meters, the offset is 0.17%! The pressure ratio of the main and auxiliary compartments is 0.95! The upper shear force coefficient is 2.32!"

Xu Yun noticed.

For the same few parameters, the accuracy reported by Baozheng this time is much higher than that on the day of the experiment.

It is clear.

During this time, Mr. Wang and the others made another optimization for the airship.

How dare you do this at such a juncture?

Artists are bold

An hour and a half later.

Baozheng's voice suddenly raised a bit:

"Report, the airship has arrived at the preset position, and the current lift-off altitude is 40,281 meters!"

"After radio calibration, the parameters of each module are normal!"

I heard this.

The atmosphere at the scene finally became a little more relaxed.

Of course.

Just a little.

After all, the most critical "Zhu Xian" has not been completed yet.

After a while.


The tent in the combat center was suddenly lifted from the inside, and Da Da walked out with a few pieces of paper.

I saw him walking quickly to Lao Guo's side, and whispered a few words with him.

Old Guo raised his brows when he heard this, took the arithmetic paper and looked at it for a while, then nodded with approval.

Then he turned around and came to Xu Yun's wheelchair, patted the back of the wheelchair, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, get ready, we will leave in three minutes."

"Set off?"

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked:

"Director Guo, U2 will be here in about an hour or two. Where are we going now?"

Lao Guo still supported the back of the wheelchair with both hands, thought for a moment, and explained:

"Comrade Han Li, you have studied abroad, you should have seen an opera performance, right?"

Xu Yun was a little confused, but he nodded lightly:


Let alone opera performances.

In later generations, he also spent five hundred to see Wu Bai's concert, and sang Wu Bai's songs live for Wu Bai to listen to.

Then Lao Guo drew a schematic diagram of the area with his hand in the air, and said:

"Then you should know that opera performances will charge different ticket prices according to the location, such as private room, back row, front row, etc."

"If you use an opera as an analogy, our base here is at most a middle position, and maybe even a little behind - after all, it is impossible to let the plane explode when it passes directly over the base, that would be too dangerous."

"And where we're going now is the front row, which is where U2 will fall."

Xu Yun:


Immediately afterwards.

He suddenly realized something.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Yu Yu who was beside him.

Da Da scratched his head shyly, and explained with a smile:

"Comrade Han Li, haven't we already grasped the flight path of U2 in the past hour? It's basically the same as before."

"So I made a simple summary based on the data sent back by the J-5 fighter jets, and then made a calculation based on the trajectories of the waveriders of our four Jade Sword missiles."

"Finally, a model was established to find a theoretical point where three fighter jets could be seen falling at the same time."

"Small skills are not worth it, as long as you have hands."

Xu Yun:


After a while.

He suddenly sighed faintly:

"Made, there is something wrong"

well known.

In missile science.

In the case of known target flight data and missile parameters, it is not particularly difficult to calculate the falling position of the object.

That is, the velocity of the missile, the initial position of the target and the missile, the velocity of the target and the time of being shot down are known.

Combine these parameters with the speed of the missile and the position when launching the equations, and solve the equations to obtain the length of the motion curve of the missile.

Then import the velocity (v1, v2) and acceleration (a1, a2) of the missile in the vertical and horizontal ground directions, and the position of the target when it is shot down can be calculated.

Finally, combining the speed of the target flight with the angle of impact, the location where the target falls can be deduced-this level of collision does not need to consider air resistance.

Don't say that this calculation process is overcalculated.

In the future 2023, some bigwigs can really rely on written and mental calculations to get results.

But the premise of the above statement is that

Missiles are ordinary missiles.

Something like a waverider

Let's put it this way.

Let's not talk about missiles, which are easy to be reported, let's talk about aircraft.

The landing area of ​​ordinary Shenzhou series aircraft when returning to the earth is generally about 1200 square kilometers.

That is, the returner will probably fall anywhere within this range.

And what about the Chang'e-5 spacecraft that uses waverider technology?

Its projected land area upon return to Earth is

20,000 square kilometers.

That's right.

Twenty thousand kilometers.

There are 16 times as many as the Shenzhou series.

To know.

This is the precision simulated by the rabbits' top supercomputers in later generations.


Without warning, Xu Yun's mind came up with a famous sentence from a military fan forum in later generations:

No one in the world can calculate the ballistic of the fifth division of Qian unless he is called.

Yu Min.

to be honest.

The controversy over this sentence in later generations is actually quite big.

But Xu Yun didn't expect that in this dungeon, he actually witnessed the answer with his own eyes.

In the field, it's true, I'm the wheelchair.JPG.

After a few minutes.

Lao Guo, Qian Wushi, Xu Yun and others who were ready got into three jeeps one after another, and began to beeping towards the landing point calculated by Yu Min.

Of course.

The number of people in the on-site sightseeing group this time is not very large, and basically they are all relevant persons in charge who have no command tasks or technical support.

Radio experts like Sun Junren and the person in charge of the base like Li Jue naturally had to stay in the base at this time.

Other than that.

Accompanied by Lao Guo and the others, there were two guard squads who were mainly responsible for security work.

Although the probability of accidents is very low, the rabbits will never allow this kind of risk to exist—after all, who knows if there are wild boars and wolves in the wild?

Fifty minutes later.


The jeep stopped steadily beside a mountain col.

This is a shady side of a small hill about 50 meters high, with no trees around, only a few short weeds.

The earth is hard dry soil, which seems to have been dried by the sun.

After parking the car.

The security squad quickly got out of the car and set up vigilance.

Some soldiers suddenly and silently found a stone, and disappeared behind the stone as if wearing an invisibility cloak.

Some fighters quickly occupy a certain high point, ensuring the widest view.

Some soldiers moved down a telegraph and began to communicate with the base.

"Everyone, we left the base at 10:12 in the morning, and it is now 11:05."

Lao Guo turned over his wrist, glanced at the indication of the watch, and said:

"According to U2's flight speed, which is 700 kilometers per hour, it should pass over the base in more than half an hour."

I heard this.

Everyone also nodded heavily.

In about half an hour, the results of this test will be released.

And it is different from the percentage system.

There are only two outcomes for this test:

Shoot down three U2s, full score.

Run away any one or more, directly fail.

This moment.

Xu Yun's mood was also restless.

It's a coincidence.

When he was writing novels in his previous life, he also wrote a plot of three U2s flying to the mainland.

A reader once said:

[What nonsense, how could three reconnaissance planes fly to one place at the same time? Since ancient times, who has done such a thing? 】


The first aircraft in human history appeared in 1903. The history of aircraft is as short as that of a country across the sea. How can it be since ancient times?


Not to mention how many times London was scouted by reconnaissance planes at the same time during World War II, let's give some modern examples.

May 14, 2020.

Kaliningrad in Damao was scouted by two E-3A Sentry AWACS and a Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail for four hours at the same time, with a distance of only 200 meters from each other.

And the U2 spy plane itself.

in the original history.

Now, on July 12, two years later, three U2s set off at the same time to conduct a reconnaissance of the Fengman Power Plant.

At that time, the other side thought that the Fengman Power Plant was actually a secret base for enriching uranium, so they immediately dispatched three U2s at the same time.

Although the rabbits at that time had the ability to shoot down U2, the actual success rate was not that high, and U2 would still carry out more than ten missions a year.

This incident was recorded in the county annals of Junbo and Jiangcheng City. The original description is:

[Three U2 reconnaissance planes flew over the power plant at intervals of three minutes and four minutes respectively].

So the whole question above is wrong. (I don’t know why, every time I write about the military, a bunch of people come out to argue. I welcome corrections on some parameters and theoretical mistakes. I have also corrected a lot of mistakes before, but don’t say such things for granted. bar)

The line of sight returns to reality.

After arriving at this hillside.

Everyone waited patiently.

at the same time.

The radio station is also constantly reporting the relevant information of U2:

"U2 has entered the monitoring range of the weather Doppler radar, and the speeds are 724 km/h, 727 km/h, and 722 km/h!"

"The distance between the three U2s is about two kilometers, one is in the lead, the other two are on the flanks, and the three are flying in a △ shape!"

"The three U2s are currently 372 kilometers away from the attack point and are expected to arrive in about 30 minutes!"

This moment.

Whether it is a small hill or the 221 base.

Between the two points, only Baozheng's clear voice continued to sound:

"322 kilometers!"

"279 kilometers!"

"241 kilometers!"

"188 kilometers!"

"126 kilometers!"

"70 kilometers!!!"

When the count comes within a hundred kilometers.

bang bang bang—

Xu Yun suddenly heard his own violent heartbeat.

But he didn't care about it, just staring at the southeast direction.

"50 kilometers!"

"33 kilometers!"


Elder Wang, who was looking into the distance with a telescope on the side, suddenly took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:



In an instant.

Everyone raised their binoculars.

as expected.

Only at this moment.

Somewhere in the southeast direction of the crowd, three black planes suddenly appeared.

In terms of height, they are about 15,000 meters away.

at the same time.

Baozheng's voice continued:

"27 kilometers!"

"24 kilometers!"

"20 kilometers!!!!"

The moment Baozheng said the word 20 kilometers.

Wang Lao, Fifth Master Qian, Yu Min, and Xu Yun shouted almost in unison:


at the same time.

Inside the 221 base.

Qian Bingqiong and Li Jue also ordered together:



Liu Guangrong, who was in charge of the garrison at the base at the time, heard the words and pressed a certain launch button without hesitation.

call out--

A certain launch command, together with the characteristic parameters of the three aircrafts, was sent out from the radar antenna and transmitted to the Jade Immortal Sword Formation platform at an altitude of 40,000 meters in an instant.


After receiving radio instructions.

Then the metal fixtures holding the missile loosened.


The 50 grams of primary explosive in the first stage of the missile exploded instantly, giving the Jade Sword missile, which already had a certain inclination angle, a little horizontal kinetic energy.

Then under the action of gravity.

The missile began to fall diagonally downward.


This equivalent amount of priming charge is very small and can only allow the missile to glide for a period of time.

Soon it will lose its speed in the horizontal direction, start to fall freely, and finally land with a snap.


This missile is different.

With a waverider structure, it formed a shock wave that did not come off the body 7 seconds after it fell.

Whenever the missile is about to go into free fall.

The shock wave will be like a spring, flicking the missile that is about to straighten to the right.

that's all.

The missile floated slowly in the air, forcibly drawing an image of an inverse proportional function of K\u003e0 in the first quadrant in the air.

at the same time.

After the three missiles received the characteristic values ​​transmitted with the radio, they quickly divided into three directions during the fall.


At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, it is impossible for them to lock the position of the target from the beginning, which is simply unrealistic.


The place where they landed in advance happened to be on the only way the three planes had to pass.

As long as the two sides are close to a certain distance, the three missiles can accurately lock on their counterparts.

Thirty-eight kilometers.

Thirty-two kilometers.

Twenty-four kilometers.

nineteen kilometers

at the same time.

Li Nanping, who was taking photos of Base 221, suddenly felt an indescribable sense of crisis in his heart.

This is a unique instinct possessed by an old pilot, derived from the experience of war.

This instinct is hard to explain scientifically, but it does exist.

Relying on it, Li Nanping has escaped death four times.

Could it be that there are fighter jets appearing around?

Li Nanping first glanced at the airborne radar quickly, and decided to trust his sixth sense after finding that there was nothing on it.


A second passed.

He began to pull up the flight altitude with all his strength.

Although the U2's vertical capability is not as good as that of the MiG series, it is a reconnaissance aircraft developed for reconnaissance after all, and its life-saving capability is beyond doubt.

So soon.

The height of U2 has risen straight up by nearly 2,000 meters.

See this situation.

While Li Nanping breathed a sigh of relief, he also began to have the energy to observe the situation outside the window.

However, what made him frown.

At this time, there were neither fighter jets nor fire control radar vehicles in the surrounding sky.

Could it be

Is it really my own misjudgment?

Just when Li Nanping was hesitating whether to descend back to the original height.

Somewhere high in front of him.

In the high sky where there was no sign or the slightest cloud and fog, a white smoke trail suddenly appeared.

It's just like.

Missile exhaust? !

It was within a second that Li Nanping was in a trance.

On both sides of the first tail flame, two similar white smoke suddenly appeared.

Judging from the target of their attack.


It was the three U2s of myself and the captain!

This is a missile?

Not right.

How can a missile fall from the sky?

And the fire control radar didn't respond before, and more importantly, the tail flame didn't appear until now?

Of course.

This thought is only fleeting, after all, right now is not the time to think about it.

After recovering.

Li Nanping's first reaction was

Stretch height again!

After all, no matter where these three missiles appeared from, at least their trajectories must follow the basic laws of physics.

That is to say, as long as you avoid the most basic landing point, the missile will not threaten your own safety.

Think here.

Li Nanping was suddenly extremely grateful for his decision to go up early.

He looked at the two captains below with pity, and shook his head slightly.

as expected.

Lu Xiliang and Yang Shiju below also noticed the oncoming missiles soon, and the aircraft also started to lift off at the same time.

But due to location issues.

No matter how high they were, they seemed to be within range of the missiles.

See this situation.

Li Nanping couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and sighed secretly:

Captain, I will burn incense for you on the day of next year. Let me take care of my sister-in-law. You can go with peace of mind.

no doubt.

The hands of the rabbits today are obviously some unknown new technology.

Although two U2s were lost, the information brought back was enough to avoid punishment and get promoted.

And just when this thought popped up in Li Nanping's mind.

not far away.

The missile that seemed to be about to pass by under him suddenly had two subtle buzzing sounds from the warhead.

Immediately afterwards.

The air rudder of the missile clicked to change the injection angle, and at the same time the second stage. That is, the propellant that occupied 80% of the volume of the combustion chamber began to burn violently.

within a second.

The missile suddenly drew a graceful arc in the air, abruptly changing its original flight course.

It cut through the sky like a golden lightning, and instantly turned into a long line of fire, heading straight for Li Nanping!

The air was instantly torn apart by the violent explosion, and the roar seemed to tear the entire sky into pieces.

See this situation.

Li Nanping's pupils shrank suddenly.

Subconsciously, I wanted to twist the ejection skydiving handle.


The handle made a crisp sound, however.

The seat didn't move at all.

click, click——

Li Nanping dragged and tugged twice more, but the seat still didn't respond.


In Li Nanping's mind, the figures of foreigners checking the status of the fighter jets before each departure appeared.

Think here.

Li Nanping couldn't help but his eyes were tearing apart, and he roared angrily:

"Johnson, I'm so sorry!!!"

next moment.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The missile accurately hit the U2's fuel tank, and the huge U2 reconnaissance plane was instantly blown to pieces.

Fragments fell like raindrops, in the bloody rain

There was a dead silence.

at the same time.

on the hill.

Look at the three fire lights that appear in the sky above your head.

Everyone at the scene was silent at first, and Qiqi was a little lost in thought.

But soon.

Lao Guo took off his hat and threw it heavily into the sky:

"Three U2s, one is not missing!!! It's a success! We're a success——!"

"From now on, no one will be able to come to our house ostentatiously, long live the Republic!!!!"


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