Into Unscientific

Chapter 573 It Wasn't Bamboo


on a high slope.

Following Lao Guo's shout, it sounded.

There was a quiet atmosphere at the scene, and there was a pause again.

But soon, this pause disappeared like the wages just paid to the card by the workers, and disappeared after a while.

Instead, there was a burst of cheers resounding through the sky:


"It's down!!! We really beat U2!!!"

"Long live the motherland!!!"

The voices of dozens of people are not inferior to thousands of people in terms of formation.

Even Qian Wushi and Lao Yu, who had always been calm, were like two children at this time, raising their hands in excitement, jumping up and down.

Amid the cheers, all kinds of hats, manuscript paper, clothes, donkey hair soup and even bullet casings were thrown into the sky as if they wanted no money.

A scientific research worker who looks gentle and low-key on weekdays is releasing his inner joy to his heart's content at this time.

For example Zhou Shaoping.

This boss, who had worked with Xu Yun many times in 2023, was looking at the sky with red eyes at this time, and kept waving his fists:

"Come on, you fmd come again! As many as I come fmd, I will shoot down a few! Beep beep beep beep——"

Another example is Joe Rainbow.

The chief special nurse who often poured donkey hair soup to Xu Yun on weekdays, and seemed to grow his brain when he was in class, was now holding Zheng Tao's hand, sobbing and wiping his eyes.

Well? etc?

Something seems wrong?

But before Xu Yun had time to think about it, his whole attention was attracted by Lao Guo's soft call:

"Look, U2 is about to fall!"


Hearing this, everyone's eyes immediately looked in the direction that Lao Guo pointed.

as expected.

At this moment, the three groups of flames that exploded in the sky are rapidly falling down, and as time goes by, the black body of U2 becomes more and more clear.

At this time, U2's originally huge and glorious body seemed to be cut off in the middle. Thick black mist and flames filled the breach, and it fell straight to the ground with a wail.

as if

A god who originally sat high in the temple and could overlook the world at will was crucified to death on the throne by the ants in his eyes, and his remnant body fell to the world along with his most glorious temple.

With the three fires and the scorching sun at noon, there seemed to be one big, three small and four suns in the sky.

But in Xu Yun's view, even the four suns added together are far less dazzling than the group of people on the ground at this time.

In the end, under the gaze of everyone, the three fireballs continued to accelerate according to a trajectory greater than the established one, and finally divided into three directions and fell to the ground.

and then

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

With the sound of three deafening explosions.

The U2 reconnaissance plane, which is now known as the "evil fairy" of the myth of the air, just died forever in the northwest border of China.

Jade Immortal Project

A complete success!

After a while, Lao Guo took a deep breath, turned his head and said to the correspondent:

"Xiao Zhou, call the base immediately, and ask the base to contact the capital as soon as possible, and tell your family the good news!"

"In addition, please tell the base, please send a group of people to the crash site as soon as possible to help us collect the wreckage of U2."

Xiao Zhou was a dark-faced man who belonged to a certain field force. Hearing this, his expression immediately became solemn:


Then Lao Guo looked at Qian Wushi, Wang Lao and others, and said to them:

"Everyone, let's split up into three groups and collect the corpses of these 'friends' who came from afar."

Fifth Master Qian nodded quickly.

This is the plan decided by the base long before departure.

After all, this is said to be no man's land, and there will be some farmers or hunters haunting it if the security is not complete.

Therefore, Lao Guo and his 'sightseeing group' naturally have to do some hard work after enjoying the top-notch scenery, and become a funeral team

Then everyone quickly assigned three teams according to the staffing:

Xu Yun is in a group with Lao Guo and others.

Mr. Wang and Fifth Master Qian lead a group respectively.

The two security squads divided three teams into three groups to go to the crash site in accordance with the plan of three equal divisions.

mentioned earlier.

According to the following dynamic model: (Try the illustration function of the starting point, I don’t know how the effect is, this should be the first book of male frequency, if there is a problem, lightly spray)

After the simultaneous equations are completed, the fall point of U2 can be calculated.

The hillside where Xu Yun and the others are located is very close to the three crash sites, and the straight-line distance is only about one kilometer—according to Da Da, this was chosen because he was afraid of being too close.

Otherwise, according to his calculation results, it can be accurate to about 100 meters.

After assigning the task, Lao Guo and others set off in three groups.

About ten minutes passed.


With the sound of brakes, Lao Guo and his group first arrived at the plane crash site marked as A.

This plane A is the reconnaissance plane located at the left rear among the three U2s. About a minute after the missile was about to hit the aircraft, it suddenly rose to a certain altitude without warning.

According to Qian Wushi's judgment, this pilot must have some very keen observation skills—for example, his eyesight is so good that he can see the Zhuxianjian missile falling tens of thousands of meters above the sky with his naked eyes.

Or it has a sixth sense beyond ordinary people.

The sixth sense sounds a bit mysterious, but it is still very common in the field of pilots.

Among other things, let’s talk about Chen Pingsheng, who is still recuperating at the base and driving a MiG 15 bis before.

This three-time first-class meritorious service had avoided two accidents by relying on his sixth sense when he was on the peninsula battlefield.

And those who have this superhuman sixth sense are all quite top pilots.

This moment.

The huge power that fell from the sky turned U2's not-so-solid structure into countless fragments, scattered on the boundless land.

Take a look.

Only part of the fuselage and debris remained of the huge U2.

The plane's logo still hangs on the sloping tail, but it is no longer legible.

The traces of burning on the nose part were faintly visible, and the black traces spread to the entire fuselage.

The wings twisted and fused together, covered with a lot of debris.

The wheels protruded from the ground, lost air pressure, and just hung alone in mid-air.

The ground was hit to create a small crater that was not deep but had a range of 30 to 40 meters. The scene was filled with a smell of tar.

If the complete U2 is 100%.

Then the wreckage at this time is at most 30%.

But because there are no trees and vegetation on site.

Although some parts of U2's body are still burning, more areas have returned to normal - of course, it just looks normal.

If you dare to touch these parts directly with your hands, then you have to be very familiar with them.

As for the fuel tank

This thing had already turned into the kinetic energy that disintegrated the reconnaissance plane in the initial explosion. Even if there was a small part left at that time, it still couldn't avoid the detonation ending when it landed.

Looking at the broken U2, Xu Yun couldn't help shaking his head:

If the condition of the other two U2s is similar to this one, then it may be difficult for the rabbits to assemble a specimen with five U2 wreckages as in the original history.

No way, in order to ensure that U2 can be shot down, Fifth Division Qian and the others have basically pulled the equivalent of their preparations to the extreme, and the preservation after the fall is not something they have thought about.

After a while.

Lao Guo looked around and gave instructions:

"Order, put out the fire immediately, and try to save all kinds of parts!"

"Especially the lens and the film, these two things are the most important, and we must report it as soon as we find it!"

Listen to Lao Guo's instructions

The accompanying eight guards suddenly looked solemn:


Although Mao Xiong was tight-lipped about the relevant parameters of the U2 that was shot down.

But with the unremitting efforts of the rabbits, some non-parametric information was finally obtained.

For example U2's wings wear out with every flight.

Another example is that there is a gap of more than 50 centimeters in the fuel tank of U2 to dissipate heat.

Another example.

The U2 reconnaissance plane is equipped with the famous Leica lens across the sea.

That's right, it's the Lycra you know.

Its resolution is 1 mm, which is an ultra-high-performance lens in this era.

As for the matching film, it is from Kodak, which weighs 230 kilograms, and can take pictures of scenery within a width of 200 kilometers and a length of 5,000 kilometers and develop them into 4,000 photos.

Therefore, after shooting down U2, Lao Guo and the others immediately targeted the lens and film.


The melting point of film is not high, and theoretically, even if there is any left, there will not be much left.

But the lens is different.

The lens of U2 is located in an independent space in the belly of the fuselage. This position first determines that it cannot become the first detonation point of the missile hit.


This lens of Leica has added a lot of anti-melting measures such as high borosilicate, which is more than 700 degrees higher than the melting point of ordinary glass.

Therefore, in theory, as long as these comrades who are "monsters" are not African chiefs, at least one Leica lens can be found in the three U2s.

And as long as there is a sample, the imitation work of the rabbits can be put on the agenda

The security team brought a lot of fire extinguishing materials such as sand before departure, and the fire was not that big, so after more than ten minutes, the open fire of U2 was basically extinguished.

Then soon.

The guards with shovels, small rakes (a tool for picking up cinders) and iron bars walked into the machine body and began to count various parts.

One of the first places they check is the cockpit.

After all, it is necessary to determine the situation of the pilot first, what if he is not dead?

The location of the cockpit of U2 is obvious. In less than half a minute, a comrade raised his hand:

"Director Guo, we found the cockpit!"

Seeing this, Lao Guo hurriedly took Xu Yun forward and took a look, then shook his head immediately:

"Yes, at least very familiar, worse than you were at the beginning."

Xu Yun:


It was confirmed that the driver had died, and everyone temporarily let go of a small stone in their hearts.

Then the guard who found the cockpit jumped into the cabin to check, and quickly walked out with something:

"Director Guo, I found something small."

Lao Guo took it over and took a look:

"This is...the ring?"

I saw that the thing handed over by the guard was a golden ring, the style was ordinary, and there was no big abnormality.

Then Lao Guo took a closer look, and soon noticed a few words written on the inside of the ring:

"Well, this is Ye Qiu. Is this an English character at the end? Ye Qiuying?"

The moment he heard the three words Ye Qiuying, Xu Yun who was at the side was startled.

Ye Qiuying?


Could it be that the legendary first pilot on the other side, Li Nanping, was among the U2 shot down this time?

To know.

In the original history, Li Nanping alone drove U-2 into the mainland 12 times, returned safely 11 times, and was interviewed by logistics leaders four times.

Even from the perspective of the rabbits, this one is indeed a character.

Li Nanping would not be shot down by the Second Battalion until July three years later, and he died in the cockpit on the spot, but the rabbits found a gold ring on his left ring finger.

The ring was engraved with the words Ye Qiuying, which was the name of Li Nanping's wife.

Unexpectedly, the captain of the Black Cat Squadron, the Air Force ace who had caused the rabbits a lot of headaches day and night, actually became the first batch of U2 souls to be beaten down?

Maybe this is fate


Looking at the ring on Lao Guo's hand, Xu Yun suddenly thought of something:

"Director Guo, the matter of taking down U2 this time should be announced to the public, right?"

Lao Guo nodded:

"Of course, you can't hide this kind of thing."


If it is a U2, there are still some accidents, for example, its own failure caused the plane to crash, which still happened during training.

But now that all three U2s are missing, it is not accidental that can explain the past.

Moreover, the current Rabbits really need this record to increase their international influence, so regardless of the situation or reason, the matter of U2 must be made public.

Think here.

There was a trace of curiosity in Xu Yun's eyes:

"Then Director Guo, what caliber are we going to use to introduce this matter?"

in actual history.

There are actually two reasons why the U2 reconnaissance plane is so famous.

One is because of its own attributes. With a flying altitude of 22,000 meters, it can almost be said to be a reconnaissance aircraft beyond the age.

But other than that.

The second reason is equally important.

That is.

After the first U2 was shot down, in order to cover up the existence of the second battalion, the rabbits said a very classic sentence:

"We stabbed U2 down with a bamboo pole."

Look at this bamboo pole, it is long and wide, look at this plane, it is big and round

So Xu Yun was a little curious, how would the rabbits publicize this in this day and age?

It is obviously impossible for Zhu Xianjian or the leader of Tongtian, after all, this statement is somewhat metaphysical, and the claim is not in line with materialistic values.


Or poke it with a bamboo pole? Or stoned?

"Oh, you said that."

I heard this.

Lao Guo couldn't help but smiled and explained:

"The family has really made preparations for this matter. The comrades who promote the port are already on standby. It is estimated that news will be released tomorrow."

"As for the idea of ​​defeating U2, it has been decided on the organization."

Speaking of which.

The corner of Lao Guo's mouth couldn't help raising a smile:

"These three U2s were kicked down by donkeys."


My stomach hurts so much, I will update less today, I will take a day off tomorrow to do a colonoscopy, I guess I have polyps again, can anyone who knows tell me, is it normal to have polyps three times a year? Pathology is fine.

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