Into Unscientific

Chapter 574 There is a live one here!

"...kicked off by a donkey?"

Hearing what Lao Guo said.

The corner of Xu Yun's mouth twitched suddenly.

If this sentence is said, tmd only a stupid donkey will believe it

But Xu Yun changed his mind.

Compared with the saying that the rabbits used bamboo poles to poke U2 in the previous life, the two seem to be exactly the same?

After all, it is impossible for a donkey to kick U2 in the sky, and it is also nonsense to find a bamboo tens of thousands of meters long.

Even compared to the ethereal bamboo.

Donkey has made some contributions to this Zhu Xian project.

Don't say kick it.

In a way.

These three U2s from the opposite bank can really be regarded as made by donkeys-after all, a large part of the skin of the airship is made of donkey's top pulp secretion.

It's just that Xu Yun was a little puzzled.

Why does Lao Guo always glance at himself when he talks about donkeys?

And just as Xu Yun was talking with Lao Guo.

A guard who was searching for spare parts near the engine room suddenly raised his hand and said loudly to Lao Guo:

"Report! Director Guo, there is something wrong here!"

Seeing this, Lao Guo was slightly taken aback. After recovering, he led Xu Yun over and rushed over immediately, asking:

"Xiao Huang, what's the matter?"

The guard bent down and took out a black roll from the remnant of the machine under his feet, explaining:

"Director Guo, I found the cabin where the film is stored."

Say it.

This little soldier with plateau red on his cheeks rubbed the thumb joint of his other hand on his forehead a few times, and the expression on his face became a little unconfident again:

"This should be the film. I saw it once in the reporter's dormitory of the base. It looks darker."

Lao Guo took out a pair of labor protection gloves that are common in welding workshops, put them on his hands, and took a look at the lump:

"That's right, it's film."

"The reason why you feel black is because the silver halide on top has turned into black metallic silver, which is called exposure."

"By the way, Xiao Huang, how many other relatively well-preserved films like this are there?"

The guard named Xiao Huang pointed to his feet, shook his head and said:

"The number is not very large, most of them have been burnt, and at most there is only 10 to 20% of the space left."

Old Guo nodded slightly.

It's not bad to have a 10-20% fall from this height.

Then he paused, and ordered:

"Xiao Huang, let's go and inform everyone now, and try to collect these remaining films."

"Also, be careful, don't worry about the parts that have already seen the light, but those wrapped film rolls must never be unpacked - once unpacked, this stuff will be useless."

Students who were film rolls in their previous lives know that.

In the early days, the film material was colloidal silver salt, which is known as "dead by light".

in short.

The incoming photons pass through the negative, and some of them just do.

What about the other part.

It just hits the silver halide crystal grain, excites a free electron, and generates an electron-hole pair.

The electron may go back into the hole, so nothing happens;

It may also be trapped by electron traps on the surface of the crystal and remain there for a period of time.

During this time it may combine with Ag+ interstitial ions in the silver halide crystal to form silver atoms, which may attract a second free electron.

Then it combines with another AG+ interstitial ion to become a trap containing two silver atoms.

Then 3, then 4…

Once this happens, they become steady state and only grow in one direction thereafter.

So once the film is exposed to light, it will undergo irreversible changes, and it will be scrapped regardless of whether you have recorded images or not.

That's why some Kodak films in the memory of post-80s or 90s are stuffed into small closed cylinders, in order to avoid photosensitive scrapping.


The remnants of film in Xiao Huang's hands don't matter whether they have recorded images during U2's flight or not.

In short, the moment Xiao Huang lifted them up, it was doomed that they were useless.

So after realizing this.

Lao Guo immediately added rescue measures, hoping to save as many films as possible.

After all, the inside of the big U2 is almost full of film, and today their target is the fabricated uranium enrichment plant in Jinta County.

So no doubt.

Before U2 arrived in Jinta County, there must have been a large amount of unused film in the cabin.

This is all baby.

To know.

Although China already had black and white photo paper as early as 1952, it can be used for photo rubbing.

But the real photosensitive film will not have the basic production capacity until two years later, and there is an extremely obvious generation gap between Kodak and Kodak in technology.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

There is actually no shortage of domestic cameras these days—at least for national power.

But imported film is really irreproducible.

So soon.

Xiao Huang conveyed Lao Guo's instructions to the ears of other comrades.

And while everyone was trying their best to rescue the wreckage of the body.

Not far from the crowd, a jeep suddenly appeared in the southeast direction.

The jeep bumped and bumped on the stone road, and it looked quite joyful.

A few minutes later.


The jeep stopped steadily beside Lao Guo and others, and Luo Shijun, a student of the Fifth Qian Division, walked down quickly:

"Director Guo, there is an important situation!"

When Lao Guo saw Luo Shijun, he already had some guesses in his heart, and he guessed immediately after hearing the words:

"Xiao Luo, did Lao Qian find the lens of the U2 camera?"

Unexpectedly, Luo Shijun shook his head and explained:

"Not yet. The size of the lens is too small, and there are still some areas in the wreckage where the temperature is very high, so the specific search work is still in progress."

"Director Guo, the teacher asked me to come to you because I have another important news to tell you."

Say it.

Luo Shijun swallowed, and said word by word:

"We found a dying pilot with a breath of air within one kilometer to the south of the U2 crash area!"

"Judging from the situation at the scene, he should have suffered a serious injury caused by a failed low-altitude parachute jump, but the parachute surface somewhat slowed down the descent."


Hearing Luo Shijun's words.

Lao Guo and Xu Yun were startled for a moment.

After a while.

Lao Guo suddenly grabbed Luo Shijun's hand and asked eagerly:

"The pilot who didn't die? How is the person now?"

Luo Shijun's wrist was a little painful from Lao Guo's grasp, but he didn't care about it, but explained:

"Doctor Lin Yu is in the rescue now. I just took half a bottle of donkey hair soup. I don't know if I can save him."

"The teacher called me here to inform you of the news, and to invite Comrade Qiao Caihong to help me. After all, she is the chief special officer of our factory."

As a result, Luo Shijun didn't finish the word 'protection' in the second half of the sentence.

Then he was pulled hard by Lao Guo, causing Luo Shijun to almost stumble:

"Then why are you still standing there, let's go!"

Two minutes later.

The two jeeps started to drive again with a whimper, and drove to another direction not far away.

A few more minutes passed.

Lao Guo and others successfully arrived near the remnant of the U2 body that Qian Wushi was in charge of.

I don't know if it's because of luck.

This U2 does not "lie" on the ground, but presents an upside-down posture:

The nose is inserted straight into the ground, and the two wings cushion the rear part of the fuselage, so that the whole aircraft maintains a fairly good 'remains' - at least it is much better than that of Li Nanping's colleagues up.

This moment.

It is about fifty or sixty meters away from U2.

Qian Wushi and others have already set up a small sun-shading canopy that is transparent on all sides, and several medical staff are busy working around the canopy:

"Stop the bleeding! Stop the bleeding first! Someone pass me the bandage!"

"Is there any more iodine?"

"I've run out of iodine, why don't you drink alcohol directly? Although it hurts, at least it's better than death."

"Where's the donkey hair soup? Give him another two gulps! Also, remember to report to the base—if this man survives, the base will probably bring in another batch of donkeys for shaving."

Then Lao Guo asked Qiao Caihong to come forward to help, and he brought Xu Yun to the Fifth Master Qian:

"Old Qian, how is the situation of the pilot?"

Fifth Master Qian frowned, sighed, and said:

"It's not very optimistic. Doctor Lin and the others are still trying to rescue him. Here, look."

Say it.

Fifth Master Qian pointed to a tree not far away that was broken by the impact, and explained:

"This U2 is the one on the right rear among the three reconnaissance planes, and it is also the second target hit by the Zhuxianjian missile."

"It didn't have the pilot escape the first time it fell. Combined with the situation of the other two U2s, I reasonably suspect that the ejection seat of U2 has been passively manipulated."

"However, the pilot's reaction was quite sharp, and he probably completed the open-chamber skydive when the plane landed about 1,000 meters away."

"The skydive was obviously a failure, but he was lucky - he fell into a tree when he landed."

"Under the more or less cushioning of the umbrella and the effect of the trees, the pilot did not die immediately, and I don't know whether to call him lucky or unlucky."

I heard this.

Xu Yun and Lao Guo just nodded in understanding.

In Xu Yun's future generations.

Due to some crash news, many people actually have an incorrect perception of the crash:

The plane crashed at a height of more than 10,000 meters, and there must be no residue left after landing.

how to say

This cognition can't be said to be wrong, but it is not suitable for some special situations-especially small and medium-sized fighter jets or reconnaissance planes.

The passenger planes of later generations basically carry hundreds of people, are huge in size, and have quite a lot of fuel in their fuel tanks.

Crash in the event of an engine or tail failure.

The fuel in the fuel tank will generate huge thermal and mechanical energy at the moment of landing, which will burn various parts and even passengers to ashes.

But fighter jets or reconnaissance planes are a little different.


Their volume is smaller than that of passenger aircraft, and the capacity of the fuel tank is not large, generally about 1/20 of that of passenger aircraft.


The fuel in the military oil tank will often explode when the missile hits, and what falls on the ground is basically the kinetic energy converted from the gravitational potential energy.

So many times.

Not only will the crash of a fighter or reconnaissance plane not evaporate everything into powder, but even the pilot may not die immediately - even if he did not parachute.

Although the probability of this is very low, it does exist.

For example during a later battle.

The carrier-based F4 fighter jets on the other side of the sea deliberately invaded the airspace of the rabbits to provoke, and first launched the AIM-7 Sparrow missile to attack our J-5, but accidentally hit one of our own F4s.

The F4 fighter jet fell from an altitude of 9,000 meters, and Lieutenant Murphy, one of the two pilots, died on the spot.

But another Warrant Officer Fegan still survived.

After being sent to the hospital, he was rescued for a full day before he died after being declared invalid.

Let's talk about keyboard warriors.

If the medical conditions of 2023 were replaced, the pilot might still survive.

In fact, let alone military aircraft.

There are examples of airliners surviving when they crash at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

For example the well-known Vesna Ulovich.

This girl took Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367 in 1972. A bomb was placed in the cargo hold, and the plane exploded and disintegrated at an altitude of 10,160 meters.

As for Vesna Ulovich, she miraculously survived after the random pod fell to the ground.

It is also the maximum height at which humans can survive a fall without a parachute.

And Alan Eugene Magee, a B-17 machine gunner in World War II.

His plane was hit and spun, and he was thrown out of the plane unconscious.

As a result, the whole person crashed through the glass roof of a train station, and was lucky to survive, and did not die until 2003 at the age of 84.

This is true without a parachute, let alone a parachute buffer.

It is clear.

The unlucky guy who was chosen as the U2 driver this time was luckier than his companion.

Think here.

Old Guo subconsciously glanced at the man who was being rescued, and asked Fifth Master Qian:

"By the way, old money, is this person's identity confirmed?"

Fifth Master Qian shook his head again:

"Not yet. Although his face is not disfigured, it's just that there is a lot of blood, and it looks recognizable."

"But the problem is that we are not engaged in intelligence work, and we can't recognize who the other party is just by looking at the face?"

"If you want to confirm his identity, you must at least ask the comrades on the confidential front to come out after returning to the base."

When it comes to disfigurement.

Fifth Master Qian also quickly glanced at Xu Yun at the side.

Xu Yun:


"Oh, right."

Then Fifth Master Qian suddenly thought of something again, patted his forehead lightly, and took out something from his body.

Then Fifth Master Qian handed it to Lao Guo and explained:

"This is the certificate we found on the pilot. It looks like a small part was burned by the shock wave of the missile, and the integrity is about 50%."

Lao Guo took the opportunity and looked at it seriously.

As Qian Wushi said.

Here's a somewhat, or rather broken, credential:

Most of the patent leather on its exterior has been scorched, and the parts that are not damaged are also spotted. It looks like it has been to Bachmut.

Among them, the portrait page is only intact below the chest, and a few characters can still be vaguely seen.

"Kong 35 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft Squadron."

Lao Guo blinked, and quickly made up his full name:

"Oh, it should mean the 35th High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft Squadron of the Air Force, right? That is the Black Cat Squadron?"

As one of the persons in charge of the current base.

Lao Guo is no stranger to the full name of the Black Cat Squadron that performs U2 reconnaissance missions.

Then he continued to look at the only line of text left:

"The word Yang Zhong is gone, and then there is a horse, it should be next to the word horse?"

"Is it a ji? Riding? Cheng? It can't be a show or a donkey, right?"

And the other side.

Hearing Lao Guo's description.

Xu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly.

From the Black Cat Squadron.

Surname Yang.

The full name is three characters, the last word or the beginning next to the word horse?

If I remember correctly.

The only one in the Black Cat Squadron who meets this condition should be .

Their second captain, Yang Shiju?


If it was really him, then the fun would be great.

To know.

Although the Black Cat Squadron is a reconnaissance force on the other side, there are very few individual members who have mixed merits and demerits.

For example, Xi Yaohua who died in training.

He used to belong to the Fourth Flying Battalion, shot down six neon fighter jets on the anti-Japanese battlefield, and even supported the rabbit.

It's a pity that he died in a plane crash during training this year, and the rabbits of later generations gave him the evaluation of "died in the line of duty" in a dignified manner.

However, there are not many people like Xi Yaohua, and more people in the Black Cat Squad are the minions of certain people.

But there is also a difference between minions and minions.

For example, some people just carry out military orders in an ordinary way, a typical representative is Zhang Liyi.

He is a descendant of the Jinling Massacre, and he was determined to defend his family and country since he was a child.

It's a pity that he was only in the fourth phase of the Air Force Junior School when the Anti-Japanese War ended, so he moved to the opposite bank with the school in a daze.

Later, he was captured by the rabbits and wrote the memoir "My Clothes Tomb-Self-report of a Captured U-2 Pilot".

Another example is Ye Changdi.

After being captured, the pilot became an associate professor at Huazhong Institute of Technology, and also worked as an assistant to Professor Qian Weichang, translating and proofreading manuscripts for "Applied Mathematics and Mechanics" sponsored by Professor Qian.

But there are still some people who belong to the eagle dogs with many black histories.

Typical representatives of this part include Li Nanping, and .

Yang Shiju.

Yang Shiju is the second captain of the Black Cat Brigade after Lu Xiliang. His black history belongs to the kind of situation where he gets a 404 if he speaks out this book, which shows how bad his behavior is.

And the funniest thing is.

in the original history.

The rabbits used the Sam 2 missiles to build a perfect line of defense, so this guy yelled wildly:

"It is absolutely impossible for the mainland to shoot down the U2 I was driving!"

Li Nanping actually said this, but Yang Shiju was actually the starter.

But it is different from Li Nanping.

Yang Shiju was indeed not defeated:

Because he didn't even dare to fly over the mainland once, at most he flew half a circle to Xiangjiang and Jinmen.

Later, this guy even wrote this sentence in his memoirs complacently, but even the people on the other side couldn't stand it anymore, and once raged wildly.

In the end, the sales volume of this set of memoirs will exceed 20 copies, ten of which were bought by the libraries of universities in mainland China to replenish their stocks.

Murder and Punishment.jpg.

The result was unexpected.

This clown who jumped wildly in his previous life doesn't even have the chance to be a clown now.

This is so fucking interesting.

"Director Qian!"

And at the same time that Master Qian was talking with Lao Guo.

Chai Zhi, the deputy leader of the 'Zhuxianjian' team, ran over panting, holding a small box:

"Director Qian, Director Guo, look quickly, we found the footage of U2!"


Hear this.

Lao Guo and Fifth Master Qian turned their heads to look at Chai Zhi at the same time.

Fifth Master Qian also took out a pair of cotton and linen gloves from his body and put them on his hands. After Chai Zhi stood still, he took the small box.

This is a small box that looks like iron, about the size of a palm, somewhat similar to a cake called a towel roll in later generations.

Perhaps it was due to the lack of impact.

The outer shell of the small box is basically not deformed, and it is not even stained with much dirt.


With a light click, the box opened.

Then Fifth Master Qian carefully inserted his hand into it, and quickly took out a small electronic component.

Some red, green and green wires are connected to the end of the component, and the smooth surface shines with a bright silver light.

The aperture structure of the lens is very compact, and the cover is a transparent circle with a silver metal ring inlaid to ensure the cleanliness and practicality of the lens.

There is also a transparent circular glass lens in the center of the lens, which is the soul of the whole lens:

Type B lenses manufactured by the Leica Company.

Fifth Master Qian put the camera in his palm, his expression a little emotional.

It is such a small part, but it can clearly capture the scene on the ground at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.

According to the news from Mao Xiong.

According to their analysis of the film of the U2 that Mao Xiong had shot down, this lens can even capture the scene of workers on the ground peeing in the shade of trees.

Of course.

Rather than marveling at the magic of this lens.

Fifth Master Qian is more concerned about

With such a sample, what kind of precision lens can be imitated in China?

To know.

The difference in lens accuracy is actually not as many people imagined, it belongs to the backwardness of the material.


Except for the obvious gap in the coating of professional cinema lenses, the age difference between lens materials is not too great.

Even before zoom technology came out in the 70s.

The rabbits were once ahead of Neon in terms of lens manufacturing, but they were seriously trapped after the birth of the zoom lens.

In this day and age.

There is only one essential difference between domestic and foreign lenses:

structural design.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

The essence of lens effects is actually the calculation of optics.

The process of light entering the lens and reaching the sensor is actually quite complicated, involving various optical concepts.

Such as Gaussian aperture, Riemann two-phase focal length and so on.

While this structure is currently in the hands of foreigners, later generations will gather in the hands of Germany and the United Kingdom because of patent issues.

in the original history.

After shooting down U2, the rabbits also imitated its aerial camera, and then used it on the opposite bank

In a sense, this is also a kind of tauren?

More critically.

Unlike other technologies, Xu Yun really can't come up with anything particularly useful about the lens. After all, he only likes to use a telescope to look at the stars in later generations.

Now Fifth Master Qian and the others have obtained such a world-leading, even beyond-era lens.

Combined with the things that Xu Yun took out earlier,


This is one step closer to the May 9th reform.

all in all.

The sorting process of U2 is very complicated. Including the transportation of the remains, it will take at least a whole day to get it done.

In addition, Yang Shiju's injury needs to be transferred to the hospital for treatment immediately - although Yang Shiju's dark history is concerned, he will probably not escape justice after treatment, but belching now and then belching are two different concepts.

So soon.

Xu Yun returned to the base by car with Fifth Division Qian and others.


After returning to Base 221 after a few hours, Xu Yun had two completely different emotions in his heart.

Nervous when leaving.

Return relaxed and delighted.

Shoot down three U2s at once, and for at least half a year, the other side will not dare to send reconnaissance planes over.

And just when Xu Yun was about to ask Qian Wushi to arrange for someone to push him back to the hospital (Qiao Caihong went to rescue Yang Shiju).

Li Jue's assistant, Zhou Cai, walked over quickly:

"Comrade Han Li, are you free?"

"Huh? Me?"

Xu Yun blinked, nodded and said:

"I'm free, what's the matter?"

Zhou Cai pointed to the tent beside him and said:

"Then please come with me."

Xu Yun had no opinion.

Then with the help of Zhou Cai.

Xu Yun's wheelchair entered the tent smoothly.

Only at this moment.

Qian Wushi, Lao Guo, Li Jue, and Qian Bingqiong, who hadn't shown much during this period of time, were sitting in their seats, talking about something in a low voice.

After seeing Xu Yun arrive.

The expressions of the four of them became solemn at the same time.

After a while.

Qian Bingqiong took a deep breath and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, you."

"Are you willing to remain anonymous for the sake of the country?"

Push a book, "Top Illiteracy: After Three Years of Failure, Become a Superstar"

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