Into Unscientific

Chapter 576 Base Overview!


This chapter will have a more detailed base layout and project introduction. It is not copied by Baidu. If you don’t like it, don’t order it.

"Dalang, it's time to drink the medicine."

Hear this sentence ringing in the ear.

Xu Yun, who was still a little tired, was shocked suddenly, and his mind instantly became clear.

He opened his eyes in a flash, and subconsciously looked at


He was slightly relieved after seeing the familiar yellow ceiling and the old electric lamps hanging from the ceiling.

It really wasn't a dream

before falling asleep.

He used to be extremely worried that everything that happened yesterday was just his personal imagination, and he would go back to 2023 when he woke up.


After opening his eyes, he didn't see the picture he was afraid of, but everything was as usual.

Then under Qiao Caihong's surveillance.

Xu Yun didn't know how many times he 'voluntarily' held his head up and gulped down this bowl of donkey hair soup.

I don't know if it's because I drank too much.

Now he can even tell the difference between today's bowl of soup and yesterday's bowl is not made of a donkey's hair

Yesterday's bowl of soup tasted glutinous, with a hint of sweetness, and there was a sweetness in the lips after drinking.

Today's bowl is obviously drier, with a sandy feeling when it first enters the throat, and a slightly bitter finish, which is much inferior to yesterday's.

After Xu Yun finished drinking the donkey hair soup.

Qiao Caihong took another stack of clothes from the table at the side, shook one of them out, and said to Xu Yun:

"Comrade Han Li, today is your first day in the project team, so you need to dress up more or less in your outfit."

"This is the clothes Brother Zheng sent you early in the morning. When the time comes, I will wrap a protective layer around your body with a bandage, and then put on the clothes."

Xu Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and gave the girl a rather meaningful look, and said in a drawn out voice:

"Oh, Brother Zheng gave it to you."

When he met Zhou Shaoping and Zheng Tao for the first time, Zheng Tao once introduced that Qiao Caihong was a boy who grew up in his yard.

At that time, Zheng Tao formally referred to Qiao Caihong as "Comrade Rainbow", obviously with a sense of distance.

So at the beginning, Xu Yun really thought that these two were just ordinary friends.

Just like many boys at the same table when they were young, they were close when they were young, but when they grow up, they are just ordinary acquaintances.

The result was yesterday after U2 was shot down.

Qiao Caihong actually took Zheng Tao's hand because she was too emotional.

Think about it now.

The obvious identities of these two people are probably pretending deliberately.

This little couple can do it.

Then with the assistance of several nurses.

Xu Yun was wrapped into a mummy again from the chest down, and then it took a lot of effort to put on Zheng Tao's underwear.

after an hour.

Xu Yun was pushed by Qiao Caihong to the factory office.

At this time, Lao Guo and Fifth Master Qian were already waiting at the entrance of the factory office. After seeing Xu Yun, they personally led him to the conference room on the side of the first floor.

This meeting room has appeared many times before, but for Xu Yun, this is the first time he has entered this confidential area.

When Xu Yun arrived in the conference room.

About a dozen leaders have already been seated in the conference room, and many of them are chatting with great interest.

At this time, the house is full of smoke, and the smell of nicotine aside, the scene seems to be in heaven


The sound of Lao Guo pushing the wheelchair across the floor was a bit abrupt, so as the distance approached, it quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Some leaders who were chatting stopped and turned to look at the entrance.

After seeing the wheelchair pushed by Lao Guo and Xu Yun on the wheelchair.

The scene fell silent.

Then soon.

A muffled voice of discussion replaced this silence and the earlier noise:

"Old Zhou, this comrade looks familiar."

"Well, sitting in a wheelchair and severely disfigured, he must be half-baked."

"It seems to be quite young? I didn't expect that the ability to masturbate is so great, U2 can be shot down"

"I don't know which project team he will be assigned to in the organization. It would be great if he came to me. Our team is short of someone who is good at mathematics."

"I'm sure he has the ability, but it doesn't look easy to serve. It is said that he has to drink raw donkey blood every day."

different from usual.

Today's meeting is a daily weekly meeting of the base, and the level of confidentiality is not particularly high.

In some branches, not to mention the number one leader, even the third leader came.

Therefore, many people at the scene saw real Xu Yun for the first time, and it was not surprising that it was impossible.

After all, their level of secrecy is low compared to the old Guo Qian Fifth Division. They are all proper management in the base, and they have heard rumors of Xu Yun in the past.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

Now Xu Yun's rarity is similar to that of Messi who will visit China in 2023. Fans will rush into the stadium to hug Messi when they are not guaranteed.

Fortunately, Xu Yun has experienced the baptism of this kind of gaze in the past. After a long time, he has been able to look like an old god in this kind of gaze.

In a sense.

The disfigurement of the burn made him unable to show his true face, but it also gave him a special 'mask'.

Then Lao Guo pushed Xu Yun to the front right side of the conference table, and Lao Guo himself and Fifth Division Qian were sitting next to him, which shows that the base attaches great importance to Xu Yun.

In the next ten minutes or so.

Other leaders of the base arrived one after another, and the conference room was soon filled with nearly fifty people:

The other side table, which had not been used before, showed its purpose at this time, and shared the seats of about 20 assistants.

During the period, someone noticed Xu Yun, and after taking his seat, he chatted with the people around him.

There were also people who were in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the acquaintance who had already sat down.

Wait for everyone to arrive.


The clerk skillfully opened the notebook and made a gesture of holding a pen to record.

See this situation.

Li Jue, then director of Base 221, stood up, propped his hands on the edge of the table, and said:

"Comrades and comrades-in-arms, please be quiet."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Then Li Jue looked around the meeting room, paused, and continued:

"Comrades, everyone must be aware that what we are holding today is a routine executive meeting of the base."

"Three years have passed before you know it, and this is also our 156th executive meeting."

I heard this.

There was also a hint of emotion on the faces of many old leaders at the scene.

well known.

The 221 base was built three years ago. At that time, because the hairy bear experts had not yet evacuated, the national theoretical research and development center was still thousands of miles away in the Capital Ninth Academy.

So when the base was just completed.

There are only four branches in the entire factory area, and only eleven people attended the first executive meeting held by Li Jue at that time.

But over time.

Especially after the rabbits decided to develop their own nuclear weapons.

The scale of the 221 base began to expand continuously, and the number of branch factories increased.

The leaders who participated in the meeting also increased from the initial eleven to fifteen, twenty-five, and now close to fifty.

Of course.

The increase of base management personnel does not make the daily affairs of the base appear bloated, but it just proves that new achievements are constantly being born.

After a while.

Li Jue restrained the emotion on his face, and continued:

"One hundred and fifty-sixth meeting, 156, to be honest, this is not a very special number."

"But just in this non-special meeting, I want to officially announce a piece of good news to everyone——"

"That is, after a detailed comparison, we can officially confirm that the reconnaissance plane we shot down yesterday is 100% the famous U2!"

"The head of the capital personally wrote a letter of commendation, which will probably arrive at the base in a few days!"

"In addition, the capital has put the re-enactment of the Zhuxian platform on the agenda. Comrade Qu Runpu. Keke, the electrostatic analysis module purchased by the sir has also been shipped quietly."

"If there is no accident, probably in November this year, there will be at least five weather Doppler radars in China."

"From now on, China's airspace is safe!"

clap clap -

Li Jue finished speaking.

More than forty people at the scene, including the clerk, burst into warm applause.

Some people bit their cheeks, and their hands were flushed.

He gritted his teeth, as if he wasn't using his own palm.

Some people wept while taking pictures, and their clothes were soaked with tears without realizing it.

There were even some younger assistants who raised their fists high and kept pounding the air.

It is said that Huaxia people are reserved.

But at this moment, everyone released their emotions.

The applause rang for half a minute before it gradually died down.

After a while.

A little old man who looked about seventy raised his hand:

"Factory Manager, is there any time for the capital to release public information?"

Li Jue nodded slightly and said:

"According to the instructions from the capital, the news will probably be officially announced at the beginning of next month."

"The capital also plans to invite some foreign media to the scene, but the specific process needs to be carefully discussed. After all, it is not acceptable to be too inflated."

"In short, as long as there are no major accidents, this time we will definitely show our face internationally!"

"This is great!"

The little old man clapped his hands vigorously, looking very excited.

See this situation.

Old Guo turned his head slightly, and introduced to Xu Yun in a low voice:

"This is Comrade Huang Xiangkui. He is currently the deputy director of the second branch of the base. He is an overseas Chinese who has returned from overseas. Some of his family relations are still abroad."

Only then did Xu Yun understand.

Overseas Chinese these days have a high reputation in China, because almost every once in a while, patriotic overseas Chinese donate various money and materials to the country.

Some overseas Chinese families have even established a friendly relationship with the rabbits since the spark was just ignited, and they have a deep relationship with each other.

But on the other hand.

The lives of these patriotic overseas Chinese abroad are often not easy, and European and American countries generally treat them with contempt.


This kind of contempt does not necessarily endanger life safety, but various bullying phenomena are still common.

But now once the rabbits announce the news of shooting down three U2s.

The unfair treatment encountered by those overseas Chinese abroad may be lighter.

Huang Xiangkui was obviously so excited because he realized this.

the other side.

After answering Huang Xiangkui's question.

Li Jue's expression suddenly became serious, and his body leaned forward slightly, with a sense of oppression in his whole body:

"Dear comrades, the reason why we were able to take down these three U2s is inseparable from the close cooperation and hard work of the collective members."

"But if the contribution is scaled to individuals, then there must be one person that cannot be ignored."

"This comrade is also the new member of the project team I want to introduce to you today, Comrade Han Li, the special consultant of the base!"


Li Jue just finished speaking.

The eyes of most people on the scene locked on Xu Yun at the same time.

These gazes have different emotions, and most of them are friendly.

But beyond being friendly.

There is also scrutiny, obscurity, and even...questioning.

Of course.

The question here is not to question Xu Yun's ability. With Xu Yun's proposal of several major technologies, Xu Yun's ability has been recognized by everyone.

Even the most cautious person would not think that Xu Yun could not afford the role of consultant.

What they really question is that

With Xu Yun's unclear background, is it really okay to be exposed to so many secrets?

to be honest.

Even people like Li Jue, Qian Bingqiong, and Mr. Wang who are more familiar with Xu Yun are more or less hesitant.

After all, there is only one sentence in Xu Yun's file, which is so simple that it couldn't be simpler:

[Cambridge international students, trustworthy, omitted].

No date of birth.

No parent names.

No place of birth or ancestry.

This almost joking text really doesn't match the secret level of Base 221.

However, the will of the organization is higher than all personal ideas. Facing the appointment from the capital, everyone can only hide this doubt in their hearts.

Maybe this Han Li really has some secrets that need to be protected.

After half a minute.

Li Jue coughed lightly, turned to Xu Yun and said:

"Comrade Han Li, you have just joined Ms. Qiu's project team, and you may not know much about some things, so let me give you a general introduction."

Say it.

Li Jue spread his right hand, pointed to his left front and said:

"These people sitting on my left are the deputy factory directors of the base, and they usually focus on various important research and development tasks."

"This is Comrade Lu Guangda, the current head of the atomic bomb theory team and the chief engineer of the atomic bomb design. You should know Comrade Han Li, right?"

Xu Yun nodded quickly:

"I know you, I have talked with Director Lu several times before, and Director Lu's thinking is really admirable."


Lu Guangda, the well-known doll doctor and the soul-level figure in the research and development of rabbits' nuclear weapons, how could he not know him?

The protagonist of the later well-known movie "Born Out of the Sky" is Lu Guangda, played by the well-known leader Li Yunlong.

Oh, right.

Li Yunlong's wife in the movie is the actor of Lu Guangda's lover Xu Luxi, who plays Ye Wenjie in "The Three-Body Problem".

Then Li Jue pointed to a man next to Lu Guangda, who had a pair of [^^] eyebrows:

"This is Comrade Cheng Kaijia, who is in charge of theoretical research on the equation of state."

Cheng Kaijia nodded to Xu Yun with a complicated expression.

When Xu Yun came up with weather Doppler radar technology, Cheng Kaijia's attitude towards Xu Yun was not friendly:

Because Xu Yun focused on Cheng Kaijia's mentor, that is, on the electrostatic accelerator that Mr. Zhao Zhongyao brought back from across the sea after traveling thousands of miles.

At that time, Cheng Kaijia thought that Xu Yun's idea was a waste of the teacher's efforts, so he had a bad opinion of Xu Yun.

But the later development of the story was completely contrary to Cheng Kaijia's guess.

The weather Doppler radar opened a new chapter in Rabbit radar technology, and also played an extremely critical role in the process of shooting down U2.

Therefore, what Cheng Kaijia said to Lu Guangda and the others suddenly became a joke—at least Lu Guangda used this matter to run him down.

So here and now.

Cheng Kaijia's attitude towards Xu Yun is the most complicated.

Even now, he still thinks that the organization's decision to let Xu Yun enter the arena is a little unsafe.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this absolute calm and prudence that Cheng Kaijia later became the person in charge of the defense department of Base 221.

After introducing Cheng Kaijia.

Li Jue introduced other project leaders to Xu Yun:

"This is Comrade Wang Ganchang."

"This is Comrade Zhu Guangya."

"This is Comrade Chen Nengkuan."

"This is Comrade Zhou Guangzhao."

The names of all the famous meritorious servicemen in later generations, no, it should be said that they were real meritorious persons, all of them appeared in front of Xu Yun.

Not to mention forming a group, even if you just choose one of these big shots, they can all be called [Zhen Guo] level big shots.

For example, Wang Ganchang.

Of all his achievements, only one of them is enough to leave a name in history.

Wang Ganchang is a native of Fengtangwan, Jiangsu, and graduated from Shuimu University.


Wang Ganchang left Shuimu University, admitted to the Jiangsu government-funded international student, and went to the University of Berlin in Germany for further studies.

At that time, the mentor who was responsible for leading him was not small, and he was the famous atomic physicist Meitner.

Was praised by Einstein as "our Madame Curie".

But precisely because of her paranoia, Wang Ganchang missed the Nobel Prize twice-this is not a "forced miss", but a real regret.

The first time was in 1931, when the Joliot Curie couple discovered an energy that could penetrate 10 cm thick lead, which many people thought was gamma rays.

But Wang Ganchang was keenly aware that something was wrong, thinking that gamma radiation did not have such a strong penetrating power.

So he immediately ran to his mentor Meitner and suggested to her that by redoing the experiment with a more advanced cloud chamber, he might be able to find out the truth.

Meitner refused with a smile, feeling that the young student in front of him was too naive.

Wang Ganchang did not give up, and begged several times in succession, but Meitner still refused to give the chance.

He also advised him: "You are very smart, but it is meaningless to repeat other people's experiments. Only by opening up a new path by yourself can you reach another peak."

In the end, Wang Ganchang had no choice but to give up sadly.

Turns out it's only been two years.

British physicist Chadwick also thought of using the "cloud chamber" to redo the original experiment, and found new particles that shocked the world:


Then in 1935, Chadwick won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It's not over yet.


Wang Ganchang published "A Suggestion on Detecting Neutrinos" in the "Physical Review" magazine across the sea, which was rated as one of the best papers in the same year.

But although Wang Ganchang knew how to find neutrinos, he lacked equipment verification.

Later, the method provided by Wang Ganchang was used.

Scientist Reines across the sea discovered neutrinos in 1953 and won the Nobel Prize in 1995.

Then at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.

The research team led by Wang Ganchang discovered the anti-sigma negative hyperon, which shocked the entire physics community - this is the first charged anti-hyperon discovered by human beings through experiments.

Later, Wang Ganchang joined the nuclear weapons project team and remained anonymous for 27 years.

Many people in later generations must have heard the saying:

【I would like to pledge myself to the country】

And the person who said this was none other than Mr. Wang Ganchang.

After saying this sentence.

The name Wang Ganchang has disappeared in the physics world, but there is a little old man named Wang Jing in the depths of the desert.

And people like Wang Ganchang are not one or two in the base, but one or two!

A person who engages in scientific research with extraordinary ability and is full of honor at the end of his life can be called a great scientist.

They are excellent physics practitioners and a precious asset for all mankind.

But they can't be called national soldiers.

Only anonymous heroes like Wang Ganchang, Lu Guangda, and Lao Guo can be dubbed national scholars!

After more than ten minutes.

The main picture of Base 221 appeared in front of Xu Yun for the first time:

The first is the 18 branch factories: (Note, the following content has all been decrypted)

There are nine job numbers in the first factory area, which are mainly responsible for the development and testing of nuclear device systems, nuclear warheads and other work.

There are nine job numbers in the second factory area, which are mainly responsible for the development, production test and overall assembly of high-energy explosives.

The third factory area is an explosives warehouse.

There are ten job numbers in the fourth factory area, which are mainly responsible for the experimental research of environmental conditions.

The fifth factory area is a waste treatment plant.

Factory No. 6 is a detonation test factory, mainly responsible for detonation test, measurement, safety, environmental impact and other experiments—it is currently the only factory to be built.

There are four job numbers in the seventh factory area, which are mainly responsible for nuclear physics near-field testing and research.

The eighth factory area is for auto repair and garage.

The nine factory area is an oil storage.

The ten factory area is the base of mechanical processing and mechanical repair.

The eleventh factory area is a platform for dangerous goods.

The 12th factory area is a general material platform.

The thirteen factory area is a railway station.

The fourteenth factory area is a thermal power plant.

The fifteenth factory area is the source of water supply.

The sixteenth plant is a sewage treatment plant.

The Seventeenth Factory is a warehouse for food and daily necessities.

The 18th factory is the leading organ of the 221 base, the underground command center, the underground storage of scientific and technological files, administrative files, hospital shops, postal services, living areas, theaters, etc., also known as the main factory.

Except for the eighteen factory areas.

There are three general directions for the research on the atomic bomb in the base:

General Department, Theory Department and Experiment Department.

Lao Guo is currently the director of the general department.

He is mainly responsible for the research related to fluid mechanics. There are five groups under the team, with a total of 60 people.

The director of the theory department is Peng Mengxiong, who is responsible for the analysis of the reactor theory.

Lu Guangda served as the deputy director, but in fact he was the head of the theory department——Lu Guangda did not become the director mainly because he did not have enough political experience.

The director of the experimental department is Wang Ganchang, and this department is mainly responsible for the performance experiments of non-nuclear components.

For example, the detonation simulation test schemes are all customized by him, and Chen Nengkuan is currently collaborating in this department.

The base also has a design department, which is responsible for engineering structure design and off-site tests, that is, nuclear tests.

The design department is the core department of the entire base, and even by 2023 it has not been completely declassified.

Follow normal historical development.

It's the end of this year.

The general department will split another production department, and Chen Nengkuan will also be transferred to the light nuclear team.

In addition, there are three sideline production teams in the base: construction sideline team, animal husbandry sideline team and fishery sideline team, all of which are composed of young workers.

Of course.

There are also modules such as garrisons in the base, so I won't repeat them here.

The above is the detailed composition of the entire 221 base.

After introducing the structure of the base.

Li Jue looked at Lu Guangda at the side again, and said:

"As for the current progress of the Guangda project, it's up to you to introduce it to Comrade Han Li."

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