Into Unscientific

Chapter 577 Anecdotes About the Atomic Bomb

"As for the current progress of the Guangda project, it's up to you to introduce it to Comrade Han Li."

Hearing Li Jue's words.

Lu Guangda on the side nodded calmly.

I saw him subconsciously picking up the pen in front of him, holding the nib and tail of the pen with his left and right hands, and said:

"Comrade Han Li, we currently have three main research directions in the atomic bomb theory."

"These are fluid mechanics, the properties of matter under high temperature and pressure, and neutron physics."

"Among them, there are six groups in fluid mechanics, which are respectively responsible for multi-media radiation fluid mechanics and detonation fluid mechanics."

"The person in charge of detonation fluid mechanics is Comrade Guo Youlai, and the person in charge of multi-media radiation fluid mechanics is Comrade Zhou Yulin beside me."

Lu Guangda had just finished speaking.

A middle-aged man with a square face sitting on his right nodded slightly towards Xu Yun.

In Xu Yun's future generations.

The four disciplines of biochemical and environmental materials have a very interesting name, called the four major tiankengs.

But in fact.

In addition to these four major disciplines, there is another discipline that is also very mysterious.

It is fluid mechanics.

Of course.

The mystery of fluid mechanics is not because of its employment prospects, but because the subjects are too complicated.

for example.

Fluid mechanics should learn continuum mechanics, which is one of the directions of physics.

Topology, mathematics, right?

The basics of mechanical design, this machine must be learned, right?

Soil mechanics, is this the housekeeping skill of civil engineering?

Finite element analysis, is this a computer thing?

The mechanical behavior of material mechanics is the housekeeping skill of others!

Ever since.

Those who study civil engineering think it is mechanical, and those who are mechanical think it is dry material.

The dry material regards it as a ray meter, and the ray meter feels that it is the physical one next door.

The physics next door accepts it as the mathematics downstairs, and the mathematics downstairs tends to toss the computer.

Finally, after tossing the computer, I came to a conclusion:

It's old engineering.

And because of this.

Fluid mechanics is an essential subject in the development of nuclear weapons.

for example.

The development of nuclear weapons involves a lot of pressure drop calculations, calculations of resistance loss along the way, and pipeline flow calculations in engineering, all of which are in the category of fluid mechanics.

Also, the whole process of material movement from detonation to target impact also belongs to the category of fluid.

How outrageous would this thing be if it could be cultivated to the peak?

The first head of contemporary fluid mechanics is called Geoffrey Taylor. He once did something recorded in history:

July 16, 1945.

Across the sea, the first nuclear test in human history, code-named "Trinity", was carried out.

Then in 1947.

In order to expand its international influence, Across the Sea released a set of photos of exploding fireballs.

There are 14 photos in total, and the content is the picture of the fireball from small to large.

As a result, Jeffrey Taylor designed a dimensionless quantity based on this picture, and accurately calculated the equivalent of the atomic bomb as 17,650 tons

The horror of the discipline of fluid mechanics can be seen.

If not.

At the beginning, Qian Bingqiong would not have thought of asking Fifth Master Qian to be in charge of research in this area.

Then Lu Guangda paused, and continued:

"As for neutron physics, I'm in charge of it—oh, by the way, Comrade Han Li, weren't you discovered by Lao Guo and the others in Guide County?"

"At that time, the purpose of Lao Guo's trip to Guide County was to retrieve a batch of foreign reference documents."

"Some of the information in the literature is related to the neutron equation of state, so the neutron theory has made some rather gratifying progress recently."

Xu Yun was startled when he heard this.

And this thing?

After recovering.

There was a flash of understanding in his eyes.

I see

He was a little weird before.

Even if the base is going to Guide County to collect food, in theory, researchers like Lao Guo should not be allowed to do it—this kind of thing should generally be handled by comrades in the army, even comrades on the confidential front are more suitable than Lao Guo .

The purpose of co-authoring Lao Guo's visit to Guide County was originally for those foreign documents

Take the international situation this year as an example.

The value of foreign language literature to the rabbits is no less than the food supply base.

Of course.

What Xu Yun didn't understand was.

In order to transport this batch of documents to China, some people even paid the price of their lives.

Then Lu Guangda took a deep breath, dispelled some emotions in his heart that were not suitable for expression now, and continued:

"As for the properties of matter under high temperature and pressure, it involves the related framework of nuclear fission. Comrade Chen Nengkuan is currently in charge of this research."

"About half a month ago, Comrade Chen Nengkuan had deduced the lower limit of the critical mass of a sphere when the chain reaction had a density of 11.61 grams per cubic centimeter."

After saying this.

Lu Guangda quickly glanced at Xu Yun and observed the reaction of this 'consultant'.

He buried a certain hook in this introduction. I don't know if Xu Yun can realize that information?

Then under Lu Guangda's gaze.

A trace of 'wrongness' suddenly appeared on Xu Yun's face:

"The critical mass of the sphere? Director Lu, is it possible that the base is going to build an implosion-type atomic bomb?"


Xu Yun's voice just fell.

Lu Guangda suddenly looked at Lao Guo beside Xu Yun.

Seeing this, Lao Guo immediately shook his head:

"Old Lu, don't look at me, I haven't said anything to Xiao Han."

"I can guarantee this with my party spirit. Comrade Han Li had no knowledge of our research before."

Hearing this, Lu Guangda's breathing stagnated slightly.

After a while.

The way he looked at Xu Yun immediately became different.

well known.

The essence of the atomic bomb is the nuclear fission of uranium.

This concept was first confirmed by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938. In early 1939, Otto Hahn proposed the concept of "split nucleus".

It refers to the nuclear physical process in which a heavier atomic nucleus splits into two lighter other atomic nuclei in a nuclear reaction.

in the fission process.

There will be a large number of neutrons, β, γ rays and neutrinos produced, and release huge nuclear fission energy.

Theoretical calculations.

The energy released by the fission of 1 kilogram of uranium-235 is equivalent to the energy released by the combustion of 2,700 tons of standard coal, and the relationship between the two is 2.7 million times.

After the uranium-235 nucleus absorbs a neutron, the composite nucleus is in an excited state and oscillates.

Oscillation results in two situations:

One is that the composite nucleus is reduced from an ellipsoid to a spherical shape, and then emits gamma rays (prompt gamma rays) to release excess energy;

The other, due to its greater excitation energy, rapidly splits the composite nucleus into two independent nuclei.

The neutrons emitted during the fission of atomic nuclei are called fission neutrons.

Then the uranium nucleus is bombarded with neutrons, and as a result, the nucleus splits into two medium-mass fission fragments, releasing a large amount of energy and 2 to 3 fast neutrons at the same time.

under appropriate conditions.

These neutrons will be absorbed by other uranium nuclei, and then trigger fission, interlocking like a chain, passing down from generation to generation, forming a self-sustaining chain reaction.

This is the chain fission reaction.

The so-called atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon developed based on this nuclear fission chain reaction.

Back then, Across the Sea generously gave two to the Neon people, but unfortunately, the Neon people were too good to pick them up.

And just like the Huashan School is divided into Jianzong and Qizong.

Atomic bombs are also divided into two types according to their structural principles.

One is the squeeze type, also known as the "gun type".

This type of atomic bomb uses a "barrel" device to separate two pieces of fissile material smaller than the critical mass.

When chemical explosives explode.

Under the high pressure generated, they quickly close together and reach a supercritical state, triggering a nuclear explosion.

And the second kind.

It is the implosion type mentioned by Xu Yun, also known as the compression type.

Its principle is to use ordinary high explosives to make a spherical device.

A nuclear charge of less than the critical mass—that is, uranium-235 or plutonium-239—is then pelletized and placed in the center of the explosive pellet.

Finally, the electric detonator is ignited synchronously, and all points of the explosive ball detonate at the same time, generating a centripetally focused compression wave.

The compression wave will instantly and violently compress the nuclear charge sphere, increase its density, make it supercritical, and realize a self-sustaining chain reaction to cause a nuclear explosion.

Compared with the compressed atomic bomb, the structural advantage of the implosion type is obviously higher.

for example.

The little boy who was given to the Neon people across the sea back then was a squeeze structure. The nuclear charge was enriched uranium with an abundance of about 80%, weighing 60kg, and having an explosive power of 14,000 tons of TNT equivalent.

The energy released by the fission of 1 kg of uranium is about 18,000 tons of TNT equivalent, so the utilization rate of the Little Boy nuclear charge is only about 12%.

The other fat man is an implosion-type structure, using plutonium produced by a graphite water-cooled uranium reactor as the nuclear charge.

Its explosive power is 21,000 tons of TNT equivalent, and the utilization rate of nuclear charge is 21%.

So when developing nuclear weapons, the rabbits decided that if they wanted to do it, they would use an implosion-style atomic bomb.

Of course.

This kind of matter, which is regarded as an absolute secret at this stage, is not particularly difficult for people from later generations like Xu Yun.

In addition, since Lu Guangda spoke, Xu Yun has been paying attention to the big guy's expression.

So after realizing the hook in this statement.

He immediately chose to bite the hook.

After all, this is an act to increase one's confidence. Having a rich reserve of other knowledge and understanding the principles of the atomic bomb are two different things.

Besides, being fished by a meritorious senior like Lu Guangda is not at all shabby.

as expected.

Lu Guangda, who had just reported the situation routinely before, now had a strange light in his eyes.

If it is left in ancient times.

In the history books of Bao Buqi, there will be an additional record of "discuss the Tao until late at night, and sleep on the same couch".

Then Lu Guangda briefly introduced some theoretical progress to Xu Yun.

Some of them are known to Xu Yun in later generations, and some are unknown.

If you want to divide the research progress of atoms into levels.

So regardless of the application fields such as parts and explosives, the current progress of the base in pure theory is about .

About 30%?

This is about the same as the original history.

Judging from the progress of later decryption.

The rabbits will probably complete the basic derivation of the theory around November next year, and then finalize it together with the design plan in March of the following year.

In the next year and a half, the base is almost always expanding the theoretical principles to the practical field.

Think here.

Xu Yun has a general understanding of the situation of the base.

Then he pondered for a moment, then looked up at Li Jue who was above him:

"Factory Manager, I have a general idea of ​​the situation at the base, but I don't know the specific arrangement for my work in the organization."

Li Jue heard the words and Lao Guo looked at each other, and quickly said:

"Comrade Han Li, we will discuss this matter separately later, what do you think?"

Xu Yun was startled subconsciously.

However, Xu Yun quickly understood Li Jue's thoughts when he thought of the crowds at the scene:

"no problem."

Li Jue nodded slightly.

in the next time.

Li Jue roughly assigned various business plans for the base for the next week.

For example, a new movie has arrived at the base, which is "Monkey King Three Fights the Bone Demon" filmed by Tianma Film Studio in Shanghai.

Now the capacity of the movie theaters in the base is limited, but there are more than 10,000 employees in the 18 factory areas, so the distribution of movie tickets must be properly arranged.

Another example is that a new batch of cold medicine has arrived at the base, and the quota of each factory has to be discussed.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Li Jue and Lao Guo have such a meeting, so these issues were quickly and methodically arranged.

Two hours later.

The executive meeting ends.

Afterwards, Xu Yun followed Lao Guo, Fifth Master Qian, and Li Jue, Wang Lao, and the four left the meeting room, and joined Li Jue's office together.

"Comrade Han Li."

After Xu Yun sat down firmly.

Li Jue said straight to the point:

"Can you conjure up enough food for 10,000 people to survive the winter? - 5,000 people are also fine."


I will take a day off tomorrow. The colonoscopy did not find any major problems a few days ago, but there are not many things that can be checked by the colonoscopy, so I am going to Fuzhou for an abdominal color ultrasound.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and the hospital I chose can register online, but I don’t know if the department of abdominal color ultrasound is open, so if there is no update tomorrow, it means that I am doing an inspection.

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