Into Unscientific

Chapter 581 People who shouldn't appear!


This moment.

Looking at the plastic bag in Chen Shutong's hand in front of him.

Wang Ensheng's expression was faint


Although his current position is the person in charge of the Jingxi County People's Armed Forces Department, he belongs to the standard 'big boss' in everyone's perception.

But no matter how thick it is, he still knows rice.

Don't say anything else.

Let’s just talk about the annual autumn harvest in Jingxi County.

When it comes to the autumn harvest, the officers, soldiers and militiamen of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces will temporarily take off their military uniforms and go to the various communes below to help collect grain.

And Bagui, where Jingxi is located, is in the south of Huaxia. The type of arable land is paddy field, and the main food crop is rice.

Therefore, whether it is rice cultivated by farmers or wild rice, Wang Ensheng is no stranger to their appearance:

The inflorescence is about 30 cm long, with rough edges and corners, and bends downward when mature.

The spikes are very flat on both sides, generally oblong-oval or elliptical.

But the flower spikes of the rice plant in Chen Shutong's hands are somewhat different from what Wang Ensheng knew.

It is a little smaller than ordinary rice, and the spikes are slightly split, as if they are dry due to lack of water.

how to say

Look a little wilted?

Seeing Wang Ensheng's surprised expression, Chen Shutong shook the rice plant in his hand again and asked:

"Captain Wang, do you also feel that this rice plant is a bit strange?"

Only then did Wang Ensheng come back to his senses, and nodded slightly:

"Professor Chen, who looks a bit weird and looks like he is malnourished, how did you find this thing?"

Chen Shutong pointed to a bush with lush weeds in the distance, and explained:

"Hey, didn't I collect soil samples over there before, and when I dug the soil, I saw a small piece of wild rice."

"There are about seven or eight plants of those wild rice plants, and they all look like this. They don't look like single plants with malnutrition, so I just took a sample."

"I'm going to ask the comrades from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences to take a look when I go back—they're collecting crop samples recently, and a special sample can be exchanged for a dime after being adopted."

Wang Ensheng nodded knowingly:

"I see."

Wild rice is common in this day and age, as it is itself a standard crop at low altitudes.

As long as the altitude is below 600 meters, where the sun is sufficient and the humidity is suitable for ditches and swamps, wild rice can basically be seen.

Not far from the place where Chen Shutong discovered the wild rice is a waterfall, needless to say the source of the humidity.

At the same time, there are black soldier flies decomposing feces here, and the soil quality is extremely suitable for the growth of various plants.

In addition, the terrain and sunlight meet the relevant requirements, so it is completely reasonable for wild rice to appear here.

As for the rewards mentioned by Chen Shutong

This can be regarded as an official reward in this period, which belongs to some kind of "expanded" species statistics method.

When encountering special plants or crops, they can be collected and sent to local crops for identification. If they are adopted, they will usually be rewarded.

Many special plants and even bird samples in Huaxia were discovered in this way, but during the period, some people with ulterior motives forged samples to cheat money.

Later, as domestic sampling capabilities became stronger and stronger, this kind of reward was gradually canceled, which can be regarded as a product of the times.

Of course.

For Wang Ensheng, Chen Shutong and others, this weird rice plant is just an episode, not the main course.

So soon.

They turned their attention back to the black soldier fly and began to collect the larvae of this bug.

Two days later.

221 base.

The recovery room of the staff hospital.

This moment.

Lin Yu, the chief physician of the hospital, was holding a small iron stick, and lightly poked on the sole of a black foot:

"Close your eyes and feel it carefully. Comrade Han Li, do you feel it?"

After Lin Yu finished speaking.

Xu Yun, who had his eyes closed, pondered for a while before slowly opening his eyes and shaking his head slightly:

"no feeling."

I heard this.

Lin Yu frowned suddenly.

Xu Yun keenly noticed Lin Yu's little action, and couldn't help asking:

"Doctor Lin, is my condition very bad?"


Lin Yu was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slightly, admitting:

"It's really not optimistic. After all, Comrade Han Li, it's been almost two months since you woke up."

"It is obviously impossible to recover at this time, and it is not realistic to get out of bed and walk around normally-you are not a sports student."

"But in theory, no matter what, the feeling of the limbs should be restored."

"At least. The bottom of the foot shouldn't have four holes pierced and still feel nothing."

Xu Yun:


There seems to be something strange about this sentence?

"Of course."

Then Lin Yu smiled and waved his hands again, comforting:

"People's physiques cannot be generalized. For example, I know a volunteer soldier who once used cover in extreme anger and used stones to kill three devils who surrounded him and held automatic rifles across the sea."

"Therefore, Comrade Han Li, perhaps your body functions are somewhat different from those of ordinary people, so your recovery is relatively slow."

"Anyway, don't have too much psychological burden, and you will always get better if you take care of yourself slowly."

Xu Yun also nodded.


His mentality is much better than Lin Yu imagined, and it can even be said that there is no fluctuation.

after all

This body is not his real body.

Although it is definitely better to be able to return to the ground than to sit in a wheelchair, but if he is really paralyzed, it will not make him lose all hope.

The big deal is to be Hawking in the copy.

Anyway, this is his home, and no one will force him to go to Lolita Island to prove the black hole hairless theorem.

"Little Han!"

Just as Xu Yun was thinking.

Old Guo suddenly appeared at the entrance of the recovery room:

"Xiao Han, good news, the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly have been found! The first batch of samples just arrived at the base half a day ago!"

Xu Yun was shocked when he heard the words, and suddenly turned to look at Lao Guo:

"Guo Gong, have you found the gathering point of the black soldier flies so quickly?"

To know.

In order not to let his words and deeds be too abnormal before, Xu Yun gave Li Jue and the others a total of several locations for candidates - some of which even crossed provinces.

Except for Jingxi.

It also includes Sichuan Province and Fujian Province. Basically, wherever there are many mountains, it refers to the place.

The result was unexpected.

The efficiency of the above is so high. It took only three days to find and send the black soldier fly larvae to the base?

See this situation.

Xu Yun also ignored today's rehabilitation arrangements, and immediately said to Lao Guo:

"Guo Gong, where is the larva now?"

"At Professor Zheng's place."

Lao Guo mentioned a name that Xu Yun was not very familiar with, but it sounded like it should be someone in charge of animal breeding.

Then he looked at Lin Yu again, and asked tentatively:

"Doctor Lin, look."

Lin Yu heard the meaning of Lao Guo's words, so he could only helplessly spread his hands:

"Okay, today's rehabilitation is cancelled, come back tomorrow."

"Little Qiao, work hard and accompany Comrade Han Li there."

Xiao Qiao saluted Lin Yu with a smile:


Then under the guidance of Lao Guo.

Several people quickly took the special seats of the employee train and arrived at the 15th branch factory located in the southwest of the 221 base.

The fifteenth factory area is the base's tap water plant, which is used to supply the base's daily water.

But in addition to the water supply function.

There are also several laboratories around the 15th factory area that are used for various purposes.

These laboratories do not have too much chemical pollution and potential safety hazards, such as the production and processing of some small precision instruments, and such as

Microbiological testing laboratory.

When Xu Yun, Qiao Caihong and Lao Guo arrived at the scene.

Qian Bingqiong and factory director Li Jue had already arrived in this laboratory first.

After entering the house.

"Old Qian, Old Li."

Lao Guo first greeted Qian Bingqiong and Li Jue, and then looked at another bald middle-aged man at the scene:

"Professor Zheng, how is the analysis going?"

The bald middle-aged man is Zheng Yi, and he is one of the directors of biomedicine at the base.

But it is different from Lin Yu's clinical medicine.

Zheng Yi is mainly responsible for the prevention and treatment of various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Biology and medicine are more inclined to the former, which is somewhat similar to Xu Yun's real situation.

I heard Lao Guo's question.

Zheng Yi pointed to a small box not far away, and said:

"Here, the first batch of Black Soldier Fly larvae are here, a total of ten 1X1X0.2 boxes."

"The specific number of larvae has not been counted, but according to sampling analysis, there are about 30,000 to 40,000 larvae in the ten boxes—together with unhatched eggs."

Seeing this, Lao Guo led Xu Yun to a box, and took a few glances with his head.

As Zheng Yi introduced.

The size of the box is about 1X1X0.2, without a lid.

However, the inside of the upper half of the box wall has been smeared with a layer of thick liquid similar to escape fluid to prevent the bugs inside from escaping.

Only at this moment.

The sand in the box has been sifted out, and the box is full of thick, light yellow larvae that are constantly wriggling and making rustling sounds.

Then Zheng Yi also came to Lao Guo's side, pointing to a few grasses on another table and explained:

"Director Guo, these are several pastures that we picked up from the Jinyintan Grassland."

"It's alfalfa"

"This is ryegrass

"This is white clover"

"This is red clover"

"Based on our preliminary observations, these larvae showed a high preference for several types of pastures."


Zheng Yi took a few clover from the table, folded them into several pieces and threw them into the box.


These few clover grasses were like fat meat thrown into a hot oil pan, causing a burst of boiling in the 'pot' instantly.

Less than a few seconds.

These larvae quickly used the alfalfa as the base, and gathered densely together, forming several 'long dragons' like ears of wheat.

This is a somewhat sanguine plot, it looks like Cthulhu.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Lao Guo seemed to hear the sound of chewing

After a while.

Old Guo just recovered, subconsciously glanced at Xu Yun, and asked Zheng Yi:

"Professor Zheng, I wonder if the components of these black soldier fly larvae have been tested?"

Zheng Yi nodded, and led everyone to another experimental platform.

There are several glass containers on this experimental table, and some 'meat paste' can be seen faintly in them.

Then Zheng Yi picked up a pair of tweezers, tapped the petri dish a few times with the tip, and explained:

"Director Guo, according to our preliminary tests, the protein content of these larvae is indeed very high."

"It's as high as 45% more, and 35% less, and the average is about 40%."

"A larger larva can basically produce a gram of protein steadily."

When Lao Guo heard the words, his breath suddenly stagnated.

After recovering.

He hurriedly asked:

"Professor Zheng, what about its pathogenic bacteria?"

"Pathogenic bacteria."

When it comes to pathogenic bacteria, Zheng Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"According to our preliminary tests, there are basically no pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, and Staphylococcus aureus in these larvae."

"On the contrary, Escherichia and Citrobacter have some manifestations, but the proportion is not high, and long-term use will not cause obvious harm to the human body - let's put it this way, the proportion of Escherichia is only five times that of locusts. one."

"And this is the proportion of the flora of the first generation of larvae in the wild. In the case of artificial breeding for multiple generations, the proportion of these flora will be even lower."

well known.

PCR technology was proposed in 1985 and is a core technology of modern microbial detection.

But just like IPHONE4 belongs to an epoch-making model, but it is not the first smart phone.

Long before the emergence of PCR technology, there were some microbial detection methods in the biological world.


The standard node for the emergence of automated microbial detection technology was just a year ago, but now there is no way to master it in China.

In this day and age.

The main method of microbial detection in China is to make a 1: 10 suspension of the substance to be tested, and then conduct a bacterial drug susceptibility test.

This method is very simple and fast, with results within three hours.

Of course.

Corresponding to this time, the accuracy of the data is naturally limited-normally, it is difficult to produce results if the petri dish has less than ten hours.

But no matter how limited the accuracy is, it is still quite easy to judge "yes" and "no".

In other words.

Now it is basically certain that the Black Soldier Fly larva that Xu Yun mentioned.

It does have high nutritional value!

Dash, non-toxic nutritional value!

As for its taste


I have been drinking elm soup these days, what do you care about the taste?

Think here.

Lao Guo quickly turned his head and exchanged glances with Qian Bingqiong and Li Jue.

Then Li Jue took a deep breath and looked at Zheng Yi solemnly:

"Old Zheng, I'm afraid I will have to work hard for you next."

"You have to work out a feasible breeding plan for black soldier fly larvae within three days, maybe five days."

"In about a week, we will have a large number of Black Soldier Fly larvae arriving—the number will be as low as hundreds of thousands at the beginning."

"There are also the breeding temperature and suitable conditions for black soldier fly adults, etc. Old Zheng, your task is very difficult."

According to what Xu Yun said.

The male and female black soldier flies basically live for less than ten days, including the development period of the eggs, which is only one month.


Once the base starts breeding black soldier flies, their reproduction speed is likely to show an extremely terrible number

At the same time, how to prevent the adults from escaping from the breeding site and the temperature conditions of the specific breeding are also things that require a complete plan.

Therefore, what Li Jue explained is very important, and it can even be said to be related to the lifeline of the base.

If the current batch of black soldier flies are really raised to death, the rabbits may not be able to find another black soldier fly gathering point of this size in a while.

But Zheng Yi, who was on the opposite side, had an excited expression on his face.

after all

Due to the limitation of technological level these days, non-applied biologists like him are usually rather boring.

In a sense.

Their laboratory is one of the few 'mascots' in the entire base, and there is almost nothing to do while eating dry food.

For example, recently.

The lab is free enough to help cut donkey hair

From the completion of the base to the present.

This is the first time the entire laboratory has received such an important task.

Therefore, while feeling the pressure, Zheng Yi's heart was also quite excited.

I saw him push out his chest vigorously, and said loudly:

"Director, don't worry, I promise to complete the task on time!"

Li Jue's gaze stayed on Zheng Yi's bald head for a while, and he nodded reassuringly.

People with this kind of strong hairstyle are mostly quite reliable—except for a certain logistics leader.

"Oh, right."

Then Li Jue thought of something again, and asked Zheng Yi:

"Old Zheng, I heard that how many other comrades arrived at the base with these bugs?"

"I had a meeting with Comrade Bingqiong this morning, and I haven't met them yet."

Zheng Yi nodded and pointed to the side:

"That's right, some comrades are next door, please come with me."

Then Zheng Yi left the laboratory with a few people, and went straight to another room—protective clothing for microbiology laboratories will not be popularized in China until twelve years later, and now they only wear hoods and masks.

This room is not big, about thirty square meters.

There is also a somewhat dilapidated ping-pong table in the middle, which looks like a lounge, where some entertainment activities are usually held.

When everyone arrived at the house.

There were five men sitting in this room, one of whom was in a wheelchair.

Then Zheng Yi took the initiative to walk among several people, and took the initiative to introduce:

"Factory Director, Comrade Bingqiong, Director Guo, and Comrade Han Li, let me introduce you."

"These are experts who participated in the domestic crop seminar in Baise. They discovered something on the way to the seminar, so they were specially approved by the capital and arranged to the base."

"The one sitting in the wheelchair is Professor Yang Kaiqu, and the four are Professor Hou Guangjiong and Professor Guan Xianghuan, and..."

"Comrade Zhou Kaida, a student of Professor Yang Kaiqu, and Comrade Yuan Guoliang, a teacher of Anjiang Agricultural School, a student of Professor Guan Xianghuan."


Today's Dragon Boat Festival, I wish all readers good health during the Dragon Boat Festival. How about asking for a monthly pass for the sake of code words during the festival?

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